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TEST REPORT Multiswitch


True plug-and-play device
When you install a multiswitch, it is often that integrate in one case both: amplifiers and slightly better for some fre-
necessary to add additional amplifiers. That’s the multiswitch. One of such devices is SMS quencies. The above measure-
because every switch introduces loss of at least 17089 NF of German manufacturer SPAUN Elec- ments were done for 3 receiver
a couple of decibels. However, there are devices tronic. outputs. Additionally we meas-

When you take a closer look SMK 17089 F, SMK 17129 F or any additional amplifiers. SMS/ ured all 8 outputs for one input
at the switch, it becomes evi- SMK 17169 F and get additional SMK family is really a plug-and- frequency. The results are pre-
dent that the built-in amplifiers 8, 12 or even 16 receiver out- play solution! sented in figure 2. The spread
are just one of the nice features puts respectively. Unfortunately, of 2 dB is a quite acceptable
it offers. Although, basically the cascadable devices are still Of course, we had to check if value. In practice, it means that
the multiswitch is dedicated to in preparation, so we were not the promised values are really there is no significant difference
cooperate with 4 Quatro LNB’s able to test them in cooperation delivered. The first test was to to which output you connect
(16 inputs in total), you may with the basic model. verify the signal level at the your receiver. On all outputs,
also use here twin LNB’s or even receiver outputs and trunkline the signal strength and quality
regular universal LNB’s. All you A look at the parameters outputs for the different input should be almost the same.
have to do is to set the remote reveals other interesting fea- frequency. Table 1 shows the
power switch (on the top cover) tures. The signal at the receiver frequency and polarization of To be sure that the multiswitch
to proper position. Moreover, you outputs is more or less at the the signal we used for taking does not introduce too much of
can also set SMS 17089 NF to cut same level as the signal incom- measurements. its own noise to the signal, we
off the power of unused LNB’s to ing from LNB’s (-3…+4 dB). took signal-to-noise measure-
preserve energy. For example, Thanks to that, you do not need Figure 1 shows the results. ments before and after the SMS
if all viewers watch the chan- to care about any additional As you can see, the signal at the 17089 NF. Table 2 shows the
nels from satellite A, the LNB’s amplifiers. Just connect the receiver output is almost exactly results.
for satellites B, C and D can be LNB’s and get the correct signal as specified (i.e.: -3…+4 dB).
switched off. A multicolored LED at the receiver outputs. Also, Also the trunkline output is as Although there is some dete-
signals the status of the switch the trunk output gain is chosen promised (+16…20 dB) – even rioration of the signal, it is defi-
as well as the DC error state. wisely (+16…+20 dB). It means
The unit automatically switches that after connecting a cascad-
off when it detects a short-cir- able multiswitch (SMK 17xxx
cuit. SMS 17089 NF is controlled F), you will get on its outputs
by DiSEqC commands (starting strong enough signals without
from DiSEqC 1.0).

SMS 17089 NF has

8 receiver outputs,
what is a pretty high
number. If this is still
too few for you, there
are 16 trunkline out-
puts to which you can
connect another cas-
cadable multiswitch: Table 1. Test signals. Figure 1. Trunkline Gain and Tap Gain.

TELE-satellite International —

TECHNIC Table 2.
Manufacturer SPAUN Electronic, Byk-Gulden-Str. 22,
D-78224 Singen, Germany
Phone +49-7731-86730
Fax +49-7731-64202

Model SMS 17089 NF

Figure 2. Description Mutliswitch with embedded power supply

nitely not too much. We must noise). Of course, when dealing Inputs 16 satellite + 1 terrestrial
remember that the signal is with multiswitches, it is always a Receiver outputs 8
already amplified thanks to good idea to use one size larger Cascade outputs 16+1
the built-in amplifiers and we dish than you would normally
Input frequency 950-2200 MHz (Sat.) and 5-862 MHz (Terr.)
do not have to add any addi- use for a simple LNB + receiver
IF tap gain -3…+4 dB
tional devices (read: sources of configuration.
IF input attenuation adjustment range 0 … 10dB

Expert conclusion
IF pass-through gain +16…+20 dB
Terrestrial tap loss 20…23 dB

+ Terrestrial pass-through loss

Isolation between satellite inputs
5 dB
> 30 dB
SMS 17089 NF is very easy to install – it does not
Isolation between satellite > 32 dB
require any additional amplifiers. Its technical param- and terrestrial inputs
eters meet or even slightly exceed the specification.
Current drawn from receiver 25 mA

- Peter Miller
Remote power supply 1200 mA per LNB (300 mA per jack)

None Test Center Power supply 100-240 V / 50-60 Hz 54W max

Operating temperature range -20… + 50° C/dry indoor use — TELE-satellite International

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