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SCED 353-621
Unit Plan

Name: Sydney Gennuso

Language and Level: Spanish I
Name of Unit: Deportes

Stage 1 Desired Results


What long-term transfer goals are targeted?

Students will be able to independently use their learning to
Make sports connections between Spanish and English cultures in the target language
Carry out conversations on the different types of sports that are being taught in the target language
Identify the sports vocabulary given in Spanish
What meanings should students make?
Students will understand that
How do sports played in
There are many similarities between the vocabulary in English and Spanish.
countries differ from
Sports that are played in America may not be played in Spanish speaking countries
those played in the
and vice versa.
United States?

What knowledge and skills will students acquire?

Students will know
The different sports and sports vocabulary in Spanish.
Which sports are popular in Spanish countries
How to have a simple conversation about the various types of sports using the present
tense in the Spanish language.

How are sports played in

countries similar to those
played in the United

Students will be skilled at

Engaged conversations
about sports using the
vocabulary that will be
Using the vocabulary
Proper pronunciation of
the vocabulary

Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria
Will evaluate the
activity and the

Rubric: Will
evaluate the
short essay. I
will grade the
first Interpretive
writing activity
(Actividad de
video). The
organizer will be
collected for a

evaluation (My
gauge on whether
not students are
participating in the

Assessment Evidence

Mode of Communication

Writing activity: The students will watch four different videos that show athletes
performing different tasks in their specialized sports. The students will be given a
worksheet containing four different boxes. The students will have to answer in Spanish
what sport each video demonstrates. After, the students will then have to write 3 different
actions they saw in the videos. Students will turn this in for a grade.


Small group discussions: After the listening activity, students will be grouped off into
groups of three or four and will be assigned one of the four sports to have a discussion
about whether the sport they are assigned is popular in the United States or in a Spanish
speaking country (this depends on which sport they are given). They will be able to use
different athletes, different sports teams that pertain to the sport they are assigned, and
different equipment used to explain the theme. Students will have a graphic organizer
(spider-web organizer) to take notes on. The purpose of this is to allow students to use
other opinions, as well as their own, to help formulate an organized essay with many
different ideas.


Short essay: After the group discussion, students will go back to their seats. They will be
given a paper with the questions Cul deporte tienes? Es popular en los Estados
Unidos o en un pas que habla espaol? En 10 oraciones, explicas por qu o por qu no tu
deporte es popular. Permites usar tu diagrama de flujo para responder. The students will
then take 20 minutes to write their short essay and the essay will be graded.


Sharing opinion to the class Speaking Activity: After the short essay activity, each
student will stand up at their desk and present, in Spanish, two reasons why they believe
the sport they were given is popular or not. Each student will have to speak.


People Bingo: Students will be given a bingo sheet containing different questions
related to sports. The students will have to go around the room asking one another
different questions related to sports in Spanish on the worksheet and mark off
someone who fills the requirement on their game board. The first person that shouts
out bingo wins.



Students will be shown pictures of different athletes, different courts/fields, and

different types of equipment, and will have to identify which sports pertain to these
different items on their whiteboards.

Exit slip: Students will be shown pictures of 5 different pieces of sports related
equipment and have to write a sentence that uses the correct vocabulary word.



Stage 3 Learning Plan


Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction

Students will
Students will be able to recite different sports terminology in the Spanish language in order to ask and answer
simple questions about sports.

Students will be able to recite different soccer terminology in order to describe a soccer game.

Key Standard(s)
1.1.B.a Ask a variety
of simple questions,
answer, and give
reasons for answers.
1.1.B.e Write short
messages, letters, lists,
and simple rhymes.
1.3.A.b Apply
knowledge and skills
gained in the target
language to make
connections to other
content areas and
personal situations.
1.4.A.c Compare the
use of cognates, word
roots, prefixes,
suffixes, or sentence
structures between the
target language and
1.1.B.a Ask a variety
of simple questions,
answer, and give
reasons for answers.
1.1.B.e Write short

Students will be able to conjugate and construct sentences using ganar, perder, and jugar in order to exchange
information on the schools football and soccer teams.

Students will read an article on Spains win in the World Cup in 2010 in order to explain the World Cups
cultural importance.

messages, letters, lists,

and simple rhymes.
1.3.A.b Apply
knowledge and skills
gained in the target
language to make
connections to other
content areas and
personal situations.
1.1.B.a Ask a variety
of simple questions,
answer, and give
reasons for answers.
1.1.B.e Write short
messages, letters, lists,
and simple rhymes.
1.3.B.b. Apply
knowledge and skills
gained in the target
language to make
connections to other
content areas and
familiar situations.
1.1.B.a Ask a variety
of simple questions,
answer, and give
reasons for answers.
1.1.B.e Write short
messages, letters, lists,
and simple rhymes.
1.1.A.c. Identify some
common beliefs and
attitudes within the
cultures studied and
their relationship to

Students will be able to recite different basketball vocabulary in order to create a fantasy basketball team.

Students will be able to recite different baseball terms in order to write a letter to their favorite Latin American
baseball player.

practices in the
cultures studied.
1.1.C.b. Apply
knowledge and skills
gained in the target
language to make
connections to other
content areas and real
world situations.
1.1.B.a Ask a variety
of simple questions,
answer, and give
reasons for answers.
1.1.B.e Write short
messages, letters, lists,
and simple rhymes.
1.3.B.b. Apply
knowledge and skills
gained in the target
language to make
connections to other
content areas and
familiar situations.
1.1.B.a Ask a variety
of simple questions,
answer, and give
reasons for answers.
1.1.B.e Write short
messages, letters, lists,
and simple rhymes.
1.3.B.b. Apply
knowledge and skills
gained in the target
language to make
connections to other
content areas and

Students will be able to recite different tennis terminology in order to describe a day at Wimbledon.

Students will identify differences and similarities between soccer, basketball, baseball and tennis in order to
express how to play each sport.

familiar situations.
1.5.A.b. Communicate
with people locally
and/or around the
world through avenues
such as pen pals, Email, video, face-toface encounters, and
publications with
increased use of the
target language.
1.1.B.a Ask a variety
of simple questions,
answer, and give
reasons for answers.
1.1.B.e Write short
messages, letters, lists,
and simple rhymes.
1.1.C.b. Apply
knowledge and skills
gained in the target
language to make
connections to other
content areas and real
world situations.
1.1.B.e Write short
messages, letters, lists,
and simple rhymes.
1.1.C.a Ask and
answer a variety of
questions that elicit
follow-up questions
and requests for more
information with
1.1.C.b. Apply

Students will review colors in order to describe a uniform.


Students will identify the different components of the sport Jai-alai in order to inform others on the sports
existence and its cultural importance.

knowledge and skills

gained in the target
language to make
connections to other
content areas and real
world situations.
1.1.B.a Ask a variety
of simple questions,
answer, and give
reasons for answers.
1.1.B.e Write short
messages, letters, lists,
and simple rhymes.
2.2.A.b. Identify
selected contributions,
notable figures, and
historic events from
the cultures
3.1.A.b Apply
knowledge and skills
gained in the target
language to make
connections to other
content areas and
personal situations.
3.2.A.a. Describe
perspectives gained
from teacher-prepared
print and non-print
written in the target
4.1.A.c. Compare the
use of cognates, word
roots, prefixes,


Students will construct sentences using gustar, interesar, and aburrir in order to express general likes and


Students will use sports vocabulary with Mixbook in order to share information about their favorite sport.


Students will give presentations on their favorite sports in order to exchange information.
Students will practice the unit vocabulary by writing and speaking about sports in order to review for the exam.

suffixes, or sentence
between the target
language and English.
1.1.B.e Write short
messages, letters, lists,
and simple rhymes.
1.1.C.a Ask and
answer a variety of
questions that elicit
follow-up questions
and requests for more
information with
1.1.C.b. Talk about
and explain personal
preferences, feelings,
and opinions.
1.1.A.a Ask and
answer simple
questions related to
family and self.
1.1.B.b Talk about
personal preferences
and feelings and
provide limited
1.1.B.e Write short
messages, letters, lists,
and simple rhymes.
1.1.A.a a. Ask a
variety of simple
questions, answer, and
give reasons for
1.1.B.b Talk about

personal preferences
and feelings and
provide limited

Summative Assessment Day #1

Students will take an assessment in order to practice using the vocabulary by discussing and writing an essay
about sports.


Summative Assessment Day #2

Students will take an assessment in order to practice using the vocabulary by presenting reasons why they
believe their sport is popular.

1.1.C.a. Ask and

answer a variety of
questions that elicit
follow-up questions
and requests for more
information with
1.1.C.e. Write in a
variety of formats, for
multiple purposes, and
for a variety of
1.1.D.b. b. Express,
defend, and provide
complete explanation
with substantive detail
about personal
preferences, feelings,
and opinions.
1.1.D.b. b. Express,
defend, and provide
complete explanation
with substantive detail
about personal
preferences, feelings,
and opinions.

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