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Kido :: Kido Removal Instructions

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Kido Description and Removal Instructions. Find and Detect Kido on your PC. Remove, Uninstall and Get Rid
of Kido.


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"Kido Removal Guide"

Kido Removal Guide

Kido Description
Kido also known as Win32.Kido, Conficker Worm or W32.Downadup. Kido is a serious worm infection that is known to attack
Windows systems and spreads through networks due to a Windows security vulnerability called MS08-067. If a system does not
receive critical updates needed then it may be vulnerable to the Kido or Conficker worm infection. It is advised to run a Windows
Update and perform a system scan with a anti-virus or anti-malware software to identify and clean your computer from Kido.


SpyHunter's spyware scanner last

updated on 09/25/2009.


1. IS NOT associated, affiliated, consorted, or connected with the publishers Kido.
2. We object, reject, and disapprove all the malicious and objectionable business practices of the publishers of
3. Our goal and objective is to completely eliminate the promotion of Kido and other malware publishers off the
Internet. In addition, we seek the complete deletion of all the malware programs, including all their polymorphic variants,
which are developed and distributed all over the Internet, in the same manner as the publishers of Kido.

Click here for more info on Conficker.


Total Security
Windows Police Pro

The readers of this posting should not confuse, mistake, or associate this article to be a promotion or
advertisement of Kido, since the aim of this posting is to educate users on how to detect and eliminate Kido off
their computer. Any information provided is "as is" for reference and educational purposes only.

Total Security 2009

Windows Protection Suite
Green AV

How can I Remove Kido?

PC Antispyware 2010

The most common spyware removal tactic is to uninstall Kido by using the "Add/Remove Programs" utility. However, as there
may still be hidden Kido files, it's possible that Kido will reappear after reboot. Follow the Kido detection and removal methods

Personal Antivirus
Antivirus System Pro
Antivirus Pro 2010

Free Kido Automatic Removal (Recommended)

Is your PC infected with Kido? To safely & quickly remove Kido, we highly recommend you...


Download Free Conficker Removal Tool for Kido.

Kido Manual Removal Instructions

Anti-virus Professional

Below is a list of Kido manual removal instructions and Kido components listed to help you remove Kido from your PC. Backup
Reminder: Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

Security Soldier
Recommendations... Windows
Security Center Pop-up

Note: This manual removal process may be difficult and you run the risk of destroying your computer. We recommend that you
Download Free Conficker Removal Tool to remove Kido.

Troyan-dropper Security
Center Alert Pop-up

Step 1 : Use Registry Editor to Remove Kido Registry Values


1. To open the Registry Editor, go to Start > Run > type regedit and then press the "OK" button.
2. Locate and delete the entry or entries whose data value (in the rightmost column) is the spyware file(s) detected earlier.

Windows Police Pro Alert


3. To delete "Kido" value, right-click on it and select the "Delete" option.

4. Locate and delete "Kido" registry entries:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
\SvcHost, netsvcs = %Previous data% and %Random%
\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHO WALLCheckedValue = dword:00000000


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Read more about How to Remove Kido Registry Entries

Step 2 : Use Windows Command Prompt to Unregister Kido DLL Files

1. To open the Windows Command Prompt, go to Start > Run > type cmd and then click the "OK" button.
2. Type "cd" in order to change the current directory, press the "space" button, enter the full path to where you believe the


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28/09/2009 10:55 a.m.

Kido :: Kido Removal Instructions

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Kido DLL file is located and press the "Enter" button on your keyboard. If you don't know where Kido DLL file is located,
use the "dir" command to display the directory's contents.
3. To unregister "Kido" DLL file, type in the exact directory path + "regsvr32 /u" + [DLL_NAME] (for example,
:C\Spyware-folder\> regsvr32 /u Kido.dll) and press the "Enter" button. A message will pop up that says you successfully
unregistered the file.
4. Search and unregister "Kido" DLL files:
%All Users Application Data%\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll
%Program Files%\Movie Maker\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll
%Program Files%\Internet Explorer\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll
%System%\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll

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Skype Calls?
Facebook Continues to Battle
Rogue Phishing Applications


Read more about How to Remove Kido DLL Files

Step 3 : Detect and Delete Other Kido Files

1. To open the Windows Command Prompt, go to Start > Run > type cmd and then press the "OK" button.
2. Type in "dir /A name_of_the_folder" (for example, C:\Spyware-folder), which will display the folder's content even the
hidden files.
3. To change directory, type in "cd name_of_the_folder".
4. Once you have the file you're looking for type in "del name_of_the_file".
5. To delete a file in folder, type in "del name_of_the_file".
6. To delete the entire folder, type in "rmdir /S name_of_the_folder".
7. Select the "Kido" process and click on the "End Process" button to kill it.
8. Remove the "Kido" processes files:
%All Users Application Data%\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll
%Program Files%\Movie Maker\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll
%Program Files%\Internet Explorer\[RANDOM FILE NAME].dll
Read more about How to Delete Harmful Files

Kido Recommendation
RECOMMENDED: To avoid the unnecessary risk of damaging your computer, we highly recommend you use a good malware
remover to track Kido and automatically remove Kido as well as other spyware, adware, trojans, and virus threats in your PC.
If you believe you have Kido installed on your computer, remove Kido with our Free Conficker Removal Tool.

Download Free Conficker Removal Tool for Kido.

To learn more on Kido, see our Kido resource section below.

More Kido Resources

What is Worms?
Kido is a type of Worms.
Worms are virus-like malware with destructive codes, and are able to mutate, replacing their own code by themselves. This
makes worms very dangerous, hard to find, and difficult to delete. Like most viruses, worms may spread to the other computers
by secretly emailing themselves to Internet users in your address book. The key difference between a worm and a virus is that
worms replace your files, rather than simply inserting themselves into your files.
Think you have Kido? Download Free Conficker Removal Tool and automatically remove Kido on your PC.
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Kido Prevention Rules

Protect your computer from Kido and other spyware by following these four easy prevention rules.

Rule #1: Keep your Windows Security up-to-date

Microsoft provides updates weekly and can always be downloaded manually from the Microsoft website.

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Kido :: Kido Removal Instructions

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Tip: Regularly visit Windows Update and set your computer to receive security & critical updates automatically.
To get Microsoft Update, go to IE > Tools > Windows Update > Product Updates, and select "ALL High-Priority Security
Updates" from the list.
Then open IE and go to Internet Options > Security > Internet, then press "Default Level", then OK. Now press "Custom

Rule #2: Download and install a reliable anti-spyware software

A good anti-spyware software that recognizes current Kido spyware as well as other forms of spyware can can be the answer to
all your security issues. Listed below is an anti-spyware program that can effectively reverse the damage of your computer and
remove Kido automatically.

Download Free Conficker Removal Tool for Kido.

Rule #3: Install and keep your firewall turned on
A firewall is essential for a complete protection of your PC. Make sure that your firewall is always turned on. A firewall can
prevent unwanted software like Kido from infecting your computer.

Rule #4: Keep your anti-spyware definitions up-to-date

Since new Kido files can be created every day, it is important to keep your anti-spyware program up-to-date. Your anti-spyware
scanner should have an update feature where with a click of a button you can get new spyware definitions instantly. Often, an
anti-spyware software will open an update window reminding you that there are new updates available.
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28/09/2009 10:55 a.m.

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