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Made by:

Talaiha Chughtai OLevel



With the finishing of this project I would like to thank a lot of people
which played an important role with the completion of this project. First
of all, I would like to thank my mentor and guide Sir.Farrukh with whose
persistent encouragement and hope in me helped me through thick and
thin of this project and finally lead it into completion.
On a second note, I would like to thank my family who believed in me
and my idea to think of such an idea and take it to the end. A special
thanks to my dad and his proper criticisms at the right time. Another
warm and special thanks to my friends Lalarukh, Breakhna, Zeenia and
Burni who helped me through a very critical stage and encouraged me to
finish this project and went through my mood swings and helped me to
believe that I could finish this project.
Last but not the least my heartiest and warmest thanks to my teachers
who understood the intensity of such a project and let me continue with
this project while it interfered with their own course work. I am deeply
touched and again present everyone with the heartiest thank you.








Union Bank Limited is a public limited company incorporated in

1992. It was originally sponsored by Nasim Saigol group of Lahore. The
banks majority shareholding (51%) and management was bought by a
Saudi investor in late 1999.At the time of buy out, Union bank had total
balance sheet footings of Rs.14 billion. The new management
transformed the bank into an upscale bank through acquisition of Bank
of America (year 2000) and later Emirates Bank Ltd.
Union Bank has total assets of over Rs. 100 billion at present. It is
a highly profitable bank and generated Rs.1.7 billion in net profits for its
shareholders for the year ended December 31, 2005.
Union Bank sells full range of financial products for corporate,
small and medium business enterprises and at large for consumers. Its
consumer banking activities include consumer loans, auto financing,
house financing and credit cards. Union Banks employees are nearly
5000 in number.
As a large organization which has being operating since fourteen
years, Union bank was running its operations on a manual system for
about a span of six years. As time passed by and the amount of data to
be captured and to be input increased, the job became tedious,
redundant and inaccurate in terms of data input and capture.

The manual system required the data to be captured from forms

which had been filled by employees after they had been selected for the
job, or throughout the interview process. This data was manually stored
for example each employee had a separate file in which data about them
had been stored by a receptionist. Over the years, this job became so
tedious and redundant that the data storage started being inaccurate
that is all the data about different employees started being mixed up and

the organizational structure of the bank started to crumble. To overcome

this problem the bank acquired a computerized system which, had to
input by a trained individual. As soon as the system was acquired it was
noticed that many of the valuable employees of the organization became
deskilled and unemployment started taking place.

The computerized system implemented in the company was an

employee database. The database was responsible for the simple storage
of employee information covering their personal and professional
information as given at the time of the interview process. This system
was of use to the organization even though most of the employees had
become deskilled. The system helped in the faster processing of
information(more than the manual system) on the command of search of
employees currently working in the organization.
The database was designed only for the limited storage and
processing of 1000 employees. It was simple software in which tables
were used for the data input and output of employee information.

This system seemed to be an obvious solution to the problem which

was present in the manual system, but over the years as the number of
employees increased the lack of storage, and operations in the system
became obvious and once again the data organizational structure became
shambles. The main problem of the system became its lack of storage
and operations such as the generation of presentable reports for office
viewing. In order to generate a report for the tables , a person was needed
to word process it and print it for office viewing, this lack of modification
in the existing system naturally gave rise to expenses of the bank., as
more employees had to be hired for this special purpose.

The existing system had a serious flaw which needed to be fixed,

either by modification of the system or the production of a new system.


Interview with:
Mr. Akbar Ali Chughtai (executive vice president, country risk manager,
Union Bank Limited.


What is the present method of the solution?

What are the problems currently faced by the user?
What is the method of input?
What is the share of productivity (users) while using the system?
How is the output displayed? And what are the methods?
Did you have any recent upgrades to the system?
What do you want in the new proposed solution?
What is the standard of organisation?
What is the method of searching records?

Q1) What is the present method of the solution?

Ans: the method works in parallel. they are presently two systems
working, one is the manual input and output, the second is an
automated system which works on the principle of database. manual
compilation of the records are input into the database.
Q2) What are the problems currently faced by the user?
Ans: there is a massive problem of organization and storage. Firstly the
method if solution is very time consuming this is because there is a
manual compilation of data, there is then similar and dissimilar data
which needs to be selected. Later on it needs to be typed by the user into
the database.
As they are two methods working simultaneously, the data input and
output is known to be inaccurate sometimes. Thirdly the present system
is prone to systems failure and other system bugs. Lastly, due to its dry

interface the users feel monotonous and they tend to tamper with data

Q3) What is the method of input?

At the first stage, there is manual input by the means of handwriting. the
output is the same as input and is compiled in a file. Later on data is
input by the means of a keyboard into the database.
Q4) what is the share of productivity (in terms of users)while using the
As a rough estimate the share of productivity is about is such a
low count because the job is extremely monotonous which causes the
users to give up creativity and productivity for their work. Last but not
the least the dry or less user friendly interface adds up to the problem.

Q5) How is the output is displayed? And what are the methods?
The output methods of displaying data is the production of these records
on paper. The output is handwritten. the input and output are the same.
The input is displayed when the records are kept in file folders and
viewed at request or any new insertion.

Q6)Did you have any recent upgrades to the system?

Yes, the existing solution of data capture and processing requires both
the manual and generic automated solution to work side by side and
produce a suitable output for the saving of employee records.
Q7)what do you want in the new proposed system?
The new proposed solution should be able to have a larger input storage.
the extra storage is a major problem. He present system is facing the
crisis of less storage. Secondly the present system is very dry and does
not have a user friendly or colourful table, all of these additions should
be in the new proposed solution. Lastly there is a desperate need for an
automatic output feature.
Q8)What is the standard of organization?

Poor. All the work is paper based and there are heaps of papers for one
employee. This causes a lot of mismanagement. There is no such method
or standard in which data is stored. it is just saved serially.
Q9) What is the method of searching records?
As they are two systems running at the same time there was two ways in
which data was searched. In the manual system each record was
searched manually by viewing each page. In the second system however
data was searched from the tables directly. However this method took a
lot of time like the manual system.

The discovery of important points from the interview:

The method is manual as well as automated, both of these
processes are time consuming.

Due to the presence of both the manual and automated systems

there is confusion if data input.

The job of data input is monotonous and the lack of colours,

operations granted to the user make it even more monotonous.

There is a lack of storage space in both of the systems which need

to be mended.

As the main problem of the existing solution was viewed an

obvious objective of the production of the main system required more
storage space, so more records that is more space to input data had to
consider in the new system. More space meant more information
regarding employees and hence the storage space of the whole system
also increased, now the system could hold information of more than
6000 employees which is a substantial increase from the storage space of
1000 employees offered by the existing solution.

Side by side as the storage space increased, another objective

was also kept in the design of the new solution. As new and improved
operations had lacked in the existing solution it was an aim to keep these
operations in the new system.

The new operations seemed to be of great importance to the

organization, business wise it saved a lot of time when presentable
reports could easily be printed by the software. Reports and forms
besides providing a presentable look also gave new modifications,
searching and storing of data directly from these reports and forms made
the system more user friendly and caused it to be less monotonous then
all of the previous implemented solutions.

Reports and forms were one of the main objectives because these
provided more space per employee and provided different interfaces with
which users could work with and feed more fields.These additional fields
caused the searching faster then usual. For instance in the simple tables
they were only limited fields which could be fed and worked with,
however in reports this problem was solved too.

Besides these fast searching wizards, another feature was added

to the database. These were relationships, the function of the
relationships were to link all the data containing tables so each table
could be edited from any of the tables which were being used. A one-tomany relationship was used so one table could be linked to many at the
same time, in business terms this saved resources as well as time. As
observed by the implementation of all the other solutions, the new
system was specifically designed in such a way that it was extremely user
friendly. The only problem area of the solution was the type in of the
command of the searching.

The design of the new system was closely related to the existing
solution. Basically, some of the lay out was as the same as the existing
solution; for example the addition of tables was the same with only the
difference of relationships in the present tables. It was tried that the
essence of the system remained the same with only the exceptions of new
operations of user friendly queries, forms and reports.

The objectives of the system also listed the access to these files in an
uncomplicated manner. For that the production of a switch board was
included. The switch board is basically the main page of the system
which when given certain commands opens the tables/forms/reports.
This operation was not available in the existing software and hence can
be noted as a modification.
The switch board has two main purposes:1) the system is more
presentable,2)it becomes a direct access and hence more user friendly.

As it was discussed in the description of the problem, Union Bank

was first run by a manual system in which data was captured by the
means of forms and applications and then was pinned to separate files
for each employee .As a starting of this bank, this way of organizing data
and storing it was not a bad idea. They were plenty of advantages
associated with this type of data organization.
A manual system of organization is basically a very simple
concept. It works by the manual input of data by the use of data capture
forms for example the use of old questionnaires, interview forms,
documentation logs and interview forms. Each of these have to be
studied in detail to describe the existing solution and how it works. The
system starts its operation when a employee fills in his/her personal
details on a data capture form, throughout the interview process the
persons details are being logged in registers/journals for safe keeping.
This was the study of the input. As, most of the systems work on the
Input-Process-Output -Model, so does this system.

After the study of the input model, the process model is considered.
In the processing,a employee has to look for records in the journal
alphabetically or by the time and date in which the interview was held,
then after viewing this information it is matched with each employee and
written in a separate journal. The logs for temporary as well as
permanent employees are stored in the same log. Matching and
comparison of employee records are as frequent as hourly in time span of
a day,for matching and comparison,the names and dates had to matched
on each page,there was no such concept of a uniquename by which
differentiation of data could take place.

Lastly, the study of the output model is considered. The output is a

hand written piece of paper on which details of the employee are written.
It contains tables and columns for separate fields such as employee
numbers, name, contact details, professional details etc. The output is
fairly easy or user friendly but the processing of it takes a lot of time.

After the study of the manual system, description of the upgrade of

the manual system is considered. This system was a modified version of
the manual system. It provided an interface in which manual records
could be inserted in a database and all the data of employees could be
switched to a computerized or more efficient storage media. No search
tools were provided, users had to type or scroll through the records to
extract information about employees.This was done by selecting the
required field and taking the cursor through it.

As an upgrade the system was a great improvement because it did save

a lot of valuable time of the users. Processing of data was also
substantially improved because everything was automatically processed
and updated for the output.

The output of the system was a hard copy(print out).For this, the user
had to select the desired tables and paste it to a word processor where
the output was then printed or saved to a disk for further use. At this
moment, like the old manual system there was no backup file in which
valuable data could be stored.

For the new system, the required storage media was also kept in
consideration. External storage devices such as magnetic tapes were
started to be used readily to store data for future references. Magnetic
tapes became the recommended storage media and hence they also had
to be a part of the new system. Other external storage medium, such as
floppy drives (for less storage of data, for instance a specific record of an
employee was used.),CD ROMS were also used for storage purposes after
a specific period of system usage.Internal storage media such as RAMs
and ROMs were now also rapidly being used as the size of the data base
began to increase.

As it was observed and studied, the manual system did not

require any specific trained individuals to run the operation of
data input entries. Data capture methods were uncomplicated
such as the compilation of already hand-written forms by the
employees in their process of interview, or evaluation forms. The
only work which had to be done was to pin these forms in files
with the handwritten notes by the users.
The input-process-output model was the bench mark of the
solution. This model for the manual process did not require any
specific input or output specifications, the only requirement was
if the output which had to contain details about employees such
as first, last name, contact details such as address, temporary
and permanent phone number. After this had to be done all of
this saved data was archived and kept in file cabinets for later
use. They were many advantages as well as disadvantages
associated with such a system. Firstly, there was no danger of deskilling or unemployment in the firm because the operations were
fairly simple. The second and one of the most important reasons
was it did not demand any specific output or input specification,
all it stated was the handwritten form of all data capture. Thirdly,
this method of data storage is not expensive, if they are any
expenses they are only on unlimited supply of paper and files.
Lastly, till the organization was in its early form this method was
an excellent way of keeping up with the employees employed by
the company.

This method also had a lot of disadvantages while exhibiting

the advantages. The job was extremely tedious and monotonous,
because the employees had to do the same job day by day and
perform the same task all day. Even though, after its initial
success, when the load of data began to be heavy the
organizational structure was crumbled, so that means it was a
short-lived solution. Wastage of resources (such as paper) and
time was more than it could be used for other productive

operations. Also, the processing of input took a very long time (in
comparing and contrasting data records for each employee, and
also checking if employees with matched data even exist).Data
storage was a major problem, if the manual system was suited for
one branch or department it could have been a pleasant
operation but the it created a muddle when it had to sortthe data
records for employees nation wide.Lastly,not one user was needed
for this operation, to a minimum at least 4-5 users at a time were

The second method which was employed in the existing

solution was the upgrade of the manual system to a slightly
better condition. This seemed to be a proper solution but over
time it started showing its disadvantages too. Even in the
upgrade solution there were no queries or search wizards
introduced, users still had to look in each and every record to
find the required employee and its information. Relating to this
problem, there was no flexibility in searching of records and also
for the input of records, there was only a limited number of
tables with limited fields allotted. No miscellaneous or other
information could be input. Side notes such as description of
fields were not also allotted-all this called was the problem in
search conditions.
Besides the limited search conditions, no output specifications
were employed. There could not be any direct way of a hard copy
output. For instance, in order to print out a table it had to be
selected (manually, by the use of a cursor) and copy pasted to a
word processor where changes could be made and the data
printed out. This wasted a lot of precious time of the organization
just by printing out information about an employee. Also,
deskilling started to occur when users did not know how to use
such as a system in which data had to be inserted and reinserted
for modifications.Lastly,even though presentation had become
better than the manual system, there was no direct access by the
use of a switch board. A switch board is basically, command
buttons which are used to link to a table or a form when clicked.

The advantages of the upgrade of the manual system were

numerous. To start of with, searching became faster than in the
manual system, even though scrolling was manual but it was
easier then to go through pages and pages of records when
everything was present on the output screen in the form of a
table. Unlike, the old system in which everything was recorded in
one table, two tables were produced in which two completely
separate fields were allotted; one was the personal information of
the employee and the second was the professional information.
This caused data to be in a more organized form then ever before
and hence created less problems(in saving time,looking and
matching records like in the manual system).The software was
able to hold more data then before and hence it was acquired for
the replacement of the manual solution.

They can be suggested improvements in both of the systems,

instead of a complete switch over to an automated solution. For
instance in the manual system, more logs should be considered,
this will increase the organizational improvements of the firm and
side by side expenses will also be decreased more than allotting
the revenue for a switchover when a modification can easily be
used to solve the problem. Another solution to encounter the
manual solution is to hire special people and also organize a
department just for the sorting of data of employees. This will
create division of labour, as well as it will decrease the level of
redundancy in the firm. For example, one person can be
responsible for data capture, by compiling forms written at the
time of interviews or employment process, another person can
compile these together in a sorted form and so on, till the process
is completed.


For the manual system, as it was discussed in heading

number 4, a department can be allotted for the process of
manual sorting and compilation of employee data. Special people
can also be used to make this process faster by using them as

tools and division of tasks can take place this way most of the job
will be divided and none of the employees will feel redundant
while performing this task of compiling and writing of employee
records over.

Also, logs for separate entries should be considered, this way a

jumble of data will not take place and irrelevant data will not be
complied with important data for future references .One way or
the all of these processes save time. The time which is saved can
be used for other tasks in the bank for instance it could be used
to make the services of the bank more efficient etcetera.

Work hours can also be increased for the data organizational

department, since the process takes a longer time, more time can
be allotted to it and the job can be easily completed, than staying
long hours and doing extra work in order to get the job done.

Data should only be accessible to the people who are

authorized to view it. This way to two timing of data can take
place no inaccessible people can view the data and amend it,
this way again no jumbling of data can be performed and data
integrity can be saved and time also.

Lastly , data should be regularly showed to the management of

the organisation for instance once in a week so the management
has an idea of what and how the compilation of the data is taking
place.Any improvements can be bought into the attention of the
users and all the data can be efficiently controlled and improved.

The new system, which is a modified version of the old

computer system consists of the old framework of tables (which
hold and store records of employees on the output screen).The
new system has a flexibility of tables that is personal or
professional information is easily input by a user in the main
database page. Also there are a number of additional fields in

which more data can be input and hence that is the solution to
the storage problem as it was identified in the objectives is
fulfilled .i.e. more storage space to cater the needs of such a huge
database. The new system also works on the principle of
automatically processing new data input. For instance if tables
are inserted with new records, the forms or reports will also cater
that information and display it.
The new system also has been designed with queries; these are
small customized programs in which a search criterion is defined.
In the new system for example, queries are generated when
employee information is needed. For instance employee number,
name etcetera is put in and an automatic search is generated by
the system to check the criteria with the closest proximity.
Forms and reports are also included. These are basically
extensions on which output of the tables are displayed. Forms are
used when the data is imported from the table for some reasons;
presenting data for official use or for easier searches. In the new
proposed system forms are used to view tables with a colourful,
user friendly interface which can easily be edited without going in
the design phase. Forms have special command boxes which are
essential in the use for searching each record.

A manual upgraded solution has many advantages; it is less

expensive even if it has been modified/customized for the business then
a complete switch over to a new automated computer system. Also, side
by side trained staff is not required. It is a simple input-process-output
model which only requires ample number of employees to be handled
Resources such as electricity and energy are saved, since it is
a manual system and the only energy input required is by the users and
not by a machine also unemployment and deskilling does not occur as
rapidly as in an automated system. Also, developing a new department
for data organisation does not disturb the operation for the rest of the
bank, as it did in the old manual system.
Lastly, there are no specific input specifications only a user is
needed to input data in a certain format. The output is almost the same
thing as the input without any special amendments.

The disadvantages are of the same number as the advantages

of this solution. Even though the manual system has been developed, the
objectives of the solution have not been fulfilled or solved. There is still
the problem of a direct access to the system as well as the time
management issue. The system proves to be unsuccessful because of
these reasons.
The job is still very much tedious, employees might quit from
working such long hours for the same job everyday without a difference
in the routine of the job. Confusion still might persist for the input of
data and the inflexibility of data remains; there are still only two tables
too choose from and fill data in.

On the other hand, the advantages of the proposed solution

weigh more than the manual upgraded system ,because the objectives
have been fully satisfied. Queries, forms and reports have been generated
to save time and provide a direct access to the system then scrolling. It is

also a user friendly and interactive system which may provide different
backgrounds are colours to help make the job less monotonous and fun
to work in.Also,the extra hours for the users to work will be cancelled
because the processing will be fast and automatic, no human
intervention will be required for the processing of the system, and by this
time can be saved for other tasks. A hardcopy can be generated any time
of the day and it would also be hassle free as only a command from the
main page is required. Instead of the long procedure ,of copy and pasting
the required data to the word processor. The last and final reason for the
choice of the proposed solution to be adapted is because it can readily be
made into backup copies(only one click of copy, paste required)and also it
becomes more efficient and less prone to damage.



Time required.
1 day.


Fact Finding.

1 day.
2 days.
Viewing of
1 day.


Feasibility Study



The compilation of a
study which discusses
the evaluation of the
proposed solution and
the existing, also
highlighting the cost of
the project.

4 days.

1 day
Description of
the problem
Description and
evaluation of
existing solution
Flow diagram of
existing solution

2 days

1 day



Description and
evaluation of
other possible
List of

2 days

Output, storage
and Input

2 days

1 day

1 day



Testing plan

1 day

Test results.

1 day


1 day


5 days





2 days.

This is the same representation of the SDLC(system design life cycle),the

only difference is that was a table form of portrayal of the cycle and this
is the graph form of the cycle. This graph is known as the Gantt Chart.

Objectives of the proposed solution:

More storage capacity.

Development of new operations such as forms, reports , macros
and queries.

The saving of time due to the presence of search wizards such as


To provide a user friendly interface, which reduces the feeling of

monotonous work in the users.

The production of relationships in the database tables.

The production of a functional switchboard for easy navigation of

the system.

The easy production of backups.

To save resources such as paper.
To minimize errors in data input.
To develop such a system which is easy to update and maintain.

Hardware and Software specifications:

Hardware specifications and its reasons:

The employee database requires a recommended hardware requirement


Intel(R) Pentium 4 microprocessor.

512 MB RAM.
2.8 (Giga Hertz)GHz Processor.
20 GB Hard Disk.
17 Inch Monitor.
Floppy Disk drive.
Reasons for the recommended hardware requirement:
1. Intel(R) Pentium 4 Microprocessor: Intel is the most accurate
and reliable microprocessor, also it is one of the most readily
available in markets.

2. 512 MB RAM: this large amount of RAM provides a lot of

space for numerous employee records and pictures can also

be saved. Large RAM in a system also prevents system


3. 2.8 GHz Processor: An extremely fast processor which is

importantly needed for the fast and automatic processing of
data input.

4. CD ROM: especially needed to insert records of any employee

and save it on the disk. A CD ROM is needed for the input of
CDs which have a lot of storage space then floppy disks.
Sometimes to load the application software packages (for e.g.
Microsoft Access).
5. 20 GB hard disk: a 20 GB hard disk contains a lot of space.
It will be used for numerous employee records and text,
pictures or animations. It is long lasting and contains a lot of
storage space. Instead of keeping employee information in
bits all 5000 employees can be saved on one hard disk.
6. 17 inch monitor: a large monitor provides a better
resolution of the image and also providing a larger view of
the image. Colour display provides the full intensity of the
design hereby creating a user friendly output.
7. Key board: a good quality keyboard is required for the correct
and accurate input of data. The main use of the keyboard is
data input.
8. Mouse: An input device essentially needed to click on
tables ,switch boards and forms. It takes less time than a
keyboard selection and hence is an ideal input device.
9. CD RW ROM: a CD-RW (Re writable) will be used to burn
data onto a CD for e.g. making a backup for the employee
information for later use. A CD RW can be re-used over and

Floppy disk drive: floppy disk is required for the small
storage of information, like a report of a certain employee. It
is cheap and portable.

Software specifications:

As the proposed solution is designed and produced on Microsoft

Access, for this I would require Microsoft Windows, owing to its
properties to be user friendly to the users and also providing an interface
for communication between the system and the user in its most
uncomplicated form.
Another thing, which is required is either a firewall or the use of an
antivirus software such as Ad-Aware SE Professional, Norton Antivirus or
any other antivirus software which is compatible with the operating
system and the proposed solution. These named softwares will help
reduce the rate of systems failure due to any viruses or hack attempts.

First the plan of the tables was designed:

Personal Information Table:

Employee_id is the primary key.

Field Name

Data Type



































If_married_spouse_occupation Text




Holds the number of all the employees in
the bank.
Holds the record for the first name of the
Holds the record for the last name of the
Holds the information of father/husband
name of the employee.
Holds the information of father/husband
occupation of the employee.
Holds the record of the residence of the
Holds the record of the permanent
residence of the employee.
Holds the record for the phone number of
the present address of the employee.
Holds the record for the phone number of
the permanent address of the employee.
Holds the information of the date of birth
of employee.
Holds the information of the place where
the employee was born.
Holds the record for the religion a
employee practices.
Holds the record for the
origin/nationality of employee.
Holds the number of NIC number of
Holds the record for the passport number
of employee.
Holds the record telling the place of issue
of the passport.
Holds the record telling which date the
passport was issued on.
Holds the record of martial status of the
Holds the record telling what the spouse
of the employee does.
Holds the record conveying how many
children the employee has
Holds the record of telling whether the
employee has any physical disabilities.







Holds the details of any physical

disability has named in the previous
Holds the record of any criminal records
possessed by the employee.
Holds the record of any details of the
criminal record.

Professional Information Table:

Employee_no is the primary key.
Field Name

Data Type























Holds the record of the number
of employees in the bank.
Holds the record of the status of
the language the employee
communicates with.
Holds the record of the number
of language an employee
Holds the record of the number
of language an employee
Holds the record of the number
of language an employee
Holds the record of the number
of language an employee
Holds the record of the
academic qualification attained
by the employee.
Holds the record of the
academic qualification studied
by the employee.
Holds the record of the
academic qualification studied
by the employee.
Holds the record of the
academic qualification studied
by the employee.
Holds the record of the name of
the institution an employee has



















experience_in_running_own_business Text

studied from.
Holds the record of the number
of major subjects a employee
has studied.
Holds the record of the
professional qualification
acquired by an employee.
Holds the record of the subject
studied in the professional
Holds the record from where the
employee has attained the
Holds the record of any
previous organization where the
employee has worked.
Holds the record from which
year the employee worked in the
previous organization.
Holds the record of which
time/year till the employee
worked in the previous
Holds the information of the
position worked by the
employee in the previous
Holds the record of which
department the employee
worked in.
Holds the record of any
experience of the employee of
working as an entrepreneur.
Holds the record of what type
the business was which was
owned by the employee.





Holds the record of the time

period the business was started
by the employee.



Holds the record of the time

period the business was owned

Interview Evaluation Table:

Field Name

Data type


views on commitment to
upholding ethical
values(out of 10 marks)





















theoretical knowledge of
his/her academic
in the relevant areas of
seems to place the
accomplishment of the group
ahead of personal ego
evidence indicates the person
is a self starter has ability to
work without close
coherent and articulate

is driven by a desire to grow

and excel in his/her career
is driven by a desire to grow
and excel in his/her career
ability to handle multiple job
simultaneously,like involving
contact with diverse situations
and different people
intelligent and well
read,aware of current affairs
personality has a considerable
sure of himself/herself

Employee ID card Table:

Field Name

Data type




The existence of the tables in the system:

1. Personal Information Table:

2. Professional Information Table:

3. Interview Evaluation Table:

4. Employee ID card table:

Relationships between Personal Information table and Professional

Information Table.The relationship is one-to-one because only one table
is linked to one other,it is not linked to other tables.

Main table showing the relationship between the two tables.

How both the tables can be accessed. This one shows the personal table.

This one shows the use of the relationship via the use of the professional

Query 1:

Production of query.

Query 2:

Query 3:

A query is more of a search engine; it is responsible for the search

of records from a specified table.
A query saves a lot of time of the user, by automatically searching
and displaying the output.


Name of

The input of the
employee, regarding his
Information. contact details such as
telephone,address and
employee number.
Information concerned
Professional more with
Information. the professional
qualification and the
previous work
experience of the







The input of the

employee, regarding his
contact details such as
telephone,address and
employee number.This is
a modified version of the

Source of Input


The input screens below will :

Explain what each forms are about.
Show the algorithms.
Show the data flow diagrams.
The forms were created for the easy navigation/search of specified
records when the user inputs specific data.

Main form:

1. Prompt the user for, PROFESSIONAL


3. open report
5. open report
6. If user presses EMPLOYEE ID CARD
7. open report
9. open form



open report


If user presses QUERY


open query




open form


If user presses EXIT




Close FORM1

This is the main form, also known as a switch board. The switch board
holds links to all the tables, forms and reports which are present in the
system. The switchboard also gives a selection of seven buttons to the
user which will be used to enter the system.

Dataflow Diagram:

Personal Information Form:

1. Prompt the user for, FIND NEXT,FIND PREVIOUS,CLOSE
2. If user presses GO TO PREVIOUS RECORD
3. go to previous record.
4. If user presses NEXT
5. go to next record
6. If user presses CLOSE
7. close the form.

Professional Information Form:


1. Prompt the user for FIND NEXT,FIND PREVIOUS,CLOSE

2. If user presses go to previous record
3. go to previous record
4. If user presses next
5. go to next record
6. If user presses CLOSE
7. close the form.

Employee ID CARD:

1. Prompt the user for FIND NEXT,FIND PREVIOUS,CLOSE
2. If user presses FIND PREVIOUS
3. go to previous record
4. If user presses FIND NEXT
5. go to next record
6. If user presses CLOSE
7. close the form.

Modular Diagram:
Form 1

Personal Info

Personal Info

Professional Info

Personal Information Form:

The design:

Professional Info

ID card


The display:


Find next record:

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command34_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command34_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command34_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Command35_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command35_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
Exit Sub

Find previous record:

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command34_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command34_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command34_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Command35_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command35_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command35_Click
End Sub

This form is used by the user to import specific tables such as Personal
Information or Professional Information table. The existence of such
forms in the system helps easy navigation of records.This form can be
edited to ones will by the use of backgrounds, fonts and different
command boxes.

Professional Information Form:

The design:


This form is again used for the same purpose as the personal
information form had done. This is also used for the easy navigation of
records from the professional information table of the employees. Also
this form serves more than one purpose. Firstly, as mentioned it acts like
a searching wizard due to the presence of the command boxes.

The command boxes work due to these codes:

Find next record:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command47_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command47_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command47_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Command48_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command48_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command48_Click
End Sub
Find previous record:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command47_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command47_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command47_Click

End Sub
Private Sub Command48_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command48_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Exit Sub

When the command box is clicked as it is instructed it will either go on

the previous record or the next record. Due to this navigation of records
in the system becomes easier.

Form 1(Main form)


Personal Information Report:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Personal Information Form:

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command9_Click()
End Sub

Professional Information Report:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

Professional Information Form:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command9_Click()
End Sub
Interview Evaluation form:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command5_Click()
End Sub

Employee ID Card:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command7_Click()
End Sub


Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command10_Click()
End Sub

Exit button:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command12_Click()
End Sub

As it is noticed the intensity or the size of the codes in Form 1 get

smaller and only offer comparison in all of them. This is because form 1
was linked to all the other tables , forms and reports by the use of a

The macros will be described as follows:

The design of the macros.

The design:

1) Personal Information Report:

2) Personal Information Form:

3) Professional Information Form:

3) Professional Information report:

4) Employee ID card Form:

5) Interview Evaluation form:

6) Query:

7) Exit :

Saves time because output is automatically processed by the

Saves time again, due to the searching of records facility.

The production of two tables, caused data to be in a more

organized form then ever before and hence created fewer problems.
The production of backup became easier then before.

The user friendly interface of the forms and reports prevent the
monotonous job.
The command buttons are an easy access to any part of the
system. Only a click can take the user to any specified
record/form/report or the actual database.
Automatic processing, automatically updates all the
forms/tables/reports with any insertion.
The output design is presentable.

Users may require training to use the system.

Production of the system is expensive.

Excessive use of resources such as electricity is required at

least 20 hours a day.
Back ups need to be made regularly, even though the system
has an automatic update, it does not save files automatically.

Description of the method of solution:

Firstly, it should be noted that the method of solving this problem was
the bottom-up approach. That is basically the dealing of small
problems as independent units. These independent units join a bigger
problem in the end, so first they are solved independently and joined
with the huge one later on wards. Basically in this for example the
evaluation of the problem its design and so on is joint on to the bigger
problem which is the problem itself. After the bottom up approach has
been identified as one of the methods of solution the rest of the methods
are as follows.

As it was described initially, the system was a manual one which was
later changed to a upgrade and they were being run parallel. The
upgrade was also an example of database which consisted of tables in
which data was stored. When the problems were studied, it was studied
that the only way these problems of the existing system could be solved
when the database had been modified to a larger version which could
hold numerous records than the number of 1000 in the previous one.

The methods of adding on to the system were mainly because of three

main programs. Forms, reports, queries and a switchboard. Forms as
described in all the above evaluations and descriptions are programs
designed within the system to provide a scroll free environment.
Especially in an employee database such as this, forms are a major
contribution because they provide an interface for communication. For
example in the new system a colourful background with extensive and
spacious fields provides a user friendly approach. Command boxes with
colourful fonts and sizes also have been included so the user does not
feel redundant while performing data input. Forms also serve the
purpose of output screens in many cases(especially when a hard copy
output is not required).Also, official viewing such as in the evaluation or
maintenance of the system these forms are used to judge the operation of
the system because forms are basically the processed form of data input.
Command boxes are also linked to these forms so direct access to any
table, form or report is easily operated and viewed at the users will. The
forms present such as personal information and professional information
are basically imported, processed types of table input.

The second method to the solution of the problem was the

introduction of reports. Reports also almost serve the same purpose as
the forms. The only difference in forms and reports are the easy
navigation keys, the forms are especially designed to search masters but
reports are just used for the presentation of imported tables,
relationships, forms and queries. Reports are just the output wizards of
the input, either they provide a processed soft copy output(on the
monitor screen)or a hardcopy with a direct print command , which allows
the easy output of the report. In the new system the report per page is
employed to one employee at a time and a each set of reports represent
20 employees. Like forms, reports when designed also have the option of
spacious, colourful fields in which any sort of font can be imported or
written in, this again reduces the redundancy of the data input. Reports
are also used as easier search wizards because in the system they are
used to open a page per employee (in built command buttons are already
present to find next and previous records.)

Next step was the creation of relational database. Relational

databases are also termed as relationships between two or more tables
present in a system. In the employee database (the new systems)
relationships were designed between personal and professional tables
what this did was the easy management of both table by the direct
access of one table. This basically means that by accessing the personal
information table the professional information table could be
manipulated too that is, the editing and insertion of records in both
tables at the same time. Also in order to save time and link resources a
relational database was designed.

In order to check the presence of a relational database, a +sign on the

extreme left hand side is noted. If there is any, as in this case (see above),
then a simple click will generate the relationship between these tables,
an easy scrolling will also be the result of this linkage.

Finally, the last and final method of the solution was the design of the
queries. Queries exactly work on the same principle as the operation of
search engines, and like a search engine it works when a specific criteria
is input. For example, in the new solution a table has to be selected (to
specify the search condition.) and then a pop-up appears in which the
fields have to be selected and chosen, then a specific criteria such as
name, employee number etcetera will be input and OK to be clicked.
Then a popup will appear searching the exact results as the data input
from the specified table.

By viewing a query, no scrolling and searching through heaps of records

have to be done. This way it is like a direct access system.

This section of the documentation discusses the minimum and

recommended hardware requirements on which the system is
compatible. Basically the minimum hardware requirement is the one
which is required to operate the system without it the system will not
work. The only difference in a recommended and minimum hardware
requirement is that, if a computer system has the recommended
hardware requirement then the system (proposed solution) will work at
its best. For example the system will be working at its optimum speed
and processing powers. In a minimum hardware requirement it just
works at its average power (related to its speed in the solution of the
problem as well as the speed it takes to process the data)will be at its
normal level.
The employee database requires a recommended hardware
requirement of:

Intel(R) Pentium 4 microprocessor.

512 MB RAM.
2.8 (Giga Hertz)GHz Processor.
20 GB Hard Disk.
17 Inch Monitor.
Floppy Disk drive.
Reasons for the recommended hardware requirement:
1. Intel(R) Pentium 4 Microprocessor: Intel is the most accurate
and reliable microprocessor, also it is one of the most readily
available in markets.

2. 512 MB RAM: this large amount of RAM provides a lot of

space for numerous employee records and pictures can also

be saved. Large RAM in a system also prevents system


3. 2.8 GHz Processor: An extremely fast processor which is

importantly needed for the fast and automatic processing of
data input.

4. CD ROM: especially needed to insert records of any employee

and save it on the disk. A CD ROM is needed for the input of
CDs which have a lot of storage space then floppy disks.
Sometimes to load the application software packages (for e.g.
Microsoft Access).
5. 20 GB hard disk: a 20 GB hard disk contains a lot of space.
It will be used for numerous employee records and text,
pictures or animations. It is long lasting and contains a lot of
storage space. Instead of keeping employee information in
bits all 5000 employees can be saved on one hard disk.
6. 17 inch monitor: a large monitor provides a better
resolution of the image and also providing a larger view of
the image. Colour display provides the full intensity of the
design hereby creating a user friendly output.
7. Key board: a good quality keyboard is required for the correct
and accurate input of data. The main use of the keyboard is
data input.
8. Mouse: An input device essentially needed to click on
tables ,switch boards and forms. It takes less time than a
keyboard selection and hence is an ideal input device.
9. CD RW ROM: a CD-RW (Re writable) will be used to burn
data onto a CD for e.g. making a backup for the employee
information for later use. A CD RW can be re-used over and

Floppy disk drive: floppy disk is required for the small
storage of information, like a report of a certain employee. It
is cheap and portable.

The creation of the proposed solution was designed on an

application software which is also an off the shelf software. Since it
already provided a certain interface for the extended software it was
extremely user friendly.
There is also a need of Microsoft XP operating system
They were many alternative soft wares which could have been used to
solve the given problem. Named soft wares such as SQL and Oracle could
also have been used to solve the problem. Instead of these soft wares
Microsoft Access was used, the main reason of the usage of this software
was because it is easier to develop (such as the creation of queries,
macros, forms, relational databases and finally reports.)Microsoft Access
is also an very user friendly software which helps the user to create and
edit database by two functions either by the use of a wizard or by the use
of a design view in which the user has to create the databases and other
additional functions in Access.

Thirdly, Microsoft Access is a very user friendly and is easier to debug

when there is any problem which arises while the operation is being
processed and run.

Also, the output, storage and input prototypes are the easiest to develop
on this software than any of the soft ware available in the market.
Microsoft Access does not need any commands to operate such as in
visual basic which is an extended part of Microsoft Access and can be re
used to create a good presentable database.

Microsoft Access is also a part of an integrated software package that

means it can use the resources of Microsoft Office such as (Word
processor, Power point for importing of pictures, text or fonts)this proves
to very useful when editing the database with colours , fonts and added
features for an presentable output. Output prototypes are very important
when the objectives of a solution have to be compared and matched and
seen if the objectives are successful.

Lastly, Microsoft Access is the best choice for the creation of small
databases for .e.g. the output of 20 employees and it readily available in
the market and cheap prices and usually all the computer systems have
this software downloaded on them which makes Access a good choice
because it does not cause any external downloads in order to view the
data base and access it.

They are three main methods of implementing a solution to a

company, when it is designed and tested for accuracy

Direct Changeover: In direct changeover, as the new system is

made and tested it is switched with an old system in a go. Direct
changeovers take less time since they are switched with the existing
solution. But the only problem occurs if the solution is not
implemented correctly. In direct implementation, the new system and
old cannot be recovered if not implemented correctly.

Phased Changeover: Phased implementation occurs little by little.

First one part of the organization will be implemented by the new
system and once it is seen that they are no errors present the system
is implemented in phases. For example, the employee data base will
first be implemented in the credit department to see how the solution
is working and how the users are working, provided no such errors
occur the solution will be implemented by one department with
another until the whole organization is automated.
The advantages of the phased implementation are that it is an
effective way to see how the system works as an independent unit,
after its evaluation can be used to operate the whole organization.

Parallel Changeover: Parallel changeover occurs when both the

new (proposed) solution and the old(existing)solution work side by
side. This means twice the work then before, but this solution also
has its advantages this way the errors of the new or old system can be
effectively be judged.
Parallel changeover is a hectic procedure which requires the users
to do the same work twice and takes a lot of time but if a correct solution
is to be implemented then parallel changeover tends to be the best way of

Method of implementation of the new system:

As it was seen in the parallel changeover there was a lot o double work
involved which proved to be a disadvantage, so in switching over we will
have to see that the switchover saves time and saves the work load of the
Also, unlike the direct changeover this method is less prone to system
failure so that proves to be an advantage to the method. Phased
implementation will take time, little by little the whole organization will
be automated and hence that gives time to the users/employers to learn
the technique and apply it to use the system.
One another huge advantage of this method is that it does not load up
to the work of the employee, the users day routine will not be disturbed.
Conclusion is that this method is less risky, less expensive and does not
require any sophisticated methods of training, simple methods like books
and CD s will be used. Computer Based training will be used.


Testing is a very necessary part of the programming system. The main

job of the testing phase is too informing the user for any errors existing
in the system.

It is the process of checking or detecting any errors. The main
purpose is to check if any data is inaccurate the correction can be done
by re input or read through the data.
Validation is used to verify any data that is entered the correct data
is entered through various checks. This may include range check, length
check, character check, format check. This may be done using the
validation rule techniques.

Normal data entry:

In this type of data entry all the data entered would be acceptable to
the program. It would be saved in the database and could be viewed at
the same time.
Abnormal data entry:
Abnormal data entry is invalid data type data. This is the data which
is unacceptable to the program as it does meet the requirements of the
database file, field or record and the data will not entered in the
Extreme data entry:
In this type of data entry the data exceeds the required limits. To avoid
this extra data being entered certain measures are taken in the program.

Test Strategy:
Types of testing:
1.Functional testing:
Each menu item will be tested one by one to make sure sure that all
functions have been tested.
2.System testing:
When the system is complete,all the tests will be carried out once again
to ensure that all the systems are working as expected and that no new
errors have been introduced. The software should provide the results
that the user requires.
3.Logical testing:
This will be used to test all aspects of each report,query and form when
it is implemented using normal, abnormal and extreme data.

4.Acceptance testing:
The user will then be asked to take an overview of the system
themselves and test the software to ensure that he finds it suitable and
all the required functions are working as expected.

Area to be



-Employee ID



Details of
Test error.

Expected test result

Test result



Clicking on
Command box
Clicking on
Clicking on the
command box
Clicking on the
Clicking on the
employee id
card report/
command box.
Clicking on the
command box.
Clicking on the
Command box
Of query.








are not safe
to open form.










are not safe
to open form.






Clicking on the
Command box
Of exit




Clicking on

Normal testing:

Since this table was all full of data type of text, it accepted any sort of
data input and hence it is included in normal testing. It can be noticed
that all of the fields are inserted with different characters, but due to its
data type it is functional and acceptable.

Once again, normal data input has been entered and due to its form
properties it is processed and displayed as any other functional data will
be displayed.

Once again in the employee ID card table as the evidence shows that all
the fields were in text form

This also accepts any sort of character and since it can function it
accepts it saves it or displays it.

This table also represents the normal data entry with the use of
relationships.The new entry of data has been accepted hence proving the
fact that it was an acceptable test.

All of these fields have been left blank, and only one has been filled. No
error is shown by the system and it is an acceptable data entry into a
text field, hence it is a normal data entry-specified to a range.

Abnormal Data:

Abnormal data entry is invalid data type data. This is the data which
is unacceptable to the program as it does meet the requirements of the
database file, field or record and the data will not entered in the
This property of abnormal data in a database enables this error to be
generated and it is not saved or accepted in the database.

Once again it is noticed that the system generates the same error on the
input of abnormal data in the fields.
In the field of text,the numerics have been input which are out of
range and hence the error is generated.For example,total marks can only
be in the rangle from 1-10,and here it is in the range for example
3310,222 etc.

As the pop-up suggests the entered text in a numeric field or a number

that is larger than the FieldSize setting permits.Once again this proves
the presence of abnormal data entry owing it to be out of range.

Extreme Data:

Test results:
I have tested all my inputs into the above tables and I am glad to see
that all the validations and verification checks have worked properly.
These tests prove that when any correct data is input the system will
accept it and display it , or will give an error to the user.

Normal testing:


Table Name

Field Name

Tested Data


Employee ID
Card Form

Employee name


No error

Employee ID
Card form

Employee name


No error


addition of
record lala

No error



No error

Employee ID
Card Form

Phone number

No error


Abnormal testing:

Sr.No Table

Field Name

Test data








Team work






EMPLOYEE ttttttttt










Extreme Data:

Sr.No Table Name

Field Name


ID card.

All fields


Total_marks_e -1




No result/
No error
No result/
No error

System documentation is basically a record showing how the

production of the software took place. It also helps a user by showing it
to how to handle,maintain and use the system.
It involves two phases:
Technical documentation: This is the log for all of the technical
information regarding the system. For example codes,
algorithms and system flowcharts which will help any other
systems analyst for the production or extension of the proposed

User documentation: This documentation can also be referred

to as a user manual or guide. They basically or guide to a user
guiding him how to use the system. It is properly defined as:
Instructions to assist users of programs/applications and
information systems.

Codes for FORM 1

Personal Information Report:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Personal Information Form:

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Command9_Click()
End Sub

Professional Information Report:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command2_Click()

End Sub

Professional Information Form:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command9_Click()
End Sub
Interview Evaluation form:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command5_Click()
End Sub

Employee ID Card:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command7_Click()
End Sub


Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command10_Click()
End Sub

Exit button:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command12_Click()
End Sub

Professional Information1 (form):

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command47_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command47_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command47_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Command48_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_Command48_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command48_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Click()
End Sub

Personal Information Form:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Command34_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command34_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command34_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Command35_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command35_Click

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command35_Click
End Sub
Private Sub FormHeader_Click()
End Sub

Personal Information Report:

On retreat :

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Detail_Retreat()

End Sub

On Print:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
End Sub

On Format:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
End Sub

Personal Information Report:

On retreat:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Detail_Retreat()
End Sub

On Print:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
End Sub

On format:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
End Sub

Interview Evaluation Form(Report):

On retreat:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Detail_Retreat()
End Sub

On print:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Retreat()
End Sub

On format:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
End Sub

Employee ID Card Form(Report):

On retreat:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Detail_Retreat()
End Sub

On print:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub Detail_Retreat()
End Sub

On format:

Option Compare Database

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

End Sub

Macro and their properties:

Personal Information Report:
Macro 6

The property:

Personal Information form:

Macro 10

The property:

Professional Information Report:

Macro 21

The property:

Professional Information Form:

Macro 13

The property:

Interview evaluation form:

Macro 7

The property:

Employee ID card form:

Macro 5

The property:

Getting Started:

Clicking on the personal info icon which has a Microsoft

Access logo will open the database.
This program can also be opened through the startup menu, but for the
Double click Ease of the user it is placed on the desktop.
on this
al info

The click on the personal info icon opens up the main form.

This is the main form. The startup screen comes up immediately as the
software is opened. They are eight options to choose from.

If Personal Information (report) is clicked;

this is the result:

If Professional Information Form is clicked;

This is the result;

If personal information form is clicked;

This is the result;

Professional Information Report:

If it is clicked:

This is the result;

If Employee ID card is clicked:

This is the result;

Interview Evaluation Form:

If Interview Evaluation form is clicked:

This is the result;

If query is clicked:

This is the result;

If Exit is clicked:

This is the result;

The program has been exited and the user goes back to the desktop.


Since the main job of the employee database is to find the records of the
employee and use them, navigation of these records is the most
important feature. In order to navigate records, the user needs to:
1. Open the main form:

2. Since the records are contained in all the above options, click any
desired option. Usually they are two main areas of relevant records:
Personal Information form and Professional information form.
3. As they are clicked the form opens with an interface like this:

Personal Information form:

Professional Information Form:

As the interface is observed it is seen that both the forms have two
buttons the extreme right. These buttons look like play and rewind
buttons. The play button or better known as go to next record button
when clicked automatically goes on the next record in the form.
An example:

After the click:

It is the same in the professional information form:

The result of the click:

As we have seen with the examples of find next record, we will also see
find previous record.

The result of the click:

In the professional information form:

After the click:

These were the two main ways of navigating records in the forms. This
is the only method of looking through the records.
Records can also be searched by opening the tables and scrolling
through each record but that method is time consuming.

To view the output of the tables and the forms is simple:

They are two types of output:
Soft copy: this is viewed on the monitor screen
Hard copy: this is usually the printed version of the output.

In order to view the output in the soft copy:

1. Open the main form.
2. Click on the desired option(for example if information is needed
regarding the personal information of employees,then the personal
reportwill be opened.
3. As it was discussed earlier,that reports are a mean of output ,and
hence this is the proof.
4. This is the result of the click:

In the same way, professional information report will be viewed:

The buttons underneath the page,as before have the same purpose
as the command buttons in the forms.

As before:

When the button is clicked;

For the Hardcopy:

Open the main form.

Click the desired report.
In this case it is personal information report.
Zoom in.
Click on file on the top of the page, a drop down will appear.
Click on print.
Another pop-up will appear, asking the number of copies to
print select the option and press OK the document will start

For example;

Click on file;

Click on the print and a pop-up appears;

Select the number of copies and press OK,printing of the document will

The printing of professional information is exactly the same way as the

Personal information report. So it does not need any explanation.

-Adding of records to the tables:

As Microsoft Access is opened, a pop-up appears giving the list of data
which is stored in it. It gives options of tables, forms, reports, queries,
macros , pages.

This popup as mentioned before gives a list of the applications which

are stored. It also gives an option of the creation of tables, queries, forms,
reports, pages, macros and modules. The creation can be done two ways:
either by making it yourself (as the user) this option is known as create
table/form/report in design view. In this option a whole table is create
by the user without the help of the software. However, the second option
is where the user just has to select the material which needs to be input.
The above screen shot shows the section of tables, the rest of the
sections are as follows:




To edit tables, or insert records:

Click on tables.
Double click on the options either(personal, professional tables,
employee ID card, interview evaluation form).
The personal information table will open:

This is the table which will open in which the records will be inserted by
right clicking in any of the rows;

As the new record is clicked,a empty space appears in which data can be
input and a new record created.
There are some common mistakes associated with the new records
input such as;

In order to get rid of this error click on OK, this then will give the
error message that the database cannot be saved with the new entry. In
order to get out of the database ok will have to be clicked and all the
data will have to be lost. In order to prevent such a message it should be
noted that the employee no field should not be left blank.

As the table lay-out is the same as all the tables which were designed
such as professional table, employee ID card form etc so the method of
data input will not be discussed because it is the same.

It should be noted that some of the tables have been intentionally left
blank. This is because they need to be printed and manually be input by
the employee as his process of employment is taken place. So it should
be noted that no insertions should take place in those tables.

In order to view the newly added record:

This is the newly

added record

In order to view the new record the personal information should

be closed and re-opened to see the new insertion. This is the same way in
all of the tables which are designed.

As this is closed, the MS Access pop-up appears again:

As this is double-clicked, the table opens up with the new record

automatically saved in it:

The new record

This is the basic stature of this software. Enable users to edit, insert
and view records and search them at will.

-Designing Forms and Reports:

This system is designed in such a way that no new forms and reports
are required since all the new data input will be automatically saved into
them. But anytime when there is a need of a new report or form these
are the steps:
They are two options:
Create form by design view.
Create form using a wizard.

Create form by design view:

Creating a form in design view is a great way because the user gets
exactly what he needs in terms of pictures, colours , command boxes but
the only problem is that it is time consuming.
First of all the main pop-up of MS ACCESS is seen and the forms
are clicked:

The option of create form by design view is clicked.

This is the result;

The grid is increased in size, which depends on the picture to be

The picture is inserted by the insert button on the top:

As the picture is inserted the background is ready:

Then there is an addition of command boxes, or headings.

By clicking on the toolbox a tool box appears which gives the options of
the editing of the form for example:

A command appears, this command is renamed by the user suiting to

his needs and is linked to the tables which were already made:

This linking of the command boxes takes place by the use of macros:

Build event is clicked, and then options of builder pop-up here macro
builder needs to be clicked;

As the macro builder is clicked a screen appears in which the macro is

saved , if it then a blank screen appears in which the user defines his
needs to how the command button should respond when it is clicked:

This is the result of the save;

Here, the user has to click on the action and also select the options from
the drop-down menu. They are options like, Open form, open report,
quit, cancel, open query etc.
As it is selected at the bottom of the page the type of view is also selected
and then the window is closed for automatic save.

And hence the production of the command boxes in the form continues
till the desired amount with the linking of each of them to a macro. This
is what the final output looks like:

When a wizard is used, all that the user needs to do is to select the
required fields and define the background type. When that process is
finished the form is once again viewed in design view and alterations
such as the production of command boxes and their links are defined.

Creation of the form by wizard:

When the desired fields have been selected then:

The user selects which way he wants his form to be for example either in
tabular or columnar view and then:

The background is selected, when the finish button is clicked the form
appears automatically:

The production of reports:

This again is by two options:
Create report in design view.
Create report by wizard.

Create report in design view:

It is the same procedure as it was in the forms. A grid is opened and a
picture is inserted. The table(s) is imported into the file and the report
page is closed.As before it is automatically saved and can be viewed at
will.This procedure is very time consuming.

Create report by wizard:

This is the option by which the reports were designed in the software.
Once again the pop up is clicked:

As this clicked another pop-up appears giving the user options of the
required fields which need to be selected by the user:

After the selection of the fields, next is clicked this brings the user to
another pop-up:

Next will be clicked this again will bring the user to another screen:

Here the view or output display of the report is to be selected, as that is

done next is pressed again and another pop-up appears:

In this pop-up,the background of the report is chosen, there is a choice

of various colours and fonts, the one which is required is clicked by the

After this, the user clicks on Finish after this an automatic pop-up
appears showing the report:

Output of all the reports(print preview) :

Personal Information:

Professional Information:

Employee ID Card:

Interview Evaluation Form:

Production of a back-up:

Right click on the icon of personal info on the desktop. There will
be options, such as copy, cut, delete. Click on copy.

As the copy is clicked, open My Computer, click on Drive D

Right click on the mouse and choose paste.
Document is pasted, and a backup is made.

A backup has been completed, it is much easier then before.

The objectives to achieve:

More storage capacity.

Development of new operations such as forms, reports , macros
and queries.

The saving of time due to the presence of search wizards such as


To provide a user friendly interface, which reduces the feeling of

monotonous work in the users.

The production of relationships in the database tables.

The production of a functional switchboard for easy navigation of

the system.

The easy production of backups.

To save resources such as paper.
To minimize errors in data input.

To develop such a system which is easy to update and maintain.

Degree of Success:

Searching has become easy and it takes less time.

They are functional reports and forms which had to be designed.
The user does not feel monotonous due to the user friendly
interface provided by the forms and reports.

Functional relationships are present.

There is easy navigation of records, through a presence of
command boxes.

A function able switchboard is present.

Sufficient ways of output are there to choose from. A hardcopy
print out of a report is piece of cake.

Creating back-ups is very easy.

Accurate reports and forms are being created.

System has become easier to maintain.

User evaluation by user testing:

The user decided to beta test the software for the full and final
satisfaction to them. Some of the users decided to go through the check
as in the table of test plan.

Firstly; they clicked on the icon on the desktop:

On the opening of the form, the automatic popup of the

switchboard appeared. Till now the testing is going fine with no
The main page appears and the user clicks on personal
information report to view the output of the click.It successfully
opens and each and every record is viewed by the user.
All of the eight options on the main menu are considered and each
of them are opened and contents of each are read through and
scrolled through.

The user tries to insert a new record by inserting new rows in the
table which is already made(Personal Information Table).There is
an error which is generated by the system, that is because a
common mistake by the user was made.

After the insertion of the new record the user did not fill in the data in
the empty field of employee_number.

Both the tables (professional and personal) have been viewed and
tested by the input of test data [see system testing].None of any
system errors have been generated. The only errors which have
been generated is by the common user data input mistakes, such
as deletion of records, null value and range error.

The queries had been generated and 3 more queries had been
produced, when the results were satisfactory the user approved of
the software.


The system can be linked up to the internet.

Modifications can be done to the program so that the data can

be shared and other departments can use it.
Since this system is not made using Visual Basic, it can be
linked to visual basic for better output and calculations.
This system can be extended to payroll system, later on.

Other extensive print options can be provided for more variety

in output.

In order for the user to use this system accurately and efficiently a
user needs to have some technical knowledge of information
technology. It is not required for the user to have a proper training
course for the usage of this system. But knowledge of basic
calculations, generations of reports and forms is necessary. Also,
meanings of simple computer related terms such as backup, null
value and primary key concepts should be strong.

The basic use of this software is to generate output as well as put

in data at regular intervals. The user should be a competent user of
Microsoft Access so he does not encounter any problems such as the
common ones and so does not cause any internal problems to the
software. Application softwares such as Microsoft Access should be
his forte.

Since this system was designed to be user friendly and it does fulfill
the purpose it does not require any high level programming languages
such as C++ etc. But the only thing it does require is the basic
knowledge of codes and algorithms which can be encountered while
data input especially in the production of macros.

Data dictionary:


Data type
Foreign key

A detailed study of a system, organization, process

A button, which by the click performs a command.
As a condition under which choice is made.
A data repository, typically containing a schema of
several tables populated with data. Some databases
also contain indexes, stored procedures, views
(queries) etc.
It is the way data is saved e.g integers, characters
A diagram that uses arrows and boxes to show how
the system works and how data flows.
An alternative name for column or attribute, often
a column in a particular row.
A column in a table, which refers to the primary
key of another table.
An interface window box that helps the user to
communicate with the program.

Primary key



unique id

A display picture that represents a program, file or

An internal data structure maintained by a
database to allow faster lookups of specific rows
A column or combination of columns which (usually
uniquely) identifies a particular row in a table.
Sometimes a database needs to indicate that a
field has no value at all. This is indicated by NULL
The column or combination of columns which
(usually uniquely) identifies a particular row in a
An alternative name for row.
A page layout that contains data that is to be
printed.or in other words is the hardcopy of data in a
The columns in a (normalised) table define a
particular relation, for example (widget name,
stock code, price) indicates that the three items
form a tuple and may be considered as a single
entity instance.
One of the two main concepts in entity-relationship
(ER) modelling and analysis. A system with multiple
entities (tables) indicates their connections using
An instance of a particular relation. For example
(Credenza, CX201, 14.95) could be a row in
the table representing the (widget name, stock
code, price) relation.
A part of program that is responsible for the search
of records in tables.
A rectangular data structure with rows and
columns. A concrete implementation of a collection
of entity instances from ER modelling
A value for a primary key, which appears in only one
row in the table.

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