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CE F311 Design of Concrete Structures

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

Course Lecture-II

BITS Pilani
Hyderabad Campus

Reinforced Concrete-Design Philosophies

Structural Forms
Loads and Load combinations
Stress-Strain curves for Concrete and Steel
Properties of Steel
Methods of Design
Working Stress Method
Limit State Method
Limit State Concepts
Partial Safety factors
Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Structural Forms
The art of structural design is manifested in the selection of
the most suitable structural system for a given structure.

The arrangement of beams and columns to support the

vertical (gravity) loads and the selection of a suitable
structural system to resist the horizontal (lateral) loads pose a
great challenge to the structural engineer, as these factors
will determine the economy and functional suitability of the

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Classification of RC Structures

Gravity masonry structures

Framed structures:
Shell or folded plate structures
Other structures

(a) Load-bearing brick wall with concrete slabs (b) Rigid frame building (c) Chimney
(d) Hyperbolic paraboloid roof (e) Concrete dome (f) Folded plate roof (g) Bunker (h) Water tank
Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Basic Structural Elements

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


(a) Wall footing (b) Isolated spread footing (c) Sloped footing (d) Combined footing
(e) Raft foundation (f) Pile foundation
Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


(a) Square-tied column (b) Circular spirally reinforced column (c) Composite columns

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Types of Beams

(a) Rectangular (b) L-section (c) T-section (d) I-section (e) Box section(f) SteelConcrete composite

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

One-way and Two-way Slab Systems

(a) One-way slabs (b) Two-way slabs

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Flat Plates and Flat Slabs

a) Two-way flat plate (b) Two-way flat slab with

column capitals/drop panels (c) Waffle flat slab
Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Grid Floors

(a) Rectangular grid (b) Diagrid

(c) Continuous grid

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Types of Loads

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Dead Loads
Weights of Some Building Materials as per IS 875 (Part 1)
S. No.


Unit Weight


Brick masonry in CM 1:4

20 kN/m3


Plain concrete

24 kN/m3


Reinforced cement concrete

25 kN/m3


Stone masonry

20.426.5 kN/m3


Cement mortar

20.4 kN/m3



78.5 kN/m3


20 mm cement plaster

450 N/m2


5 mm glass

125 N/m2


Floor finishes

6001200 N/m2



10 kN/m3

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Live Loads
Live Loads on Floors as per IS 875
S. No.

(Part 2 )

Type of Floor Usage

Imposed Load (kN/m2)





(a) with separate storage
(b) without separate storage


Shops, classrooms, restaurants, theatres, etc.

(a) with fixed seating
(b) without fixed seating



Factories and warehouses



Book stores and stack rooms in libraries



Garages with light vehicles



Stairs, landings, and balconies

(a) not liable to overcrowding
(b) liable to overcrowding



Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Snow and Ice Loads

Snow and ice loads are to be considered in the mountainous
(Himalayan) regions in the northern parts of India. Thus, the
roofs in these regions should be designed for the actual load
due to snow or for the imposed loads specified in IS 875 (Part
2), whichever is more severe.

Although maximum snow and maximum wind loads are not

considered to act simultaneously, it is important to consider
drift formation due to wind, since the majority of snowrelated roof damage is due to drifted snow.
Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Snow and Ice Loads

Courtesy: Ministry of Business, Innovation and

Employment (MBIE), New Zealand

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Wind Loads
Winds are produced by the differences in atmospheric
pressures, which are primarily due to the differences in
Horizontal wind flow exerts lateral pressure on the building
envelope and hence has to be considered in the design.
Code IS 875:1987 (Part 3) provides the basic wind speeds,
averaged over a short interval of 3 seconds and having a 50year return period at 10 m height above ground level in
different parts of the country.

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Wind Loads (Cont..)

The wind load on a building can be calculated for the following:
1. The building as a whole
2. Individual structural elements such as roofs and
3. Individual cladding units including glazing and their

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Factors Affecting Wind Pressure Coefficients


Shape of the building or roof

Slope of the roof
Direction of wind with respect to building
Zone of the building

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Earthquake Loads

Seismic Zone

Regular Buildings

Irregular Buildings

II and III

Height > 90m

Height > 40m

IV and V

Height > 40m

Height > 12m

Requirement of dynamic analysis as per IS 1893 (Part 1)

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Irregular and regular configurations with reference to earthquake performance

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

Wind and Earthquake Loads

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Load transmission mechanisms

Vertical Load

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Load transmission mechanisms (Cont..)

Lateral Load

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Stress-Strain Curves for Concrete

Ec = initial tangent modulus at the
origin, also known as short term
static modulus
Es = secant modulus at A
Et = tangent modulus at A
e = elastic strain at A
i = inelastic strain at A

It is seen that the initial tangent modulus is much higher than Et (tangent modulus at
A). Near the failure, the actual strain consists of both e and i (elastic and inelastic
respectively) components of strain. The initial tangent modulus Ec in N/mm2 is
estimated from
where fck = characteristic compressive strength of concrete at 28 days
The initial tangent modulus Ec is also known as short term static modulus of elasticity
of concrete in N/mm2 and is used to calculate the elastic deflections.
Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Stress-Strain Curves for Concrete (Cont..)

Typical stress-strain curves of concrete in compression

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Stress-Strain Curves for Concrete (Cont..)

Stress-Strain Curve of Concrete in Tension
Concrete has a low failure strain in uniaxial tension. It is found to be in the range of
0.0001 to 0.0002. The stress-strain curve in tension is generally approximated as a
straight line from the origin to the failure point. The modulus of elasticity in tension is
taken to be the same as that in compression. As the tensile strength of concrete is
very low, and often ignored in design, the tensile stress-strain relation is of little
practical value.

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Properties of Steel
Concrete is reinforced with steel primarily to make up for concretes incapacity for

tensile resistance.
Steel embedded in concrete, called reinforcing steel, can effectively take up the
tension that is induced due to flexural tension, direct tension, diagonal tension or
environmental effects.
Reinforcing steel also imparts ductility to a material that is otherwise brittle.
Furthermore, steel is stronger than concrete in compression also; hence, concrete
can be advantageously reinforced with steel for bearing compressive stresses as
well, as is commonly done in columns.

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Properties of Steel (Cont..)

Reinforcing steel is generally provided in the form of bars, wires or welded wire
The bar sizes (nominal diameters in mm) presently available in India are 5, 6,
8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40, 45 and 50.
The bars that are most commonly used are high strength deformed bars
(generally cold-twisted), conforming to IS 1786 : 1985, and having a specified
yield strength of 415 Mpa.
Deformed bars of a higher specified strength of 500 MPa are also used in special
Plain mild steel bars are less commonly used in reinforced concrete, because
they possess less strength (250 MPa yield strength) and cost approximately the
same as high-strength deformed bars; however, they are used in practice in
situations where nominal reinforcement is called for.
Low strength steel is also preferred in special situations where deflections and
crackwidths need to be controlled, or where high ductility is required, as in
earthquake-resistant design.

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Stress-Strain Curves for Steel

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Contribution of steel bars in reinforced concrete

a) Plain concrete beam cracks and fails in
flexural tension under a small load

b) Reinforced concrete beam supports

loads with acceptably low deformations

c) Ductile mode of failure under heavy


Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

(d) Reinforced concrete column

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Objectives of Structural Design

The design of a structure must satisfy three basic requirements

1) Stability to prevent overturning, sliding or buckling of the structure, or parts of it,

under the action of loads;

2) Strength to resist safely the stresses induced by the loads in the various structural
members; and
3) Serviceability to ensure satisfactory performance under service load conditions

which implies providing adequate stiffness and reinforcements to contain deflections,

crack-widths and vibrations within acceptable limits, and also providing impermeability
and durability (including corrosion-resistance), etc.

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

There are two other considerations that a sensible designer ought to bear in mind,
viz., economy and aesthetics. One can always design a massive structure, which
has more-than-adequate stability, strength and serviceability, but the ensuing cost of
the structure may be exorbitant, and the end product, far from aesthetic.

It is indeed a challenge, and a responsibility, for the structural designer to design a

structure that is not only appropriate for the architecture, but also strikes the right
balance between safety and economy - Salvadori, M. and Heller, M

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Cover is the shortest distance between the surface of a concrete member
and the nearest surface of the reinforcing steel.
The concrete cover protects the steel reinforcement against corrosion in
two waysproviding a barrier against the ingress of moisture and other
harmful substances and forming a passive protective (calcium hydroxide)
film on the steel surface.
The cover provides corrosion resistance, fire resistance, and a wearing
surface and helps to develop the bond between reinforcement and
It should exclude plaster and any other decorative finish. Too large a
cover reduces the effective depth and is prone to cracking, whereas too
less may lead to corrosion due to carbonation of concrete.
Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Cover (Cont..)

Nominal cover is the design depth of cover to all steel reinforcements including
links. Adequate cover, in thickness and in quality transfers the forces in the
reinforcement by bond action, provides fire resistance to steel, and provides an
alkaline environment on the surface of steel.

Clear (cc) and nominal (cn)

covers to reinforcements

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Cover (Cont..)
Table 16A
Nominal Cover to Meet Specified Period of Fire Resistance
(Clauses 21.4-and 26.4.3 and Fig. 1)

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Working Stress Method

This has been the traditional method used for RCC where it is assumed that concrete
and steel are elastic and the relationship between loads and stresses is linear right
up to the collapse of the structure.
The basis of the method is that the permissible stresses for concrete and steel are
not exceeded anywhere in the structure when it is subjected to the worst combination
of working loads.

The permissible stresses are found out by using a suitable FOS to the material
strength for example:
cbc = fck / 3

= fy / 1.78

These permissible stresses are given in [table21&22 of IS: 456]

The working stress method does not consider the mode of failure of the structure
(ductile or brittle). Also the reserve strength of materials beyond the yield point is not
considered in this design.

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Working Stress Method

1. At any cross-section, plane section before bending remains plane
after bending.
2. Structural materials behave in linear elastic manner.
3. The stress-strain relationship of steel and concrete, under working
loads, is a straight line.
4. Modulus of elasticity of concrete is constant.
5. Ratio of modulus of elasticity of steel to concrete,

3 cbc

6. Perfect bond exists between steel and surrounding concrete..

7. All tensile stresses are taken by steel alone and none by concrete
Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Working Stress Method (Cont..)

Permissible Stresses:
The permissible stresses are obtained by using suitable factors of safety to
the material strengths; e.g. for concrete in bending, a FOS equal to 1.8 is considered
on yield strength of mild steel reinforcement in tension due to bending.
Permissible stress for different grades of concretes and steels are given in
tables 21&22 of IS: 456-2000 (page no 81, 82).

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Working Stress Method (Cont..)

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Neutral Axis Depth and Moment of Resistance of sections

Stress Distribution in Rectangular Section

Concept of cracked-transformed section

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)
Fig. shows a singly reinforced rectangular section of a beam subjected to a specified
(load) moment M (assumed sagging). For this beam section, the corresponding
cracked-transformed section is shown in Fig. (c). The concrete on the tension side of
the neutral axis is neglected. The neutral axis (NA) is located by the line passing
through the centroid of transformed section, and perpendicular to the plane of

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)
From the stress distribution diagram we have the relation

From the above we get

Further when the section is subjected to external loading, resisting moment is

developed due to compression in concrete and tension in steel
Moment of Resistance of the section is given by the relation

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)
The factor 1-k/3 is termed as lever arm factor and represented by j. Therefore the
expression becomes
For any given section with known values of b, d, st, cbc, and Ast, we can
evaluate the N.A depth By equating the first moment of areas above and below the

By solving the above equation, values of n and k can be determined.

The above equation is used to check the adequacy of the depth of the section
assumed to resist the given moment M.
Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)
The M.R of the section computed from tension side is given by

The above equation is generally used to compute the area of tension

reinforcement in the section to resist the given moment.

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)
Neutral Axis Depth Factor
The N.A depth factor k depends only on the permissible stresses in concrete and steel,
cbc and st and modular ratio m. The value of k can be evaluated by the following

The values of design coefficients k, j and Q depends only on the permissible

stresses cbc and st and modular ratio m.
Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)
Balanced, Under Reinforced and Over Reinforced Sections
In RC sections, the depth of the NA generally determines the type of section.
The analysis of RC sections include the determination of critical NA which
depends on the permissible stresses in concrete and steel and modular ratio
and the actual NA, which is influenced by the sectional properties and the
quantity of reinforcement used in the section.

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)

Depth of critical NA

From the stress distribution diagram

Solving, the Critical NA depth is computed by the relation

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)

Depth of actual NA

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)
Under Reinforced Sections:
If na < nc , the section is under reinforced. The MR is computed from the
tension side with steel reaching maximum permissible stress st and the MR
is computed from the fig

If Mt = Moment of Resistance

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)
Over Reinforced Sections:
If na > nc , the section is over reinforced. The MR is computed from the
compression side since the concrete in extreme fibers reach the permissible
stress cbc and the MR is computed from the fig

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)
Balanced Sections:
If na = nc , the section is balanced. In this case both steel and concrete reach
their maximum permissible stress simultaneously and the MR is computed
from the fig

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)

Hence % of steel reinforcement in balanced section is given by

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

WSM (Cont..)

Failure Pattern of Under Reinforced Beam

Failure Pattern of Over Reinforced Beam

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Useful Tables
Design Coefficients

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Useful Tables

Permissible Stresses
in steel reinforcement
Table 21 of IS 456-2000

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Useful Tables

Permissible Stresses in
concrete Table 22 of IS

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Limit State Concepts

To be Updated..

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Reinforced Concrete Design- Krishna Raju
Reinforced Concrete Design- Pillai and Menon
IS 456:2000
Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures-N Subramanian

IIT Madras Reading Material for RCC and Concrete

Instructor: Mr. J S Kalyana Rama

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

BITS Pilani
Hyderabad Campus


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