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Radio Actuality Script

Slug: New Jerseys assembly passed assisted suicide bill

Your Name: Kareline Santiago
Date: 12/16/14
Host Intro: On November 13 of 2014, New Jerseys assembly approved a bill in which they would allow
physicians to give life-ending drugs to terminally ill patients. The bill establishes a protocol for patients
who want to end their life. This procedure has to be certified by a second doctor and confirmed patient
has not received undue the pressure from others. Sara Emilgi, an academic specialist of the English as a
Second Language at Kean University, feels this way about the resolution of this bill.
Sara Emilgi In-Cue: I dont think that
Sara Emilgi Out-Cue: They shouldnt give medicine
Host Transition: However, not everyone at Kean feels the same way about the new bill. Maria Soldi, a
senior student at Kean, thinks that the recent bill is a good thing.
Maria Soldi In-Cue: I feel like if your days are numbers
Maria Soldi Out-Cue: I think it should be up to the patient
Host Close: Clearly, this is a controversy issue that we will continue to hear about. Now that the bill has
passed in the assembly, it will move on to the state senate. Governor Christie has indicated his
opposition to the bill.
For WKNJ-FM, 90.3, Union, New Jersey the NEW sound of Kean University, Im Kareline Santiago.

Sound Bites:

Sara Emilgi:

I dont think that prescribing life ending drugs determinedly ill patients is correct. People should
die naturally and if doctors dont want to give them the medicine that is making them better,
then they could stop giving them the medicine. They shouldnt give medicine to purposely end
someones life.

Maria Soldi:

Well, I feel like if your days are numbers, there is absolutely no way that you can recuperate for
whatever illness you are going through and you seeing various doctors and all have the same
answers and you have only a certain amount to live, I think it should be up to the person to take
a little control of that. If it is okay, he or she wait up the up the pros and cons to it. If that person
were okay with it about picking a day that they would like to pass away. Waiting around, waiting
for the death to came to them, I think it should be up to the patient and more than one doctor.


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Name: Kareline Santiago Date: 12/17/14

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