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As public school has come to a successful close for the
year in Honduras, Christmas is already upon us. In this
season Jose and I and our families have much to be
grateful for as we celebrate 24 years of working together,
well over half of that in Honduras. It has made me reflect
back on how all of this came to be and the long, strange
trip its been
So how did a Presbyterian PCA Pastor and a Mental
Health Counselor end up working together with the
marginalized and discarded children of Honduras? For
Jose the seeds were planted when he was five years old
and Fidel Castros men walled off his garden, taking the
little tomato plants that he had so lovingly tended to for
the people.
In the fall of 1990, Jose and I and a few others were
sitting in his office when Jose lamented, Thirty-one
years ago three men came down off of a mountain and
took my country. I want to know how that works.
That was it for me. I was in - the AHA moment where all
cylinders fire in your brain at once. Why would a little
girl from Kansas have any interest at all in taking
nations? It struck me at the time as quite odd, so much so
that I knew it was a God spark.
Soon after, I read Isaiah 66:8 and sparks flew again
Who has ever heard of such
things? Can a country be born
in a day or a nation be brought
forth in a moment? The
question, as odd as it seems, is
Jose and I did not know it then,
but we agreed that day in his
office that the two of us would
work together to see a nation
born in a day, or else we would
die trying

While the year 2014 has been financially lean with the
unexpected loss of grants we had hoped for, in the
Kingdom of God where everything is often upside down,
the lack of funds in no way hindered our progress. We
have grown more this year than any since we began,
starting two new centers and adding hundreds of children
to our numbers. With the increase we have seen recently,
it is not unreasonable to expect exponential growth in the
near future.
Jesus does not ask us to pray for the funds to do the
work; He asks that we pray for the workers. Finally, we
must have been importunate enough for God to give us
the pick of the litter when Chelsey joined our rag-tag
band early this year. Our intro came about because a
mutual friend thought that Chelsey should speak with me
about her dream of starting an organic cosmetics
company using coffee oil extract.
A few days later we were on the phone, not talking much
about Honduran coffee, but about our heart for working
with the poor and seeing the transformation of devastated
nations, among the many other things we held in
Chelseys quick transition to working with us as an
intern all seemed a bit mad, much like my thought of
being used to transform
nations. But God in His great
mercy opened many doors,
enough for a story of its own!
In the months since February,
Chelsey has gone from intern to
a partner in the work. We all
realized she had crossed the
line when a friend of hers asked
how long she saw herself doing
this work. Chelseys response
was, For the rest of my life

PHONE 561.758.2198 FACEBOOK: World-Resources-Group/112743942141365 EMAIL:

Chelsey brings s new

passion to our team
with her vision for
youth and job creation,
and she has worked in
development. She is a
great writer, and has
business acumen as well
as grant writing
expertise. I could go on
and on about the gifts she brings to the table. But, what I
most appreciate about Chelsey is her desire to get rid of
her veils, any false self that could impede her growth.
Jose and I have been privileged to walk with her as God
has transformed her over these past nine months. She
was pretty darn good to begin with, but now has grown
in ways that would take others years to do.
This work is not for the faint of heart nor the spiritual
tourist. It takes going deep with God; anyone who does
that will be unveiled. The ability to be real with herself
will aid her in helping others who need healing from the
hard knocks life has thrown at them. Only then can they
be fruitful in their calling and purpose on this earth.
As the forces of evil advance in this world in the form of
Isis, drug cartels, wars and rumors of wars, we need an

army of Chelseys to help us turn the tide of darkness.

From many corners of America, youth that are fed up
with the status quo and who want to make a difference
on this earth are coming our way.
What we are doing in Honduras can be exported to other
places in Central America, in Africa, poor nations in
Europe, and even in the blighted areas of the U.S. Our
kids in Honduras can be sent to train and others can
come to Honduras to learn from them. We see nothing
but possibilities ahead.
For now we are but a few Hondurans, one Cuban, two
Gringas, and a rather small team of supporters. But this
is the group that has made the commitment to wage the
battle for the re-creation of nations. Jesus was all about
that as we know when in Luke 4 He announced himself
as the fulfillment of Isaiahs prophecy:

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the
poor to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the
prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORDs favor to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve
to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of
praise instead of a spirit of despair They will rebuild the ancient ruins they will renew the ruined cities that
have been devastated for generations Selected verses from Isaiah61

Proclaiming the good news to the poor is not about talk--it is about action. Like the Good Samaritan, we stumbled upon a
people in need. They became our neighbors. However, the majority of you who support this work have never been to
Honduras. You dont know these children, yet you are steadfast in their support. You are heroes to children you may never
meet this side of the veil. Your faithfulness and commitment is incredible.
Like me, it probably never entered your minds that you would be the backbone for those who are restoring the places long
devastated. But here we are, excited about the work to be done not only in Honduras, but outside its borders. Many years
ago in Linaca we were in a meeting with some of the poorest people I had ever met. Yet, what I felt in that moment was not
their poverty, but their power. It was so overwhelming that tears streamed down my face as I realized that the God of all
creation is using these special people to fuel His revolution of love. It reminds me of a poor carpenter from a town the size
of Linaca that He sent to save the world from itself. Merry Christmas to all - with love from all the team! Nelle

PHONE 561.758.2198 FACEBOOK: World-Resources-Group/112743942141365 EMAIL:

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