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Lesson 3

A. SELF-AWARENESS: Theoretical Meaning

Self-awareness is the top level of consciousness. It gives us our sense of

personal history and identity.
(Zimbardo and Weber, 1997)
the three levels of consciousness: awareness of the world, reflection on
awareness and awareness of ourselves.

self-awareness is achieved when individuals learn to distinguish his concepts

of we from the I (G.H. Mead).
I - a bundle of spontaneous wants and desires
we - the social self

self-awareness is a life-long process in the sense that we continuously

expose ourselves to various situations that contribute to the development of
each individual.

Johari Window model

- by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham (1950s).
- It was a tool designed to improve self-awareness and mutual understanding
between individuals within the group.
- is also referred to as a 'disclosure/feedback model of self awareness'

Known to self
Known to others

Not known to self
Known to others

Known to self
Not known to others

Not known to self
Not known to others

Johari Window Model

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Johari Window Four Regions


what is known by the person about him/herself and is also known by

others - open area, open self, free area, free self, or 'the arena'
what is unknown by the person about him/herself but which others know blind area, blind self, or 'blind spot'
what the person knows about him/herself that others do not know - hidden
area, hidden self, avoided area, avoided self or 'facade'
what is unknown by the person about him/herself and is also unknown by
others - unknown area or unknown self

B. Concept of Personality
- Personality(Atkinson, 1993) is the distinctive and characteristic patterns of
thought, emotion, and behavior that define an individuals personal style and
influence his or her interactions with the environment.
Dimensions of personality
Physical You are your body.
Psychological You are what you think you are.
Socio-cultural You are a product of your society and culture.
Sources of Filipino Values - By Tomas Quintin Andres
a. Society
b. Parents
c. Church
d. Norms
e. Peers
Transpersonal You are a
representation of the universe.




C. Relationships of a Person (table form)

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Social responsibility calls for a more vigilant
and productive individual that would
contribute in the progress of the society.

Concrete Action
Be a responsible part of the society by
serving and helping other people. A
concrete scenario of helping other people
is through the implementation of NSTPCWTS community development programs.



Family is the prime molder of the individual.

It is where the individual receive utmost care
and able to establish initial social
relationship and eventually develops social
responsibility towards their own family.
Same is true with other significant persons
such as kin and friends.
Social responsibility entails preservation,
conservation and protection of natural
resources. It is a fact that human needs and
wants greatly depend on the environment.

By contributing and sustaining the needs

of the family. It is also a duty of an
individual to protect the integrity and
welfare of ones own family, kin and
friends. In NSTP-CWTS program the entry
point of its implementation is through
families in the community.
Be a steward of Gods creation and cocreator for the conservation of natural
resources. One of the integral programs of
NSTP-CWTS concerns the environment.


conforming to Respect to other human being regardless of

the values that their religion, faith and belief is one of the
our Supreme cores of Gods teachings.
Being wants to
the humanity

Being a good follower of God. Expressing

honor and worship by putting faith into
action. DLSU-D promotes faith in action,
which means incorporating values and
teachings of God in all aspects of a
Lasallian individual. Therefore, it is also
instilled to the people in the community
through NSTP-CWTS program.



As person in community, one should be

selfless in order to extend oneself to
others as a way of responding to the
demands of the society.


Lesson 3 Handouts

others include
family, kinship
and friends.

to Nourishing oneself is vital in understanding

and embracing the concept of social
responsibility as well as in promoting social

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Esteem needs

Belongingness needs

Safety needs

Physiological needs
Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Level 1. Physiological needs: Food, water and sleep.
Level 2. Safety needs: Protection from harm.
Level 3. Love and belongingness needs: Affiliation with others and acceptance by
Level 4. Esteem needs: Achievement, competency, gaining approval and
Level 5. Self-actualization: Fulfillment of ones unique potential.
A human community is a group of persons linked by interpersonal and
biological bonds.
Person in Community
Kwame Gyekye (2001) - characterized a person, as that it is the community that
defines a person.
Trull, (2000) - As supported by the behavioral model in psychology, the behavior of a
person is viewed as influenced by the environment.
Social Responsibility: Every Persons Response
Persons in community could respond to the different needs in the following manner:
a. Society - Social responsibility calls for a more vigilant and productive
individual that would contribute in the progress of the society.

b. Others - Family is the prime molder of the individual. It is where the

individual receive utmost care and able to establish initial social
relationship and eventually develops social responsibility towards their
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own family. Same is true with other significant persons such as kin and
c. Nature - Social responsibility entails preservation, conservation and
protection of natural resources. It is a fact that human needs and wants
greatly depend on the environment.
d. God - Respect to other human being regardless of their religion, faith and
belief is one of the cores of Gods teachings.
e. Self - Nourishing oneself is vital in understanding and embracing the
concept of social responsibility as well as in promoting social relationships.
A person in community therefore, is one who has a deep sense of selfawareness, understands the dimensions of his personality as well as his concerns
and most importantly the one that acknowledges his social responsibility. A concrete
manifestation of this concept is through the implementation of the NSTP-CWTS
programs through the efforts of the students.
Andres T. Q., (1994). Community Development Manual 4th Impression. Quezon City
Philippines: New Day Publishers.
Atkinson R.L., Atkinson R.C., Smith E.E., Bem D.J.(1993). Introduction to Psychology 11th
edition. USA: Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
Kaplan H.I., Sadock B.J.(2000). Synopsis of Psychiatry 8th edition. USA: Williams and
Wilkins,East Preston St. Baltimore Maryland.
Medina DJ.G.,(2001). Working in the Community: A Manual for Community Health Care
Providers. Las Pinas City Philippines: South Frontier Graphics Corporation.
Pervin L.A., John O.P.(1997). Personality Theory and Research 7th edition. USA:John Wiley
and Sons, Inc.
Plotnik R. (2002). Intorduction to Psychology 6th edition. Asia: Wadsworth Thomson Learning
The Institution Building Team (2004). Modules on Good Citizenship Values. EDSA People
Power Commission.
Lasallian Community Development Center Faculty Members (2004). The Lasallian Way
Towards Social Transformation: NSTP-CWTS Module.
De La Salle University-Dasmarinas.
Internet citation:
Homepage IFK - Intercultural Communication
Menkiti I.A. (1984). "Person and Community in African Traditional Thought",in. Richard A.
Wright (ed.), African Philosophy. An Introduction. Maryland USA: Lanham.

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