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Brett R.

959 Woodridge Boulevard, Lancaster, PA 17601
(717) 291-4630 Email:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dear Republican Committee Member,

I appreciate your time in reading through this packet. I am writing to

announce my intention to seek the Republican Committee's endorsement
for the 41st District seat in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. I am
deeply respectful of your role as a GOP Committee Member and recognize
the importance of your position in assessing candidates, advocating for
good government and representing the residents where you live.

It's About People

You will see from my resume (enclosed) that I have been in the "people-
business" for my entire career. My education background, civic and
professional life have revolved around helping people. Currently, I am
serving my community in my second term as an East Hempfield Township
Supervisor. I am serving in my 5th year in this capacity and I am responsible
for my part as a Board member for the governance of this diverse 23,000
resident community. My role as a Supervisor includes, among other tasks,
providing oversight and direction for the management of a $14 - $15 million
dollar budget, 98 full and part-time employees, public safety services, public
infrastructure needs, traffic management, and public recreation, to name
just a few. The goal in all of my work as a Township Supervisor has been to
serve the residents of the community by making decisions that make the
community a better place to live.

In addition to this, my civic experience in my role as a Republican

Committeeman for 9 years in the Cherry Hill District in East Hempfield
Township had similar characteristics – serving the residents in my district
through providing information and newsletters, working on many different
campaigns, interviewing candidates and manning the polls – all for the
purpose of helping the residents individually and promoting good
government by helping qualified candidates achieve victory.

Finally, my professional career as a school counselor is basically that of

serving in a role as a problem-solver – working with students, parents,
teachers and other professionals to bring the necessary ideas and resources
together in order to find real solutions for the needs people have.

Paid for by the candidate.

A Three-Point Platform

The three main issues that I will center my efforts on are:

1) Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. Lancaster County is facing its highest rate of

unemployment in 26 years. Pennsylvania ranks 25th among states in
unemployment. Many here in the 41st have either had their hours and
benefits cut back or have lost their jobs entirely. We need to make
Pennsylvania a more business-friendly, job-producing place where
corporations and businesses can operate successfully without burdensome
taxation and over-regulation.

2) Reducing the size of and waste in state government - and

thereby reducing state spending. You and I are forced to live within our
means and state budgets and finances should be forced to follow that same
approach. Our government spending has been unrestricted, resulting in
bigger and bigger government and correspondingly, greater and greater
deficits. Fiscal sanity must be restored.

3) Restoration of an efficient and accountable government that is

worthy again of the public trust. Scandals and indictments in
Pennsylvania government are becoming daily headlines and unfortunately
many in public office have forgotten that the offices belong to the people,
not to those who serve in them. The original meaning of what it means to
be a "public servant" needs to be restored, for where you have servants who
serve the public, there you will have a government that works and
government leaders who can be trusted.

These three topics, taking the necessary steps to encourage and expand job
growth, restoring fiscal sanity to our state's budget and spending, and
restoring trust in our government are my priorities in seeking this office. I
do want to add that these three topics are really only a continuation of the
example and work of Representative Katie True. She has modeled and
advocated for these principles through her years of service. She has done a
remarkable job and I would be honored to follow in her footsteps to continue
the work she has already been doing.

Political 'Sweat Equity'

Let me add a further comment on my campaigns for East Hempfield

Township Supervisor. When I first ran, I worked closely with the East
Hempfield Republican Party and sought and obtained their endorsement. I
also earned their endorsement when I ran for re-election. These
endorsements were key, but I knew that the endorsement had to be met
with my own sweat equity in the campaign. I worked extremely hard and

Paid for by the candidate.

despite the fact that both of these races received high scrutiny in the press
and included some marked political rancor, I won both elections by solid
margins. I have proven that not only do I work well with the local
committee members but I also do the necessary work to win. I've learned
how to create and effectively communicate a campaign message, to build a
network of contacts and to get out the vote.

Thank you again for your time and for your commitment to good
government. I look forward to speaking with you personally and I will be
calling you in the near future to set up a time to meet with you (preferably),
and if this is not convenient, to talk with you via phone. Please call or email
me if you have any questions or if you need any additional information.

I hope your New Year is a blessed and prosperous one for you and your


Brett R. Miller

Paid for by the candidate.

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