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Techlog Conventional log analysis. Peete The next generation of petrophysics aCTeuey Eg oy Copyright Notice Copyright © 2010 Techsia S.A., France. A Schlumberger company. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or translated in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of Schlumberger Information Solutions, 5599 San Felipe, Suite100, Houston, TX 77056-2722. Disclaimer Use of this product is governed by the License Agreement. Schlumberger makes no warranties, express, implied, or statutory, with respect to the product described herein and disclaims without limitation any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Schlumberger reserves the right to revise the information in this manual at any time without notice. Trademark Information Tachiog is a registered mark of Techsia, S.A Python is a trademark of the Python organization, ‘Software application marks, unless otherwise indicated, used in this publication are trademarks of Techsia, S.A., a Schlumberger company. Certain other products and product. names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. ‘yeAd soBs0qUN|YOS, Table of Contents About this Manual Learning Objectives 1 What You Will Need 1 What to Expect 1 Course Conventic 2 Icons 3 ‘Summary 4 Module 1 Quanti Learning Objectives eee Bend Beet ‘The Quanti Interface ........ ee te ae 7 Lesson 1: Basie Concepts ofthe Interface 9 Exercise 1: Applying Basic Concepts of the Interface ....... See eet, Lesson 2: Shale Volume from Gamma Ray . 14 Exercise 1: Calculating Shale Volume from Gamma Ray 14 Displaying a Histogram ..... cee : 2 18 Displaying a Layout ...... : te ae 19 Using Statistical Tools 19 Fine-Tuning the Result with the Wheel Tool ...........eeeecceveeeeeeeees 20 Lesson 3: Shale Volume from Neutron-Density eee 24 Exercise 1: Calulating Shale Volume from Neutron-Density . 24 Select Parameters 22 Lesson 4: Final Shale Volume Exercise 1: Calculating Final Shale Volume Introducing Curves from Different Datasets Cascade Launch Option Lesson 5: Total Porosity from Density ae Exercise 1: Calculating Total Porosity from Density Lesson 6: Saturation using Archie's Method 3t Exercise 1: Calculating Saturation using Archie's Method 31 Selecting Parameters ........... 32 Lesson 7: The Monte Carlo Algorthm | eae at eee, Running a Monte Carlo Analysis ......2.0000ssseeeeeeeeeenes ++. 36 Activating the Histogram Briers ee wee 38 ‘Activating the Tornado Plot 38 Lesson 8: Reports . 39 Creating a Report cee 39 Lesson 9: Workflow Templates and Parameters. <0... .-scocscsveveseeeeseees 40 Methods for Saving Parameters eee ee wl Saving Parameters ....... a te pei eeias “Tectiog Corvertional Log Analysis VibrklowSclutions Training Version 2010.1, i (00 NOT DISTRIBUTE OUTSIDE SCHLUMBERGER, ‘yeAug soB18quin|y9g Schlumberger Private Hierarchy of Parameter Files .... Lesson 10: Summaries Tips and Tricks FlagTab ..... Parameters Tab Results Tab Flag Curves ........ Combined NET Flags and Thickness Results Sensitivity Analysis ‘Additional Summaries Results Saving the Summaries Results Lesson 11: Additional Tips. Options for Specific Events .. Global Options a sere oe we. 55 ‘Summary 56 Module 2 Python Script Leaming Objectives .... pPEEESCCETsceeTaccreTaerisaec 2+ 59 Lesson 1: Python Editor... . eee c cee eee eee ea: Lesson 2: Scripts Exercise 1: Generating a Script Ene eee etter eee 6 Lesson 3: Launch the Soript .... peers q Exercise 1: Launching the Sctipt..........0060ccceeeceeeeceeeeseeeeeeees 64 Lesson 4: Open an Existing Python Script . Seer See Om: Opening a Script Saved in the Project Level . . eee Hem: Opening a Script Saved in Other Levels . : 65 Exercise 1: Launching a Script Saved in the Techsia Level. ceceeee 66 Lesson 5: Python Scripts in Workflows .... 67 Using a Python Script in @ Quanti Workflow : or Exercise 1: Launching a Script in a Quanti Workflow... 22... cccseeeeeeeee es 69 ‘Summary 70 a “Tectiog Carvertonal Log Analysis WerlowSclusons Taiing, Version 2010.1 DO NOT DISTRIBUTE OUTSIDE SCHLUMBERGER. Techsia, a Schlumberger company PNT RUM LLE-L ‘Quant! is an ensemble of solutions for conventional log interpretation. Itincludes tools to help you with precomputations, creating flag curves, determining the standard petrophysical properties, and developing ‘summaries. Quanti uses our Application Workflow Interface (AWI), a generic tool that allows you to work ina mult-well and multi:zone environment, while controling your parameters in an efficient manner. The ensemble of tools offered in the AWI will help you analyze data ‘You will see how to program your own equations and applications using Python™. You also will see haw to integrate them into your workflow. Learning Objectives ‘After completing this training, you will know how to: + create a workflow + introduce zones + manage your parameters + report and save the results + write scripts and integrate them to workflows + use prepared scripts provided by Techsia. What You Will Need In this training you will need the following documents, hardware, and software: + Operating system: Windows 2000 or later + 256 MB of RAM available for Techlog + Techlog installation file + Techiog license, What to Expect In each module within this training material, you will encounter the following: + Overview of the module + Prerequisites to the module (if necessary) + Learning objectives + Aworkflow component (if applicable) + Lessons, which explain about a subject or an activity in the workflow “Tecttog Corvertional Log Arelysis VirlowSluions Training Version 2010.1 100 NOT DISTRIBUTE OUTSIDE SCHLUMBERGER, About his Menus 21enig seBvaquinuog ‘Schlumberger Private About his Merusi ‘Techela, a Schlumberger company + Procedures, which show the sequence of steps needed to perform a task + Exercises, which allow you to practice a task by using the steps in the procedure with a data set + Scenario-based exercises + Questions about the module + Summary of the module You will also encounter notes, tips and best practices. Course Conventions Characters typed in Bold | Represent references to dialog box names and application areas or ‘commands to be performed, For example, “Open the Open Asset Model dialog." or “Choose Components.” Used to denote keyboard commands For exemple, “Type a name and press Enter.” Identifies the name of Schlumberger software applications, such as ECLIPSE, GeoFrame or Petrel. ‘Characters inside <> triangle | Indicate variable values that the user brackets must supply, such as and . Characters typed in italics | Represent file names or directories, such as". edit the fle sample.dat and..." Represent lists and option areas in a ‘window, such as Attributes list or Experiments area, Identifies the frst use of important terms or concepts. For example, “compositional simulation..." or “safe ‘mode operation.” Characters typed in fixed- | Represent code, data, and other width literal text the user sees or types. Examples include / or 0.7323, NOTE Some of the conventions used in this manual indicate the information to enter, but are not part of the: information For example: Quotation marks and information between brackets indicate the information you should enter. Do not include the quotation marks or brackets when you type your informs “Tectiog Comertionel Log Aaysis WotKlowScluions Training, Version 2010.1 1DO NOT DISTRIBUTE OUTSIDE SCHLUMBERGER

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