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Go Raw


4 Simple Steps
To Hot, Healthy
and High Raw

Table of Contents

Step 1Become Plant Passionate!

STEP 2Crowd It Out!

STEP 3Eat a Raw Breakfast


STEP 4Hot, Healthy and High Raw!




Carrot Soup


Broccoli and Pea Soup


Salad with Pine Nut Dressing


Spinach, Apple and Carrot Juice


Green Smoothie


Vanilla Raspberry Swirl


Pineapple Berry Salad


Raw Energy Bars


Zucchini Pasta with Tahini Sauce


Peanut Butter Coconut Ice Cream


About The Author

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In 2005 I was a dairy and egg consuming vegetarian, suffering with allergies, hormonal imbalance, headaches, constipation and other little niggly health issues. I read a book called The Natural Way by Mary Ann
Shearer, a book that put forward a Natural Hygiene style diet, with a fruit meal for breakfast, fresh fruit
during the day, and salad and a well combined cooked food dinner.
I felt amazing on this way of eating; within 3 days I had thrown out all my allergy medications! Constipation
became unheard of, my energy levels skyrocketed, and from then on I never denied the massive connection between my health and what I was putting in my mouth.
Over the next few years my diet went all the way to 100% raw, to 80/10/10 raw vegan, to fruitarian, to
fat free raw, and with a heap more knowledge acquired along the way, I realized that nothing felt as good,
as stable, flexible and sane, as the high raw approach I adopted in 2005, with a little adjustment here and
there, of course.
Sometimes you dont need to keep improving. Sometimes you can find your happy place fairly quickly
and just settle there as long as it continues to feel good.
So this book is designed to show you the stepping-stones from a Standard American Diet (SAD) to a high
raw plant based lifestyle.
So whats the big deal about eating raw foods anyway?
Raw fruits and vegetables are perfect packages filled with the purest water and the most easily absorbed
vitamins and minerals. Cooking destroys certain nutrients, so eating lots of raw foods, enables you to get
the most nutrients possible.
Raw fruits are the most vitamin rich of all foods, and vegetables come second. Raw vegetables are the
most mineral rich of all foods and fruits come second.
So when you eat plenty of delicious, fresh raw fruits and vegetables, you are flooding your body with nutrition.
Humans generally make over 200 food related decisions every single day and the area of what to
eat can so often leave us totally confused and bewildered.
But it doesnt have to be so hard. You dont need a degree in nutrition in order to be able to make good
choices for yourself from the following categories:


Vegetables (including root vegetables)
Whole Grains
Nuts and Seeds

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4 z Go Raw In 4: 4 Simple Steps To Hot, Healthy and High Raw


So many people think a raw food diet is this kind of crazy out there thing, but if you break it down into
what it really isadding lots of fresh fruit and salads into your lifestyleyou realize that its not crazy at
all, in fact its probably one of the saner things you could ever choose to do.
Eat plenty of fruit, big salads and as much cooked plant foods as you desire. As easy as this sounds
though, it can be difficult to make a jump from a typical diet to a delicious plant based lifestyle. Humans
are creatures of habit, and habits are very powerful things.
We cant break habits, we can just replace them with new improved ones.
Go Raw In 4 shows you the four easy steps you can use to transition yourself to a delicious high raw
lifestyle, creating new and fun eating habits along the way.


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Step 1Become
Plant Passionate!
In terms of changing your habits and your mindset, it works really well to just immerse yourself in something.
Fall in love with plants!
And as a first step, I am not talking about falling in love with salad (though this happens much easier than
you think!), instead just fall in love with all plant foods, even the less healthy ones.
Look up restaurants in your area on, order a pizza with vegan cheese on; try some dairy
free ice cream.
Vegan products abound that can replace anything in your current diet. If you currently drink milk you can
switch to rice milk or almond milk. If you currently enjoy sausages or steaks, switch to vegan sausage or
vegan steak (fake meats taste amazing!). You can eat vegan hot dogs, hamburgers, schnitzels, everything.
And its tasty.
This step is purely about fun and experimentation. You have to enjoy what you do. Moving towards a plant
based high raw lifestyle is not a punishment, in fact its the most fabulous reward youre giving yourself so
make sure you enjoy the process.

The picture above shows the sushi we had at a vegan restaurant, complete with vegan tuna, vegan crab,
vegan eel, the whole toot.

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Below: Vegan chocolate cheesecake.

There is nothing that you eat on the Standard American Diet that you cannot find a vegan replacement for.
Why not explore what is available and have some fun with it?
It really helps massively in this step to really cement the plant based part of the equation. You have just as
much choice as you ever did, but its just a little different.
This is the foundation for your new healthy eating habit, if the foundation is not strong, then it will be all too
easy to find yourself face down in a bucket of fried chicken a few months down the line. To really lock in a
strong foundation it helps if you put your head and your heart together.


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I recommend watching some amazing documentaries. These are some of my faves:


Official Synopsis
Vegucated is a feature-length documentary that follows three meat-

and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for
six weeks. Theres Brian, the bacon-loving bachelor who eats out all
the time, Ellen, the single mom who prefers comedy to cooking, and
Tesla, the college student who avoids vegetables and bans beans.
They have no idea that so much more than steak is at stake and that
the fate of the world may fall on their plates. Lured with true tales of
weight lost and health regained, they begin to uncover hidden sides of
animal agriculture and soon start to wonder whether solutions offered
in films like Food, Inc. go far enough. Before long, they find themselves risking everything to expose an industry they supported just
weeks before.

Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not
all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or
even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.
The major storyline traces the personal journeys of Dr. T. Colin
Campbell, a nutritional biochemist from Cornell University, and Dr.
Caldwell Esselstyn, a former top surgeon at the world renowned
Cleveland Clinic. Inspired by remarkable discoveries they made,
these men conducted several groundbreaking studies. Their separate research led them to the same startling conclusion: degenerative diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even several
forms of cancer, could almost always be preventedand in many
cases reversedby adopting a whole foods, plant-based diet.
EARTHLINGS is an award-winning documentary film about the suf-

fering of animals for food, fashion, pets, entertainment and medical

research. Considered the most persuasive documentary ever made,
EARTHLINGS is nicknamed the Vegan maker for its sensitive footage shot at animal shelters, pet stores, puppy mills, factory farms,
slaughterhouses, the leather and fur trades, sporting events, circuses
and research labs.
The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix
and features music by platinum-selling recording artist Moby. Initially
ignored by distributors, today EARTHLINGS is considered the definitive animal rights film by organizations around the world. Of all the
films I have ever made, this is the one that gets people talking the
most, said Phoenix. For every one person who sees EARTHLINGS,
they will tell three.

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STEP 2Crowd It Out!

You can dive into step 2 really fast, in fact step 1 and all the rest of the steps can occur simultaneously
the philosophy we have at is never to buy into that all or nothing mindset.
It doesnt serve you and creates more problems than it solves. So at any time on your raw journey, if you
want to eat some less healthy stuff like a veggie pizza covered in dairy-free daiya cheeseyou have not
fallen off any wagon. There is no wagon when it comes to food.
So in step 2, all you do is add IN some fresh fruit to your day. Every time youre snackish, have a piece of
fruit. And every evening have a salad with your dinner.

This is called crowding because the more salad you eat with dinner, the less other food youll have space
for. And the more fruit you eat during the day, the less youll desire other less-healthy foods. So you basically crowd out the foods that you would otherwise have been craving.


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STEP 3Eat a Raw Breakfast

With step 3, all you have to do is make your breakfast meal entirely raw.
This is generally so easy because when you wake up in the morning, you are a little dehydrated from the
So other than a morning glass of water with a slice of lemon, having some fresh fruit salad, or a fruit
smoothie or green smoothie for breakfast hydrates you so beautifully and makes you feel fabulous for the
day ahead.
Just this one step can have such powerful benefits such as loads more energy, clarity and focus. Youll
get hooked on thisfast!

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STEP 4Hot, Healthy

and High Raw!
So youve been having a raw breakfast, adding in fruit as snacks during the day and having a salad with
dinner. You know what this means right? Youre high raw you superstar!!
Now you can play around with having more of your meals raw. Try a raw soup for lunch, or a fabulous raw
entre for dinner.
Try to focus on making WHOLE plant foods 80-90% of your diet. You can throw in some less healthy stuff
here and there, but the bulk of what you eat should be whole foods. It doesnt matter so much whether its
raw or cooked, just make sure its mostly whole.
And thats it!
I dont like too many rules, it makes me feel rebellious, so Im not going to throw a whole bunch of them
at you.
Lets just have fun with this!

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Carrot Soup
2 Cups Raw Carrot Juice
1 Avocado
1 Handful Cilantro
1 Handful Parsley
2 Tsp Fresh Ginger
Sprinkle Sea Salt
Sliced Green Salad Onions

Juice the carrots until you have 2 cups of carrot

juice. Peel and seed the avocado and chop the
Blend the carrot juice, fresh ginger and avocado
in your blender until smooth.
Add in the coriander, parsley and sea salt and
blend again.
Pour into bowls and garnish with sliced green
Serves 2.


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Broccoli and Pea

1 Head Broccoli (approx 1 pound)
1 Medium Onion
450g / 1 Pound Frozen Peas
2 Cups Coconut Milk
Tsp Masala Powder
1 Tbsp Soy Sauce
Dried Mixed Herbs

Cut the broccoli into pieces, slice the onion

and steam the broccoli, sliced onion and peas
in a steamer until cooked (approximately 30
Add to a blender with the coconut milk, masala
and soy sauce. You will need to do this in 2 or
3 stages since the blender jug will not be big
enough to do it all at once.
When its all blended, move to a bowl and stir.
Serve into bowls and garnish with mixed dried
Serves 2 for a meal or 4 for a starter portion.
Serve with a salad for a great high raw meal.


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Salad with Pine

Nut Dressing
200g/7oz Romaine Lettuce
2 Medium Tomatoes
1 Baby Cucumber
1 Medium Carrot (Grated)
60g/2oz Pine Nuts
1 Stalk Celery
Lemon (peeled and seeded)
Clove Garlic
1 Handful Cilantro
Pinch Sea Salt
2 Tbsp Water

Wash the salad vegetables and then break the

romaine lettuce into pieces.
Slice the cucumber and tomato and toss with
the romaine.
Grate the carrot and add to the salad.
Add the dressing ingredients to the blender and
blend. Be careful when adding the water as
you dont want it to be too runny. Add the water
slowly, one tablespoon at a time and then blend
until it reaches the desired consistency. You may
need slightly more or less water.
Pour the dressing over the salad and serve.
Serves 1-2.

Top Tips:

This is a large salad, so makes a meal on its

own for one, or a side salad for two.


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Spinach, Apple and

Carrot Juice
170g/6oz Spinach
4 Carrots
4 Green Apples

Wash the ingredients and put them through the

juicer, starting with the spinach, then the apple
then the carrot. If you roll up several spinach
leaves into a cylinder shape and feed them into
the juicer together, it makes it easier.
When all the ingredients are juiced, stir the juice
and serve.
Makes 2 glasses of juice.


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Green Smoothie
70g/2.5oz Baby Spinach
100g/3.5oz Strawberries
200g/7oz Fresh Sliced Pineapple
1 Frozen Banana (previously peeled,
quartered and frozen)
1 cup Coconut Water

Add the ingredients to the blender and blend

until very smooth.
Makes one large smoothie.
Serves 1-2.


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Vanilla Raspberry
170g/6oz Fresh Raspberries
40g/1.5oz Fresh dates
cup coconut water
450g/1 pound frozen bananas
tsp vanilla extract

Blend the fresh raspberries and dates into a thick

sauce. Taste test and if its not sweet enough, add
a few more dates.
Move out of the blender into a jug.
Place the coconut water, frozen bananas and
vanilla extract into the blender and blend. If you
have a stick attachment with your blender, use
this to push the frozen fruit down onto the blades.
Pour into a glass layering with raspberry swirl and
pour the remaining raspberry swirl over the top.
Serves 2.


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Pineapple Berry
30g/1oz Baby Spinach
200g/7oz Fresh Pineapple
6 Strawberries (sliced)
30g/1oz Blueberries
30g/1oz Blackberries
30g/1oz Almonds and Walnuts (mixed)

Toss the ingredients together in a bowl and

Serves 1.


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Raw Energy Bars

130g/4.5oz Walnuts
200g/7oz Macadamia Nuts
100g/3.5oz Raisins (seedless)
130g/4.5oz Dates
2 Heaped Tbsp Shredded Coconut
85g/3oz Dried Cranberries
2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder

Add all ingredients to a food processor and

process on the S blade until a sticky dough is
Depending on the size of your food processor
you may have to do this in two stages (half and
Transfer from the food processor to a baking
tray and pat down firmly.
Place in the freezer for 1-2 hours to set.
Remove from the freezer and cut into bars.
Place the bars into small ziplock bags or wrap in
Return to the freezer and keep them in the
freezer. They set extremely solidly and are perfect to take with you to work as a snack.
Makes 14 energy bars.


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Zucchini Pasta
with Tahini Sauce
2 Cups Baby Spinach
1 Large Green Zucchini
3 Medium Tomatoes
3 Small Dates
1 Tsp Chopped Ginger
1 Tbsp Soy Sauce
48g/1.7oz Tahini

Spiralize the zucchini into noodles and then

place onto a bed of baby spinach.
Chop the tomatoes and then add the tomatoes,
dates, ginger, soy sauce and tahini to a blender
and blend into a smooth sauce.
Pour over the top of the noodles. Garnish with
fresh sliced tomato and serve.
Serves 2.


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Peanut Butter
Coconut Ice Cream
2 Cups/400ml Coconut Cream
or full fat Coconut Milk
2 Tbsp Peanut Butter or PB2
300g/10.5oz Frozen Banana
6 Small Dates

Add all ingredients to the blender and blend

until smooth. Add to an ice cream maker for 20
minutes (or according to your ice cream maker
Serve with nuts, raisins, sliced banana, maple
syrup or any topping that you fancy.
Serves 2.


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About The Author

Alison Andrews is a health author, entrepreneur and
singer/songwriter. She is the founder of the popular raw
food website When shes not writing books and recipes or recording music shes hanging
out with her husband Jaye and their two adored cats,
Frankie and Ernie.
Visit us at for raw food advice tips,
inspirations and great information such as:
The top kitchen appliances you should have in

your raw food kitchen.

The most important supplements you should be
How to make sure youre getting enough protein.
The best books to help you on your journey.

Wed also love to connect with you on social media!

Find us on the following channels:

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