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7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and

Kevin DeYoung more from this author
Tags: Divorce, Divorce &
Remarriage, Preaching,Principles (add tag)

Date Published: 12/8/2014

Scripture: Mark 10:1-10:12

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There are a couple of challenges that make

preaching on divorce and remarriage
especially difficult. One challenge is that there
are so many legitimate approaches I could
take with this sermon.

Kevin DeYoung: "The hard thing is to take a

few biblical principles about marriage, divorce
and remarriage and then try to apply them
prayerfully and wisely to a thousand different
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I could make the sermon a warning:

Marriage is sacred. Remember your vows. Jesus never encouraged divorce. So
dont do it. I could legitimately preach this way because the weight of the New
Testament falls on the side of warning against divorce.
But I could also use the sermon to talk about Gods compassion for those who
have been hurt in marriage, or those left behind in marriage, or those sinned
against in marriage.
I could take the sermon in a different direction and encourage those who have
sinned in divorce or sinned in remarriage to repent and receive Gods merciful
forgiveness. I could also take more of a theological approach and try to explain
the acceptable grounds for divorce and remarriage, asking questions like: Are
there any justifiable reasons for divorce? If so, what are they? And if you may
get divorced under certain circumstances, what about remarriage?
I wish I had time to go deep pastorally and theologically in all these way, but I
just cant in one sermon.
There are as many scenarios as there are couples in the world. How do we
know whats right in each situation, especially when so many of the scenarios
have no parallel in Scripture? The simple thing is to turn a blind eye to divorce in
the church. Just pretend it doesnt happen. Dont ask people about it. Dont
bring it up. Dont say anything during a membership interview. The hard thing is
to take a few biblical principles about marriage, divorce and remarriage and then
try to apply them prayerfully and wisely to a thousand different situations.

Seven Principles
Let me give you seven biblical principles on divorce and remarriage.
1. Marriage is the sacred union between one man and one woman and
Gods intention is for marriage to last a lifetime.
Look at Mark 10:1-12:
And he left there and went to the region of Judea and beyond the Jordan, and



7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

crowds gathered to him again. And again, as was his custom, he taught them.
And Pharisees came up and in order to test him asked, Is it lawful for a man to
divorce his wife? He answered them, What did Moses command you? They
said, Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce and to send her
away. And Jesus said to them, Because of your hardness of heart he wrote
you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, God made them
male and female. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold
fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two
but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.
And in the house the disciples asked him again about this matter. And he said to
them, Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery
against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits
This was a trap. The Pharisees were not genuinely inquiring of Jesus position.
They wanted to test him and make him look bad. Everyone in Judaism agreed
that divorce was permissible. You can read all the same scholarly stuff Ive been
reading and the same Jewish documents and see that people on all sides of the
divorce issue agree first century Judaism allowed for divorce, even required it in
some situations. The Pharisees certainly allowed for divorce, and as well see in
a moment, probably for a lot of reasons. But they have a suspicion that Jesus
will be stricter. Maybe they heard his teaching in the Sermon on the Mount.
Maybe they just assume he will be strict. Maybe they want to get him in trouble
with Herod, who already killed John the Baptist for objecting to his divorce.
Whatever the reason, they are setting a trap.
Like a good teacher, Jesus answers their question with a question. What did
Moses say? Well, they answer, Moses allowed a man to divorce his wife.
Theyre thinking of Deuteronomy 24, which well come back to in a minute.
Jesus doesnt reject Moses teaching, but he recasts it. Yes, Moses allowed for
divorce. But this was a concession to human sin. Certainly not a requirement.
The law was making the best of a bad situation. Then Jesus takes them back
to the very beginning. Deuteronomy gives Moses a concession, but Genesis
gives Gods intention. Marriage is one man and one woman. The two become
one flesh. They leave their family behind and this new family takes priority over
all other allegiances except to God. Marriage is a sacred union. God himself joins
the couple together. And what God puts together, no one should separate.
The main thing Jesus wants to say about divorce is this: dont do it. Its not
Gods intention for marriage. Its not what you promised before God and a
room full of witnesses. In fact, Jesus says pretty flatly in verses 11-12, anyone
who divorces husband or wife and remarries someone else commits adultery.
Why? Because the divorce shouldnt have happened in the first place. Theres no
reason this man and woman shouldnt still be married. So for them to be
married to someone else, presumably having sex with someone else, is like
committing adultery. You may be sleeping with someone who is your husband
or wife, but you arent sleeping with the person who still should be your husband
or wife.
Before we see anything else about divorce and remarriage we have to feel the



7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

weight of what Jesus is saying. The Pharisees want to talk about acceptable
reasons for a divorce. Jesus wants to talk about the sanctity of marriage. They
want to talk about when a marriage can be broken. He wants to talk about why
marriages shouldnt be broken. If all you hear are the reasons a marriage
covenant might be broken, its like learning to fly by practicing your crash
landings or training for battle by practicing your retreats. Whatever exceptions
there might be, the main thing is that marriage is supposed to be permanent.
2. Divorce is not always sinful.
Is every divorce the product of sin? Yes. Is every divorce therefore sinful? No.
Thats why its not always a fair comparison to say, Look, you Christians are so
worked up about homosexuality, but you dont do anything about divorce.
Certainly, Christians have too often turned a blind eye to divorce, but the
situations are different because divorce, unlike homosexuality, is not always
Think of the Christmas story. When Joseph, who was engaged to Mary, found
that she was with child, the text says that Because Joseph was a righteous
man he had in mind to divorce her quietly. The first thing we notice is that
Joseph had to divorce Mary even though they were only engaged. Jewish
betrothals were legally binding in the first century. Leaving that aside, we also
see that Joseph was considered righteous for divorcing her quietly. He is
commended for the quietness mostly, but the divorce didnt seem to reflect
badly on Joseph. Mary, it was thought, had committed sexual immorality, and
so Joseph was considered righteous for divorcing her quietly.
We also see in some Old Testament texts that the Lord divorced his people. For
example, Jeremiah 3:8 says, I gave faithless Israel her certificate of divorce
and sent her away because of all her adulteries. Gods people were spiritual
adulterers and so the Lord, after putting up with them for generations, finally
said, Enough, youve broken the covenant for the last time. Heres your
certificate of divorce. Be gone. Now, the love story is that God still woos his
wayward bride back to himself, welcoming her home when she turns and
repents. But if the Lord can divorce his adulterous spouse, then divorce must
not always be wrong.
One other thing to note is that marriage is not indissoluble. This means marriage
really can end. Now, usually they shouldnt. But they can. The covenant can be
severed. When Jesus says, What God has joined together, let no man
separate he implies that the couple can be separated. I mention this because
sometimes people will argue against remarriage, saying Shes still married in
Gods eyes. I dont think thats the right way to talk about the situation.
Divorced couples are divorced. They are not married in Gods eyes. The question
is whether they should still be married and hence, they ought not to be with
another man or woman.
3. Divorce is permitted, but not required, on the ground of sexual
We need to look at a few different passages, starting with Deuteronomy 24:14.



7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

When a man takes a wife and marries her, if then she finds no favor in his eyes
because he has found some indecency in her, and he writes her a certificate of
divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out of his house, and she departs
out of his house, 2 and if she goes and becomes another mans wife, 3 and the
latter man hates her and writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in her
hand and sends her out of his house, or if the latter man dies, who took her to
be his wife, 4 then her former husband, who sent her away, may not take her
again to be his wife, after she has been defiled, for that is an abomination
before the LORD. And you shall not bring sin upon the land that the LORD your
God is giving you for an inheritance.
The key phrase is in verse 1: something indecent (erwath dabar). Its a very
ambiguous phrase, and the Jews argued about it constantly. The phrase is
actually used in a chapter earlier in Deuteronomy 23:12-14:
You shall have a place outside the camp, and you shall go out to it. And you
shall have a trowel with your tools, and when you sit down outside, you shall dig
a hole with it and turn back and cover up your excrement. Because the LORD
your God walks in the midst of your camp, to deliver you and to give up your
enemies before you, therefore your camp must be holy, so that he may not see
anything indecent among you and turn away from you.
You can see that erwath dabar means in general something repulsive, something
indecent. Its not a precise phrase. Because of this ambiguity, two different
rabbinical schools emerged. On one side was the more conservative Shammai
school, and on the other, the more liberal Hillel school, both well known around
the time of Jesus. The Mishna records:
The School of Shammai says: A man may not divorce his wife unless he has
found unchastity in her, for it is written, Because he hath found in her indecency
in anything. And the School of Hillel says: [He may divorce her] even if she
spoiled a dish for him, for it is written, Because he hath found in her indecency
in anything.
They referred to the same verse, but Shammai emphasized indecency and
Hillel emphasized anything. Jesus is going to side squarely with the more
conservative school. Turn to Matthew 19. This is the same incident we read
about earlier in Mark. The Pharisees have come to test Jesus. They specifically
ask him about the grounds for divorce and what Moses commanded in
Deuteronomy 24. But notice Jesus words here are a bit different. They include
an exception in verse 9: I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except
for marital unfaithfulness [porneia], and marries another woman commits
adultery [moichaomai]. Divorce is not allowed for any reason whatsoever (like
Hillel said), only for marital unfaithfulness (like Shammai said). Sexual sin breaks
the marriage covenant because sex is the oath signing of the covenant. Having
sexual experiences with someone other than your spouse is like trying to sign
on someone elses dotted line. That breaks the covenant and is a ground for
divorce. Divorce is still not required, but it is allowed.
Of course, all this raises the question: why does Matthew include the exception
clause when Mark doesnt? Some people have argued that Matthews gospel



7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

isnt talking about sex during marriage, but sex before marriage. In first century
Judaism a betrothal was legally binding. Thats why Joseph was going to divorce
Mary after he found out she was with child. They were only engaged at the time,
but even breaking off an engagement required a divorce. So the theory is that
Matthew records these words so his readers will be clear that Joseph wasnt
doing anything wrong when he planned to divorce Mary for what seemed to be
Some Christians I really respect hold to this view, but I dont think it will work.
For starters, the question from the Pharisees revolves around Deuteronomy 24,
which was not about betrothal. Second, the word porneia is a broad word that
includes all kinds of sexual sin, not just sex before marriage while engaged. And
besides, Matthew 1 never uses the word porneia to describe Marys supposed
sin, and nothing in Matthew 19 explicitly ties the situation back to Mary and
So how do we understand thisMatthew includes the exception, while Mark and
Luke dont? Remember these are parallel accounts. They are describing the
same event. You could say that Matthew added something to Jesus words, but
isnt is easier to assume Mark and Luke left something out? And why would they
leave the exception out? Because they wanted the saying to be more
memorable? Perhaps. But I think the basic reason they left out the exception is
because it was already a given. No one in Judaism disagreed that divorce was
acceptable on grounds of sexual immorality. Mark and Luke didnt have to
include Jesus exception because they figured it was a given. Its like when Jesus
said, If your brother has something against you, leave your gift at the altar and
go be reconciled first (Matt. 5:23-24). We naturally assume Jesus means If
your brother has something legitimate against you, because Jesus didnt go
tracking down everyone who was upset with him. In the same way, when Mark
records Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery
against her the implied assumption is Whoever divorces his wife without
cause I believe Jesus spoke the exception clause. Matthew included it to be
clear, while Mark and Luke left it out because they thought it was already a
4. Divorce is permitted, but not required, on the ground of desertion by
an unbelieving spouse.
Turn to 1 Corinthians 7. Lets pick things up at verse 8.
To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single
as I am. 9 But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is
better to marry than to burn with passion.
Paul would like everyone to stay as they are (cf. 17, 20), but if they have to
marry, then go ahead and marry. Thats what he says to the singles and
widows. This is what he says to the married.
10 To the married I give this charge (not I, but the Lord): the wife should not
separate from her husband.
Paul is saying, This is not my own rule. I got this from Jesus. (But if she does,



7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband) and the
husband should not divorce his wife.
So if someone does get wrongly divorced, they should try to be reconciled with
their spouse or stay single. They should not remarry after an illegitimate divorce.
12 To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord):
He means, This command is not from the lips of Jesus himself, but its still a
command you need to follow.
...that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live
with him, he should not divorce her. 13 If any woman has a husband who is an
unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. 14 For
the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving
wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be
unclean, but as it is, they are holy. 15 But if the unbelieving partner separates,
let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called
you to peace. 16 For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your
husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?
Heres the second ground for a divorce: desertion by an unbelieving spouse.
Now, we should try to live at peace with an unbelieving spouse. After all, God
may save your spouse through you. Reconciliation is still the ideal. But if the
unbeliever refuses to live with you and leaves, let him do so. You are not bound
to be married when your unbelieving spouse deserts you.
The traditional Protestant positionthe position written down in the
Westminster Confession and held by most evangelicalsis that divorce is
permissible on two grounds: sexual immorality and desertion. In both case the
marriage covenant is severed. In one case, because sexual intimacy has taken
place with another. And in the second case, because the spouse just plain isnt
Let me just add that I am sympathetic to and yet extremely cautious about
finding other grounds for divorce. On the one hand, I think its possible that God
did not mean to give us every possible grounds for divorce in the New
Testament. Jesus gave one and Paul (admittedly, under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit)mentioned another one relevant to the Corinthian situation. So might
there be one or two other grounds for divorce? Perhaps. And yet, if you say
that you open up a Pandoras box of trouble. People will argue that
psychological abuse is a ground and emotional neglect is a ground and maybe
terrible unhappiness is a ground for divorce. I think it is safer biblically to maintain
that there are two acceptable grounds for divorce. But having said that, I could
envision in extreme situations the elders might conclude: This man (or woman)
has not completely disappeared but his life is tantamount to desertion. If a guy
is strung out on drugs, gambling all their worldly possessions and has repeatedly
beaten his wife, might that count as desertion at some point?
This is why each case needs to be dealt with individually. Its also why we need
biblical principles, so we have something to apply in these gut-wrenching, difficult
sinful scenarios.



7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

5. When the divorce was not permissible, any subsequent remarriage (to
someone other than the original spouse) results in adultery.
Weve already seen Jesus make this point in Mark 10. If you are illegitimately
divorced, then the remarriage is also illegitimate. This doesnt mean you arent
really divorced and you arent really remarried. It means you shouldnt have
been divorced. The covenant hadnt been broken and shouldnt have been
severed. Consequently, you shouldnt be married to someone other than your
original spouse. And that means if you are remarried that new sexual
relationship is sinful. So what do you do if you are already in a sinful second
marriage? Ill come back to that in the last point.
6. In situations where the divorce was permissible, remarriage is also
Now what about remarriage? Remarriage is clearly allowed after a spouse dies
(Romans 7:3). But what about after a biblically sanctioned divorce? Let me give
you a few reasons why I think remarriage is permissible.
First, I think grammatically it is more likely that the exception clause in Matthew
19 modified both verbs. In other words, when Jesus says except for marital
unfaithfulness that covers whoever divorces and marries another.
Second, all scholars on every side of this divorce and remarriage debate agree
that it was a given for first century Jews that remarriage was a valid option after
a valid divorce. To be granted a legal separation meant de facto that you were
no longer bound to anyone and thus free to remarry. No one in Jesus audience
was thinking that remarriage wouldnt be an option. If Jesus wanted to teach
that remarriage after every divorce was unacceptable, he would have made that
new teaching much clearer.
Third, the phrase is not enslaved in 1 Corinthians 7:15 probably implies that
the spouse who has been deserted is free to marry. This would have been the
default Jewish position, and it seems to be the same idea found clearly in v. 39
(she is free to be married to whom she wishes). The Greek word is different in
verse 15, but they are related words that convey the same idea.
Of course, just because a divorced person may be free to remarry does not
mean it is necessarily a good or wise idea. A lot of other considerations come
into play. But the general principle is, after a legitimate divorce, there is freedom
to remarry.
7. Improperly divorced and remarried Christians should stay as they are,
but repent and be forgiven of their past sins and make whatever amends
are necessary.
This is where things get really messy. What if you are in a second or third
marriage that you now realize is sinful? Should you get a divorce? I dont think
so. The principle in 1 Corinthians 7, repeated in verses 17, 20 and 24, is remain
as you are. God does not want you to add to the sin of a remarriage the sin of
another divorce.
Does this mean those Christians have gotten away with sin? Not at all. We are
never better off for having sinned. There are consequences in our relationships.



7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

There may be consequences in your spiritual life. And if you look back at your
sinful divorce and remarriage and think Wow, Im glad I didnt know all this ten
years ago that is a dreadful sign that something is very wrong in your heart. If
the Spirit is at work you will not think Phew, I really got away with one here.
Instead you will think, O Lord, I am so sorry. I was ignorant of the Scriptures. I
was blind to my own sin. I have broken your law and sullied the name of Christ.
Please forgive me. Have mercy on us Lord. And youll not only ask for the
Lords forgiveness, youll make things right with your ex-spouse, with your kids,
your parents, your in-lawsyoull make amends and ask for forgiveness with
anyone else you hurt by breaking your marriage vows.
Let me just finish by very briefly addressing three groups of people.
To the married: Stay married. Guard your marriage. Dont think you are above
falling. Dont think you are above temptation. Pray together. Take walks
together. Get away from the kids to be together. There are few things more
precious in life than your marriage. Do not take it for granted. And if you are
contemplating divorce, please talk to someone. Please dont give up. If you
have biblical grounds for divorce, consider what glory it might be to God to
patiently work toward reconciliation. And if you dont have biblical grounds,
consider what offense it will be to God to break the promises you made in his
name. Consider the harm to your kids. Stay married.
To the divorced and single: If you had grounds for a divorce, the leaders want to
do everything we can to make sure no one looks down on you. If you have
been sinned against, we do not want to treat you as the sinner. We do not want
you to run from the church, but find grace and fellowship here.
If you are divorced but shouldnt be, can you find hope in your heart that God
might be able to reconcile you and your spouse? It would be a great trophy of
his grace to bring you two back together. If that doesnt happen, dont get
remarried. Dont think you can always repent later. You never know: the next
time you blatantly sin may be the time the Lord gives you over to the hardness
of your heart and puts you beyond the pale.
To those who have sinfully divorced, to those whose sin caused the divorce, to
those who are now remarried when you shouldnt be: run to the cross. It is not
a light thing to tear asunder what God joined together. It is no small mistake to
pursue an adulterous second marriage. But Gods grace is not light, and it is not
small. Divorce is not the unpardonable sin. There is mercy yet for you. But the
contrition must be real, the admission of guilt must be honest, the repentance
must be earnest. A broken heart and a contrite spirit the Lord will never deny.
Run to God. Plead with God. Know his adopting love. Experience again his
justifying free grace. There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuels
veins. And sinners plunged beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains.

Kevin DeYoung

Kevin DeYoung is the Senior Pastor at University Reformed




7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

Church (RCA) in East Lansing, Michigan, right across the street from Michigan
State University. He has been the pastor there since 2004.

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Colin Buscumb
A ugust 13, 2014

Hi. I thought some if the posts here were quite incite full. Especially about the two types of words
that Jesus used in putting away and divorce. I have been pondering over what has happened to me
and was hoping to find some sort of definitive answer. My christian wife hated being married every
since we married. Some old hidden baggage appeared and fought to end it for most of the 8 years
we were married. She finally ended it. She ended it most horribly. Nearly three years later she
divorced me after giving me months of abuse even after she got what she wanted. I found out that
she is with her ex boyfriend she had before she met me who is not a C hristian and though I maybe
wrong, think she is possibly, to some degree, having sex with him. They have been together for a
while now but I noticed that he doesn't live there yet but have found out that there are indications of
something going on., bed slippers, buying her appliances ... That sort of thing. My question is can I
remarry? I've read countless arguements either way and would love a definate answer please
anyone [delete comment]
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Gill Rita

November 25, 2014

Hello to all my Name is Rita Gill from United States of America , I do hope my post gets
read and hopefully helps somebody along the line. i will never forget the help the Dr



7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

Uzor spell temple render to me in my marital life. i have been married for 4 years now
and my husband and i love each other very dearly . after 3 years of our marriage my
husband suddenly change he was having an affair with a lady outside,i notice it then i
was praying for divine intervention the thing became more serious i told my pastor
about it we prayed but nothing happen. my husband just came home one day he pick up
his things and left me and the kids to his mistress outside at this time i was confuse not
knowing what to do again because i have lost my husband and my marriage too. i was
just checking my mails in the office when i saw someone sharing her testimony on how
the Dr Uzor spell temple help her out with her marital problems so i contacted the email
of Dr Uzor i told him my problem and i was told to be calm that i have come to the right
place that i should fill some information concerning my self i did after 30 minus he called
me again congratulating me that my problems will be solve within 48 hours. he told me
what went wrong with my husband and how it happen.that they will restored my
marriage but i will make a free donation to their Dr Uzor home anything my heart told
me. to my greatest surprise my husband came to my office begging me on his knees
that i should find a place in my heart to forgive him i quickly ask him up that i have
forgiven him.friends your case is not too hard why don't you give Dr Uzor a try they
work surprises because i know they will also bring back your husband. contact him via you can still visit his web site or Tel; (234)-813169334. sure he will help you get the
problem solved okay. [delete comment]
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Emily Brandon
May 31, 2014

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March 26, 2014

Dr Lawrence saved my marriage within 3days of contact,i contacted him in regard of my husband
who left me for another woman i tried all the methods i know to get him back but to no avail then a
good friend of mine Mrs maria introduce me to who cast a
powerful and wonderful spell that brought him back to me in just 3days i really want to use this
medium to advice that for solution regarding any relationship issues contact the temple and all your
worry s will be gone: [delete comment]
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7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

Jason Phillips
A pril 4, 2013

What is anybody else's take on the comment I posted prior [delete comment]
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Jason Phillips
A pril 4, 2013

I read thru here and strongly believe what is being said and interrupted. One thing that I strongly
believe is that if you divorce your wife because of justifiable cause you are not supposed to remarry
her if she goes to another man and she is divorced by him or just simply left and divorced you for an
affair. To me the law is from God and speaks clearly. I hear that this is not right because Jesus says
to forgive but I say when God made the law He wasnt just going to come back and say Oh I was just
kidding we are ammending my law [delete comment]
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Kurt Bresler

A pril 17, 2012

Also I have texted her or emailed her everyday since she left, I have apologized asked for
forgiveness and have taken a deep look at what is inside of my heart I don't want a divorce however
is it good for me to think that I should give her a divorce to keep the peace when what I think she
wants is a younger guy, who makes lots of money and wants to have a child. How Spiritual should
my expectations be considering our society and the church have such lenient ideals of the santity of
marriage? [delete comment]
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Kurt Bresler

A pril 17, 2012

My wife left me about 5 weeks ago and has not talked, texted, called or emailed I have heard
nothing. I am sure she has talked to other C hristians who are lenient in there views of divorce. I
filed for disablity because I have bi-polar illness as well as back and shoulder injuries sustained from
doing tree work. One Friday night we were singing on the Praise team together at a C elebrate
Recovery meeting and come Wednesday she walked out and said nothing only that she wasn't
coming back and wanted a divorce. I do understand that I could have mentally or emotionally
abused her of course that could be anything from my understanding. If a person feels abused does
that make it abuse? Personally I am soul sick in my trying to understand this situation. If she has an
excuse to divorce me she says I should have been working to take care of her, again I own a home
and she was working and we did not miss any meals or go without a roof, or elect, or water or any
necessities even though things were tight, should I just give up and let her go? [delete comment]
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Dr. Luke Kauffman

A pril 17, 2012

Thank you, Eric . . . for your response and suggestion. Greatly appreciated. I will see if I can find it
on Kindle, first. God bless, and let's always remember that we are great sinners saved by a Great
Savior!!! [delete comment]
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Eric Thompson
A pril 17, 2012

Dr.'s not about being more convincing or someone's pre-suppositions. It's about



7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

cultural, historical, and Biblical context. The book was recommended to me by a Hebrew scholar and
was very informative. I think you would find it worth the read. More accurate because there are
some statements here that put believers that have a divorce forced on them to live a life in bondage.
This is really a touchy and diverse topic that should not be debated here. Hence, the suggestion to
read a scholarly source. [delete comment]
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Robert Thangasamy
A pril 17, 2012

Why was no reference made to Malachi 2:16 ?For the Lord God of Israel says That He hates divorce,
For it covers one?s garment with violence,? Says the Lord of hosts. ?Therefore take heed to your
spirit, That you do not deal treacherously." [delete comment]
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Robert Thangasamy
A pril 17, 2012

Why was no reference made to Malachi 2:16 ?For the Lord God of Israel says That He hates divorce,
For it covers one?s garment with violence,? Says the Lord of hosts. ?Therefore take heed to your
spirit, That you do not deal treacherously." [delete comment]
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Robert Thangasamy
A pril 17, 2012

Why was no reference made to Malachi 2:16 ?For the Lord God of Israel says That He hates divorce,
For it covers one?s garment with violence,? Says the Lord of hosts. ?Therefore take heed to your
spirit, That you do not deal treacherously." [delete comment]
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Doug Conley of Meyersdale Church Of Christ

A pril 17, 2012

Why is there no mention that Jesus used two different words which a lot of English translations put as
divorced? Apoluo and apastation are the words used by C hrist. One is divorce, the other is put away,
which is not divorce. If I put my wife away and she goes to another man, or course there's adultery;
she's still married. This, not divorce, is the sin. [delete comment]
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Robert Sickler of Church Flame

A pril 17, 2012

Well done! [delete comment]

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Armando Escamilla
A pril 17, 2012

I read these email articles weekly and often receive insight. This article was particularly wellwritten
and thorough. Thank you for taking the time to answer some difficult questions and speak the truth
biblically and in love. It has helped me a lot. [delete comment]
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7 Biblical Helps for Preaching on Divorce and Remarriage by Kevin DeYoung

Joel Rutherford of 1st Christians Church

A pril 17, 2012

Your C omments [delete comment]

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Joel Rutherford of 1st Christians Church

A pril 17, 2012

Your C omments [delete comment]

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Dr. Luke Kauffman

A pril 17, 2012

Eric . . . While I apprciate your suggestion, I need to know how you measure what is more accurate?
Is it more convincing or does it match the reader's pre-suppositions? Truly a friendly question to
which I would love to know what is the grid that you use to determine what is More Accurate? We all
need that grid as His servants, so, please share the grid to all of us. OK? [delete comment]
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Eric Thompson
A pril 17, 2012

For a deeper and more accurate Biblical interpretation on marriage and divorce I would like to
suggest you read "Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible: The Social and Literary C ontext" by David
Instone-Brewer. [delete comment]
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Mark Markham of Travis Oaks Baptist Church

A pril 17, 2012

This is one of the best explanations I have read on what the Bible says about divorce. Thank you for
sharing this. [delete comment]
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Dr. Luke Kauffman

A pril 17, 2012

Great presentation, Kevin. . . I would add one more Biblical observation, which is that divorce in
Deut 24 is God' idea, not man's, but for the female to have a better life, not for the man to get rid of
her. True it was for the hardness of man's heart, but in balance, Deut 24, tells us that it is the female
that profits from a hardhearded husband. [delete comment]
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Jack Gandy

A pril 17, 2012

Thanks for that balanced insight into a rather messy issue. Too often we tend to go from one
extreme to another, from casual acceptance to rigid legalistic condemnation. Divorce is never God's
best, but is sometimes a part of life. Learning how to deal with it through the provisions of Scripture


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