Horary Checklist

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a. Cast chart for time and place of a question.

b. Regiomontanus houses or placidus houses
c. Seven planets only. Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Moon
d. Major aspects only. In 90 min on 7 diff charts with same location and time and date, will make same aspects

Select the appropriate houses. Looking for house 1 and 7 only

Check the condition of these houses. Locate the house rulers.
Check: are they combust, under the sunbeams, cazimi, opposing the Sun? not important cause all relevant planets in a chart
can be combust/
Planet on house cusps in the same sign even if its retrograde controls that house.


house placement
Houses 1,4,7,10 Strong
Houses 2,3,5,9,11 neutral
Houses 6,8,12 weak

Are they conjunct the Nodes?

1. Are they conjunct lord 1 or lord 7
2. Are the conjunct cusp 1 or cusp 7

1. Which planet is in the house?

2. Planet with essential dignity is benefic/
3. Planet in its detriment or fall is malefic when in the concerned house.
a. Conjunctions, trines and sextiles show things happening easily; squares and oppositions show them happening with
b. A square from a good planet will be helpful; a trine from a bad one will be weakening.
c. Except for an opposition, which is always an affliction.
d. The same with conjunctions: conjunction with a dignified planet is helpful; conjunction with a debilitated planet is
Are they besieged?
Are they on Regulus, Spica or Algol?
Are planets in their joy?
a. Significator at 28 or 29 Leo is on Regulus, and is greatly
a. Mercury: ist house Moon: 3rd house
b. Venus: 5th house Mars: 6th house
b. Spica, at 23 Libra, offers some protection against defeat.
c. Sun: 9th house Jupiter: 11th house, Saturn:
c. Algol, at 26 Taurus, is a negative of moderate strength.
12th house
I am talking about planets being affected by falling onto a star.
essential dignity/debility
In 10th or 1st house +5


In 7th, 4th, or 11th house +4

In the 12th houseIn detriment - 5


In the 2nd or 5th house +3

In the 8th or 6th house - 2


In the 9th house +2

Retrograde - 5


In the 3rd House +1

Slow in Motion - 2


Direct in Motion +4

Saturn, Jupiter, Mars when occidental - 2


Swift in Motion +2

Mercury, Venus when oriental - 2


Saturn, Jupiter, Mars when oriental +2

Moon decreasing in light (waning) - 2


Mercury, Venus when Occidental +2

Combust (within 830' of Sun) - 5


Moon increasing in light (waxing) +2

Under Sun's beams (within 17 of the Sun) - 4


Free from combustion and Sun's beams +5

Partile conjunction with Saturn or Mars - 5


Cazimi (within 017' of the Sun) +5

Paritle Conjunction with South Node - 4


Partile conjunction with Jupiter or Venus +5

Beseiged of Saturn and Mars - 4


Partile conjunction with North Node +4

Partile opposition with Saturn or Mars - 4


Partile trine with Jupiter or Venus +4

Partile square with Saturn or Mars - 4


Partile sextile with Jupiter or Venus +3

Conjunct the fixed Algol or within 5 (2604 Taurus) - 4


Conjunct the fixed star Regulus (2940' Leo) +6

Conjunct the fixed Spica (2340' Libra) +5

In own sign or in mutual reception with another
In exaltation, or mutual reception by exaltation


In detriment


In fall


In own triplicity



In own terms

In own face

Receptions between the rulers: does one dominate the other?

a. Reception by term, face, detriment and fall can be ignored.
b. If your planet is in a sign ruled by my planet, your team is
in my team's power.
If the Moon is one of the house rulers:

How much light does it have?
a. For these charts, we can say that if it is more than
120 degrees from the Sun it has lots of light, so it's
strong. If it is less than 60 degrees from the Sun, it
has little light, so it's moderately weak. Less than 30
degrees and it's very weak.' 'Does it matter if it's
gaining or losing light?'
Is the moon via combusta? between 15 degrees Libra and
15 degrees Scorpio, makes matters unpredictable

We are looking at the overall conditions of the 90 minute chart include 15 min HT in goal calculation but exclude HT in chart
Remember that the 5 or so degrees before the house cusp are considered as being part of that house, provided they are in the same
sign as the house cusp.

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