Taking Your FDM Application To The Next: Level With Advanced Scripting Level With Advanced Scripting

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Taking Your FDM Application to the Next

Level with Advanced Scripting

Tony Scalese
Edgewater Ranzal

About Edgewater Ranzal

15 Years
700+ clients
1000+ projects

One of the Largest

Oracle/Hyperion Practices in
the U.S.

Oracle / Hyperion Platinum

Partner - Highest Status

Vertical Expertise with HighProfile Clients from Coast to


Sound Project Methodology

Insures Project Success

One Stop Shop for ALL EPM

Implementation needs

Our Services







Who Is Tony Scalese

Over 10 years Experience with Data Integration and

Financial Planning & Consolidation on the Hyperion suite
of products
Established many innovative FDM design, customization
and automation concepts that have evolved into standard
Industry-wide practices.
Certified HFM Consultant - System 9 & Fusion 11
Present at Oracle conferences, Ranzal webcasts and post
on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) and blog on
B.A. Economics, Allegheny College; MBA Candidate,
Babson College

Script Types

Tips & Tricks

Solution Overview & Wrap-up

Import Scripts
Event Scripts
Custom Scripts

Common Script Usage

Batch Scripts
Leveraging Workbench
Scheduling Scripts

Smart Replace
Scripting Challenge

What is FDM Scripting?

FDM has a powerful scripting engine that

leverages the VBScript programming
language to further extend the applications
Scripts can be used to execute SQL queries
Scripts can leverage windows objects (Shell) to
execute batch command files

FDM Scripting is as powerful as your

programming skills & knowledge of the
application architecture

Script Types

Import: Execute during the import workflow

stage when assigned to the import format
used by the location processing data
Event: Execute during predefined events
within the application. These are similar to
Excel workbook macros that execute
Custom: All other scripts that are used to
perform additional actions/functions in FDM

Import Scripts

DataPump Used with Delimited & Fixed Width

Import formats
Execute for the dimension to which they are assigned
in the import format.
Execute for each line in the data file

Integration Used with Script Import Formats

Used to provide direct integration to relational sources

Executes SQL queries to retrieve data from source
Often Utilizes an ADO connection
Working example in the Admin Guide

Import Scripts Some Facts

API objects are not available for use in Import

Scripts - Data Pump or Integration
Data Pump scripts are passed the field (strField)
defined by the import format i.e, field x of y - as
well as the entire record (strRecord)
Temporary variables can be used during the
import process and accessed by other import
scripts RES.pVarTempx
You cannot execute Import scripts from the
script editor

Import Scripts The #1 Pitfall

Pre/Cross Dimensional Mapping - if source account

is X, Y or Z then Entity is A
While there are times this can be necessary, robust event
scripting can often address the need for this logic

Why is this approach flawed?

Limited visibility to the true source value for a given
Mapping logic is likely no longer an end user function;
scripts are only visible to administrators
Any time the logic changes, the data file must be reimported
ERPi does not currently support modifications to the source
member that was extracted from the G/L

Example Integration Script


Create connection to source

 Connection strings vary based on source
DB type
Run query to get source records
 SQL Select query
Append query result to FDM worktable

Event Scripts Some Facts

Only execute when the Event actually has

Application passes certain arguments to the
event script when triggered
Action event scripts often execute multiple
subprocesses and/or other event scripts
You cannot add new Event scripts
You cannot execute Event scripts from the
script editor

Event Scripts
Event Script



During Log In and Logout of the application


Does not execute in


When using the API function mStatusMessage


When the system is Locked


When the point-of-view is changed


When security is changed

ImportMap (Bef & Aft)

During the Import of a mapping .TRx file

CopyMap (Bef & Aft)

During the Copy of map from one location to another

ClearData (Bef & Aft)

When data is cleared for a given point-of-view

FileImport (Bef & Aft)

When a flat file is imported; does not apply to adaptor & script
based import formats

Event Scripts
Event Script


Validate (Bef & Aft)

During Validate workflow step

ExportToDat (Bef & Aft)

During Export step when a data file is created

Load (Bef & Aft)

During Export step when data file export is loaded

to target system

Consolidate (Bef & Aft)

During a target system is consolidation

Check (Bef & Aft)

When Check workflow step

Calculate (Bef & Aft)

When Calculate is executed; Process Logic/Maps

ProcLogicGrp (Bef & Aft)

When Logic groups applied; during Import &

Process Logic/Maps

ProcMap (Bef & Aft)

When Maps are applied; during Import & Process

Logic/Maps; only executes for locations with
Wildcard maps

Event Scripts
Event Script



During archive of import & export files


During Certification (un)Review & (un)Submit


When Import workflow step is run


When Memos are added, updated or deleted


During Multi-Load and Journal processing


During batch execution


During a batch process that utilizes the autocorrect

mapping feature

Custom Scripts Some Facts

Custom Scripts

3 types of Custom scripts

General: All other actions in FDM; example
Batch loader script
Plug-In: No longer used
Web: Used to create tasks flows that allow end
users to execute scripts without requiring access
to script editor

Running SQL from Scripts

Select Queries Used to retrieve data from a

Set rs = DW.DataAccess.farsKeySet(strSQL)

DML Queries Used to Update/Insert/Delete

blnResult =

Scripting Objects

File System Object

Set FSO =
Set objFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(PathToFile,
OverwriteExisting, blnUnicode)

Windows Shell Object

Set wShell =
lngResult = WShell.Run(strCommand,
WindowStyle, blnWaitOnReturn)

Batch Loader

From the Workbench, Tools  Batch

Set the Batch Processing options and click
Create Script

Batch Loader Script


Process Level Tells FDM which workflow

steps to perform; see
Delimiter File name delimiter use in the
batch file name.
Example: 1~Location~Category~Period~rr.txt

Map Auto Correct Controls if FDM should

automap missing members to a
default/suspense member; True/False

Object Browser

Object Browser contains a

list of all of the API functions
that are available to be used
in FDM scripts
Object Browser is only
available in WorkBench
Many objects provide a
description of the return or
required arguments


Accelerators are prewritten snippets of code

that perform common scripting operations

Get detailed POV information (location metadata)

Create and loop through a recordset
Work with text files using FSO
Send email

Accelerators provide 70-80% of the code,

you will often need to update/refine

Using Accelerators

Select the section of the script where you need the

accelerator code
Double click the accelerator and the code is inserted
Refine as needed you will need to review the code

Adaptor Specific Objects

Import the Type Library of the

Right click the object browser
and select Add Type Library
Browse to the adaptor folder
and import the
AdaptorName.tlb file

Scheduling Scripts

FDM Task Manager FDM component that

allows custom scripts to be scheduled on
specific intervals; seconds, days of the week,
specific day(s) each month
FDM Shell Object Used to execute custom
scripts from a windows batch file; batch file
can be scheduled within Windows Scheduled
Tasks or any enterprise scheduling software

Task Manager

Select application &

script to execute
Specify Login
credentials non
expiring recommended
Specify Time interval to

FDM Shell

Shell object is in the SharedComponents of

the installation directory
Double click the UPSShell executable
Open Notepad and paste
Default syntax is provided
Consists of 2 parts Path to FDM Shell & Call to

FDM Shell Syntax


Taking a Detour HFM Architecture

HFM subcubes are the intersection of the

Accounts, ICP, Custom1-4 & Period for the
Year, Entity, Scenario and Value dimensions
When loading in replace mode, the entire
subcube is cleared for each unique Year, Entity
Scenario that is contained in the data
This is the default HFM behavior loading
through FDM or directly in HFM through load
Data is orphaned in HFM if an entity is loaded
and then in subsequent loads is not part of the
data set meaning potentially inaccurate
financial results

Preliminary Load

load includes a
errant G/L
posting that
data into the
Rhode Island


G/L posting is
corrected and
previous entry is
re-classed from
Rhode Island to
Data is not cleared
from Rhode Island
since no data
exists in the G/L
file for R.I.
HFM is wrong!

How Can FDM Help?

Smart Replace is a Ranzal custom developed

FDM solution that addresses this common data
quality issue caused by the default clear
behavior of HFM

A list of the unique entities that have been loaded to

HFM is maintained
The data that is currently being loaded to HFM is
compared against the list of historically loaded data
If any orphaned entities are found, a data clearing
record for that entity is added to the data set being

Reload with Smart Replace

G/L posting is
corrected and
previous entry is
re-classed from
Rhode Island to
Data is cleared
from Rhode
Island by the
custom Smart
HFM is correct!

What To Learn More?

FDM Adaptor Actions


Oracle Technology Network (OTN)


Ranzal & Associates


W3 Schools


Scripting Challenge

Tell me a problem you are facing in your

FDM application that you believe or know
custom scripting will address
Entries can be dropped at the Ranzal booth or
email me (ascalese@ranzal.com) before the end
of the conference

I will select 1 challenge and create a script

that addresses the issue
I will schedule a 1 hr web session to demo
the solution


Tony Scalese

Other Ranzal Presentations

Calculation Manager: The New and Improved Application to Create Hyperion
Planning Business Rules Monday, 11:15 am, Room 102C
Security and Auditing in HFM Tuesday, 4:30pm, 101B
Best Practices for Using DRM with EPMA Wednesday, 8:30am, 103A
Getting Started with Calc Manager for HFM Wednesday, 8:30am, 101B
Advanced Topics in Calc Manager for HFM Wednesday, 9:45am, 101B
Maximizing the Value of an EPM Investment with ERPi, FDM & EPMA Wednesday,
11:15am, 101B
Taking your FDM application to the next level with Advanced Scripting Friday,
8:30am, 101B
IFRS reporting within Hyperion Financial Management Thursday, 10:30am, 101B

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