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HSC Study Guide 2014 - Modern History

Owen Thomson
Published: June 20, 2014 - 11:42AM

When it comes to achieving modern history mastery, knowing all the relevant whats, whens, wheres and whys is only one part of the big picture.
According to Tom Ying, head history teacher at Burwood Girls High School, being able to place particular events into a broader contextual framework is the key premise for
HSC success.
"The examiners need to know that you're relating examples back to circumstances to argue a specific case. It is about selecting the relevant information to fit the required
With this in mind, Ying says that a practice strategy for essays should feature prominently in any exam preparation regime.
"See your teacher and get hold of copies of past papers and go through the process of drafting responses," he advises, adding that this process should be undertaken once a
fortnight in the months leading up to the exam. "It's not necessarily about writing entire essays. It's more about outlining your plan of attack, which can be very helpful."
With only 45 minutes allotted for each question in the exam, Ying advises students to focus on concise answers.
"Also keep in mind that questions in modern history are always related to time frames. Students need to know what time frame they're dealing with and make sure they are
responding right up to the end of that period."
Seeking to refine essay and question response technique in the lead-up to the HSC need not be a solitary affair. In fact, Ying says collaboration with fellow modern history
students is highly advisable.
"One thing students don't do enough is to have a look at what some of their friends are writing," he says. "For instance, when you get your assessment tasks back, share the
reading of the essays with others in your class. You can immediately see the strengths and weaknesses that somebody else has and be able to relate them to your own work."
Sample question - Modern History (25 marks)
(a) To what extent was the Great Depression responsible for the collapse of the Weimar Republic?
(b) Assess the impact of the Nazi state on social and cultural life in Germany in the period 1933 to 1939.

1. Make sure you prepare to answer questions on all aspects of the syllabus relevant to the topic.
2. Remember that, if you are asked to make a judgment such as 'to what extent', your answer must show evidence of the judgment throughout, not just in the introduction and
3. Plan your response and ensure you cover all aspects, rather than narrowing your focus.
4. Ensure your introduction clearly states your argument.
1. Don't try to write a prepared response. Make sure you deal with the actual focus of the question.
2. Don't include historiography unless it backs your argument.
3. Don't write everything you know about the topic.
Choose the information relevant to your argument and ensure that you work within the time frame of the question.
4. Do not end your extended response abruptly! You should ensure that you leave enough time to write a conclusion that will reinforce your argument.


For Ruby Lew, total immersion in the subject matter proved the deciding factor in her Modern History success. As well as conducting extensive essay-writing practice, the
former Sydney Girls High School student spent countless hours poring over additional reading material sourced over many months.

"I was always reading history books that weren't in the syllabus," says Ruby, who plans to start an arts degree at Sydney University next year.
"I'd just go to the library and pick up a book written by a historian on the Russian revolution, for example.
"That gave me an understanding of the way historians write and structure their arguments. I think the way you write historical essays is almost as important as what you
write, and if you're mimicking scholarly articles, you'll impress the markers."
When shooting for top marks, Ruby says it's also important to remember that history is not a story, but rather a debate, adding that the development of a strong essay thesis is
a must.
"I read a lot of other people's essays and noticed they were recounting history as if it was a story, making links between events as if there was an obvious causation, and
failing to embrace the fact that historians argue about things all the time," she says.
"All of my essays were structured as a debate, presenting historical theories and evaluating competing theories and deciding what was the most valuable."

Section I - World War I 1914-1919
Part A: Source based objective response and short-answer questions (15 marks)
Part B: One source-based question (10 marks)
Section II - National Studies
Answer one of two extended-response questions (25 marks)
Section III - Personalities in the 20th Century
One question in two parts (25 marks)
Section IV - International Studies in Peace and Conflict
Answer one of two extended-response alternatives (25 marks)
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