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Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases

in Human Periodontal Diseases*
Henning Birkedal-Hansen
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are a family of proteolytic enzymes that mediate the degradation of extracellular matrix macromolecules, including interstitial and
basement membrane collagens, fibronectin, laminin, and proteoglycan core protein. The
enzymes are secreted or released in latent form and become activated in the pericellular
environment by disruption of a Zn++-cysteine bond which blocks the reactivity of the
active site. The major cell types in inflamed and healthy periodontal tissues (fibroblasts,
keratinocytes, endothelial cells, and macrophages) are capable of responding to growth
factors and cytokines, as well as to products released from the microbial flora by induction
of transcription of 1 or more MMP genes. Cytokines that are likely to regulate expression
of MMP genes in periodontal tissues include IL-1, TNF-a, and TGF-a. In addition,
triggered PMN leukocytes which express only 2 MMP (PMN-CL and Mr 92K GL) release
these enzymes from specific granule storage sites in response to a number of stimuli.
The evidence that MMP are involved in tissue destruction in human periodontal diseases
is still indirect and circumstantial. Cells isolated from normal and inflamed gingiva are
capable of expressing a wide complement of MMP in culture and several MMP can be
detected in cells of human gingiva in vivo. In addition, PMN-CL and Mr 92K GL are
readily detected in gingival crevicular fluid from gingivitis and Periodontitis patients.

Osteoclastic bone resorption does not appear to directly involve MMP, but a body of
evidence suggests that bone resorption is initiated by removal of the osteoid layer by
osteoblasts by means of a collagenase-dependent process. J Periodontol 1993; 64:474484.

Key Words: Enzymes, proteolytic; cytokines; growth factors; periodontal diseases/path-



resorption; leukocytes; proteinases.


Degradation of the extracellular matrix may involve as many
as 4 apparently distinct pathways (Fig. 1). A body of evidence suggests that matrix components may be dissolved
by extracellular matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-dependent or plasmin (Pln)-dependent cleavage reactions, and
that larger fragments of matrix may be disposed of by a
phagocytic pathway by way of cleavage by lysosomal proteinases. Mineralized matrices appear to be degraded by a
complex extra/pericellular process mediated by osteoclasts
(osteoclastic pathway) which relies on degradation by lysosomal proteinases in a narrow pericellular compartment.
This review focuses specifically on matrix metalloproteinases and their role in the metabolic degradation of the extracellular matrix in human periodontal diseases. A comprehensive review of the matrix metalloproteinase field
including a complete bibliography of the literature through

*Department of Oral Biology and Research Center in Oral Biology, School

Dentistry, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL.


Figure 1. Pathways for degradation of the extracellular matrix.

overlap are indicated by boxes.



1990 compiled by Woessner1 was recently published.2 For

shorter general discussions of the role of MMP in health
and disease the reader is referred to recent reviews.3,4 At
the outset it is important to recognize that much of the
evidence for the role of MMP in specific developmental or
pathological processes remains circumstantial and indirect.
That is certainly true for the involvement of MMP in human
periodontal diseases. It has proven difficult to specifically
identify the natural substrates for most MMP in part because
of their relatively broad and overlapping substrate specific-

Volume 64
Number 5


monocytes/macrophages,14*15 osteoblasts,16*17 and chondrocytes.18 The highly glycosylated PMN enzyme has a considerably larger molecular mass than FIB-CL (Mr 75,000
vs. 57,000/52,000) but the 2 protein cores are of virtually
identical size. The 2 collagenases differ markedly in terms
of transcriptional regulation. PMN-type collagenase is rapidly released from specific granule storage sites of triggered

(Table 1). Moreover, the relationship of the MMPdependent pathway to other routes of matrix degradation
has not been adequately clarified. Yet the observation that
MMP transcripts or protein frequently are present in cells,
tissues, and interstitial fluids in vivo strengthens the notion

that these enzymes are involved in the metabolic remodeling of the extracellular matrix.

PMNs whereas FIB-CL is synthesized on demand by initiating transcription of the corresponding gene. This process
causes a lag period of 6 to 12 hours before enzyme can be
detected in the extracellular environment.
The stromelysin group of MMP includes SL-1 and SL-2
which have virtually identical substrate specificities and cleave
a wide range of extracellular matrix proteins (proteoglycan
core protein, type IV and V collagen, fibronectin, and laminin.)19 SL-1 is expressed by stromal cells either constitutively or after induction by growth factors/cytokines [ILl,20 EGF,21 TNF-a,20 PDGF21] or phorbol esters.22*23 The
enzyme does not appear to be expressed by PMN leukocytes
and keratinocytes in the human, but a SL-1 (or SL-2) homologue is induced in murine skin epidermis by treatment with
the tumor promoter TPA (12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol acetate).23*24 SL-2 is expressed less abundantly than SL-1 and
does not appear to respond to growth factors (EGF and IL-

Matrix Metalloproteinases
The MMP gene family encodes 9 or more metal-dependent
endopeptidases which collectively are capable of degrading
most, if not all, extracellular matrix macromolecules (Table
1). The enzymes share extensive sequence homology but
differ somewhat in terms of substrate specificity and transcriptional regulation. All MMP may be regarded as derivatives of a 5-domain prototype structure, formed either by
addition or deletion of regulatory domains as shown in Figure 2. A short signal sequence is followed in order by a
propeptide which endows the virgin enzyme with catalytic
latency, a catalytic domain which contains the active site
and the catalytic machinery, a proline-rich hinge region,
and a pexin-like COOH-terminal domain which plays a role
in determining substrate specificity. In addition, the 2 gelatinases contain a gelatin-binding insert (fibronectin type
II-like repeats) in the catalytic domain.5*6 Each of the enzymes contains a tridentate Zn++-binding site believed to
constitute the active site.7 The pexin-like domain is absent
from the smallest MMP, PUMP-1.
The PMN-CL gene is only expressed by PMN leukocytes
whereas the highly homologous FIB-CL gene is expressed
by fibroblasts,8*9 keratinocytes,10,11 endothelial cells,12*13
Table 1: Matrix

1) or phorbol esters.

The Mr 72K GL is perhaps the most widely distributed

of all MMP and has been identified in fibroblasts,25 keratinocytes,26 endothelial cells,27 monocytes/macrophages,28
osteoblasts,29 and chondrocytes.30 Mr 72K GL does not
appear, however, to be expressed by PMN leukocytes but
is present in a circulating form in plasma.31 The Mr 92K

Metalloproteinase Family

Interstitial Collagenases


Extracellular Matrix









Same as FIB-CL




PG Core









Gelatin, Collagen IV, V, VII, X,

Elastin, Fibronectin
Gelatin, Collagen IV, V, Elastin





Fibronectin, Laminin,
Collagen IV, Gelatin, proCL,

Collagen I, II, III, VII, VIII, X,

Protein, Fibronectin,
Laminin, Collagen IV, V,
IX, X, Elastin


Mr 72K Gelatinase/
Mr 72K GL
Type IV Collagenase
Mr 92K Gelatinase/
Mr 92K GL
Type IV Collagenase








numbering according to Nagase et al.13



PG Core Protein

J Periodontol




Table 2. Transcriptional Effect of Growth Factors and

Matrix Metalloproteinases




Mr 72 K GL,
Mr 92 K GL


IL-1 a,

20, 45
20, 46, 47


26, 41



Cytokines on

50, 52
53, 54

21, 48
44, 50



Figure 2.


Domain structure

of matrix metalloproteinases.

GL is produced by PMN leukocytes,32'33 keratinocytes,26'34

and monocytes/macrophages,35 and occasionally by fibroblasts. It is interesting to note that PMN which express a
unique and distinct CL gene utilize the same Mr 92K GL
gene as other cells although in a manner which yields a
storable rather than a secreted enzyme. Mr 72K GL is expressed constitutively by most cells in culture and responds
only moderately to growth factors which induce the Mr 92K
GL. The Mr 72K and Mr 92K GL cleave a number of
peptide bonds in denatured collagen chains to yield small
peptides.25'36 Besides gelatin, gelatinases also cleave types
IV, V, VII, and X collagens37"39 and elastin.40
PUMP-1 cleaves a wide range of substrates including
fibronectin, laminin, and gelatin. The enzyme is expressed
in gingival fibroblasts41 and has been isolated from the involuting rat uterus and from rectal carcinoma cells.42,43 SL-3
transcripts are expressed by mesenchymal cells of human
mammary carcinomas, often adjacent to invading epithelial
tumor cells. SL-3 expression is also induced in embryonic
fibroblasts by several growth factors. It is unknown whether
SL-3 is produced by cells of human periodontal tissues.
The amino acid sequence deduced from cDNA suggests that
SL-3 encodes a functional metalloproteinase, but the enzyme protein has not yet been isolated or characterized.
SL-3 has the same principal domain structure as CLs and
SL-1 and SL-2, but differs by an insert of 10 residues at
the autolytic activation site.44

Regulation of MMP Activity

The activity of MMP against extracellular matrix substrates
is regulated at 4 "gates": 1) by transcriptional regulation
of MMP genes; 2) by precursor activation; 3) by differences
in substrate specificity; and 4) by MMP inhibitors.
Transcriptional regulation. The transcription of most
MMP genes is regulated by endogenous growth factors and
cytokines (Table 2). Stimulation or repression of growth
factor- and cytokine-responsive MMP genes results in up
to a 50-fold change in mRNA and protein levels. Transcription of the CL and SL-1 genes (and in some cells the
SL-3 and Mr 92K GL genes as well) is induced by IL-


Figure 3. Activation of MMP precursors

cysteine switch.


is initiated

by opening of the

I,20,45 TNF-a,20'46'47 PDGF,21,48 TGF-a,49 EGF,21

bFGF,20,50 NGF,51 and with few exceptions26 abrogated by
TGF-50,52 and IFN-7.53,54 TGF- which ablates transcription of CL and SL-150,52 upregulates Mr 72K GL by 2- to
4-fold and Mr 92K by up to 8-fold.26,41 These findings are
of considerable interest because TGF- in general appears
to down-regulate rather than stimulate MMP expression.
Transcription of MMP genes may also be regulated by other
endogenous pathways. FIB-CL is induced or stimulated in
osteoblasts by PTH and 1,25 di(OH)D3,17,55'56 and FIB-CL
and SL-1 are down-regulated by glucocorticoids and by
retinoids.57 59 The proximity of a viable microbial plaque,
moreover, creates an unequaled opportunity for direct transcriptional effects by microbial metabolites on human gingival and periodontal cells. A potentially important inter-

action that falls in this category is the induction of FIB-CL

in macrophages by LPS.60'61 In addition, microbial
proteinases62,63 and lectins64 may also play a role in the
transcriptional regulation of MMP expression.
Activation of precursors. The latency of MMP precursors appears to be maintained, at least in part, by a coordinate bond which links an unpaired Cys residue in the
propeptide to the active site Zn++65,66 (Fig. 3). Disruption
of the Cys-Zn++ bond is a prerequisite to activation and
may be achieved in a number of different ways: 1) by
interaction or modification of the Cys residue by organomercurials, metal ions, thiol reagents, and oxidants; 2) by
conformational change of the Polypeptide backbone induced by certain chaotropic agents (KI, NaSCN) and detergents (SDS); and 3) by excision of a portion of the propepeptide by proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, plasmin,
chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastate, cathepsin B, and plasma
kallikrein). The enzyme subsequently catalyzes 1 or more69
autolytic cleavages to generate the fully-processed form.66

Volume 64
Number 5


Although MMP can readily be activated in the test tube by

any or all of these mechanisms, the biologic activation
mechanisms are still poorly understood. Several studies have
suggested that plasmin may play a role in activation of FIB-

CL and SL-1, at least in cell culture systems, and that SL1 is perhaps involved in the processing of the FIB-CL precursor to a particularly highly-active form.70-72 There is still
insufficient evidence to determine whether these reactions
also take place in vivo. It is of note, however, that the
degradation of gelatin and collagen by PMN leukocytes73'74
involves activation of CL and Mr 92K GL by oxidative
pathways, presumably by oxidation of the unpaired propeptide Cys residue by HOC1.
Substrate Specificity. A certain level of regulation of
MMP activity is encoded at the level of the substrate. Although the enzymes have somewhat overlapping substrate
specificities, there are also notable differences, particularly
with respect to the cleavage of collagens.2 Virtually all of
the enzymes cleave gelatin and fibronectin at some rate,
and most cleave type IV and V collagens at sufficiently
high temperatures. The characteristic ability of FIB-CL and
PMN-type collagenases to dissolve interstitial collagen fibrils by cleavage of the component molecules in the proteinase-resistant triple-helical domain, however, is not shared
by other members of the family.

a-Macroglobulins. Active


captured by a-macroglobulins by unique venus-fly-trap mechanism activated by cleavage of a bond in the "bait region."75,76 This
cleavage leads to hydrolysis of a labile internal thiol-ester
bond and covalent cross-linking of a nascent glytamyl residue to lysyl side chains exposed on the surface of the
attacking proteinase.77 The rapid capture rates, particularly
with CL, suggest that a-macroglobulins, particularly alM, play an important role in the regulation of MMP activity.

Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). TIMPS

form classical non-covalent bimolecular complexes with the
active forms of MMPs and, in some instances, with latent
MMP precursors as well. TIMPs appear to regulate matrix
degradation both by proteinase elimination and by blockage
of autolytic MMP activation.78,79 Two members of the TIMP
family, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2, have been identified but more
may exist.13,80"83 TIMPs are widely distributed in tissues
and fluids84,85 and are expressed by many cell types in-

cluding fibroblasts,86 keratinocytes,87 monocytes/macrophages,15 and endothelial cells.13 TIMP-1 is a Mr 28K glycosylated protein with a Mr 20K protein core.80,86 TIMP-1
forms complexes with active collagenase, but not procollagenase, in a 1:1 stoichiometry with rCjS of 10~9M to
10" 10M.88,89 Complex formation with active MMP does not
appear to depend on cleavage of the inhibitor and fully

functional inhibitor can be recovered from the complex.90

TIMP-1 also forms a complex with the zymogen form of
Mr 92K GL.5,79,91 TIMP-2, a Mr 22,000 unglycosylated
protein, is expressed by fibroblasts and endothelial cells and


perhaps by other cells as well.13,92,93 The inhibitor forms a

complex with the zymogen form of Mr 72K GL.5,89 TIMP2 is 2- to 10-fold more effective than TIMP-1 against the
2 GL whereas TIMP-1 appears to more effectively inhibit
CL.91 The 2 TIMP genes are differently regulated. TIMP1 expression is stimulated by growth factors (EGF, TNFa, IL-1, TGF-), phorbol esters, retinoids, and glucocorticoids, whereas TIMP-2 expression is down-regulated by
TGF- and fails to respond to phorbol esters.41,94 98

of MMP by Different Cell Types of Human

Periodontal Tissues
Each of the major cell types of human periodontal tissues
is capable of expressing a unique complement of MMP
when properly stimulated as summarized in Table 3. PMN
leukocytes share with many other cell types the ability to
express the common 92K GL gene but, for reasons that are
unknown, utilize a distinct gene for interstitial collagenase
(PMN-CL). Both enzymes are stored in specific granules
and rapidly released when the cells are triggered.99 Fibroblasts express a somewhat larger complement of MMP,


including an interstitial, fibroblast-type collagenase (FIBCL), SL-1, SL-3, Mr 72K GL, and PUMP-1, but not Mr
92K GL. Keratinocytes express FIB-CL, Mr 72K GL, and
Mr 92 K GL, but not SL-1. Macrophages and endothelial
cells each express FIB-CL,
the Mr 92K GL.12,13,20,39

SL-1, and both the Mr 72K and

Cell Type-Specific Differences in Regulation of MMP

The synthesis and packaging of MMP in specific granules
are essentially complete when the PMN enters the blood
stream. The triggered release of MMP from specific granules is clearly not a transcriptional event and it is still uncertain to what extent it is regulated by growth factors and
cytokines. The response pattern of the PMN leukocyte is
clearly unique and different from that of any other cell type
not only in the complement of MMP expressed but also in
the utilization of the enzymes. The PMN leukocyte has
evolved to respond rapidly and in full force to external
stimuli. No other cell type is capable of "dumping" such
large quantities of destructive enzymes in a matter of minutes. The response is sustained, when needed, by continuous recruitment of new cells and not by prolonged release
from cells already triggered. Fibroblasts, keratinocytes,
macrophages, and endothelial cells share an essentially
common response to catabolic growth factors such as IL1, TNF-a, TGF-a, EGF, bFGF, PDGF, namely induction
or stimulation of transcription of MMP genes. However,
there are important cell-specific and cytokine-specific differences among these responses. In fibroblasts, IL-l induces primarily SL-1, TNF-a primarily CL,20 IFN-7 represses SL-1 but moderately upregulates CL,53 TGF-
represses CL and SL-1, but upregulates 72K GL. In kera-


Table 3.


of Matrix

Metalloproteinases by Five Major Cell Types



Mr 92K GL


Mr 7K GL,





Mr 72K GL,


IL-1, TNF-a,
EGF, TGF-a, TGF-a,









of Human Periodontal


J Periodontol

Mr 72 K GL,
Mr 92K GL,

Mr 92K GL

Mr 72K GL,
Mr 92K GL


of enzymes






6 to 12 hours

6 to 12 hours








tinocytes, TGF- upregulates both the Mr 72 K and the Mr

92K GL;26 on the other hand, IL-l, which is the most
potent known inducer of CL- and SL-l-expression by fibroblasts, has no effect on keratinocytes, at least not in the
human.11 Recent studies in our own laboratory have shown
that growth factors and cytokines which induce expression
of SL-1 in stromal cells induce exclusively SL-2 in keratinocytes (unpublished data). The findings summarized above
show: 1) that different cell types express different complements of MMP; 2) different cytokines elicit different transcriptional effects in the same cell type; and 3) that different
cell types do not necessarily respond in the same fashion
to a given cytokine. In the light of these findings, and in
the light of the many potential synergistic and antagonistic
interactions that exist between 2 or more cytokines, it is
apparent that different inflammatory infiltrates may vary
considerably in destructive potential. This is perhaps the
key to understanding why inflammation of the human gingiva may or may not give rise to tissue destruction and

attachment loss.
Recent studies have started to shed light into the mechanisms that enable growth factors and cytokines to elicit
overlapping, yet occasionally distinct, transcriptional effects. The AP-1 binding site is a necessary, but not sufficient, requirement for transcriptional activation of MMP
expression by many growth factors and cytokines. For instance, the Mr 92K GL gene which contains 3 copies of
the AP-1 site is inducible by catabolic growth factors whereas
the Mr 72K GL gene which contains no such elements is
not.100-101 The transcriptional activity of the AP-1 site depends on binding of c-fos/c-jun dimers to the TGAGTCA
sequence. The role of fos, however, is quite complex and
even among transcriptional pathways that operate through
the AP-1 site, some but not all, are c-fos-dependent. For
instance, induction of SL-1 by PDGF is fos-dependent
whereas that of EGF is not.21 Moreover, abrogation of FIBCL and SL-1 transcription by TGF- is also dependent on
c-fos although the action of this growth factor is indepen-

6 to 12 hours

6 to 12 hours


dent of the AP-1 site and instead

bp TGF--responsive



on a



element.50,52 Recent studies have

identified promoter and enhancer elements required for

maximal transcriptional activation that are specific for each
MMP. Such is the case for the PEA-3 site in the FIB-CL
promoter and the NIP protein binding site in the SL-1 pro-


The second messenger-signaling pathways which mediate growth factor and cytokine transcriptional effects on
MMP gene expression are still incompletely understood. A
body of evidence suggests that protein kinase C (PKC), a
cellular receptor for TPA, acts as a messenger in the transcriptional regulation of growth factor-responsive MMP genes
in some but not all cases.53,105 cAMP may be involved as
a second messenger in some responses but apparently through
activation of a different (Jun B-dependent) transcriptional
machinery than either TPA or growth factors/cytokines.58,106 cAMP stimulates MMP expression in some cell
types; in others leads to repression. For instance, expression
of CL and SL-1 by guinea pig peritoneal macrophages, rat
UMR-106 osteosarcoma cells, and rat fibroblasts is stimulated by cAMP,24,56,107 whereas the constitutive expression of CL by human GM637 fibroblasts,104 and the IL-1,
EGF- and oncogene-induced transcription of FIB-CL and
SL-1 genes by rat and human fibroblasts is repressed.52,108
What Are the Important Cytokines and Growth
The complexity of the cytokine networks and the many
different cellular responses among resident and immigrant
cells of inflamed periodontal tissues give rise to an almost
unlimited number of putative pathogenic processes. Clearly
not all of these are equally important, but it is not yet
possible to identify those cellular interactions that actually
drive attachment loss. It is likely that IL-l plays an important role in regulating MMP expression in inflamed human gingiva. IL-la and - are present in concentrations of
10"9-10_8M109,110 which are clearly sufficient to induce

Volume 64
Number 5
Table 4. Tissue Destructive



and Inhibitors in

Inflammatory Exudates, Saliva,


and Plasma






115, Estimate










Mr 92K
Mr 72K





















expression of SL-1 and CL in cultured fibroblasts. (10~91010 M). IL-1 is also a potent inducer of bone resorption,

but it is not known whether this response is related to the

inductive effect of IL-1 on MMP. TNF-a is also present in
inducing concentrations in the range 0.1-13 nM.111 It is
reasonable to assume that TGF-a may also be involved,
although the concentration of TGF-a in GCF has not yet
been determined. TGF-a is a potent inducer of CL and Mr
92K GL in keratinocytes, and recent studies have shown
that the EGF-receptor (which also serves as a receptor for
TGF-a) is expressed abundantly on epithelial cells of the
oral mucosa.112
MMP Are Expressed by Gingival/Periodontal Cells In
Woolley and Davis113 investigated the expression of MMP
in normal or inflamed human gingiva by immunolocalization methods. FIB-CL was associated with cells in the gingival connective tissue often in close proximity of the junctional and pocket epithelia but not in any epithelial cells.
Enzyme was also associated with collagen fibrils and oc-

casionally with inflammatory infiltrates. Our own studies

have shown that only low levels of MMP are expressed in
any one section. Cells scattered throughout the connective
tissue (fibroblasts and/or macrophages) show staining of the
perinuclear region with antibodies to FIB-CL. Mr 72K GL
is not infrequently associated with blood vessels and capillaries. Even heavily-inflamed human gingiva shows only
sporadic expression of MMP with no discernible pattern of
distribution (unpublished data). In the aggregate, immunolocalization studies have proven fairly inconclusive and
have given few, if any clues, to the level of involvement
of MMP in periodontal diseases.
MMP in GCF and Saliva
GCF and saliva contain at least 2 MMP, CL, and Mr 92K
GL.114"116 CL appears to be exclusively or predominantly
of the PMN-type.117,118 The apparent absence of SL-1 and
Mr 72K GL under conditions that readily permit detection

141, 142

120, 121, 122

of Mr 92K GL leads us to believe that the Mr 92 K GL,

too, is of PMN origin. These observations suggest that PMN
leukocytes are the dominant, and perhaps the only significant, contributors of MMP in GCF. If so, the question
arises whether the enzymes are indeed released from PMNs
in the tissue or the crevicular fluid, or perhaps still inside
the cells at the time of sampling and only secondarily released as a sampling artifact. "GCF enzymes" produced
by PMN leukocytes and perhaps carried to the GCF still
inside the cells include CL, Mr 92K GL, elastase, and
myeloperoxidase. Measurement of these activities in oral
fluid samples appears to be essentially an enzyme-based
PMN count, a concern previously voiced by Cimasoni.119
Metabolites in GCF may originate from 3 different compartments: from plasma, from resident cells/stroma, and
from PMN leukocytes (Table 4). Serum components including a-2M, albumin, and Igs typically are present at
high concentrations, varying between 20% and 100% of
plasma values. a2-M concentrations, for instance, vary between 0.2-2.4 mg/ml or 10 to 1000 times higher than any
of the MMP.120123 Because of the high concentration of
a2-M, it is unlikely that any MMP exists in GCF in an
active form. This notion apparently conflicts with the find(versus latent) MMP in Periodontitis
ing of more active
as previously alluded to it is unbut
certain whether "active" MMP in GCF exist as such or are
generated by solubilization or lysis of PMNs.
Plasminogen is by far the most abundant proteinase in
GCF. Although the concentration of Plasminogen has not
been accurately determined, we predict (based on the concentration of other plasma proteins) that it is as high as 40
to 200 |xg/ml. By comparison, we have previously estimated that the concentration of CL may reach 10 |xg/ml,
but it is probably much lower. Since Mr 72K GL is present
in plasma at a concentration of approximately 0.5 (xg/ml,31
we also predict that this enzyme, although undetectable by
zymographic analysis, exists in GCF at a concentration of
0.1 to 0.5 |xg/ml even in the absence of any local contribution from the tissues. Mr 92K GL, presumably of PMN


J Periodontol


is present in saliva in relatively high levels (340 ng/

ml).127 It is also readily detectable in GCF112 but the concentration is not known. TIMP-1 (or TIMP-2) levels in GCF
are unknown but based on the plasma concentration (1.01.5 u,g/ml)128 we estimate that TIMP concentrations of GCF
are at least 0.2 to 1.0 Lig/ml.
Metabolites that originate from the resident cell/stroma
presumably are washed away by the outward fluid flow
provided they escape local capture and elimination. It is
likely the PGE2, IL-1, and TNF-a are true metabolites released from cells indigenous to the area or perhaps newlyrecruited macrophages. Recent studies have shown, however, that triggered PMN leukocytes activate transcription
of the IL-1 gene.129 It therefore cannot be excluded that
PMN leukocytes are a major source of IL-1 in GCF.


Association of GCF MMP With Disease Severity

A number of studies have aimed at correlating MMP activities with disease severity. Several experiments have shown
that when group means are compared, CL activity increases
with disease severity (Periodontitis > gingivitis > health)
and that treatment tends to return GCF values to control
levels.115'124-126 It has not been possible to convincingly
demonstrate similar correlations for individual sites, presumably because of the high site-to-site, person-to-person,
and day-to-day variation. Neither the "level" nor the "pattern" of activity at the site seems to correlate well with
"bone loss" over a 6-month period.130,131 When monitoring a particular site over an extended period of time, the
high degree of week-to-week variation suggests that a single
measurement taken at a particular point in time has little,
if any, predictive value. Sporadic "high" values never remain high for long and do not necessarily herald impending
bone loss.130,131

1. Woessner JF, Jr. Literature












Role of MMP in Bone Resorption

A number of studies have suggested that osteoblasts express
FIB-CL when stimulated by bone-resorbing agents.16,56 These
observations have led to the hypothesis that osteoclastic
bone resorption is initiated by an Osteoblast response to
resorptive signals such as PTH, which includes expression
of FIB-CL and perhaps other MMP, and result in dissolution of the unmineralized collagenous osteoid layer.132
Osteoblasts later vacate the surface as newly-recruited osteoclasts move in. Osteoclasts do not appear to express
MMP, but utilize a distinct acidic cathepsin-dependent
mechanism for dissolution of mineralized matrices.133'134 It
is possible, although not yet proven, that expression of
MMP is an early key event in bone resorption, a finding
that may help explain why bone resorption is so highly
sensitive to IL-1 and TNF-a.135138

This study was supported by







NIH grants DE08228 and




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Send reprint requests to: Dr. Henning Birkedal-Hansen, Department of
Oral Biology, University of Alabama School of Dentistry, University of
Alabama at Birmingham, UAB Station, Birmingham, AL 35294.

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