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Dilini Gorsia

Evaluation activity 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?
Over the last 3 or 4 months, my group and I learnt how to use a range of
different equipment, both hardware and software. When testing out the
equipment for the first time, we found it extremely difficult to set up the
camera. Simple tasks like plugging in the battery and inserting the SD
card was challenging enough. However, by the end of the process, Ive
come a far way in being able to use the camera efficiently and using all
of the settings for each individual shot. As well as this, Ive also learned
how to use many programmes and websites, including, final cut pro
even though I wasnt the editor.

The camera we had used was the Canon

DSLR 700D. Not only was it perfect for our
production, it was to a very high quality, fairly
simple to use and quite easy to get into
focus. This gave the production a better look
in general.

Another piece of equipment we used was the

tripod. This was used to not only keep the
camera steady and at the right angles
(usually eye level) but to also help us to film
the right shots and movements for our

Other types of equipment we used along with the camera and tripod are:

Dilini Gorsia

As well as the equipment, we also used many websites and programs in

the process of our planning and research and our production. The main
website we used to present our portfolio of work was blogger. On this,
we used a range of programs and packages to present our group work
as well as our individual pieces.
The most prominent program we used to upload our work onto the blog
was Scribd. This is because it was good was of presenting our work on
the blog as it was fairly easy to use. Other websites we used to present
our work include, Prezi, Calameo, Slideshare and

One of the most challenging programmes was in fact Blogger. At the

beginning of the production, we all found it very tricky to design and
upload work onto our blogs. Although it was a tricky task, we decided to
watch YouTube tutorials and figure out all the different things blogger
enables you to do.

Another useful program was YouTube. The website was useful in terms
of researching and uploading our final product. Not only were we able to
use it to gain audience feedback, it also helped us to watch videos on
things like the genre, other opening sequences and techniques such as
match on action, 180 degree rule etc.

The main program for the editor was final cut pro, which is what we used
to edit and finalise our production. We also used Photoshop to create
the film poster for our production and the logo for our Production
Company and documents like word to type up our paperwork.

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