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In this Document:
1. COGS Data Flow
2. Diagnostics
3. Video Recording for the COGS Workflow

Troubleshooting Steps

Create a Sales Order, Schedule Revenue and Recognize the COGS.

Understand the Dataflow and tables affected for better troubleshooting
Use the diagnostics and understand the relevance of various columns and their values

1. COGS Data flow

1. In the above and below flow, We have assumed that the Cost Manager has picked up all
uncosted Sales order issues and costed them (costed_flag in mtl_material_transactions should be
2. If the Sales order issue transactions/ RMA Return transactions remain uncosted, then The
Record Order Management Transactions concurrent program can be executed, which picks up
these transactions and inserts rows in Cogs events and Cogs Revenue Matching Tables to enable
remaining programs (Collect Revenue Recognition Information and Generate COGS
Recognition) to complete.
This process is not mandatory if the transactions are already costed.
Important columns affected:
A. After Sales Order Issue:
1.Cst_cogs_events.COGS_Percentage = '0'.
2. (i) Cst_cogs_events.Mmt_Transaction_id will be the Transaction Id in
Mtl_Material_Transactions Table for Sales Order Issue Transaction.

(ii) Cst_cogs_events.costed = Mtl_Material_Transactions.costed_flag will be NULL when the

sales order transaction is costed
3.Cst_cogs_events.Event Type = '1'[Event Type '1' signifies Sales Order Issue].
4. In cst_revenue_cogs_match_lines Table, Deferred_COGS_Acct_id and COGS_Acct_id,
Unit_cost and Original_shipped_Qty gets populated.
Note: Oe_order_lines_all.Invoice_Interface_Status_Code =
'Yes'.[Invoice_Interface_Status_Code 'Yes' signifies Standard Sales Order and
Invoice_Interface_Status_Code 'Not_Eligible' signifies Ship Only Lines].
B. After Revenue Recognition and Revenue Accounting:
RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL.Account_Set_flag = 'N'. [ Account_Set_flag 'Y'
signifies, Revenue recognition is not performed and Account_Set_flag 'N' signifies that Revenue
recognition is run].

C. After Collect Revenue Recognition Information is run:

1.Cst_revenue_recognition_lines.Potentially_unmatched_flag = 'Y'
2.Cst_revenue_recognition_lines.Revenue_recognition_percent = '1' [Revenue Recognition
percentage of 1 signifies 100%]

D. After Generate COGS Recognition is run:

1. Cst_cogs_events.COGS_Percentage = '1'[COGS Percentage '1' signifies 100%].
2.Cst_cogs_events.Mmt_Transaction_id will be the Transaction Id in Mtl_Material_Transactions
Table for COGS Recognition Transaction.
3.Cst_cogs_events.Event Type = '3'[Event Type '3' signifies COGS Recognition].
4. Cst_revenue_recognition_lines.Potentially_unmatched_flag = 'Null' .
Accounting Impact:
A.After Sales Order Issue:
1. In Mtl_material_transactions Table, three lines will be populated.Sales order issue, staging
(source) and Staging (Destination) respectively.
2. In Mtl_transaction_accounts Table, the following is accounting impact:
Accounting Entries:Staging transactions:Inventory Account (Destination) is debited and Inventory Account (Source) is credited.
Sales Order issue:-

DCOGS Account is Debited and Inventory Account is Credited.

Accounting Line Type '1' and '36' in mtl_transaction_accounts signifies 'Inventory Valuation' and
'DCOGS' respectively.
B.After Generate COGS Recognition is run:
1. In Mtl_material_transactions Table,one line will be populated for COGS Recognition.
2. In Mtl_transaction_accounts Table, the following is accounting impact:
Accounting Entries:COGS Recognition:
COGS Account is Debited and DCOGS Account is Credited.
Accounting Line Type '35' signifies 'COGS' in table mtl_transaction_accounts.
How to Use COGSDIAG.sql
---------------------------------------1. Execute COGSDIAG.sql for any Sales Order you wish to troubleshoot using 'Run Script'
command (or) run individual queries as per requirement.
2. The SQL returns rows for all tables related to COGS Recognition from OM, AR,
Inventory and Costing.
3. View a Sample Output here - Sample Output

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