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Teen Open Mic

Program Name: Teen Open Mic Show us what you got!

Need for the Program The Lansdowne Branch continuously has teenagers here every day afterschool
like clockwork. Its our responsibility as librarians to make sure the library is a welcoming place for all of
the community. There are numerous times where the teens will display some sort of talent or interest at
other programs. I thought that would it be nice to give the Teens a venue to display that talent.
Potential Community Partners
BCPS Lansdowne High
BCPS Lansdowne Middle
Steps Necessary to Setup Event We would want to make sure to plan the event months in advance so
the participants can plan their part. Advertise not only on our calendar of events, but the high and
middle schools as well. Make sure we have the equipment necessary (Microphone, computer/projector
if needed). Once the date gets closer, we would want to do the following.

Decide how much time allotment to give

Create sign-in sheet
As sign-in sheet fills out, decide what equipment is needed

Evaluation I will evaluate the program by the attendance, participants, and a small evaluation for the
audience to fill out.

How it fits with the Mission Having an event which will allow the teens to display their talents, would
help provide a welcoming environment for them.

News Flash for all local teens in the area Are you a singer, rapper, poet, musician, or have another talent
you would like to show off to everyone? Would you like to cheer on and see our local Lansdowne talent?
Lansdowne Branch Library is proud to announce we will be hosting an open mic afternoon for all teens
starting May 20th @ 3 PM.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Eric Rutledge at 410-887-5602 no later than May

Social Media* We would let people know through our BCPL Facebook channel, and our Teen BCPL
Facebook channel, a couple weeks in advance.

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