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Test Plan Identifier:

BMI Calculator Test Plan version 1

Ahmed Farooq QA Analyst
This test plan will feature all activities required to perform adequate testing for the BMI
Calculator before it is delivered in the fifth week of BU CS633 class.
BMI Calculator, which will be developed in Visual Basic, will run on various Windows
operating systems will need to tested on various platforms with all identified test cases.
BMI Test Cases (Not available yet)
Test Items
BMI Calculator v1.0
The calculator will be supported on the following operating systems, so it will need to be
tested on all these platforms:
1. Windows Vista
2. Windows 7
1. Requirements doc.xlsx
2. Design_Document.docx
References to bug reports:
(Not available yet)
Features to be Tested
1. Installation of BMI Calculator in the supported Windows operating systems
2. Inputs that the BMI Calculator will accept
3. Outputs that the BMI Calculator will display
4. Spell check of all text displayed in the application
5. Performance testing for outputs

Features Not to Be Tested

No Load testing will be performed since the application cannot be used by multiple
users simultaneously

No Security testing will be performed as the application will not contain identifiable
information for the user


Overall approach to testing

Functional and performance testing will be performed on the BMI Calculator. There is
no need to perform unit or integration testing as the application has a small number of
features, which will be covered in the basic functional testing.

Functional Testing
Positive and negative testing will be performed on the BMI Calculator covering all
edge cases as mentioned in the test cases.

Performance Testing
Performed manually by checking the response times of outputs and how long it takes
to launch BMI calculator.

Minimum degree of comprehensiveness required

All positive test cases must pass covering functional test cases. Performance testing is
not required.

Additional completion criteria

BMI Calculator must run on both Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

Requirements tracing
1. Each test case will identify which Requirements it covers
2. Test case will be marked as Passed/Failed/Not tested yet to display its status

1. Testing must be completed on each Sunday before the iteration ends
2. All testing must be completed by 6/17/2011

Item Pass/Fail Criteria

All test items will be marked as passed if all positive and negative (including edge
cases) testing criteria have passed.

An item may be marked Ready for Release with an existing failure if the defect is
marked as Wont Fix.

An item may not be marked Ready for Release if a related blocker or critical defect

Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

Testing may be suspended if:

1. A blocker bug exists

2. The test machines are disabled

Testing activities which must be redone when testing is resumed

1. Installation of BMI Calculator
2. Smoke test of BMI Calculator
3. Regression of basic functionality

Test Deliverables

Deliverable documents:
1. Test plan,
2. Test cases
3. Bug Reports

Test Input
Height: -1, 0, 1, 10-96, abc, special characters [~!@#$%^&*()_+;:]
Weight: -1, 0, 1, 5-500, abc, special characters [~!@#$%^&*()_+;:]
Age: -1, 0, 1, 1-100, abc, special characters [~!@#$%^&*()_+;:]
Test Output:
BMI: 0-100
Height: [same number as input]
Weight: [same number as input]

There are no testing tools used for this application. All testing will be performed

Testing Tasks

Tasks necessary to prepare for and perform testing

1. Install DLLs for running Visual Basic Applications
2. Install BMI Calculator
3. Run BMI Calculator
4. Perform Functional Testing
5. Perform Performance Testing
6. Regress on different Windows operating system

Task interdependencies
BMI Calculator will not run if the appropriate DLLs are not installed

Special skills required

QA Analyst must be able to diagnose and recreate the exact steps needed for the bug
to occur and provide possible workarounds.

Environmental Needs

Necessary properties of test environment:

Windows Vista, Windows 7

VMWare with Windows Vista or Windows 7

Support for installing VB 5 applications

QA Analyst must have sufficient permissions on test machines to install BMI

Calculator (an executable file).

QA Analyst must have sufficient permissions on test machines to install DLLs for
appropriate Visual Basic versions applications.


Ahmed Farooq will be responsible for writing the test cases and executing those tests.

Haroon Chouhan will be responsible for resolving any bugs.

Any test case which may be irrelevant can be marked as such by Kevin Flynn.

Haroon Chouhan will be responsible for providing the working application in the
current iteration.

QA Analyst will be responsible for setting up his own test environment. Any help
needed (for example, setting up the necessary DLLs) will be provided by the

Staffing and Training Needs

QA Analyst needed to perform functional and performance testing. Must know how to
identify edge cases and negative test cases.

QA Analyst may need instructions in how to install VB applications on unsupported

Windows operating system.


Testing begins: 5/22/2011

Report all unresolved issues that must be resolved before release: 6/12/2011
Release Candidate date: 6/15/2011
All Testing completion date: 6/17/2011

Time required to do each testing task

1. Install DLLs for running Visual Basic Applications 5 minutes

2. Install BMI Calculator 5 minutes

3. Run BMI Calculator 1 minute
4. Perform Functional Testing 1 day
5. Perform Performance Testing day
6. Regress on different Windows operating system day
Risks and Contingencies

Testing will be performed by one QA Analyst; so if that person is unavailable testing

will be affected adversely.
Contingency: Test cases will be written with detailed steps so any person can execute

Bugs found may not be resolved quickly as the team is spread across different regions
and may delay project delivery.
Contingency: All critical and blocker bugs should be reported immediately to the
developer and an estimate for the fix should be asked so that the fix could be tested as
soon as its delivered back for testing.


Ahmed Farooq QA Analyst


Date: 5/30/11

Haroon Chouhan Developer


Date: 5/30/11

Adriana Castrillon Project Manager

Date: 5/30/11

Kevin Flynn - Requirements Analyst.

Date: 5/30/11

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