Embedded System Lecture Notes Dr. Agfianto Eko Putra

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Embedded system lecture notes

Dr. Agfianto eko putra

Ubiquitous (adjective) Everywhere

Noun: Ubiquity/Ubiquitousness, Adverb: Ubiquitously

From wikipedia...
Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp) is a post-desktop model of

human-computer interaction in which information processing has

been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects and activities
Ubiquitous Computing engages many computational devices and
systems simultaneously, and may not necessarily even be aware that
they are doing so.

Ubiquitous Computing: Numerous, casually accessible, often

invisible computing devices, frequently mobile or embedded in

the environment, connected to an increasingly ubiquitous network
infrastructure composed of a wired core and wireless edges (NIST)
Ubiquitous Computing is when mobile phones, PDAs, pagers,
automobiles, refrigerators, and other easy-to-use devices are
linked to the Internet, allowing us to connect anytime, anywhere. a
new infrastructure that will be common, ubiquitous, and work
invisibly. (IBM)
Where people, places, and things are first class citizens of the
connected world, where e-services meet the physical world, where
humans are mobile, devices and services are federated and
context aware, and everything has a web presence .. (HP)
Physical Environments created when computing power and
network connectivity are embedded in everyday device and
object at everywhere in all time

Human to Personal Computer

Human to Internet/Web/Cyber

Human to Physical Object/Environment/World

In Real World on physical-cyber spaces in physical-digital form

Weisers Vision (1990):

Ubiquitous Computing (UC, Ubicomp)

Industry Vision (1999, IBM, etc.):

Pervasive Computing (Percomp/Percom)
EUs Vision (2001):
Ambient Intelligence (AmI)

Cyber Physical System (CPS) by US

Internet/Web of Things (IoT/WoT)
Smart World and Ubiquitous Intelligence by Ma

Smart Planet by IBM

U-Korea (from 2004/Nov)
U-Japan (from 2005)

Proactive Computing
Autonomic/Organic Computing

Context-aware Computing
Human Centric Computing
Embedded Computing
Wearable Computing
Sentient Computing
Sensor Network/Computing
Mobile Comp, Cloud Comp, Social Comp,

Ubicomp very wide scope, related to many computing

Precision agriculture aims

at making cultural
operations more efficient,
while reducing
environmental impact.

Information collected from

sensors is used to evaluate

optimum sowing density,
estimate fertilizers & others.

Smart Object (Smart u-Object, Smartifact)

A physical object with AEB devices and some smartness/intelligence
Handheld, card, label, sensor, artifact, appliance, goods, furniture,

textile, robot,

Smart Space/Environment (Smart u-Space/u-Environment)

A physical spatial environment integrating smart u-objects &/ usual

Smart u-Services via these objects/devices and their
Smart System (Smart u-System)

May be a real system/network for management, monitoring,

May be a platform or middleware for smart u-objects or environments
or services

Part-1: Devices
Information Access Devices

Smart Identification
Embedded Controls

Entertainment Systems

Part-2: Software
Operating Systems

Middleware Components

Part-3: Connecting the World

Internet Protocols and Formats

Service Discovery

Part-4: Back-end Server Infrastructure

Web Application Servers
Device Managemen

Part-5: New Services

Portals and Access Services

Home Services
Travel and Business Services
Consumer Services


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