Illias Sattar, Another Mullah Exposed

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The Rebuttal to the False Mubahala Claim of Illias Sattar

To begin this rebuttal I would like to start off by saying that Illias Sattar has not replied to the
Quranic verse which got him frustrated. Here are the verses I am referring to





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Narrated Ibn `Abbas:
The Prophet ( )said, "You will be gathered (on the Day of Judgment),
bare-footed, naked and not circumcised." He then recited:--'As We began the
first creation, We, shall repeat it: A Promise We have undertaken: Truly we
shall do it.' (21.104) He added, "The first to be dressed on the Day of
Resurrection, will be Abraham, and some of my companions will be taken
towards the left side (i.e. to the (Hell) Fire), and I will say: 'My companions! My
companions!' It will be said: 'They renegade from Islam after you left them.'
Then I will say as the Pious slave of Allah (i.e. Jesus) said. 'And I was a
witness Over them while I dwelt amongst them. When You caused me to die
You were the Watcher over them, And You are a witness to all things. If You
punish them. They are Your slaves And if You forgive them, Verily you, only
You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." (5.116-121)

(Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 55, Hadith #568)

The second point is that the so called Mubahala which did not occur had to do with the
truthfulness of Promised Messiah (As) and every Ahmadi and Non Ahmadi knows that Ahmad
(As) won all of his prayer duels. Here is a beautiful saying of Ahmad(As) which shows how
much of a relationship he had with Allah in regards to his prayer duels:

Next important statement which I would like to quote is that the verse of mubahala is as follows:

Then whoever argues with you about it after [this] knowledge has come to you - say,
"Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and
yourselves, then supplicate earnestly [together] and invoke the curse of Allah upon the
liars [among us]." (Chapter 3 verse 61)
Now Allah revealed this verse but still the Christians did not die before The Prophet
(Saw), and we know that they did not accept the mubahala either, which is the only
possible outcome as we know how truthful the Prophet (Saw) was. Similar is the case
with Illias Sattar who tried to trick and deceive many which is not something new
when it comes to these scholars of today.

Reality of the Mubahala

What transpired on June 3, 1999 was a question answer session with some non Ahmadis which
included Illias Sattar and his company. Two Murabbis were present named Usman Shahid and
Abdul Rahman. The debate got out of hand and Illias Sattar could not answer the verse I put
above, which made him go straight to a mubahala. The scholars told him that the mubahala is
given by the khalifa. Upon hearing this Sattar decided to accept the challenge. This took place in
Karachi. The Missionaries believed the mubahalas are for bigger scholars who have a jamaat
or a group which is why Illias Sattar was not given much attention to, but Illias Sattar wanted to
become famous and this was all he really wanted since he was unknown. The missionaries
accepted the mubahala. Illias Sattar mentioned:

If Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(As) is wrong and not from Allah then I pray that Mirza Tahir
Ahmad will be punished in one year and the whole of the jamaat will be punished by Allah
within one year
Can anyone tell me what happened in one year? Jamaat grew and became stronger, this is a fact.

Illias Sattar then signed on a newspaper called Jurat on November the 11th 19999. He claimed
that the 34th Jalsa would be the last of Jamaat Ahmadiyya. We just had a jalsa last year in UK
which had over 30,000 members and every year before that since 1999, so he is once again
proven a liar. According to him jamaat should have vanished by 2000. After this Allah blessed
all the jalsas much more and is still happening. After few years Jamaat spread even more and
God blessed Jamaat with a lot of land.
Today Illias Sattar who clearly lost this Mubahala celebrates for no reason at all. We ask him
what bad thing happened to Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(Ra) or the jamaat. If he dares to call out
the temporary illness of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(Ra) then that is ignorance on his part and he
should also say the same for the prophets who have gotten sick including the Seal of all the
prophets, Muhammad (Saw) during his last days. If the sickness of Hazur (Ra) was a punishment
then why would Allah cure him? Hazur (Ra) delivered 16 khutbas in 2000. Then what happened
the next year? He led 49 khutbas in 2000. What happened in 2002? He led 46 sermons. Allah
recovered Hazur (Ra) from a sickness that had nothing to do with this mubahala. One day before
Hazur(Ra) passed away, he was able to by the grace of Allah, deliver a Friday sermon.
Another important thing to note is that Illias Sattar did not even follow the first condition of the
mubahala which was that on 10 June 1988 Illias Sattar was supposed to publish this mubahala in
the Pakistani newspaper. Can he prove that he ever did this? NEVER! This proves Illias Sattar
who had never fulfilled the first condition and was declared as a loser. He ran from the first
condition itself then celebrates after Hazur (Ra) was given a natural death of old age way after
one year. Then what happened? We were blessed with another khalifa chosen by Allah who is
currently leading the Islamic world as we speak and is the only leader amongst the Ummah, of
course excluding terrorists who self claim caliphate.
Rebuttal of the $250,000 Challenge of Illias Sattar

St Paul died in 64/67 AD, which means Hazrat Isa lived 55 years longer than him. How
come Hazrat Isa was being worshipped as God (during his lifetime)

Firstly who has told Illias Sattar that this is a well known fact? The Columbia encyclopedia has
stated that the chronology of St Pauls life is difficult but there is general agreement and that these
are hypothetical dates so its not well known facts at all. There is no authenticity in this
statement. The encyclopedia is not sure, how can Sattar be?

The encyclopedia of Britannica has a ? mark after stating his year of death and states theres no
reliable source for Pauls life outside of the new Testament. Not a well known fact at all to be
and I hope you understand that the allegation of Illias Sattar is totally false. The worlds most
famous encyclopedia has stated there are no reliable sources outside his New Testament life.
Isa (As) was sent to the children of Israel (3:49) The Israelite Christians strongly opposed Pauls
work and we do not believe that Paul was accepted right away while Jesus (as) was alive. His
work was accepted way after he had died and not during the lifetime of Isa (as) at all.

St Paul did not even belong to Bani Israel. Hyam Maccoby writes:
"A source of information about Paul that has never been taken seriously enough is a group
called the Ebionites. Their writings were suppressed by the Church, but some of their views and
traditions were preserved in the writings of their opponents, particularly in the huge treatise on
Heresies by Epiphanius. From this it appears that the Ebionites had a very different account to
give of Paul's background and early life from that found in the New Testament and fostered by
Paul himself. The Ebionites testified that Paul had no Pharisaic background or training; he was
the son of Gentiles, converted to Judaism, in Tarsus, came to Jerusalem when an adult, and
attached himself to the High Priest as a henchman. Disappointed in his hopes of advancement,
he broke with the High Priest and sought fame by founding a new religion." (The Mythmaker,
page 17).

Paul was not even respected, and was in fact DISOWNED

" The first followers of Jesus, under James and Peter, founded the Jerusalem Church after
Jesus' death. They were called the Nazarenes,...... The Nazarenes did not believe that Jesus
had abrogated the Jewish religion, or Torah. Having known Jesus personally, they were
aware that he had observed the Jewish religious law all his life ............ The Nazarenes
were themselves very observant of Jewish religious law. They practiced circumcision, did
not eat the forbidden foods and showed great respect to the Temple. The Nazarenes did not
regard themselves as belonging to a new religion; their religion was Judaism. ....... The
Nazarenes became suspicious of Paul when they heard that he was preaching that Jesus
was the founder of a new religion and that he had abrogated the Torah. After an attempt to
reach an understanding with Paul, the Nazarenes (i.e. the Jerusalem Church under James
and Peter) broke irrevocably with Paul and disowned him. (The Mythmaker, Pages 15-16)

Saying Jesus(As) was being worshipped when in Kashmir shows the ignorance and arrogance of
Sattar. He tried to run away from a Quranic ayah but ended up trapping himself. What he

stated was not a fact at all and no real Christian during the lifetime of Jesus(As) was affected by
Pauls work.

Please send me my $250,000 through email, Jazak Allah

Raziullah Noman

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