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Issue 1,048 Monday 11 January 2010 FREE

CONSUMER GOODS Hershey are smaller than Cadbury and cash component of its offer. Nestle has

BY JULIA KOLLEWE need significant funding to launch an ruled itself out of the bidding.
offer. Ferrero declined to comment, Cadbury’s chairman launched yet
CADBURY shares are set to jump this reiterating a November statement that another fierce attack on Kraft yester-
morning after mounting talk last it was assessing its options. day. Roger Carr accused the US firm of
night that Ferrero could make a joint Cadbury sets out its final defence being run by its biggest shareholder,
bid with Hershey for the British con- against the Kraft bid tomorrow, fol- Warren Buffett, He said Buffett’s oppo-
fectionery group. lowed by a trading update on Friday. It sition to the bid and pressure from rat-
Ferrero is thought to be working on is expected to attack Kraft’s stock price ings agencies severely limited Kraft’s
a syndicated loan of about €3bn performance over the past few years. ability to improve its offer. The Mayor says 9,000 bankers will quit London Picture: Micha Theiner/ CITY A.M.
(£2.8bn). According to an Italian news- Kraft sold its North American pizza It has until 19 January to decide

Boris: exodus from City

paper, Mediobanca, which advises the business to Swiss food group Nestle whether to raise its cash and shares
Italian chocolate maker, has contacted last week, enabling it to improve the bid, which currently values Cadbury
other Italian banks – Intesa Sanpaolo at 769p a share, or £10.5bn. Ferrero
and UniCredit - in the hope of getting Cadbury chairman Roger and Hershey are likely to wait until

to knock public finances

up to five banks to lend between Carr says Kraft is run by then before entering the fray.
$750m and $1bn each. Cadbury’s chief executive Todd
Ferrero has until 2 February to
its biggest shareholder, Stitzer has made it clear that the com-
make a counterbid to an offer from Warren Buffett, who pany would prefer being taken over by
Kraft, which Cadbury has rejected. opposes the firm’s bid. Hershey rather than Kraft because of
Both Ferrero and US confectioner the companies’ cultural similarities.
£1.2bn in lost tax revenues annually.

Johnson’s call to arms came as it

Man United launches bond

emerged that the Financial Services
MAYOR Boris Johnson yesterday called Authority plans to force all bankers
on the Treasury Select Committee to earning over £1m to defer their bonus-
launch an “urgent” investigation into es under its new remuneration code.
the government’s new tax on bank Under the FSA’s original plans, only

issue to help cut debt pile

bonuses, which he said would serious- those exerting a “significant influ-
ly endanger the City’s position as a ence” over a bank would be affected,
competitive global financial centre. with those earning over £500,000 hav-
The Mayor’s advisers predict up to ing to defer 60 per cent of their bonus
9,000 bankers could leave the UK for over three years.
more favourable jurisdictions due to But the regulator has now widened
the so-called “supertax”, the new 50 its net to ensure all bankers earning
Last year United’s annual profit of the Glazers’ takeover of the club, per cent income tax band, rules on over £1m will be subject to the 60 per

£72m was almost wiped out by inter- Ferguson has spent a net £32m on non-doms and a raft of damaging EU cent bonus deferral.
est payments of £69m. new players. He has claimed that his financial services regulation. JP Morgan will on Friday kick off
MANCHESTER United said last night Old Trafford’s owners, the reluctance to spend the record £80m “These ‘salami-slicing’, shortsighted the annual results round at the
it was seeking to raise £500m American Glazer family, bought the United made from selling Cristiano proposals could potentially and per- world’s biggest banks, which are this
through a bond issue to alleviate its club for £828m in May 2005, funding Ronaldo to Real Madrid last summer manently damage the competitive- year expected to pay out around
£699m debt burden. one third of the deal with equity, one was purely because he “couldn’t see ness of London as a financial centre by £40bn in compensation. The bank is
The Premiership club had been third bank debt and one third with a any value in the market”. driving away the city’s unique cluster expected to hand out a record $29bn
expected to raise £600m via a bond payment-in-kind note. Last week the owner of Manchester of highly skilled people, ideas and (£18.1bn) in salary and bonuses,
issue. Its finance arm will issue senior Manager Sir Alex Ferguson has City, Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al expertise,” Johnson said. thanks to a resurgence in activity at
secured notes due 2017 to refinance denied that the club’s debt pile has Nahyan, wrote off £304.9m of personal City Hall said the exodus could its investment banking division.
existing debt secured against the club. affected his spending on players. Since loans to the club to make it debt free. potentially cost the economy over JP MORGAN: PAGE 7

FTSE 100 ▲5,534.24 +7.52 DOW ▲10,618.19 +11.33 NASDAQ ▲2,317.17 +17.12 £/$ 1.60▲+0.01 £/¤ 1.11 unc ¤/$ 1.44▲+0.01 Certified Distribution
02/11/09 – 29/11/09 is 102,194
2 News CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010

Japan Airlines
Britain needs to rediscover how to save approaches
2.6 per cent, 2.1 per cent and 2.2 per
cent respectively. Unfortunately, the
present recession wasn’t normal: it
Economics notes. And even if credit
availability remains constrained com-
pared to 2007, access to loans remains
decade ago. Nobody knows what the
“right” level of debt is but it is almost
certainly much lower than the pres-
bankrupt status
was accompanied by unprecedented easier than it was in the 1970s or ent situation. Debt as a percentage of

monetary reflation and an equally 1980s, when credit markets were households’ assets remain above the TRANSPORT
extreme budget deficit. Both of these under-developed and tied up in miles early 1990s peak – even though house
policies need to be reversed, starting of red tape. prices remain artificially high and THE main lenders to Japan Airlines
this year; this will hit the recovery. Yet one of the biggest drags to could tumble again in 2010. plan are ready to accept a restructur-
EDITOR’S LETTER Budget deficits have often been growth in the years ahead is that con- All of this suggests the economy is ing package that would require the
tightened without too many problems sumers will have to pay back more set for years of paltry growth, with a carrier to file for bankruptcy increas-
ALLISTER HEATH in the past – and when deficits are so debt. Sure, savings as a share of second, devastating crisis a possibility ing the likelihood of a state bailout
high, cutting them actually boosts income shot up from an absurd -0.7 if the public finances aren’t tackled this month.
BELIEVE it or not but many forecasters growth – but it is best that the process per cent in the first quarter of 2008 to soon. It is far too soon for optimism. A state-backed turnaround fund is
are becoming more upbeat about takes place via spending cuts, not tax a more respectable 8.6 per cent in the undersood to be planning to establish
Britain’s prospects for the coming hikes. Unfortunately, we will be get- third quarter of 2009, leaving it above CALMING DOWN AT LAST a credit line of more than 600bn yen
year. HSBC, whose predictions are ting plenty of the latter. Meanwhile, its long-run average of just under 8 per Here is an interesting though unscien- (£4bn) along with a state-owned bank
always cautious, is expecting growth ending quantitative easing, while cent. This is progress. But the rise has tific anecdote. I was a guest on James to ensure JAL can keep flying once a
of 2.2 per cent, much higher than the urgently necessary, will push up the been driven by strong disposable Max’s LBC radio show yesterday after- bankruptcy is announced.
consensus; others are also becoming cost of borrowing and could even income growth, powered by ultra-low noon, where we spent an hour dis- Reflecting growing concerns over
more optimistic. force a sterling crisis if foreign interest rates, rather than savage cuts cussing City bonuses – but the calls the potential fallout from a bankrupt-
I remain more downbeat. But it is investors refuse to buy our gilts. in spending; as soon as mortgage rates and texts were less hostile to bankers cy, reports said the government plans
worth taking a look at some of the The bulls are right on one point: jump back, many will save less. The than on similar shows I took part in to tap diplomatic channels to reassure
arguments for bullishness, if only to much stronger credit growth is not a savings ratio also remains lower than before Christmas. It may be that the the 35 or so countries to which JAL
show why they are not convincing. It prerequisite for better GDP growth – after the previous recession. tide of extreme, rabid hostility against flies that it would support the carrier.
is true that in the first year after the the economy accelerated for several Debt has fallen from 174 per cent of anybody who works in finance may be JAL, weighed down by $16bn (£10bn) in
last three major downturns – 1976, years in the early 1990s before bank UK households’ income to 155 per slowly turning. I certainly hope so. debt and mired in losses, applied for
1982 and 1993 – the economy grew by lending started to recover, as Capital cent – but was just 105 per cent a state funding for ailing companies.

2nd Floor
14-16 Dowgate Hill
London EC4R 2SU
M&B talks to
rebel Lewis
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7248 1729
Editor Allister Heath
Deputy Editor David Hellier
News Editor Ben Griffiths
Night Editor Katie Hope
LEISURE brought an official complaint against

Political Editor David Crow

Features Editor Jeremy Hazlehurst BY JULIA KOLLEWE the Bahamas-based billionaire curren- Ice and low temperatures are set to persist for the next few days Picture: PA
Art Director Darren Soulsby cy investor. A ruling by the Takeover
Sales Director
Alice Hepple

Jeremy Slattery
PUBS group Mitchells & Butlers,
which owns the All Bar One and
Harvester chains, is thought to have
begun peace talks with rebel investor
Panel is expected before the compa-
ny’s annual shareholder meeting.
If a compromise between the two
sides is reached, Lewis could even back
Transport stalled by snow
Deputy Sales Director Harry Owen Joe Lewis. M&B chairman Simon Laffin, who has
Head of Distribution Nick Owen The M&B board is this week expect- led hostilities against Lewis and other
ed to offer to back some of the four major shareholders and also faces a TRANSPORT Councils need about 60,000 tonnes

Distribution helpline men proposed as non-executive direc- shareholder vote. However, until now of salt a day and supplies are running
If you have any comments about the distribution BY JULIA KOLLEWE
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email tors by Lewis at a shareholder meeting the investor has made clear that he short as the cold spell continues. at the end of the month, according to wants to see Laffin replaced by outgo- THE government said great efforts They have had to focus on keeping
The Guardian. In return, M&B’s largest ing Debenhams chairman John were being made to keep roads and main routes clear of ice. Salt ordered
Editorial Statement shareholder is thought to have Lovering. schools open, amid signs that the from abroad will not arrive until 21
This newspaper adheres to the system of pledged to support existing non-execu- severe wintry weather conditions are January.
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints tive Tony Bates, who also faces a share- Joe Lewis has been easing. Nearly all motorways and Secondary schools in England,
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the holder vote at the annual meeting on trunk roads will be open today, the Wales and Northern Ireland have
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s pressing for major
28 January. Last month there was a bit- government said. GCSE and A-level exams starting
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at
ter falling out when M&B ousted four changes at M&B, While it is not issuing any severe today, even though many were closed
directors – two of them Lewis which has complained weather warnings at present, the Met in recent days. School closures have
Printed by Newsfax International,
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, appointees – accusing them of miscon- about his behaviour office says snow, ice and low tempera- been the main reason for a surge in
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS duct and plotting. The group has tures will persist in the next few days. snow-related workplace absenteeism.


MOUNTAIN AT EMAP EU INVENTORIES LOW AMID RECOV- One in six British families now owns The Government is giving the Trades
The chief executive of Google, Eric The Guardian Media Group and pri- ERY DOUBT shares, according to the first ever offi- Union Congress millions of pounds
Schmidt, has given warning to the UK vate-equity investor Apax have Businesses are holding very low stock cial figures. The new estimates from from its foreign aid budget to pay for
and other western governments that pledged to pump more money into levels and are reluctant to boost the Office for National Statistics the education of British trade union-
reducing their massive deficits will Emap, their jointly-owned business inventories, according to some of appear to show that Margaret ists and to support advocacy work in
be far harder than in America publisher, whose assets include the Europe’s leading chief executives – Thatcher’s dream of creating a share- Britain. The payments by the
because of the dollar’s status as the Nursing Times and the Cannes Lions providing evidence of lingering holder democracy has taken root. Department for International
world’s reserve currency. International Advertising festival. The doubts about the durability of eco- The ONS found that 15pc of British Development (DfID), which include a
pair are gearing up to support an nomic recovery. Business leaders households – 3.75m – own some £2.4m grant, are evidence of a deep-
PET CHAIN SUITORS GIVEN FINAL acquisition drive with fresh funds from consumer goods, chemicals and shares directly on the London stock ening relationship between the DfID
DEADLINE BY OWNER after rejecting proposals to relax manufacturing companies have told market. and the TUC.
Potential buyers of Pets at Home have covenants on Emap’s £700m of debt the Financial Times that they have lit-
been given a final bid deadline of 25 because it would be too expensive. tle idea of when demand will return. UK ECONOMY LIKELY TO BE DOWN- POUNDLAND SHRUGS OFF WOOLIES’
January by the pet retailer’s private GRADED, WARNS INVESCO’S NEIL EFFECT
equity owner Bridgepoint Capital. BP TO SHUT GAS NETWORK DESPITE EUROPEAN COMMISSION NOMINEES WOODFORT Poundland, the discount retailer,
Sources close to the situation said the RECORD DEMAND FACE GRILLING Expert investor Neil Woodford has enjoyed a bumper Christmas as shop-
firm would consider offers from The oil giant BP will pile the pressure The European Union launches the warned that the UK economy is “not pers opted for value in stocking
interested parties for the UK’s fifth on Britain’s stretched gas supplies final phase of building its new-look out of the woods” and advised against fillers, decorations and cards. The
largest pet retail chain. So far, buyout tomorrow when it shuts down a large leadership team today when legisla- buying banking stocks. Neil Woodford group said that like-for-like sales dur-
firms Bain Capital, KKR, Apax gas network in the North Sea. The tors start to grill 26 nominees to the of Invesco advised against buying ing the five weeks to 3 January had
Partners and TPG are thought to have Southern North Sea pipeline system next European Commission to assess banking shares, saying the industry been up 4.4 per cent on the same peri-
made bids in the region of £800m. will be closed for a week. their suitability for office. was overvalued. od last year.
CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010 News 3

RBS hires advisers NEWS | IN BRIEF

Eurostar disruption continues

to prepare 300 of
Eurostar services between London and
Paris are still being affected by what it
described as “severe” weather condi-
tions. Eurostar will run a restricted serv-
ice today and urged passengers to cancel

its outlets for sale

or postpone their trips if possible. Some
late evening services will be cancelled.
Disney services are running normally.
Early morning and late night services
were also cancelled this weekend.

Banks lift salaries, cut bonuses

BANKING ernment. The 84 per cent state- Most banks have increased basic

BY JULIA KOLLEWE downed bank also has to sell its com- salaries and cut bonuses for executives
modities trading joint venture RBS in response to calls for leaner compensa-
ROYAL Bank of Scotland (RBS) has Sempra and its insurance operations, tion packages after the financial crisis,
appointed UBS to advise on the sale of including Churchill and Direct Line. according to a survey by consultancy
more than 300 branches, which is Forced asset sales in the wake of the Mercer. Four fifths of respondents in a
expected to attract a flurry of interest. government bailout of several major survey of 61 banks and other financial
A teaser document, detailing the UK banks are opening up retail bank- services firms said they had made or
branches included in the sale, was cir- ing to new competition, as Virgin plan to make changes to annual bonuses
culated at the end of 2009. Potential Money and Tesco are entering the and short-term incentives.
bidders include National Australia banking market.
Bank, which owns Clydesdale and Meanwhile RBS chief executive House of Fraser celebrates sales
Yorkshire Banks in the UK, and Stephen Hester is likely to face ques- Own-brand labels helped department
Santander, the Spanish banking group tions over bonus figures today when store group House of Fraser to surging
that has acquired Abbey, Alliance & he appears in front of the Treasury Christmas sales. Like-for-like sales rose
Leicester and Bradford & Bingley. select committee. 7.1 per cent in the eight weeks to 2
The sale process is at an early stage Philip Dunne MP, a member of the January, following a 1.5 per cent fall
and an information memorandum is Public Accounts Committee, said RBS’s during the same period a year ago. Chief
still being finalised. proposed bonus scheme meant that executive John King said the figures
The European Commission has RBS bankers would receive more gen- meant House of Fraser was a festive
ordered RBS to sell more than 300 erous bonuses than bankers at ABN winner, putting it ahead of rival Next
branches in return for receiving bil- Amro, the Dutch bank which RBS and Marks & Spencer’s non-food unit.
lions of pounds of aid from the UK gov- bought for £10bn in 2007. Parts of the RBS branch network will be put up for sale Picture: GETTY RETAIL NEWS: PAGE 12

China tops forecast

with strong growth
WORLD ECONOMY mist at Guotai Junan Securities in booming investment and con-

BY HARRY BANKS Beijing. Based on the trade data, he sumption are helping to rebalance
estimated industrial output in the world economy even though
GROWTH in China’s exports and December grew by more than 25 Beijing has refused to let the yuan
imports last month blew past per cent from a year earlier and rise against the dollar since the
expectations, figures yesterday that GDP growth in the fourth global financial crisis began in
revealed, providing fresh evidence quarter exceeded 11 per cent. mid-2008, said Rob Subbaraman,
of the vigour of the economy and Despite the leap in exports, the chief Asia economist at Nomura in
strengthening the case for Beijing even bigger jump in imports meant Hong Kong.
to let the yuan start climbing again. China’s trade surplus slipped to Its imports of crude oil also hit a
Exports leapt 17.7 per cent from
a year earlier, dwarfing the 4.0 per
$18.4bn in December from $19.1bn
in November and $39.0bn in
monthly record, while iron ore
shipments were the second highest Small investment. Substantial returns.
cent rise forecast by economists December 2008. Economists had ever and copper imports beat
and breaking a 13-month streak of expected it to tick up to $19.6bn. expectations. Bed & Breakfast from

year-on-year declines; imports China was not the only Asian Booming Chinese demand will
surged 55.9 per cent, much more exporter to enjoy a dazzling be a boon for commodity exporters
than the 31.0 per cent increase December. South Korea and like Australia, said Liu Nenghua, an per room
markets had expected. Taiwan reported export growth of economist with Bank of per night
“The strong acceleration in 46.9 per cent and 33.7 per cent, Communications in Shanghai.
imports may heighten the chances respectively. “It shows that China will contin-
of overheating and put more pres- But China is far bigger, overtak- ue to play an important role in 2 nights with breakfast and 1 dinner from

sure for the government to tighten ing Germany as the world’s biggest driving world economic growth,”
policy,” said Wang Hu, an econo- exporter of goods in 2009. Its he said.
per room
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4 Politics CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010

Tories unveil ELECTION2010

Tories to cut immigration
Immigration would fall by as much as
75 per cent if the Conservatives win

plans to help the next general election, David

Cameron said yesterday. He said he
would use an annual cap to push net
immigration from around 200,000 in
recent years to the tens-of-thousands
last seen under the Thatcher and

small firms Major governments. “I’m in favour of

immigration, we’ve benefited from
immigration, but I think the pres-
sures – particularly on our public serv-
ices – have been very great.”

Cameron in deficit pledge

David Cameron yesterday made a firm

POLITICS ernment itself,” Cameron told BBC1’s

BY DAVID CROW Andrew Marr show. commitment to cut public debt faster
Conservative party sources said the than Labour. Gordon Brown’s plans to
DAVID Cameron yesterday announced measure would be cost neutral, halve the £178bn budget deficit with-
a raft of measures to help small busi- because the government would save in the next four years do not go far
nesses, as he attempted to portray the on welfare payments by protecting enough, Cameron said. “We haven’t
Tories as a party of entrepreneurship. jobs that would otherwise be lost. put a figure on it, but unlike the Prime
He said a Tory government would And the Tory leader said he would Minister I'm happy to sit in this chair
end the “anti-aspiration” culture that make it easier for entrepreneurs to and say ‘Yes, there will be cuts’,” he
had been fostered under Labour, by start a new venture by cutting red added. But chief secretary to the
increasing the insolvency threshold tape and allowing them to register Treasury Liam Byrne said: “He said he
and reducing the number of days it online. wants deeper, faster cuts than Labour
takes to get a new business off the “It takes 13 to 14 days to start a new but then deepened the mystery about
ground. business in this country, in America where the cash would come from,”
Currently, the government can pur- it’s half as long. We have the ambi- Byrne said.
sue and make bankrupt companies tion of making us one of the fastest
which have unpaid taxes of over £750, countries in the world to start up a Ex-Labour supremo hits out
but the Tories said they would new business,” Cameron said. Gordon Brown’s premiership came
increase the threshold to £5,000 Cameron also said he would scrap under fire yet again yesterday, after a
immediately if they win the general rules preventing people living in former Labour Party treasurer said
election. social housing from starting a firm Number 10 had been reduced to a
“The insolvency threshold is cur- from home. “shambles” in 2007 when Brown
rently £750. We would lift that to “The message that seems to be dithered over an early election. Peter
£5,000 because, when you look at the coming out of Labour at the moment Watt, who stood down after the party
figures, more small businesses have is don’t start a business, don’t buy funding scandal in 2007, also said
gone bankrupt in this recession than your home, don’t try and leave Brown lacked the “emotional intelli-
in previous recessions and a number money to your children, don’t try and gence” to win the next election.
have been pushed there by the gov- get on.” POLITICAL BETTING: P16 David Cameron said he would cut red tape for small firms Pic: Micha Theiner/CITY A.M.
CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010 News 5

Oleg Deripaska cancels 2007

deal to acquire Russneft firm
Approval from the commission, Sberbank to acquire Russneft from

BY JULIA KOLLEWE chaired by Russian prime minister Gutseriyev for $3bn in 2007 when the
Vladimir Putin, was necessary because businessman fled Russia chased by
RUSSIAN tycoon Oleg Deripaska has Deripaska used offshore vehicles for police over unpaid taxes.
pulled out of a deal struck in 2007 to the deal. Last month, Deripaska, The head of Russia’s anti-monopoly
acquire oil firm Russneft from its Russia’s most heavily indebted tycoon, watchdog Igor Artemyev said the
founder, Mikhail Gutseriyev. wrapped up talks to restructure deal's structure involved hundreds of
The deal was reversed because $16.8bn of debt for his firm UC Rusal, offshore firms and the government’s
Deripaska failed to win permission the world’s biggest aluminium pro- commission needed time to look into
from the Russian government’s com- ducer. He wants to sell a 10 per cent it. The deal’s structure is thought to
mission on foreign investment in stake in Rusal this month. have involved hundreds of offshore
strategic industries. Deripaska took a $2.7bn loan from firms. Deripaska is believed to be heavily in debt Picture: PA

City gets New

Year jitters as
outlook dims to be bold.
umes, although insurance brokers

BY OLIVER SHAH and life insurers were more positive.
Ian McCafferty, chief economic
BANKS and securities traders expect adviser at the CBI, said: “The bounce
profits to flatten in the coming quar- in UK financial services activity over
ter, indicating weak short-term expec- the past six months is not expected to
tations among City players. last as we enter 2010. Firms see their
Sentiment across the Square Mile is business volumes falling back again,
downbeat as the New Year gets under- with no further improvement in prof-
way, according to a survey by the CBI itability over the next three months.”
and PricewaterhouseCoopers. The
report found the majority of financial PwC’s John Hitchins
services firms were concerned the said one positive was
booming business volumes seen in
the fourth quarter of 2009 would be
growing headcount in
unsustainable and that further cost- banking for the first
cutting would be necessary. time in two years
A balance of 13 per cent of finan-
cial services firms said they expected John Hitchins, UK banking leader
falling business volumes this quarter at PwC, said the long-term outlook
– the most negative response since for the banking sector remained
December 2008. A balance of nine per strong but the immediate-term view
cent expected the slight uptick in was “less encouraging”.
business with private clients to peter He said: “Activity in revenues are
out, while an overwhelming balance expected to decline over the coming
of 54 per cent said commission and quarter, predictions for demand
trading income would fall. remain weak and an uncertain regu-
Income values in the banking sec- latory future continues to temper the
tor are forecast to drop, flattening banks’ growing confidence with cau-
profitability. Finance houses expect tion. On a positive note, the sector
further shrinkage in business vol- reports growing headcount.” Introducing the new
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M&S cannot look for a replacement cent stake in Lupus, having spent
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6 News CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010

FTSE profits overseas

The research shows 83 per cent of last quarter of 2008 and the third quar-

FTSE profits are from overseas, with ter of 2009, the UK economy contract-
BY RACHEL STEVENSON £120bn of the £144bn of profits made ed by five per cent, while the FTSE 100
ALMOST all profits made by blue chip by blue chip companies last year from rose 18 per cent.
FTSE 100 companies are generated out- outside of the UK. Motley Fool director “Investors betting on a global recov-
side the UK, according to a report from David Kuo says this means the FTSE ery can do so by exploiting the geo-
financial website, The Motley Fool, should not be seen as a barometer of graphic diversity of the FTSE 100
which says the sluggish recovery of the the UK economy. He points to the dif- index. The UK economy may struggle
UK economy will not affect the per- ference between UK GDP and the per- to recover from recession but it’s
London-listed blue chips derive most profit overseas Picture: Micha Theiner/CITY A.M. formance of blue chip shares. formance of the index. Between the unlikely to hold back the FTSE.”

UK spending   !*,(!(,(!%,(
3i to raise
could spark "*/ ("% 
*! )* '( **"% %  ("% '' &( *! "!&% (&$ "*/ %. £1bn for
bond crisis small caps

THE UK faces a currency and bond PRIVATE equity giant 3i has spotted a
crisis by 2016 if government expen- raft of investment opportunities in
diture is not drastically cut, accord- international growth companies as
ing to new findings by the Centre the world economy improves.
for Economics and Business The firm is planning to raise £1bn
Research (CEBR). for a growth capital fund that would
The current level of public spend- take minority stakes in small caps.
ing will fuel a slight acceleration in The venture, first mentioned during
economic growth of around 0.25 per 3i’s half-year results in November,
cent for the next five years but will marks a move by chief executive
squeeze out private investment in Michael Queen to bring the listed
the medium term. buyout group back to its roots.
Douglas McWilliams, chief execu- A fundraising would be the first
tive officer of CEBR, told City A.M.: time 3i has brought in significant
“The government hasn’t got any seri- external cash for growth capital
ous plans for decreasing public investment rather than using its own
spending. balance sheet. It has £1.6bn of assets
“If expenditure isn’t cut, in the in its growth capital portfolio but just
coming years there will be a currency £28m of that is external money.
crisis and possibly a bond crisis too. A source said the nascent economic
Private investment will be squeezed recovery meant growth companies
out and this is going to severely ham- were now ripe for investment.
per the economy by around 2016. “As companies come out of reces-
“In the short term there will be an sion there’s going to be a big demand
increase in jobs and a slight increase for equity,” the source said. “They’ve
in economic growth but this will be all cut down on working capital and
outweighed by the eventual fall in capital expenditure and when we
investment. come out of a period like that there’s
“When the government increased a big financing need.”
spending they threw too much money Growth capital is 3i’s oldest busi-
in too quickly. Now they need to imme- ness, but its investment in the area
diately start phasing a cut in public fell from £990m in 2008 to £343m last
expenditure. Over the next 4-5 years year. The news comes a year after
there needs to be a sharp reduction. Philip Yea was ejected from the top
“We estimate there needs to be an job as debts soared and shares fell.
initial cut of around £20bn a year,
mounting to within the region of '$ "# (" -"*! %(/ ANALYSIS l 3i
p 289.60
£180bn being cut by 2016.
“They could start by cutting pay 300 8 Jan
and cutting pensions. They can
achieve plenty of reductions without   

touching services. But there are also a 280

lot of services that do not warrant the
current level of expenditure.” 270
Britain’s record budget deficit
stands at more than 12 per cent of 260
GDP, the worst in the Group of 20 250
nations. 12 Oct 30 Oct 19 Nov 9 Dec 31 Dec

Winterhill set to raise £6m in Aim float DANIEL STEWART

newcomer Emma Earl, who joined the
broker recently as a manager in cor-
porate finance.
ADVISER AND Landing the deal will come as a
BROKER TO welcome piece of good news for
tion and disposal firm Winterhill insolvencies coming out of recession.” Daniel Stewart, which has struggled


BY VICTORIA BATES Asset in 1998, intend to use £3.5m of He added that the acquisition of over the course of the recession due
the monies raised to acquire corpo- Largo will provide a platform for the to the near-dearth of corporate
INSOLVENCY services specialist rate debt recovery business Largo, business to expand into non-insolven- finance activity in the small cap sec-
Winterhill will today announce its renaming the combined entity cy based services such as asset BROKER Daniel Stewart is acting as tor. In September, the firm reported a
intention to raise £6m through an ini- Winterhill Group. appraisal and recovery. nominated adviser and broker to 27 per cent drop in full year revenues
tial public offering (IPO) on London’s Neil Duckworth, who becomes Winterhill has also hired Winterhill on its upcoming placing. to £1.9m, though chief executive Peter
Aim market, as it seeks to capitalise chief executive of the group, said: Countrywide chairman Harry Hill as Leading the team on the float is Shea said the group had noticed an
on the spate of corporate bankrupt- “We are very busy at the moment – its new non-executive chairman and Simon Leathers, a director in corpo- uplift in underlying activity in all busi-
cies coming out of the recession. the firm does well in a counter-cyclical Paul Hancock – a veteran of JP Morgan rate finance at the firm for several ness areas in the second half as mar-
Directors Andrew and Neil environment, when we tend to see a and Bank of America – as a non-execu- years. He will be backed up by relative ket conditions begin to improve.
Duckworth, who founded asset valua- boom in corporate restructurings and tive director.
CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010 News 7

Taxpayer will be rewarded

for Northern Rock support
earlier this month but now looks set pension scheme into the “bad bank”

BY STEVE DINNEEN to reap as much as £2bn when it is part of its business.
sold. Blackstone, the US private equity
THE taxpayer will be fully rewarded The restructuring involved separat- firm, has been approached by Sir
for rescuing Northern Rock from the ing Northern Rock plc, a £20bn, 76 Richard Branson’s Virgin Money
brink of collapse, according to chair- branch operation, from Northern about backing a renewed bid for the
man Ron Sandler. Rock (Asset Management), the “bad bank.
But he claimed it was “highly bank” that contains around £80bn of Whether the Asset Management
unlikely” the bank would be sold questionable assets. The government business eventually realises its value
prior to the general election. hopes to attract bids for the “good will only become clear further down
The government injected more bank” in the lead-up to the election. It the line when it is seen if mortgages
than £1.4bn restructuring the bank transferred Northern Rock’s £350m are converted into cash.

JPMorgan boss Jamie Dimon has protested against the bonus tax Picture: REUTERS

JPMorgan set
for bonus haul
over the new one-off 50 per cent tax on

bonuses. The tax is also thought to
BY HARRY BANKS have prompted the bank to reconsider
JP MORGAN Chase is set to defy calls plans to build a European headquar-
for restraint and pay out record bonus- ters in London.
es this week thanks to bumper invest- Most banks in the City have said
ment banking profits. they would absorb all or part of the
The US investment firm is expected cost of Britain’s supertax, rather than
to pay compensation of $29bn (£18bn) cut back on remuneration.
to its executives when it kicks off the JP Morgan received $25bn of govern-
annual banking results season on ment money under the Troubled
Friday. The pay-out is expected to be up Assets Relief Program last year, which
28 per cent from last year, according to it has paid back. The bank is forecast to
analysts, partly due to a 50,000 report earnings per share growth of 62
increase in staff after the firm per cent in the fourth quarter of 2009,
acquired Bear Stearns and Washington equivalent to profits of $2.7bn.
Mutual. JP Morgan’s 220,861 employ-
ees are on track to earn an average ANALYSIS l JPMorgan Chase
$ 44.68
$131,300 for the year, against $100,000
9 Jan
With Wi-Fi and more seamless working time on our trains, you can
in 2008, although its top investment 47
bankers will pocket far more. get things done at up to 125mph. And with flexible pricing to suit
Analysts reckon the world’s biggest 45
banks will pay more than $65bn to all business budgets, it’s even easier to get up to speed.
their staff over the next fortnight, in
defiance of efforts by the US and UK 43
governments to rein in bonuses. Jamie
Dimon, JP Morgan’s chairman and 41
chief executive, has personally com-
plained to chancellor Alistair Darling 19 Oct 9 Nov 30 Nov 21 Dec

Annual fraud breaks the £2bn Book in advance at

barrier and could treble soon

porate fraud could reach as high as

£5bn by 2012 as more deception is
REPORTED fraud in the UK broke the uncovered.
£2bn barrier for the first time and BDO says fraud will become harder
could treble over the next two years. to hide as companies battle against
New research from business advis- tighter cashflow and focus on reduc-
ers BDO suggests that business and ing costs.
public sector fraud rocketed a stagger- Last year saw the sharpest increase
ing 76 per cent last year with both the since reports began seven years ago,
number and size of frauds increasing with the average value of each fraud
dramatically. now over £5m compared to £1.8m in
Wi-Fi free in First Class, hourly rates apply in standard.
And it warns annual reported cor- 2003.
The Capitalist
8 CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010


GLOOM, gloom and more gloom set- Global Insight economist and City clothes,” writes Archer, the hint of a
tles over us because of that dratted A.M. shadow Monetary Policy mischievous twinkle in his eye. “And
snow – dwindling grit supplies, an Committee member Howard Archer. there may also be a baby boom in
acute gas shortage, train cancella- Yes, apparently there’s another nine months’ time!”
tions, firms left in the lurch by benefit to the big freeze, apart from Definitely a reason to put out the
snowed-in staff, the spiralling eco- the seemingly endless “snow days” bunting.
nomic cost for small businesses… the currently being enjoyed by many an
list goes on and on. out-of-town-based City worker.
But there is hope on the horizon,
according to a frisky little note that
“Of course, some sectors will benefit
such as providers of thermal under-
The ability of the Church of England
arrives courtesy of usually sedate IHS wear, scarves, hats and other winter to adapt to the modern world never

The snow isn’t all doom and gloom, if it causes a baby boom as predicted Picture: GETTY

ceases to amaze. Religious readers out and this one is right up with the best
there may wish to pop along at of them.
12.30pm today to St Lawrence Jewry Peter Thanni of accountancy firm
church, next to the Guildhall, for an KPMG is determined to give a helping
annual Plow Monday service with a hand to the family of his erstwhile
difference. This service provides an chum Ian Spiers – who, having
opportunity to bless tools of the trade, worked in recruitment in the City for
which traditionally involved a village nigh on 20 years, developed early-
plough being brought to the church onset dementia last year in his early
door and blessed. But, as the church’s fifties and is now in a care home.
newly-appointed vicar Canon David Thanni, weighing in at a hefty 18 st
Parrott explains, times have changed. 12.6 lb, will be putting himself
“We’re nowhere near a field in the through a gruelling diet regime for
City so I thought it would be a good the next 40 days in the hope of raising
idea to bless our basic working tool money for every pound lost.
instead – technology,” he tells me. “It’s “For someone who loves their food
as much as I do, this will not be an
easy task,” he jokes, “but raising
money for Ian’s family will be just the
inspiration I need to make the weight
fall off.”
He’s already joined a gym and
Weightwatchers in preparation for
his ordeal, so for details on how to
sponsor our slimming champion,

St Lawrence Jewry hosts a tech service today

all part of wanting to ensure our serv-

ices are fresh and lively for the City.”
At the very least, this one will be a
novelty – Parrott will be asking the
congregation to raise their
Blackberrys, mobile phones and iPods
into the air during the service in
order to be blessed.

Being a soft soul at heart, The
Capitalist is always touched by tales of
endeavour in aid of a good cause –


A NEW gastronomic haunt to grace

the column this week, as this group of
diners headed off to restaurant, bar
and entertainment venue Circus in
the West End.
After a magnum of Laurent Perrier
to kick off the evening, they enjoyed
starters of langoustines and pulled
pork, mains of Cajun tuna, fillet
steak and schnitzel, and rich cheese-
cake and panna cotta for dessert.
Four bottles of wine and numer-
ous gin, rum, sambuca and amaret-
to cocktails later, I’m told our tipsy
diners were all too keen to join in
the dancing on the tables…

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10 News CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010

ABI calls for restraint on

executive pay packages
that focused on avoiding the forth- tained after a company’s shares tank.

BY OLIVER SHAH coming 50 per cent tax band instead The warning follows growing con-
of encouraging long-term strategy. cerns that a culture of risk-taking and
DIRECTORS at Britain’s largest banks The ABI has written to the remu- excessive remuneration is already
have been warned against tarnishing neration committees of FTSE350 com- returning to the City. Firms are
their reputations by developing panies urging them to review the way thought to be restructuring salaries
schemes to exempt top earners from they reward staff. Shareholders do over £150,000 as capital gains ahead
higher income tax. not want to see bonuses paid out of the new tax rate in April.
The Association of British Insurers, when performance has been excep- Peter Montagnon, director for
whose members own nearly a fifth of tionally poor, the ABI said, or to see investment at the ABI said: “We do
the stockmarket, said it “would not executives handed windfall gains if not expect shareholders to pay to
The ABI’s Peter Montagnon says shareholders should not fund employees’ tax burdens be able to approve” salary structures share option multiples are main- reduce employees’ tax burdens.”

Former AIG boss blames

Goldman for its collapse
accusations on articles in the New

BY HARRY BANKS York Times, the Washington Post and
other news outlets.
THE former head of American “Anyone, including Mr Greenberg,
International Group is urging a closer who relies on news reports rather
look at the actions of Goldman Sachs, than facts to form an opinion, particu-
claiming the investment bank con- larly of a complicated subject, has a
tributed to the insurer’s near-collapse, very high probability of reaching the
the Wall Street Journal reported this wrong conclusion,” a spokesman said.
weekend. AIG had to be propped up with
Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, former some $180bn in taxpayer support after
chief executive of AIG, said in an inter- it nearly collapsed in September 2008.
view he believed not enough attention The US government now owns nearly
was being paid to the role Goldman 80 per cent of the company, once the
Sachs played in the subprime melt- world’s largest insurer by market
down. “Well, it certainly wouldn’t be value.
difficult to come to that conclusion,” The government stepped in to res-
Greenberg said. cue AIG after it ran short of funds to
Goldman Sachs shot back at meet collateral demands from banks
Greenberg, who based some of his that had paid for credit protection.

Collins Stewart eyes Ingram executive at Sage and Savills.
Tim Ingram, chief executive of Caledonia
investment trust, has been tipped as a Goodyear turns down Usmanov
new non-executive director at Collins Charles “Chip” Goodyear, the former
Stewart. The company is looking to chief executive of FTSE 100 mining
recruit two new board members after group BHP Billiton, has turned down a
Terry Smith, its current chairman, return to the sector with Metalloinvest –
announced his intention to step down the steel group founded by Russian bil-
from the role. Ingram, former managing lionaire Alisher Usmanov. Goodyear is
director of Abbey National, has run understood to have been approached
Caledonia since 2002 and is also a non- before Christmas but rejected an offer.

The Postgraduate Study & MBA Fair

from The Careers Group

CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010 News 11

Outlook continues to present challenges for retail

numbers (and my snow-shop experiment won’t Sainsbury’s, though, reported sales for the earthquake or plague of locusts I shall put the
register for several more months) but in the quarter up a better-than-expected 4.2 per cent, other retailers to the test. Beware.
meantime we have heard from several other plus signs of a return towards high-end foods, Rebecca Meehan co-anchors Capital Connection and is
retailers who proved that forecasts of the non- and John Lewis reported its best ever Christmas a presenter on Squawk Box Europe each weekday on
weather variety are key. trading. In an upbeat statement, low-cost fash- CNBC. SPREAD BETTING: P16-17
Earnings have looked pretty strong for the ion chain New Look told us its like-for-like sales
likes of Next, J Sainsbury and Marks & Spencer, have gained 5.9 per cent and said it is optimistic
but the shares of Next and Marks suffered horri- enough that it plans to double the size of its
CNBC COMMENT bly at the hands of the dreaded cautious outlook. stores in the long term.
When CNBC spoke to M&S’ CFO Ian Dyson, he Despite a few signs of optimism, it looks like
REBECCA MEEHAN voiced concerns about UK unemployment this
year and the end of the VAT holiday, adding that
UK growth is set to remain sluggish and the big
retailers will have to carry on battling it out for

N A BOUT of not-particularly-investigative the company remains focussed on cutting costs. market share. It will get interesting when sales
journalism, I set Tesco a mystery shopper But that was the theme of the past two earnings start to pick up. Who will be in the strongest
challenge last week, ordering a hefty shop seasons and the question now is how much position to move back into growth mode after
be delivered to my home just as the heaviest more can costs possibly be cut. this downturn?
snow was due to fall. Right on time two cheerful Meanwhile, Next explicitly cautioned against Finally, I’d just like to point out, in case my
chaps showed up without even a word of com- reading too much into strong sales in the last boss is reading, that I didn’t put my Tesco shop-
plaint about the weather. Impressive. weeks of 2009, pointing out we shouldn’t bank ping on expenses, nor am I limiting the experi-
We’ll have to wait until tomorrow for Tesco’s on that trend continuing this year. ment to one retailer. Come the next flood,

Osmond is serial
entrepreneur NEWS | IN BRIEF
HUGH OSMOND'S with a host of
PREVIOUS DEALS: successful busi-
ness ventures to Ex-Betonsports boss to serve time tions in the US, where online gambling is
• Pizza Express reverse his name The former chief executive of Betonsports, illegal. Carruthers was ordered to spend 33
the defunct online gambling site, has been months in prison by a court in Missouri.
takeover (1993) Picture: sentenced to nearly three years in prison. Last year, Betonsports founder Gary
• Bass turned into REUTERS David Carruthers was arrested in Texas in Kaplan was sentenced to more than four
July 2006, and pleaded guilty to racketeer- years in prison after agreeing to forfeit
Punch Taverns (1997) ing charges linked to the company's opera- more than $43m.
• Allied Domecq
buyout (1999)
• Pearl Group
majority stake (2005)

Osmond launches
£500m buyout fund
PRIVATE EQUITY quality business whose cashflows that companies were bought out in

BY OLIVER SHAH are being diverted to service huge the run-up to 2007 with high lever-
debts, restricting its ability to age on the expectation that 2007’s
ENTREPRENEUR Hugh Osmond invest. It is understood that book- EBITDA [earnings] would be repeat-
will this week announce plans to maker and bingo hall group Gala ed, and clearly that didn’t happen...
float a £500m turnaround vehicle Coral, where equity has been wiped Horizon is going to solve the prob-
on the London Stock Exchange. out and control has passed to the lems of one such business.”
The Horizon fund, expected to company’s creditors, is the type of Fundraising is understood to be
list before the end of January, will investment being considered. at an advanced stage after a series
target one large investment in a A source said the Sun Capital of meetings with institutional
consumer-facing business. Advisers team was running the rule over a investors in December.
from Osmond’s private equity firm number of privately held compa- Osmond will take a key role in
Sun Capital have drawn up a long nies. The final candidate will have the venture. Mike Fairey, former
list of prospective companies which an enterprise value of between deputy chief executive of Lloyds
were bought out at the peak of the £1bn and £5bn and could be a con- TSB, will serve as chairman while
M&A boom but now need refinanc- sumer-facing business with a small- Terry Eccles and Baroness Kingsmill
ing. er financial services arm. have been hired as non-executive
The aim will be to find a good An insider said: “The problem is directors.

Flurry of impairment charges looms

ACCOUNTING showed that nearly half of those write-downs in 2010. The real
questioned believe the level of estate, banking and capital mar-
COMPANIES will have to carry out impairment charges reported since kets, and automotive sectors are
further write-downs of poorly per- the financial crisis began is lower thought likely to experience fur-
forming assets this year as the glob- than they expected. ther impairment charges this year.
al economy struggles to recover, E&Y said its respondents are The firm says valuing businesses
according to investors, analysts and “sceptical” about the size of impair- and their underlying assets is
lenders surveyed by Ernst & Young. ments being published so far and “more challenging today than at
The survey of 170 global firms are bracing themselves for further any other time in recent history”.
12 Retail News CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010

Peacocks fashion expansion

after strong Christmas trade
per cent in the eight weeks to 2 Spring/ Summer season.

January, including 17 per cent growth Peacocks adds to a growing list of
BUDGET fashion chain Peacocks from December. Peacocks said it British retailers, including fashion
added to signs of a robust Christmas planned to open around 40 stores in chain Next, grocer J Sainsbury and
for Britain’s retailers, helped by its tie- 2010-11, up from around 30 in 2009-10. department store group John Lewis,
up with singer-turned-designer Pearl Peacocks, which currently trades to report strong Christmas sales.
Lowe, and yesterday said it planned to from 546 stores in Britain and also has However, shopkeepers have also
step up its expansion. 84 franchises abroad, reported strong sounded a cautious tone about the
The firm, taken private in 2005 by a demand online and for a range of coming year, warning that steps to cut
consortium including US hedge funds dresses produced in collaboration government debt – likely to include
Perry Capital and Och-Ziff, said sales with Lowe. The group said it planned higher taxes and lower public spend-
A tie-up with Pearl Lowe has lured shoppers to Peacocks’ tills Picture: NEWSCAST at stores open at least a year rose eight further ranges with Lowe for the ing – could dent a consumer recovery.

Tesco in line
for sales hike
the pace for others to follow.”

BY JOHN DUNNE Tesco, which has nearly 2,300 shops
in the UK and 4,308 worldwide, is
TESCO is being tipped for a like-for-like Britain’s largest retailer.
sales hike of up to four per cent when Debenhams will also give a trading
it issues its trading update tomorrow. update this week in another indicator
The figures are expected to reflect a of how the high street is performing.
healthy seasonal boost as customers And Home Retail, owner of Argos and
splashed out over the holiday. Homebase, will also update on trad-
Analysts predict that the supermar- ing. Figures for quarter three of the
ket chain’s doubling of Clubcard year showed growth and the market is
points over the period would help to expecting a further boost.
secure a positive result. Jeremy Batstone-Carr of Charles
The Tesco trading statement comes Stanley said: “The picture on the high
after an upbeat data from rival street has been one of mixed messages
J Sainsbury last week which revealed a all round.”
3.8 per cent sales rise.
However, the messages remained ANALYSIS l Tesco
p 415.95
mixed on the high street with Marks & 8 Jan
Spencer only recording a marginal 0.8 430
per cent increase while Waitrose saw a 420
nine per cent boost in to sales.
Nick Raynor, investment adviser at 410
retail stockbroker The Share Centre, 400
said: “The recent cold snap may also
boost sales as consumers look to stock
up on winter essentials. 380
“As the first food retailer to release 370
figures in 2010, Tesco will be setting 12 Oct 30 Oct 19 Nov 9 Dec 31 Dec


TO HAVE PERFORMED THIS TIME? Interviews by John Dunne

“ I see the figures being as much as four per cent up on last

year. The Clubcard doubling of points has made a big difference and I
cannot see any reason why the figures should not follow the trend of

Sainsbury’s and be significantly up.


“ These figures will be all about the UK core business. The com-
pany will be analysing the impact of its clubcard after it doubled its dis-
counts. We have to remember though that all of the retail sector is under

pressure and some believe Christmas could have been a last binge for
customers facing a tough time next year.


“ We must remember that the retail sector is still struggling and

it’s too early to predict whether it’s going to be a good year.
The picture on the high street has been mixed with Waitrose last week

eclipsing Marks & Spencer with a nine per cent rise compared with just
0.8 per cent.
CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010 News 13

Balanced debate is needed on future of banking

measures – most notably the bonus sector’s importance to the wider talented individuals and institutions ed again in future. This exceptional
supertax and 50p income tax top economy is highlighted by how it gen- from across the world. Only by retain- measure was described as a one-off
band – caused widespread discontent erated 12.1 per cent of total tax rev- ing, and indeed building upon, the and it must remain that way.
across the City. enues in 2008/09. Goldman Sachs City’s reputation for being home to We cannot allow huge pay differen-
Despite this London is still home to alone paid £1.1bn in corporation tax an unrivalled cluster of professional tials to arise between staff working in
unrivalled pools of talent and capital, last year, while its 5,000 London staff skills will we be able to face up to the London and other global financial
with around 250 overseas banks bas- contributed hundreds of millions of challenge from emerging and estab- centres. This makes transparency on
ing operations in the Square Mile. pounds in income and indirect taxes. lished centres. pay all the more important as key
CITY COMMENT However, the ongoing uncertainty This is money that can ill afford to In order to achieve this, however, industry players decide whether to
surrounding the UK is only benefit- be lost given the precarious state of we need a level playing field when it commit their future to London and
STUART FRASER ing our rivals as firms weigh up their the public finances. comes to regulation and taxation. If the UK.
options. We all acknowledge the real anger the UK instead continues to ignore As we move into 2010, let us hope

S PEOPLE from across the City We are fast approaching a tipping that exists as a result of the financial the G20 principles by adopting a that we can leave behind the pre-elec-
brave the wintry conditions let point where further changes to regu- crisis, particularly when it comes to piecemeal, isolated approach the sub- tion political point scoring in favour
us hope that policy makers can lation and taxation could begin to bankers’ remuneration. However, in sequent exodus of talent will slow any of a more productive, balanced
help provide a brighter forecast seriously undermine our competitive- most cases high levels of pay reflect economic recovery. debate on the future of the industry.
for the financial services industry ness and ability to attract top talent. the high levels of wealth generated by The government could make a It is now time for policy makers to
over the coming year. Driving away the internationally people working in the industry. good start to restoring consistency, oblige.
The past 12 months have seen the mobile parts of the financial services This is precisely why we must not clarity and confidence to the business Stuart Fraser is Chairman of the Policy
business environment in a state of industry would have a disastrous damage the UK’s competitiveness by environment by making it clear that and Resources Committee at the City of
almost constant flux. A series of effect on the country as a whole. The signalling that we do not welcome the bonus supertax will not be repeat- London Corporation.


ANALYSIS l Ted Baker
p 516.00
8 Jan
ANALYSIS l Mitchells & Butler
270 273.70
ANALYSIS l Aberdeen
8 Jan

for first time

8 Jan
500 140
250 135

440 130

since 2007
400 230 125
30 Oct 19 Nov 9 Dec 31 Dec 30 Oct 19 Nov 9 Dec 31 Dec 12 Oct 30 Oct 19 Nov 9 Dec 31 Dec


Singer Capital maintains a “buy” rating for Astaire rates pub group Mitchells & Butlers Evolution retains a “neutral” recommenda-
BlackRock announced it will snap
Ted Baker after strong trading from 1 a “buy”, despite the likelihood of an event- tion for Aberdeen Asset Management,

up one of the few new buildings in the November to 24 December. Retail sales ful annual general meeting on 28 January which is acquiring £13.5bn of funds under
BY RACHEL STEVENSON AND STEVE DINNEEN growth for this period was 19.1 per cent because of its dispute with Elpida and management from Royal Bank of Scotland
City. It will occupy occupy Canary
CITY office rents rose for the first Wharf Group and Exemplar and trading was up 14.3 per cent year-on- Piedmont. Christmas trading was strong, for £84.7m. Although the assets are being
time in three years at the end of 2009, Properties’ 270,000 square foot office year. It says Ted Baker’s collections are and was up 4.9 per cent over the 10 days bought for less than one per cent of funds
boosting confidence that office rents tower at Drapers Gardens. It will pay
have bottomed out. about £50 a sq ft on a 25-year lease. doing well and has revised its target price of Christmas. It adds that London and resi- under management, 84m shares are set to
A report from Cushman & Other key deals that happened from 505p to around 530p. dential pubs performed strongly. be placed to fund the acquisition.
Wakefield reveals 41 per cent of the towards the end of the year included
year’s total take-up of office space law firms Clyde & Co taking 145,000 sq
took place in the last quarter of 2009. ft at St Botolphs, and Pinsent Masons To appear in Best of the Brokers email your research to
The take-up of 2.6m sq ft across the taking 189,000 sq ft at Crown Place.

UBS whistleblower begins jail sentence

capital is the highest quarterly figure Central London has an overall
since the collapse of Lehman Brothers vacancy rate of 8.5 per cent. In the last
in 2007. The Square Mile saw its first recession, the peak vacancy rate was
rental growth in three years, with nearly 17 per cent.
prime rents rising 3.5 per cent to £44 C&W City office manager James
per sq ft, up from £42.50 per sq ft. Young said: “We turned the corner in
London office rents hit their lowest the third quarter and in the fourth BANKING Pennsylvania to serve a 40-month have come forward and “expose the

point in the last quarter of the year, quarter we have seen a number of prison term, after attacking the gov- largest tax fraud in the world”.
with prices on prime space standing major transactions that have boosted THE chief whistleblower in the UBS ernment for the punishment in light Last February, UBS accepted a
at £75 per sq ft in the West End. the annual take-up. tax secrecy probe has entered prison to of what he called his cooperation in $780m (£486.7m) penalty and admit-
Speculative development activity, “Companies who have been biding serve a sentence he considered unfair, helping expose thousands of US tax ted to criminal wrongdoing for help-
however, has fallen markedly and at their time on buying new space will hours after a Swiss court ruled the cheats. “The American taxpayer ing US taxpayers hide accounts from
the end of December there was just see Blackrock’s new deal and realise bank should not have been forced to should be outraged,” the 44-year-old the Internal Revenue Service. The
5m sq ft under construction in the there is a narrowing window. The turn over client files to investigators. told reporters in a snowstorm as he Swiss bank later agreed to give the
capital. This is down by 42 per cent great deals we are seeing won’t be Bradley Birkenfeld, a former UBS prepared to surrender to prison names of 4,450 American clients to
compared with 12 months ago. here forever.” banker, entered a federal prison in authorities. He said he was “proud” to government investigators.

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Victoria Bates

managed vehicles. Pinsent Masons of England region.

Office of Fair Trading He also previously worked as head of The law firm has poached Matthew Lonsdale has 22 years of experience
The consumer watchdog has appointed equity capital markets at Bear Stearns Morgan from rival DLA Piper to lead its in commercial and corporate banking,
Sheldon Mills, a senior associate at law firm SJ from 2004 to 2007. banking team in Manchester. having previously worked at Barclays
Berwin, as its new director of mergers, effec- Morgan has been a partner at DLA as director of trade finance in the
tive from 15 February. Mills joined SJ Berwin in WSP Environment & Energy Piper for the past five years and has North.
2006 from rival Jones Day. The risk solutions provider has hired Dr been a key adviser to the likes of RBS,
Simon Holmes, head of EU and competition Isabel Boira-Segarra as a director in Barclays and HSBC. Coutts & Co
at SJ Berwin, said: “While we will miss him, charge of its renewable energy team, He has also worked on some of the The private bank has appointed Ian
Mills’ appointment is a credit to the excellent based in London. largest corporate projects in the region Copley as a senior private banker,
merger experience he has had over the last few Boira-Segarra has joined as a renew- in recent years, including discount based in its Leeds office.
years.” able services director from Mott retailer Matalan’s £817m public-to-pri- Copley joins from Bank of Scotland
MacDonald, where she was most vate transaction and the renegotiation Investment Service and brings with
sponsors in equity capital markets. recently head of its renewable energy of banking facilities for car dealership him over 20 years of experience within
UniCredit Prior to his appointment at team. Lookers. the financial sector, latterly advising
Emmanuel Pezier is to join UniCredit’s UniCredit, Pezier was a principal and She has 13 years of experience in private banking clients on their person-
corporate and investment banking as a partner at alternative asset manager the renewables industry, having advised Santander Corporate Banking al wealth management. Prior to that, he
managing director for the financial ACP, where he was responsible for rais- on numerous complex infrastructure The bank has hired Mark Lonsdale as a held the role of head of training, recruit-
institutions group (FIG) and financial ing capital for its various funds and projects worldwide. director for trade finance in the North ment and professional development.

To appear in CITYMOVES please email your career updates and pictures to

E-book readers, 3D TVs and tablet

PCs compete to be top dog of 2010
The consumer Christmas hit, with sales said to be run-
ning at 2.5m by the end of 2009. Its chief
electronics show in executive Jeff Bezos says digital books out-
sold physical copies on in
Las Vegas last week the festive period.
The trend is clear: demand for consumer
set the agenda for electronics is shrinking overall, but the
appetite for the next big thing is as vora-
cious as ever. For that reason, CES is still
technology in 2010 important: it is the place where journal-
ists, analysts and manufacturers get
together and decide exactly what the next

YPE and prototypes dominated the big thing will be. This year, everyone seems
Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in to be in agreement: the ones to watch are
Las Vegas last week. From the Ford tablet PCs, the next generation of e-book
car that lets you send Twitter mes- readers and 3D TVs.
sages while driving, to the scuba diving
mask that can shoot high definition video TABLET PCS
at depths of 130 feet, the vast majority of It’s amazing how much hype Apple can
products on display will not hit the main- generate without lifting a finger. Simply by
stream. booking a large hall in a San Francisco con-
The show’s thunder was also stolen by ference centre at the end of January, it has
Google, which decided to launch its Nexus sent the industry into a tailspin. The
One phone five hundred miles away in San famously secretive firm has made no
Francisco – just one day before the trade announcements and given no briefings to
fair got going. And even when CES was in analysts or the press; apart from a handful
full swing, the delegates were more inter- of Apple execs. Noone knows what to
ested in the imminent launch of Apple’s expect. Still, most think the firm will
tablet PC, slated for 27 January. Analyst unveil a new tablet PC, dubbed the
Richard Holway from TechMarketView “iSlate”.
compared the product announcements at Tablets are expected to bridge the gap
CES to the “tiny sorbets they give you in between high-end smartphones and small-
between courses in posh restaurants”, er laptops. Constantly connected to the
mere pallet cleansers that serve as a internet, and probably sold with a mobile
sideshow to the main dishes. data subscription, the touch screen devices
Like Google and Apple, many of the dele- are designed to surf the web, watch movies
gates from recent years stayed away; atten- and read e-books.
dance was down 20 per cent to 110,000 In an attempt to steal some of Apple’s
compared to the glory days of 2008. That thunder, Microsoft boss Steve Ballmer
said, CES remains a seminal date on the unveiled a new HP tablet that will run
tech sector’s calendar. It marks that time of Microsoft Windows 7. His keynote speech
year when firms start touting their wares, was an unmitigated disaster: the
in the full knowledge that they have just PowerPoint point presentation didn’t
nine months to turn their products into work; Ballmer gave a lacklustre perform-
Christmas bestsellers. ance; and details were sketchy, with no
High-end consumer electronics have release date or pricing information.
held up remarkably well in the recession. Although a good strategist, Ballmer is like
Although global mobile phone sales in Gordon Brown – you get the feeling the
2009 numbered some 8m less than the pre- organisation he leads would do so much Microsoft boss Steve Housekeeping and Esquire. The device is year it was the 3D TV. Although the likes of
vious year – the first ever annual drop – better if he didn’t appear in public. Ballmer got a poor impressive, but it’s the business model Panasonic and Samsung were waxing lyri-
luxury smartphones like Blackberrys are reception when he that is really interesting. Hearst is plan- cal about the possibilities, analysts remain
still in vogue. Gartner says smartphone E-BOOK READERS unveiled a HP tablet ning to subsidise the e-reader if buyers take wary of the category – and they’re right to
sales were up around 24 per cent on 2008, While Amazon’s Kindle has been a success PC that will run out a digital subscription to one of its be. Most families have updated their TVs in
and now account for some 14 per cent of in the digital book space, the next genera- Windows 7 titles, probably for a minimum of two recent years, as Western governments
total sales, a figure that will rise to 38 per tion of devices are attracting interest years. If they subscribe to two or more pub- switch off analogue signals.
cent by 2013. because of their potential to rejuvenate Picture: REX lications, the subsidy will be greater. That has led to perfect conditions for
Similarly, Apple boosted sales of its newspapers and magazines. Its competitors will be watching with HDTV, but if manufacturers think they
high-end MacBooks and iMacs by 17 per Unsurprisingly, print journalists have interest: analysts say magazine advertising can repeat the trick with 3D, they’re
cent in its third quarter, even as global PC devoted acres of column inches to the revenue fell 20 per cent in the US last year, wrong. As Forrester analyst James
revenues for the year fell by around 11 per topic, desperate for the slightest sign that with circulation falling by a similar McQuivey puts it, “Let’s get real: not even a
cent. Analysts also expect the firm to have the industry they work for is not in its amount. million US homes will buy one in 2010”,
shipped around 10m iPhones in the three death throes. equivalent to less than one per cent of the
months to the end of December, beating One glimmer of hope is the Skiff reader 3D TELEVISIONS market. This is still one for the early
all previous records. The Kindle, developed by Hearst, the publishing giant There’s always one device where the hype adopter that wants to spruce up his bache-
Amazon’s e-book reader, was another whose titles include Cosmopolitan, Good gets the better of CES delegates, and this lor pad.


Google Nexus One Hearst Skiff

The most serious iPhone Unlike Amazon’s hugely
competitor yet, Google’s Nexus popular Kindle, the
One comes loaded with its Skiff’s screen is made of
impressive Android mobile metal board that is
phone software. In a massive coated with special
departure from conventional e-ink – not glass. As well
thinking in the telecoms as making it less likely to
industry, Google will sell the break, it also keeps the
phone as an unlocked device device extremely thin:
on its own website for $529 even though it has an
(£330), allowing customers to 11.5 inch widescreen
use their existing sim card. It Samsung LED 9000 3D HDTV display, it is just 0.25
will also be available with inches thick and
T-Mobile in the US while Samsung’s stunning range of 3D TVs aim to give an immersive 3D weighs just over a
Vodafone has won the rights performance, from 3D movies to video games. But you’ll still have to pound. Pricing TBA.
to launch the phone in the UK. wear those pesky glasses. Pricing TBA.
Markets&Investment 15

LONDON’S TOP 250 Trade these shares from £1.50 with Interactive Investor -
Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low
(p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p)
3i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289.60* +1.20 314.80 108.66 Croda Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .834.50 –0.50 852.50 451.50 Kazakhmys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1499.00 +36.00 1511.00 187.30 Sainsbury(J) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329.50* +1.30 373.00 284.50
3i Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . .103.40 — 105.80 76.50 CSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .442.50 +0.80 524.00 152.00 Kesa Electricals . . . . . . . . . . . . .145.50 –0.40 162.00 83.50 Schroders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1335.00 +11.00 1361.00 628.00
A.B. Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .850.00* +11.50 870.50 603.00 Daily Mail ‘A’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .431.30* +7.80 467.30 205.75 .LQJÀVKHU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225.60 –4.20 249.10 115.00 Schroders N/V. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1060.00 –2.00 1094.00 533.50
Aberdeen Asset Man . . . . . . . . . .134.00* –4.60 155.60 113.00 Dana Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . .1281.00 +2.00 1549.00 807.00 Ladbrokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144.70 +4.00 213.49 114.60 Scot. & Sthrn Energy. . . . . . . . . 1171.00 +12.00 1254.00 357.50
Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1149.00 –5.00 1190.00 793.50 Davis Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .406.20 +0.20 438.00 213.75 Lancashire Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . .448.40 +0.40 540.00 411.00 Scottish Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . .462.50 +1.00 467.00 324.75
Aegis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118.70 +1.40 122.90 66.75 De La Rue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .996.50* +1.00 1080.00 808.50 Land Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .664.00* +0.50 1010.00 323.25
Aggreko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .932.00 –8.50 946.50 342.00 Debenhams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75.30 –2.70 99.50 24.25 Legal & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84.30 +2.50 94.40 20.90 Scottish Mortgage. . . . . . . . . . . .552.00 –1.00 556.50 284.00
Alliance Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .333.30* –0.50 336.50 233.00 Derwent London . . . . . . . . . . . .1307.00 –8.00 1418.00 445.50 Liberty International . . . . . . . . . .495.90 –5.10 580.00 278.00 SEGRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .344.00 +0.50 403.10 250.00
AMEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .806.00 –13.00 879.50 484.25 Dexion Absolute . . . . . . . . . . . . .142.50 +1.50 142.90 82.00 Lloyds Banking Gp . . . . . . . . . . . .56.90 –0.03 96.02 21.97 Serco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .520.00 +1.50 546.50 341.50
Amlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363.50 +1.00 400.00 291.00 Diageo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1067.00 — 1098.00 727.00 Logica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123.30 +1.10 136.80 59.25 Severn Trent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1084.00* +12.00 1214.00 921.00
Anglo American . . . . . . . . . . . .2897.00 +53.00 2897.00 906.00 Dimension Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79.85 +1.85 82.80 32.75 London Stock Exchange . . . . . . .707.50 –16.00 949.50 355.75 Shaftesbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .393.00 –0.90 426.50 184.32
Antofagasta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1024.00 +1.00 1045.00 371.00 Drax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441.60 +6.50 617.00 393.75 Lonmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2126.00 +25.00 2134.00 729.97 Shire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1223.00 –9.00 1244.00 764.00
Aquarius Platinum . . . . . . . . . . .444.10 +10.40 448.40 128.85 DSG Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36.80 +0.08 39.75 13.10 Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319.80 –7.60 373.60 150.40 SIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125.20 +2.60 230.00 82.25
ARM Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194.70 –1.00 197.20 77.50 Dunelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .395.00 –5.00 438.40 137.50 Marks & Spencer. . . . . . . . . . . . .366.40* –4.60 412.70 214.75 Smith & Nephew . . . . . . . . . . . . .633.00 +1.50 654.50 412.00
Arriva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .503.00 –2.00 609.50 361.00 Easyjet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .354.30 –0.30 416.80 246.50 Meggitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .280.50 +4.00 285.10 110.50 Smiths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1011.00 +9.00 1073.00 646.50
Ashmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .268.30 –1.70 311.20 92.75 Edinburgh Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .381.90 +2.20 383.30 283.75 Melrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184.80 –1.20 198.20 58.25 SOCO Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1398.00 –1.00 1500.00 885.50
Astrazeneca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2908.50 –2.00 2966.00 2126.00 Electrocomponents . . . . . . . . . . .168.10* +1.30 176.00 113.00 Mercantile IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .906.00* +12.50 964.00 515.50 Spectris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .765.00 +5.00 772.50 376.75
Atkins(Ws) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .637.50* +1.00 685.00 415.00 Eurasian Nat Res . . . . . . . . . . .1034.00 +51.00 1046.00 295.00 Michael Page Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .410.00 –11.90 434.80 171.25
Autonomy Corp . . . . . . . . . . . .1560.00 –32.00 1687.00 924.00 Experian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .599.00* –2.00 639.00 371.75 Micro Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .490.00* +8.70 491.50 257.50 Spirax-Sarco Eng . . . . . . . . . . .1298.00 +63.00 1317.00 741.00
Aveva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1095.00* –5.00 1109.00 460.00 F&C Comm Prop . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94.00 –2.80 96.80 73.50 Millen & Copthorne . . . . . . . . . . .387.50 +9.20 411.90 165.50 Spirent Comms . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107.70 –0.30 109.10 32.00
Aviva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .410.60 +7.60 474.00 160.10 Ferrexpo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237.30 +7.20 237.90 32.75 Misys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222.30 +2.80 238.80 98.00 SSL Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .769.50 –5.50 785.00 422.75
Babcock International . . . . . . . . .602.50* +3.50 660.50 381.25 Fidelity European . . . . . . . . . . . 1147.00 –9.00 1182.00 753.00 Mitchells & Butlers . . . . . . . . . . .273.70 +21.40 310.60 150.00 St James’s Place . . . . . . . . . . . . .256.00 +2.50 296.90 142.75
BAE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .368.50 –3.00 416.00 294.20 FirstGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .410.60* +1.30 448.80 192.90 MITIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239.00* –1.90 281.70 170.25 Stagecoach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177.20 –0.90 180.90 102.75
Balfour Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276.90 –3.10 346.18 243.40 Foreign & Col Inv Tst. . . . . . . . . .280.10 — 281.90 179.25 Mondi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379.10 +17.50 381.90 118.25 Standard Chartered . . . . . . . . . .1624.00 +19.50 1696.00 554.00
Barclays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .320.55 +5.05 390.00 47.30 Fresnillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .866.00 +13.00 935.00 217.75 Monks Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .304.30* +1.30 307.00 190.00 Standard Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213.90 +3.40 237.00 123.50
Barratt Development . . . . . . . . . .141.90 +3.50 193.31 40.82 G4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .264.90 –2.00 269.40 171.90 Morrison Wm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284.80 +2.60 298.40 233.50 Talvivaara Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .389.00 –2.30 428.00 124.00
BBA Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177.90 +3.00 184.20 58.25 Genesis Emerging Mkts Fd . . . . .450.50 +0.50 452.50 370.00 Mothercare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .675.00* –3.50 694.00 359.75 Tate & Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408.20* –10.50 481.40 225.75
Bellway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .826.00* +12.00 927.50 515.00 GKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123.50 –0.80 131.30 36.45 Murray Intl Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .813.00* +12.00 814.00 512.00 Taylor Wimpey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41.88 +0.37 54.90 12.25
Berkeley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .876.00 +15.50 1071.00 716.50 GlaxoSmithKline . . . . . . . . . . . .1281.00* –12.50 1347.00 982.00 National Express. . . . . . . . . . . . .199.90 +5.90 278.73 78.45 Telecity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407.90 +24.40 415.50 155.00
BG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1194.00 +2.50 1198.50 836.50 Go-Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1348.00 +23.00 1577.00 845.00 National Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .658.50* +6.00 689.00 511.00 Templeton Emrg Mkts . . . . . . . . .553.50 –1.50 557.50 235.00
BHP Billiton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2115.50 +24.50 2116.50 1025.00 Grainger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137.00* –0.90 194.62 39.93 Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2040.00 –19.00 2139.00 1039.00
BlackRock Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .581.50 +1.50 587.00 233.00 Great Portland Estates . . . . . . . .285.00 –6.60 301.00 127.11 Northumbrian Water . . . . . . . . . .271.20* +0.40 281.90 203.00 Tesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .415.95 +3.95 437.05 301.40
BlueBay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .332.50 +4.90 393.00 63.00 Greene King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .434.80* +7.10 547.45 279.35 Old Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.70 –0.20 122.30 30.50 Thomas Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .244.80 +4.60 303.50 165.40
Booker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46.27 +0.26 49.50 20.50 Halfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .418.00* +6.50 442.10 216.75 Pace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207.10 +3.70 243.80 39.50 Tomkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212.00 +5.60 217.20 99.50
Bovis Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .446.00 +11.20 571.00 341.75 Halma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246.10* –0.90 256.00 140.75 Partygaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279.40 +8.40 298.50 157.25 Travis Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .843.50 –5.50 888.00 198.63
BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .621.70 –1.60 626.20 400.00 Hammerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .399.00 –1.00 616.00 212.25 Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .863.00 –6.50 897.50 566.50 TUI Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263.90 +1.70 294.75 208.25
Brit Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201.00 +4.80 207.90 185.20 Hargreaves Lansdown . . . . . . . .308.00 — 314.30 158.50 Pennon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .540.00 +3.00 548.50 372.00 Tullett Prebon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309.00 +13.60 436.20 105.25
British Airways . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199.20 +0.50 243.30 111.30 Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107.90 –0.70 114.00 67.25 Persimmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .491.30 –8.70 534.50 247.25 Tullow Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1320.00 –18.00 1346.00 570.50
British Amer. Tob . . . . . . . . . . .2035.00 –9.50 2055.50 1481.00 Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133.00 +1.90 142.10 50.00 Petrofac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .984.00 –11.00 1078.00 320.75 UK Commercial Prop. . . . . . . . . . .80.35 –0.85 81.50 50.50
British Empire Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .432.40* +5.40 451.80 304.00 Heritage Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .501.50 +6.20 630.00 161.00 Petropavlovsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1156.00 –15.00 1343.00 345.00 Ultra Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . .1384.00 –11.00 1410.00 1010.00
British Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .461.40 +2.70 532.00 295.00 Hikma Pharma . . . . . . . . . . . . . .519.00 +3.00 530.00 308.50 Premier Farnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174.60 +0.10 180.90 112.50 Unilever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1936.00 +5.00 2024.00 1226.00
Britvic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .406.00* +3.00 411.30 204.25 Hiscox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .326.50 +5.80 364.30 272.50 Premier Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37.25 +0.67 47.00 24.00 United Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .496.00* +6.90 615.00 429.00
Brown(N.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255.40* –4.10 275.80 183.75 Hochschild Mining . . . . . . . . . . .364.80 +11.00 367.70 101.00 Premier Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1244.00 –11.00 1431.00 512.78 Utd Business Media . . . . . . . . . .463.10 –3.90 514.50 364.75
BSkyB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .562.00 –6.50 593.00 398.25 Home Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .278.90* –1.30 336.50 180.40 Provident Financial . . . . . . . . . . .931.00 –4.00 986.00 736.00
BT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143.00* +0.20 151.00 70.20 Homeserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1729.00 — 1752.00 849.50 Prudential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .638.50 +10.00 665.00 195.40 Vedanta Resources . . . . . . . . . .2886.00* +51.00 2895.00 492.75
Bunzl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .663.50 +0.50 679.50 473.00 HSBC Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .740.00* +3.50 766.80 270.37 PZ Cussons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262.40 +0.40 274.60 144.25 Victrex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .844.50 +13.00 852.00 400.75
Burberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .598.50* –1.50 617.00 194.25 Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .585.00 –8.50 615.50 367.00 Qinetiq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165.80 –0.20 179.10 123.00 Vodafone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137.00* –1.80 144.65 111.20
Cable & Wireless. . . . . . . . . . . . .147.50* +0.40 170.00 125.10 ICAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .456.60* +11.40 478.30 199.20 Randgold Resources. . . . . . . . .5250.00 –20.00 5450.00 2425.00 VT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .521.00* +0.50 606.00 412.75
Cadbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .778.00 +1.50 819.50 484.25 IG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .393.50 +9.50 395.30 159.25 Reckitt Benckiser . . . . . . . . . . .3244.00 –26.00 3390.00 2403.00 Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .832.00 +26.50 862.50 302.00
Cairn Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .361.90 +6.70 362.50 319.50 Imagination Tech Gp . . . . . . . . . .279.00 +12.90 284.40 55.50 Reed Elsevier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .506.00 +3.50 570.00 403.75 Wetherspoon(J.D.) . . . . . . . . . . .466.00 +25.00 551.00 270.00
Caledonia Invs . . . . . . . . . . . . .1663.00* +19.00 1759.00 1081.00 IMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .564.50 +4.00 570.50 214.00 Regus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92.30 +0.30 120.50 43.00 WH Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .492.00* –1.00 551.00 306.75
Capita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .726.50 –3.50 791.00 608.00 Imperial Tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . .1950.00 — 1988.00 1412.00 Rentokil Initial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115.00 –0.10 119.70 37.25 Whitbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1411.00 +15.00 1425.00 686.50
Carillion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309.00 +2.50 319.60 192.00 Inchcape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29.21 +0.31 36.74 5.82 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89.75 +0.25 112.00 77.45 William Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190.40 +2.20 243.25 141.04
Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2206.00 +56.00 2219.00 1224.00 Informa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .331.50 +7.90 339.10 216.00 Rexam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .284.60 –0.90 323.64 188.89 Witan Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .452.60 +2.10 457.00 276.50
Carpetright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .921.00 –26.00 999.00 346.00 Inmarsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .682.00 –4.50 717.50 378.25 Rightmove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .519.50 +2.50 610.50 156.25 Wolseley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1438.00 +28.00 1570.00 907.03
Carphone Warehouse . . . . . . . . .197.90* +2.20 216.10 88.25 Intercontl Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . .921.50 +18.00 926.50 433.75 Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3638.50 +1.00 3679.00 1111.93
Catlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329.40 –6.60 387.38 270.00 Intermediate Capital . . . . . . . . . .296.00 +0.20 332.00 79.71 RIT Capital Partners . . . . . . . . .1043.00 +16.00 1052.00 715.00 Wood Group (John). . . . . . . . . . .347.90 +17.60 354.90 175.75
Centrica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279.50 +4.70 288.75 212.50 Intertek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1234.00 –3.00 1368.00 753.50 Rolls Royce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .501.50 +2.40 505.50 252.50 WPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .626.00 +10.50 627.50 349.75
Charter Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .786.50 +8.00 797.00 305.75 Intl Personal Fin . . . . . . . . . . . . .235.80 +3.40 241.80 58.25 Rotork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1220.00 –9.00 1267.00 667.50 Xstrata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1246.50 +28.00 1257.00 288.75
Chemring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2990.00 +10.00 3006.00 1794.00 Intl Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .315.00 +3.80 318.40 190.60 Royal Bank Of Scot . . . . . . . . . . . .35.12 –0.75 58.25 10.00 Yell Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37.57 –1.22 86.00 11.75
Close Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .729.50 +18.50 806.50 384.25 Invensys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323.00 +6.40 323.00 136.00 Royal Dutch Shell A . . . . . . . . .1910.00 –16.50 1951.50 1362.00 LONDON TOP 250 BY MARKET CAPITALISATION
Cobham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .248.90 –3.10 254.10 163.90 Investec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .462.60 +2.50 487.20 164.75 Royal Dutch Shell B . . . . . . . . .1835.00 –20.00 1897.00 1315.00
COLT Telecom . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142.30 –0.30 144.20 72.25 ITV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57.20 –0.15 59.65 16.50 RSA Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126.60 –0.10 150.20 113.10 * Ex-Dividend † Suspended
Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .460.20 +3.70 470.10 275.00 Jardine Lloyd Thompson. . . . . . .480.50 –1.80 514.00 387.75 SABMiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1838.00 –3.00 1858.00 906.00
Cookson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .475.90 +12.90 481.40 202.75 Johnson Matthey . . . . . . . . . . .1601.00* –1.00 1641.00 856.50 Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229.90 +0.30 239.20 158.90

New Year has positive start with surge on stocks

for December, we should see a broad December. ment is out on Friday which is also bullish tone to the week but the risk is
MARTIN ON appetite for risk get us off to a positive
start to this week.
Looking further into the week
ahead, we have the start of the US cor-
expected to post a modest gain in a
reading of 74, compared to 72.5 in
to the down side, so watch out for
unexpectedly negative news.

THEMARKETS GFT is calling the UK’s FTSE 100

index to open up 11 points at 5,545 –
within a whisker of the 52-week high
porate earnings season to keep us on
our toes, with Alcoa, Intel and JP
Morgan the blue chips in the spotlight.
December and 67.4 in November.
On that basis we foresee a broadly
Martin Slaney is director of global deal-
ing operations at GFT.

of 5,552 set just last week. The German This week the news on the corpo- ANALYSIS l FTSE100 5,534.24
DAX is quoted around 6,051, up 14 rate and economic fronts is overall 8 Jan
points from Friday and the French expected to be positive. Intel and JP 5,500
CAC is seen opening up 12 points at Morgan are forecast to show a mas-
the 4,057 level. sive leap in profits from this quarter a 5,400
That stocks appear for now at least year ago. On Thursday, US retail sales
to have shrugged off that disappoint- data should benefit from the
ing nonfarm payrolls number is sig- Christmas rush, and consumer senti- 5,300
nificant, with market mood clearly
focussed more on the positive, which
MARTIN SLANEY in this case was the news that
November’s data were actually

revised higher to show a net gain in 5,100

TOCKS have begun 2010 with a jobs. Already one can sense a feeling
bullish surge, and even after of anticipation ahead of next month’s
Friday’s employment data from payrolls data, with hopes building 5,000
the US revealed a surprising drop that we will see a similar revision for 21 Oct 30 Oct 10 Nov 19 Nov 30 Nov 9 Dec 18 Dec 31 Dec


ANALYSIS l Dow Jones

S STOCKS could be in for a company reports do not point to as company outlooks, will be closely a clear picture of improving
bumpy ride this week as three improved demand. scrutinised to determine if the opti- prospects will be a major concern for
Dow components kick off the Aluminum company Alcoa is due mism that has driven the S&P 500 investors, a strategist said. 09 Jan
quarterly earnings reporting to post its fourth-quarter results stock index to 15-month highs is war- “Has visibility picked up for 2010? 10,600
season, with investors clamoring for today, marking the unofficial start of ranted. That’s going to be more of a driver 10,400
reassurances on future profits. the reporting season. For the first week of the new year, going forward,” said Mike O’Rourke,
While the latest earnings are wide- Chipmaker Intel is scheduled to the Dow rose 1.8 per cent, the S&P chief market strategist at BTIG, an
ly expected to show a sharp improve- release its quarterly scorecard on 500 climbed 2.7 per cent and the institutional brokerage firm, in New 10,000
ment compared with the abysmal Thursday, followed by JPMorgan Nasdaq shot up 2 per cent. The S&P York. “I think companies are still 9,800
2008 fourth quarter, the stock mar- Chase on Friday. 500 has risen 69 per cent since last going to be cautious with their guid-
ket could still be in for choppiness if The quality of the earnings, as well March. Whether companies can give ance and their outlooks.” 21 Oct 10 Nov 1 Dec 21 Dec
16 Investment | Spread Betting CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010

Brown drags down Labour’s election

chances as punters look to Lib Dems
Nick Clegg will get a
boost from televised
debates at the PM’s
expense, writes
Jeremy Hazlehurst

IGHT at the height of the aborted
coup attempt by Geoff Hoon and
Patricia Hewitt last week, a Labour
local council leader went on the
radio and said that the leadership of the
party is not an issue. Even if Jesus Christ
came back and took over, he said, some
people would never vote for the party.
No doubt true. But to say that Gordon
Brown is not a problem for voters is a lit-
tle disingenuous. Almost nobody outside
his immediate family members wants
the scowling Scot to be PM. The Hoon-
Hewitt intervention simply came too late
– changing horses at this late point in
the race would be suicide. The plot was a
This can be seen by the small move-
ments that it caused in the spreads last
week. At the start of the week, the
spreads for the number of seats that the
parties will win at the next election
stood at Labour: 212-217, Conservatives:
345-350. (The prices come from Extrabet.)
When Hoon and Hewitt made their
move, spread betters initially wondered
whether Labour might fall below 200,
but the price only dipped very slightly, to Last week’s coup failed, but Gordon won’t be PM for much longer. Picture: REUTERS
209-214. The Conservatives’ spread
moved up to 347-352. Clearly, punters
thought that the attempt to unseat
now 52-55. (Also with Extrabet.)
The Lib Dems will probably continue to
Last week, the Conservatives and Lib
Dems were calling for an immediate gen-
ELECTION BETS | Number of Days Gordon Brown
CURRENT PRICES will have been prime minister
Brown would fizzle out. gain support. Leader Nick Clegg is expect- eral election. It is hard to see a situation
ed to do well out of the televised debates: where Brown would call one. Since he (“Brown and Out”)
SMALL WOBBLE a lack of visibility is the perennial prob- admitted that there will be a spring budg-
To win the next election 1,035-1,040 – is, up to May 6
By the weekend, the prices had stabilized lem for the Lib Dems and several hours of et, this suggests that there will not be a Labour 6/1 (Sporting Index)
to Labour: 211-216; and Conservatives: prime-time televisual exposure will help March election, as some had suggested, as Cons 1/11
246-351. The wobble from David Cameron with this. a budget could not take place during a Who will be the next Labour
Lib Dems 80/1 (Extrabet)
earlier in the week when he appeared to The other bet that looks tasty is the campaign. However, suspicious minds leader after Brown?
become confused about his own policy on number of days that Gordon Brown will might consider Brown’s statement a ploy. Number of seats parties will David Miliband 11/4
marriage appears not to have damaged be prime minister. Assuming that Brown Alternatively, on the grounds that win at the election:
him at all, and was overshadowed by the will not be PM after the election, then Gordon Brown has the same attitude to Alan Johnson 4/1
half-hearted coup attempt. Sporting Index’s Brown and Out bet is power that Charlton Heston had to guns – Labour: 209-214 Ed Miliband 5/1
One clear trend that is emerging in this effectively a punt on the date that the it will have to be prised from his cold, Conservative: 347-352 Harriet Harman 8/1
campaign is increasing support for the country will go to the polls. At the dead hand – then who is to say that he Liberal Democrats: 54-57 Lord Mandelson 10/1
Liberal Democrats. Back on 30 June 2008, moment the spread stands at 1,035-1,040, will not hold on until the last possible (Extrabet)
their seats spread stood at 40-43, but is which takes you to May 6. date, 3 June? Jon Cruddas 14/1

+44 (0) 207 170 0770 0800 358 0864

CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010 Investment | Spread Betting 17

Retail is a sell
as customers
desert the UK’s
high streets
Stocks look over-valued as shoppers change
their habits, writes Kathleen Brooks

HE BRITS lived up to their reputa- the last quarter of 2009 from 0.7 per cent
tion as a nation of spenders and in 2008 to more than 8 per cent. Although
splashed their cash with abandon this has gone some way to helping house-
over the festive period. Major retail- holds pay off the debt they accumulated
ers swept up and some, like fashion chain over the past decade, there is still more
Ted Baker, saw sales rise 20 per cent in the adjusting of the household finances to
latter part of 2009. John Lewis, Next, come. In this environment large purchas-
Marks & Spencer and J Sainsbury also es are likely to be off the schedule for
reported an increase in Christmas sales. many people.
This topped off a fairly strong year for Furthermore, cannier shoppers will
the sector, and retailers’ share prices have scour price comparison websites more
sky-rocketed since the financial markets and more for the best bargains. This shift M&S faces a tough year as consumers get battered by tax hikes and try to save more. Picture: Jason Alden/ CITY A.M.
bounced back in March. But is this robust in consumer behaviour could hurt retail-
performance actually credible when the ers without an online presence and even in April 2009 and now looks like it could ANALYSIS l Debenhams
economy remains weak, wage growth is those who do sell their goods online could be close to its peak. Likewise, M&S, which 100 75.30
stagnant and people are still trying to pay see their profit margins start to erode if is a fairly volatile stock, had a bumpier 8 Jan
down debt? James Monro, an analyst for price wars erupt in a bid to lure frugal cus- ride than Debenhams did last year but it
S&P Equity Research, says that all the data tomers. too could see its price fall as consumers 80
suggests that Christmas was “stable” for top up their savings accounts rather than 70
retailers as customers continued to spend. CHANGING CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR splashing out on knickers. 60
“But now the New Year’s hangover has set Vicky Redwood, a consumer and debt spe- As millions of people receive their cred-
in and people are going to need to be cialist for research firm Capital it card bills in the coming weeks and get
more cautious,” he says. Economics, thinks a more frugal con- real about how much they can afford to 40
The journey south has already started sumer could be a trend that continues spend, consumer sentiment is likely to 30
for some of the retailers including M&S, beyond 2010 and that retailers could be in nose dive. This could be a good opportuni-
whose share price fell 50p last week after trouble in the long-term as more con- ty for spread betters to make a profit. Feb 09 Apr Jun Aug Oct Dec
chairman Sir Stuart Rose warned that sumers choose to save for a rainy day. Due to the run up in the share price of
2010 heralds tough trading conditions. “Whereas in the past people relied on some of the retailers in the last 12 ANALYSIS l Marks & Spencer
This trend should gain momentum dur- their house to appreciate in value and do months, spread betters can take advan- 366.40
ing the rest of the year as a number of fac- all of their saving for them, that has tage of a weakening retail sector at a good 400 8 Jan
tors weigh on consumer sentiment. changed now and people will want to re- price. Spread betting on the FTSE 350 360
Once a general election is out of the way think their more conventional saving pat- retail index gives you a broad-based expo-
the party in power will be able to wield terns like putting money away,” she says. sure to the UK retail sector. The index 320
the public spending axe and hike taxes. S&P’s equity anlayst James Monro says includes 16 of the UK’s largest high street
With less cash in their pockets, people are M&S will especially suffer this year, names including M&S, Next, Debenhams, 280
likely to do less buying. Rising unemploy- because it is considered to be expensive. Mothercare and Dixons and has risen by a
ment in the public sector and lower Its food sales have also looked weak whopping 70 per cent in the past 12 240
incomes also create perfect conditions to recently. Debenhams’ share price (see months. The index is currently trading at
keep people out of the shopping centres. chart) collapsed in 2008 when the finan- 1,700, and you can sell it at 1,698 with IG
The household savings rate jumped in cial crisis hit, however, it rapidly increased Index. Feb 09 Apr Jun Aug Oct Dec

five per cent on Friday and as the rumour mill BG Group might have
THE TIPSTER heats up there could be further upside. ETX benefited from the
GAS PRICES Capital offers 83.77p-84.02p.
Tesco reports a trading update tomorrow
cold weather but its
share price could have
HAVE RUN after a slew of other retailers announced good
sales growth over the festive season. It’s not
gone too far.

THEIR COURSE been plain sailing for all the major retailers Picture: REUTERS
and there’s been some notable under-perform-
ers such as Marks & Spencer whose 0.8 per
cent rise in sales disappointed the market.

HERE’S been no shortage of news However, John Lewis, which had a record-
regarding the increased demand for nat- breaking Christmas, and Next both outper-
ural gas by UK consumers as the cold formed consensus and in general
snap continues to grip the country. As a supermarkets have done well this winter. This
result, BG Group (formerly British Gas) has got should bode well for Tesco, which has the
the year off to a cracking start, outperforming largest market share of all the supermarkets
the FTSE-100 by over 100 per cent. But the in the UK. But it’s worth remembering that
cold (hopefully) won’t last forever. The freeze consumer confidence had the sharpest fall for
has also highlighted the problems with gas some time in December and that shoppers
storage capacity in the UK, which requires might not be in such great shape as we move
investment in in the coming years. So, has the into the new year. City Index is offering a
rally run its course? IG Index offers 1,185.3p- spread on Tesco of 413.4p-414.3p and Capital
1,188.2p for BG Group. Spreads offers a price of 415.3p-416.0p.
Resolution, the investment vehicle owned The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy March-based UK Short Sterling quote of and investment banking firm, was downbeat
by the charismatic Clive Cowdery has been Committee held interest rates at their record 99.34-99.38. on its prospects. It wrote that the upside
gobbling up players in the British life insur- 0.5 percent lows for yet another month last Tullow Oil is in focus after it announced potential for Tullow Oil for this year has prob-
ance sector all year. Now it’s taking a shine to week, but many analysts believe rates could that its oil field in Uganda, which it part owns ably been reached and expectations for fur-
Legal & General, the investments, insurance start moving upwards again soon – particular- with Heritage Oil, has 4bn extra barrels of oil ther oil discoveries and a boost to its reserves
and pensions provider. Rumours of a takeover ly if the economy picks up strongly in 2010 in its reserves, bringing the total level to 6bn levels are too optimistic.
bid waiting in the wings caused Legal & and the Bank decides to end its stimulus plans barrels. However, a recent note out from has a rolling spread of 1,328.6p-1,332.4p.
General’s stock price to soar by more than and stops quantitative easing. Spreadex has a Jeffries International, the global securities KATHLEEN BROOKS
18 CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010

| Travel

The microcosm
of Rarotonga combines lush
greenery with beaches.

The islands are a great spot for travellers Rarotonga is the scooter, while the hop-on
who want an active holiday. Sport is truly hop-off buses run a regular service clock-
part of the culture, and I timed my stay to wise and anti-clockwise around the
coincide with the South Pacific Mini perimeter.
Games, being hosted by the archipelago There are a couple of good dive opera-
for the first time since 1985, making this tors here, or, if you want to keep your head
the biggest event here in 24 years. above water, you can go fishing to try and
It was a fortnight-long competition in land your own supper.
which 21 nations from all over the Pacific The delights of the day are served up at
region competed in all manner of sports Rarotonga’s lively array of cafes and
including lawn bowls, boxing, table ten- restaurants, and the likes of Windjammer
nis, triathlon and athletics. Everyone on and The Yellow Hibiscus are well worth a
the island is involved in one way or anoth- try, as is Trader Jacks, which overlooks the
er. The Cook Islands also hosts the Youth beautiful Avarua Harbour – in what passes
Netball Championships and the Vaka Eiva for the island’s capital; many of the hotels
paddling festival. also have an Island Night, offering a tradi-
Even when the cream of Polynesia’s tional mix of Polynesian song, dance, cos-
A Polynesian couple sportsmen and women are not there, tumes and cuisine.
checking out some sport is definitely on the menu in the I was based in a pristine pool suite at
Cook Island caves. Islands, and it’s easy to find somebody the luxurious Crown Beach Resort, and
organising a spot of running and rugby – with my own plunge pool, large sun-deck,
or if you’re looking for something a little and super-sized bed, it didn’t take long to
more sedate, swimming and sea kayaking. get used to “island time.”

Cooking up an Rarotonga
of Rarotonga, a fabulous microcosm of all
things Polynesian.
Any trip to the Cook Islands should com- The breath-taking powder-blue lagoon of
mence with a few days on the main island Aitutaki, less than an hour’s flight north
of Rarotonga, is in a league of its own, and
this honeymoon destination, popular for

idyllic holiday This lush green island, one of the south-

ern group, has rugged mountains in the
centre, and is ringed around the edges by
white-powder sand.
I joined one of the 4WD inland safari
tours (, to enjoy
the rainforest interi-
its paradisal remoteness, is a clear fron-
trunner for one of the world’s most beau-
tiful destinations.
The first European to record its exis-
tence was Captain Bligh, master of the
Bounty back in 1789, just 17 days before
the mutiny,
Esther Shaw grabs herself a slice lic spot for it than this heavenly necklace
of islands in the centre of the Polynesian
or of the Avatiu val-
ley and to soak up
The powder-blue lagoon although it has,
more recently, been
of Polynesian perfection in one of triangle.
This cluster of 15 small islands are
the panoramic
views from the east-
is a clear front-runner for made famous by the
Shipwrecked reality
the remotest places on earth named after Captain James Cook, who
sailed through the southern group in
ern heights over-
looking Muri
one of the world’s most television show.
A boat tour of the
1773. The islands are self-governing, but
have a free association with New Zealand,
Included in the
beautiful destinations brilliant blue lagoon
is an absolute must,

HERE’S no getting away from the and while English is the official language, tour is a delicious and I joined
fact that it takes a long time to get the traditional greeting of “kia orana” lunch of marinated raw fish, taro leaves Bishop’s Cruises (www.bishops
to the Cook Islands. Located rings out wherever you go. and meat, all baked in banana leaves and for its day-long trip around
between Samoa, Fiji and Tahiti, they The clear skies, temperate climes and cooked in the umu – or traditional earth the numerous palm-fringed coral “motu”
are as remote as it gets. The flight from pristine waters of the South Pacific offer oven. or islets.
London is over 20 hours. However, they are the ideal tropical therapy. These easy-on- If you’re feeling active, you can trek The itinerary is incredibly relaxed, and
a perfect stop-over to stretch your legs on the-eye tropical islands attract travellers across the island via the highest point includes a stop-off on One Foot Island for a
the way to Australasia and the ideal South from far and wide to kick back on the known as Te Rua Manga or “The Needle,” banquet of barbequed fish and the chance
Seas stopover as part of a round-the-world secluded beaches, but I was determined to for spectacular views of the coral-fringed to get your passport stamped at the
trip. If you fancy a few weeks of island hop- spend my days here doing more than just coastline. world’s smallest Post Office.
ping, then it’s hard to think of a more idyl- lying on a deck chair. The preferred means of transport on You can then while away the remainder

A typical idyllic TRAVEL NOTES

Cook Islands beach. ZOE STRIMPEL

Winter offer at Cap Maison, St Lucia

To celebrate its first birthday anniversary, this clifftop paradise is offering a
winter package to entice you to sunnier climes, with a free night and free
meals at the hotel’s gourmet restaurants. Suites have professional-grade
kitchens, outdoor showers, roof-top terraces and private pools. Five nights
for the price of four and seven for the price of six including breakfast.
Guests staying five nights at the hotel will receive $250 per room to spend
of your day cruising through the lumi- at any of the hotel’s restaurants and bars, those staying for seven nights
nous blue, sunbathing on the chalk-white will receive $500. Valid until 31 Mar.
beaches and snorkelling in the kaleido-
scopic reefs.
If you don’t mind splurging, then it’s
worth spending a few nights in one of the
sumptuous over-water bungalows at the
Aitutaki Lagoon Resort & Spa.
This incredibly upmarket private island
resort is the perfect indulgence for those
looking for a bit of beach-side bliss – this is
barefoot luxury at its best.

Atiu remains one of the less visited islands
in the Cook group, but nature lovers and
adventure lovers alike will soon be won
over by this Robinson Cruesoe-esque hide-
away with its rugged jungle-covered interi-
or and scenic coral cliffs or “makatea”
With supplies delivered by a ship just The Robinson
once every three weeks, you certainly feel Crusoe-esque New Six Senses on Koh Kood, Thailand
as though you’re a long way from any- hideaway of Atiu. The new Six Senses on Koh Kood on the Thai/Cambodia border is
where. Nonetheless, from the moment I accessed by private plane and sports 29 vast pool villas. Treetop dining
set foot on the island, I was made to feel pods and superlative snorkeling add to the superlative spa treatments for
like a member of the family at the homely which the company is known. Carrier offers seven nights for the price of
Atiu Villas by my hosts, Roger and Kura five (Save £1,975pp) at Six Senses Soneva Kiri in a Hill Villa Suite based on
Malcolm. The rooms, set in lush tropical two people sharing on a B+B basis. Price includes flights with Thai
gardens, all offer well-stocked larders and Airways from Heathrow andprivate transfers. To book call 0161 491 7630
basic cooking facilities, while a delicious or go to for travel 1 April-30 June.
dinner is cooked up each evening at Kura’s
Atiu is far from your average beach hol-
iday as it’s so far off the beaten track, and
yet at the same time it so much more, as
the island is ringed by miles of secluded
beaches you can call your own. Bird-life
here is prolific, and if you’re lucky, you
might catch a glimpse of the striking red
Rimatara Lorikeet, re-introduced back in
I joined a guided eco-tour with indige-
nous Birdman George whose knowledge
of the flora and fauna of Atiu is unbeat-
able, and spent an action-packed after-
noon trekking with UK-born Marshall
Humphrey exploring the extensive lime-
stone cave system, home to the kopeka or
Atiu swiftlet (further tour details can be
found at
I rounded off my final day on this cast- Boston Gets a Touch of High Style
away island with a visit to the Tumunu The world's most picturesque business city is not known for its cutting-
meeting place, to take part in the nightly edge cool. That's just changed, with the opening of the Ames hotel in the
drinking ritual with the local men. centre of the financial district. Style is the buzzword here and you'll sleep in
The so-called ceremony comprises the minimalist, white-washed rooms with historical touches and dine at the
assembled group knocking back a seem- posh tavern, the Woodward, where American classics are done to perfec-
ingly unending round of wooden cups of tion. Launch offers include rooms from $200 per night. For more informa-
bush beer. And, as I sit beneath the starlit tion and to book, go to
sky chattering and laughing late into the
night with these welcoming Pacific
Islanders whose traditions date back cen- nections once a week to Rarotonga; economy
fares start from £926.
( in Rarotonga start
from £321, while a garden room at the Aitutaki
Seabourn Cruises Pay for Flights
turies, I know that I am well and truly Luxury boutique cruise line Seabourn is the ultimate choice for travellers
immersed in island life. Air Rarotonga ( flies daily Lagoon Resort ( who prefer perfect service and lovely rooms over onboard climbing walls,
from Rarotonga to Aitutaki and Atiu (except starts from NZ $515 and an over-water villa cinemas and nightclubs. Because they’re small, boats get to coves bigger
GETTING THERE Sunday). starts from NZ $1,395; rooms at Atiu Villas ships can’t visit. On cruises in 2010 round the Riviera, the Aegean and the
Air New Zealand (; ( start from NZ $160. All Norwegian fjords Seabourn will be throwing in flights and transfers into
0800 028 4149) has daily departures from STAYING THERE prices are per night. For more information go to the price. A winter pick-me-up to take seriously. Fares from £1,799. To
London Heathrow to Los Angeles, with con- Prices for a villa at the Crown Beach Resort book call Seabourn on 0845 070 0500
20 Lifestyle | Travel CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010

Stars and spas

in California’s
flashy south
A beautiful coastline is the ultimate place for
golf, glamour and pampering, says Laura Ivill

HE SOUTHERN California sunshine We stayed in 847 sq-ft bungalows at The
danced on the ocean off Newport Resort at the Palladian-style 504-acre A view of Newport
Beach as we stepped aboard the boat Pelican Hill. From my bath, the view went Harbour.
where we would be eating our lunch. directly through my room, out across my
We opened the champagne, tucked into private terrace, across the expansive golf
the picnic, and took it in turns at the helm course and right to the ocean. The best
to guide the boat, silent as a whisper time to visit is spring (April or May) or
around the bay. This was a brilliant way to autumn (September and October). From
sightsee, the electric motors meaning that December to March you’ll have the beaches
there was nothing to interfere with the to yourself, and June is foggy and overcast.
sound of amiable chit-chat and the oohs In Southern California you don’t have to
and aahs that greeted the stunning water- travel far to enjoy a complete change of
front properties. scene. Newporters hop in the car for a
Duffy Boats, as they are called, are also weekend in Palm Springs Desert Resorts,
perhaps the perfect union of Newport where they swap beaches for mountains,
Beach’s two biggest passions – the ocean snow-covered in winter against an azure
and golf. They were invented by teenager sky. The Resorts are a seamless conglomera- Get to your golf
Marshall “Duffy” Duffield in 1970. As the tion of eight towns (they are called cities) course in a Duffy
story goes, he was entertaining a date on strung along the Coachella valley. This is a boat.
his father’s gas-powered boat when, to his year-round sunshine destination – in fact
irritation, the engine gave out. Not to be July and August are the off-season because
foxed, he swiftly swapped it for a golf cart’s it’s too hot.
electric motor, and the Duffy boat was The Resorts are spending $2bn on
born. Now 1,500 of them swish around refreshing and expanding the facilities. If
Newport Beach, a sizeable percentage of you want to try your luck at one of the casi- Surfers off the
the 9,000 motor yachts and sailboats nos, the one in the Agua Caliente Casino Newport coast.
moored here. Resort Spa in Rancho Mirage is a good place
“The Hamptons of Hollywood” have been to start. We ate our fill of steak and seafood
entertaining the cream of west coast socie- in the restaurant before hitting the tables.
ty for a century. The town bloomed in the Palm Springs is also world famous for its
golden days of the movies when stars were branch of mid-century “Desert
contractually obliged to stay within 200 Modernism” architecture, and so much of
miles of the studio, so that they could be on this survives that the city is thought of as
call for a shoot. Newport Beach was just far an “architectural garden”. But new gems
enough away from the prying eyes and are springing up: just one example is the
lenses of LA, with pool parties a-go-go. It Ace Hotel & Swim Club Palm Springs
was home to the Rat Pack and Bob Hope, (, a modern-retro hang-
and the story goes that John Wayne gave up out for couples or friends weekending
his dream of a professional American foot- from the cities. I loved it. In Indian Wells,
ball career for the movies when he injured The Hyatt Grand Champions is perfectly
his shoulder bodysurfing off the area placed next to the spectacular new gold
known as The Wedge. club, and after a morning’s round out on
Movie stars still flock here today, but the green, you can kick back, lazing
you’ll find names hard to prize out of any- around one of the Resort’s many pools
one in the hospitality industry. As we under a giant palm.
cruised around the bay, past the multi-mil- Between them, Newport Beach and
lion dollar homes with their multi-million Palm Springs Desert Resorts give you the
dollar yachts, though, there was no doubt- best of Southern California, and with sun-
ing where they would be staying. To give shine thrown in for free.
you an idea of what we are talking about, Balboa Boat Tours hires out Duffy Boats for self-
in 2008 Nicholas Cage sold his modernist guided tours. ( Newport
pile for $35m. Beach: The Resort at Pelican Hill (www.pelican-
The town likes to play up this glamorous, from $495 for a garden-view bungalow,
connection. We had a cracking seafood $695 for ocean-view bungalow per night. Visit Dining at Pelican
lunch at the Harborside Restaurant and Newport Beach Inc (www. Hill resort.
Grand Ballroom (www.harborside- Palm Springs Desert, where Bette Davis used to Resorts: Hyatt Grand Champions Resort, Villas &
party. That evening we dined at the John Spa, Indian Wells (www.grand SPA | NEWPORT BEACH NATURE | ECO RESERVE
Wayne Table at The Cannery (www.can-, from $159 per room per, a former fish-canning night. Palm Springs Desert Resorts Communities
factory that is now a snazzy harbour-front CVA ( Flights: British
In Newport Beach four resort spas and luxury day spas provide Explore the central Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve
dining spot. Here I had the finest cocktail I Airways flies three times daily from Heathrow to
have ever drunk – a Spiced Pear Martini, so Los Angeles from £456.40 return, including taxes a huge choice of treatments to pamper, detox and rejuvenate ( on foot, by bike or by
viscous you could stand a spoon in it. (tel: 0844 4930787, mind and body. Nip into the Pure Blu Spa at the Marriott kayak – it’s a pristine estuary where 35,000 birds spend their
( for a buff and bronze. At winter. Take a walking tour with Newport At Your Feet
GOLF | ORANGE COUNTY The Resort at Pelican Hill, the classic Italian architecture lends ( or, for a more strenuous walk,
itself to a spa complex of elegant stonework, arches and El Moro Canyon has hiking trails. Or head to Crystal Cove State
columns. My Oxygen Facial was gentle and enjoyable yet prop- Park and Cottages (, a rare
It’s no wonder Orange County is known as options are two 18-hole courses, which make up erly beneficial. There are so many spas in the Palm Springs example of an original laid-back California beach community. For
California’s Golf Coast (Tiger Woods has a home the Indian Wells Golf Resort (www.indianwellsgol- Desert Resorts that even dogs are catered for (at Aqua Paws). Palm Springs Desert Resorts pack your hiking boots for the
here). Take your pick of eight challenging courses Clive Clark’s Celebrity Course has The natural hot springs beneath the San Andreas Fault feed a Santa Rosa Mountains, Joshua Tree National Park and Indio
in stunning settings, designed by some of the expansive views of the desert mountains; John number directly, such as the Two Bunch Palms Resort and Spa Hills. Hire performance road and mountain bikes from Big
world’s best architects ( The Fought’s Players Course offers dynamic bunkering (, an a-list favourite. There’s an Wheel Tours ( And learn all about the
crème de la crème is the Tom Fazio-designed and generous fairway corridors. The 53,000 sq ft emphasis on wellness, and after a massage and time in the hot geology and rock formations, the Indians and gold-rush pio-
Pelican Hill Golf Club, with 36 holes, over 400 clubhouse overlooks the action. The Hyatt Grand spring, I was certainly chilled out. The Agua Serena Spa at the neers, with a Desert Adventures Jeep tour (www.
acres and magnificent ocean views. In Palm Champions Resort is just next door, with villas Hyatt Grand Champions also has both indoor and outdoor Our naturalist guide, Morgan Levine, was hugely
Springs Desert Resorts, golf is king. Among the offering privacy, and butler service. spaces, with a full-on eucalyptus steam room. entertaining.
CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010 Lifestyle | TV& Games 21


6pm BBC News
6.30pm BBC London News
6pm Eggheads
6.30pm Great British Railway
6pm London Tonight
6.30pm ITV News
6pm The Simpsons
6.30pm Hollyoaks
6pm Home and Away
6.25pm Live from Studio Five:
7pm The One Show Journeys 7pm Emmerdale 7pm Channel 4 News Topical reports.
7.30pm Inside Out; BBC News 7pm Live Snooker: The 7.30pm Coronation Street 7.55pm 3 Minute Wonder: 7.30pm How Do They Do It?;
8pm EastEnders Masters: Stephen Maguire v 8pm The Lakes Good to Know Five News Update
8.30pm Panorama Mark King or Jimmy White. 8.30pm Coronation Street: 8pm Dispatches: My Family 8pm Police Interceptors: Four
9pm Hustle 8pm University Challenge: St Sally and Kevin tell their and Alzheimers: Re-examining police cars pursue a vehicle;
10pm BBC News Andrews takes on Manchester. daughters about her cancer. Alzheimer’s sufferers’ fight for Five News at 9
10.25pm Regional News 8.30pm CHOICE Delia Through 9pm CHOICE Law & Order: UK adequate care. 9pm CHOICE Paul Merton in
10.35pm FILM The Hours: the Decades: New series. The 10pm ITV News at Ten 9pm Generation XXL Europe
Drama, starring Nicole Kidman cook recalls her favourite 10.30pm London News 10pm Celebrity Big Brother 10pm FILM Traffic: Crime DELIA THROUGH THE DECADES
2002; Weatherview recipes over the years. 10.35pm FILM Out for Justice: 11.10pm FILM Cruel drama, starring Michael Douglas BBC2, 8.30PM
12.30am Sign Zone: Great 9pm The British Family Action thriller, starring Steven Intentions: Drama, with Ryan and Benicio Del Toro. 2000. New series. The cook recalls her
British Railway Journeys 10pm Nurse Jackie Seagal. 1991. Phillippe and Reese 12.50am SuperCasino: Live favourite recipes through archive
1am Sign Zone: Wonderland: The 10.30pm Newsnight; Weather 12.20am Take Me Out; ITV Witherspoon. 1999. interactive gaming. footage before giving the food a
British in Bed 1.45am Sign Zone: 11.20pm Snooker: The Masters News Headlines 1.05am Celebrity Big Brother: Live 4am The FBI Files 4.55am Rough modern twist.
Who Do You Think You Are? 2.45am 12.10am American Football 1.15am Loose Women 2am The 3.55am St Elsewhere 4.40am The Guide to Adventures 5.10am
Sign Zone: Prescott: The North/South 1.10am Snooker Extra 3.10am BBC Jeremy Kyle Show 2.55am-5.30am World’s Greatest Musical Prodigies Neighbours 5.35am-6am Home and
Divide 3.45am-6am BBC News News 3.45am-6am Close ITV Nightscreen 5.35am-6am The Hoobs Away

SKY SPORTS 1 11pm WWE: Late Night – LIVING E4 4.40am Kings of Construction

7pm Netbusters 7.30pm Live Bottom Line 12am WWE: Late 7pm Ghost Whisperer 8pm 7pm Hollyoaks 7.30pm How I 5.30am-6am How Does That
Irish Football 10pm Time of Night – Afterburn 1am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Met Your Mother 8pm Friends Work?
Our Lives 11pm Netbusters Extreme Championship 9pm Most Haunted Live: The 9pm Glee 11pm FILM Mystic
11.30pm Soccer AM: The Best Wrestling 2am-4.15am Live Silent Town 12am Pizza 1988. 1.05am-6am
Bits 12.30am Irish Football WWE: Late Night – Raw Supernatural 1am Criminal Celebrity Big Brother: Live HEALTH
2am FIFA Futbol Mundial 7pm Labour and Delivery 8pm LAW & ORDER: UK
BRITISH EUROSPORT Minds 2am CSI: Crime Scene
2.30am Time of Our Lives Investigation 3am Charmed HISTORY Little People, Big World 9pm ITV1, 9PM
3.30am Watersports World 6.15pm Live African Cup of 7pm Ice Road Truckers 8pm Untold Stories of the ER 10pm New series. Brooks and Devlin
Nations 7.20pm Dakar Rally 4.40am 60 Minute Makeover
4.30am Max Power 5.30am- Pawn Stars 9pm The Trauma Unit 12am Untold investigate a homophobic religious
7.30pm Live African Cup of 5.30am-6am Home Shopping
6am FIFA Futbol Mundial Nostradamus Effect 10pm The Stories of the ER 1am Trauma group within the police force.
Nations 8.30pm African Cup Next Nostradamus 12am Pawn Unit 3am Little People, Big
BBC THREE Bradley Walsh stars.
SKY SPORTS 2 of Nations 10pm Dakar Rally
7pm Doctor Who 8pm Doctor Stars 1am Ice Road Truckers World 4am Bringing Home
7pm European Tour Golf 8pm 10.45pm African Cup of 2am How Britain Was Built Baby 5am-6am Baby Tales
Who’s Greatest Moments: The
USPGA Tour Golf 9pm Nations 11.45pm-12.30am 3am Elizabeth 4am-5am
Dakar Rally Enemies 8.30pm Wallace & SKY1
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10.30pm PGA Tour Classic 7pm Simpsons – Access All
11.30pm NFL 1.30am ESPN Death 9pm Gavin & Stacey: DISCOVERY Areas 7.30pm The Simpsons
7pm Live Premier League First episode of the comedy, 7pm Mythbusters 8pm How 8pm Football’s Next Star 9pm
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Stories 11.30pm FIBA 12.15am Gavin & Stacey Flying 11pm Moon Machines 1am Night Cops 1.50am Road PAUL MERTON IN EUROPE
SKY SPORTS 3 Basketball 12am Live 1.15am Most Annoying People 12am Storm Chasers 1am Wars 2.40am Don’t Forget the FIVE, 9PM
7pm Premiership Rugby Union: Argentinian Football 2am 2009 2.10am Being Human Crashes That Changed Flying Lyrics 3.30am Nothing But the New series. The comedian embarks on
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Wasps. 8pm NFL. 10pm Access 3am-6am Live Ultimate Jackson 4.10am-5.10am Kill World War 3.50am More Galactica 5.10am-6am Are You Berlin, where he meets the leader of
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Copyright Puzzler Media Ltd,
19 34 16 35 26 7
2 3 4 5 6


17 4

7 8 9
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 4
6 17
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 9 12 10 11 12
above or to the left of it. 6 4 34 7
4 6 9
3 2 9 You can only use the digits 1-9
and you must not use the
33 16
14 26
14 15 16
1 same digit twice in a block.
The same digit may occur 17 14
14 19 17
4 8 6 3 more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a 4 7
23 16
19 18 19 20 21
4 3 7 9 2 separate block. 31

7 34
5 8 7 17 9 22 23

7 2 8 5 4 ACROSS DOWN
1 Military instrument (5)
5 3 9 7 1 Rumour, gossip (4)

4 ___ Cruz, Bolivian city (5)
7 ___ Days, wildlife series
2 Filled (the gaps between
tiles) (7)
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have 3 Arm’s sharp bend (5)
3 1 6 ten minutes to find as many words as possible, Y H 8 Unit of atmospheric
pressure (3) 4 Clean vigorously (5)
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters
or more, all must contain the central letter and E
9 Animal foot (3)
10 Keep under hatches (4)
5 Daytime snooze (3)

08/01/10 letters can only be used once in every word. There

11 ___ Berkeley, Hollywood 6 For eternity (6)
12 Passing (a credit card)
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
director (5)
14 Greater in breadth (5) through an electronic
er 16 Make an entrance (2,2)
terminal (7)
1 3 1 3 8 2 1 SUDOKU 2 7 3 5 8 4 6 9 1
18 ___ de Janeiro, city (3)
13 Relating to a typewriter’s
2 8 2 6 9 8 3 20 18th-century gambling
H E I E A 1 6 8 9 7 3 4 5 2
9 8 2 7 1 card game (3) standard layout (6)
4 5 7 6 2 8 52 5 9 4 6 2 1 3 8 7
9 8 6 4 3 2 1 7 5 21 Written promise to pay 15 Presided over (5)
L OS BA S QU E 2 6 7 4 9 31
I H E E L J 1 3 2 1 7 3 64 3 2 7 1 6 5 9 4 8 (inits)(3) 16 Animal’s angry noise (5)
RU S T E D T AU 1 7 5 5 1 WORDWHEEL 4 1 5 8 9 7 2 3 6 22 Joined together, as
T F H A L 1 2 8 9 3 2 3 7 5 1 3 4 6 8 2 9 17 Witty remark (4)
WE F T S A L A M I The nine-letter word draught oxen (5)
I L O P E 7 8 9 2 1 2 1 8 3 2 7 1 9 5 6 4 23 Assistance getting over a 19 Gabriel ___, Thomas Hardy
N E E D B A S A L T 5 9 1 3 1 3 was MALIGNANT 6 4 9 2 5 8 7 1 3
wall? (3-2) character (3)
22 Sport CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010


White bows out at Wembley
SNOOKER: Wembley favourite Jimmy
White crashed out of the UK

time to break Championship first round after going

down 6-2 to No16 seed Mark King.
The 47-year-old, who appeared on
reality show ‘I’m A Celebrity, Get Me
Out of Here’ recently, was handed a
wildcard for the the tournament after

my Slam duck slipping to 56 in the rankings.

And, in truth, he was never really in
the contest as King powered to a second
round clash with Stephen Maguire.
Elsewhere, Mark Selby beat Ding
Junhui 6-1, while Peter Ebdon was a 6-2
winner over Marco Fu.
and hitting the ball better than I have

BY JON COUCH for a long time from the back of the Schwartzel wins home title
court. GOLF: Home favourite Charl Schwartzel
ANDY MURRAY insists he is ready to “There’s not a whole lot to com- fired a final round 67 to clinch a one-
land a first Grand Slam tournament plain about. Physically I feel good. It stroke victory in the Africa Open in East
after enjoying “perfect” preparation was good to play back-to-back days. My London.
for this week’s Australian Open. back is a little bit stiff because I Schwartzel started the final round
The world No4 arrived in haven’t played much in the past six or two shots behind Thomas Aiken and
Melbourne yesterday having reached seven weeks, but it’s good to get the Trevor Fisher Jnr, but four birdies in the
the final of the Hopman Cup with body used to playing. I feel really well opening seven holes brought him into
Laura Robson last week. prepared.” contention.
Murray is yet to progress beyond With the Hopman Cup played Further birdies at 11 and 14 put him in
the fourth round at Melbourne but indoors, Murray is now looking to front and he sealed a fourth European
has prepared meticulously for the arrange a practice match outdoors to Tour title despite a bogey at the last.
event with plenty of court time in the complete his preparation.
hot and humid conditions. “I’ll speak to my coach and the peo- India seal final place
And despite suffering defeat to ple I work with this week,” he added. CRICKET: India will face Sri Lanka in
Tommy Robredo in Perth, the Scot “I’m sure I’ll play a match there just to the final of the triangular series in
insists he is happy with his form. play outdoors. Dhaka on Wednesday after beating the
“The week has been really good. I’ve “Ideally I would have played out- Sri Lankans by eight wickets.
been really happy with the way I’ve doors last week, but I was able to prac- Kumar Sangakkara smashed nine
played all week on the court,” the 22- tice outdoors on the off days to fours in his 68 but had little support as
year-old said. “I think it was perfect acclimatise. Sri Lanka were dismissed for 213.
preparation for the Aussie Open. I’m “I’ll practice a lot next week out- Gautam Gambhir led the India charge
ready to win it. doors and I’m sure I’ll be fine. WILY Martin ‘Wolfie’ Adams held off a thrilling comeback from Dave Chisnall to become with 71 before Virat Kohli’s 71no saw
“I just need to play well and if I do “I’ll train hard for the first four or BDO World Darts Champion for a second time. Chisnall, 29, roared back from 3-0 down to India cruise home with 17 overs to
then there’s no reason why I can’t. I five days and then relax over the level at 4-4, but Adams held his nerve to claim a 7-5 victory. At 53, he breaks his own record spare. India now play a dead rubber
feel like I’m serving well, moving well weekend and get ready.” as the oldest champion in a record 17th consecutive Lakeside appearance. Picture: PA against Bangladesh today.
CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010 Sport 23

Mercedes team are hungry for more Results

Arsenal ...........................(1) 2 Everton.................................(1) 2

success, insists new boy Schumacher

Denilson 28 Osman 12
Rosicky 90 Pienaar 81
Att: 60,053
Birmingham.................(1) 1 Man Utd ..............................(0) 1
Jerome 39 Dann 63 (og)
Att: 28,907
P W D L F A GD Pts
Chelsea 20 14 3 3 45 16 29 45
Man Utd 21 14 2 5 46 19 27 44
“I have been in the factory in man is already settling in nicely. so much used to that at my work and

FORMULA ONE Arsenal 20 13 3 4 53 23 30 42

BY JON COUCH Brackley now for two days and spent “It is important for me to be I find it quite convenient.” Tottenham 20 11 4 5 42 22 20 37
the time to get to know the engineers informed about everything and it Schumacher also visited Mercedes’ Man City 19 9 8 2 38 27 11 35
MICHAEL SCHUMACHER says the and the structures a bit better, and I was very interesting to get to under- engine facility in Brixworth this week Aston Villa 20 10 5 5 29 18 11 35
Liverpool 20 10 3 7 37 25 12 33
Mercedes team are “hungry for more am extremely surprised about how stand the engineers and their struc- and was equally impressed with what Birminghm 21 9 6 6 21 19 2 33
success” after visiting the team’s motivated everybody was,” the seven- tures and the way they work,” said he saw. Fulham 20 7 6 7 26 22 4 27
Brackley base ahead of the new sea- time world champion said. Schumacher. “I also was in the Mercedes factory Stoke 20 6 6 8 18 25 -7 24
son. “This a world champion team but it “I was there already around the in Brixworth and I have to say that I Sunderland 20 6 5 9 28 31 -3 23
The 41-year-old, who returns to the does not seem to be spoilt by success time of the signature of the contract am very impressed about the high Everton 20 5 8 7 28 34 -6 23
Blackburn 20 5 6 9 20 35 -15 21
grid this season after three years in at all; it seems to be hungry for more and learned a lot, now I have seen level you see there,” he went on. Burnley 20 5 5 10 22 40 -18 20
retirement, spent two days at the instead.” much more about the team. “In Brixworth the people seem to Wolves 20 5 4 11 17 36 -19 19
headquarters of the former Brawn GP Schumacher will race alongside “What I also liked was that you be highly motivated as well and I find Wigan 19 5 4 10 21 44 -23 19
team, and says he was impressed with Nico Rosberg in an all-German driver hear a lot of people speaking German that encouraging, as it perfectly fits West Ham 20 4 6 10 28 37 -9 18
the motivation of team bosses. line-up and the experienced ex-Ferrari there. That is nice for once, I am not my personal mood.” Bolton 18 4 6 8 26 36 -10 18
Hull 20 4 6 10 20 42 -22 18
Portsmouth 20 4 2 14 18 32 -14 14

Vieira warns:
Cardiff.............................(1) 1 Blackpool...........................(0) 1
Hudson 9 Adam 46
Att: 19,147
Coventry .......................(2) 3 Barnsley..............................(0) 1
Eastwood 24 Macken 50
Clingan 27
Morrison 90 Att: 15,031

I’m playing as
Derby...............................(0) 1 Scunthorpe.......................(2) 4
Williams 59 (og) Hooper 14
Thompson 45, 80
Att: 28,106 Forte 89
P W D L F A GD Pts
Newcastle 24 15 6 3 39 14 25 51
Nottm For 25 12 10 3 37 19 18 46

well as ever
West Brom 24 13 6 5 49 25 24 45
Cardiff 24 11 5 8 43 28 15 38
Leicester 23 10 8 5 29 25 4 38
Swansea 24 9 10 5 21 19 2 37
Blackpool 23 9 8 6 36 26 10 35
Sheff Utd 24 9 8 7 35 33 2 35
Crystal Pal 24 8 10 6 28 27 1 34
QPR 24 8 9 7 38 36 2 33
Middlesbro’ 24 9 5 10 34 29 5 32
Bristol City 24 7 11 6 29 29 0 32
“I have learned a lot around big-

FOOTBALL Watford 24 8 8 8 33 37 -4 32
BY JON COUCH name players and I have come back to Coventry 25 8 7 10 29 36 -7 31
the Premier League a better player Doncaster 23 7 9 7 29 27 2 30
NEW Manchester City signing Patrick than I used to be.” Barnsley 23 8 6 9 30 37 -7 30
Preston 23 7 8 8 26 29 -3 29
Vieira says he is a better player now Vieira has also likened Mancini to Derby 25 7 5 13 25 39 -14 26
than he was when he left the Premier Arsenal boss, Arsene Wenger, insist- Scunthorpe 24 7 5 12 29 45 -16 26
League four-and-a-half years ago. ing both have similar philosophies in Ipswich 24 4 13 7 27 34 -7 25
The 33-year-old has rejoined his for- their approach. “They both like to Reading 24 5 8 11 26 39 -13 23
mer Inter Milan boss Roberto Mancini work on the pitch and like to be next Plymouth 23 6 3 14 21 34 -13 21
Sheff Wed 23 4 7 12 25 39 -14 19
after penning a six-month loan deal to the players,” he added. Peterboro 24 3 9 12 31 43 -12 18
at Eastlands. “They manage players and believe
Critics believe the French interna- in communication. That is really Leeds................................(1) 1 Wycombe...........................(0) 1
tional is well past his best and a shad- good and I regard it as a compliment Norwich..........................(1) 3 Exeter...................................(0) 1
ow of the player who helped Arsenal that I am the first player Mancini has
land a string of trophies around the brought to City. TODAY’S DIARY
turn of the millennium. “Mancini is a winner. He is a really (Football 7.45pm unless stated)
But Vieira has hit back, insisting he ambitious man. He came here African Nations Cup Group A
is actually a better player now than because he knows he can achieve Malawi v Algeria (1.45) ............................................................................................
when he left the Gunners for a stint something. African Nations Cup Group B
in Italy with Juventus and then Inter. “He will do everything for the team Ivory Coast v Burkina Faso (4pm) ......................................................................
Barclays Premier League
“I am a better player for the experi- to be successful and win games.” Man City v Blackburn (8pm)..................................................................................
ences I have had,” Vieira said. “You get Vieira will make his City debut
better with experience and age and I against Blackburn tonight providing
have been really lucky to play at big he can recover from a niggling calf SPORTS EDITOR JON COUCH
clubs. injury. Vieira is back in the Premier League after four-and-a-half years. Picture: ACTION IMAGES email

League chiefs to Boss Zola steps up striker Keane’s Blues strike early
defend stance on
freeze victims search after Franco blow to stop high-flying Foxes
that quartet Scott Parker, Jack 22 seconds. Ex-Foxes defender Gareth

Collison, Mark Noble and Danny LEICESTER CITY 1 McAuley and Jack Colback both came


Gabbidon are expected to be back for close the doubling Town’s lead late in
THE Premier League is ready to vigor- WEST HAM boss Gianfranco Zola will this weekend’s trip to Aston Villa. the first half but, within seconds,
ously fight their corner if the decision up his search for a striker this week The Hammers are also expected to IPSWICH TOWN 1 Steve Howard slotted home for the
to postpone the majority of matches after Guillermo Franco picked up an make an announcement this week on hosts against the run of play.
this weekend is questioned. injury in training. the latest in the club’s takeover saga. Leicester’s Matty Fryatt and Paul
Only two top-flight matches, the Italian Franco was Zola’s only fit, Ex-Birmingham duo David Gold Gallacher forced saves from Ipswich

games at Arsenal and Birmingham, recognised striker with Carlton Cole and David Sullivan, along with BY JON COUCH keeper Arran-Lee Barrett late on, but
survived the big freeze, sparking fears still suffering with a knee problem. Malaysian businessman Tony Ipswich comfortably held on to
of a fixture pile-up. But the 33-year-old has suffered a Fernandes, are in ongoing negotia- LEICESTER missed the chance to go extend their run to just one defeat in
Questions have been raised after muscular complaint and now faces at tions with the club’s owners, fourth in the Championship table 14 matches.
pictures showed the surrounding least three weeks on the sidelines. Icelandic bank Straumur. after being held to a draw by Roy Keane said afterwards: “We had
areas of Upton Park being clear of Zola’s ex-Chelsea team-mate Eidur Fulham, meanwhile, are closing in Keane’s battling Ipswich in a disap- chances before their equaliser but
snow despite West Ham’s match with Gudjohnsen heads the Hammers’ on the signing of Roma striker pointing wintery encounter at the we’ve not been scoring enough goals
Wolves falling victim. wanted list, but Stoke’s James Beattie, Stefano Okaka. Walkers Stadium. all season and that was the case again.
But League officials will explain Portuguese international Nuno The Cottagers have reportedly had The visitors got off to the best possi- “Draws are not going to take us up
they were acting on police advice Gomes and even ex-Hammer Marlon a bid accepted by the Italians. ble start when Ryan McGivern bun- the league very quickly but it’s a
with no guarantees of safety on sur- Harewood have also been touted. Erik Nevland will also be offered a dled into his own net under pressure point that we got and we’ll take it and
rounding roads. The good news for Zola, however, is new deal later this month. from Ipswich’s David Norris after just move on.”
24 CITYA.M. 11 JANUARY 2010



‘Is it selfish
Captain Ade: motivation?’
We wanted to questions
play in honour Wenger
of dead mates

ARSENAL boss Arsene Wenger has
questioned the motivation behind his
fellow Premier League bosses who
want their players pulled out of the
Africa Cup of Nations.
It is a conscious decision since Friday. Friday’s gun attack on the Togo

BY JON COUCH If a team or a person present them- team bus has prompted managers’
selves under the banner of Togo, it calls for players to be able to leave
EMMANUEL ADEBAYOR has admit- would be a false representation.” Angola and return home.
ted the Togo squad had decided they Speaking to a French radio station, Wenger has Cameroon’s Alex Song
wanted to play in the Africa Cup of ex-Arsenal star Adebayor explained: and Ivory Coast star Emmanuel
Nations – only to be overruled by gov- “The head of state has decided we will Eboue involved in the competition,
ernment officials. return. There was a meeting between but the Gunners boss insists he will
The Manchester City striker joined players yesterday and we said we were not be following the calls to bring the
his Togo team-mates on the plane still footballers. We all decided to do players home.
back home last night following something good for the country and “It wouldn't be fair, let’s say that,”
Friday’s attack on the team bus play to honour those who died. the Frenchman said. “What is behind
which claimed three lives. “Unfortunately, the head of state things like that? Is it a selfish motiva-
Initial reports suggested the play- and the country’s authorities have tion or is it a real issue over security?
ers were in favour of withdrawing decided otherwise. We will pack up “We, here, are not in the best posi-
from the tournament, but Adebayor and go home. Is there going to be tion to judge the security of this com-
told how he led a team meeting another attack? Nobody knows. If petition.”
where it was eventually decided they they asked us back [home], maybe He continued: “If you organise the
wanted to play on as a mark of they received a call saying that the European Championships and you
respect for those killed. threat was not passed. have an incident like that – it can hap-
But Togolese prime minister “We are obliged to respect that. The pen, and has happened already – you
Gilbert Fossoun Houngbo and presi- head of state knows what is good for do not want all your players suddenly
dent Faure Gnassingbe had the final our careers and our lives.” to move home. International competi-
say yesterday, insisting the players Adebayor also revealed he had spo- tion is international competition.
return home immediately on the ken to both Ivory Coast and Ghana “When you hear sometimes there’s
presidential plane, despite last-ditch camps – two of Togo’s group oppo- unrest in the suburbs of London, you
talks with the Confederation of nents – to discuss the situation. Adebayor said that Ivory Coast and Ghana were also willing to withdraw Pic: ACTION IMAGES still live well in London. When I speak
African Football (CAF). “As captain and spokesman of to my friends in France, they ask me:
Houngbo said: “We understand the Togo, I spoke with all authorities. I nent where a World Cup will take ning fightback to draw 4-4 with Angola ‘Is a revolution happening in London?’
approach of the players who wanted told them to take the measures neces- place in South Africa.” in the opening game of the tourna- It’s the same in Paris.You immediately
to express a way to avenge their fallen sary for our security,” he added. Separatist group, The Front for the ment in Luanda last night, having been think it’s a revolution everywhere. It’s
comrades, but it would be irresponsi- “They expressed their support by Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda 4-0 down with 11 minutes remaining. not always the case.”
ble on the part of the authorities to saying they were ready to leave the (FLEC), who reportedly claimed Ex-Tottenham and West Ham striker “You have to judge the place,
let them continue. competition if we did. [But] at the end responsibility for the attack, have Frederic Kanoute was among the goals whether the competition can go on or
“The team must return today. The of the day, we realised that they were now denied they carried it out. for Mali, while Flavio fired a first-half not. I don’t like this culture of fear,
government’s decision is unchanged. ready to continue. It is still a conti- Meanwhile, Mali completed a stun- double for the Angolans. either. I hate that.”

Desperate Smith looking to Gerrard and Torres may

have to go, admits Rafa
make home advantage count “We gave extensions to players

because we want to keep the squad
England clinging on to a precious man that the bowlers almost have no LIVERPOOL boss Rafael Benitez has together.

draw with a brave last-pair stand. chance,” he said. admitted the club’s cash crisis could “If you ask any manager in the
BY JON COUCH But South Africa captain Graeme Meanwhile, England’s batting hero force him to sell star duo Steven world they will tell you they want
SOUTH AFRICA have urged Smith has now called on Scott to pre- from Cape Town, Ian Bell, has been Gerrard and Fernando Torres. more money and want to spend but
Wanderers groundsman Chris Scott pare a livelier wicket to benefit his fast named in the second-string Lions The Spaniard has always said he at this moment we have to do what’s
to seize home advantage as they look bowlers as he bids to save the series. squad for the limited overs tour to the would never consider a bid for either best for the club. That means manag-
to level the Test series with England “Obviously they have to win the United Arab Emirates next month. of his star men, but confessed for the ing the situation for each player and
this week. Test, they don’t want to lose the The 27-year-old was left out of first time yesterday that a lack of see what happens.”
The Proteas must win the fourth series,” Scott explained. “They are look- England’s one-day squad for the funds may force his hand. Meanwhile, Reds striker Andriy
and final Test in Johannesburg to ing at a result wicket because they South Africa tour, but has played in “We would have a conversation and Voronin yesterday joined Russian side
avoid back-to-back home series defeats don’t want to end with another draw. all three Tests so far. decide what’s the best for the club,” Dinamo Moscow on a three-year con-
after losing to Australia last year. “I’ve always maintained that a Test New Yorkshire captain Andrew said Benitez. “I’ve said before I want tract.
The hosts were frustrated with last wicket should live up to its name in Gale will lead the side for the tour, to keep the best players here because The Ukrainian scored just five goals
week’s pitch in Cape Town, which that it’s a test between bat and ball, which sees England take on Pakistan that means we can be closer to the in 27 appearances for the club and
became slower as the match went on unlike one-day cricket where every- A and the UAE in Twenty20 and limit- top four. They are the most impor- was farmed out on loan to Hertha
and eventually contributed to thing is so loaded towards the bats- ed-over games. tant. Berlin last season.

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