HSC Study Guide 2014 Eng

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HSC Study Guide 2014 - English

Carolyn Boyd
Published: June 20, 2014 - 11:31AM

Regardless of the English course HSC students have taken - Advanced English, Standard English or English as a Second Language - following the basic advice of re-reading
texts and knowing them intimately will stand candidates in good stead.
English is the only compulsory HSC subject and the majority of candidates take either the Advanced or Standard course. A smaller number of students study the English as a
Second Language and Extension 1 and 2 offerings. There is no written exam for English Extension 2.
Caringbah High School head English teacher Grant Edwards says at least two units of English must count towards every student's ATAR, so for those hoping to go to
university, doing as well as possible is important.
At Caringbah, which is a selective high school, Edwards teaches the Advanced and Extension courses.
Edwards says all HSC English candidates need a thorough knowledge of their texts. "The more intimately they know their texts, the more they are going to be able to find
specific proof or evidence in the text of the sorts of things they are trying to ask of you."
Marilyn Pretorius, the head of English at SCEGGS Darlinghurst, agrees. "There's no substitute for re-reading the texts," she says. "If you read the markers' reports from the
examination centre on the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) website, every year they say that the stronger responses showed detailed
knowledge of the whole text.
"They have to understand how important the introduction of the text is. They also need to have a very good understanding of the conclusion. How does the text end? How
does it bring resolution or closure?"
BOSTES publishes rubrics - or guidelines of what students will be asked in each question of the exam - on its website. Students should have a detailed set of notes about
their texts crafted around different points that are in the rubrics.
"If they are able to categorise their notes and their ideas under the sorts of headings that appear in the rubrics then that should be preparing them quite well," says Edwards.
"That's where most of the exam questions come from - you can trace them back to there."
Students taking the English as a Second Language course will sit three exams. Paper one is of 1.5 hours duration with 10 minutes reading time. Paper two is a one-hour
exam, while the third paper will be a 30-minute listening exam.
Standard and Advanced students will sit two papers, the first of which is a paper common to both subjects.
As the exam draws closer, writing practice essays under exam conditions is "the very best thing students can do", says Edwards.
Doing so will help with time management and legibility, especially in an age when students rely more on computers for writing. "It's amazing how many kids get sore hands
compared to the old days, just because they are not used to it," says Edwards, who encourages his students to peer-mark practice exams.
"I suggest they get into groups - say a group of three - and write an essay under exam conditions and then mark each other's responses using the marking guidelines that are
appropriate for that question," he explains. "I find really that kids are quite good at doing it. They understand what is needed to be placed into a certain range by a specific
response. And that helps them then to see what it is that markers look for."
In questions where students are asked to compare texts, Pretorius suggests using connective terms such as "in comparison" and "furthermore" when progressing their
"They need ... a nicely formulated argument which they prove and follow through using their references to the text," she says.
The first paper will be the same for all Standard and Advanced candidates, and will focus on the theme of belonging. The paper has an unusually long reading time of 10
minutes, designed to give students time to peruse the stimulus texts.
Pretorius says the paper is designed to be tackled in the order that it is presented - question one, reading and comprehension; question two, imaginative writing; question
three, the essay.
"They must read those texts for question one fairly carefully," says Pretorius. "Some of the texts are tricky, especially if it is a poem. Not everyone gets the poem on the first
reading - a poem should be read two or three times."
When tackling the comprehension questions in Section I, students need to be specific and precise with their responses, says Edwards. "It is not an extended piece of writing
and it is not about how creative they can be," he says. "Students need to show they can read and comprehend, and then identify quite clearly what it is that the question is
asking ."
Often the earlier questions in the section are worth fewer marks and require lower-order thinking skills. Some may only require an answer of a sentence or two.
"Don't go overboard with the early ones; focus on being concise," says Edwards.
"The further through the exam you go, the higher-order thinking skills are needed, because, for example, they have to evaluate and compare the various texts, and those are
rewarded because they are worth the most marks."

The best way to prepare for Section I of the first paper is to practise past papers, says Edwards.
When referring to the stimulus texts, it is important to be specific, says Edwards. "For example, some kids say the use of colour is important, whereas the reference might be
the use of the colour blue in the sky shows that you're talking specifically about that text rather than any text where there is colour in it."
In Section I, a trap students sometimes fall into is not treating and answering every question separately. "Students shouldn't say, 'Refer to my answer in question one'," says
Edwards. "A lot of kids do tend to do that. But if they treat each question as a separate entity, then they will do better."
Questions in Section I about the tone of a piece of text can often throw students, says Edwards.
For example, some of the texts can be light-hearted and humorous. "Because it is an exam, a lot of kids will go in and think, 'Well, this an exam and this is very serious, so
every text in here must be very serious'," says Edwards. "Know what the term 'tone' means to be able to identify the tone of a specific text and be able to prove what the tone
is by referring to a technique, which is then backed up by a specific example from the text."
Section II of the common paper requires an extended response. "It is a writing response to a stimulus of some sort," says Edwards.
Don't fall into the trap, says Edwards, of rehashing a response you have prepared before the exam. "Unfortunately, there are a number of kids who take pre-prepared
responses in their heads into the ... exam room, but those kids find that they're probably not going to be answering the question," he says.
"I encourage my students to make sure that they have got some preconceived ideas in place for Section II, and even perhaps some pre-prepared techniques, but no matter
what they do, they must reshape those ideas and techniques to create a response that addresses the stimulus.
"My observations of the papers over the last half-dozen years is that more and more BOSTES is trying to create questions that encourage people to have individual responses
that address the question, and they are trying to discourage people from using generic pre-prepared responses," says Edwards.
Pretorius says students should practise writing at least three different imaginative pieces before the actual exam, but remember to answer the question at hand rather than
"regurgitate something that they have learnt off by heart".
Section II may allow students to answer in any form they like, or, less likely, could specify a compulsory format such as a speech, narrative or newspaper article.
The stronger writers in Section II will be able to draw on literary techniques such as similes, metaphors and alliterations. "Show the markers that you have the skills that the
best writers have," says Edwards.
Section III of the common paper deals with the prescribed text and usually requires the answer to be in essay format.
"The essay will almost always include one or two or three components from the rubrics," says Edwards.
Students can draw upon additional texts, and Edwards suggests it's good to have three to four additional texts to refer to.
Pretorius says students should choose additional texts that they enjoy and think are meaningful - with one proviso. "It has to be about belonging or not belonging," says
Poems, films and song lyrics are all acceptable as long as they are not too lightweight. "Sometimes they choose too simplistic a text and there is nothing for them to say. It
needs to be complex enough for them to argue meaningfully how this text indicates something about belonging or not belonging," says Pretorius.
"In the second paper for Standard English students will cover the three course modules - experience through language, a close study of text and texts and society.
The second paper for the Advanced course will also cover three modules. The first module of the Advanced paper will be a comparative study of texts and contexts; module
B of the Advanced paper will be a critical study of texts; and module C will examine the way in which people, events or situations are represented in a text.
Edwards says module B of the second advanced paper has confused students in the past."The most important thing in module B is for kids to come up with their own
personal response and then to look at that of others.
The perspective of others could include a text's historical reception and its interpretation by audiences from different eras and cultures."
Edwards says the approach is deliberately broad. "That idea of being quite open-ended is designed to encourage kids to think a little bit and not have a limited or narrow
range of responses," he says.
Students who are taking English Extension 1 will sit a two-hour exam, where they will be asked to complete two questions.
"Extension 1 demands more in terms of its intellectuality, so usually the questions in Extension 1 have slightly more demanding vocabulary, have more complexity, and they
have always asked students to evaluate so that higher-order thinking skills is a component straight away," says Edwards. "There is a need for them to use sophisticated
language; there is a need for them to have a big-picture concept as well as making very specific reference to details of their text to prove their argument."
Students must demonstrate a deep understanding. "The more they've read texts that are appropriate to their module and electives, the broader their understanding will be,"
says Edwards.
Students should understand the philosophical underpinnings of their areas of study.

"One elective is about Romanticism, so if they have read some academic analysis of Romantics or Romanticism, they will be able to refer to those in their essay responses,"
says Edwards.
Sample question - English Standard and Advanced (15 marks)
An individuals sense of belonging is determined not only by their own choices but also by the attitudes of others. How accurately does this statement reflect the ideas
represented in your prescribed text and ONE other related text of your own choosing.
Sample question - ESL (20 marks)
The challenge of belonging is to develop meaningful connections. In what ways is this view presented in the texts you have studied? In your response, refer to your TWO
prescribed texts and ONE text of your own choosing.

1. Use the time allocated for each section and ensure you read the texts presented in their entirety.
2. Provide textual references that demonstrate your understanding of the question.
3. Frame your response around the concept of how belonging is explored in each text, ensuring you have answered what the question requires.
4. Ensure you consider all elements of the question.
1. Don't make generalisations about the texts.
2. Don't answer only one aspect of the question.
3. Don't scan for key words. Read all text.
4. Don't spend less than the allocated time on the reading task or leave it until the end.


Alexandra McHugh had a bit of a trick to practising past exams while she was studying Advanced English at Wenona girls' school last year.
As well as doing some full past papers to perfect her time management, McHugh took a topline approach with others to familiarise herself with as many different questions
as possible.
"Leading up to the exams, I would just write my introduction [to questions in past papers]," she says. "I could see which points I would use and which quotes I would be
using as well. That way, I could plan the rest of my essay out basically in my head."
It meant that, come exam time, there were no surprises for McHugh, who topped the state in Advanced English last year.
For the difficult task of remembering quotes, McHugh took a similar approach. "I would recommend not to use really long quotes," she says. "By cutting my quotes down ...
it made it easier ... I only had to remember a few words or one sentence."
Currently on a gap year, McHugh has been working part-time and recently visited family in Turkey.
On the much-discussed subject of whether or not to memorise essays before the exam, McHugh says "don't".
Instead, she recommends that students "prepare a series of points that revolve around different concepts and statements", as that "gives you the option to pick and choose
which points will best match the question.
"You have the safety of knowing that you have the knowledge there, but you are not stuck in this one essay structure."

Standard and Advanced English
Paper 1 Area of Study

Section I short-answer questions (15 marks)

Section II compose or adapt a text (15 marks)
Section III answer one sustained-response question (15 marks)

Standard English
Paper 2 Modules
Section I Module A: experience through language. Answer one sustained-response question (20 marks).
Section II Module B: close study of text. Answer one sustained-response question (20 marks).
Section III Module C: texts and society. Answer one sustained-response question (20 marks).

Advanced English
Paper 2 Modules
Section I Module A: Comparative study of texts and contexts. Answer one sustained-response question (20 marks)
Section II Module B: Critical study of texts. Answer one sustained-response question (20 marks)
Section III Module C: Representation and text. Answer one sustained-response question (20 marks)
Extension 1 exam Answer two sustained-response questions on the chosen elective (25 marks each)
ESL (English as a Second Language)
Paper 1 Language Study within an area of study:
Section I Short-answer questions (25 marks)
Section II One sustained-response question (20 marks)
Paper 2 Modules:
Section I Module A: Experience through language. Answer one sustained-response question (20 marks)
Section II Module B: Texts and Society. Answer one sustained-response question (20 marks)
Paper 3 Listening:
A combination of objective-response and short-answer questions (15 marks)
For more information visit the BOSTES website: www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au
Read more HSC Study Guides here
This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/national/education/hsc-study-guide-2014--english-20140519-38ix0.html

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