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Fifty years ago on Jamhuri Day, Kenya inaugurated its third military
service, the Kenya Navy. Our Navy is now 50 years old. However,
Kenyas naval history traces its way to the Royal East African Navy
in 1952. The Kenya Navy draws its inception and the attainment of
sea legs to the Royal Navy Training Team, which led the
Kenyanisation of the Navy for the new Republic.
Today, we are here to commemorate the Kenya Navys golden
legacy of professionalism and patriotic service to the nation.
For half a century, the Navy has demonstrated unwavering
commitment to the values characteristic of its impressive tradition
and achievements.
This tradition is built on a foundation of
competence, commitment and character. It guarantees the able
defence of Kenyas maritime domain. As our strategic sea power,
the Kenya Navy is mandated to prevent, shape and win battles at
sea against our adversaries.

Today, our Navy remains true to the image, values and expectations
of its founding commanders. The dedication and sacrifice of the
pioneering and patriotic team led by the late Lt. Col. J C Kinaro is
reflected in the Service today. These pioneers painstakingly laid an
excellent foundation, over several years, of the modern Service we
see today.
I join you in saluting these pioneering patriots. I also congratulate
those who have come after them and ably taken up the heavy
baton of improving on the excellent legacy of the Navys founders.
It is sailors who have made the Navy what it is. Many officers as

well as service men and women have come and served with
exemplary dedication.
Over the course of 50 years, the Navy has continuously recorded
inspiring achievements and undergone impressive modernization.
It has formed fruitful partnerships with counterpart services of
friendly countries. This has enabled our Navy to benefit from
exchanges in training, technical support and modernization of
equipment. As a Nation, we are grateful for the benefits of these
partnerships, and will continue to improve them and ensure that the
Navy remains a professional, modern maritime force to reckon with
in the 21st century.
We are immensely proud of the Navys achievements as a key
regional player in the West Indian Ocean.
Its contribution to the maintenance of maritime security, and aid to
the Nation during emergencies has been nothing short of
exemplary. Whenever floods and famine have necessitated sea
transport, the Service has consistently played a key role in relief
support in many parts of the country.
Our Navy has demonstrated its excellent tradition of selfless service
in its contribution to regional missions. It has provided sea lift as
well as diving assistance nationally and internationally.
During the el-nino rains, the Navy efficiently provided sea lift to
thousands of Kenyans who were endangered. It also transported
food to places like Lamu and beyond.
When instability in Somalia threatened our national security, it
became imperative for our Nation to secure its borders. As part of
Kenya Defence Forces, the Navys contribution to this critical effort

has been important.

Its role in a complex amphibious operation led to the successful
capture of Kismayu, and contributed immensely to the elimination
of piracy and other criminal activities which had endangered the
Horn of Africa. The elimination of piracy is a victory of global
significance, and our region therefore directly feels the impact of
our Navy.
Drug traffickers and other criminals had resorted to using the sea in
their illegal activities. Building on its many successful interventions
in connection with our territorial waters, our Navy has disrupted
several drug trafficking attempts.
Indeed, I recently witnessed our Navy destroying a vessel loaded
with drugs out at deep sea. This underscored my Governments
resolve to eradicate drug trafficking in our country.
Today, I celebrate your Services critical role in supporting my
Government and touching the lives of countless Kenyans in time of
need. I salute your vital role in keeping our country and region safe.
I appreciate your dedication and ability to combat any and all
threats to our sovereignty and territorial integrity.
I want you to know that a grateful nation thanks you for your
services and patriotism. The people of Kenya bless you for your
courage, selflessness and ability to protect our Nation.
I challenge every serving member of this Service to aspire to make
our Navy great and our Nation safe. Always put Kenya and Kenyans
first. You are the example that many Kenyans who will serve in
future look up to. Therefore, do your best to innovate and raise the
Service to a better level. I urge each of you to remain true to the
course charted by your illustrious predecessors.

History is only kind to those who do not compromise their

patriotism, negotiate their integrity or dilute their professionalism.
You have a magnificent foundation to build on, and a solid tradition
of excellence to live up to. Our Navy and Defence forces must
continue to be the place where our best find occupations.
I wish you all the best as you serve our country and continue the
good work. Once again, I congratulate the Kenya Navy on its
auspicious birthday, and wish you endless happy sailing, now and
Thank you and may God bless you.

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