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QuickPanel Control DeviceNet Master Communications Card

Quick Start Guide
Thursday September 20, 2007

This document is a brief introduction to the configuration of the QuickPanel View
(QPV) and QP Controls (QPC) DeviceNet Master Card, IC754DVNM01, using Prophecy
Machine Edition Software. Only a basic configuration example will be provided and
the audience that is intended for this document will be GE Fanuc Technical Support
Agents who have previous exposure to Machine Edition Software as well as the
QPV/QPC. The GE Fanuc 90-30 Hardware platform will also be utilized to interface to
both the Master and Slave cards and a certain level of competence with the 90-30
will also be required. This document will not cover the installation of the hardware as
this is covered in the respective manuals which can be found on the GE Fanuc
website. Information regarding DeviceNet can be found at

GFK-2270C QPV/QPC DeviceNet Communication cards Users Manual
GFK- 2916A DeviceNet Modules for Series 90-30 Users Manual

For this configuration a 6 QPC TFT is being used with the IC754DVNM01. The setup
will have the QPC Master controlling a 90-30 IC693DNS201 Slave. Two I/O cards will
be used in the 90-30 rack to simulate the data being passed to and from the QPC to
the PLC. The configuration for the 90-30 will also be included in this example.



Start by creating a new empty project

For this configuration we are

going to add two Targets, the QP
Control and the 90-30.

***This portion only pertains to this example, as a GE Fanuc PLC is being used.
This will illustrate that the data lengths that are setup in the Slave (90-30) have to
match the lengths that have been configured in the Master (QPC) only the
configuration for the IC693DNS201 will be covered in detail***


The PLC rack for this example will be as follows:

Slot 0 IC693PWR321 (Power Supply)
Slot 1 IC693CPU364 (CPU)
Slot 2 IC693DNS201 (DeviceNet Slave Module)
Slot 3 IC693MDL940 (discrete Output Module)
Slot 4 IC693ACC300 (16 point input simulator)


There are 2 portions to the IC693DNS201 configuration, the network

configuration and the module configuration. We will configure the Slaves
Network configuration first. To open the editor, right click the module in the
Hardware Configuration and select Network Settings


The modules network configuration is now seen.

For this example all that will be changed on the General tab is the MAC ID. We will
modify this to a value of 1. For a definition of the network parameters, refer to GFK2916A.


Now a Connection is to be setup. This is the data connection between the

Slave Module and the QP Master.


A Polled Connection is enabled by clicking the radio button

Please refer to GFK- 2916A for information regarding the different connection types.


The data lengths must now be configured. The lengths are the amount of data
that Slave will be sending to and receiving from the Master.

***The lengths that are setup in the Slave have to match the lengths defined in
the Master for the devices to communicate***
The lengths will be setup as follows:
Input Resource Size = 2 Bytes
Output Resource size = 2 Bytes
****The 2 bytes in and 2 bytes out are just arbitrary for this example. These values
have been chosen for this example to simulate the 16 boolean outputs from the
IC693MDL940 and the IC693ACC301 Simulator. Please confer the documentation
for the maximum allowable data lengths****

Click on OK.


Now the Module configuration needs to be done. To open the Configuration,

once again right click the module and select Configure.

The Module configuration is seen

The default values are left for this example.


The Data areas now have to be enabled.


Click on the Input Data Area tab. Double

click the area 1 type and select Connection
1 Outputs (to this PLC) and click ok.

Set the lengths to 16 (2 bytes as Discrete inputs are being used) and then set the
reference address to %I00113. This address has been chosen due to the fact that the
input simulator has been configured for this range and we will be using these points
for simulation later in this document.

Click on the Output Data Area tab. Double
click the area 1 type and select Connection 1
Inputs (from this PLC)

Set the length to 16 (2 bytes as Discrete outputs are being used) and then set the
reference address to %Q00017. This address has been chosen due to the fact that
the IC693MDL940 has been configured for this range and we will be using these
points for simulation later in this document.

***Two rungs of logic are required in the PLC for the data simulation as follows***


Go Online with the PLC. Download to the PLC and put it into Run Mode


Now the QPC has to be configured. Right click the QPC Target and select Add
Component and add the HMI component. Do the same for the Logic


Right click the Control I/O Driver heading in the navigator and select New
Driver and select DeviceNet I/O


Double click the


Left click on Card 1 and the cards properties are seen in the inspector



driver and the Control I/O Configuration is seen

The Baud rate setting needs to be modified to 500 to match the slaves

Right click Card 1 and select Add Slave


From the list add the GE Fanuc Automation 90-30 DeviceNet Slave (Major: 1
Minor: 16) and click OK.


Select the Connection 1 table and enable the Polled connection with 2
bytes in and 2 bytes out as was done in the 90-30 Slave and click OK.


The Control I/O Terminals are created.


Variables must now be created for the Terminals.


For this example, 2 boolean arrays are created, one for the inputs and one for
the outputs. The data source for these variables is going to be Control. The
types will be input for the input terminals and output for the output terminals.


Drag the individual variables on the I/O terminals


Open Panel 1 from the navigator and drag the variables out to create pilots
lights to test the communications


Download to the Panel.


Toggle the switches for the input simulator and notice that the top rows of
pilot lights reflect the states of the switches. Press the pilot light on the bottom
two rows and notice that the outputs on the IC693MDL940 that correspond
with pilot lights are turning on.

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