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Course description
Geopolitics is a science, which says that the policy of States, in particular foreign, predetermined
by the various geographical factors: the spatial arrangement, the presence or absence of certain
natural resources, climate, population density and the rate of its growth, and etc. It examines the
complex geographical, historical, political and other factors, interacting and providing a great
influence on the strategic potential of the state.
Geopolitics is the ideological doctrine which justifies the international policy of the state. It is
present in the history of humanity from ancient times. As the science it began to take shape at the
turn of XIX and XX centuries. Geopolitics covers the problems of the world community in those
aspects that relate to the development, adoption and implementation of political strategies at the
global, regional and local levels of the international system. Possession of the logic of
geopolitical thinking allows you to comprehensively analyze international relations and correctly
understand the reality of the modern world.
Instructor: Raspopov Nikolay
Credit points: 6
Faculty: Faculty of Management
Language: Russian
Level: Bachelor
Academic hours: 51
Section I. Theoretical bases of geopolitics.
1. Geographical factors of historical development of the world.
2. Geopolitics in the II half of XX the beginning of the XXI century.
SECTION II. Global factors of modern geopolitics.
3. Globalization a rod problem of development of the world community.
4. Problems of safety of the modern world.
SECTION III of Model of a new world order
5. From the bipolar world to a new world order.
SECTION IV. Main directions of foreign policy of Russia
6. Russia and neighboring countries.
7. Russia and Europe
8. Russia and USA.
9. Russia and Asia.
10. Russia and Africa. Russian Federation and Latin America.
Nartov V. N., Nartov N. A. Geopolitics: The textbook for higher education institutions (under the
editorship of Staroverov V. I. ) Prod. the 4th, reslave. additional M 2009.
Mukhayev R. T. Geopolitics: The textbook for students of higher education institutions. M 2007.
Geopolitics: Classical schools of geopolitics; Modern Russian policy. Anthology (. Isayev B.
A. ) . - St. Petersburg,-2007.
Charter of the UN and Status of the International Court of Justice. M., 2007
Modern world and Russia. Analytical material of Scientific council Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Russian Federation//MZh, 2007, No. 1-2
Concept of foreign policy of the Russian Federation
Delyagin M. Mankind drive. Globalization and world crisis. M, 2008

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