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Inclusion North Bulletin

Issue Number 81
17th December 2014
In this bulletin you will hear about some of the
work Inclusion North is doing and information
about what is happening across the country.

Find Inclusion North on Facebook and Twitter

You can find out more about all the work we are
doing by following us on Facebook and twitter at:
Twitter: @InclusionNorth


Merry Christmas from Everyone at

Inclusion North
This will be the last bulletin of 2014.
We would like to thank everyone who has worked with us
over the last year and wish you all:

A Merry Christmas
all the Best for 2015

A Message from Change

On Wednesday 26 th November 2014 Sir Stephen
Bubb released a report with recommendations for how
people with learning disabilities and/or autism can be
moved out of institutions and in to the community.

From Shaun Webster, European Project Coordinator

I want to thank all the self-advocacy organisations
who worked with us on the We Have the Right
Statement and this report. You have made a big
difference and this report shows it. People are
starting to take notice of us. This report shows how
working with and listening to people with learning
disabilities themselves can change the heart of what
is presented as a way forward.
Our Rights are the most important issue that people
and commissioners need to work by and together we
are making people see this. Working together makes
us strong.
You can read CHANGEs easy read response to the
report or read the full easy-read report here: CHANGE
Respond to Sir Stephen Bubb's Report

Living Independently and Being

Included What do you Think?
Norman Lamb, The Minister for Social Care wants
to write a paper next year on how the law could be
changed to make sure people with learning
disabilities are included and live in the community.
The paper will be about sharing ideas and getting
feedback on what could happen.
To help write that paper the Minister would like to
hear what you think should be in that paper or if it
is a good idea to change the law.
You find out more in this presentation:

There is form to fill in to send back your ideas:
You can send your form to:

Time to Talk Day

Having a mental health problem is hard enough but
sometimes the isolation and stigma can make it even
Time to Change are asking people to talk about mental
health on:
5th February 2015, 1pm-5pm
They are inviting you to go along and join in their
conversations and find out more about challenging
mental health stigma and discrimination.
Entry is free.
To register your place click on the link below:
Time to Talk Day

Question Time
With the General election coming up next May lots of
organisations are working hard to make sure that people
with learning difficulties know about voting.
Connect in the North and Dimensions will be running a
Question Time style event on:
20th February 2015
Three Leeds MPs have agreed to take part and answer
questions from people with learning difficulties.
You can find out more about it and get a booking form
using this link:

Training for sibling group leaders

This training by Sibs will give participants the information,
activities, and confidence to set up a sibling group for
children aged 7 or over.
It is for professionals who would like to set up a new
sibling group and who already have experience of
working with children in groups.

London: Wednesday 25th February 2015 10am - 4pm

Venue: Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London, NW12BJ
Cost: 100 voluntary sector, 125 statutory sector. Lunch
not included

To book places, please use the booking form.

For more information, call Nicola on
01430 810094
or email

Aspergers Insight
Aspergers Insight is a training company owned by Barry
and Graham Keeton.
The training they deliver covers the following areas:
What is Aspergers?
Grahams life in the past
Grahams life now
Support and help for people with Aspergers
You can read more about them and their training in this
To find out more please contact Graham or Barry:
07596 226519 or 07028 80268

Advocacy Films and Resources

The Twisting Ducks Theatre company has many films
and resources about advocacy.
They look at:
Keeping safe
Health and Wellbeing
Employment and Education
Relationships and friendships
Independence and support
You can find out more from their website:
or contact:

Easy News Issue 12

Easy News is an accessible news magazine for people
with learning disabilities.
The latest issue has news from the party political
conferences from September and October.
You can download the this and past issues here:

Change of Address
South Tyneside Moving Forward Service and Mental
Health Carer Support Service have now moved to;
Unit 12, Cookson House
River Drive
South Shields
NE33 1TL
Their telephone numbers will remain the same
MFST 0191 4270011
CSS 0191 4936917
They will be holding an open day event on:
22nd December, 10am-12pm
Which is for members, carers and colleagues. They
would be delighted to see you there for Tea, Coffee,
Mince Pies and Festive Tunes.
For more information contact:

What is coming up next at Inclusion

Yorkshire and Humber SAF, Peer Support Workshop
16th January
Yorkshire and Humber Talking Travel 20th January
IHAL Advisory Group 28th January
Yorkshire and Humber Lead Officers meeting 6th
Yorkshire and Humber Leadership Group 9th February
The Care Act and its Implications 11th February

If you would like to know more about any of these events

contact Claire or Marie on 0113 262 6409
If you would like any information on any of our
meetings, training or projects you can contact the
office on:
Tel: 0113 262 6409
Or you can write to us at:
Inclusion North
Woodhouse Community Centre
197 Woodhouse Street
Leeds, LS6 2NY
You can visit our website at:

Or you can contact any member of the Inclusion North

Samantha Clark
Tel: 07823 536 603

Scott Cunningham
Tel: 07767 776 125

Kellie Woodley
Tel: 07876 145 390

Lucy Virgo
Tel: 07944 185 771

Our next bulletin will be out

the week starting
12th January
See you all in 2015

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