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Ben Page

Task 9 Formal Proposal

Title of the magazine
For my magazine I have chosen the name RMAG. This is
because the chosen genre of my magazine is rock; therefore
the R in RMAG represents rock. I like this name because it is
simple and also relates to the genre and topic of the magazine
Explanation of genre of choice
I have chosen the genre of rock for my magazine; I have chosen
this genre because it is a genre of music that I am quite
knowledgeable on, and it is also one that is fairly popular with
my age group, who are my target audience. I feel that it is
much better to do a magazine that has a lot of people that
know about it. This is because if I need advice on how to make
my magazine better, or what to include in it, most people will
be able to give me advice.
Target Audience
The intended target audience that I have chosen is mainly
people around my age (16-18). This is because it will allow me
to personalise my magazine to make it more appealing to the
Initial ideas about front page
For my magazine I have collected a few suggestions on what
the front cover should look like including fonts, colours and
cover lines. For the fonts on the cover I am going to follow the
suggestions and use big bold writing that stands out, this will
follows the kind of text that is generally used on most rock
magazines found in the shops. It follows the loud nature of the
music and also looks good on the magazine. For the colours,
epically the masthead, I am going to use a main colour scheme
of red, black and white. This is because these are colours that
people have suggested to me and are also colours that are
often generally associated with the genre of rock. The cover

Ben Page

lines on the cover of my magazine will be associated with the

main articles that will be found inside of the magazine. The kind
of cover lines that have been suggested are Top 50 Rock songs
of all time, Interview with the biggest rock band in the world
and Bestselling rock albums of the 2010s. For the main
image of my front cover I am going to include someone who is
wearing rock related clothes, and is holding an instrument,
most likely a guitar because it is smaller and more mobile.
Initial ideas about contents page
For the contents page for my magazine I am planning to split
the page into 3 columns and each column will contain
something different. The first column will contain the page
numbers for the main articles in the magazine. The second
column will contain images related to the genre of the
magazine, rock. The third column on my contents page will
contain an editorial, which is basically a note from me talking
about what the magazine is about.
Initial ideas about double page spread
For my double page spread I am going to base the two pages
around a single band. I could include images of the band,
information about any tours they are going on, and then
perhaps an interview with the lead singer of that band. I think
this would be a good idea for a double page spread because it
would serve as a unique selling point for someone who is a big
fan of that particular band.
Initial ideas about the photographs
For my photographs they are all going to be rock orientated.
The people in them are going to be wearing casual clothing
typical of that genre. They will also be shown to be holding
instruments such as guitars and may also be sitting on a drum
set, making the images relevant to the genre.

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