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Mauricio Simms 2014 LATI Final Programming Project

Program Title: 90+3 Boys Read Program (The 90+3 signifies the idea in soccer there are 90 minutes of
regulation time but referees (libraries) can add additional time at the end for injuries, substitutions, etc.
In this case, 3 minutes of stoppage time have been added onto the end of the game. This gives the
players, coaches, and fans hope that the game is still winnable. The boys that will join the program in
the Glenarden area know that upward social mobility is difficult but through reading and education the
American dream is attainable even if it has to be done in stoppage time.
Program Age Level: Boys Ages 10-12
Program Dates: Every other Tuesday at 5:30 pm 7 pm (This time is significant because it comes right
after the UEFA Champions League Matches commence for the week. The Champions League is a highly
competitive soccer tournament between European Clubs that have players from around the world on
their rosters.)
Program Need/Justification: I began my librarianship associate career in an affluent area of Prince
Georges County with homes along the Potomac River and a median income over $120,000 according to After a year, I transferred to a branch with a sizable immigrant population from North Africa
and Central America in a different socioeconomic sphere than what I encountered at my previous
branch. Therefore, at my current branch the need for this program stems the importance of instilling
reading and education in these young boys to help foster the goal to achieve higher education. A recent
Washington Post article states 1 in 4 high school students in Prince Georges County fails to graduate on
time, and my program would incorporate boys before they enter high school to prevent this trend from
continuing. I integrated soccer into my program because of its popularity amongst immigrant
populations and on a personal level I used soccer as a vehicle to get into college. It is important to point
out that while immigrant boys are the initial target, this program will be available to all boys.
Program Description: This program will use carefully selected material with soccer as the central theme
to appeal to immigrant boys. The program is open to all boys and will eventually diverge from soccer to
include other sports. The participants will be asked on a voluntary basis to read aloud material to
simultaneously improve reading skills and their oratory skills. As soon as everyone has participated, the
next portion of the program will be discussion based to focus on reading comprehension and the ability
to give insightful analysis on the material. The material selected for the program will be non-fiction and
provide a gateway into non-fiction reading material outside of the program. As the weather permits, the
last 30 minutes will be spent outside actually playing different sports as a way to build teamwork,
communication, and be a nice reward for reading. Nutritional refreshments will be provided and steer
away from the pizza and soda model that is at times used as bribery to kids to drive program numbers.
Potential Community Partners:
Dodge Park Elementary School, Glenarden Woods Elementary School, Seabrook Elementary School.
Thomas Johnson Middle School, Robert Goddard Middle School, Kentland Middle School, Glenarden
Boys and Girls Club, Glenarden Community Center, Prince Georges County Sports and Learning Center,
Local College Soccer Programs, DC United
Program Steps:
1.) Develop an aggressive marketing campaign to secure attendees with the PR department

2.) Reach out to the Community Partners notifying them of my goals

3.) Use the PGCMLS collection and Marina Collection to receive the most intellectually stimulating
material on soccer, sports, and beyond for 10-12 year olds
4.) Secure the Glenarden meeting room for biweekly use through 6 months
5.) Securing the necessary funds to purchase nutritional snacks and beverages
6.) Setting up the meeting room in a circular set-up
7.) Secure tickets to UMBC, U of Maryland, Howard, American, and DC United Soccer matches as
incentives for partaking in the program
Program Evaluation: Tracking the number of attendees, inquiring about test scores after the program,
monitoring high school GPAs, and college entrance numbers. I would request this information from the
boys as direct access to transcripts would not be possible. They could also bring in school work in which
they received a good grade for. This program would have to be evaluated over a lengthy period of time
to track its success.
Library Mission: My program falls in line with the PGCMLS missions because it provides professional
service for young boys to engage in lifelong learning. The purpose of my program is to instill the value
learning into these young people. The focus of my program would assist the needs of an underserved
population that could benefit from the priceless skill of reading, analyzing, and communicating their
thoughts with others in a safe and effective manner.
For Immediate Release 12/17/14

Glenarden Library Offers Boys Read Program for Sports Fans

Glenarden, MD Sports are only a game, reading is serious The Glenarden Library offers a unique and
free opportunity to improve on the necessary skills that will allow young boys to realize their full
potential. On a biweekly basis, boys can receive professional instruction to become better readers, more
confident students, and unlock the skills to guarantee an academically successful future. The program
will start at 5:30 on Tuesdays. Healthy snacks will be provided. All these young boys need is a positive
attitude and parental desire for a boy to become a young man capable of excelling in life. Please call Mr.
Simms at 301-772-5477 at the Glenarden Library with any questions and be sure to check out the website for other fun and free programs at the Prince Georges County Library! Persons with
disabilities can be accommodated, please call the library two weeks in advance so that the appropriate
arrangements can be made.
This program will use the social media sites Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for promotion 2 weeks
before it begins.

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