Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Edition

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News Extra

pg 12


pg 13






Call-Off Elections Petition

Is Judicial Matter

Police Traffic Chief Descends on

Public Works Volunteers












These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of

the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Research, Policy and Planning Department,
Central Bank Liberia,
Monrovia, Liberia




VOL 8 NO.743






That day when we went, she was in the barrel. They tore the barrel to get the body out.
She was almost rotten; she pealed like a pig. All her skin peeled and she was four months
pregnant. I saw my sister rotten. Elizabeth Tarweh, sister of murdered pregnant woman.

EBOLA - pg.5



p 9

Catholic Memorial For

Liberia Health Workers


Your Vote is your Voice Vote your Nation & Vote Right

p 8

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Page 2 | Frontpage

Monrovia f Liberty Partys Benjamin Sanvees campaign teams

philosophy in these 2014 controversial senatorial elections is
anything to go by, then the mandate by the National Elections
Commission regarding campaign activities in the next five
days should suit them just fine. But judging from the homecoming
Robert Sirleaf received in West Point Monday, it appears NEC
may have a major problem brewing in enforcing its mandate that
there should be no street Parades and that campaigns will only be
conducted in districts/communities with gatherings not exceeding
250 persons.
With less than five days to the end of the campaign period and
Saturdays voting, the Sirleaf campaign appears determined to
show voters and doubters that it is capable of defying the odds
and possibly upsetting conventional wisdom.
Boasting a successful day
Mondays rally, according to Stephen Johnson, Campaign
Spokesperson for the Robert Sirleaf for Senate campaign, may
have done just that. Our campaign was wonderful, we started
up with couple of endorsements from cross section of Liberians
from Montserrado, we went West point with a heroic welcome;
we went to the slipway community. A number of people turned
out in support of our candidate, we continue to receive these
overwhelming support from the community, we have always ran
a campaign that is deeply rooted in the community, today was a
successful day.
But even before Rob Sirleafs rally Monday, the opposition
Congress for Democratic Change expressed concerns that the
NEC announcement may be difficult to enforce.
Robs Numbers, not Close to Weahs, CDC Says
Said Mulbah Morlu, Vice President for Operations and
Mobilization: We are trying as much as possible to abide by
the NEC regulation, we anticipated that the launching we did in
the past was just the tip of the iceberg, we wanted to do more
than what was done. But these things we cannot control but we
are cautious of the NECs regulations and Ambassador Weah is
engaging in a community based campaign.
Supporters of the CDC argue that while the Rob Sirleaf camp had
a good day for boast, his numbers was nowhere near what Weah
put up a fortnight ago.
Prior to the decision by the Supreme Court of Liberia to place a
Stay Order on campaign activities leading to the conduct of the
pending special senatorial elections, Monrovia and other parts of
the country on Friday, November 28, had gone wild into politics
with high euphoria amongst the population.
On the day of the Stay Order, Monrovia was held hostage by
supporters of George Weah of the Congress for Democratic
Change, with the campaign launch of the CDC Montserrado
senatorial candidate causing traffic congestion and stalling normal
It was reported that Robert Sirleaf, an independent candidate for
Montserrado, considered one of Weahs strong opponents was
planning on launching his campaign on the following Wednesday.
Following the high courts stay order, President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf issued Executive Order # 65 banning mass public
gatherings but Robert argued that the Executive Order meant that
the Liberian leader who is his mother was changing the rules of
the game in the middle of the game.
High Court to Decide Rob Suit Tuesday
In a statement denouncing the executive Order, the Robert A.
Sirleaf Campaign for Senator of Montserrado County stated We
will sue the government and are determined to set this Executive
Order aside, because it is wrong. We submit that we have also seen
violations of the Ebola preventive measures, and we condemn
these violations. However, it is always wrong to change the rules
of games in the middle of the games. And although intentions may

prompting the National Election Commission to adjust the

election date to Saturday, December 20.
Besides rescheduling the polling date, the NEC also announced
several measures including warning candidates from having more
than 250 people gathering in the same place at a time. The NEC
announced measure means other candidates in Montserrado and
other parts of the country will not be able to showcase their ability
to pull crowd like Weah has done.
On Monday, two days after the Supreme Court ruled on the Writ
of Prohibition, Monrovia saw mixed campaign activities with
the CDC and other candidates going quiet but Robert Sirleaf
campaign pulled crowd in West Point.
The headquarters of the CDC which since the start of the campaign
has always been parked at all times was empty on Monday with
usual crowd not gathered.
Mulbah Morlu, Vice President for Operations and Mobilization
of the CDC said the party is observing the regulations imposed
by the NEC.
We are respecting the regulations instituted by the NEC, we
appreciate the fact that election was pushed ahead, howbeit it we
wanted it on be Tuesday, Morlu said.
He further said We are having community based activity;
Ambassador Weah visited GSA Road, Duazon on the Robertsfield
highway. Tomorrow he will be in Todee and Margibi County.
The CDC official furthered that on Wednesday Weah will visit the
Rally Time, Nancy Doe Market, West Point, Clara Town, New
Kru Town and other communities on the Bushrod Island. On
Thursday we have a gathering of our partisans at the headquarters
of the party and we are still cautious not to have mass gathering in
line with NECs mandate, Morlu added.

We are trying as much as possible

to abide by the NEC regulation, we
anticipated that the launching we
did in the past was just the tip of
the iceberg, we wanted to do more
than what was done. But these
things we cannot control but we are
cautious of the NECs regulations
and Ambassador Weah is engaging
in a community based campaign,
Mulbah Morlu, Vice President
for Operations and Mobilization,
Congress for Democratic Change
be right, it is always better that our actions are right, as we are
judged not necessarily by our intentions but by our actions.
Sirleaf later took the matter to the Supreme Court against the
Executive Order and the court is expected to hear the petition for
the writ of prohibition against the Stay order on today, Tuesday.
The CDC also criticized the Executive Order and announced a
sit in action at the National Legislature which was later called off
following a Supreme Court Stay Order on the Executive Order.
Following more than two weeks of legal arguments, the Supreme
Court on Saturday ruled that the election which was initially
scheduled for this Tuesday, December 16 should go ahead

Sanvee Not Interested in Pulling Crowd

Darius Dillon, Chairman of the Benjamin Sanvee for Senate
campaign said his candidate is on the campaign trail but is not
interested in pulling crowd. We have said that was our strategy,
our strategy is to go into the communities and talk to people and
not to put them on harms way, said Dillon.
He said candidate Sanvee was in New Georgia and also appeared
on several radio talk shows including the bumper show, amongst
While other candidates were taking it likely on Monday, the
Robert Sirleaf for Senate campaign was active in the West Point
Community on Monday, pulling large crowd.
The campaign spokesperson for the Sirleaf campaign told
FrontPageAfrica that he is satisfied with Mondays activities of
the Robert Sirleaf campaign team. Our campaign was wonderful,
We started up with couple of endorsements from cross section of
Liberians from Montserrado, we went West point with a heroic
welcome, we went to the slip way community a number of people
turned out in support of the candidate, we continue to receive
these overwhelming support from the community, we have always
ran a campaign that is deeply rooted in the community, today was
a successful day, Stephen Johnson, Campaign Spokesperson for
the Robert Sirleaf for Senate campaign
Johnson said the Robert Sirleaf campaign is gaining momentum.
Our campaign euphoria has multiplied, if you listen people are
in their numbers at our headquarters jubilating and they intend to
stay to the morning, Johnson said.
According to him the campaign team is also spreading Ebola
Johnson further said We tell our people Ebola is here, Ebola is
real, this is just an endorsement of the work that we have been
doing, we are running a clean campaign.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Page 3




LIBERIA IS BIDDING fare thee well to Dr. Atai Umoruto and her
peers from the East African nation of Uganda who were brought in to
help Liberia fight off the deadly Ebola virus which has so far claimed
the lives of up to December 16, 2014, 6,841 people had been reported
as having died from the disease with the total number of reported
cases is more than 18,000.
THE THIRTEEN UGANDANS include Dr. AtaiOmoruto, Dr. Kaggwa
David, MadiraaKefa, Akugizibwe Rosemary, Waiswa Florence,
Komuhendo Judith, Kusemererwa Teddy, MukandirwaAsiat, Awilo
Sarah, Namutosi Catherine, NakayizaNakato- Annet, Candiga
Richard and Tony Walter Onena.
2014 BROUGHT UPON the West African sub-region, the worst ever
outbreak since scientists discovered the virus in 1976. The virus was
named after the Ebola River in Zaire, now the Democratic Republic
of the Congo (DRC).
TO DATE, THERE HAVE BEEN almost 20 outbreaks of the virus; in
the DRC, Sudan, Uganda and Gabon. In 2000 and 2001, around 425
people in Uganda were infected, four years later 149 people caught the
virus. Two further outbreaks were recorded in Uganda, but the total
the number of people infected with the virus was just over 30.
THIS IS WHY UGANDA answered the call when Liberia came
calling at the height of the outbreak in August, sending a team of
Ugandan doctors and health workers who were deployed by the World
Health Organization(WHO) to provide medical support for an Ebola
treatment centre in Monrovia.
THE TEAM came with vast experience in managing Ebola outbreaks,
having faced many cases of the disease since 2000.
WORKING IN SHIFTS, alongside their Liberian colleagues to
provide around the clock care and to help maintain strict infectioncontrol measures.
THAT THOSE doctors are bidding farewell to a nation turning the
corner on a deadly Ebola outbreak, speaks volume about the nature of
African solidarity.
DR. ATAI UMORUTO in particular has been a force, not just in
providing the basics to her Liberian peers but also looking out for their
welfare as well, pressing for benefits and other essentials for Liberian
health care workers, while stepping on the toes of some unhappy
campers in the Liberian government who advocated for her to be sent
back to Uganda.
AT A FAREWELL PROGRAM last Saturday, Dr. Atai said it was
nightmare when she first arrived in Liberia, to see dead bodies
everywhere even more than patients and health workers did not
to know what to do. I came in July, what I saw was dead bodies
everywhere, there were more dead bodies than patients, and nobody
seems to know what to do.
THIS IS WHY MANY including Montserrado District 13 Lawmaker
Rep. Saah Joseph, who attended the farewell ceremony expressed
shock that the Ugandan Doctors are leaving. Rep. Joseph whose
First Responders Ambulance were the first on the ground during the
high period of the Ebola outbreak has promised to write a letter the
Ministry of Health to ask the WHO why they are sending the Ugandan
Doctors away when Liberia has not been declared Ebola free. I will
really like for MOH to tell me why they are sending these Doctors
back when we still have Ebola in Liberia, they cant tell me there is no
money, I wont believe that, he said.
LIBERIA OWES a debt of gratitude to the people of Uganda and
those who came to Liberia during its darkest hour to help the country
battle what is inarguably the biggest epidemic ever to hit here.
THESE EXPERTS left their homes, their families and loved ones
to come to Liberias aid. At least two Ugandans died while helping
Liberia. DR. John Taban Dada, died October at a treatment center
on the outskirts of Monrovia, Liberia's capital while Dr. Samuel
Muhumuza Mutooro, died in July.
WE HOPE that those deaths would not be in vain and the expertise
of Dr. Atai and her colleagues would be passed on to Liberian
LIBERIA AND LIBERIANS MUST never forget the contributions
of those who came to our aid, the Ugandans in particular came with
a mission of goodwill to aid fellow Africans and even dying in the
process. For this, we must honor and pay homage, they deserve the
highest honor Liberia has, because they came to our aid and helped to
save lives when we needed help the most.


J Monyue Cassell, monjue@qualrs.com; Contributing Writer

ne of the most endearing quotes from a political

candidate, came from candidate Barack Obama during
his 2008 elections campaign. Bombarded by vicious
attacks from his Republican opponents, Obama in the
heat of campaigning, said to his attackers: if you dont have any
fresh ideas, you use stale tactics to scare the voters, and if you
dont have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as
someone people should run from.
. The soon to be held mid-term elections in Liberia, especially
in Montserrado County, is becoming less about issues and more
about personalities, and so the party that has the most to lose in
the Montserrado Elections, the Congress for Democratic Change
(CDC) is pulling out all stops in painting the independent
candidate, Robert Sirleaf, as someone the electorate should run
The CDC vitriol is understandable, and it goes back to the Obama
quote, when you are light on substance and lack a record to run on
then personality attacks becomes your only recourse.
The seat Mr. Sirleaf and others including George Weah, the
CDC leader are vying for, has been held by the CDC for nine
years. But the organization cannot show any sort of progress
made in the lives of its constituents during the 9 years it has held
sway in Montserrado. What the CDC is saying to the people of
Monrovia, in essence , is that we have done nothing to earn your
trust during the 9 years we held the senatorial seat, but give us
another 9 years, we have a different, more popular candidate in
George Weah. This is sort of the new socks in old shoes politics; it
is also a guarantee that there will be no fresh ideas, or innovation
coming from CDC; it will be a new face with the same results
of ineptitude and failure. The fact is Mr. Weah will be running
on a CDC platform, no different from the one the current Senator
ran on. In the world of politics, failure is not rewarded.. There are
no second-takes. It is not a Nollywood movie where if you screw
up your lines, you are given chances over and over until you get
it right. The consequences of having a do nothing senator can
have a devastating impact on the lives of the people he or she
represents. One of the most glaring examples of how voters react
to incompetence were the recent U.S. mid-term elections where
the Democratic Party of Barack Obama had several congressional
casualties at the ballot box. The American people believed that
these Democratic senators and representatives failed to deliver,
and they were thrown out. Some, after serving only a two year
term. This is a natural human reaction.
The underprivileged lot in developing countries look up to members
of the legislature as wards of their destiny; it is through their bills
and their activism in the legislature that real changes are made
in the lives of their constituents; it is not about commissioning a
single hand pump when elections are near, as some lazy legislators
do, or giving the constituents bags of rice here and there for short
term political gains. It is all about leaving an indelible imprint,
imbuing residents with hope, opening up optimal opportunities,
providing long-term prospects for the people of Montserrado.
This is the social contract between a legislator and the constituents
they represent, an agreement of trust, that you as a legislator will
advance their interest, and even at times holding the executive feet
to the fire to ensure that development projects in your constituency
are given priority.
From what I have heard on the airwaves in Liberia from CDC party
officials, this organization believes that the seat in Montserrado is
a political birth-right, that Montserrado is their base, and every
legislative seat they hold is bulletproof secured from encroachment
by other political parties. Despite their dismal record, there is a
belief system that the gullibility of the voters coupled with the
popularity of Weah is enough guarantee of a victory.
Deploying thousands of young people in the streets to demonstrate
power in numbers is a played out CDC tactic, that carries very
little political cachet to the discerning voter. They may bring out
the numbers but a careful scrutiny of the crowd that CDC brings
out, shows that they are mostly teenagers and pre-teens, thrilled
by the thought of coming out in the streets in large numbers.
Additionally, the 18 year olds who voted enmasse for a CDC
senatorial candidate in 2005 in Montserrado County because they
were enamored by a party that had their international soccer star as
party leader, are now 27 year-old adults who are older and smarter,
and will evaluate candidates on their qualifications and merits. The
CDC campaign is also becoming a comedy of errors; the visuals
of candidate Weah surrounded by 14 legislators who had thrown
their support to him, was laughable. The Liberian legislature is
the most toxic and radioactive arm of government; if one were
to do a popularity poll their numbers would be in single digits,

because of their ineffectiveness on many levels. The fact that they

corral around Weah as their candidate, is an indication that they
see Weah as one of them, an incoming senator who would morph
into their do nothing status quo. This was a public bromance , an
affirmation of affection by the legislators of their support for a
party that has made no visible headway in a seat theyve held for
9 years. This is the photo-op that any smart politician would have
CDCs supposed armor of invincibility in Montserrado will be
pierced and eviscerated and heres why. There are about a dozen
or more candidates running for this senate seat, and each of the top
four candidates has respectable numbers, in terms of supporters.
A sizable chunk of the voters who once supported CDC are now
spread across the top three candidates, with Robert Sirleaf holding
sway over a significant share.
Candidate Sirleaf has come under a blitz of attacks , specifically
from the CDC, because in him they see an adversary who is an
organic threat to their chances of regaining a seat they do not
deserve. The fear of this candidate recently led two CDC officials,
Mulbah Morlu and Samora Wolokollie to unleash a hate filled
tirade on national radio in Liberia; what the two couldnt tell the
listening audience was their partys achievements over the past 9
years. So their gutter-snipes were fixated on candidate Sirleaf, and
was about small, insignificantly childish things.
Mr. Sirleaf enters the race as perhaps, the most qualified
candidate. The one who will make a quick impact in the lives of
the constitutents. Sirleaf is a one time Director of Fixed Incomes
of Wachovia Securities, a North Carolina-based securities firm
that was acquired by a major American banking institution, Wells
Fargo. Before I go any further, let me explain what securities are,
because I have heard on many occasions on Liberian radio that Mr.
Sirleaf was a security guard. Securities have nothing to do with
security, as in life and property protection. Securities are basically
financial instruments with monetary value, such as Stocks, Bonds,
Derivatives, etcetera. Just about all securities sold in the United
States are tied to Wall Street, home of the U.S. capital markets, so
by default, given the nature of his job, Mr. Sirleaf worked on Wall
Street. His job was to help Americans create wealth, and that was
a position that took him throughout the U.S. and abroad meeting
with global investors, hedge fund managers, and captains of
industry. In short, his job as a Managing Director, Fixed Income,
was to help Americans put more money into their bank accounts.
During his over 20 years in the financial industry, it goes without
saying that he made a lot of friends, including individuals with very
high financial net worth, multi-millionaires and billionaires. As a
senator, he can easily pick up the phone and make things happen in
terms of investments in Montserrado. No one amongst the 20 or so
candidates, including Weah, has that sort of connection or power.
And this has very little to do with the fact that Robert Sirleafs
mother is president, although it helps in international circles if
the senator making the call is the son a of a Nobel Laureate and a
sitting president.
Those familiar with the securities industry will tell you that a
Fixed Income Managing Director commands a high six figure
salary, with stock options, and other benefits. A Fixed Income
Managing Director in a good year can make a few million dollars
when you add in Commission, Stock Options, etcetera. So, the
over hundred plus projects that Mr. Sirleaf has commissioned in
Monrovia is not money from government coffers, or corporate
social responsibility funds from corporations, as is being bandied
about; these are projects funded personally by him. If anyone has
proof to the contrary, please prove me wrong with evidence. I shall
be happy to fall on my sword in apology.
There is no doubt in my mind that a Robert Sirleaf as Senator, will
usher in a new mind-set in the stale Liberian legislature, introduce
a new paradigm that includes goal-setting and execution, qualities
that have been his hallmark while in corporate America, and at
the National Oil Company of Liberia. (NOCAL). The Ebola virus
graphically introduced a new reality, that Liberians cannot go about
doing business as usual, the standards for government officials,
including the legislature must be raised; putting an individual in
the seat to just collect a hefty salary because of their popularity,
is tantamount to treachery. The people of Monstserrado deserve
better. However, they must also understand that the one who the
CDC and others want voters to run from, must be the one they
run to, because he has a stellar, proven record of execution and
delivery throughout his career, and will most definitely improve
the quality of life of the people of Montserrado County. The CDC
has had their chance, and we all know the 9 year outcome; it is
time to turn over the gavel.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Page 4 | Frontpage


The Reader's Page

Send your letters and comments to:








Ohm, Liberia shall never return to the dark days when our leaders could do
whatever they wished. The sun has set in and darkness has vanished. This
president should learn lessons from the Arab Spring and take her cues from
the recent political showdonw in Burkina Fasso. Mind you, the youth are
awake and today's youth are far more awake than the youth of 30-40 years
ago. They are awake and not dangerous, but danger comes when leaders
begin to under-estimate the power of thier own population to demand and
enforce changes.
Gongloe is correct on this one that any action affecting the conduct of
election should come of the NEC as the independent body solely responsible
to conduct and manage elections in Liberia. This consistent interruption of
election by both the executive and the court , so far, is chilling for our
struggling democracy.
Your Excellency the people of Liberia are tired of being pushed around.
Please for the sake of your grandkids and us please return to status quo
Henry C K Reeves Tuskegee University/Wayne State University
Your Point is misplaced! The most important point lies with the final
decision of the Liberian Supreme Court which will rule on the feasibility of
the Senatorial election to be held on 20 December 2014. Some of you think
you understand constitutional laws. Some of you criticised the president
for not acting quickly when the Ebola Virus first came into the country.
The security health of our people is at risk. That is the responsibility of the
president. You people forget the hash reality of the experiensed danger of
the Ebola epidemic. If you think the president's action is wrong take it to the
courts. I challenge you to do so.
This is a good article, it contains pertinent information with reference to up
holding those principles that will ensure the discontinuity of past negative
attributes so common during previous administrations. The condemnation
of this practice is a good sign for the survival of Liberia's democracy.
Really FPA! Is this a joke? "NO POLITICIAN in recent Liberian history
has worked so hard and fought so many battles with ruling establishments
than Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.
All she fought for has come to this: Prolific government corruption,
cronyism, incompetence and blatant abrogation of the constitution.



Liberia is teetering on the edge again....Timeline: 1979, 1980, 1985,
1989/1990-2003, than Ebola quite recently. Incompetence! Incompetence!
Incompetence! Lastly, just take a look at the senatorial candidates for
Montserrado County; needless do I mention the other counties. What a
I'm not a proponent of the Sirleaf's administration, but must point out that
all of this mess was created by the National Legislators...authorizing NEC
to carryout elections in the middle of a disease outbreak ...ignoring the
(public) safety of our people for political gain and self aggrandizement...
knowing that massive gathering which prompts physical contacts violates
preventive measures of disease(s) outbreak, why carryout elections? Socalled pundits would refer to the constitution that is often ignored when
it comes to discharging public service(s)...once again, Liberians safety
was compromised...On the other hand, President Sirleaf imposed a stay
order to safe her administration from international pressure by adhering to
public safety measures...but the stay order also infringes on the rights of the
masses...WHAT A BAD JOKE! As J.J.Rawlins puts it "Popular nonsense
must give way to scientific truth "...I tell you one thing..when enough is
enough, the people will rise up and stage massive peaceful protsets and sitins at various government facilities to bid this government good bye...the
ten years syndrome is right around the corner ....."One of the great glories
of democracy is the right to protest for right ".- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

The Editor,

ince the President declared December 9, 2014 as

International Anti-corruption Day, I've decided to
celebrate it by giving the middle finger salute to all the
born rogues (stealing is their natural born gift) in the
Liberian government, and send a special Happy Anti-Corruption
Day Card to:
1) Edwin Snowe's small brother (James Davies) and the Ebola
vendors, who inflated their invoice prices so they can kickback
20 percent to the government official (s), who awarded them
the contract! By the way, December 9 is Rep. Edwin Snowe's
birthday! (Re "What happen to Ebola Money")
2) Rep. Edward Fraud, who was caught on tape saying "The
money (US$400,000) in question must be divided among us;
you eat some, I eat some'!....But when Forh was confronted, he
said he was just joking!...In 2009, this same Fraud was accused
of receiving lobby fees from Harry Greed, former Managing
Director of LPRC (Re "Rep. Forh Reacts to Recording Scandal")
3) Ellen Crookrum and her boyfriend (Melvin Immoral Johnson).
Crookrum and her boyfriend set up fake companies to steal
US$500,000 from the Liberian people.. Crookrum used wig and
heavy makeup to disguise herself to runaway from the law in
Liberia! (Re "Next Chaper in RIA-Corkum Saga...)
4) Ophelia Hoff Saytumah, former Mayor of Monrovia, who
never got her hands dirty!, but stole thousand and thousands of
dollars from the Monrovia City Corporation by setting up fake
companies to funnel the Liberian people money into her personal
account. Later, Ophelia became a super model and consultant to
RIA! (Re "MCC Jackpot Scam Busted", New Democrat)
5) Commissioners of Liberia Telecommunication Authority
(LTA), who, instead of renovating a state-owned property, signed
a US$1.5 million dollar lease with a Chinese landlord because the
landlord agreed to jack up the lease price by US$300,000, and
to return it as cold water (kickback) to LTA commissioners. (Re
"Liberia Spending Millions on Rental, State Building in Ruins")
6) Commissioners of Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) who,
rather than renovate stae-owned properties, went on a spending
spree, choosing to spend US$600,000 of your tax dollars to rent
lavish offices, with flat screed tv and a hair salon for Elfreda
Tamba (Re "Liberia Spending Millions on Rental, State Building
in Ruins")
7) The born rogue (s) who stole EU money (US$13 million),
earmarked for the children at Jackson F Doe Hospital. The
Minister of Finance says that the government is still looking for
the money. They've even checked all of Stephen Yekeson;s bank
accounts, but they still can't find it!! (Re "Liar, liar: Liberian
Minister Under Fire After Hospital Denies Receiving EU Money!)
8) The Liberian government officials with lots of Lebanese
"cousins" !!! Look. Anytime you see a Lebanese man giving
lavish gifts or brown envelopes to government official, you know
there's something fishy going on! (Re "Chief Justice Arrest
Lebanese for Whiskey , other Gifts", Daily Observer Online)

9) Senator Clarice Jah, who couldn't account for more than 229
gallons of gas for 29 senators. But coincidentally Jah opened a
gas station in Margibi County (Kakata)! (Re "Clarice Jah Gets
Second Suspension", Daily Observer Online)
10) Gucci Grace Kpaan, former Monsterrado County
Superintendent, was caught stealing, oops, I mean, "safe-keeping"
the Liberian people's money in her personal bank account! After
Grace was caught red-handed, she acted remorseful. But we all
know that's how government criminals act when they get caught.
They are sorry that they got caught! (Re "Ignorant of the law:
Monsterrado County Superintendent Admit Guilt in funds Gaga")
I hope all of you had a joyous International Anti-Corruption day,
and I hope that these born rogues were behind bars!
Martin Scott
Atlanta, Georgia



Dr. Randolph McClain

National Oil Company of Liberia
Ashmun St.
Dear Dr. McClain,

ursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, I would like you

to kindly furnish me the following information:

The names of the Liberian companies that
participated in the recent Liberia Basin Bid Round, along with
the names of their beneficial shareholders and their respective
shareholdings in those companies.
The amounts bidded as signature bonus by each company
that participated in the bid round and the associated blocks that they
bidded for.
For the fiscal years ended June 30, 2011, 2012, 2013
and 2014, the amounts expended by the board of directors on each
capital project that was allocated as a board project in each of those
years, a brief description of each project and the beneficiaries of those
The fees and other expenses paid to each board member
for each of the fiscal years referred to in 3) above.
The salary and benefits paid to the President, Chief
Operating Officer, vice presidents and department heads of the
corporation for each of the fiscal years referred to in 3) above.
An organization chart showing the management structure
of the corporation, along with the names of its officers and department
heads, including the head count of each department, for each of the
fiscal years referred to in 3) above.
Yours sincerely,

Harry A. Greaves, Jr.

cc: Seward Cooper, Chairman of the board of directors


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Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Page 5

Consortium Lashes Greaves,
Applauds Williams


Wade C. L. Williams, wade.williams@frontpageafricaonline.com

she bitterly weeps for her
SonnieTappyson, who was
ruthlessly murdered allegedly by
her boyfriend.
Sonnie had prepared the
previous night to attend the rally
of the Opposition Congress for
Democratic Change (CDC)
according to family sources
and she was still in her jeans
and party T-Shirt when she was
killed. But that fateful morning
her boyfriend of three years
and father of her 18-month-old
baby and unborn child, Sylvester
Tarpeh Davies killed her, hid
her body in a pig-foot barrel
and ran away to Grand Cape
Mount County according to the
womans family.
Her mother Oretha was in deep
grief surrounded by other family
members who had gathered at
the Temple of Justice to see the
alleged murderer of her daughter
face to face as he was brought
to court to be charged. She
narrates that she was unaware
of the murder because she had
gone on a work assignment to
Gbarpolu County. For her and
other members of the family, all
they thought was that the two
lovebirds, had one of their usual
quarrels and the deceased had
run away from home but would
return later as she usually does.
I left my daughter on Friday
morning to go to Gbarpolu. I
was sent on a job mission, said
When I came back, I was told
by my husband that the fianc
of my daughter beat her and she
ran away from the house. I was
feeling weak and sick. He locked
the door to their room. I broke
down the door to their room and
I said I would sleep in the room,
if he comes back he would meet
me there. I slept along with my
grand children in the room.
I smelled dead rat
She said after two days her
daughter did not return home,

she began to worry about her

whereabouts, but when she
started to clean up her room she
noticed a stench that she never
imagined could be from her
daughters decaying body.
On that Saturday morning we
looked for her but we couldnt
see her. We called his number but
it was off, said Oretha in tears.
On Sunday morning, I started
to clean up and as I cleaned up,
I smelled something like a dead
rat and so I started to check for
the rat. I checked from place
to place in my bedroom but I
could not find the rat. At that
time the stench was not much.
I didnt know it was the smell
of a decaying human being; all
I thought was that it was a dead
The mother of the dead young
woman whose life was cut short
allegedly by the boyfriend she
loved in her mothers house,
said her family tried to hide the
news that they had discovered
her daughter dead in a barrel
because they did not know how
she would take it.
I went to my office and while
at the office my phone rang and
I asked what was going on but
no one could be brave to tell me
what they had found. I never saw
the body, she said.
Elizabeth Tarweh, sister of the
deceased said other relatives
who discovered decaying corpse
of the dead woman called her.
She said people from all over in
the community came to see what
was happening and the sight was
That day when we came, she
was in the barrel. They tore
the barrel to get the body out,
she detailed the gruesome way
Davies had murdered her sister
and concealed the corpse.
She was almost rotten; she
pealed like a pig. All her skin
peeled and she was four months
pregnant. I saw my sister rotten,
the next day they just wrapped
her in tarpaulin and the next day
we went and buried her at Center
Let Justice be served

family is angry about the murder

of their daughter and wants an
eye for an eye judgment for the
alleged murderer. If you ask
them even before the conclusion
of the trial, they want his life.
They believe strongly that he
murdered their sister and her
unborn child to whom he would
have been a father.
We want them to kill him, the
same way he killed our sister. He
must not live because if he lives
our entire life will be in danger,
said an angry Tarweh, sister of
the deceased.
The deceaseds mother wants
nothing less than the death
penalty if he is found to have
murdered her daughter though
she has no doubt that he did it.
The old law before said if you
kill anyone, they should kill you,
but because the government is
not doing this that is why the
young people are killing our
children including our very
selves, she said.
An abusive lover
Oretha describes her son-in-law
who is now at the Monrovia
Central Prison as a quiet person
said Davies and her daughter
were always fighting in the
house and sometimes when he
beats the deceased, she would
run away for days.
They spent three years together
and what I noticed was that he
used to beat her. I used to call
his parents to talk to him, she
said.The last time he beat on
her, I called his mother and told
her to tell her son to get out of
my daughters life. He was a
furniture man at Sethi Brothers.
He was very easy going, he never
used to like to sit among group
of people. I know his family,
somelive at Clara Town and the
others live at Bardnersville.
The deceased uncle Ezekiel
Manjo brother of her mother
Oretha said he has not seen such
wickedness in his entire life.
Like other family members he
wants the law to be harsh to the
As for me I didnt know him in
person, I got to know him when
he was caught and brought to the

police station, he said. What

this guy did, I have not seen it in
my entire life. We want justice,
this guy should be penalized for
what he did.
Davies fled after he allegedly
committed the murder and it took
the police five days to find him
about 45 miles from the place he
committed the crime. The police
in Grand Cape Mount County
arrested the 30-year-old man
after allegedly committing the
act in the Clara Town community
in Monrovia on November 28,
The police stated that there have
been two relationship related
murders this year.
As Sonnie was being murdered,
Liberia and the rest of the world
was celebrating 16 Days of
Activism, during which gender
advocates around the world call
for the elimination of all forms
of violence against women and
These initiatives compliment
the United Nations SecretaryGenerals UNiTE campaign,
which calls on all governments,
people, the private sector, the
media and the entire UN system
to join forces in addressing
violence against women.
UNite Campaign and in
commemoration of the 2014
16 Days of Activism Against
Gender Based Violence, on
Tuesday 25th November, the
Government of Liberia and UN
Women along with other UN
Agencies launched the start of a
series of activities to call for the
elimination of violence against
women and girls. But despite
these celebrations when continue
to be battered and abused.
Gender Children and Social
Protection Minister Julia DuncanCassell this year highlighted the
effects and impact of violence
against women and urged people
to especially men to join efforts
aimed at stopping all forms of
violence against women and

Monroviahe consortium of Rights Advocate in Liberias said it is

concerned about recent comments made by the former
managing director of LPRC, Harry A. Greaves, Jr,.
that the current LPRC administration under T. Nelson
Williams, II is corrupt.
The group described the statement as not only unfortunate,
reckless and out of order, but said it is based on frustration by Mr.
Greaves as things have gone from bad to worse with him as the
LPRC continues to make gains and is certainly at a higher level.
As a respected civil society group, we have made in-depth
research on Mr. Greaves administration and that of Mr. Williams
and we can say without doubt that the current LPRC administration
has achieved a lot, the group stated.
Mr. Greaves, who served as managing director of the LPRC from
January 2006 to September 2009, was sacked by President Sirleaf
after a controversial Zakhem contract intended to rehabilitate the
product storage terminal.
Greaves released a tape on the then Assistant Minister of State
Aloysius Jappah in the name of extortion.
The group stated that the controversial Nigeria oil (Addax-Deal)
remains unexplained by Mr. Greaves during his days at the LPRC.
Added the group Furthermore, Mr. Greaves signed a worthless
contract with Zakhem to expand the product Storage Terminal
for US$19 million; through his predecessor Edwin Snowe signed
a contract for similar purpose for US$12 million. The National
legislature put a hold to Mr. Greaves contract as it was cancelled.
The consortium indicated that today, the LPRC is booming as the
product Storage Terminal is being rehabilitated with several tanks
being built, a modern petroleum laboratory built and a CCTV
room through the T. Nelson Williams, II led administration.
Stating further achievement of Williams, the group noted
that besides, several employees from the LPRC are currently
undergoing studies in the United Kingdom in several petroleum
courses, something that never happened in the Harry Greaves
Stated the group Mr. Greaves operated the LPRC as head for
more than a year without a deputy, as he squandered funds with
even the GAC audit report booking him. Currently, under Mr.
Williams, the LPRC employees continue to benefit from several
programs including housing benefits loan schemes and other
well-meaning programs that were not existing during Mr. Greaves
Continued the group Mr. Greaves from all indication has a poor
human relations and T. Nelson being a human resource expert
is very tolerant and continues to motivate employees as the best
have always come out of them.
The consortium said it is laughable for Mr. Greaves to make
such worthless assertion against the current LPRC administration
under the able leadership of T. Nelson Williams, II.
Mr. Greaves has no moral to make such negative comments and
there is a need he focus on other important issues as sheer envy
will do him no good.Finally, we urge the Ministry of Justice to
begin prosecution of Mr. Greaves as he has since being booked by
the GAC audit report noted the group.
The group called for Mr. Greaves to not go with impunity as he
is not above the law and needs to be taken to court to plead his

Page 6 | Frontpage


ith the country

been dragged
into the Ebola
crisis in the last
10 months some Liberians are
looking forward to see how to
deal with the health situation
and its possible outcome
hopefully in the coming
One group of Liberians
looking in this direction is
the newly organized group
called the Consortium of seven
institutions working under the
project: Remember us based
in Montserrado County.
The Project Coordinator of
the group FofeeSiryon told
FrontPageAfrica over the
weekend said the outbreak
of Ebola in the country had
caused a lot of havoc for the
people of the country bringing
lots of sad memories to many
He stated that in the bid for
families to get insight of their
lost relatives as the result
of this deadly epidemic, the
group will get involved going
on the field to collect data on
lost relatives which they have
already begun in Montserrado
County to be extended to other
counties, creating a website
that required information on
lost relatives and survivors as
well as their photographs and
will also erect museums for
names of Ebola victims and
survivors at the cost of US1.5m
in Montserrado, Bong, Lofa ,
Bomi, Margibi and Gbarpolu
Counties hit by the Ebola
According to Siryon the group
is calling on the Ministries of
Health and Information as well
as international partners in the


Tuesday, December 16, 2014



Kennedy L. Yangiankennedylyangian@frontpageafricaonline.com 077296781

fight against the virus and other prominent Liberians

to come to the aid of the group to achieve its objective
in this wealthy cause against this epidemic that has
brought great loss to the country since its outbreak in
the country in March of this year.
I will like to tell every Liberian to remain focus,
avoid stigmatizing of survivors and continue to abide
by the preventive measures put into place by the

Health Ministry and our international partners which

when done will help get the virus out of our country
said Siryon.
Siryon continued that the project Remember Us is free
of politics initiated through the innovations of seven
institutions should have been officially launched on
November 29, 2014 was cut off to be January 24, 2015
at a most convenient time.


Bettie Johnson0770197670/0886971922; FPA STAFF WRITER

government efforts
in minimizing the spread of the
Ebola virus remains a major

priority to the church.Bishop D.

Jensen Seyenkulo spoke when
the Lutheran Church and its
partners donated a container of
food to aid the Ebola survivors
and victims in the country.The
church donated the aid received

from its partners including the

Global Health Ministries, the
Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America, Lutheran church of
Hope in Demois, Iowa, to the
Liberian government.
Today I come to represent

all of our partners across the

world who have stood with us
in our fight against the Ebola
Virus Disease, he said. The
container, which is said to
contain several food items
including Rice, beans and

He named the seven institutions working on the project

Remember us as Farmer Friends Liberia (FEL),
YFMP/YAP-Liberia, Center For common Future
(CECFU) Center For Advocacy and Development
(CARD), Orphans Concern Liberia (OPCON) Top
Developer Technology Solution and Citizen Initiative
for Total Empowerment (CITE).

other nutritional foods,will be

distributed to several Ebola
Treatment Units ETUs in and
around the Country.I also
come to represent the Liberia
Council of Churches and
especially members of the
Lutheran Church in Liberia
in donating this container of
food to the Government of
Liberia through the Ministry
of Health as a tool in their fight
against the deadly Ebola Virus
Disease, the Lutheran Bishop.
Bishop Seyenkulo added that
it gives him more pleasure to
support the Ministry of Health
to reduce the spread of Ebola
and support survivors of the
Since the founding of the
Lutheran Church in Liberia,
it has always partnered with
the Government of Liberia
in meeting the needs of the
nation, he said. In addition to
the two medical institutions we
operate in rural Liberia, namely
Phebe Hospital in Bong and
Curran Lutheran Hospital in
Lofa County, we are gladly
accepting the challenge of
training men and women as
professional health workers. It
can be recalled that the head of

Child Fund Liberia disclosed

that it is currently operating a
safe care center for children
but its major challenge was
the continuous feeding of the
children.We currently operate
a safe care center for orphans
who parents have died from
the Ebola Virus but what we
foresee as a challenge is their
constant feeding so we need
supports from Donors and the
Ministry of Health, stated
Billy Ambibilla CHF boss.
Receiving the donation Deputy
Minister for Administration,
Matthew Flomo said the
donation shows that the
Lutheran Church is in support
of the Government efforts
in reducing and minimizing
the spread of the virus in the
What do we have to say when
such donation is given to us,
is that words are inadequate
and we must commend the
Lutheran Church, it means
that this church remains a
vital partner, said Flomo.
The Container is said to be
worth over US$5,000 and
contains over one thousand
three hundred cartoons of food
Mr. Matthew Flomo said the
Ebola virus has cost a huge
loss to the Health System
and survivors and victims
and psychologically. Ebola
has killed over six thousand
persons in West Africa.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014





Activists in Liberia
(CCSAL) is calling
on President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf to re-nominate Mr.
George Kronnisanyon Werner
as Health and Social Welfare
Mr. Werner was recently
rejected by the Liberian Senate
having gone to the Senate for
his confirmation hearing. The
Senate Committee on Health
had stated last November that
the Health Minister-designate
lacks the requisite qualities,
for the post.
However in a statement,
CCSAL Chairman, Mr. Amos
Kanneh, has called on the
Liberian Senate to confirm
Mr. Werner to the post of
Health and Social Welfare
Minister when the President
re-nominates him.
Kenneh stated that the renomination of Mr. Werner,
who he thinks is qualified
and competent for the post,
is something that the nation
needs in reforming its sectors,
especially the health sector.
Mr. Werner is coming with
wealth of experiences from the
Civil Service Agency (CSA),
where reforms initiatives are
the hallmarks of the day. The
CSA is there to help streamline
government and make sizable
and functional for the benefit of
all its citizens, Kanneh said.
According to Kanneh, Mr.
Werner, who is presently the
Director-General of the CSA,
has carried out a number of
reforms initiatives for the

Liberian government.
Mr. Werner has been at the
forefront of recent efforts to
improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of the public
sector, leading or supporting
payroll cleaning; pay reform,
and establishment of the
new Ministry of Finance
and Development Planning
(MFDP), among others.
Kanneh stated that before he
became CSA DG, he(Werner)
was for two years Senior
Technical Advisor to the DG
of the CSA, while at the same
time chairing the Liberian
Governments Inter-ministerial
Scholarships Committee.

According to the group, Mr.

Werner is both an Educator
and a Clinician. He has taught
high schools in Liberia, Kenya,
Nigeria, South Africa, and
the United States. He has also
taught Penology and Social
Deviance and Social Policy
at the Catholic-owned Mother
Patern College of Health
The CSA director, the group
said has worked as a Clinical
Therapist focusing on juvenile
sexual abuse and behavioral
health treatment for Resources
for Human Development, Inc.,
and Universal Health Services,
Inc., both in the USA.
The group maintained that

Werner earned the Masters

degree in Social Work from
the University of Pennsylvania
School of Social Policy and
Practice, in May 2009. He
also holds a Bachelors of
with Religious Studies) from
Marist College (Africa), now
integrated into the Catholic
University of East Africa,
Nairobi, Kenya. He also
studied Medical Ethics (for
one semester) at the St. Joseph
University in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, and English
Didactics (for one year) at the
University of South Africa
(UNISA), Pretoria, South

Bettie Johnson0770197670/0886971922; FPA STAFF WRITER

stabbed one Varney George

to death at Fire Town, Banjor
in Brewerville on Friday,
December 5, 2014.
Monrovia gathered that victim
Tipayson and her boyfriend,
Davis were engaged in a scuffle
in the victim father's room at
their Clara Town residence on
November 28, 2014.According
Sonnie's decomposed body was
discovered in a blue pig-feet
barrel on Sunday, November

30 in a small room attached

to her father's room.Mr. Eric
Tipayson, who is the father of
the deceased, testified before
the investigation that he left his
daughter at the house with the
He explained that upon his
return from work, he did
not meet his daughter or the
suspect at home.
He said his uncleKurtuBallah
told him that a scuffle had
ensued between Sonnie and her

Witness Tipayson told the

police that he thought that
Sonnie had gone to some of
her friends because when she
and Davis were in a quarrel,
she usually ran away from the
house until her boyfriend's
temper can calm down.
Tipayson further explained
that on Sunday, November
30, he wanted to get some
clothes from his Ghana-mustgo bag, which was in the pig
feet barrel.He narrated that
when he opened the pig feet
barrel, he was greeted by an
offensive odor thinking that it
was a dead rat but only to see
his daughter's feet prompting
him to raise an alarm. Suspect
Davis explaining his reason
for the gruesome murder of
the late Sonnie, said that she
had informed him that she
was ending the relationship.
The suspect told the police
that after Sonnie had told him
about quitting the relationship;
he went to her house and
allegedly asked the children
to go on the main road to buy
bread. However, suspect Harris
has admitted to the killing of
victim George on grounds that
the victim was disturbing him
in the dark world.

Page 7




Monroviaylvester Tarpeh Davis,

who allegedly beat his
girlfriend to death
in Clara Town and
placed her corpse in a barrel,
was taken to the Monrovia City
Court on Saturday. Defendant
Davis, who is said to have
mobbed his fiance, Sonnie
Tipayson to death was taken
to court along with another
murder suspect, identified as
Willington Harris.
Suspect Harris reportedly


he Government of Liberia under the Presidency of Madam

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has again come to fulfill as promised
to the people. Surely, the government had given its word that
it would build roads, schools, hospitals, restore electricity
and revamp social services across the nation. Those promises were
incensed by the obtaining challenges after the most difficult moment
in our countrys history.
True to fulfilling its commitment to the people, the government
embarked on an aggressive infrastructure development sojourn to
meet the demands of the population. The time had indeed come to
keep the promise and no stone was left unturned to achieve what had
become a social contract between the government and the citizens.
The Mount Coffee Hydro Dam, which was destroyed as a result of the
conflict is being rehabilitated; expansion work on the Bushrod Island
turbine plant is fast-ongoing; major rehabilitation and construction
work on the Red-Light Ganta belt remain on course; governments
rural electrification project through the West Africa Power Pool has
brought lights in the homes and streets of Nimba, Grand Gedeh and
Maryland Counties; the Freeport Red-Light corridor commenced in
earnest; feasibility studies for the Gbarnga Manikoma highway, the
Greenville Zwedru, Ganta Zwedru to Fish Town roads have either
been completed or being finalized.
With the latest development culminating into the signing cum sealing
of the deal for the commencement of major construction work
aimed at the pavement of the Ganta Yekepa lot many Liberians,
the good people of Nimba County will have something
to celebrate. Nimba is Liberias second most populous county where
huge economic activities are concentrated. The county shares border
with neighboring Guinea amid immense trade and commerce.
The project once completed will ostensibly enhance socioeconomic
activities for Liberians from all walks of Liberia, reduce the once
time-consuming and boring travels for commuters and will become an
eye-opener toward trekking a new horizon for multiple development
It can be argued that investors will give a shot to areas that are
accessible in order to fast-track the prospects for their investments.
The politics aside, the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf-led government has
demonstrated the hindsight, commitment, pedigree and consciousness
to favorably respond to the needs and aspirations of the Liberian
people. We cannot ignore the challenges but with resilience and
concerted resolve, we will overall prevail.
The government told its people that it would build the roads, and
indeed accomplish the targets; the government promised schools,
hospitals, restoration of the power grid and everything is well con
course. This is a government that makes promise and keeps it; and a
government elected to deliver.
At long last, we, the government, duly elected by the people amid
their abiding trust and confidence have truly acted in good faith to
bring smiles to the peoples faces; having promised to build the roads
and attain our goal.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Page 8 | Frontpage


he death is announced in her 76th year of Mother Sarah Nyene-Dio

Wesley Vah of Chocolate City, Gardnersville, Monrovia.
She died on Monday December 8, 2014 at 7:30 in the morning.
She leaves to mourn her loss several children, grandchildren and
Funeral arrangements are as follows
On Friday December 19 at 4:00 P.M., the body will be removed from the St.
Moses Funeral Parlors and taken to her house in Chocolate City for an hour of
viewing. She will then be conveyed to the St. Augustine Episcopal Church on
Barnersville Road for wake-keeping beginning at 6 P.M.
On Friday December 20 at 10:00 A.M., funeral service will be held at the
same venue, the St. Augustine Episcopal Church.
Interment follows at the new Johnsonville cemetery.
This announcement was brought to this station by Nyemade Harmon, Wade
Wesley and Amanda Wisner, on behalf of the family.


iberia has begun

patients with serum
therapy - a treatment
made from the blood of
recovered survivors.
Doctors hope the experimental
treatment could help combat
the virus that has been
sweeping West Africa and
killing thousands of people.
Up to 10 December, 6,598
people had been reported as
having died from the disease.
The total number of reported
cases is more than 18,000.
If a person has successfully
fought off the infection, it
means their body has learned
how to combat the virus and
they will have antibodies in
their blood that can attack
Doctors can then take a sample
of their blood and turn it into
serum - by removing the red
blood cells but keeping the
important antibodies - which

can be used to treat other

Ebola patients treated in the
UK and the US have already
received this type of treatment.
Doctors in Liberia will monitor
how safe and effective the
serum treatment being given at
the ELWA
Hospital in Monrovia is.
A number of Liberian health
care workers have been trained
to give the therapy.
programme's director, said:

"This will empower local

health care systems to become
more self-sufficient and better
serve their patients during this
current epidemic as well as in
the future."
Scientists are also exploring
other Ebola treatments.
The US, UK and Canada
are testing different kinds of
vaccine in controlled clinical
The aim is to have 20,000
doses that could be used in
West Africa by early next year.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Page 9




Catholic holds Memorial Service for Health workers
Mae Azango maeazango@frontpageafricaonline.com/azama20062007@yahoo.com

Monrovia ince the deadly Ebola

virus entered Liberia,
more than 250 health
workers have lost their
lives on the frontline in fighting
The Ebola Virus, yet many
do not have graves or were
memorialized after being lost
to Ebola. But the Sacred Heart
Cathedral Catholic Church in
Monrovia, on Sunday, had a
thanksgiving Memorial Mass
for 12 deceased Health Care
Workers who lost their lives in
the Ebola fight, while on duty in
their various medical facilities.
The thanksgiving which was a
mournful and weeping service
brought together President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf, Government

ierra Leone has been

severely affected by
Ebola. Over the last six
months, the country has
seen a high death toll, immense
human suffering and a wide
range of restrictive measures that
have hampered economic and
urban life. Most dramatically, in
Sierra Leones capital, Freetown,
the authorities have instituted a
set of curfews that have forced
residents to stay at home,
resulting in a seemingly deserted
These pictures were taken
during the second national lockdown or stay at home day,
as the government calls them,
from 19-21 September. The
first such country-wide curfew
occurred in August when Ebola
surfaced aggressively surface in
Freetown. (The virus had been
officially acknowledged in rural
Sierra Leone since March, yet
little preventive measures had
taken place.)
President Ernest Bai Koroma
announced it in an address, and
the information was disseminated
by radio and Whatsapp.
Government officials made doorto-door visits to warn people. Its
a national manifestation of a
smaller set of social prohibitions

football in informal cinemas.

Officials, family members,

friends and colleague health
workers, who lit candles in
loving memories of their fallen
Some family members attending
the memorial service expressed
their thanks to the Catholic
Church for hosting the memorial
service for their loved ones.
My son Dominic, was working
at the Catholic Hospital, I heard
that he was sick, but he called
me and told me he was alright
and he was coming home. I was
happy to hear that my son was
coming home, but few days later,
I received a call from the ELWA
Hospital to say my son escaped
from the ETU and up to today we
do not know what happened but

they told me his body was found

in the hospitals septic tank, but
who killed him, nobody knows,
Says Rebecca Wesseh, Mother of
the deceased.
Holding her grandson of her
deceased son Dominic, in her
arms, Rebecca continued; I
have five children and Dominic
was my second son and this is his
child I am holding. I feel fine for
this service because it is Gods
will. I just want to tell other
family members who lost their
relatives to take heart because
we cannot do anything about
it. We cannot ask God why it
Dominic Wesseh died August
25, 2014; he was a Laboratory
Technician of the Catholic

Hospital in Monrovia.
Daniel Toe, is a brother to the
late Abraham Doryen, who
died October 15, 2014, as a
House Keeper working at the St.
Barbara Ann Memorial Health
center in Monrovia.
We appreciate what the church
did for us and even though,
this grieve is heavy to bear,
but I want to tell other family
members who lost relatives to
Ebola, to raise our eyes to God in
prayers because God knows why
it happened.
Toe further narrated that his
brother was 36 years old, left
three children behind. And when
he was informed by his director
that his brother had died; he was
shock because his brother was

at the ETU, coming on well. So

he then informed other family
members in Grand Kru that his
brother was no longer with them.
The Sacred Heart Cathedral
Catholic Church in their
Todays thanksgiving mass
celebrates the heroes and
heroines of our time, the
dedicated health care workers
on the frontline of the care in the
fight against the deadly Ebola
virus. We celebrate the courage
and resilience of these health
workers in our various Catholic
health centers. Some of whom
lost their lives to the virus and
other unabatedly continue their
health care services to our people
even in the most challenging
Acknowledging the heroism of
our personnel also provides the
occasion for thanking our God
for his bountiful blessings on our
Catholic Health delivery system
and seeking Gods protection in
the fulfillment of our mission to
the Liberian People.
During the sermon, Catholic
Archbishop Lewis Zeigler, said
when people are well, they do
not know how important health
is, but when they get sick, it is
when they know that health is
very important in their lives.
Brothers and sisters, let not
your heart be in trouble, believe
in God, believe also in me.
Today we are here to celebrate

the lives of those great men and

women who gave their lives and
their precious time in caring
for their brothers and sisters
who were sick. They were on
the frontline to care for their
brothers and sister in the difficult
times of the Ebola virus. We pray
for their souls and the souls of all
faithful departed so that God will
give them a resting place, Says
Archbishop Lewis Zeigler.
Others health workers who lost
their lives in their line of duty
are; Bro. Patrick NshamdzeHospital Director, Catholic
Hospital, Died August 2, 2014.
St. Chantal Mutwameme- Nurse
Supervisor, Catholic Hospital,
died August 9, 2014. Ms. Lauren
Catholic Hospital, Died August
10, 2014. Bro. George CombayPharmacist, Catholic Hospital,
died August 11, 2014. Mrs.
Tete Dogba- Social worker,
Catholic Hospital, Died August
11, 2014, Fr. Miguel PajaresHospital Chaplain, Catholic
Hospital, Died August 13, 2014,
Mr. Richard Kollie- X-ray
Technician, Catholic Hospital,
died August 14, 2014. Mr.
Joseph Sulon- Nurse, St. Peters
Clever Health, died August 14,
2014. Mrs. Layson Wilson,Nurse, Catholic Hospital, Died
August 15, 2014. Mr. Tinisi
Nimne Support Staff, Our Lady
Stat of the Sea Health center,
died October 6, 2014.


Killian Doherty, an Irish architect working for the Architectural Field Office (AFO), has been in Sierra Leones
capital, Freetown, for much of the Ebola epidemic. He documented the curfews in some dramatic photographs

(Religious gatherings, which

can last for hours with several
hundred people, are permitted.)
Imagine a city closed for three
days. While it sounds not entirely
unappealing, in a country where
76% live in poverty and 87% rely

on public transport, it becomes

hugely problematic. Food prices
rocketed; rations were handed
out at the last minute, leading to
long queues in the streets right
before the curfew was about to
kick in. Clothing prices doubled:

a secondhand T-shirt, normally

about $3, went for $6.
The curfew was heavily enforced
by the police and military.
There were military and police
checkpoints at every major
intersection. Only individuals

and vehicles with a pass were

permitted to move around
the city: healthcare workers,
journalists, officials. Those few
vehicles that were permitted
took advantage of the lack of
traffic and would dramatically
emerge from nowhere, flouting
speed limits and road safety;
motorbikes and ambulances
would also break the silence,
carrying either Ebola samples
to testing centres, or corpses to
burial sites.
Residents living hand-to-mouth
from street trading of various
kinds were worst affected, such
as okada (motorbike taxi) drivers.
Okada drivers have long been
marginalised in Sierra Leone for
many reasons, principally for
their social status and ability to
outrun the police; they have been
of transporting Ebola
victims and increasing the spread
of the virus.
The curfew passed for the
most part peacefully. Some
residents remained on their
stoops or porches; in the quieter
streets, people continued to

cross between households. One

unexpected event was that many
families with relatives who had
died from Ebola (or malaria or
other illnesses), fearful of being
apprehended by the police as
suspected cases, placed their
bodies in the streets. The lockdown thus drew the dead out of
the city, but didnt effectively
respond to it contact tracing,
or identifying where the
bodies came from, was almost
Emptied of people, it is even
more clear that the citys
infrastructure is extremely dated.
Most regard it as fit for a city
prior to the 1961 independence,
and for a population half of
what it is now. There are simply
not enough ambulances to deal
with Ebola; the countrys road
network is extremely poor; a
spasmodic national power supply
renders most people reliant on
diesel generators. The urban
geographer Stephen Graham
wrote: Infrastructures, the
largest urban architecture of all,
often become most visible when
they lie dormant or inactive.
You could see that in Freetown.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Page 10 | Frontpage




Dramatic events give rise to emigration in The Damned

he new dramatic novel from author Isidoros Karderinis,
The Damned (published by AuthorHouse), depicts
the life of an Afghan family forced by socio-economic
circumstances to leave their native country and live out
their days in Greece.
Ali Mohamedi is born and grows up in extreme poverty and misery,
a reality that continues after his wedding. Readers are introduced to
Ali while he is living with his wife, Zaira, and their four children
in Kabul, Afghanistan. A series of dramatic events, starting with the
illness of his youngest child, seals the familys fate leading them to
migrate to Greece.
Emigration in our days has acquired enormous dimensions,
Karderinis says. There is a continuous worldwide emigration
phenomenon and my book describes the tragic conditions of lives of
immigrants in our days.
Karderinis hopes his book will help readers become aware of the
poor, underprivileged and downtrodden people of different races,
colors and religions living among them.
An excerpt from The Damned:
Immediately the manager and Ali stood up and all together ran to the
area where the accident happened. Many other workers had gathered
there and they were trying to remove the bricks from the unlucky
workers body. Ali, with the courage that characterized him, rushed
directly to the battle for his rescue.
They had removed a big mass of bricks when they saw half of the
body and the head of the unfortunate worker.
About the Author
Isidoros Karderinis was born in Athens, Greece in 1967. He has a
degree in economic science with postgraduate studies in tourist
economy. His articles have been published in Greek economy
magazines and he has published several books of poetry and two
Personal elements:



HOUSTON, Texas December 15, 2014 AMAC Energy Inc. (CAMAC or the Company)
(NYSE MKT: CAK) announced today that its wholly
owned subsidiary, CAMAC Energy Gambia Ltd, awarded
a contract for the acquisition of a 3D seismic survey to
Polarcus Limited. The survey will cover approximately 1,504 km2 in
the Companys A2 and A5 blocks offshore Gambia.
The objectives of the seismic survey are to enhance the definition
and maturation of potential prospects in the blocks and provide highquality sub-surface images that allow high-resolution characterization
of reservoirs. The A2 and A5 blocks are located in the offshore
Casamance sub-basin, which forms the southern part of the greater
Senegal Basin. The southern area, including blocks A2 and A5, now
has a proven petroleum system in place due to two recent discovery
wells on an adjacent offshore Senegal block.
The recent FAN-1 and SNE-1 offshore Senegal discoveries, by Cairn
(LSE: CNE), Conoco (NYSE: COP), FAR (ASX: FAR) and Petrosen
(Senegalese NOC), are on-trend with the Companys A2 and A5
blocks and are located approximately 35.5 km NNE and 13.8 km
NNW, respectively, of block A2. The 3D seismic survey will help
determine the extent of the play fairways into CAMACs blocks.
Segun Omidele, Senior Vice President of Exploration and Production,
commented, This 3D acquisition is an important part of our offshore
Gambia exploration program. We are encouraged by the recent
discoveries north of us and excited that we are able to contract with
Polarcus. Given their in-place infrastructure, we are able start almost
immediately with the 3D seismic acquisition.
About CAMAC Energy
CAMAC Energy is an independent oil and gas exploration and
production company focused on energy resources in sub-Saharan
Africa. Its asset portfolio consists of nine licenses across four
countries covering an area of 43,000 square kilometers, including
current production and other exploration projects offshore Nigeria,
as well as exploration licenses offshore Ghana, Kenya, and Gambia,
and onshore Kenya. CAMAC Energy is headquartered in Houston,
Texas. For more information about CAMAC Energy, please visit

Institute (LFI) through
Accountability Lab has
received a remarkable
grant from GIZ, the German
acting on behalf of the German
Federal Ministry for Economic
Cooperation and Development
(BMZ), for a five month project to
assist the Institute in contributing
to international efforts to stem
the spread of Ebola and to
strengthen its internal capacity.
Divine Key Anderson, Founder
and Executive Director of LFI
notes that the award motivates
and challenges us to change
Liberian society with films
which represent a great effort in
the fight against the Ebola Virus
The assistance will allow LFI
to fight Ebola by empowering
Liberians with visual tools. As

Anderson notes, we have to

develop interesting ways to
educate. Film is like the sea,
it can move the largest ship in
any direction and society is like
a ship, without navigational
knowledge it is headed for
Project goals will be achieved
institutional capacity of LFI,
deepening the technical expertise
of Liberian film education
communication efforts around
Ebola that educate the Liberian
public on the realities of the
virus. Anticipated results of
this intervention are stronger
awareness of Ebola, an increased
emphasis on accountability
within Ebola relief efforts, and
over the long-term, increased
momentum for a movement
to build citizen capacity and

by the Institutes long-term

partner, the Accountability Lab,
which will continue to provide
operational assistance to LFI.
About the Liberia Film Institute
LFI is led by Founder and
Executive Director Divine Key
Anderson, a Liberian filmmaker
with a BA in Theater Arts from
the University of Port Harcourt
in Nigeria and nearly two
decades of experience in film
production. Divines previous
clients include the United
States Embassy in Liberia, the
International Youth Foundation,
Visions in Action, GIZ, and the
Government of Liberia. Over
the past year, with the support
of the Accountability Lab and
the British Embassy in Liberia,
LFI has graduated three classes
of students who have received
training on film production.
Their work has been screened
at two film festivals hosted by
LFI and the Accountability Lab.
Follow LFI on Facebook.
About the Accountability Lab
The Accountability Lab cocreates innovative tools to
fight corruption and build
accountability. The Lab helps
creative people and organizations
develop tools and communities
that will hold power-holders
responsible. The Lab supports
developing countries with a
focus on youth, technology, and
sustainability. Read more recent
news on the Lab and follow
the organization on Twitter and

empower youth to push for

positive social change in
Liberian communities.
Specific components of this
work include:

An Ebola awareness and

Accountability Film school that
will produce approximately
ten documentaries and dramas
examining social and political
accountability aspects of the
Ebola crisis;

A film festival in Monrovia

that will showcase this work;

Twenty-five mobile
screenings of these films across

Collaborations with
international filmmakers;

International training
opportunities for LFI staff; and

The establishment of a
dedicated office space and
website for LFI
The award will be managed


Monrovia he Press Union of

Liberia is closely
following the reported
attack on the premises
of Radio Gbezohn in Buchanan,
Grand Bassa County by men
said to be related to Grand
Bassa Rep. Gabriel Smith, and
absolutely rejects any attacks
on any journalist or media
institution as unjustifiable.
The PUL sees Radio Gbezohn
and all media institutions
as important partners to the
promotion of development and
democracy in Liberia, and do not
think kindly of any situation that
will disrupt this process.
The PUL however notes that
while at times media content
maybe unfortunate or offensive,
it still does not warrant any
unlawful or violent response.
At the same time the PUL
and media institutions have a

professional obligation to remain

independent and impartial at all
times, and especially during this
electoral period.
The independent media has a
professional obligation to abide
by basic ethical principles, work
in the interest of the public and

to make these facilities available

to everyone, except where they
are inciting violence, ethnicity or
similar divisive tenets.
Ahead of the current situation,
the Press Union of Liberia has
been aware of a long running
saga between the management of

Bassa and Gbarpolu counties

on December 16. Bomi,
Rivercess and Lofa Counties
will follow on December 17,
Bong, Grand Cape Mount and
Rivercess on December 18,
with Montserrado and Grand
Gedeh slated for the last day
of campaign, December 19.
Radio debates will be held in
other counties.
The PUL, with support from
the US-funded IREX, and in
partnership with the Federation
of Liberian Youth (FLY) had
successfully hosted debates in

Margibi and Nimba counties

before the exercise was
The Press Union sees the debate
as an opportunity for candidates
and electorate to interact under
cordial conditions, whereby
their aspirations and concerns
will be shared.
Generic questions including the
positioning of young people,
women and children as well as
water sanitation and Hygiene
in the countrys development
will be put before candidates
for response during the debate.

Radio Gbezohn and Rep Smith,

and has previously initiated
dialogues aimed at ensuring
the long-term operations and
sustainability of the station as a
community facility, as well as to
respect the rights and obligations
of all citizens and residents of the
Grand Bassa community.
We remain committed to this.
However, considering the gravity
of the allegations and the related
issues, the leadership of the
PUL is enforcing a professional
review of the matter, and has
already held conversations with
the contesting parties and various
stakeholders in the county,
including the police, towards
promoting an early and impartial
investigation that will assure all
concerned of safety and justice.
As always, the Press Union of
Liberia is standing to ensure
freedom within the media space
and professionalism in media


Monrovia he Press Union

of Liberia (PUL)
will Tuesday (Dec
nationwide senatorial debate
which was suspended, pending
the outcome of the petition for
the prohibition filed by eminent
citizens and political parties
against the holding of the 2014
Special Senatorial Election.
With very limited time
available, the PUL will conduct
at least two live debates a
day, beginning with Grand

As a means of upholding the

principles of the fights against
Ebola and avoiding over
crowding, each candidate will
be allowed to attend the debate
along with 10 supporters, while
the public will monitor the
events through various radio
The PUL remains committed to
providing an impartial platform
for citizens to engage people
who intend to become senators
across the country.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

PORT LOKO, Sierra Leone Sweetie Sweetie had no choice.

er father had just

died of Ebola. So
had her sister. Her
mother was vomiting
blood and fading fast.
When the ambulance arrived
and her mother climbed in,
Sweetie Sweetie climbed in, too.
Ebola had been like a pox on her
entire house, and even though
the young girl looked fine, with
no symptoms, nobody in her
village, even relatives, wanted
to take her. With nowhere else to
go, she followed her mother all
the way into the red zone of an
Ebola clinic and spent more than
two weeks in a biohazard area
where the only other healthy
people were wearing moon suits.
As her mother grew sicker,
Sweetie Sweetie urged her to
take her pills. She tried to feed
her. She washed her mothers
soiled clothes, not especially
well, but nurses said they were
moved by the effort.
After all, they think Sweetie
Sweetie is only 4. Health care
workers did not even know her
real name, which is why they
called her Sweetie Sweetie.
After her mother died, the
young girl stood outside the
clinics gates looking around
with enormous brown eyes.
There was no one to pick her
up. She was put on the back
of a motorbike and taken to a
group home, whose bare, dim
hallways she now wanders
alone. Social workers are trying
to find someone to adopt her, and
Sweetie Sweetie seems to know
she is up for grabs.
Sweetie Sweetie is in a
temporary group home for
children who have lost parents
to Ebola. The home, in Port
Loko, Sierra Leone, is sponsored
by ChildFund International, a
private aid agency. For donors,
the contact is Sheku Gbla,
supervisor of the group
On a recent day she asked a
visitor: Do you want me?
Ebola has been wretched for
children. More than 3,500 have
been infected and at least 1,200
have died, United Nations
officials estimate. Sierra Leone,
Liberia and Guinea, the most-

afflicted countries, have shut

down schools in an attempt to
check the virus, and legions of
young people are now being
drafted into hard labor by their
impoverished parents. Little
boys who should be sitting in a
classroom are breaking rocks by
the side of the road; little girls
struggle under gigantic loads
of bananas on their heads. This
was always true to some degree,
but social workers say there
are more children, especially
teenagers, on the streets than
ever before, which could lead
to an increase in crime and
adolescent pregnancies. When
the schools do reopen, there will
probably be many vacant seats.
But the worst off, by far, are
the Ebola orphans. The United
Nations Childrens Fund, or
Unicef, says that across the
region there may be 10,000 of
them. Many are stigmatized
and shunned by their own
If theres an earthquake or a
war, and you lose a mother or a
father, an aunt will take care of
you, said Roeland Monasch,
head of Unicefs office in Sierra
Leone. But this is different.
These children arent being taken
in by extended family. This isnt
like the AIDS orphans.
People in hard-hit Ebola areas
see children as mini time bombs.
They do not wash their hands
very often, they constantly touch
people, they break all the Ebola
rules. Something as simple as
changing a diaper becomes a
serious risk because the virus is
spread through bodily fluids.
Younger children are believed
to be more contagious, Mr.
Monasch said.
Even if that is not true, the stigma
remains, and many families have
been reluctant to absorb children
from Ebola-stricken households
because of worries that those
children might sicken their own.
Sierra Leone, which now
has more cases of Ebola than
anywhere else, was already a
profoundly difficult place for
a child. Nine out of 10 girls
undergo genital cutting, one of
the highest rates in the world,




and during the civil war in the

1990s, thousands of boys fought
as child soldiers. Today, armies
of young men with arms or legs
cut off, gruesome reminders of
the war, beg for the equivalent of
pennies in the market.
Literacy is low, child mortality
high. Nearly a fifth of children
do not make it to 5. Child
advocates say that rate is likely
to increase because of reductions
in immunizations and all the
Ebola deaths.
It is a miracle that Sweetie
Sweetie even survived. She slept
in a bed next to her sick mother
in a crowded isolation unit with
people dying all around her from
a deadly, contagious pathogen.
She was never given a protective
suit health workers said that
was not the protocol, and there
were none even close to her size.
She made her bed every morning
and tried to keep her mothers
spirits up her unflagging
attention was why the health
workers started calling her
Sweetie Sweetie. The area she

comes from, a village near Port

Loko, an old river town east of
the capital, Freetown, has been
ravaged by Ebola. But so far,
Sweetie Sweetie has not shown
any symptoms.
Social workers have been trying
to piece together her story, but
her mother entered the clinic
in bad shape and was delirious,
making it difficult to ascertain all
the facts. Sweetie Sweetie does
not talk much either. But from
what was gleaned from her and
snatches of conversation with
her mother, the social workers
believe she is about 4 years
old, her father was a medicine
man and her real name might be
Mbalu Kamara, though the lead
social worker handling her case
was quick to add that all that
remains unconfirmed.
No relatives seem to be looking
for her.
The only family member social
workers have been able to find
was a man they described as an
They said he was an alcoholic


An innovative African initiative to strengthen food systems while combating Ebola

NAIROBI, Kenya -housands

smallholder farmers in
Liberia are set to benefit
from an innovative
seed distribution initiative that
seeks to combine food security
and Ebola containment strategies
in Liberia.
The initiative, led by the
Alliance for a Green Revolution
in Africa (AGRA) (http://
www.agra.org) in partnership
with the government and other
stakeholders, seeks to strengthen
the fragile food system by
providing quality seed paired
with Ebola prevention messages
to farmers many of whom
cannot access critical inputs,
particularly seeds.
The 50MT of high yielding
yellow maize seed donated today
will go a long way in ensuring
that smallholder farmers and
their families remain food secure
during this difficult period of the
Ebola epidemic, says AGRA
President, Dr. Agnes Kalibata.
We do not want the Ebola
epidemic to spiral into a food

Ebola has the potential to

disrupt our food systems, since
it affects the most productive
parts of our economies much
like the HIV pandemic did in the
past. AGRA has built a platform
that can help deliver not only
agricultural inputs but health
messages and awareness said
Strive Masiyiwa, Board Chair
of AGRA and Chief Executive
Officer of Econet Wireless.
I am excited to see AGRA
shoring up support for smallholder agriculture in Liberia in
partnership with the government
and private sector, while
combating Ebola, he added
that the AGRA platform is one
of the most effective delivery

Page 11

mechanisms in Africa, led by

Though Liberia as a country is
largely dependent on agriculture,
the sector has suffered severe
setbacks with many of its
smallholder farmers unable to
produce at an optimal level. This
situation has been worsened by
the negative impact of the Ebola
epidemic, where farmers have
left their fields for fear of Ebola.
The new initiative by AGRA is
targeting smallholder farmers in
four counties, starting in Liberia.
The high yielding maize seed has
the potential to increase harvests
by a factor of two to three,
mitigating food supply pressure,
while Ebola awareness messages

and simple tools like buckets and

soaps will provide farmers the
first line of defense against the
AGRA worked with the
governments of Liberia and
Ivory Coast, the African
Development Bank and the
private sector in Mali in this
effort. AGRA is grateful to
the African Development Bank
President, Dr. Donald Kaberuka
and the Ivory Coast government
for assisting us to get the seeds
across the border in good time,
said Dr Kalibata.
With this support from
Foundation, and in response to
the looming food crisis in the
country, our Program for African
Seed Systems (PASS) will
intensify its work by increasing
access to high quality seed to
improve agricultural practice
and food availability for Liberian
smallholder farmers, says
PASS Director, Joe DeVries.
We will work in partnership with
the Ministries of Agriculture and
Health, private seed companies,

and not fit to raise her.

For now, she continues to live
in a group home with nine other
children, some who have lost
their parents, others who have
simply been lost in the maze
of isolation centers and Ebola
clinics sometimes the little
plastic bracelets with a childs
name on it fall off, sometimes
records disappear.
None of the other children in the
group home looked especially
healthy twice a day their
temperatures are taken to make
sure they are not coming down
with Ebola. One infant was
sucking on an empty box of
milk, clearly hungry. Another
little boy kept shielding his eyes,
even though he was sitting in the
shade. He had survived Ebola
but his eyes still hurt. The house
smelled like dried fish.
I am unable to read these
comments for the tears in
my eyes. How did we let this
The children spend a lot of
time sitting in plastic chairs.

Occasionally they play a game

like Simon Says. Watch this,
one of the social workers said.
He waved over Sweetie Sweetie,
who appeared in front of him in

a stained frock. Ebola says,
he announced. Sweetie Sweetie
quietly answered: Dont touch.
(She pronounced it: Dont
The person most interested in
adopting Sweetie Sweetie is a
young health care worker who
treated her mother and said the
mothers dying wish was for him
to look after the little girl.
His name is Usman Koroma,
and when he was tracked down
at a rundown teachers college in
Port Loko and asked if he knew
a girl known as Sweetie Sweetie,
the first thing he said was: Shes
He explained, in what seemed
an eager but heartfelt way, how
he had fed her extra portions of
rice, oranges, soup and cassava
porridge in the clinic, to boost
her immunity

national farmer organizations

and other local partners to ensure
that the support provided gets to
the targeted farmers.
While this round of seeds is
distributed freely, given the
financial pressures faced by
farmers, this initiative is part of
the comprehensive approach that
AGRA takes to ensure better
food systems by creating seed
companies and training agrodealers to create the proper
market incentives to ensure longterm economic sustainability.
from the Howard G. Buffett
Foundation, PASS has worked to
build a sustainable seed system
based on farmer demand for
quality seed. The organization
is currently supporting three
local seed companies to produce,
multiply, and make quality seeds
available to farmers. PASS has
also provided funding to the
Central Agriculture Research
Institute (CARI) to research on
staples such as rice, cassava,
and maize in order to improve
agriculture productivity and
has trained eight Liberian
seed specialists at the Kwame
Nkrumah University for Science
and Technology, Ghana, all in
the bid to ensure smallholder

farmers in the country break

away from using low-yielding
seeds to high-yielding ones.
About AGRA
AGRA (http://www.agra.org) is
a dynamic partnership working
across the African continent
to help millions of small-scale
farmers and their families lift
themselves out of poverty
and hunger. AGRA programs
develop practical solutions
to significantly boost farm
productivity and incomes for
the poor while safeguarding the
environment. AGRA advocates
for policies that support its
work across all key aspects of
the African agricultural value
chain from seeds, soil health
and water to markets and
agricultural education. AGRA
Africa, and maintains a head
office in Nairobi, Kenya and
country offices in Ghana, Mali,
Mozambique and Tanzania.
Minister, Dr. Agnes Kalibata
as the organizations President.
Learn more at www.agra.org.

Page 12 | Frontpage


Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Police Traffic Chief Descends on Public Works Volunteers

Kennedy L. Yangian kennedylyangian!@frontpageafricaonline.com 077296781

Monroviahe police reportedly

arrested Nine out of 45
volunteers recruited by
the Ministry of public
works to paint from Macdonald
Street to the ELWA Junction
under a special presidential
project during festive season.
But the painters complained
ofpolice brutality allegedly
carried out on orders of Police
Chief of Traffic John Saah
during the course of the exercise
last Saturday between Third and
Fourth Streets in Sinkor leaving
a female volunteer stripped
The volunteers also arrested
during the incident were
charged with simple assault and
disorderly conduct on Monday
but the Monrovia City Court
Magistrate Kennedy Peabody
dropped the charges after state
lawyers called on the court to do
Your honor the state wishes to
invoke the Criminal Procedure
Law Chapter 18. 1 to enter a plea
of nolle-prosequoi and reserving
the right to re-file said a state
lawyer known as Atty. Alfred
while the nine defendants
lawyer Atty. Michael Diggs
entertained no objection to the
state lawyer request.
Judge Peabody said that with the
submission made by the state
to dropped the case against the
defendants without any objection
raised by the defense counsels,
warrants the case for dismissal in
accordance to the law.
This case is hereby ordered
ordered set free without delay
said Magistrate Peabody leaving
the nine defendants including
one female to walk out of the
court with smiles after being
held behind bars at the police
headquarter since Saturday,
December 13, 2014.
Outside of the court shortly
after the case was dismissed
on Monday, the Director of



Transport and head of the
volunteers A. Blamoh Tugbeh
stated that though he was not
on the scene of the incident last
Saturday, from an eye witness
account stated that the nine
volunteers were carrying out
their work on the Third and
fourth streets in Sinkor, when a
car believed to be an ambulance
ran into the volunteers without
being mindful of the sign placed
on the road indicating men at
He also stated that few minutes
after the incident another car
with UN plate driven by a lady
also carried out similar action to
the extent that two vehicles could
have killed the volunteers. He
said in an attempt by volunteers
to question the drivers, she began
to behave in a hostile manner.
This Tugbeh said caused the
volunteers to paint the vehicle;
something that angered the
driver and the police was called
Tugbeh stated that when the

police arrived on the scene on

orders of the Chief of Traffic
John Saah and he ordered the
volunteers arrested. He said in
the process some of them were
flogged, while one of the ladies
he identified as Yatta Kollie,
was stripped naked and taken
away by the police Traffic Chief
Saah with her where about still
Samuel Ngenda one of those
allegedly flogged with a mark on
his left hand stated that they were
so disappointed in the action
of the police for the behavior
carried last Saturday for flogging
We are no more secure in doing
this job because of the police
action. To go back we will need
protection said Ngenda while
showing the bruise received
from the police alleged brutality
meted against him and his
The Police Chief of Traffic
who is in the center of the
allegation refused to speak to

FrontPageAfrica on the matter

despite an attempt to get his
Deputy Minister of Public
Works for Technical Services
Claude Langley who was
with the defendants in court
told FrontPage Africa that the
Ministry will not rest until it get
to the bottom of the case.
Some will not go ahead and
brutalized people and expect
people to allow it go free, we will
not rest with this case until we
reach the bottom, I am a brother
of seven sisters and wouldnt sit
to see any woman been disgraced
like the manner in which this
Traffic Police chief did, he said.
The Chief of Communications at
the Ministry of Justice Josephus
Keita had told FrontPageAfrica
that the Ministry of public works
would in the soonest possible
time file a formal complaint to
the Justice Ministry over the
action of the police Chief of
Traffic Saah against the nine

he Union of Liberian Associations inthe Americas, ULAA,

headed by its President Hon. Gaye D. Sleh, Jr., supports
the decision of the Supreme Court of Liberia to dismiss
the writ of prohibition filed against the national elections
commission by some citizens of Liberia who sought to postpone the
upcoming senatorial elections in the country, for reasons the Union
deems as counter-productive and undemocratic.
Similarly, ULAA frowns on the government of the Republic of
Liberia headed by H.E President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf for its
issuance of Executive Order #65 which prohibits all concerted mass
movements of people on the streets of Monrovia, during the ensuing
special elections, including in particular rallies, demonstrations and
parades for 30days, after the announcement of election results.
The Union considers such decree as an attempt by the Liberian
government to deny the people of Liberia of their fundamental
rights and civil liberties guaranteed under the laws of Liberia,
which empower Liberians to freely assemble and discuss matters
affect them. This decree in itself does not achieve anything
tangible to support the recovery process of Liberians who have been
devastatingly separated by the barbarities of the civil war and the
Ebola Epidemics.
At this point, one would think that the government of Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf would be implementing policies to integrate all Liberians and
mobilize them to outlive the memories of the darkest days of Liberia,
when dictators used draconian decrees similar to Executive Order
65 to target innocent Liberians who differed with their policies of
marginalization and intimidations.
Accordingly, the Union endears the Supreme Court of Liberia to
deny the enforcement of such order on grounds that the executive
order does not only violate the constitution of Liberia; but that it
breeds the foundation for chaos and dashes the hopes of Liberians to
live inan harassment-free environment. In the meantime, the ULAA
calls on the people of Liberia to continue to observe all protocols
of the Ebola virus to avoid its spread, because the people of Liberia
have gone through many sad events and cannot afford to lose another
citizen to this fight.
Moreover, ULAA is appealing to all Liberians to remain calm
and law-abiding, as the Supreme Court of Liberia deals with the
legal ramifications of the problems that they face in that country.
The Union believes that when all the dust is settled, the rights of
the people will prevail. Finally, the Union is asking the Elections
Commission of Liberia to fulfill its constitutional obligation to the
people of Liberia, by creating the conditions to conduct free and fair
elections in Liberia.
The Union will continue to work with the government of Liberia and
the partners of Liberia to make sure that the leadership of Liberia
delivers on the basic needs of its citizens.
Signed: Gaye D. Sleh, Jr. National President of ULAA
Motto: "Together We Struggle for a Better Liberia"

cast their ballots for an individual

that would represent their interest
in the Legislature, particularly, the
Liberian Senate.
They also argued that the
executive order singled out only
people of Montserrado County,
particularly those in Monrovia,
while the issue of the transmission
of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)
is actually occurring throughout
the country.
Such an order should not and
cannot provide a basis to walk
over the fundamental rights of
the people guaranteed by the
1986 Constitution of the country,
states Roberts lawyers.
Roberts lawyer further contended
that the order is clearly penalizing,
because it punishes people of
Monrovia, whom, according
to them, were continuing to
observe and follow the preventive
measure put into place by the
Ministry of Health and Social
Welfare and its partners both
local and international. The
President in her executive order
#65 admitted that the existing
law requiring persons desiring to

march or demonstrate to obtain

prior permits from the Ministry
of Justice have proven ineffective
to address rallies, parades and
concerted mass movements on
the streets of Monrovia and its
States the President: The
increasing number of incidents
of concerted mass movements of
people on the streets of Monrovia
and its environs, including in
particular rallies, demonstrations,
and parades, have led to persistent
and frequent violations of the
Vehicle and Traffic Laws of
Liberia, obstruction of the free
flow of traffic and the movement
disruption of economic activities,
and concomitant panic in the
city with total disregard for their
It can be recalled that the recent
hearing of the stay order placed
on the holding of the special
senatorial elections, most of the
lawyers including justices of the
Supreme Court made specific
reference to the November
28 rally of Montserarrado


Bettie Johnson/ /0770197670/0886971922; FPA STAFF WRITER


earing in a lawsuit
Johnson Sirleafs Executive
Order #65 is expected to take
place Tuesday, in the Supreme
Courts courtroom, at the Temple
of Justice. One of the senatorial

Lawyers representing Mr. Sirleaf,

who is one of President Ellen
Johnson Sirleafs sons, seeks the
courts endorsement to dismiss
his mothers Order, describing
it as discriminatory, punitive
and wrong.President Sirleafs
Executive Order #65, among other
things, stated that all concerted
mass movements of people on
the streets of Monrovia, during
the ensuing special elections,
including in particular rallies,
demonstrations and parades are
prohibited and for 30 days, after
the announcement of election
The government maintains that
the order is intended to strengthen
Montserrado its efforts to contain the spread of
County, Robert Sirleaf and several the deadly Ebola Virus Disease
lawmakers filed the lawsuit. The (EVD), to protect the security
Supreme Court, the final arbiter of of the state, to maintain law and
justice in the country is expected order, and to promote peace and
to interpret whether or not the stability in the country. However,
Executive Order is constitutional. Roberts lawyers contend that the
Clarity on this issue may likely order is intended to undermine
emerge over the next few days, the ongoing democratic process
that would enable Liberians to
according to a judicial expert.

County Candidate campaign

of Ambassador George Weah,
Congress for Democratic Change
(CDC).The Legislature recently
denied the Presidents request for
emergency powers to limit the
very rights of Liberians that she
now seeks to limit by Executive
Order #65.
It can also be recalled that veteran
educator Mary Brownell termed
the lawsuit filed by the Presidents
son as embarrassing to his
mothers legacy and government.
The lawsuit filed by Robert
Sirleaf is embarrassing to his
mother and with this lawsuit
it clearly means that he want
to prejudice his mothers
government She added.
Madam Brownell continued:
Let him be aware that the Court
already received the lawsuit and
if anything happens the Liberian
People will blame him for suing
his mother and destroying her
high earn legacy she has struggle
to build.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014




Page 13




Commission on Higher Education Director General long Corruption tale

Bettie Johnson/ /0770197670/0886971922; FPA STAFF WRITER

Call-Off Elections Petition Is Judicial Matter


Monrovia -

r. Togba-Nah Tipoteh, Pioneer for Democracy and

the Rule of Law in Liberia for over four decades, has
declared that the Petition filed before the Supreme
Court of Liberia for holding elections after the end of
Ebola is a legitimate matter for the Judiciary to deliberate on. Dr.
Tipoteh made this declaration over the weekend in response to
the decision of the Supreme Court to the effect that the Special
Senatorial Elections can be heldbefore the end of Ebola according
to the elections schedule determined by the National Elections
Dr. Tipoteh said that the Petition is a judicial matter because it
is a Constitutional Matter and the Judiciary exists to deal with
Constitutional Matters. According to Dr. Tipoteh, the Petition is a
Constitutional Matter because it concerns the rights of the people
of Liberia. The Constitution, insists Dr. Tipoteh, rises or falls on
the basis of its call for the protection and promotion of the rights
of the people. Dr. Tipoteh says that the most important right is
the right to life, which is at the foundation of the Constitution
of Liberia. The Petition concerns the right to life, maintains Dr.
Tipoteh, because it points out correctly that the massive touching
of people that occurs during elections campaigning results in the
spread of Ebola and the deaths of many Liberians.
Therefore, Dr. Tipoteh is stressing that any matter that has to
do with the protection and promotion of the right to life is the
most important matter of the Constitution and must necessarily
be a judicial matter to anyone who understands correctly the
constitutional duties of the Judiciary. Dr. Tipoteh ended his
response by stating that "with God above our rights to prove, let
truth and justice prevail; all hail Liberia, all hail".

ne of the lawyers
in the recent writ of
prohibition filed to
the Supreme Court
to halt the special senatorial
election has been fined
US$300.00 for negligence to
the Supreme Court.
Cllr. Laveli Supuwood, a
senatorial aspirant on the
People Unification Party (PUP)
ticket was ordered to pay the
money within 72 hours into
the coffers of the Liberian
Government and forward the
receipt to the Marshall of the
high Court.
The court ordered followed
what it called gross negligence
from the learned counselor.
In the courts opinion, Cllr.
Supuwood filed over three
petitions to the court with his
name continuously inserted as
signatory of the party in the
The court said the affidavit
and petitions filed to the court
should have carried the name
of the petitioners instead of the
legal counsel in the petition.

All we see is Cllr. Supuwood

signature on the affidavit
something he knows is against
the law practice so the court
must penalize him for this
action, said Chief Justice
Francis Korkpor.
Some legal practitioners told
judicial reporters that the fine
by the high court against Cllr.
Supuwood is neither the first
nor second.
He always violates the rules of
the court, and the court doesnt
spare anyone who violates
its laws and wish to bring the
court to public disrepute one
lawyer added.
In Rule 66 b/c of the Supreme
Court states that Amendments
in so far as it does not promote
injustice all pleadings including
briefs and motions may be
once withdrawn and amended
by filing an amended one in
substitution of the withdrawn
pleading before the cause is
called for hearing.
Continuance and Withdrawal
- In all cases where the cause
shall not be docketed and the
records filed with the clerk

by either party before the

expiration of five (5) days
from the commencement of
the term, the cause shall be
continued until the next term.
Whenever the appellant and
appellee, or the petitioner and
respondent shall in vacation by
themselves, or either counsel,
sign and file with the clerk as
agreement in writing directing
the cause to be withdrawn and
specifying the terms on which
it is to be withdrawn as to
costs, shall pay to the clerk any
fees that may be due him and
the ministerial officers, it shall
be the duty of the clerk to enter
the case withdrawn upon the
approval of the Chief Justice or
any Justice of the Court, and to
give to either party requesting
it a certificate of withdrawal.
But the Liberian chief justice
says the NDC and MPC
legal counsel kept filing and
amending without observing
the rules of court.
Cllr. Supuwood has been
practicing before this court
for a long period of time, and
he must be fined for gross

county has been impeding the

growth and development of the
Rivercess is one of Liberias
remotest county, which lacks
basic infrastructure including
health, education and social
services, Reeves added.
Reeves said that she had to
push the Board Chairman of
LonestarCell Benoni Urey to
have the communication tower
constructed in Morweh.
I had to push Urey around to
have this thing done, I been able
to harass him to get this tower
finally in Morweh; everybody
right now is claiming this
tower, as I speak to my people
that change has come vote
right, Cllr. Reeves said.
The CDC Senatorial Candidate
said, the construction of the
tower will give the people of
Rivercessan opportunity to
communicate with the rest of
Right now we have built
the tower to give our people

communication and money

transfer, I was instrumental in
getting this tower built, Cllr.
Reeves said.
The Board Chairman of
Lonestar Cell Benoni Urey said
that people of Rivercess should
commend Cllr. Reeves for her
effort in pushing his company
to get the work done.
The construction of a tower
by Lonestar cell in Morweh,
this was done through the
we must commend her for
the effort she has made by
constantly harassing me and
all the employees of Lonestar
to ensure that communication
get to you all you owe her that
gratitude, Urey added.
CDC Reeves said that she in
the race to bring the needed
change Rivercess has long
been yarning for adding that
health care will be a priority
for the people.
Rivercess is pleasantly poor,

negligence to the practice of

law, said Justice Korkpor.
The Liberian chief justice in
his majority opinion said all
papers filed before the clerk of
the court were signed by Cllr.
Supuwood and made it clear
that this court will not accept
negligence from lawyers who
are expected to know the laws
in filing an affidavit.
An affidavit is a written
statement by a party or witness.
It is a main way of presenting
the facts of a case to the court.
An affidavit must be signed
before an authorized person
such as lawyer or justice of the
peace by a way of swearing
on the Bible or attesting to
the truth of the contents of
The high court said the
Montserrado County aspirant
failed to do but had his
signatures on all of the
documents presented to the
We received over three
legal papers from Cllr. J.
LavelaSupuwood and one
of the affidavits slightly
name could not fit in the space
but was squeezed to show that
he signed but the court does not
take notice of that signature,
the Chief Justice further added.
He represented the Movement
for Progressive Change and
Coalition in the just ended
writ of prohibition filed
against the National Elections
Commission and the Ministry
of Justice.
Cllr. Supuwood was also
questioned why he did not file
the petition on behalf of his
party but another something he
failed to answer.


Al-Varney Rogers avarney.rogers@frontpageafricaonline.com 0886304498

[CDC senatorial hopeful Cllr. Teplah Reeves and Board Chairman of LonestarCellBenoni Urey]

Monroviahe construction of
a Lonestar tower in
district has breached

communication gap between

the district and the rest of
The construction of the tower
was made possible through

the instrumentality of the CDC

senatorial candidate, Cllr.
Teplah Reeves.
CDC Reeves said, the absent
of the tower in that part of the

I told my people that change

has come, Rivercess needs
overhauling, there are no farm
to market roads, feeder roads
our bridges are damaged,
education and health, health
will be a priority, Reeves said.
Cllr. Reeves added that she
will not be intimidated by the
presence of the many male
candidates that are in the race.
The male dominance, you
know that they want to push me
aside they cant push me aside
because we got work to do for
our people, Reeves added.
Cllr. Reeves said, if elected as
Senator of Rivercess County
she will ensure the construction
of a Community College.
We have to engage the young
people positively, to ensure the
construction of a Community
College so that our students
do not have to leave from
Rivercess to go Grand Bassa,
Cllr. Reeves said.

Page 14 | Frontpage



Kampala (AFP) Ugandan maid was

jailed for four years
Monday for abusing
a toddler in a case
that shocked the country after a
graphic video of the assault was
made public.
The 22-year-old maid, Jolly
Tumuhiirwe, originally pleaded
guilty last week to torture, but
later the charge was reduced to
abuse, to which she also pleaded
guilty to on Friday.
Chief Magistrate Lillian Buchan
told Tumuhiirwe she had
committed an "unjustifiable and
inexcusable" crime.
She gave her a four-year
sentence due to the "ruthlessness
exhibited" on an "innocent,
helpless child."



nd the likelihood that

World War III could
break out anytime is
further heightened by
the grim tone that Russian President
Vladimir Putin has been sounding
off lately. Putin, according to a
former NATO head, is practically
rattling "his nuclear sword."
Accidental start
In a statement issued by the
European Leadership Network,
composed of former defence
executives from the United States,
the United Kingdom , France
and other leading nations, it was
suggested that a major global
conflict - one that involves nuclear
weapons - could be triggered by an
The world is frightfully a heartbeat
away from a dreadful nuclear
showdown between Russiaand the
United States, which is a scenario
increasingly posed by the existence


Harare (AFP) imbabwe's President
Robert Mugabe has left
newly-installed Vice
President Emmerson
Mnangagwa in charge as he
began his annual holiday, state
radio announced Monday.
The move comes after months of
political upheaval in Zimbabwe
over the succession to 90-yearold Mugabe when he dies or
steps down.
"President Robert Mugabe left
Harare yesterday for his annual
holiday in the Far East," Spot FM
radio reported.
"The president is expected
back in Zimbabwe in midJanuary. In his absence Vice
President Emmerson Dambudzo
Mnangagwa is the acting
Mnangagwa, a long-time ally
of Mugabe who doubles as
Zimbabwe's Justice Minister,
was sworn in as vice-president
last Friday, putting him firmly in
line to succeed the veteran ruler.

ive people escaped
from a Sydney cafe
where a gunman
took an unknown
number of hostages during
Monday morning rush hour.
Two people inside the cafe
earlier held up a flag with an
Islamic declaration of faith
that has often been used by
extremists, raising fears that a
terrorist incident was playing
out in the heart of Australia's
biggest city.
The first three people ran out
of the Lindt Chocolat Cafe
in downtown Sydney six
hours into the hostage crisis,
and two women sprinted
from a fire exit into the arms
of waiting police shortly
afterward. Both women were
wearing aprons with the Lindt
chocolate logo, indicating
they were cafe employees.
As the siege dragged into its
15th hour and second day,
basic questions remained
unanswered. Police refused
to say how many hostages
were inside the cafe, what
they believed the gunman's
motives might be, whether
he had made any demands
or whether the hostages who
fled the cafe escaped or were
"I would like to give you as
much as I can but right now
that is as much as I can,"
New South Wales state police
Scipione said. "First and
foremost, we have to make
sure we do nothing that could
in any way jeopardize those
still in the building."
Police were negotiating with
the gunman and said they had
no information to suggest
anyone had been hurt.
Scipione said they had not
confirmed whether the siege
was related to terrorism.
"Our only goal tonight and
for as long as this takes
is to get those people that
are currently caught in that
building out of there safely,"
he said.
Channel 10 news said it
received a video in which
a hostage inside the cafe
had relayed the gunman's
demands. The station said
police requested they not
broadcast it, and Scipione
separately asked all media
that might be contacted by the
gunman to urge him instead
to talk to police.
The drama began around
9:45 a.m. in Martin Place,
a plaza in the heart of the
city's financial and shopping
district that is packed with
holiday shoppers this time of
year. Many of those inside the
cafe would have been taken
hostage as they stopped in for
their morning coffees.
Television video shot through
the cafe's windows showed



Tuesday, December 16, 2014


several people with their

arms in the air and hands
pressed against the glass, and
two people holding up a black
flag with the Shahada, or
Islamic declaration of faith,
written on it.
The Shahada translates as
"There is no god but God
and Muhammad is his
messenger." It is considered
the first of Islam's five pillars
of faith, and is similar to the
Lord's Prayer in Christianity.
It is pervasive throughout
Islamic culture, including the
green flag of Saudi Arabia.
Jihadis have used the Shahada
in their own black flag.
A number of Australian
Muslim groups condemned
the hostage-taking in a
joint statement and said
the flag's inscription was a
"testimony of faith that has
been misappropriated by
misguided individuals."
In a show of solidarity, many
Australians offered on Twitter
to accompany people dressed
in Muslim clothes who were
afraid of a backlash from
the cafe siege. The hashtag
#IllRideWithYou was used
more than 90,000 times by
late Monday evening.
Seven Network television
news staff watched the
gunman and hostages for
hours from a fourth floor
window of their Sydney
offices, opposite the cafe.
The gunman could be seen
pacing back and forth past
the cafe's windows. Reporter

Chris Reason said the man

carried what appeared to be
a pump-action shotgun, was
unshaven and wore a white
shirt and a black cap.
Earlier in the day, network
staff counted about 15
hostages forced up against
the windows.
"The gunman seems to be
sort of rotating these people
through these positions on
the windows with their hands
and faces up against the
glass," Reason said in a report
from the vantage point. "One
woman we've counted was
there for at least two hours
an extraordinary, agonizing
time for her surely having to
stand on her feet for that lo
"When we saw that rush of
escapees, we could see from
up here in this vantage point
the gunman got extremely
agitated as he realized those
five had got out. He started
screaming orders at the
people, the hostages who
remain behind," he added.
Reason later reported that
staff brought plates of food
from a kitchen at the rear
of the cafe and the hostages
were fed.
As night set in, the lights
inside the cafe were switched
off. Armed police guarding
the area outside fitted their
helmets with green-glowing
night goggles.
spokesman David Faktor
said a male hostage was in

satisfactory condition in
the hospital's emergency
department. He
was the only

one of the freed hostages to
be taken to a hospital, and
Scipione said he was being
treated for a pre-existing
Hundreds of police blanketed
the city, streets were closed
and offices evacuated. The
public was told to stay away
from Martin Place, site of
the state premier's office, the
Reserve Bank of Australia,
and the headquarters of two
of the nation's largest banks.
The state parliament house is
a few blocks away.
Workers in the cordoned-off
area were asked to stay home
Tuesday, indicating police
believe the hostage drama
could continue for some time.
"This is a very disturbing
incident," Prime Minister
Tony Abbott said. "It is
profoundly shocking that
innocent people should be
held hostage by an armed
person claiming political
Lindt Australia posted a
message on its Facebook
page thanking the public for
its support.
"We are deeply concerned
over this serious incident and
our thoughts and prayers are
with the staff and customers
involved and all their friends
and families," the company
Infosys, India's secondlargest IT services provider,

confirmed that one of its

employees was among the
hostages. The staffer's family
has been informed, it said.
Australia's government raised
the country's terror warning
level in September in response
to the domestic threat posed
by supporters of the Islamic
State group. Counterterror
law enforcement teams later
conducted dozens of raids
and made several arrests in
Australia's three largest cities
Melbourne, Sydney and
Brisbane. One man arrested
during a series of raids in
Sydney was charged with
conspiring with an Islamic
State leader in Syria to
behead a random person in
downtown Sydney.
The Islamic State group,
which now holds a third
of Syria and Iraq, has
threatened Australia in the
past. In September, Islamic
Abu Mohammed al-Adnani
issued an audio message
urging so-called "lone wolf"
attacks abroad, specifically
mentioning Australia. AlAdnani told Muslims to kill
all "disbelievers," whether
they be civilians or soldiers.
One terrorism expert said the
situation appeared to be that
of a "lone wolf" making his
own demands, rather than
an attack orchestrated by a
foreign jihadist group.
statements from overseas
linking this to extremist
groups outside the country
that is quite positive," said
Charles Knight, lecturer in
the Department of Policing,
Intelligence and Counter
at Australia's
Macquarie University. "The
individual or individuals
involved didn't kill early,
which is part of the pattern
of some recent international
attacks. ... It seems to be
shifting more into the model
of a traditional hostage
situation, rather than the sort
of brutal attacks we've seen

Tuesday, December 16, 2014




Liberia Marathon Trust sets August 2015 for its third annual run
Danesius Marteh, danesius.marteh@frontpageafricaonline.com

President Sirleaf and US ambassador Malac took part in last years 10 km race. UNMIL Photo/Staton Winter

he Liberia Marathon
Trust (LMT), which
organizes the annual
announced a new date for its
Due to the escalating trend of
Ebola, LMT postponed this
years event to January 2015.
The organizers were expecting
more than 3,000 participants,
who should have featured in the
marathon and a 10-kilometer
race for able and disable
According to LMT race
director Eunice Dahn, the third
marathon, which should have
taken place on August 31, will
now be held in August 2015.
Although there are declining
Ebola cases, Dahn said the
new date is intended to obtain
a clean bill of health for all
competitors and spectators.
It was the hope of all in Liberia
that Ebola would be eradicated
by January. Unfortunately,
despite major progress, Ebola
continues to threaten our
country. While an Ebola-free
Liberia by 25 January 2015
may still be a possibility, the
complex process and time
required to prepare for a
marathon makes it impossible
to hold the Liberia marathon
on the 25th January 2015 as
In this light, and in
consultation with our partners,
we have decided that the 2014
Liberia Marathon will be held
in August 2015. The precise
date will be announced shortly.
This new timing is in keeping
with the tradition of the

marathon being held in August

to take advantage of cooler
It also provides adequate
time to ensure that Liberia
is Ebola-free, guarantee the
safety of all participants, and
to plan a first-rate event. The
Liberia Marathon Trust is also
exploring the possibility of
a shorter program earlier in
2015. 2015 is an opportunity to
start anew, a new beginning for
Liberia and a new beginning
for the marathon, Dahn said
in a press statement issued on
December 15.
Survivors and victims
Dahn said next years marathon

will be held in honor of those

who survived and died from
Ebola as well as frontline
She said the LMT will be
working with many partners
over the coming months to
help fight the stigmatization of
survivors and be a true symbol
of Liberias bright future.
Valid registration
Although no new registration
was mentioned, Dahn said all
previous registrations remain
The marathon would like to
apologize for the inconvenience
this unforeseeable delay may

have caused, and to assure all

runners who already registered
for 2014 that their registration
will remain valid in 2015.
Finally, the Liberia marathon
would like to urge the public
to continue to take every
precaution to stop Ebola, to
follow health advice closely,
and do our best to fight stigma
in all its forms, she concluded.
The first marathon was held
in August 2011 and Kenyas
Nathan Naipei won the second
marathon, finishing in two
hours, 33 minutes in August
The Ebola virus paralyzed
sporting activities and a July
30 nationwide address by

Sirleaf, where the suspension

of all schools and one-month
compulsory leave for all nonessential civil servants were
announced among others
measures, seemed to have
reemphasized the severity of
Ebola and preventive measures
in curbing it.
Before those presidential
suspended its third division
league while the Liberia
Amputee Sports and Football
Association called-off their
weeklong trip to America.
And Dahn told UNMIL
Radios Sports Extra Program
on August 2 that the LMT
had to take a solidarity and
nationalistic decision in the
best interest of spectators.
We didnt postpone the
marathon because of our
runners because somebody
who is ill with Ebola cant run
the marathon. We postponed
the marathon because of the
crowd that the marathon will
generatethose people who
are not running, who will be
out there to cheer the runners,
cheer their friends and cheer
family members.
You know when Liberians
see something happening; they
tend to gather, especially at the
finishing. And that will be a
very very risky situation, one.
Two, the health personnel that
we will need for our runners
on the day of the race could
possible or probably not be
available because they will be
busy running after fighting the
Ebola. We will not have the
ambulances that we will need
and all of those things, said
President Sirleaf and United
States ambassador Deborah
Malac took part in last years
10 kilometer race but only
Malac completed the full race.




helsea boss Jose

Lampard go last
summer was the right decision
for the club's future.
Lampard, 36, initially joined
MLS side New York City on
a two-year deal before signing
for sister club Manchester
City on loan until the end of
City are battling Chelsea for
the Premier League title and
want to extend the impressive
midfielder's loan deal.
"The project is to prepare
for the next 10 years, not the
next year - we made the right
decision," Mourinho said.
Lampard left the London club
after 13 years at Stamford
Bridge in which he became
the club's record goalscorer
with 211 goals in his 649



iverpool, meanwhile,
will face Besiktas as
they aim to redeem
their disappointing Champions
League exit.
Other noteworthy ties include
Inter's meeting with Celtic,
Tottenham against Fiorentina,
and Athletic Bilbao versus
Champions League drop-outs
Sporting Lisbon will meet
The first legs of the round of
32 will take place on February
19, with the returns scheduled
for February 26.



LMT says the race was called-off to avoid people congregating in large numbers.

Page 15


coach Luis Enrique
believes his side
have drawn one of
the main contenders to win
the Champions League in
Manchester City.
A 2-0 win over Roma on
matchday six sent City into
the knockouts and they were
handed a repeat of last season's
last-16 clash in Monday's draw
when they were paired with
Group F winners Barca.
Luis Enrique has warned his
players to expect a stern test
against Manuel Pellegrini's
side, but remains confident they
will progress if they play their
best football.




VOL 8 NO.743



Paris (AFP) ose Mourinho's Chelsea were drawn on Monday against Paris
Saint-Germain andManchester City will tackle Barcelona in two
blockbuster Champions League last-16 ties.
Chelsea's reward for sailing into the knockout stages unbeaten is a
testing match-up against the Qatari-backed French champions they beat on
away goals in last season's quarter-finals.
Chelsea secretary David Barnard told Sky Sports News: "PSG are known
to us as we played them in the quarters last year and they've got David Luiz
playing for them too.
"It's a good draw logistically too for our supporters.
"Both sides have very different squads from last year, so if it was PSG or
anyone else, it would've been the same situation."
PSG president Nasser Al-Khelaifi told AFP his club had to learn from last
season's meeting with the 2012 winners.
"Last year was an apprenticeship which must not be repeated."
He added: "Chelsea are a good draw for us. I am very confident. I've got

confidence in my manager and in my players that they'll show on the pitch

the best of PSG."
Like PSG, English champions City will be out for revenge after being
brushed aside 4-1 on aggregate by Barca at this stage in the last Champions
League campaign.

View gallery
Real Madrid's Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo (left) celebrates after
scoring during the 20
City's director of football, former Barcelona player Txiki Begiristain, said:
"We have plenty of confidence with the way we qualified beating Bayern
Munich at home and Roma away, so the players will be working hard to
get fit and arrive in confidence for those games.
"We have improved our squad from last season and we have some real
quality up front."
Barcelona representative Andoni Zubizarreta said: "It is the same draw
we had a year ago. It was a very difficult game and we are going to look
forward to it.

"Manchester City have an outstanding squad with a very

good coach, a very good team and are very competitive."
The last-16 draw staged at UEFA's headquarters in Nyon,
Switzerland, gave holders Real Madrid a palatable pairing
against German side Schalke 04, coached by Roberto Di
Matteo, who was in charge of Chelsea when they were
crowned kings of Europe.
- Form beats class Real met Schalke in last season's last-16, easing through
9-2 on aggregate, en route to their tenth title.
"We have the utmost respect for Schalke, a club with
whom we have a great relationship. They are very
competitive. One lapse in concentration can take its toll,"
said Real director Emilio Butragueno.
View gallery
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger will face his old
clubMonaco in the last-16 of the Champions League (
"The balls come out as they come out. Of course we are
the outsiders, but there is always the old football saying;
"form beats class"," said Schalke board member Peter
Peters optimistically
Last year's beaten finalists Atletico Madrid come up
against Bayer Leverkusen.
Arsenal, finalists in 2006, face their coach Arsene
Wenger's old club Monaco, Italian championsJuventus
will have to overcome Borussia Dortmund, and German
giants Bayern Munich, who beat Borussia in the 2013
final, play Shakhtar Donetsk.
"Donetsk are the least-known side in the last-16 so it
won't be so easy to prepare for this game," said Bayern
goalkeeper Manuel Neuer.
"I think it's good to finally play someone different and not
Arsenal again," Dutch winger Arjen Robbenadded.
Arsenal are appearing in the knockout stages for the
17th successive season, and club secretary David Miles
reflected on their favourable draw.
"As the draw came out, it was evident a lot of the big
teams had gone, so we're pleased to have avoided them.
"We're certainly not taking anything for granted though
against Monaco. It's the first time we've played them in a
competitive match, so Arsene Wenger will be delighted to
go back to one of his former clubs."
Juventus were similarly relieved to avoid Bayern and
"For us, the draw has been quite kind," said club director
Pavel Nedved.
"I won't say Juve are going to qualify, but we believe in
our qualification chances.
"But we still have to be careful because Dortmund are a
really strong side, added the former Juve midfielder.
Swiss outfit Basel's reward for knocking out Liverpool
at the group stage is a match-up with two-time winners
The last 16 first leg games are scheduled for February
17/18 and 24/25 , with the second legs on March 10/11
and 17/18.
The final for Europe's elite club competition will take
place in Berlin's Olympic stadium on June 6.



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