Dec14-20 2014

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6th Sunday of Easter

Official Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website:

Dec. 14-20, 2014

3rd Sunday of Advent (Year B)

Gaudete Sunday

Vol. XXII No. 50

Jesus-Our Only Hope


odays Gospel tells us about one of

the virtues we should possess as we
prepare for the coming of our Lord,
Jesus Christ. This speaks on how we live
life and see Gods presence in our lives,
and that in our existence we are either an
evangelizer or an inquisitor.
In the Gospel, John the Baptist
evangelized the people about the coming
of the Messiah. He was a witness coming
from God to convey His Good News to His
people. John, with his humble heart never
said to them that he was the Messiah, but
rather, told them that there was somebody
who was to come to save the world from
sin. Johns message speaks about the truth
and about the light. He conveys the Word
of God but for him he was not the Word,
but there was still someone to come, the
real Word Who Is to dwell in their lives.
John was a pointer towards Christ
who is coming to the world. His life was
centered in Christ. As a witness of truth,
John gave up his life for the One Who Is
the Light and the Truth. He stood for what
he experienced, heard and believed. He
conveyed hope to the people that in their
midst there would be someone to come to
redeem them from their difficulties and
sinfulness. As evangelizer, as a witness, we
always have to stand for the truth, living
the Word of God for ourselves and for
Who are the Levites and the priests
in the Gospel? They were the people sent
by religious heads who often questioned,
searched for reasons or meaning. They
were the self-righteous. They did not know
who John was and why John was baptizing.
They were in the darkness as to the truth.
They were not pointers towards the Light,

Anna Shiela A. Moreno

and they refused to accept the Light.
Prior to John, there were lots of
people who were sent to evangelize
the world but the high priests and the
religious groups were deaf and blind to
the Truth. Nonetheless, among those who
knew about Jesuss true nature was Mary,
the Blessed Mother who proclaimed the
goodness of the Lord. She was the bringer
of the Light Who Is Jesus. She carried Him
in her womb. She proclaimed about Jesus
as the One Who Is merciful, loving and
giving favor to the marginalized. These
evangelizers or prophets proclaimed the
coming of the Messiah. They lived their
lives through the Word, Light and Truth.
They offered their lives to give way for
the coming of the Messiah Who Is our
Ultimate Hope.
All of us have difficulties in our
lives. We experience struggles, pain and
sinfulness that separate us from Gods
love and mercy. Searching for reasons or
answers cannot sustain us in all these
struggles. We have so many ifs in life,
lots of questions but directing our life
towards the Light and Truth will free us
from all these struggle.
Our only Hope is in the Lord Jesus
Christ and in His coming. We must not
lose hope but rather strengthen our faith
through constant unceasing prayers and
giving thanks to God for all the things we
experienced each day. To hope is not easy.
There are those who block our vision in
seeing that Hope is coming to us, the Hope
that is in reality is in us. These blocks are
the Levites around us. They are those
who are fond of clamoring and competing
for attention. They are those who often
times are self-righteous and have their ego

ruling them. They are those who have the

loudest cry and never appreciate silence
in their hearts. They continue to remain
in darkness. They continue to seek for the
truth not knowing that the answer may be
in the question itself.
In our daily life, to whom are we
listening? Whose voice are we following?
In reality, we are people in the wilderness.
God is the God of hope. Are we listening to
His voice with an open heart?
We can either be witnesses like John
and the other prophets, and be like Mary.
Or, we can be inquisitors like the religious
heads or the Levites. Choice matters and
we become whatever choices we make in
Christmas is almost near. We may be
busy preparing for the midnight preparation.
We are so preoccupied thinking about what
gifts to give. However, this is not the essence
of Christmas. It is the time to slow down and
reflect on the cry of our inner self. It is a time
for healing and repentance, a time of having
peace with ourselves, with others and with
our God. This celebration can bring light
and peace to our lives if sinfulness, pain and
hatred are banished in our hearts.
This Advent season is a pointer. It is a
pointer towards seeing and experiencing
the true Light and source of our Hope. Let
us focus to that Hope that is coming our way.
Like John the Baptist, we are unworthy
of untying the sandals of Christ. But we can
be witnesses to His presence in our lives.
We can be a pointer towards the Light,
Jesus Christ, our Hope and Salvation.
We too can prepare the way for the
coming of Jesus by being a Hope for others,
in our home and in our small Christian

The Pastor Speaks

Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde



areho man sa akon ginhimo sang akon

ginpaathag ang Sakramento sang Bunyag, pagkatapos nga ginhatag ko ang
pagtulon-an nahanungod sa Sakramento
sang Pagkompirma nga ara sa Katesismo
sang Simbahan nga Katoliko, akon naman
ipaalinton ang ara sa Kodigo sang Kasugoan sang Simbahan nga Katoliko nahanungod sa Pagkompirma.
Ang una nga ginasiling sang
Kodigo amo nga ang Sakramento sang
Pagkompirma nagapat-in man sang indi
mapanas nga tanda sa ginakompirmahan
sa bagay nga indi na ini maliwat, kundi nga
nagapatimaan nga ang ginakompirmahan
nagapadayon na sa dalan sang Kristiano
nga pagpanglakaton. Paagi sa bugay
sang Espiritu Santo, mas malapit pa gid
ang iya paghiusa sa Simbahan kag mas
nga ginapabakod ang iya ikasarang kag
katungdanan nga magpanaksi nahanungod
kay Kristo paagi sa pulong kag sa buhat,
kag sa pagpalapnag kag pag-apin sa pagtuo.
Ang pagkompirma ginahimo paagi sa
paghaplas sang lana nga krisma sa agtang
kag sa pagtungtong sang kamot, samtang
ginamitlang ang mga tinaga nga ara sa naaprobahan nga libro sang liturhiya. Ang
orihinal sini nga mga tinaga amo ang latin,
kag nalubad sa pulong nga Hiligaynon, N,
batuna ang tanda sang dulot sang Espiritu
Ang lana nga Krisma nga ginagamit sa
pagkompirma dapat nga nakonsagrahan
sang isa ka Obispo, bisan pa nga pari ang
nagakompirma. Ginapanugyan man nga
ang kompirmasyon ginahiwat sa isa ka
simbahan kag maayo pa gid kon sa sulod
sang Santos nga Misa. Pero sarang man ini

mahimo sa luwas sang Santos nga Misa kag sa isa

ka nagakaigo nga lugar.
Ang Obispo amo ang ministro sang
Kompirmasyon. Ang isa ka pari sarang man
makakompirma kon ginhatagan sia sang sini nga
ikasarang sang Obispo ukon sang kasugoan mismo.
Halimbawa, ang kasugoan nagasiling nga ang isa
ka pari nga, paagi sa iya ministeryo ukon sa sugo
sang Obispo nagabunyag sang isa ka hamtong,
ginahatagan man sing ikasarang sa pagkompirma
sa iya ginbunyagan. Kon ang isa ka binunyagan ara
sa peligro sang kamatayon, ang bisan sin-o nga
pari sarang man makakompirma. Sa ordinaryo
nga mga sitwasyon, kinahanglan ang Obispo gid
ang magkompirma ukon isa man ka Obispo nga
iya hatagan sang sini nga bulohaton. Pero, kon
kinahanglanon gid ini, ginapahanugotan man ang
Obispo sa pagtugyan sa isa ukon sa sobra sa isa ka
pari sa pagkompirma. Bisan ang ginakompirmahan
indi iya sakop, ang Obispo sarang man
makakompirma sa iya samtang nga ara sia sa sulod
sang teritoryo sang sini nga Obispo luwas lamang
kon ang Obispo sang ginkompirmahan nagadumili
sini. Sa gwa sang iya teritoryo, ang isa ka Obispo
mahimo man magkompirma sang iya sakop. Kon
indi iya sakop, kinahanglan sang sini nga Obispo
ang permiso sang Obispo sang sina nga lugar.
Ang tagsa ka binunyagan lamang nga
wala pa makompirmahan amo ang sarang
makompirmahan. Kon sayuron, ang nabunyagan
lamang amo ang sarang makabaton sang
Sakramento sang Pagkompirma. Kag indi lamang
amo ini. Dapat nga wala pa sia makompirmahan.
Kon sia nakompirmahan na, indi na maliwat ang
kompirmasyon. Dapat man nga ang kulompirmahan
nakabaton sang nagakaigo nga katekesis
nahanungod sa Kompirmasyon, dapat nga husto
ang iya disposisyon sa pagbaton sang Sakramento
kag nakalambot na sia sa edad nga sia na mismo

ang magabag-o sang panaad sa bunyag. Ang

mga ginikanan kag ang mga kura paroko
dapat magpaniguro nga ang mga tumoluo
nakabaton sang husto nga instruksyon
nahanungod sa Kompirmasyon kag
magbaton sini sa husto nga panahon. Kon
parte sa edad sang kulompirmahan, dapat
nga ara na sia sa edad sa diin makabig nga
may iya na kaugalingon nga pamensaron
kag kabubut-on. Ang Komperensya sang
mga Obispo nga Katoliko sang pungsod
ang sarang man makapat-od kon ano gid
ang edad nga nagakadapat, luwas lamang
kon ang ginakompirmahan ara sa peligro
sang kamatayon, ukon sa panan-aw
sang ministro sang kompirmasyon may
nagakaigo nga rason agod kompirmahan
ang isa ka binunyagan.
Dapat man nga may maninoy/maninay
sa Kompirma kon ini sarang mahimo. Ang
katungdanan sang maninoy/maninay
amo ang magtan-aw nga ang iya ihado
sa Kompirma nagaginawi bilang matuod
nga saksi ni Kristo kag nagatuman sing
matutom sang iya katungdanan bilang
nakompirmahan nga binunyagan. Kon
sarang mahimo, ang maninoy/maninay sa
bunyag amo man ang maninoy/maninay sa
Sa tapos makompirmahan, dapat ilista
ang kompirmasyon sa libro, sa diin nasulat
ang ngalan, ang ministro, ang ginikanan,
ang maninoy/maninay kag ang lugar kag
petsa sang kompirmasyon. Kon ang lugar
sang pagkompirma lain sang sa lugar
sang pagbunyag, ang kura paroko dapat
magpahibalo sa paroko sang lugar sang
pagbunyag nahanungod sa kompirmasyon
agod marehistro man ini sa libro sang bunyag.

What Can Waiting Do For Us?

(Part 2)

n my last weeks article, we learned that

waiting makes us realize that we are not
in control of everything. God Is. Though
we want people and things to change as
soon as possible, we dont have control over
them. In our helplessness, we are called to
trust in the Lord, in the goodness of people
and respect the way things unfold. At the
end of the day, it is God who makes things
beautiful in His own time.
What can waiting still do for us?
I believe that waiting makes us know
and claim what we really long for. What do
you long for in your life right now? What
are you expecting to have and to happen?
What do you desire to achieve or what is
the void in your life that needs fulfillment?
When we wait, what we really need or
want in our life becomes more known and

Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon

clear. Through the process of waiting, you may realize
that what you want at first may not be necessary after
a long process of reflection. The period of waiting is
a period of purifying our desires, our wants and our
aspirations. Hopefully, the waiting period will give
us the opportunity to really know and claim what is
necessary and important in our lives.
Take for example, you think you need a new
phone. Then you immediately by it since you have
enough money. However, you realize later that you
do not really need one, that you can live with your
old phone, though not touchscreen so to say. You
realize that it was more of a like or a want to have
a new cellular phone and not really a need.
Here we see that waiting gives us the chance to
really know and determine what matters most in
our life. If we are compulsive in a sense that we want
that things be done as soon as possible, we may miss
to really purify ourselves, our intentions, our wants.
We may also miss witnessing to others how Gods

providence is really at work in our lives.

While we wait for the coming of the
Lord on Christmas Day and for his coming
every day of our lives, let us embrace the
many opportunities which often come to
us through sacrifice and suffering, yet will
purify us so that we may know and value
what is essential and important in our lifeour Lord and our relationship with Him.

CANDLE LIGHT (December 14 - 20, 2014)


Dec. 5 - 10, 2014

Cash on Hand-Dec. 05, 2014


Donation Received
Nora Santos & Juney
Brgy. San Roque 275.00
Brgy. Desamparados
Anonymous 500.00
Anita Lacuesta-Jesena, MD
A Friend
Mrs. Zenaida Uy Ongchua
Victor & Mae Chua
Gabriel & Vilma Lira 400.00
Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo & Nelida Garrido
Argus Rey S. Thompson & Family
Mrs. Bernadette J. Castellano
Amelu Dichupa
Mr. & Mrs. Aleso & Lilith Libardo
Total Collection of the Week
Donation Box-Nov. 25-Dec. 7, 2014
Sheila May P. Cordero 100.00
JM Ballelos/Jennifer Faz 20.00
Nayr Uriel Dingcong 50.00
Mrs. Sharon Joy Sapio & Tecson Family 500.00
Darme Grace & Leo Ferdinand Caro 300.00
Marialyn Babol 100.00
Eliza A. Kassel
MKK Cell 3 Taft North 500.00
H. L. C.
MJ Monse 100.00
J. Anino 500.00
Lorna B. Deldin 100.00
Ms. Dawn F. Pondevida 500.00
Bonifacio Ong
Herns Andrie Nielle F. Temelo 100.00
Zita L. Santillan 30.00
J. Figuracion
Perez Family
Jerwin & Joanne
Mrs. Virgilia G. Jabatan
Liu Family
Jose Rimi L. Lebrilla 100.00
Mr. & Mrs. Salvacion Demontenoche 50.00
Leda Claire M. Millamena 200.00
Andrea J. Lopez 200.00
Gloria Bulfa 500.00
Marian 50.00
Elna E. Mondero 100.00
Ordonas Family
Rex Ysmael & Family 500.00
Anonymous 100.00
Simona G. Biloso & Family 100.00
Anonymous 100.00
Ms. Grachiel Cadalso & Emvi Divinagracia 100.00
Jerry O. Momay 20.00
Mr. & Mrs. Isidro B. Casuglo
Engr. Josue E. Sindol, Jr.
BDL # 6
Mrs. Ritchel T. Villarba
Suanzon & Po Families
Resident of Bakhaw, Mandurriao
Rolina Borres
Mr. & Mrs. Paquito Mrndez & Family
Jerwin & Joanne
San Francisco Auto Parts, Inc.
Steph Javellena
Mr. & Mrs. Dylan Mendiola
Perez Family
Marvin Finolan 100.00
Regie Deocades 50.00
Arroyo & Evidente Families 100.00
Donation Box
Total Collection from the Donation box
Total Donation for the Week
Cash on Hand-Dec. 10, 2014

CANDLE LIGHT (December 14 - 20, 2014)

Fond Memories at
Jaro Parochial

Isa man ako nga nagahatag sang

akon ikasarang sa Candle Light sa
malawig na nga tinuig umpisa sa
panahon ni Fr. Philip Sinco tubtob
subong. Kag sa masami nagkadto ako sa
sadto anay kumbento nga sa subong ginaobra kag pagatawgon nga Parochial
house, tagsa ka semana sa pagbulig
dihon sang aton weekly paper. Ang akon
madumduman ang akon pagkabusog sa
hulot kalan-an sang amo nga balay kay
isa ka bes sa sining karon lamang nga
mga inadlaw bag-o ginumpisahan ang
pagkaayo sang konbento. Siguro kon
wala pa maumpisahan ang pagpakaayo,
nagabatyag ako nga mahatagan ako liwat
sang kahigayunan nga makapabusogbusog sa sining hulot kalan-an sang
Parochial house paagi sang panyaga nga
buffet style kag mabusog ka gid bangud
simple lang ang mga linuto apang
manamit ang sabor. Nadumduman ko
ini tanan sang paghiwat sang tuigan nga
fiesta sang February 2, 2014.
- Bogs

National Shrine
of Our Lady of Candles
Collection and Expenses Report
For the Period
Dec. 1 - 7, 2014

Total Collection:
Less: Expenses

246, 211.50

In the spirit of transparency and

accountability, we are giving
a weekly financial report. For
inquiries on the details, you may
approach personally Fr. Nathaniel
G. Gentizon at the parish office or
call during office hours using these
numbers: 320-9505 and 329-1625.

Quote of the Week

Hope is being able
to see that there is
light despite all of
the darkness.
-Desmond Tutu



RT. REV. Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde, JR., JCD, PA

Parish Priest

Rev. Fr. randy doromal

Rev. fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon
Parochial Vicar
Rev. fr. Philipp Neil Y. Antenor-Cruz
Special Assistant for Temporal Affairs
rev. msgr. Alejandro P. Esperancilla
Special Assistant for Liturgical Affairs
Rev. fr. Francisco T. Angostura
Rev. fr. joenick s. territorio
Resident Priests

Editorial Board


fter our November Monthly

Meeting, I approached Msgr.
Higinio Velarde, Jr. to ask
permission if we could hold our
Christmas Party. He told me it was
all right; he also said that he would
like to meet all the Ministry readers.
I made an appointment with Ms.
Jel Zendon, and so, last Sunday,
December 7, Msgr. Velarde met
us. It was a very good attendance
because out of fifty three members,
only four were not able to attend.
We were so excited and asked one
another what Msgr. Velarde would
like to take up with us.
After his Opening Prayer, he
told us that this would not be a
formal meeting but a getting to
know each other. He said he wanted
to know each one of us because its
embarrassing that when we meet,
he cannot recognize us.
According to him, the Ministry
of Readers is one of the most
important ministries in the life of
the Parish. It is a difficult task to lead
the community or church-goers
in making them appreciate the
Word of God and feel the presence
of the living Jesus. He said the
spirituality of a reader should have
a love of the Word of God; it is not
a question of reading but involves
a sharing of ones own faith. The
reader is fulfilling a mission to
his or her fellow community
member. This does not mean that
a reading should be stiff or formal,
but rather the realization that we
are continuing Jesus mission of
sharing the Word with God to His
people. It is something special and
requires adequate preparation.


Fe marina s. siacon
News Editors
julieta g. aquilo
ma. rosario r. tejada
Feature Editors
Lalaine D. Pasquin
Layout Artist
sem. michael john manalili
vic g. aguisanda
alma d. blanca
fe l. doronila - licuran

Alma D. Blanca

The commentator on the other

hand should be effective in leading
the parishioners to sing and
respond properly to the presider.
The commentator provides the
faithful with a brief explanation
and commentaries to help them
understand better the celebration.
The commentators remarks must
be clear though brief.
Msgr. Velarde added that Msgr.
Andy Esperancilla, MOR Spiritual
Adviser, will provide an on-going
formation and development input
to all readers.
So without so much fuss,
he requested each member to
introduce himself or herself
name, age, family, education,
employment, affiliation with other
religious organizations, why he or
she joined the Ministry, how long
has he or she been a reader, is he
or she happy in his or her role as
a reader?
After the introduction of each
member which everybody enjoyed
listening, Msgr. Velarde asked us
what problems we encountered
and what suggestions can we
make for the improvement of the
Ministry. These are the following:
Provision of the dictionary for
correct pronunciation (we have
a list of the names of all persons/
places mentioned in the Bible with

their correct pronunciation);

Extra copy of the Lectionary,
in both English and Hiligaynon, for
practice of readers while waiting for
the next Mass;
And with regards to Prayers of
the Faithful and Introduction we
may refer to Sambuhay but not let
Sambuhay dictate us, because the
Sambuhay is in the National Context.
Sound System should be
adequate the reader should read
louder and distinctly or slowly
to enable the parishioners to
understand what is being read.
Practice and listen to your own voice.
Always be ready for any
eventuality a Directory of all
members with their contact
numbers is available in the Sacristy.
Each reader is responsible to look for
his or her substitute in case he or she
is not available; and
We must campaign for more
cantors or song leaders for the
Ministry of Readers.
Finally, Msgr. Velarde expressed
his thanks and appreciation to the
readers for their faithfulness in their
The meeting ended with a
Closing Prayer by Msgr. Velarde.
Everybody was enlightened and
satisfied. We are thankful, honored
and privileged that our dear Parish
Priest had met with us.

Legion of Mary Nagtingob sa

Isa ka Pagsaulog


Pureza D. Lacuesta
Associate Editors


Getting To Know Each Other

ng Legion of Mary sang

Candelaria Curia naghiwat
sang Christmas Party dala
na ang pagsaulog sang Annual
General Reunion sang nagligad
nga Disyembre 7, 2014, sa Legion
Hall, Cathedral Compound, Jaro,
Iloilo City sugod a las 9:00 sa aga
tubtub a las 4:00 sa hapon. Ini
nga kahiwatan gintambungan
sang 15 ka Praesidia nga
may nagakalain-lain nga mga

Fe L. Doronila-Licuran

nanarisari nga mga hinampang
nga ginpasakupan sang 15 ka
Pagkatapos sang panyaga
may pormal nga programa
nga ginpasakupan sang kada
May mga saot,
binalaybay kag mga ambahanon
Nagtambong man ang mga
mapinalangga-on kag mabinalak-

on nga mga kapari-an sang parokya

nga sanday Padre Nathaniel
Gentizon, Padre Joenick Territorio
kag ang ila mga kaupod sa Katedral.
Ang ginahulat sang tanan amo ang
pagpaambitanay sang espiritu sang
Paskwa nga amo ang exchange
gifts kon sa diin ang tagsa-tagsa
malipayon nga nagbaton sang ila
gift. Sing may kasadya kag puno
sing kahulogan ila ginsaulog ang
Christmas Party!

3rd Sunday of Advent

(Gaudete Sunday)
Is 61:1-2, 10-11
Lk 1:46-50, 53-54
1 Thes 5:16-24
Jn 1:6-8, 19-28

Monday, December 15
Nm24:2-7, 15-17
Ps 25:4-9
Mt 21:23-27

Tuesday, December 16
Zeph 3:1-2, 9-13
Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19, 23
Mt 21:28-32

Wednesday, December 17
Gn 49:2, 8-10
Ps72:1-4, 7-8, 17
Mt 1:1-17
Thursday, December 18
Jer 23:5-8
Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19
Mt 1:18-24
Friday, December 19
Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25
Ps 71:3-6, 16-17
Lk 1:5-25

Saturday, December 20
Isaiah 7:10-14
Psalms 24:1-6
Luke 1:26-38

(Let us pray for each other)

DecEMBER 2014




Fr. Franklin Pilaspilas

Fr. Evaristo Ablona
Fr. Emmanuel Tuberada
Fr. Rey Zerrudo
Msgr. Claudio Sale
Arch. Angel N. Lagdameo,
Fr. Rolando Suplido


Msgr. Wenceslao Enojo

Arch. Alberto Piamonte



Christmas, hope for humanity

That the birth of the Redeemer
may bring peace and hope
to all people of good will.
That parents may be true
evangelizers, passing
on to their children the
precious gift of faith.

The Candle Light is a non-profit

weekly publication.

Readings for
the Week

CANDLE LIGHT (December 14 - 20, 2014)

:: Gospel Reflection

Ang Pulong Nangin Tawo

Ika-37 nga Domingo sang Tuig, Disyembre 14, 2014

Ang Mensahi ni Juan Bautista

Ang Dios nagpadala sang

Iya manugbalita, ang tawo
nga ginahingalanan kay Juan,
nga nagkari sa pagsugid sa
mga tawo nahanungod sang
kapawa. Ginsugiran niya sila
agud ang tanan magpamati
sang mensahi, kag magtuo.
Sia mismo indi amo ang
kapawa, kundi nagkari sia sa
pagsugid nahanungod sang
Ang mga pangulo sang
mga Judio sa Jerusalem
nagpadala sing mga pari kag
mga Levita sa pagpamangkot
kay Juan kon sin-o sia.
Si Juan nagsabat kag
napahayag nga wala sing
lipudlipod, Indi ako ang
Ginpamangkot nila sia,
Kon amo, sin-o ka? Ikaw bala
si Elias?
Nagsabat si Juan, Indi ako
si Elias.
Nagpamangkot sila, Ikaw


a subong nga Domingo,

Gaudete Sunday. Ang buot
silingon sini nga tinaga amo
ang magkalipay. Samtang
kita nagahulat sang adlaw sang
pagkari sang aton Ginoong
Jesuskristo, ang aton mga
Balasahon nagapanawagan sa
aton sa pag-aman sang aton
kaugalingon sa Iya nga pagabut.
Nahauna, aton balikan ang
aton mga hinimuan kon ini bala
nagakaangay sa kagustuhan ni
Ginoong Jesukristo. Dapat kita
maghinulsol sang aton mga
kasal-anan kag tinguhaan nga
indi na ini naton paghimuon
liwat. Aton lantawon kon
paano kita nagapakig-angut
sa aton isigkatawo kay si Jesus
nagsiling, Kon ano ang imo
ginahimo sa imo isigkatawo
ginahimo mo man sa akon,
Aton Sia pasalamatan sang mga
grasya nga aton ginabaton halin
sa Iya.
kaugalingon kon ano bala ang

CANDLE LIGHT (December 14 - 20, 2014)

Jn 1:6-8, 19-28

bala ang Propeta?

Nagsabat si Juan,
sin-o ka agud may
isabat kami sa mga
nagpadala sa amon.
Ano ang masiling mo
nahanungod sa imo
Si Juan nagsabat:
ang tingog sa isa nga
nagasinggit sa desierto:
Maghimo kamo sing
tadlong nga dalan nga
pagaagyan sang Ginoo! (Amo
ini ang ginsiling ni Isaias nga
Ini nga mga sinugo
ginpadala sang mga Fariseo.
Ginpamangkot nila si Juan,
Kon indi ikaw ang Kristo, ukon
si Elias ukon ang Propeta, ngaa
bala nga nagapangbautiso ka?
Nagsabat si Juan, Ako

aton mahatag sa iban ilabi na

gid sa subong nga tiyempo nga
madamo ang nagakinahanglan
sang bulig tungod sang mga
kalamidad sa aton palibut.
Ikatlo, lantawon naton ang
mga butang nga ginahatagan
pagtamod sa aton kabuhi.
Ginahatagan bala naton sang
tion ang pagpangamuyo, ukon
ginapasulabi bala naton ang
mga materyal nga butang kag
hilikuton sa aton pagbugtaw
sa aga kag sa bilog nga adlaw?
May tion pa ayhan kita para sa
aton pamilya ilabi na sa aton
Ginoong Jesukristo?
bagay nga mahimo naton
himuon sa paghanda sang
aton kaugalingon sa pagabut ni Ginoong Jesukristo,
pagpangamuyo, kag sa pagbulig
sa iban nga tawo, kay ini isa
ka pagsabat sa pagtawag sang
Ginoo sa aton diri sa duta.
Kon aton ginahigugma ang
Ginoo, aton kinahanglan nga
ubrahon kon ano ang eksakto

nagapangbautiso sa tubig, pero

sa tunga ninyo may isa nga
wala ninyo makilala. 27Ulihi
lang sia sa akon, pero indi ako
takos sa paghubad sang higot
sang iya sandalyas.
Ini tanan nahanaabo
sa Betania, sa tabok sang
suba sang Jordan sa diin
nagapangbautiso si Juan.
sa aton kaugalingon kag sa
iban. Bisan ano pa ang aton nga
paghambal sang ini nga gugma
para sa Iya kon wala ini naton
mapakita sa aton pagginawi,
wala ini sang kabilinggan.
Maghanda! Maghanda sang
may kalipay, kay malapit na ang
oras sang Iya pag-abut.


1. Ano bala ang mga butang

nga aton ginahimo sa paghanda para sa pag-abut ni
Ginoong Jesukristo?

Nagasabat bala ini sa
panawagan Niya nga aton
higugmahon ang
2. Sa aton Magagmay nga
paano ko bala ginakabuhi
ining paghanda sa Iya pagabut?

Ako bala nangin pamaagi
agod nga makita sang iban
ang buhi nga Ginoo sa amon

Sem. Michael John Manalili


Barangay Sponsors
Misa Pro Populo Sponsors/Offerers
December 14
December 21
December 28
December 17
December 24
December 31

Taytay Zone 2

Oras sang Parokya

San Vicente
Tabuc Suba-Ilaya

Aguinaldo Mass Sponsors

December 16
Lourdes and San Vicente
December 17
Luna and Benedicto
December 18
Democracia and Simon Ledesma
December 19
Tabuc Suba Proper
December 20
Ma. Cristina and San Roque
December 21
Arguelles , Libertad, Fajardo
December 22
Taytay Zone 2 and Cuartero
December 23
Taft North and Calubihan
December 24
Desamparados, CC El 98 and

50th sacerdotal anniversary

of archbishop lagdameo
19, Friday, Most Rev.
Angel N. Lagdameo,
D.D. will celebrate
his 50th Sacerdotal
through a Holy
Mass at 9 oclock in
the morning at the
Jaro Metropolitan
Cathedral. Let us
join him in thanking
the Lord for this
wonderful gift.

Parish calendar

For Sale at 100 pesos. Available at Libreria Candelaria


Tuesday to Friday:
December 22 and 23:

4:30P.M. 5:30 P.M.

6:00P.M. 8:00 P.M.

Coffee table book for sale!

It is good to confess our sins as we spiritually prepare

ourselves for the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ on
Christmas Day.

Mass of Waiting
December 15-23, 2014
8:00 p.m.
Aguinaldo Masses

4:30 a.m.
(Brgy. Bakhaw, San Vicente, Tabuc Suba-Ilaya)

OME, Italy, Dec. 11, 2014Filipino

priests undertaking further studies
in the Italian capital are all out in
expressing gratitude to everyone who
had donated for the repair of what they
affectionately call their Home in Rome
the Pontificio Collegio Filippino (Pontifical
Filipino College).
In his interview over Church-run
Radyo Veritas, the Collegios rector, Fr.
Gregory Ramon Gaston, shared that the
institutions pipelines and heating system
need upgrading, and its dilapidated walls
and cracked floors are also in need of
renovation. The priest also lamented that
the high cost of construction in Europe is
a major concern.
CBCP News previously reported
that the subsidy Collegio receives from
residents lodging fees and donations
from guests are only enough for its daily
The Collegio, officially known as the
Pontifical College Seminary of Our Lady
of Peace and Good Voyage, has produced
more than 500 alumni, many of whom
are now bishops, archbishops, and papal
nuncios who go on to become professors,
members of the Diocesan Curia, and
serve in specialized ministries such as
communications and school systems.
Among its illustrious graduates
are Papal Nuncio to Korea Archbishop
Osvaldo Padilla of Cebu City, and brother
of Tanzania Archbishop Francisco Padilla;
Archbishop Bernardito Auza, papal
observer to the United Nations (UN), and
Congo Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana.


To date, the Collegio has 28 priests from the

Philippines enrolled, and 10 others from countries
like the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South
Korea, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad
and Tobago, and Zimbabwe.
It takes two to four years for Filipino priests
to obtain their ecclesiastical degrees, and after
completing their formation, they return to their
home dioceses to work with the bishops and to
train future priests in seminaries, Gaston said,
noting how much the Collegio supports the life of
the Church.
Inaugurated in 1959, the institution, a four-

Pope on the Synod: There were No Fights,

but Strong Words were Said

Evening mass of
Waiting and
Aguinaldo masses

December 16 - 24, 2014

4:00 a.m. (Cathedral)

Pinoy Priests in Rome Thank Supporters of Papal School

A commemorative Book of 2014 Jaro Fiesta Celebration wherein

Marys Miracles are shared and the Laitys participation in our parish
is recognized and affirmed!
Get a copy now @ P1,500.00 only. Available at Parish Candle
Light office and Libreria Candelaria!

CANDLE LIGHT (December 14 - 20, 2014)

ecember 12, 2014. In his weekly

general audience, Pope Francis
shed light on the recent Synod on
the Family, where Bishops from all over
the world discussed how the Church
should respond to the modern day
challenges faced by families.
The Pope highlighted that everyone
was encouraged to speak candidly
without any limits.
There was no censorship in the
Synod. No censorship! Everyone was free
to...In fact, everyone had the responsibility
of sharing what they had in their hearts
and what they honestly thought.
In light of some of the controversy
regarding issues like marriage, divorce
and homosexuality, the Pope said the
truths about marriage were never put
in question by the Synod Fathers. That
includes the need to be open to life and
the indissolubility of marriage.

CANDLE LIGHT (December 14 - 20, 2014)

Some may ask, Father, did Bishops fight

during the Synod? No, I wouldnt say it was a
fight...But strong words were said. Yes, that is
true. But this is freedom. This is the freedom we
find in the Church.
He went on to add that even though many
documents were published in the discussion
phase of the Synod, only three of them are
official. They include his closing remarks, the
summary report and the final message.
Everything was made public. There was
complete transparency. Everyone had access to
what happened.
As far as media coverage, the Pope thanked
reporters for their work, but he said that
unfortunately some outlets treated the Synod
like a political war, with one party against the
The second phase of the Synod on the
Family will take place next year, in October

storey structure, is located at 490 Via

Aurelia in Rome.
In a media release, Manila
Archbishop Lus Antonio G. Cardinal
Tagle calls on the faithful to support the
global fundraising drive to start major
repairs on the Collegio.
The restoration of the Collegio
will help preserve the environment of
excellence it has established through the
years a quality that will redound to the
entire Catholic community, the prelate
(Raymond A. Sebastin/CBCP News)

Advent Prayer

Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite

in me a wonder at the wisdom and
power of Your Father and ours. Receive
my prayer as part of my service of the
Lord Who enlists me in Gods own
work for justice.
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite
in me a hunger for peace: peace in the
world, peace in my home, peace in
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite
in me a joy responsive to the Fathers
joy. I seek His will so I can serve with
gladness, singing and love.
Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite
in me the joy and love and peace that
is right to bring to the manger of my
Lord. Raise in me too, sober reverence
for the God, Who, acted there, hearty
gratitude for the life begun there, and
spirited resolution to serve the Father
and Son.
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ,
whose advent I hail. Amen.


Meet Fr. Randy

Vic G. Aguisanda

f you happen to meet him the first time,

you would think the least of his being a
priest what with his height and big body
structure. The latest addition to the Jaro
Parish administration is Fr. Randy Doromal
who comes from Brgy. San Antonio in
Nueva Valencia, Island of Guimaras, where
he grew up with his roots on his fathers
side from Dumangas and Guimbal, Iloilo;
on his mothers side, from the Gedaya
and Garque families. Aside from his new
assignment as Parochial Vicar, he is also the
Director of the Archdiocesan Commission
for Family Life up to the present. Right
after ordination to the priesthood in
2007, his experiences include parish
assignments in the towns of Miag-ao and
Leon in Iloilo Province and La Paz district
in Iloilo City which was interrupted only by
his schooling on Courses in Marriage and
Family at the John Paul Institute in Bacolod
City, Negros Occidental for two consecutive
Fr. Randy graduated bachelor of Arts
in Philosophy in 2001 at St. Vincent Ferrer
Seminary; his Theology course at St. Joseph
Regional Seminary in Jaro, Iloilo City in
2006. He was subsequently ordained priest

the following year.

As to his calling to the priestly life, he
says; I was only five years old when one
day my Lola brought me to the church and
from that time on I told myself that when I
grew up I would like to become a priest. And
when we played with my friends Bahaybahayan in my childhood days, my role

would always be that of a priest.

Not only has Fr. Randy grown big as
far as his physique is concerned but more
importantly he has grown to become a
priest which is his boyhood dream.
If you were not able to fulfill your
desire in becoming a priest, we asked, and
his answer: I would have been a farmer
like my parents.
For the coming of Pope Francis next
month, Fr. Randy say: Its very timely since
2015 is the Year of the Poor and the Good
Pontiff is widely known for his being propoor in many ways. Also, I feel he has a
little something in common with the Pope.
The Popes father is from Italy and
worked as a migrant worker in Argentina,
while Fr. Randys father is from Dumangas,
Iloilo who migrated to Nueva Valencia,
Guimaras to work as a farmer.
Fr. Randy, in closing, said, I would
like to be remembered as a priest with a
big heart and who worked with joy and
Lets include Fr. Randy in our prayers
to God to grant him the grace for him to
succeed in his additional work as our
Parochial Vicar.

Tips for
Reasons to Feel Hopeful Everyday

Accentuate the positive

With the holiday season here, there
are many reasons to feel hopeful. However,
sometimes its hard to see the forest
through the trees. Things in your life that
seem mundane or even challenging are
actually blessings in disguise.
As you think back to the reason for
the season, you can see there are plenty of
reasons you should be thankful as well as
hopeful for a bright, eternal future. When
you find yourself dwelling on the negative
things in life and forgetting to appreciate
the little things, turn to these 10 reasons to
feel hopeful every day.

You are not quite as negative as you

You are not quite as negative as you
think. You are reading thisthere is a drop
of hope. A seed ready to sprout with a little
TLC. Think back to the times when you saw
the world with sweet appreciation and
then challenge yourself to adopt this point
of view once again so you can see more of
whats good.
Appreciate your faith in God and you
will feel hopeful
He gives us strength and hope. Say a
prayer, appreciate nature or spend some
time reading the Bible. Seek out faithful
people and spend time with them or if

Pray! God the

Father Listens

youve stopped attending church, allow the

Christmas season to bring you back.

You are a free person to make your own

That is reason enough to be hopeful.
If you feel trapped, there is always hope
you will find a way out. You are a person of
choice who is free to love, work, worship
and simply be who you were made to be.
Stand up for what you believe and then live
You wake up each morning with
decisions to make and you do it
Decisions are made based on hope for a
good outcome. Empower yourself to make
decisions that are aligned with how you
think, what you believe and how you want
to live.

Every obstacle in front of you is a sign of

You wouldnt see the obstacle for what
it was if you werent feeling hopeful about
your future goal. Begin to see obstacles as a
way to sharpen your faith or improve your
willpower. Obstacles can be opportunities
waiting to be conquered!

You can help other people and give them

By doing little things like offering a
friendly smile, holding a door open or
visiting a sick neighbor. Your actions and

words can be the perfect gifts to give others

this holiday season especially if they are
wrapped in hope.

You can be hopeful for a better tomorrow

Whether that means you get up a little
earlier so you dont feel rushed or you are
hopeful for a better commuteit is a reason
for hope. Challenge yourself to begin seeing
your life as the glass half-filled. Before you
see the problems, look for whats right first.
When you do this, tomorrow will begin
looking better, brighter and more hopeful.
Strive to be healthier
Knowing that you can exercise a little
more or you can choose better foods is a
reason to be hopeful. Listen to what your
body is telling you and give it more of the
nourishment it needs with food, faith and

You have the choice to forgive

Forgiveness and acceptance is a reason
to be hopeful. You dont have to hold on
to that anger, you can let it go and have
hope for a brighter future. Remember:
Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself so
you can let go of the past and live fully in
the present.
God loves you no matter what
With that knowledge, there is always

CANDLE LIGHT (December 14 - 20, 2014)

(A Personal Experience)
Pureza D. Lacuesta
n 1999 when Mr. Lacuesta finished his work in an office
in Guam, he phoned me that we were going to have a new
apostolate which would be quite difficult due to our advanced
age. Nevertheless we had to do it because it might be our last
apostolate for the Church.
Bishop Apuron of Guam had included in his recent homily
the comment that there are many churches in honor of Jesus, of
Mother Mary, of St. Joseph, the Saints and apostles, even angels, but
not one for God the Father.
We had been working together in the apostolate in 1950,
starting with the Barangay sang Birhen, then on to the Cursillos in
Christianity, the CWL, the charismatic movement, founded the YFC
(Youth for Christ), Marian seminars and I worked in the church and
town publication. Mr. Lacuesta was a Eucharistic minister and he
oftentimes went to the hospitals and prison cells to share whatever
and with whoever he could.
Perhaps God the Father has planned something for us because
He took away Mr. Lacuesta one week before he was supposed to
be home. I was left alone to do the apostolate, but it was much
different because I couldnt climb the mountains nor cross the
streams and rivers anymore.
I continued my apostolate by working with Candle Light and
giving lectures on Values Formation when possible. Recently, a
Catholic school requested for a Value Formation Seminar where
the Director, Principal, and teachers were the members. It was a
beautiful activity.
Since I am physically weak to do my apostolate, I will share
with you the prayers I say every day. If you are old like me, it can
give you spiritual strength that will keep you mentally awake.
I recite two fifteen mysteries of the Holy Rosary, one healing
rosary of God the Father, two passion prayers, the Queen of the
Seven Swords and the Way of the Cross. I also recite the novena to
the Holy Spirit and read the Bible.
My prayers to God the Father, if they are in consonance with
human needs, are usually granted. A woman who was left by her
husband for another woman, after having prayed over before the
icon of God the Father, was reunited with him in less than three
months. My daughter-in-law who had an attack of cancer and
diabetes and was hospitalized, was healed. A woman who was a
victim of jealousy by co-=workers, felt secure after having been
prayed over.
We had been victims of typhoon Yolanda and Frank and
when I heard and read about typhoon Ruby, I started my rosary
of petition to God the Father. When they said that it was going to
strike at 2:00 oClock on Monday afternoon, I went to the icon of
God the Father and pleaded with Him to stop it. No Weather Bureau
is more authoritative than God the Father. My daughter, who is
an English Professor at WVSU, was scheduled to go to Cagayan de
Oro on Monday afternoon to supervise the contestants and the
trainers in a Speech Competition. She asked me to pray over them
which I did. I prayed to God the Father to let typhoon Ruby leave
the Philippines and go to a place where the people would be safe.
When the plane took off at 2:30 in the afternoon, the sky cleared
and the sun came out. I recited the rosary of thanksgiving to God
the Father. I prayed. He heard. He listened. He gave. Try making
a devotion to Him, and you will feel his graces.
I am 87 years old but my mental health is still strong. My
maintenance is God the Father. He is my strength in my waning

CANDLE LIGHT (December 14 - 20, 2014)

05:00 a.m.
+Nora J. Sevilla by Michael, Gemma Jardiolin &

Editha Fernandez
06:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Catholic Womens League
08:00 a.m.
09:30 a.m.
+Leon & Ney Tajanlangit, Serafin & Victoria Mallare,

Alfredo & Corazon Hugo, Encarnacion & Maria Clara

Gonzaga, Eduardo Nuguit, Augustus Bacabac & Luz

Tajanlangit by Alice T. Mallare
12:00 n.n.
+Ernesto, Natividad, Leonardo & Nelde Custodio,

Resurrecion & Eleonor Paramosa, Ronaldo Baido &

Naida Marao by Custodio & Sinosa Families
03:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass for Warlito P. Fano, Jr. by de la

Pea Family
04:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Rogelio Florete, Sr. & Family;

Alberto Yanga & Hollero Family; Randy Lumbaning

& Family; Eva Corsino & Family; Fe Marina Siacon

& Children; Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Garrido & Family;

Ninfa Baylen & Family; Ma. Grace Evangelista

& Family; Mr. & Mrs. Felicito Cabrera Jr. & Children;

Michelle Ann Cordero & Family; Rosette Tayongtong

& Family; Alma Blanca & Children; Avery & Ashley

Blanca; Ma. Fe Gelano; Braulia Cababasay &

Family; Amelita & Analou Enriquez Lazarraga; Jelly

Yap & Children; Connie Alenaje & Children;

Apolinario Marquez, Jr.,; Freddie & Delia

Hormillosa; Noel Fuentes & Family; Bonifacio

Maido, Jr. & Family; Veronica Juele; and Special

Intention of Marivic, Peter & Joe Marie Bonto; for

Healing of Nena, Pat, Denis & Sister Cristina, CM; for

Safe Voyage of Josan Luzuriaga
06:00 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Immanuel & Ma. Theresa J.

Bartolo, Ma. Zhar Lenna J. Armishaw &

Feliciano Japitana
07:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of R & M Lizada & Family
05:30 a.m.
Death Anniversary of Manuel Salazar by OJ

& Swit Marcelo
06:00 a.m.
+Bernardino & Virginia by Subong & Solas Families
06:30 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
+Chua Bun Cio by Chua Family
05:30 p.m.
+Ramon Salanio III by SJRS-ABADIM Class
08:00 p.m.
MISA SA GAB-I SPONSORS: Thanksgiving Mass

for Fr. Jojo Puthassery, MF by Elen Salazar;

Thanksgiving Mass of Mr. & Mrs. Renato Salcedo

& Family; Mr. & Mrs. Crispulo Celeste, Jr. & Family;

John, Jennifer Jucaban & Children & CHJ/JL Jucaban

Fish Broker; JC John Jamili; In Memory of the Late

Luciano & Gloria Bonto; In Memory of the Late

Ernesto Jiz Jardeleza
04:00 a.m. AGUINALDO MASS SPONSORS: Thanksgiving

Mass of Rote, Tejada, Molejona & Areo Families;

Amelita & Analou Enriquez Lazarraga; R & M Lizada

& Family and Special Intention of Marivic, Peter &

Joe Marie Bonto
06:00 a.m.
+Ervin Gerochi by Elen Salazar
06:30 a.m.
+Estrellita Galvez Lopez by Elen Salazar
12:15 p.m.
+Estrellita Galvez Lopez by DJERNITS
05:30 p.m.
+Tomas Sapalo, Jr. by Mr. & Mrs. Malvar J. Jardeleza
08:00 p.m.
MISA SA GAB-I SPONSORS: Thanksgiving Mass

of Milagrosa J. Shipping Corporation; Mr. & Mrs.

Crispulo Celeste, Jr. & Family; Alitao Family;

John, Jennifer Jucaban & Children & CHJ/JL Jucaban

Fish Broker; In Memory of the Late Luciano &

Gloria Bonto
04:00 a.m. AGUINALDO MASS SPONSORS: In Memory of

the Late Msgr. Alberto Piamonte; In Memory of the

Late Rosario & Aniceto, Sr. Muyuela; In Memory of

the Late Rodolfo Retirado and Special Intention of

Marivic, Peter & Joe Marie Bonto
06:00 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Cristina Caperonce
06:30 a.m.
+Msgr. Alberto Piamonte by Elen Salazar
turn to page 10

Engr. Alberto H. Yanga
Parish Secretary

The couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For any
impediment or serious defects that will prohibit marriage,
please inform the Parish Secretary or call 329-16-25.


REMY P. PALOMO, 33 yrs. old, resident of San Vicente St., Jaro, Iloilo
City, son of Renato Palomo & Emma Provido and ROSUETTEE B. LAUD, 37
yrs. old, resident of San Vicente St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Nelson Sr. G.
Laud & Ninfa Bierben.
CARLITO JR. U. BLANCAFLOR, 33 yrs. old, resident of Cuartero Hi-way,
Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Carlito Sr. Blancaflor & Maria Unarce and MA. RECHEL
F. NABONG, 28 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Indag-an, Miagao, Iloilo, daughter
of Roberto Nabong & Marieta Ferolino.
ARIES D. PACLIBAR, 32 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Batu, Passi City, Iloilo,
son of Ananias L. Paclibar & Nemia P. Devicais and JHOANNE PAULYN O.
ARCO, 28 yrs. old, resident of Locsin & Arguelles Sts., St. Joseph Village, Ph.
2, Cubay, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Aquilino I. Arco & Ma. Lourdes P. Olvido.
GALAHAD JR. M. GAMO, 31 yrs. old, resident of Km. 6, Airport Rd.,
Maandig Compound, Upper Balulang, Cagayan De Oro City, son of Galahad
Sr. G. Gamo & Emely T. Marquez and CATHERINE R. OSCARES, 31 yrs.
old, resident of 104 San Vicente St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Osias Jr. A.
Oscares & Expectacion S. Recalcar.
JOHN VINCENT G. GESTOPA, 27 yrs. old, resident of Tigbauan, Iloilo,
son of Bernardo Juancho A. Gestopa & Amarigine V. Geonigo and RONELLA
D. LAPORE, 29 yrs. old, resident of Cagamutan Sur, Leganes, Iloilo, daughter
of Rolando I. Lapore & Erlinda G. Dumilag.


GLENNER V. ZERRUDO, 29 yrs. old, resident of Tupas St., Remonville

Subd., Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Abner D. Zerrudo & Glenda U.
Villanis and KRISTIAN SACCHARINE C. PALABRICA, 29 yrs. old, resident
of Blk 17, Lot 17, LJ Ledesma Subd., Buhang, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of
Marcelino Palabrica & Alma Carillo.
NONITO G. ANACAN, 52 yrs. old, resident of Libertad St., Jaro, Iloilo
City, son of Tranquilino Anacan & Teresita Grecia and AMELIA B. TABINGO,
42 yrs. old, resident of Libertad St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Pedro T.
Tabingo & Zenaida Z. Bantad.
STEPHEN S. PEDROSA, 27 yrs. old, resident of Jalandoni, Jaro, Iloilo
City, son of Nelson Pedrosa & Delia Sulpicio and RHILYN D. IBSERNAS, 26
yrs. old, resident of Garita, San Enrique, Iloilo, daughter of Ricardo Ibsernas
& Merlinda Daelto.
ELPEDIO JR. M. PANES, 27 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Democracia, Jaro,
Iloilo City, son of Elpedio Sr. V. Panes & Azucena S. Mendoza and MARY
ANN F. MARCELO, 22 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Democracia, Jaro, Iloilo City,
daughter of Nolito A. Marcelo & Bernaldita D. Ferrer.
CARLO NIO P. DIOSO, 30 yrs. old, resident of Pacita Complex, San
Pedro, Laguna, son of Nino F. Dioso & Manuela B. Palete and IVY LUZ G.
YATCO, 31 yrs. old, resident of St. Francis Street, Brgy. Halang, Bian Laguna,
daughter of Ruben H. Yatco & Dolora G. De Guzman.
ROLLY T. MANDIGAL, 32 yrs. old, resident of Lanag, Tigbauan, Iloilo,
son of Rolando U. Mandigal & Adelina I. Tajonera and ANNABELLE M.
JUNGCO, 35 yrs. old, resident of Dungon C, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter
of Domingo S. Jungco & Lucita E. Matunding.


JARRET A. GUILLERGAN, 30 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Tacas, Jaro, Iloilo

City, son of Joel Guillergan & Nida Asis and YANNY ROSE W. MARAON, 23
yrs. old, resident of Bonifacio Tanza, Iloilo City, daughter of Alfredo Maraon
& Julieta Wong.
LOUIE E. MOTEL, 36 yrs. old, resident of Cuartero St., Jaro, Iloilo
City, son of Alberto Motel, Jr. & Ma. Luisa Esparagoza and MA. ROSALIE F.
BUENAFE, 34 yrs. old, resident of Cuartero St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of
Ruperto Buenafe & Elizabeth Florendo.
LESTER L. SUGIDE, 32 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Lacadon, Sta. Barbara,
Iloilo, son of Benito S. Sugide & Antonina G. Lustria and MARIA SHERYL S.
SABIDONG, 29 yrs. old, resident of Rizal St., Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, daughter of
Roberto S. Sabidong & Bernardita S. Silubrico.
BERNARD JR. M. ROSAL, 35 yrs. old, resident of UCMA Village, Brgy.
Apas, Cebu City, son of Bernardo Rosal & Clara Macawile and JANICE G.
GANANCIAL, 31 yrs. old, resident of Evangelista St., Pavia, Iloilo, daughter of
Jaime M. Ganancial & Anita G. Gumban.
JOSE CARLO J. JON, 29 yrs. old, resident of 7J Quezon St., Arevalo, Iloilo
City, son of Manuel S. Jon & Pacita T. Javellana and MARIA CRISTINA U. SY,
27 yrs. old, resident of Villa Soriano Subd., M.H. del Pilar St., Molo, Iloilo City,
daughter of Napoleon A. Sy & Helma F. Uy.
BARRY T. BASIYA, 28 yrs. old, resident of Blk. 15, Lot 6, Florville Homes,
Oton, Iloilo, son of Roberto G. Basiya & Rosela B. Tupas and JUBELLE MARIE
S. BODIOLA, 27 yrs. old, resident of Zone 15, Brgy. Calaparan, Arevalo, Iloilo
City, daughter of Jubert Sr. S. Bodiola & Isabelita B. Sazon.

Mass... from page 9...

12:15 p.m.
+Marietta Alinio, Jose Jaena, Nora & Mardonio

Villalobos by Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Hobilla
05:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass for the 50th Wedding

Anniversary of Zerlina & Henry Edemburgo, Sr.
08:00 p.m.
MISA SA GAB-I SPONSORS: Thanksgiving Mass of

John, Jennifer Jucaban & Children & CHJ/JL Jucaban

Fish Broker; In Memory of the Late Msgr. Alberto

Piamonte; In Memory of the Late Joe Don Lopez; In

Memory of the Late Luciano & Gloria Bonto
04:00 a.m. AGUINALDO MASS SPONSORS: Thanksgiving

Mass of Rote, Tejada, Molejona & Areo Families;

Engr. & Mrs. Regino Vicente Villanueva & Children

and Special Intention of Marivic, Peter & Joe Marie
06:00 a.m.
+Estrella Raddy, Aurelio Ledesma & All Souls in

Purgatory by Jose & Rose Marie Piamonte
06:30 a.m.
Thanksgiving Mass of Norma Madayag & Family
12:15 p.m.
+Irvin Gerochi by Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Florete,

Sr. & Family
05:30 p.m.
+Carlos, Dolores & Rex Jardiolin, Estrella & Gorgonio

Macaranas by Kenneth Jardiolin
08:00 p.m.
MISA SA GAB-I SPONSORS: Thanksgiving Mass of
John, Jennifer Jucaban & Children & CHJ/JL Jucaban

Fish Broker; In Memory of Late Felix, Milagros,

Loreto, Benjamin Sr. & Jr. Jardiolin & All Souls in

Purgatory; In Memory of the Late Lourdes Dellota;

In Memory of the Late Luciano & Gloria Bonto
04:00 a.m. AGUINALDO MASS SPONSORS: Thanksgiving Mass

of Bonifacio Maido, Jr. & Family; In Memory of the

Late Ernesto Jiz Jardeleza and Special Intention of

Marivic, Peter & Joe Marie Bonto
06:00 a.m.
+Estrella Raddy, Aurelio Ledesma & All Souls in

Purgatory by Jose & Rose Marie Piamonte
06:30 a.m.
Mass Intention for the Repose of the Souls of the

Benefactors of Jaro Cathedral
12:15 p.m.
+Iluminada Gellangala by DMII, Our Lady of Candles Circle
05:30 p.m.
+Gloria Altomia Buendia by Antonia Altomia Mendoza
08:00 p.m.
MISA SA GAB-I SPONSORS: Thanksgiving Mass

of Mr. & Mrs. Crispulo Celeste, Jr. & Family; John,

Jennifer Jucaban & Children & CHJ/JL Jucaban Fish

Broker; In Memory of the Luciano & Gloria Bonto
04:00 a.m. AGUINALDO MASS SPONSORS: Thanksgiving

Mass of Mary Margarette & Mary Louisse Magtubo;

Addie Tuvillara & Minnelle Tarrosa; John, Jennifer

Jucaban & Children & CHJ/JL Jucaban Fish Broker;

David Hollero, Jr. and Special Intention of Marivic,

Peter & Joe Marie Bonto
06:00 a.m.
Mass Intention for the Repose of the Souls of the

Benefactors of Jaro Cathedral
06:30 a.m.
+Iluminada Gellangala by Elen Salazar
05:30 p.m.
Thanksgiving Mass for the Birthday of Lygia Hobilla
08:00 p.m.
MISA SA GAB-I SPONSORS: Thanksgiving Mass

of Mr. & Mrs. Crispulo Celeste, Jr. & Family; John,

Jennifer Jucaban & Children & CHJ/JL Jucaban Fish

Broker; In Memory of the Late Quirico Baldomar, Sr.;

In Memory of the Late Luciano & Gloria Bonto


DECEMBER 05, 2014


DECEMBER 06, 2014



DECEMBER 07, 2014



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