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The explosive growth of the Internet has brought many
good things: electronic commerce, easy access to vast stores
of reference material, collaborative computing, e-mail, and
new avenues for advertising and information distribution, to
name a few. As with most technological advances, there is
also a Dark side: criminal hackers. Governments,
companies, and private citizens around the world are
anxious to be a part of this revolution, but they are afraid
that some hacker will break into their Web server and
replace their logo with pornography, read their e-mail, steal
their credit card number from an on-line shopping site, or
implant software that will secretly transmit their
organization's secrets to the open Internet. With these
concerns and others, the ethical hacker can help. This paper
describes ethical hackers: their skills, their attitudes, and
how they go about helping their customers find and plug up
security holes. The ethical hacking process is explained,
along with many of the problems that the Global Security
Analysis Lab has seen during its early years of ethical
hacking for IBM clients.

1970s :John Draper discovers a toy whistle can access

AT&T's long-distance switching system .Steve Wozniak the
future founder of Apple Computer, make and sell blue

Today more and more softwares are developing and people

a regetting more and more options in their present
softwares. But many are not aware that they are being
hacked without their knowledge. One reaction to this state of
affairs is a behavior termed Ethical Hacking" which
attempts to pro-actively increase security protection by
identifying and patching known security vulnerabilities on
systems owned by other parties.

Hacking is an illegal process of accessing the restricted


A good ethical hacker should know the methodology

chosen by the hacker like reconnaissance, host or target
scanning, gaining access, maintaining access and clearing
tracks. For ethical hacking we should know about the
various tools and methods that can be used by a black hat
hacker apart from the methodology used by him.
From the point of view of the user one should know at
least some of these because some hackers make use of those
who are not aware of the various hacking methods to hack
into a system. Also when thinking from the point of view of
the developer, he also should be aware of these since he
should be able to close holes in his software even with the
usage of the various tools. With the advent of new tools the
hackers may make new tactics. But at least the software will
be resistant to some of the tools
1960s: the original meaning of the word "hack" started
at MIT; meant elegant

1983: Kids' Games

Movie "War Games" introduces public to hacking
1989: German Hackers arrested for breaking into U.S.
Computers; sold information to Soviet.
E-commerce company attacked; blackmail
followed by 8 million credit card numbers stolen.


Hacking is not an easy job (Nothing is untraceable).

Hacker has






Hackers use advanced software to hack the systems.

Viruses are the base of hackers.
More over viruses are created in programming
languages, batch scripting only.

Punyasamudram.Sree Harsha.
Roll.No - (13501A0583) CSE-2.
Computer Science and Engineering.
Prasad V. Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology.

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