Course Handbook-MKT 505

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Institute of Business Administration

Course Handbook
Strategic Marketing
Course Instructor: Arafat Rahman
MBA Program
Session: 2014-15

Section A: Basic Information

This course aims to focus on the frameworks and concepts related to marketing strategies. It
builds on and extends the marketing concepts and principles studied in the basic marketing
courses. At the end of the course students should be able to carry out a complete appraisal of
the marketing environment, understand how to generate new marketing options and actions,
and use the marketing programs and management strategies to realize the various roles of
products and services within the organization.
The course develops the perspective of strategic marketing from a value-driven perspective and
considers how the assets of the organization can be used to create and deliver value to
customers and shareholders.
On completion of this course, students will be able to:

Providing insight into the role of marketing in strategy development at the highest levels of
an organization;
Enhancing knowledge and skills necessary to understand and apply the frameworks,
concepts and methods used in the development of effective marketing strategy;
Demonstrating in-depth, specialist knowledge and mastery of marketing strategy case
analysis techniques relevant to the discipline and/or demonstrate a solid understanding of
marketing strategy and the marketing planning process;
Appreciating the critical importance of delivering sustainable competitive advantage to
targeted market segments to ensure long-term success;
Developing comprehensive strategic marketing options based upon realistic, practical and
internally consistent mixes.

Assessment Banding
The overall course assessment is based on 100 marks. The marks for the tutorial examinations,
case solutions & report(s), and presentations are 60 whereas the final examination will carry 40
percent weight of the total marks. The highest assessment band is based on the score ranging
from 80 to 100 that represent A+ grade. Any final score that falls below 40 is considered to be
an F grade.
Contacting the Course Instructor
Arafat Rahman
Consultation Hour: Thursday 10:00-11:30 AM
Please use email to deal with simple issues. For more complicated issues, email should be
used to set up an appointment. Contacting the course instructor sooner rather than later is
strongly recommended if you are anxious about the course or in any kind of difficulty.

Section B: Course Structure, Readings, and Assessments

Course Delivery Structure
The following table summarizes the issues and topics within the course:


Week 1

Market-driven strategy: An orientation

Week 2

Markets, competitive

Week 3

Organizational resource base and sustainable competitive


Text Reference



CP (Ch. 1 & 2); HPN

(Ch. 1)


CP (Ch. 3 & 4); HPN

(Ch. 2 & 8)
HPN (Ch. 6 & 11)

TEST 1; Topic: Week 1, 2, & 3; Week: 4

CP (Ch. 6); HPN
(Ch. 8 & 10)

Week 4

Market targeting and strategic positioning principles

Week 5

Products: competition, portfolio management and financial

analysis for new product development

BH (Ch. 1, 5 & 11)

Week 6

Competing through marketing mix strategies

HPN (Ch. 12); GW

(Ch. 12)

TEST 2; Topic: Week 4, 5, & 6; Week: 7

Week 7

Strategic customer management

Week 8

Marketing strategy for nonprofit organizations

Week 9

Strategy implementation, control, and internal marketing

HPN (Ch. 15)

CP (Ch. 15; HPN
(Ch. 17)

TEST 3; Topic: Week 7, 8, & 9; Week: 10

Week 10

Group presentation sessions

Week 11

Comprehensive review class

CP = Cravens, and Piercy; HPN = Hooley, Piercy, and Nicoulaud; BH = Baker, and Hart; GW = Gilligan, and Wilson;
AK = Andreasen, and Kotler

Notes: Additional readings and cases will be added to the above-mentioned contents of any
chapter. The instructor will provide all such additional course materials when required.

The mandatory text for the course is:
Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning; By Graham Hooley, Nigel F. Piercy, and
Brigitte Nicoulaud; 4th Edition; Financial Times Prentice Hall; 2008.
The supplementary texts include:

Strategic Marketing; By David W. Cravens, and Nigel F. Piercy; 8th Edition; Tata McGrawHill; 2009.
Strategic Marketing Planning; By Colin Gilligan, and Richard M.S. Wilson; 2nd Edition;
Elsevier; 2009.
Product Strategy and Management; By Michael Baker, and Susan Hart; 2nd Edition; Pearson
Education Limited; 2003.
The Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialogue, Debate and Directions; By Robert F.
Lusch, and Stephen L. Vargo; Prentice Hall of India; 2006.

In addition, a series of academic papers and journal articles from the following sources are

Business Strategy Review

Journal of Strategic Marketing
California Management Review
European Journal of Marketing
Harvard Business Review
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Product Innovation Management

The table below summarizes the overall assessments and the allocated marks distribution of the
Full Course

Assessment Item

No. of Items

Allocated Marks

Class tests


Case Analysis





In-Course 60 Reports
Class Attendance
Final Examination (Comprehensive)


Work Requirements
Students are responsible for their own learning. The course instructor is, of course, very happy
to facilitate your learning process. Thus, the work requirements for this course are as follows:

Attendance at the lectures

Preparation for the classes and the readings as directed
Submission of assignments and reports in due time. Please see section C for details.
Participation and successful completion of all examinations.

Section C: Policies
Tests and Assignments
There will be no make-up/re-take for the missed class tests. If anyone misses such examination
(deliberately/accidentally), he/she will be awarded a zero grade for that particular examination.
Students are advised to notify the instructor regarding any problem (verifiable) arising out of a
valid reason before the term examination. Upon the acceptance of such reasons by the
concerned instructor, a special arrangement can be made for re-taking of term examination.
Late submission of the assignments, home tasks, and reports are strongly discouraged. Failure
to submit any assignment on due time and date will result in the reduction of the allocated
marks for that particular assignment. A zero grade will be awarded if the date of submission
exceeds the stated date as appears in every assignment/report notification from the instructor.
Students are strongly advised to attend the oral presentation session/s. There will be no further
arrangement for anyone if he/she fails to attend the presentation session on due date, and time.
Academic Integrity
It is strongly recommended to acknowledge the appropriate sources while writing your own
assignments and reports. All sources of information must be referenced appropriately in the
main texts as well as in the bibliographical section of your written works. The written works (i.e.
assignments, reports) without acknowledging the original author(s) would indicate a case of
plagiarism. Any such case will be penalized by awarding a zero grade for that particular written

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