Problem Set Unit 2A

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Practice problem set: 2a(Waves)

Two sinusoidal waves combining in a medium are described by the wave functions y1 =
(3.0cm) sin (x + 0.60t) and y2 = (3.0cm) sin (x 0.60t) where x is in centimetres and t is in seconds.
Determine the maximum transverse position of an element of the medium at
(a) x = 0.250 cm, (Ans: 4.24 cm)
(b) x = 0.500 cm, and (Ans: 6.00 cm)
(c) x = 1.50 cm. (Ans: 6.00 cm)
(d) Find the three smallest values of x corresponding to antinodes. (Ans: 0.500 cm, 1.500 cm, 2.500
A standing-wave pattern is observed in a thin wire with a length of 3.00 m. The equation of
the wave is y = (0.002m) sin(x) cos(100t) where x is in meters and t is in seconds.
(a) Find out the wave velocity and how many loops does this pattern exhibit? (Ans: 3loops;100ms-1)
(b) What is the fundamental frequency of vibration of the wire? (Ans: 16.7 Hz)
(c) What If? If the original frequency is held constant and the tension in the wire is increased by a
factor of 9, how many loops are present in the new pattern? (Ans: 1loop)
Two wires are welded together end to end. The wires are made of the same material, but
the diameter of one is twice that of the other. They are subjected to a tension of 4.60 N. The thin
wire has a length of 40.0 cm and a linear mass density of 2.00 g/m. The combination is fixed at both
ends and vibrated in such a way that two antinodes are present, with the node between them being
right at the weld.
(a) What is the frequency of vibration? (Ans: 59.9 Hz)
(b) How long is the thick wire? (Ans: 20.0 N)
A string has a linear density of 8.5 103 kg/m and is under a tension of 280 N. The string is
1.8 m long, is fixed at both ends, and is vibrating in the standing wave pattern shown in the drawing.
Determine the (a) speed, (b) wavelength, and (c) frequency of the traveling waves that make up the
standing wave. (Ans: a) 180 m/s; b) 1.2 m; c) 150 Hz)
Two sinusoidal waves, moving in the same direction along a stretched string , interfere with
each other. The amplitude of each wave is 9.8 mm, and the phase difference between them is
(a) What is the amplitude of the resultant wave due to the resultant of these two wave ? (Ans: 13
(b) What phase difference(radians) and wavelengths, will give the resultant wave an amplitude of
4.9mm? (Ans: 2.6 rad/ 0.41 wavelengths)

Standing waves on a wire are described by y(x,t) = A Sin(kx)Sin(t) with A = 2.5 mm, = 942
rad/s, and k = 0.75 rad/m. The left hand end of the wire is at x=0. At what distances from the left
hand end are
a) The nodes of the standing wave? (Ans: 4n/3 where n = 0, 1, 2..)
b) The antinodes of the standing wave? (Ans: 2n/3 where n = 1, 3, 5)

A thin taut string tied at both ends and oscillating in its third harmonic has its shape
described by the equation y(x,t) = 5.6 Sin(0.034 x)Sin(50t) cm where the origin is at the left hand end
of the string, the x-axis is along the string and the y-axis is perpendicular to the string.
a) Draw a sketch that shows the standing wave pattern
b) Find the amplitude of the two traveling waves that make up this standing wave (Ans: 2.8 cm)
c) What is the length of the string ? (Ans: 277.2 cm)
d) Find the wavelength, the period and the speed of the traveling waves (Ans: 184.8 cm, 0.12 s,
1470.6 cm/s)
e) Find the maximum velocity for a particle in the string (Ans: 280 cm/s)
f) What would be the equation for this string if it were vibrating in its eighth harmonic?
(Ans: y(x,t) = 5.6 Sin(0.09 x)Sin(133.3t) cm


A certain transverse wave is described by

y(x,t) = A Cos [2 ( x vt)/]

a) Use y(x,t) to find an expression for the transverse velocity, vy, of a particle in the string on which
the wave travels. (Ans: y/t = (2Av/) Sin [2 ( x vt)/] )
b) Find the maximum velocity of a particle in the string (Ans: [y/t]max = 2Av/ )
c) Under what circumstances is the maximum particle velocity equal to the wave velocity v? (Ans:
[y/t]max = v when = 2A )
d) Under what circumstances is the maximum particle velocity less than the wave velocity v? (Ans:
[y/t]max < v when > 2A )
e) Under what circumstances is the maximum particle velocity greater than the wave velocity v?
(Ans: [y/t]max > v when < 2A )
A simple harmonic oscillator at the point x=0 generates a wave on a string. The oscillator
operates at a frequency of 40 Hz and an amplitude of 3cm. The rope has a linear mass density of 50
g/m and is stretched with a tension of 5 N.

a) Determine the speed of the wave (Ans: v = 10 m/s )

b) Find the wavelength (Ans: = 0.25 m)
c) Write the wave function y(x,t) for the wave. Assume that the oscillator has its maximum upward
displacement at t= 0. (Ans: y(x,t) = 0.03 Cos [2 ( x 10 t)/ 0.25]
d) Find the maximum transverse acceleration of points on the string. (Ans: 1895 m/s2 )
e) Given your answer to part d) is it reasonable to ignore the effects of gravity? (Ans: Yes !, since
[2y/t2]max >> g )
Transverse waves on a string have wave speed 8 m/s, amplitude 0.07m and wavelength
0.32m. The waves travel the negative x direction and at t=0 the x=0 end of the string has its
maximum upward displacement.
a) Find the frequency, period and wave number for these waves. (Ans: f = 25 Hz, T = 0.04 s, k =
b) Write the wave function describing the wave. (Ans: y(x,t) = 0.07Sin 2 ( (x/0.32) + (t/0.04) + 1/4)
c) Find the transverse displacement of a particle at x = 0.36m at a time t = 0.15s (Ans: y = 0.05m)

Solve the vibrating string problem with and the given initial functions u(x,0) and u(x,0) with

velocity =3, L=. (Hint: u x, t

n 1


n x
t bn sin
t sin

a) u(x,0)=3 Sin2x+12 Sin13x, u(x,0)=0

b) u(x,0)=0, u(x,0)= 2 sin 3x + 9 sin 7x sin 10x
(Ans: u(x,t) = 2/9 sin 9t*sin 3x + 3/7 sin 21t*sin 7x 1/30 sin 30t*sin 10x)
c) u(x,0)= sinx sin 2x + sin 3x, u(x,0)= 6 sin 3x 7 sin 5x
(Ans: u(x,t) = cos 3t*sinx cos 6t*sin 2x + cos 9t*sin 3x + 2/3 sin 9t*sin 3x 7/15 sin 15t*sin 5x)

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