ExteriorOrientation Eng

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Exterior Orientation Module Tutorial for E-Foto Project Integrated

Version. Author: Patrcia Farias Reolon | Coordenation and Revision:

Jorge Lus Nunes e Silva Brito.

External Orientation is the process that, through control points measured on the ground and
points recognizable on images, one can calculate the images exterior orientation related to
the terrain coordinate system. Despite the Bundle Block Adjustment gives the exterior
orientation as well, this process allows the calculation for each image separately. This is the
tutorial for the referred process With the External Orientation one gets the camera optical
centre coordinates and its attitude angles (, and ) in the image acquisition instant.
These parameters are referred to the terrain coordinate system. On this tutorial we will
show how to proceed to get the external orientation using the Spatial Resection method.
The Spatial Resection must be executed separately for each photogrammetric image in your

After starting the E-Foto Free Software, you will see its starting screen (Picture 1). On main
menu there are the options Project, Execute and Help. The External Orientation execution
for an image needs the previous steps done: a) A photogrammetric Project is already
created and supplied with its input data, including field points coordinates (control points)
and; b) the images interior orientation has been done and its results saved accordingly. In
case you are not aware with Project Creation and Interior Orientation execution processes, a
revision on respective tutorials would be very useful before continuing. Next, lets see an
example of Exterior Orientation by Spatial Resection method using E-Foto. Start selecting
menu option Project as shown on picture 1.

On Project menu item some options will be shown. We must choose Load File
and a list of saved projects Will appear. If the desired project is not on the list, browsing it
is possible. Select the project as shown in Picture 2.


After selecting Open, the following screen will be shown (picture 3). As the image
has the Interior Orientation done already we can proceed the Exterior Orientation (E.O.)
Select item Execute and then Spatial Resection. A smaller window will allow you to
choose the image to begin the control points' measurement. It is necessary to select the
desired image and click Ok as shown in picture 4







! Observe the following pictures 5a and 5b. You will notice all available control
points distribution for images 016, 017 and 018 in overlapped view (Picture 5a) and a
single view for image 016, for ease the identification, selection and measurement. It is
necessary to stress that a minimum of four points (tie point or control point) are needed to
make E.O. calculation possible. We suggest that the four points are among the available
ones, although you can use Google Earth to identify your control points location. For so,
only use the desired points geographic coordinates and or E, N (UTM). This will be
very useful when you are working with your own images and terrain control points

0 ,! 0 1

0 2


" ##




" '" 4

0 ,

" Next we need to identify the tie points or control points on image, according to the
points measurement report contained in the example and data available for download on
E-Foto Projects website. Picture 6 shows a table (Point Coordinates) containing points
saved previously, when photogrammetric project was created. For locating first control
point to be measured on image, zoom in point 1 region with zoom tool as shown in picture

, /

0 ,#

0 ,#

# Zoom in till identify the first chosen point, in this example, point 1. When done,
click button Set Point to measure it, as shown in Picture 8.

0 ,



Note: Observe that on Point Coordinates tables first line the measured point
corresponding values are updated and cursor jumps to next line. If measurement needs to be
redone, only return to previous line with cursor and click on the image again in the correct
position. The point will be measured again and table updated.


$ Repeat the process for the second point and remember to use the points report
and field images to guide yourself and ease the points location on image. To return image
to its original size, click button Set View. Select second chosen points region, on this
example, point 3, and zoom it in. Use button Set Point to measure point 3, as shown in
Picture 9.

0 ,* (#


% It is necessary to repeat the process for next (third) chosen point, in this example
point 5. Again, remember to use the points report to ease the point location on image. To
return image to its original size, click button Set View. Find third point region and zoom in.
Use Button Set Point to measure point 5 as shown in picture 10

0 ,* (#


& Repeat the measurement process for fourth point, in this example, point 12. Using
the points report is recommended to help on locating the point on image. To return image
to its original size, click button Set View. Find points region and zoom in. Use button Set
Point to measure point 12, as shown in Picture 11.

0 ,


' When the four Image 016 control points are measured, we must set the flight
direction to position the image related to the terrain as shown in picture 12. For that, click
Set Flight direction. Notice the green arrow that appears in the image as we
click it to indicate the flight direction.

" (


If you have measured more than four control points, you can choose in table
Point Coordinates the four you want to use to execute E.O., clicking the corresponding
field, that will be marked with a x.
To proceed with External Orientation calculation, on main menu choose option Execute
and then Exterior Orientation as shown in picture 13. A window will appear asking about
the quantity of iterations, as shown in Picture 14.
After select Ok, a new window is shown, asking about parameters precision as shown in
pictures 15 and 16. Again, selecting Ok the calculations result is shown with values
corresponding to Xa matrix (E.O. parameters matrix and its covariance matrix), as in
Picture 16, La Matrix (adjusted observations matrix) and V array (accuracy array) as shown
in picture 17.










Note: User has also available the tabs La and V corresponding respectively to the
adjusted observations vector and accuracy vector. Beside these are shown their covariance


& #





From now on, you must check the results and accept them, if you consider they
are ok, select ACCEPT. If you find necessary to remove any control point from
calculation, go back to the table, deselect it and run E.O. calculation once again. When you
get a satisfactory result, click button ACCEPT. Close the main window and, on the menu,
select Project Then Save File, as in pcture18.


! After saving the project, select Project then Load File and Images. The
workspace shows the tree of Open Project, click Images and in the area beside,
information on images with Interior and Exterior Orientations will appear. Those are
identified with a check mark
as in Picture 19. As you can notice in the picture, images
016, 017 and 018 have Interior Orientation already and External Orientation for image 016.


" Now it is necessary to repeat steps 2 to 13 to image 017 or 018 depending the
points number sequence for the images as in the table below.
Pictures 20 and 21 show the points distribution for images 017 and 018. For more details
see the images report contained with available data and examples.

Point Number

Point Name
Praa Vanhargem
Passarela sobre o Rio Joana
Bloco C UERJ
Rio Maracan
Vinte e Oito de Setembro
Quinta da Boa Vista
Rio Trapicheiros
Radial Oeste So Cristvo

Point Number

0 1#


Point Name
Praa Vanhargem
Passarela sobre o Rio Joana
Bloco C UERJ
Rio Maracan
Quinta da Boa Vista
Rio Trapicheiros
Radial Oeste So Cristvo

0 2#


Note 1: Following, the image 017 points sequence to its E.O. execution.






* ( 0
'" 4
* "



0 1

" ' 4 "



Note 2: Following, the image 017 points sequence to its E.O. execution.


0 2

" '" 4 "



After doing E.O. for images 016, 017 and 018, you will have these images perspective
centre coordinates on the object space (terrain system), as well as the three attitude angles
for each image.


From this point on, if you have the I. O. and E. O. parameters for a
stereoscopic model (e.g. images 016 and 017 or 017 and 018), you are able to export such
parameters to further usage on Photogrammetric Restitution (stereo plotter) or DSM
Extraction and Orthorectification modules.
Next, the step for getting this.
# On Project Manager main window,select Export Stereo File as in picture 3 on
this tutorial.
Note: The Stereoplotter and DSM Extraction and Orthorectification modules are subject
of a specific tutorial. These tutorials will be available on E-Foto Projects website soon.

End of this tutorial.


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