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Shinzo Abe of the Prime Minister of Japan shares

an article of the blog of the false rumor with

discrimination in his Facebook.
Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe shared an article to his Facebook from Facebook of his
secretary, Takiichiro Hatsumura in the middle of the night from November 22 to 23rd in Japan time.
The article was the contents which mentioned a case "the article contribution in misrepresented of
primary schoolchild" of Yamato Aoki which became the topic in the country the other day, but it
linked and introduced an article of the blog "Hoshu-Sokuhou (the conservatism breaking news)" as
a source of information.
It is one of the blog which summarized "2ch bulletin board" contribution in arbitrarily and be filled
in particular with hate speech (racial discrimination agitation) and the false rumor to neighbor
countries and a foreigner residing in Japan and overflow in that, and "Hoshu-Sokuhou" is the blog
which there is many it, and is read in Japanese "Neto-Uyo (the online extreme right) ".
Its major source of racism in Japanese on line.
About the case of Yamato Aoki, the article of "Hoshu-Sokuhou" became the constitution to smell
the thing that the case was carried out by a carpenter's square of the Democratic Party" intentionally.
"Hoshu-Sokuhou" is presented now by the people who suffered the damage in human rights,
interference with a person's duty, slander by these hate speech and false rumors, and a blog manager
is disputing as the defendant now.
The prime minister of one country and his secretary introduce such a blog in Facebook and think
that you can understand the pervertedness of spreading for a reader.
May the German prime minister introduce a site of Nazi and the anti-Semitism affirmatively?
May the American President introduce a site of KKK affirmatively?
Since before, in Facebook of Shinzo Abe, there are support him as comment of a supporter and the
assenter, with words to crooked nationalism such as and words of the discrimination for example
"Shot a Peking man dead" "Extermination the China, andthe Korea" and the slander slander to the
opposed politician and political party lined up.
Those comment is not deleted in account management, and management that the comment that
criticized criticism to those comment, leaving of hate speech adversely is deleted is performed.
Even if I heal a heart to see this Facebook, Abe with much coming to a deadlock ahead of snap
general election is said to be it.
--The online space of oneself and neighboring people that I praised oneself and manifested myself
for crooked nationalism, and a false rumor and the discrimination overflowed.

As for this "Hoshu-Sokuhou" share case of Shinzo Abe, it is scattered information at sudden speed,
and a topic is burnt down now in Japan and others areas.
Abe and his secretary deleted the article once and contributed the same sentence without the link to
"Hoshu-Sokuhou" again.
Facebook Shinzo Abe
The post of this matter (Now delated!)
Hoshu - Sokuhou (the conservatism breaking news)
The post of this matter
<<Reaction of this matter>>
Whats the "Hoshu - Sokuhou" which Prime Minister Abe shared with FB?
Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe share the hate site "Hoshu - Sokuhou".
[sad news] Prime Minister Abe introduces "Hoshu - Sokuhou" with FB
<<The Trial of "Hoshu - Sokuhou">>
Compensation for damages of over instituting hate speech 27,500,000 yen in total
demands Li Shin'e, living-in-special accounts and "Hoshu - Sokuhou"
Summary blog "Hoshu - Sokuhou" is hate speech at last for suit case.
Under being quiet and article deletion
2014/10/30 vs. "Hoshu - Sokuhou" anti-hate speech trial
It is held the first trial around hate speech for "Hoshu - Sokuhou" (October 30)
[Hoshu - Sokuhou / trial] Li Shin'e, the compensation for damages 22 million yen
request "Hoshu - Sokuhou" side do not appear in court.

written by @ClusterParadozer

captured picture that the post of this matter on Abes Facebook. (Now delated!)

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