Rising Road Toll

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Our roads, which are meant to take us places, often become venues of loss and sources of sorrow, owing

to the increasing road fatalities, in disproportionate numbers occurring from one country to another. It is
becoming an important but neglected public challenge in the process of traffic safety assurance. As
regards this issue, what lie at the root of the problem are three apparently major factors, viz. human error,
road conditions and vehicle road worthiness, listed according to levels of seriousness, from a personal
As stated by Bob Joop Goos, chairman of the International Organization for Road Accident Prevention,
more than 90% of road accidents are caused by human error. As for drivers, road collisions are often
related to bad driving behaviors driving recklessly and speeding under the influence of alcohol,
changing lanes without signaling, driving on the hard shoulder and passing through red lights. But traffic
is not just about cars; pedestrians and cyclists are at higher risks, judging on the fact that whether on foot
or motors or bikes, these means of transportation all experience a growth in popularity, putting humans
themselves in a state of traffic overcrowding. A basic illustration of this is that a main contributor to road
crashes in Viet Nam is the rapid increase in the number of vehicles, particularly motorcycles, which
increases by 10% every year. Also, nearly half of the motorcycle riders are not licensed, and three
quarters do not comply with traffic laws. This highlights a need to resolve the man-made crisis right in
terms of mankinds fault rectification.
A second factor contributing to the risk of road toll is that of road conditions. In this respect, the writer
refers to road design and road environment, whose qualities are unevenly distributed among areas. For
one thing, the failure of roads to meet the requirements is partly due to lack of feasibility study. In
particular, without careful and meticulous research into a new street construction approach, the
technology transfer from higher-income nations to lower ones may not be successfully put into practice
since there are substantial differences between their original standards, the building methods, the
geographical features, to name but a few. For another thing, insufficient amount of money has been
invested in road construction and renovation. Specifically, comparatively little is spent on
implementation, even though many interventions that would prevent crashes and injuries are well-known,
well-tested, cost-effective and publicly acceptable, conditioning the quality to worsen, sooner or later.
Finally, to mention vehicle roadworthiness, it is to deal with a property or ability of a car, bus, truck or
any kind of automobile to be in a suitable operating condition or meeting acceptable standards
for safe driving and transport of people, baggage or cargo in roads or streets. In a broader sense, vehicles
failing to follow strict regulations tend to be full of risk for personal usage. This problem is often
triggered by drivers whose means of transport are often left without maintenance, standardized licenses
and so on. Whilst, there is no denying that through some illegal deals between locals and drivers, vehicle
operation can be done, passing one every traffic safety barrier imposed on the whole society. Sensitive as
it is, this kind of corruption is not always inferred when dealing with traffic problems. Besides, the focus
on flexibility of both roads and vehicles has not been placed an emphasis on, creating an inability to cope
with emergency situations, leading to the eventual sufferings of human race.

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