Telecom Dec09

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Market Survey

By: Dr T. Vijayaragavan

India’s Telecom Industry

An Overview
From a stagnant market dominated by a sluggish public sector, the Indian telecom market is
currently the fastest growing in the world, both in terms of manufacturing and services. Read
on for more on this dynamic sector.

ndia’s telecom sector has ex-
perienced a massive upsurge
in recent years, in all re-
spects of industrial growth.
From the days of a state mo-
nopoly with very limited growth, it
has grown to the current level with
a number of private players driving
growth. This change was possible
with the economic development that
followed the restructuring of the
economy, which made it more open
to private and foreign investment.
De-licensing also added an impetus
to the fast growth of this sector. At
present the country’s telecom in-
dustry has achieved a growth rate of
14 per cent. Till 2000, though cellu-
lar phone companies were present,
fixed landlines were popular in most
parts of the country. With the gov-
ernment of India setting up the Tel-
ecom Regulatory Authority of India,
the mobile sector opened up dramat-
ically. This article attempts to give
readers an overview of the telecom

An overview
The Indian telecom sector, like
any other industrial sector in the
country, has gone through many
phases of growth and diversifica-
tion. Starting from the telegraphic
Market Survey
and telephonic systems of the 19th Table I cently taken some bold
century, communication now in- Leading Cellular Service Providers initiatives to retain its
volves advanced technologies like and their Subscriber Base market share and, if
GSM, CDMA, WLL and the 3G possible, expand it.
technology used in mobile phones. Service provider No. of CDMA No. of GSM
subscribers subscribers
Both public and private players are Scope of the
investing continuously in this sec- Reliance 2.75 crores 38.76 lakhs
Tata 1.07 crores — telecom industry
tor, with the customer being the
beneficiary. Airtel — 3.37 crores The telecom industry
The Indian telecom sector can be MTNL — 24.98 lakhs is growing at an unbeliev-
broadly classified into fixed line te- BSNL — 2.44 crores able pace and the growth
lephony and mobile telephony. The Hutch — 2.44 crores rate is expected to dou-
major players of the telecom sector Idea — 1.3 crores ble with every passing
are currently experiencing fierce Spice — 25.56 lakhs year. There are many
competition in both the segments. BPL — 10.62 lakhs new developments in the
Major players like BSNL, MTNL Aircel — 48 lakhs telecom sector, including
and VSNL in the fixed line sector, the introduction of 3G
and Airtel, Hutch, Idea, Tata and etc, are widely available. Touch- technology into the Indian market.
Reliance in the mobile segment, screen and advanced handsets are From among India’s lead-
are coming up with new tariffs gaining popularity. Radio services ing private and public operators,
and discount schemes to gain the have also been incorporated into mo- some are entering foreign mar-
competitive advantage. The pub- bile handsets, along with other ap- kets as well. Bharti Telecom will
lic and private players share the plications like a large memory, mul- be launching its services for NRIs
fixed line and the mobile segments, timedia applications, multimedia in the US with the Airtel CALL-
with the public sector control- games, MP3 players, cameras, etc. HOME service.
ling more than 60 per cent of the The value added services provided
market. by mobile service operators contrib- Investment and growth
Both fixed line and mobile seg- ute to more than 10 per cent of the
ments serve the basic needs of local, total revenue. In 2005-06, the telecom indus-
long distance and international calls, try witnessed a growth of 21 per
with the provision of broadband serv- The major cellular cent with a total turnover of Rs
ices in the fixed line segment and 86,720 crores, and the total invest-
service providers
GPRS in the mobile arena. Tradi- ment rising to Rs 200,660 crores. It
tional telephones have been replaced Table I lists the leading cellular is projected that the telecom indus-
by the cordless and wireless instru- service providers and their subscrib- try will enjoy a 150 per cent growth
ments. Mobile phone providers have er base. in the next 4-6 years, though this
also come up with GPRS-enabled Bharti Airtel has the largest growth also requires a huge invest-
multimedia messaging, Internet customer base with a 31 per cent ment in the sector. Bharti Airtel is
surfing, and mobile-commerce. The market share, followed by Hutch planning to invest about $8 billion
much-awaited 3G mobile technol- and BSNL, with each holding a 22 by 2010.
ogy is soon going to enter the Indian per cent market share. The 2007 The liberalisation policy and
telecom market. The GSM, CDMA budget has brought further relief some socio-economic factors have
and WLL service providers are all to the customers with a reduction contributed to the immense growth
upgrading themselves to provide 3G in the tariffs, both local and long in sales. The lifestyle of the people
mobile services. distance, and with the slashing of has changed. With the lowering of
Along with an improvement in roaming charges. This is likely to tariffs the affordability of the mobile
telecom services, there is also an im- lead to even more people going for phones has increased. The finance
provement in manufacturing. In the cellular services and a higher usage sector has also come up with loans
beginning, there were only Siemens of the value added services. How- for handsets with no interest. Mobile
handsets in India, but now a whole ever, landline telephony is likely services providers are also expand-
series of new handsets, such as No- to remain popular, too, in the fore- ing their coverage area by installing
kia’s latest N-series, Sony Ericsson’s seeable future. MTNL, the largest more and more tower antennas and
W-series, Motorola’s PDA phones, landline service provider, has re- other equipment.
Market Survey
The telecom sector in the country
3G technology The many benefits of 3G
has already adopted the latest tech-
nological advancements to cater to 3G or third generation technolo- In today’s global scenario, 3G
the demands of the growing market. gy is the convergence of various sec- technology will enable organisations
Telecom Expo India, Convergence ond generation telecommunication and qualified candidates to go about
India, VAS India and IPTV India systems. The technology is intended a telephonic interview via video con-
that are organised every year, are ef- for smartphones or multimedia cell ferencing. Traditional telephonic
forts in this direction. phones. Video broadcasting and oth- and personal interviews may be re-
Budget 2007 was a disappoint- er e-commerce services such as stock placed by 3G voice and video confer-
ment for the telecom sector. Mobile transactions and e-learning will now encing. This will reduce costs and
service providers were asked to cut be made possible, much faster. 3G of- save time for both organisations and
down their roaming rentals as well fers 3 MBps speed for downloading, candidates.
as their long distance and interna- which is very high compared to that 3G-enabled video conferencing
tional call tariffs. This led to some of 2G technology. 3G provides for In- can help HR departments interact
discontent on the part of the serv- ternet surfing, downloading, e-mail with all employees in a firm at the
ice providers. However, the Tel- attachment downloading, audio- time of urgency without wasting
ecom Regulatory Authority of India video conferencing, fax services and other resources. This can be very
(TRAI) felt that this would lead to many other broadband applications. helpful when the concerned person
increased use of roaming facilities, This technology was implement- is out of the state or country.
which would ultimately lead to more ed for the first time in Japan. Today With the advent of video and au-
revenue generation. Moreover, with the technology is in operation in 25 dio multimedia, and a faster rate of
cheaper handsets and lower tariffs, countries, with over more than 60 downloading e-mail attachments, em-
it is expected that by 2010 there will networks in Asia, Europe and USA. ployees can request any urgent file or
be over 500 million mobile phone The video conferencing capability of report they need to present to clients.
subscribers in the Indian telecom 3G has been a major factor in its suc- This will again reduce the burden on
market. cess. an organisation’s resources and in-
Also, the telecom industry this Not only the media and enter- crease employee effectiveness.
year will be focusing more on con- tainment sector, but the business 3G technology will also provide
necting rural areas to urban areas, sector too has started using 3G ap- for speedy Internet browsing that
so that farmers and the small-scale plications worldwide. Video confer- will help employees surf and learn
industries can have faster access to encing allows two individuals across using their 3G cell phones while trav-
information related to weather and the world to interact in the same elling (m-learning) or from home.
market conditions. way as they could have done, across An organisation can even schedule
the table. The technology is being training modules for employees of
Employment status implemented at various functional other branches through video con-
levels of business, such as market- ferences.
With the potential for more ing, human resources, etc. Today the Indian telecom in-
projects, the telecom industry is dustry offers services such as fixed
going for high scale recruitments. 3G technology in India landlines, WLL, GSM, CDMA and
There is a huge demand for soft- IP services to customers. Increas-
ware engineers, mobile analysts, BSNL and MTNL launched 3G ing competition among players has
and hardware engineers for mo- services in select cities in India this allowed prices to drop drastically,
bile handset manufacture. Besides, February. Private players are yet to making the mobile facility accessible
there are ample opportunities for enter the market, and are awaiting a to the urban middle and lower-mid-
marketing people whose services spectrum auction by the Indian gov- dle class, and to a great extent, in
are required to capture a wider cus- ernment. Apart from the network the rural areas, too. Even for small
tomer base. providers, handset providers in India shopkeepers and factory workers, a
The new projects, setting up of are waiting eagerly for the launch of phone connection is no longer an un-
new service bases, expansion of cov- 3G to earn very high revenues from attainable luxury.
erage areas, network installations, the value added services provided by 
maintenance, etc, are providing the technology.
The author is lecturer, department of
more and more employment oppor- The technology is initially being Humanities, PSG College of Technology,
tunities in the telecom sector. launched on the CDMA platform. Coimbatore

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