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Andr B.

III- St. Andrew Bobola

8 8 11
Mr. Anito Librando Jr.
A Second Chance

I dont need you in my life! You are worthless!

Alexander woke up from a bad dream. Last night, his girlfriend broke up with him.
His world has been crushed again. He didnt know what to do and this time, he only
wished for one thing: that his father would come back.
Recently last week, Enrico, Alexanders father, died from a car accident.
Alexander is left to live alone in their house and he is to organize and continue their
business. He missed his father so much. Memories of his father invade his thoughts
everywhere he goes. He didnt want to think about what happened last night because he
knew that hed end up looking for his father who listened to all of his worries. Now that
his father is gone, Alexander had no choice but to keep everything to himself. He wrote
everything in a piece of paper, wishing his father would find out what he feels at the
Alexander drove his car to his office. Its a 30-minute drive from home. Driving
the car made him uneasy for he tried to picture how his father died in the streets. He
drove fast and nearly smashed into a speeding car. When arrived in his office, he is
faced with tons of paperwork to complete. He didnt want to work on that day.
If only I could leave everything behind and be with my father again. He said to
He decided to pause for a while so he went out to the terrace of his office to
breathe some fresh air. He enjoyed the sights peacefully and his phone started to ring
continuously. There were phone calls from business partners, friends, and from his
girlfriend. He didnt know what they wanted from him because he just left them ringing
and he didnt want those calls to destroy his moment. He remembered the words from
his dream and it haunted him. He started to ask himself, Am I really worthless? and he
thought that the world has turned its back against him.
The office is at the 23rd floor of the high-rise building. It had a great view of the
city. Speeding cars, busy people, everything was moving and it seemed like its only
Alexander, of all the people in the city, who decided to pause. He looked down. From his
pocket, he reached for the letter that he wrote for his father. He tried to read it once
again and tears started to form in his eyes. It was already too much for Alexander. He
crumpled the paper, threw it down and watch it fall from the building. The moment it
reached the ground, he acted without thinking. He started climbing the edge of the
terrace. He stood on it and he was ready to jump off.
Im ready to meet you again, father. I want everything to end right now. Im sick
of waiting for you to come back.
In a matter of seconds before he pushes himself to the edge, a figure dressed in
white pulled him back and he was shocked to see himself alive and unscathed. He

looked up to see the figure that was his father. He was smiling to him and he didnt know
why. He even thought that he would scold him for trying to end his life. He was standing
there in front of him and he couldnt believe that he heard him speak.
Alexander, I never left you. I know what youre going through right now and I
want you to know that Im always here beside you. It doesnt matter if you dont see me,
whats important is that you continue to live your life. Youre too young to disappear from
this world. I saved you because I love you.
Alexander was speechless. He didnt know what to say. His father hugged him,
smiled at him and he disappeared in an instant. Alexander was ashamed of himself but
he realized that he had to live his life to the fullest. His father gave him what he needed,
the assurance that he was there with him always. Alexander went back to his office and
saw his girlfriend, Ana, waiting for him. She apologized for what happened last night and
Alexander hugged her tightly. Alexander saw his father near the door who gave him a
thumbs-up and that was the last time he saw him before he vanished.

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