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Julius Caesar Summary

Marcellus and Flavius criticize the commoners for celebrating Caesar's recent military defeat
of Pompey since they feel it's actually a sad day. During a victory march, a soothsayer
warns Caesar to "Beware the Ides of March" (March 15); Caesar ignores him. A race is run,
wherein Marc Antony, in the course of competing, touches Caesar's wife Calphurnia in hopes
of curing her infertility. During the race, Cassius tries to convince Brutus that Caesar has
become too powerful and too popular. Brutus neither agrees nor disagrees. Caesar confers
with Antony that he fears Cassius is evil and worth fearing. Casca explains to Brutus and
Cassius that shouting they heard was caused by Caesar's thrice refusal of a crown offered to
him by Antony (though confusing, the commoners rejoiced that he had refused it for it
indicated he is a noble man). At the third offering, Caesar collapsed and foamed at the
mouth from epilepsy. Afterward, Caesar exiled/executed Flavius and Marcellus for pulling
scarves off of Caesar's images (statues). In a thunderstorm, Casca meets Cicero and tells
him of many ominous and fearful sights, mostly of burning images, he has seen. Cassius
then meets Cicero and tells him the storm is a good sign of the evil he and his other cohorts
plan to do to Caesar. It seems the senators plan to crown Caesar King, but Cassius aims to
prevent it, or else commit suicide. Casca agrees to help Cassius. Cinna informs Cassius that
Decius Brutus (actually Decimus), Trebonius, and Metallus Cimber will help them to kill
Cassius is trying to convince Brutus to join too. Brutus, unable to sleep, tells himself that he
fears Caesar will become a tyrant if crowned king. Cassius et al. come to Brutus and resolve
to murder Caesar the next day (March 15). Metallus also convinces Caius Ligarius to join
their cause. The men leave and Portia (Brutus' wife) begs Brutus to tell her what is
happening, but he does not (though he does tell her before he leaves for the Senate). At
Caesar's house, Calphurnia begs Caesar to stay home for fear of danger (based on a
foreboding dream and the night's storm). Holy priests pluck the entrails of an animal and
find no heart in it, another bad sign. Caesar declares he will stay home, to calm his wive's
fears. Decius, though, convinces Caesar to come to the senate. On the way, the soothsayer
Artemidorus tries to warn Caesar of impending death, to no avail. At the Senate, Trebonius
leads Antony away from Caesar, then the conspirators murder Caesar. They cover
themselves in his blood and go to the streets crying, "Peace, freedom, and liberty." Antony
comes back and mourns Caesar's murder. Antony pretends to support the clan, yet yearns
for great havoc to occur as a result of the death. Brutus explains to the crowd that they
killed Caesar because he was too ambitious. Antony replies with reverse psychology to incite

the commoners to riot in grief over Caesar's murder. Antony also reads them Caesar's
(supposed) will, wherein he leaves money to all the citizens, plus his private gardens. In the
ensuing riots, Cinna the poet is wrongly killed by a mob that believes him to be Cinna the
Antony forms a triumvirate with Octavius Caesar and Lepidus, to rule Rome. However,
Brutus and Cassius are raising an army to defy them. Brutus learns that his wife Portia kills
herself by swallowing hot coals. Messala tells Brutus that the triumvirate has killed 100
senators. Titinius, Messala, Brutus, and Cassius decide to confront Antony's army at Phillipi.
At Brutus' tent, the ghost of Caesar comes and tells Brutus he will see him at Phillipi. The
battle indeed ensues at Phillipi. Cassius confers to Messala that it is his birthday and that he
fears defeat. In battle, Titinius is captured by Octavius. Cassius convinces Pindarus to help
him commit suicide. Pindarus, in grief, flees after the deed is done. In a twist, Brutus
overthrows Octavius and Cassius' army, defeating part of Antony's army. Titinius, in grief
over Cassius' death, kills himself with Cassius's sword. The battle turns again, this time
against Brutus' army. Cato is killed and Lucilius is captured, while pretending to be Brutus.
Brutus successively asks Clitus, Dardanius, and Volumnius to help him commit suicide, yet
all refuse. Brutus finally convinces Strato to hold the sword while he (Brutus) runs onto it
and dies. Thus, Antony and Octavius prevail, while Cassius and Brutus both commit suicide,
assumedly partly in grief over murdering Caesar.

Act I
Act I Scene 1
Rome, a street. The tribunes Flavius and Marullus chastise a Carpenter and Cobbler for
not working but gathering instead to join in the triumph of Julius Caesar. Marullus
berates them for forgetting Pompey. [Caesar defeated Pompey the Great in 48 at the B.
of Pharsalus, after which Pompey was murdered. He defeated Pompey's sons in March
17, 45 BC at B. of Munda, the cause for the current celebration.] Flavius orders the
statues of Caesar, which have been draped in celebration, to be disrobed. It is the feast
of Lupercal, Feb. 15, 44 BC.

Act I Scene 2
Similar place. Caesar wants his wife Calpurnia to be symbolically struck by Antonio's
(i.e., Antony's) thong, a Lupercal ritual he hopes will help overcome her barreness.
Antony is subservient to Caesar. A soothsayer calls out to Caesar to beware the Ides of
March (March 15). Caesar dismisses him as a dreamer. Caius Cassius and Marcus
Brutus are vexed at Caesar's ambition and success. Cassius hints at a solution. The
crowd cheers Caesar. Brutus affirms his emphasis on honor. Cassius recounts tales of
Caesar's physical limitations: his inablity to swim the Tiber in his armor, his epileptic fits
in Spain. C. says of Caesar, "Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world/Like a
Colossus, and we petty men/Walk under his huge legs and peep about/To find
ourselves dishonorable graves." Brutus says he will hear more of Cassius' plan later.
Caesar enters with his train. Caesar is displeased with the look of Cassius: "Let me
have men about me that are fat;/Sleek-headed men and such as sleep o' nights/Yond
Cassius has a lean and hungry look;/He thinks too much: such men are dangerous." But
he claims nevertheless to not fear Cassius.
Left alone together, Casca tells Brutus and Cassius how the crowd had offered three
times the crown to Caesar and had adulated him. Caesar had fallen down in a fit and
was speechless. Cicero spoke in Greek, but to Casca "it was Greek to me." The
tribunes (of 1.1) were dismissed from office for pulling the scarves off of the statues.
Brutus agrees to meet the next day with Cassius. To himself, Cassius observes that
Brutus can be manipulated to serve his ends.

Act I Scene 3
A street. Cicero and Casca converse about ominous portents and prodigies: a slaves
had a flaming hand but was unscathed, a lion was roaming in the Capitol, an owl hooted
in daylight at the market.

Casca and Cassius converse. Cassius believes the heavens are impatient for action.
Casca says the senate means to establish Caesar as king. They pledge to act and
proceed to meet with the other conspirators. Cinna joins them. Cassius plans to win
over Brutus with messages thrown into his house, etc. Brutus is descended from the
founder of the Roman Republic, Lucius Junius Brutus, who overthrew the Tarquin king.

Act II
Act II Scene 1
Brutus' orchard or garden, early morning March 15. B's servant Lucius attends him, and
then leaves. He is resolved that Caesar must die, since Caesar plans to be crowned.
Lucius hands B. a note he found. B. comments on the meteors which provide light to
read by. The note urges him to strike. The other conspirators arrive, their faces buried in
their cloaks: Cassius, Casca, Decius Brutus, Cinna, Metellus Cimber, and Trebonius.
Brutus does not want them to swear an oath--nothing more than their own resolve to do
the deed should be needed. He does not want Cicero approached, since he will not
follow anything that other men begin. Cassius urges them to kill Mark Antony also, since
he is so devoted to Caesar, but Brutus (ill-advisedly) refuses to "cut the head off and
then hack the limbs,/Like wrath in death and envy afterwards;/For Antony is but a limb
of Caesar". Cassius expresses his concern but is persuaded to follow Brutus' noble
approach. It is 3 AM. Cassius doubts Caesar will venture forth today because of the
portents. But Decius is certain he can persuade him to come if he hesitates. Metellus
plans to recruit Caius Ligarius, who had been rebuked by Caesar. Brutus reminds them
to not look suspicious. The conspirators leave.
Brutus' wife Portia enters. She wants to know why he cannot sleep and what troubles
him. She wants him to confide in her, which he says he cannot do then but will do so
later. [She is the daughter of Cato the Younger of Utica, famed for his integrity, who
sided with Pompey, killed himself rather than submit to Caesar's tyranny.] Caius
Ligarius arrives with a kerchief about his head, which he casts off, informing B. that he
will join the conspiracy.

Act II Scene 2
Caesar's house. He and his wife have also been disturbed by the chaos in the heavens.
Calpurnia has dreamed he is murdered. Caesar calls for a sacrifice to read the entrails
for omens. Calpurnia does not want him to leave the house today. She is frightened by
the omens: a lioness has whelped in the streets, and graves have yawned and yielded
up their dead, there are storms in the heavens, etc. But Caesar is resigned to go and
face whatever fate has for him: "Cowards die many times before their deaths;/The
valiant never taste of death but once." The servant arrives to say the entrails are
unfavorable, but C. concludes "The gods do this in shame of cowardice:/Caesar should

be a beast without a heart,/If he should stay at home to-day for fear." Calpurnia says
"Alas, my lord,/Your wisdom is consumed in confidence." Caesar then decides to honor
her request and stay home. But Decius Brutus arrives and convinces him that it would
not look right for him to stay away just because Caesar says his wife "dreamt tonight
she saw my statue,/Which like a fountain with an hundred spouts/Did run pure blood."
Decius reinterprets the dream more favorably to say that all Rome will be revitalized by
Caesar's blood. He tells C. the senate plans to give him a crown. C. resolves to go after
all. The conspirators arrive and all drink ritual wine with Caesar.

Act II Scene 3
A street near the Capitol. Artemidorus awaits Caesar with a letter which tries to warn
him of the conspiracy.

Act II Scene 4
Before Brutus' house. Portia sends Lucius to the Capitol to see how her husband looks,
since he had looked ill earlier. She is hearing sounds. It is 3 PM. She speaks to a
soothsayer, who fears what is to take place. Portia wants to help Brutus, but says "Ay
me, how weak a thing/The heart of woman is!"

Act III Scene 1
Before the Capitol. Caesar comments to the soothsayer "The ides of March are come"
and he says "Ay, Caesar; but not gone". Artemidorus tries to present his warning letter,
but Caesar refuses to read it and dismisses the man. Popilius wishes Cassius success
in his enterprise, which apparently is known--Popilius speaks to Caesar but does not
divulge the plot. Trebonius draws Antony away.
Metellus kneels before Caesar, but Caesar dismisses his plea for the man's banished
brother, saying "I spurn thee like a cur out of my way./Know, Caesar doth not wrong, nor
without cause/Will he be satisfied." Brutus joins in the appeal, as do the others. But
Caesar cannot be moved: "I could be well moved, if I were as you;/If I could pray to
move, prayers would move me./But I am constant as the northern star,/Of whose truefixed and resting quality/There is no fellow in the firmament." They stab him, even
Brutus. Cinna proclaims "Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead." Brutus tries to calm the
people and senators. The old senator Publius is left unharmed. Antony has fled. They
bathe their hands in Caesar's blood, Cassius declaring "How many ages hence/ Shall
this our lofty scene be acted over/In states unborn and accents yet unknown!" They

A servant of Antony's comes to Brutus asking for safe passage for Antony to hear from
him why they killed Caesar, which B. grants. Cassius still has misgivings. Antony arrives
and exclaims "O mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low?", offers his own life to the
conspirators. But B. reassures him they do not plan to kill him. Antony shakes all their
hands and ponders his predicament. Cassius wants to know his plans, and Antony
wants to know why they considered Caesar dangerous. Brutus agrees to allow A. to
speak at the funeral, though Cassius objects. B. requires only that A. not blame them.
Left alone, A. predicts a devastating civil war to come: "A curse shall light upon the
limbs of men;/Domestic fury and fierce civil strife/Shall cumber all the parts of
Italy;/Blood and destruction shall be so in use/And dreadful objects so familiar/That
mothers shall but smile when they behold/Their infants quartered with the hands of
Octavius Caesar's servant arrives, and Antony warns that Octavius should stay away for
now. He plans his oratory.

Act III Scene 2

The Forum. The plebeians demand an explanation from the conspirators. Brutus gives a
short "Lacedemonian" style speech, saying "As Caesar loved me, I weep for him; as he
was fortunate, I rejoice at it; as he was valiant, I honor him; but, as he was ambitious, I
slew him." The crowd is moved in his favor. One plebeian declares "Caesar's better
parts/Shall be crowned in Brutus." Brutus urges the crowd to hear Antony praise
Caesar, then departs.
Antony arrives with Caesar's body. Antony gives a florid speech in the "Asiatic" style:
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears..." He holds up the will he found of
Caesar's, saying they should not hear it, since it shows how much he loved them. He
concludes: "If you have tears, prepare to shed them now..." and he displays the mantle
and body of Caesar to them. The crowd is inflamed to revenge the murder. Antony
claims he is no orator. He reads the will, which leaves to every citizen 75 drachmas and
also parks and orchards for the public good.
Octavius' servant informs Antony that he has arrived after all and will meet with him and
the third triumvir, Lepidus. Brutus and Cassius have fled the city.

Act III Scene 3

Cinna the poet is wrongfully attacked and slain by the mob of plebeians merely because
he has the same name as one of the conspirators.

Act IV
Act IV Scene 1
Rome. Antony meets with Octavius and Lepidus. They ruthlessly pick out who is to die,
including Publius (Antony's sister's son) [ apparently not the senator previously
mentioned] and Lepidus' brother. Lepidus is sent on an errand, and Antony comments
how slight is his merit to share as a triumvir in the power they possess. Antony plans to
control Lepidus, but Octavius defends his capability. Brutus and Cassius are levying
armies and the triumvirs need to raise armies of their own.

Act IV Scene 2
Camp near Sardis in Asia Minor. Pindarus, Cassius' servant, comes to Brutus telling
him that Cassius with his army is near and will arrive tonight. Brutus' officer Lucilius
says Cassius is not as friendly as he used to be and Brutus reflects that Cassius is a
"hot friend cooling". Cassius arrives, saying Brutus has wronged him. Brutus does not
want them to wrangle in front of the men, and they retire to his tent.

Act IV Scene 3
Brutus' tent. Cassius is angry because Brutus has accused the praetor in Sardis Lucius
Pella of taking bribes, though Cassius has defended him. B. also says Cassius himself
has itchy palms and is acting with corruption, and urges him not to cheapen their cause
with corrupt acts. Cassius is angry and nearly provoked to fight. B. refuses to be cowed
by his threats. He says C. has failed to provide gold to Brutus [where would he have
gotten it except by the means he condemns?] Cassius is bitter and weary of the world,
distraught by the low opinion B. has of him now. He offers to let B. slay him: "I, that
denied thee gold, will give my heart". But the two men reconcile. A poet interrupts them
to chide them to be friends. B. wants wine--he is sick with grief. They speak of Brutus'
philosophy. B. informs C. that Portia has killed herself by "swallowing fire." They drink
together. Cassius says "I cannot drink too much of Brutus' love."
Officers Titinius and Messala inform them that Octavius and Antony are bearing down
on Philippi with great expeditions. The triumvirs have had 100 senators executed
including Cicero. Messala mentions he has heard of Portia's death, to which Brutus is
stoically philosophical, and Messala responds "Even so great men great losses should
endure." Brutus wants to march immediately to Philippi to fight, but Cassius counsels
that the enemy should seek them out. Brutus overrules his caution, saying "There is a
tide in the affairs of men/Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;/Omitted, all the
voyage of their life/Is bound in shallows and in miseries..." and Cassius consents over
his better judgement. He hopes there will never come between them such a division as
the night had begun with.

B. calls for Varro and Claudius to lay in his tent as he sleeps. He has been forgetful of
late. He asks Lucius to play on his instrument (perhaps a lute or cithern). Lucius falls
asleep. The ghost of Caesar appears to Brutus, saying "thou shalt see me at Philippi."
Brutus answers fatalistically. He calls to the other men in his tent, but none have seen
the apparition.

Act V
Act V Scene 1
The plains of Philippi, in Macedonia. Octavius and Antony enter with their army. They
are pleased their enemy plans to come down from the hills and do battle with them
rather than stay in defensive positions. A messenger says the enemy approaches.
Antony gives Octavius orders but O. plans to do things his own way.
Antony and O. approach Brutus and Cassius for a parley. They exchange insults and
Cassius regrets he did not have Antony killed. O. draws his sword. Cassius calls him a
peevish schoolboy and Antony a masker and reveler. The parley accomplishes nothing,
and A. and O. depart to prepare for battle.
Cassius tells Messala it is his birthday. He is an Epicurean. He wishes they were not
battling in this manner. He tells of an omen: two eagles which accompanied them on
their march from Sardis flew away to be replaced by ravens, crows, and kites. He thinks
their army is "ready to give up the ghost." Cassius bids goodbye to Brutus in case they
will fall in battle and asks what he will do if they lose. B. says he would find it cowardly
to kill himself. He bids farewell to Cassius: "And whether we shall meet again I know
not;/Therefore our everlasting farewell take./Forever and forever, farewell, Cassius!/If
we do meet again, why, we shall smile;/If not, why then, this parting was well made." He
speaks with resignation.

Act V Scene 2
Plains of Philippi, the field of battle. Brutus sends Messala with instructions to Cassius'
army to attack, since O. seems lukewarm to fight at the moment.

Act V Scene 3
Cassius sees his men seem to fly and misinterprets that they are fleeing. Titinius tells
him that B. gave the word too early to start the fight. Pindarus arrives to say Antony is
plundering Cassius' tent. Cassius asks Titinius to see if troops in the distance are
enemy or allies and asks his bondsman Pindarus to watch Titinius from the hill.

Pindarus calls down that Titinius is surrounded, which C. misinterprets to mean that his
best friend has been taken by the enemy. He asks Pindarus to kill him with his sword,
which he does. Pindarus then flees.
Titinius returns accompanied by Messala and wearing a laurel. O. has been temporarily
overthrown by Brutus as Cassius' troops have been by Antony. Titinius discovers the
dead Cassius, saying "The sun of Rome is set." Messala asks Titinius to find Pindarus.
Titinius laments Cassius' misconstruing the circumstances, and stabs himself to death.
Brutus arrives and asks Messala where Cassius' body is. He declares "O Julius Caesar,
thou art mighty yet!/Thy spirit walks abroad and turns our swords/ In our own proper
entrails." Brutus sadly bids Cassius and Titinius farewell and orders Cassius' body to be
sent to Thasos for burial. He orders his men to return to battle.

Act V Scene 4
Same. Cato confronts Lucilius, who pretends to be Brutus--L. is captured and brought
before Antony.

Act V Scene 5
Same. Brutus pauses in battle with the remains of his forces. He whispers to Clitus to
kill him, but he refuses, as do Dardanius and Volumnius. Brutus knows "my hour is
come". His men want him to flee, but instead he bids them all farewell. He is weary. He
has Strato steady his sword while he runs on it, saying "Caesar, now be still./I killed not
thee with half so good a will."
Octavius arrives and offers that men that served Brutus can now serve him. Antony
praises Brutus: "This was the noblest Roman of them all./All the conspirators save only
he/Did that they did in envy of great Caesar;/He only in a general honest thought/And
common good to all made one of them./His life was gentle, and the elements/So mixed
in him that Nature might stand up/And say to all the world 'This was a man!' Octavius
orders he be properly buried.

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