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Forwarding Agent:

Frank & Rosemary Manzenberger

Our Address:

Shanda Delaney Oakley

PC Box M-21

1003 Eric Ave.

Mabelreign, Harare
Zimbabwe, Africa

Ooimc, IN 47451

Phone: (812) 279-5222

Volume 4


April 1987

Number 1

Dear Friends,

We hope this finds you all well. Of course for

us personally this year has gotten off to a good
start. With our wedding on January 3rd, we are
still happy newly-weds. We appreciated so
much all your cards and letters and I personally
cannot wait for you to meet Mark.
Many have asked what my working situation
is now that we are married. Nothing has
changed in that area. I still do the youth,
secretarial and music work here at the Greencroft Christian Church and work in the schools.
There seems to be more to do all the time.

Mark Is taking classes at the University of

Zimbabwe. He went to University in the States
but they would not accept his accounting
degree here. This year he is taking conversion
classes In tax-law and other subjects and can
take his CPA in September of 1988. We hope to
return to the States soon after that.

We both have a new mission field and that is

to Mark's parents, who are not only nonChristian, but are often opposed and resentful
towards Christians and the church. Please pray
that we will live in such a way that they will see
our Heavenly Father and their need for Him.
I thank you once again for your prayers and
financial support. May God bless each of you.
Love In Him,
Mark and Shanda


Asyou can see, our newchurch building is going up and has progressed a lotsince this picture was
taken. Every Sunday the peoplewalk overto seethe progress. Thankyouso muchfor yoursupport that
has made this project possible. We hope to have our first service inside in May. although it won't be
finished. Our junior kidsare performing a Kid's Praise Musicai on May 17so weare prayingwecan do it
in our new building as the kids themselves almost fill up the old.


I am beginning to think when they made girls

and boys, they mistook the characters and it
should have been girls are "snakes and snails." I

am really struggling with a group of about eight

girls whom I just can't seem to get through to.
They make it so hard to teach to the whole
group and I've tried almost everything; from
being a chummy friend to being very authori-

tative and actually not letting them come to a

youth meeting. Nothing in between seems to
work and Mark finds the same thing when he
teaches for me. It makes me dread Sunday
School and Youth meetings and that is not fair

on anyone. Please pray for methat God will

give me wisdom and patience, and will also
change the hearts of the girls.

Next Sunday is Easter Sunday and we are
having a special "Thirty Pieces of Silver"
offering to go towards our new building. Judas
betrayed Jesus with his thirty pieces of silver,
but we want to bring glory to Him with ours.

This offering is above what we usually give. The

ladies of the church made small bags out of

scraps of material with yarn drawstrings. These

were passed out a few weeks ago for people to
collect their silver in. (Zimbabwe silver comes in
5, 10, 20, 50. and 100 cent coins.) Whereas, in
the States, everyone goes to church on Easter

Sunday, here everyone goes away for vacation.

Although our attendance will be down we hope
this will be a special service in celebration of our
Lord's rising from the dead, and therefore our

promise of rising to walk a new life as well.

Friday night youth meeting.


Just recently I have joined a team that is
trying to reach all the high schools in Harare
\with a Seminar on Relationships. We open this

up to Form Sixes which is equivalent to Fresh

man in college. This series was written to deal
with mostly men/women relationships and in
clude: what to look for in a mate, handling
problems in a dating relationship, becoming the
best person you can be, etc. Most people in the

classes are not Christian so we do not push

Christianity but we go in with the under

standing that we are Christians and will use the

Bible as our textbook, yet will accept where
they are coming from. These Seminars are in
valuable in regard to spreading the Word. I am
involved presently In teaching at the boys high
school down the road and last week at our Fri

day evening youth meeting I was so pleased

and excited to see one of my students show up.

Please pray with me that God will really use

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these Seminars to reach the young people here

in Harare. Hopefully I will be working next term
in the other two high schools around the Green-

they were to draw a picture of a beatitude.

croft Christian Church.

student got her words mixed up.

For homework in my sixth grade Scripture class


The beginning of this year, Mark and I
decided to open up our house on Tuesday
evenings for a prayer meeting. We felt we, and
the people, needed this time of sharing and en
couragement from each other. We decided we
would start at our home and when the number

Children, ages 4-8, go to "creche" on Sunday

mornings while the adults worship.

got to around 14 regularly we would split into

two groups in different homes. The first
meeting we had 17! The numbers havedropped
off some and we have a steady ten always there
with others coming off and on. We begin with
Dad giving a short study on the book of Mark
and then lead into our sharing and praying. The
people are excited about this time to learn,
share and pray.

Before you move, please send the mailing label, along with a copy of your new address to:
MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION. P.O. Box 2427, Knoxville, TN 37901-2427.

This is Dad with Stanley, the grandson of one of our

church members. He is so precious and always brings
joy to those around him by his sincere little words:
"Why was Securu (the preacher) angry with us in
church this morning? He was shouting at us." When
asked why he was viciously rubbing his head on the
carpet one day, he replied, "I want to have a sore on
my head likeSecuru!"(Securu, my Father, has a place
on his head with no hair on it, and to Stanley it was a
sore.) So his grandmother shaved his head. He was

That Mom and Dad's work permit will be
renewed. It expires in August.
Robin and Jeff as they raise support.
The Greencroft Christian Church as they
continue to grow.
Me as 1 work with the teenagers.
Mark's parents that they will come to a
saving knowledge of Christ.

Belorc you move, please send iFie mailing label below, along wilh a copy ol youi new address to.
MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION. PO Box 2427, Knoxville, TN 37901-2427

Mission Services
PO Box 2427

Knoxville, TN 37901-2427


Non Prolil Org.

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Shanda Delaney Oakiey

Forwarding Agent:
Frank & Rosemary Manzenberger

PO Box M-21

1003 Eric Ave.

Mabelreign, Harare
Zimbabwe, Africa

Oolitic, IN 47451

Our Address:

Phone: (812) 279-5222

Volume 4

December 1987

Number 2

'For God so loved that He Gave...

Dear Friends,

Mark and Shanda Oakley, Betty & Charles Delaney

Christmas is a time of giving. When I think of you I think of the ways you have given. The Greencroft
Christian Church building was built because you gave. The body of believers is growing because they
have been taught the Word and now have space to invite their friends. Bibles have been made available
because you provided the funds to purchase them. We were able to have material for Vacation Bible
School because Standard Publishing gave materials left over from the previous year. Straights, Radars
and Jet Cadets have been thoroughly enjoyed by our youth because you have been sending them.
Because of you I have the joy and fulfillment of working here and seeing all that the Lord is doing in our

And so at this Christmas, I not only think of God giving His Son to us. but I also think of the ways you

have given to me and the Church here at Greencroft.

Thank you for giving.

Our junior age kids performed Kid's
Praise 3, a story about Psalty, a singing
songbook, who comes to help children
sing songs about Jesus from their heart.
The kids practiced twice a week for three
months and everyday for the last two
weeks. They did a fantastic job and 1was
so proud of them. We performed on a
Sunday afternoon and many people

Kid's Praisekids

from the Harare Christian Church in

Hatfield came to watch. Within a week

after the performance the kids were

asking me when we were starting the
next one.

Psalty was played by Cecil Ross and

Psaltina by Betty Delaney.

Kid's Praisebooks

As most of you know, we have trouble getting work permits for missionaries and this problem
involved all denominations. Things are getting worse rather than better. Realizing the limited time we
have in Zimbabwe, we are more than ever aware of the need to train our Church members to carry on
the Lord's work on their own.

Please pray for us as we have this situation before us, that God will guide us as we train the people.
Pray He will raise up men and women from among the people who will be strong and have the
leadership qualities needed. Pray we will not waste time with trivial matters but will havethe wisdom to
do what is most urgent.


Many days we fee! as if things are moving so slowly and nothing is getting done. Yet when we think
back on where we were a year ago we realize just how much has been accomplished.
An obvious accomplishment is our new church building. This has made room for other signs of
physical growth, Since this time last year our adult attendance has almost trippled and the high school
group has grown by one third.

We have seen our members step out and take on responsibilities. Before, we had three men taking

turns giving the communion meditation on Sunday mornings. This year we have had four men join the
list. From two Sunday School classes taught by Mom and me, we now have six, involving 10 different

Most of all we have seen the faith of the people grow as they draw closer to God. learn more of his

Word, begin to tithe, and get involved in serving as well as absorbing.

This year has been a year of growth but we feel it is only the beginning. The real growing will take
place during this next year. Please keep praying for us and your brothers and sisters In the Lord at the
Greencroft Christian Church. The work has just begun.

Andy won the "Hat Competition."

Youth group during prayer time.


In June of 1986 one of our seventh graders brought his older brother, Andy, to the worship service. I
greeted him and invited him to VP as I do all the teenagers, not realizing what he would turn out ot be.
From that day on, Andy never missed a Sunday service nor youth meeting unless he was visiting his

grandmother's village. He accepted the Lord and was baptized a few weeks after coming for the first
time, was voted in as a VP leader in June of this year and issuchajoy to us. Andy makes sure things are
ready for VP and cleans and locks up before he goes. Yesterday, Andy came to me and said he had
something he wanted to say to the youth group. He spoke for 20 minutes on the need for us to witness,
giving scriptural references and examples.
Andy is every youth minister's dream and also what many local congregations strive to bring up out of
their youth. He is such a blessing,
I'd like to ask all of you to pray for Andy. We can see him as a strong leader in later years if not a full

time minister. He still has a couple years of school left, has many family problems and may have to move
out of town resulting from family break up. Pray for God's will to be done in his life, whatever God has in
store. Pray also that he will continue to grow and remain strong.
I thank God for Andy. Will you?


We had Holiday Bible School during the month of August. We began the week with 89 and grew to

140. Itwas a good week and our teachers enjoyed themselvesas much as the kids. (That maybe hard to
believe but it is true!) Last year we had 120 kids in the house because it rained. This year itwouldn't have
mattered if it rained because we had a building with classrooms to meet in. We rejoiced through the
whole week.


1. Our growth in attendance.

2. The renewal of Mom and Dad's work permit.
3. Our Sunday Schools.
Prayer Requests:
1. Leadership training at the Greencroft
Christian Church.


Robin and Jeff as they raise support. They

plan to come in January '89.
Guidance in the youth work.
Migual presenting me with flowers from the "Kid's
Praise" group.
Belore you move, please seno ihe mailing label below, along with a copy ol youi new aoaress to
MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION. P O Bo* 2427. Knoxville, TN 37901-2427

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