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issue 9 | November 2014

Seva Setu Launches Focused Drive for Differently-abled People in Vaishali District of Bihar

Self Employment Initiative: Sattu Production and Sale soaring in Vaishali & Patna

As part of the Citizen Care Program, Seva Setu helps differently-abled

people get their disability certificates so that they are eligible to avail
benefits of commensurate government schemes. This is one of the
many categories across which Citizen Care Program works. Also, the
average number of disability certificates being facilitated by Seva Setu
is far less than the average number of differently-abled people in a
district of Bihar. In order to reduce this gap, Seva Setus team has
launched a dedicated drive (starting Nov, 2014) to identity differentlyabled people in Phulwari and Rajapakar blocks of Vaishali district, Bihar. To make this drive effective, Seva Setu has contacted 2 NGOs in
Vaishali district and 3 NGOs in Patna, who work dedicatedly for the
cause of the differently-abled. Also, Seva Setu is working closely with
a number of government run organizations for differently-abled people.
In about 4 weeks, the team has identified around 400 differently-abled
people in Phulwari and around 150 disabled people in the Rajapakar
block (this number is expected to reach 500 in coming weeks). A startling 70% of these disabled people dont have the disability certificates
and they are either oblivious or are not able to avail benefits of all government benefits meant for them. Some of the key benefits for disabled people include pensions, medical aid (in terms of medicines and
equipment), child support, etc.

It was not long ago when Sattu

making was started as a pilot program for self employment generation in Bihar by Seva Setu with a
group of women. To be precise, in
Aug 2014, this initiative kick started
with 5 kgs of weekly production and
sales of Sattu by a group of 4 enthusiastic women in Patna district.
Seva Setu played the role of enabler in bringing these women together and helping them with seed
capital and also creating channels for them to reach out to consumers. In just 3 months, the production and sale of Sattu has increased
to 80kgs/week with a group of 8 -10 women in Vaishali and Patna
district. The average revenue being generated per month is INR
27,000. Each woman in the group is earning around INR1000 per
month as service fee for their efforts.

programs updates:
mother care
Total Minutes of Baat-Cheet:

Because of this drive, we have seen a significant increase in the number of disability certificates being facilitated by Seva Setu. We aim to
ensure that all people with more than 40% disability should be
given certificates as they are entitled for monthly pension, in addition to other benefits.
This is just a beginning and Seva Setu plans to give extend this drive
to the entire state of Bihar. It would be an arduous task but we are
committed to it. We leave you with the following statistics that highlight
enormity of the task at hand.

November Statistics

State of Bihar:

According to the 2001 census, number of people with disability

in Bihar are as many as 18, 87,611 (7, 56,085 female, 11,
31,526 male) constituting around 3.2% of the states population, with 90% of these disabled people belong to the rural areas.
53% of those living with disabilities suffer from visual impairment, 27% suffer from locomotor disabilities, 11% suffer from
speech and hearing impairment and 9% live with forms of mental disability.

There are 38 districts in Bihar; each district has 15-20 blocks. Seva
Setu has kick started this disability drive with 2 blocks in Vaishali
district. There is so much to be done and through this article, Seva
Setu calls upon the civil society and various organizations to come
forward and join hands to ENABLE THE DISABLED

citizen care
Total Applications Submitted:

kids care
79 SAM kids were identified in November
out of which 17 were admitted to NRC

November Statistics




IC: Income Certificate; CC: Caste Certificate; RC: Residence Certificate; BIR: Birth
Certificate; IGVriddhaPY: Indira Gandhi Vriddhavastha Pension Yojna; IGVidhwaPY:
Indira Gandhi Vidwa Pension Yojna; IAY: Indira Awaas Yojna; KVY: Kanya Vivah Yojna

Registered Office:
Arpana Bank Colony, Phase-2,
Ram Jaipal Nagar, New Bailey Road
Contact: Nishant Ojha (+91 9663367484)

Head Office:
54/1, Block-UA2, Jawahar Nagar,
New Delhi-110007
Contact: Neeraj Saransh (+91 9868425466)
Ajay Kumar Ojha (+91 9873738043)

Regional Presence:
Bangalore (Karnataka)
Gurgaon (Haryana)
Alwar (Rajasthan)
Patna (Bihar)

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