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AP 8.

9 Matching
White Paper

Whats New in Release 8.9................................................................................................. 4

Configure Matching 5
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 5
Document Association Group ......................................................................................... 6
Document Association Rules........................................................................................... 7
Quantity Rule Options ................................................................................................ 8
User Criteria.............................................................................................................. 12
Merchandise amount................................................................................................. 14
Document Association Flow Charts ......................................................................... 15
Equal ..................................................................................................................... 17
Equal Sum............................................................................................................. 18
Select if One.......................................................................................................... 19
Match Rule Type ........................................................................................................... 21
Overview................................................................................................................... 21
Match Rule Type Parameters.................................................................................... 22
Allow on Rule Control.......................................................................................... 22
Allow on Workbench............................................................................................ 22
Match Rules .................................................................................................................. 23
Overview................................................................................................................... 23
Sample Generate a debit memo ......................................................................... 24
Sample Summary/Global rule............................................................................ 25
Sample - Summary Match ................................................................................... 28
Rule Processing Flowchart ....................................................................................... 29
Fetch Rules............................................................................................................ 29
Header Summary .................................................................................................. 30
Line Summary....................................................................................................... 31
Apply Rule Action ................................................................................................ 32
Status Update ........................................................................................................ 33
Rule Definition.......................................................................................................... 34
Tolerance at Rule Control..................................................................................... 35
Workbench................................................................................................................ 36
Workflow .................................................................................................................. 38
Match Rule Controls ..................................................................................................... 39
Overview................................................................................................................... 39
Sample Match Run................................................................................................ 40
Summary Match.................................................................................................... 40
System Rules......................................................................................................... 42
Compare and Contrast Purchase Order and Rule Tolerances............................... 45
Basic match........................................................................................................... 47
Standard ................................................................................................................ 48
Debit Memo
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 49
Configuration................................................................................................................ 49
Authority to issue a debit memo ........................................................................... 49
Payment Terms ..................................................................................................... 50
Use Voucher Payment Dates ................................................................................ 50


8.9 AP Matching White Paper

Invoice ID Suffix .................................................................................................. 51

Payment Hold........................................................................................................ 51
Payment Message / Messages............................................................................... 51
Dispatch method ................................................................................................... 51
Processing..................................................................................................................... 52
Pre-requisites............................................................................................................. 52
Application Engine ................................................................................................... 52
Lifecycle Processing Rules ................................................................................... 54
Notification (Dispatching) ............................................................................................ 54
Dispatch ........................................................................................................................ 55
Reports .......................................................................................................................... 57
Overview................................................................................................................... 57
List unpaid debit memos....................................................................................... 58
List debit memos on payment hold....................................................................... 59
List vendors with debit memo agreements ........................................................... 60
List voucher / debit memo cross-reference........................................................... 61
Summary Invoice
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 62
Set-up requirements ...................................................................................................... 64
Create a miscellaneous charge code ..................................................................... 64
Tolerance miscellaneous charge to Accounting Entry Template ......................... 65
Define tolerances on AP Business Unit ................................................................ 66
Summary Invoice inside tolerance ................................................................................ 67
Summary Invoice outside tolerance .............................................................................. 69
Correct a Summary Invoice using the Complete Worksheet ........................................ 70
Run Voucher Build........................................................................................................ 72
Review accounting entries for a miscellaneous charge................................................ 72
Excel Upload
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 73
Minimum data entry.................................................................................................. 73
Supplying the required values. .......................................................................... 73
Calculate matching due date ..................................................................................... 74
Prerequisites for excel upload ...................................................................................... 74
Personalize excel worksheet ......................................................................................... 75
Upload excel worksheet ................................................................................................ 77
Match Workbench
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 78
Personalized Searches .................................................................................................. 78
Run Matching................................................................................................................ 82
Update Match Due Date............................................................................................ 82
Running matching using the Match Request ............................................................ 84
Check the status of a Match request ......................................................................... 84
Handle Match Exceptions ............................................................................................. 86
Voucher Error summary ........................................................................................... 87
Match Workbench Exception Summary................................................................... 88
Document Details and Line Details .......................................................................... 89


8.9 AP Matching White Paper

Match Rule Details ............................................................................................... 91

Corrective Action...................................................................................................... 92
Header Level Override.......................................................................................... 92
Line Level Override.............................................................................................. 94
Handle Individual Rule Violations ....................................................................... 95
Undo Matching ............................................................................................................. 96
Vendor Metrics
Overview ....................................................................................................................... 97
Personalize your search................................................................................................ 98
Appendix A
Matching Records
Document Association ................................................................................................ 104
Matching ..................................................................................................................... 104
PO Records ............................................................................................................. 104
Receiver Records .................................................................................................... 104
Voucher Records..................................................................................................... 105


8.9 AP Matching White Paper

Whats New in Release 8.9

The procure to pay business process requires a partnership between the buyer and the
seller. Each participant plays an active role in ensuring that high quality products are
delivered on time, and at a competitive price. Supply partners are encouraged to
participate in initiatives and development plans that foster a cycle of continuous
improvement to further enhances value added products and services.
In release 8.9 the new match rules, enhanced exception handling and after the fact reporting, all
contribute towards fostering and monitoring this relationship. The new match rules allow for
header level matching and tighter control on the individual line items. Tolerances can be applied
based on the purchase order or based on tolerances that you define the match control. Provided
below is a list of the features provided related to match rules:

More delivered rules and rule controls from which to select

Enhanced control on the match rule control
Header-level matching based on total amount
Vendor Metrics report

Release 8.9 allows for a broader range of data entry point for vouchers. We provide for
electronic trading with suppliers, using either EDI or XML systems. For those Suppliers
who do not have current have the ability to handle EDI or XML weprovide excel
worksheet uploads. Traditional data entry is supported by the Summary Invoice, Quick
Invoice and Regular voucher entry. Provided below is a list of the features provided:

Summary (header level only) entry on a summary invoice to build a voucher

Import supplier invoice information via excel spreadsheet

For supplier invoices that are accepted electronically, the invoice is generally processed
prior to the receipt. To avoid unnecessary match exception, based on a missing receipt
we have added a new match due date. The match due date will be calculated based on
match delay days which will default based on the Accounts Payable hierarchy. For
traditional data entry, the match due date will be equal to the data entry date. Matching
has been updated to include the match due date to limit the selection of vouchers. If not
completed the match due date will be equal to todays date.
Match handling has also been enhanced for release 8.9. Both email and workflow
notifications can be configured by match rule. If you have an agreement with your
vendor, we can generate a debit memo for discrepancies. A debit memo can be sent to
the vendor by email, Fax or a hardcopy. Finally we are providing a Match workbench to
manage all tasks related to matching, from running matching, to handling exceptions and
reviewing match history. Detailed below is a list of these new features:

Match Exception notification (email) by Match Rule Type or individual rule

Match Exception routing (workflow) by Match Rule Type or individual rule
Automatically generate a debit memo for discrepancies


8.9 AP Matching White Paper

Debit memo rules/payment terms

Debit memo notification
Match Workbench from which user can manage all their matching tasks

Configure Matching
Using the configuration pages you will determine which documents will be used in
matching and how documents will be compared. For example, if no receipts exist, then
only the purchase order data is used in the match. A variety of rules are delivered from
which you can choose or you may wish to write your own rules.
The match rule defines a test applied to the data. The match rule is a SQL expression that
returns a True or False value. The Matching Engine uses this value plus the rule set
attributes to determine if a match exceptions exists. The action taken is based on the
results. It also provides the message users will act upon when an exception exists. Users
also have the option to use workflow or email to notify the person who will handle the

In release 8.9, we deliver the most common rules and match controls to validate the data.
The delivered match configuration is easily accessible from the Matching Page(see
screen shot below). This can be found on the Accounts Payable Center, next click on the
Definitions. The matching setup is step 5.
The set-up steps are as follows:
Document Association Group
Document Association Rules
Match Rule Type
Match Rules
Match Rule Control

It is recommended that you select the Rules and Match Control Rules, which most
closely approximate your business practice and modify as required.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper

Document Association Group

The document association group identifies the documents that will be included in the
match. Three document association types are delivered:
Voucher and PO matching (VP)
Voucher and receiver matching (VR)
Voucher, PO and receiver matching (VPR)
No additional values can be added to this page. All possible combinations are present.
No values should be deleted without reviewing the rules that are included in your match
control. By deleting a group you may impact a rule, that is attached to the document
association group.

The document association group, Default is the value delivered on the installation
options, see below. If you create your own document association group, you will need to
update the installation options as well.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper

Document Association Rules

In release 8.8 and prior releases, this functionality was called Receipt Aware Criteria.
Document Association Rules apply if and only if you have not created a voucher by
copying from a receiver or you have not manually associated a receiver. The document
association rules define the rules to search for a receipt, and the sequence in which it will
perform the search.
Document association is more flexible and less restrictive than Receipt Aware. Receipt
Aware would only find a receiver if the quantities on the voucher and the receiver
matched exactly. When the quantities were not calculated precisely no association was
Quantities may not have been calculated precisely when:
UOM conversion results in decimal values. If converted quantities vary
by .00001, the receipt is not selected.
Some kinds of low value, high volume goods are not counted precisely.
Some industries over or under ship as a business practice.
Amount only receipts can vary by small amounts
Multiple partial receipts may exist
Only two non-quantity values, packing slip and item ID are available.
Packing slip uses the invoice ID field causing the loss of a valuable data
element. Item ID provides little value because it is already identified on
the PO line and the line is linked to the receipt.
Document association includes a wider selection of receivers when attempting to find a
receipt to associate with a voucher. Document association does not require an exact
match to make an association.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper

Quantity Rule Options

Equal to
Allows for an exact match
Select if one
Find the first unmatched receipt, regardless of the quantity; this
will work if there is only one receipt against the Purchase order.
Select All
When multiple receipts exist, sum the unmatched quantities on the
receipts and compare the total to the voucher quantity, allows for inequality; this does
not compare the receipt quantity vs. voucher quantity. It will retrieve all the
unmatched receipts
Sum up to
When multiple receipts exist, sum the unmatched quantities on the
receipts until it is equal to the voucher quantity, allow for the selection of part of the
quantity on the receipt
Equal Sum
When multiple receipts exist, sum the unmatched quantities on the
receipts and compare the total to the voucher quantity, select receipts that will equal
the voucher quantity.

Scenario 1

Lets say for example that you have a Voucher with a quantity of 100
Three Receivers with quantities 40, 50 and 30
no receivers selected
Equal Sum
no receivers selected
Sum up to
receiver 20, 50 and 30 from the third are selected the receipts are
checked as follows:
Get the total receipt quantity and total voucher quantity
Check if total receipt quantity > total voucher quantity (In this case the total receipt
quantity is 120 and total voucher quantity is 100. The difference quantity is 20)
Are there any receipts which has a quantity >= difference quantity (20). In this case all
the 3 receipts qualify as the receipt quantity >= 20. Receipt 1 with a quantity of 40 will be
selected as FIFO is used to find the difference
Subtract the difference quantity (20) from the receipt quantity (40)


8.9 AP Matching White Paper

Associate all the receipts to the voucher line. In this scenario, the association will be 20,
50, and 30. (Association is done in LIFO)
Select if One

Not executed, in this example as a match is found under Sum up

Note: Association is not a match; it is only a process to find receipts that will be used
by matching. Matching is complete when all the match rules in a match control
have been applied.
Scenario 2

Lets say, for example, that we have entered a PO for a quantity of 10(100?). For this PO
we have entered three receivers with quantities of 30, 40 and 30 respectively. Copying
from the PO creates a voucher. The quantity is changed to 50.
not executed
Equal Sum
not executed
Sum up to
the system will select receipt 1 with a quantity of 30 and receipt 2
with a quantity of 20. This is how it works
In this scenario the difference quantity (total receipt total voucher) is 50
The system subtracts the difference quantity from all the receipts starting with the latest
receipt, until the difference quantity becomes zero. In this case LIFO method is used.
Select if one
not executed
Scenario 3

Lets say for example that we have entered a PO for a quantity of 10(100?). For this PO
we have entered three receivers with quantities of 30, 40 and 30 respectively. Copying
from the PO creates a voucher. The quantity is changed to 60.
Equal Sum
Sum up to

Select if one


not executed
not executed
the system will select receipt 1 with a quantity of 30 and receipt 3
with a quantity of 30.
In this scenario the difference quantity (total receipt total
voucher) is 40
Are there any receipt where receipt quantity >= difference
quantity? There is one
The system deletes the receipt 2 that has a quantity of 40 and
associates the remaining receipts 1 and 3
not executed

8.9 AP Matching White Paper

Scenario 4

Lets say for example that we have entered a PO for a quantity of 10. For this PO we
have entered three receivers with quantities of 3, 6 and 1 respectively. Copying from the
PO creates a voucher. The quantity is changed to 4.

The user than manually associates the two receivers to the voucher, those receivers with
quantities of 3 and 1 respectively, see below. Document association will not be run
when receipts are associated manually.


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8.9 AP Matching White Paper


User Criteria
If the User Criteria link is highlighted, this means that there is an additional criterion.
This criterion will need to be executed together with the criteria on the first page.
For example the first page indicates that the quantity must be equal, to find a receipt it
would need to find an exact match on each of the following:
Invoice number on voucher and packing slip on the receiver
Item setid on the voucher and item setid on the receiver
Item id on the voucher and item id on the receiver
If no match were found it would process to the next in the sequence, Equal Sum. If
equal sum has user criteria, its criteria would also need to be executed to make an
Note: Unlike the sequencing on the first page, if you have entered in the wrong
sequence you simply delete and re-enter the criteria in the appropriate order.

Scenario 4 user criteria

Lets say for example that we have Sequence 1 criteria Voucher quantity equals the
receiver quantity; the user criteria for Sequence 1 is a displayed above.
A PO is created with a quantity of 5. It is received also with a quantity of 5; no packing
slip number is entered on the receiver. The voucher is created, copied from the PO. The
invoice number is entered from the packing slip number on the suppliers invoice.
The receiver will not be associated with the voucher, as the receiver does not bear a
packing slip number.


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Sequence 2 criteria; the voucher quantity equals the receiver quantity. There is user
criteria for sequence 2, indicates that the item setid and item id on the voucher must be
equal to the receiver item setid and item id.
The receiver will be associated with the voucher as the quantity, item setid and item are
equal between the receiver and the voucher.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Merchandise amount

Amt Only must be checked.

In addition to allowing for an association based on the quantity the user also has the
option to make an association based on merchandise amount. If the User Criteria is
highlighted, the user criterion needs to be executed in addition to the merchandise
amount. .

Equal to
Allows for an exact match; Find the first unmatched receipt,
regardless of the amount;
Select if one
This will work if there is only one receipt against the Purchase
Select All
When multiple receipts exist, sum the unmatched amounts on the
receipts and compare the total to the voucher quantity, allows for inequality; this does
not compare the receipt quantity vs. voucher quantity. It blindly gets all the
unmatched receipts
Sum up to
When multiple receipts exist, sum the unmatched amount on the
receipts until it is equal to the voucher amount, allow for the selection of part of the
amount on the receipt
Equal Sum
When multiple receipts exist, sum the unmatched amounts on the
receipts and compare the total to the voucher amount, select receipts that will equal
the voucher amount


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Document Association Flow Charts

Sum up To Logic
Get the Total
Receipt Qty for a
given PO line


Get the Total

Voucher qty for the
given PO Line

Get the receipt that has

the maximum value for
(Recv BU + Receiver ID
+ Receiver Ln Nbr +
Receipt Ship Seq Nbr)

Is the total
receipt qty >
total voucher

Is the Diff qty >

Receipt qty?

Loop Back


Set the Diff qty =

Diff qty - Receipt


Delete the receipt


Set the Receipt

Qty = Receipt qty Diff qty

Delete the receipt


Get the diff qty

(receipt - voucher)

Is the Diff qty =

Receipt qty

Is there any
receipt qty that
is > diff qty





Is the Receipt
qty > Diff qty



Subtract the diff

qty from that
receipt qty




8.9 AP Matching White Paper




Are there multiple

voucher lines to
the same PO line


Associate the
Receipts to the
Voucher line


Get the total

voucher qty and
sum of associated
receipt qty

Get the voucher line
that has the minimum
value for (AP BU +
Voucher Id + Voucher
Line Number)

Is the Voucher
qty > sum(receipt


Are there Un
Receipt Lines


Proceed to the
Next Algorithm

Get the Receipt that has
the minimum value for
(Recv BU + Receiver Id +
Receiver Line Number +
Receipt Ship Seq Nbr

Find out if there

are any more
receipts that can
be associated to
this voucher

Does a Receipt



Delete the voucher

lines which does
not have receipt


Associate the
Receipt to the


Get the Maximum value

for (Business Unit
Receiver, Receiver ID,
Receiver Line Number,
Receiver Ship Sequence
Nbr) for a given voucher

Add the difference

qty (voucher qty sum(receipt qty))
to Qty Entered


Is the voucher
qty >= Receipt


Associate the
Receipt qty to the

Since there is Balance in

Receipt qty, find out if
there are other Voucher
lines that can be tied to
this Receipt


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Is the Amount only
option turned for the
Equal Algorithm?


Are there one or

more Receipts
where the Receipt
amount = Voucher



Are there one or

more Receipts
where the Receipt
qty = Voucher qty

Associate the Receipt to the

Voucher Line that has a
minimum value for Receiving
BU, Receiver Id, Receiver line
number, Receiver Ship
Sequence number


Delete these voucher lines
from the temp table so
that they are NO longer
included in subsequent
DAM processing

Proceed with the
Next Algorithm


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Equal Sum
Is the Amount only
option turned for the
Equal Sum


Are there one or
more Receipts
where the Sum of
Receipt qty =
Voucher qty

Are there one or

more Receipts
where the Sum of
Receipt amount =
Voucher amount


Associate the
Receipts to the
Voucher Line

Delete these voucher lines
from the temp table so
that they are NO longer
included in subsequent
DAM processing

Proceed with the
Next Algorithm


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Select if One
Is the Amount only
option turned for the
Select If One


Is there only
one Receipt for
the Voucher

Is there only
one Receipt for
the Voucher

Associate the
amount only
Receipt line to the
Voucher Line

Associate the
Quantity based
receipt line to the
voucher line

Delete these voucher lines
from the temp table so
that they are NO longer
included in subsequent
DAM processing


Proceed with the

Next Algorithm


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Select All
Is the Amount only
option turned for the
Select All Algorithm?


Associate all the
Quantity based
receipt lines to the
voucher line

Associate all the

amount only
Receipt lines to
the Voucher Line

Delete these voucher lines

from the temp table so
that they are NO longer
included in subsequent
DAM processing

Proceed with the

Next Algorithm


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Match Rule Type

Match rule types are categories that will determine the match actions. These rule types
are delivered and are not tied to a setid or a business unit. We deliver the following match
rule types:
System Rules must be executed. They identify missing data for example
an invalid purchase order number or missing match control id. If no
system rules are violated, the other match rules will execute
Data Entry, verifies that the vendor id, item id, payment terms etc. on the
voucher match the other documents
Merchandise Amount, verifies the line amount (quantity times price)
Merchandise Quantity, verifies that the correct quantity of a good or
services have been received
Merchandise Unit Price, verifies that the good or services have been
received at the correct price
Summary Global matches the total invoice amount to the total amount
on the purchase order and/or receiver. If the total is within the header
level tolerance the voucher will be matched for all voucher lines
Select the match types that best match your organizations business or create your own.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Match Rule Type Parameters

The match rule type carries parameters that will default to all rules. Workflow and email
notification parameters are defined by Match Rule Type and are inherited by the
individual match rules that bear the match rule type.

Allow on Rule Control

In prior releases, match rules could only create match exceptions. In this release the a
match rule can create an exception, a match or a debit memo:

Match line or voucher, if the merchandise total on a voucher equals (or is within
tolerance) the merchandise total on the purchase order and/or receiver.
Create a debit memo, if the match rules tied a merchandise quantity or
merchandise amount, bears a debit memo category and the vendor is configured
to accept a debit memo
Note: if you modify a Match Rule Type to allow a debit memo you receive a warning
message to indicate you must address all match rules tied to the Match Rule Type
Allow on Workbench
In prior releases, the only allowable action on the Match Manager, (renamed the Match
Workbench), was to override a match exception. In this release you can generate a debit
memo in addition to overridding an exception.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


If the match rules tied a merchandise quantity or merchandise amount, bears a

debit memo category and the vendor is configured to accept a debit memo

Note: if you modify a Match Rule Type to allow a debit memo you receive a warning
message to indicate you must address all match rules tied to the Match Rule Type

Match Rules
The organization must determine which documents will be used for matching. If
receiving information is recorded, will that data be included in the match rules. If
receiving is not required, then only the purchase order data is used in the match.
When you have decided which documents will be included in the match you must then
decide how these documents will be compared. The match control determines how the
documents will be compared. The match control groups the rules that are applied to the
documents to determine if there is a match or a match error.
The Matching Engine uses the rules in the Match control to determine if there is a match
and the action to take. It also provides the message when an exception occurs and,
optionally, specifies the workflow process used to notify the user of the error. Finally, in
order to provide control and validation information, the rule includes some classification
data that assists the programs that process the rules.
Matching rules can be divided into several categories, Match Rule Types:
System Rules
Data Entry
Merchandise Amount, Extended amount. Note this type will not be used to
generate a debit memo (Can be used for match exceptions)
Merchandise Quantity, may generate a debit memo
Merchandise Unit Price, may generate a debit memo
Summary/Global auto-matches documents below a predefined amount, for
example if you set $70.00 as the limit, all documents with a total merchandise less
than or equal to $70.00 will automatically match
Summary compares totals across purchase order, receipt and voucher


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Sample Generate a debit memo

If you have an agreement with your vendor you can generate a debit memo automatically
for differences outside an allowable tolerance defined by your business policies. Below is
a match control that contains three rules that if violated will generate a debit memo.

Scenario 1 over tolerance

Enter a PO with 2 lines. Rules tolerances are 5% defined at the rule control
PO line

Voucher line

PO Merch Total

Voucher Merch Total


Both lines are outside tolerance and will have a debit memo in the amount of (34.00)
generated to account for the discrepancy
Scenario 2 debit memo generated for a single line

Enter a PO with 2 lines. Rules tolerances are 5% defined at the rule control level
PO line

Voucher line

PO Merch Total

Voucher Merch Total


Line 1 will generate an exception, but not a debit memo. A debit memo is only generated
for an amount over the tolerance. Therefore a debit memo in the amount of (25.00) will
be generated for line 2 only.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Sample Summary/Global rule

. Tolerances for a rule can be defined in either amount or percentage. When rules are
added to a match rule control, appropriate fields will be enabled to accept tolerance
The rule must be executed first. Other wise the exceptions will be created.

Scenario 1 Global Amount Tolerance

In this scenario we will enter an under and over limit of $70.00 for rule 820.

Enter a Purchase order for 65.00. Create a voucher by copying this PO into the voucher.
The voucher will not be matched as no tolerance difference has been allowed on the rule.
Change the unit price amount on the voucher to 70.00. Run matching. The voucher will
be successfully matched. Provided there are no other exceptions for this voucher.
Scenario 2 Global Percentage Tolerance

In this scenario we will add rule 830, Global Percentage Tolerance to the match rule


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Under and over percentage tolerances are entered for this rule on the match rule control.
This means that if the voucher will match if it is within 10% plus or minus the summary

Enter a PO with 2 lines.

Compare total merchandise amount between a PO and a Voucher
PO line

Voucher line

Total compares

PO Merch Total

Voucher Merch Total





The match rule, Voucher total +/ 10% = PO total is True, therefore the voucher will
be matched In this case the total is not compared as the rule 830 is executed at the line
level. Also just setting the action to Match on the rule control does not mean that the
voucher will be matched. The action specified under Continue to Next Rule plays a
vital role..
Scenario 3 Global Percentage Tolerance

Enter a PO with 2 lines.

Compare total merchandise amount between a PO and a Voucher
PO line

Voucher line

Total compares

PO Merch Total

Voucher Merch Total





The match rule, Voucher total +/ 10% = PO total is False; therefore matching will
generate an exception for rule 830. The rule 830 is at the line summary level. So line
totals will be compared and NOT the header total.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Sample - Summary Match

Compares totals across purchase order, receipt and voucher.
Scenario 1 Match Exception

Compare total merchandise amount between a PO and a Voucher

PO line

Voucher line

Total compares

PO Merch Total

Voucher Merch Total





The match rule, Voucher total = PO total is False, therefore matching will continue to
the next rule to identify the reason for the discrepancy.
Scenario 2 - Matched

Compares total merchandise amount between a Receiver and a Voucher

Recv line

Voucher line

Total compares

Recv Merch Total


Voucher Merch Total





The match rule, Voucher total = Receipt total is True, therefore the voucher will
be matched and no further matching rules will be evaluated.
Note: The matching process updates the details all all lines on the voucher, PO
and Receipt.


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Rule Processing Flowchart

Fetch Rules

Fetch Rules for a

given Rule Control



the Match Rule
Level = Header




Match Rule Level

= Line Summary

8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Header Summary


Insert into Header

Summary Temp
table using PO



Is the Rule
SQL using PO


Use Tolerance
at Rule Control
is turned on?



Insert into Header

Summary Temp
table using no PO

Is the tolerance
based on

Does the SQL contain

%P(1) or %P(2) or both.
These are parameter



Insert into Header

Summary Temp table.
No tolerances are used


Insert into Header

Summary Temp table
using the Amount
tolerance specified

Use %Tolerance

Does the SQL contain

either %P(1) or %P(2) or
both. These are
parameter holders


Insert into Header

Summary Temp table
using the % tolerance


Insert into Header

Summary Temp table.
No tolerances are used



8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Line Summary

Insert into Line

Summary Temp
table using PO



Is the Rule
SQL using PO


Use Tolerance
at Rule Control
is turned on?



Insert into Line

Summary Temp
table using no PO

Is the tolerance
based on


Does the SQL contain

%P(1) or %P(2) or both.
These are parameter


Insert into Line

Summary Temp table.
No tolerances are used



Use %Tolerance

Does the SQL contain

either %P(1) or %P(2) or
both. These are
parameter holders

Insert into Line

Summary Temp table
using the Amount
tolerance specified


Insert into Line

Summary Temp table
using the % tolerance


Insert into Line

Summary Temp table.
No tolerances are used



8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Apply Rule Action


Get Workbench
Fields from the
Rule Setup page


Is the Rule
Action =


Is the Rule
Action = Debit

Insert into


Set Debit Memo

Flag = Y on Line
Summary temp

Is the Debit
Category =


Set the Debit

Memo Category =


Set the Exception

Flag on the
Header/Line Temp


Check Continue to
Next Rule


Proceed With the

Next Rule

Set the Debit

Memo Category =





Continue if


Vouchers that DID NOT

satisfy the rule criteria will
NOT go through further rule


Vouchers that satisfied the

rule criteria will NOT go
through further rule


Continue if


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Status Update
Is the exception
Flag on Header/Line
Summary = Y


Is the Debit
Memo Flag =


Set Match Status

on Voucher as


Set the Match

action on voucher
as Exception


Has all the




Delete All the

exception Records

Set the Match

Status on Voucher
as Matched with


Were the
overridden with
Debit Memo?

Reset the Debit

Memo Flag if there
is at least one

Reset Debit Memo if

all the exception
were overridden
without Debit Memo
as the action

Reset Debit Memo

Flag if Voucher
Qty/Price < PO

Reset Debit Memo

Flags if the Vendor
is NOT setup for
Debit Memo

For Vouchers that

successfully met the
Debit Memo criteria
convert all the
exceptions to Override

For vouchers that met the

Debit memo criteria, set
the Match action on
Voucher as Matched with
Debit Memo


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Rule Definition
A wide variety of match rules are delivered. Each rule is associated with a match rule
type. Only those rules whose match rule type is Merchandise Quantity, or Merchandise
unit price, can have a Debit Memo Category. The debit memo category is either
Quantity or unit price. The system uses either the quantity or the unit price as the base
for calculating the discrepancy. No debit memo is generated for header level amount
The match rule level indicates whether the matching engine is looking at the voucher
header record or the voucher line when comparing values.
The long description will appear on the match workbench by accessing the details icon.
It is recommended that you provide the user with corrective action appropriate for your
business. The user will be able to handle the exception without having to access external


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Tolerance at Rule Control

If your business employs a standard match tolerance for all items regardless of the
category, you may create rules that use tolerances that you define. This method replaces
the need to maintain the tolerances on the Item Category or on the Item. Check on the
Under Tolerance at Rule Control. You will then be provided with the choice of
employing Amount or Percentage tolerances. These tolerances are both under and
over tolerances. You will enter the under and over values on the match control
component. The match control page will open and an editable box for each rule that have
the check box Use Tolerance at Rule Control turned on. The amount or percentage
field will provide an editable field as appropriate. See match rule control below:
Note: The match control, Standard Rule Tolerance, contains the rules that use rules
with this check box turned on. Also note the delivered rule descriptions. Two sets of
rules exist, one that uses rule tolerances and one that uses the tolerences defaulted to the
PO. Use the appropriate version of the rule because the rule references the sroage
location of the tolerance; rule or PO.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Amount or
field is editable
depending on
the rule

On the workbench tab you define how you would like to have information for this rule
displayed on the workbench. The Workbench Match Rule label will appear on the
workbench, to identify the rule. The long description seen on the rule definition will be
available on the workbench by clicking on a details icon.
By selecting the checkbox Display this match rule on the workbench only if matching
generates and exception for this rule, you can limit the rules displayed on the match
workbench. If you do not check this box, all rules in your match control will display on
the match workbench.
Finally under workbench properties you will provide the value that will be displayed in
each of the voucher, purchase order and receiver columns. If a rule compares voucher to
purchase order, you would not select a receiving value as well. There is no edit to ensure
that the values that you provide correspond with the match. It is recommended that you
do not modify the workbench properties for delivered rules. For rules that you create it is
recommended that you work with your IT staff to ensure that you select the appropriate
value for voucher, receiver and purchase order. You may only select fields that are
provided in the drop down list.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper



8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Exception Routing can be at the match rule level. The parameters are inherited from the
match rule type and can be overridden by checking on the Override Rule Type
Parameters. The user can specify either the role to which work list or email notification
messages will be sent. The work list/email notification will be triggered only if the action
is set to exception at the match control (rule set) level. Every user that is tied to the role
should have a valid email address, in order to receive email notification. These (work
list/email notification) will be triggered from the matching process as well as workbench.
Because of the matching process, the system will assign reason codes (match exception.
E.g. in this case the match rule ID)for the various mismatches. The system will route
discrepancies to users for further resolution. The routing tables should define the rules to
be used for routing exceptions.
The notification reminder days edit box allows you to enter a number of days before a
subsequent notification is sent.
Note: for a single error it may appear on a work list as well as sending an email


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Match Rule Controls

We will deliver a standard set of rules, Match Controls which represent a variety of
business practices:
Standard Rule Tolerance
Standard Purchase Order Tolerance
Debit Memo
Basic Match
Standard Rules, delivered in Release 8.8
It is recommended that the user select the Match Control rules that most closely match
your organizations policy. You may re-sequence rules, see the far left hand columns.
You may delete those rules that do not apply. Assign actions for match rules For example
you may wish to remove rules that compare voucher and receiver if you do not receive.
As well, an authorized user will be able to, add new match rules or change an existing
match rule.
Under Action, there are three possible actions (see also match rule type):
Debit Memo
The final column on the right, asks the match engine to evaluate the results of the match
rule. If you indicate that you will always continue, the evaluation is inconsequential. If
the rule provides an evaluation of True, for example rule 200 seen blow. When the
voucher total equals the PO total (true), the system matches the documents and matching
will not proceed. If the total are not equal (false), it will continue to the next rule. The
process continues to determine which detailed rule has failed to prevent the voucher from
matching at a header level.

Action, as
defined on the
Match Rule Type

8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Sample Match Run

By reordering the rules, you can reduce the number of vouchers that have every rule
applied. By reducing the number of documnets in eash step, the process runs more
efficiently. The following example illustrates this idea..
Start matching with 10,000 vouchers
500 vouchers match on Rule 200
9,500 voucher proceed to the next rule
1,500 vouchers match Rule 230;
8,000 voucher proceed to the next rule
2,000-voucher fail Rule 2406,000 voucher proceed to the next
As per match control,
6,000 vouchers will have all remaining rules applied
If the most common situation is demonstrated by these statistics, switching rules 200 and
230 will improve matching performanace.
Note: Review the complete list of rules after reordereing to insure that a document is not
matched by missing a key rule.
Summary Match
The summary match rule will not produce a match exception. The statement is evaluated
to determine if it returns a True or False and is intended to result in an action of
Match if the staement is ture..
Scenario 1

For example the voucher total is 10,000.00 and the receiver total is 10,000.00. The
Match engine will return an evaluation of True. The action indicates to Continue if
False, as the statement is True; the voucher will be matched and no other match rules
will be executed
Scenario 2

In this example for the voucher is 10,300.00 and the receipt is10,000.00 with no tolerance
allowed. The Match engine will return an evaluation of False, for the statement


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Merchandise Amount = Receiver Merchandise Amount. The action, indicates to

Continue if False. The match engine will continue executing rules until a line level
violation is found that will identify the reason for a $300.00 discrepancy.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Delivered Match Control Rules

System Rules
System rules are included in all match rule controls. These rules are executed first. If no
system rule is violated the other rules in the match control will be executed. It is
recommended that you select the delivered match rule control that most closely matches
you business practice and make changes accordingly.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Standard Purchase Order Tolerance

STD_PO_TOL, includes the match rules using tolerances from the purchase order.
The tolerances may be inherited from the item, the item category or entered on the
purchase order itself. Note: if you change the action to Debit Memo for any rule
you will receive an error message if no debit memo category is assigned to this rule.
Also note that the rule program code references the tolerances on the PO. Changing to a
rule tolerance will result in erroneous application of the rule.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Standard Rule Tolerance

STD_RL_TOL, includes all match rules using tolerances from the match rule. Those
rules for which an amount or percentage tolerance is appropriate a modifiable field is
opened. You can enter the under and over values that are appropriate for your
organization. If no value is entered it is assumed that the tolerance is zero, and must
therefore be an exact match.
Note: that the rule program code references the tolerances on the Match Control.
Changing to a PO tolerance will result in erroneous application of the rule.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Compare and Contrast Purchase Order and Rule Tolerances

Scenario 1 PO Tolerance Match Rule Control (STD_PO_TOL is the rule control)

Expected Result PO tolerance Item 10000 has a unit price tolerance of 2.00 USD.
PO has a quantity of 1.00 and unit price of 100.00 USD.
Enter the voucher by copying from the PO.
The unit price is changed to 103.00 USD.
The match rule control uses PO tolerances.
The voucher fails matching because the unit price is greater than the PO unit price
plus PO tolerance (100.00 + 2.00).
Scenario 2 Standard Rule Tolerance Match Rule Control (STD_RL_TOL is the rule control)

Match rule tolerance for Item 10000 has a unit price tolerance of 2.00 USD.
PO has a quantity of 1.00 and unit price of 100.00 USD.
Copying from the PO enters the voucher.
The unit price is changed to 103.00 USD.
The match rule control uses match rule tolerances.
The match rule unit price tolerance is 5.00 USD.
The voucher successfully matches because the unit price is less than the PO unit
price plus match rule tolerance (100.00 + 5.00).


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Debit Memo
To create a debit memo adjustment voucher, select this match rule control. The Debit
Memo match rule control allows the system to create a debit memo adjustment voucher
instead of match exceptions. Note: the match rules must be mapped to a match rule
type that has a debit memo category and the vendor must be configured to accept
debit memos for discrepancies.
The delivered Debit Memo Match Control uses rules that include rule tolerances.
Replace the rules with the equivalent PO tolerance versions to implement a rule based


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Basic match
This match control contains the minimum number of rules required to perform a match,
among the voucher- purchase order receiver documents. If you will only be matching
between a purchase order and a voucher you may delete rules from the basic match that
compare the voucher to the receiver. Likewise if you will only match the receiver to the
voucher you may delete rules from the basic match that compare the voucher and the
purchase order.
Note: if you change the action to Debit Memo for any rule you will receive an
error message if no debit memo category is assigned to this rule.
The delivered Basic Match Control uses rules that include PO tolerances. Replace the
rules with the equivalent rule tolerance versions to implement a rule based method.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


The Rules delivered in this match control are similar to the rules delivered in release 8.8.
The statement compares the same values, however they were re-written to access the
tables that are now used in release 8.9.
The Standard Match Control allows an upgrading customer to continue to use their
existing rules without taking advanbtage of the new featues. Be sure to review the
existing rules to insure that no customization was used.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Debit Memo
Before paying an invoice from a vendor, the organization needs proof of delivery. The
organization needs to be sure that it got what it is paying for. The proof of delivery
comes in two forms:
Invoice review and approval by the individual that requested the goods or service
An automatic match that compares the invoice to a purchase order and receipt.
If there is a discrepancy due to a vendors error, the resolution traditionally involved
paying short, reducing the amount of the invoice by the amount of the discrepancy, or
requesting a credit memo from the vendor.
The first method creates confusion with the vendor because the payment doesnt match
the invoice and there is no record of the reason for the change. The later method delayed
the completion of the payment process until the credit memo arrived.
The better method for handling discrepancies is to create a debit memo that records the
reason and amount of the adjustment. Then the debit memo can be used to reduce the
payment while providing the vendor with information for the adjustment. It also provides
an audit trail for resolving questions.
In order to implement this function, the system user needs a method to define the
characteristics of the debit memo created by the system. This document describes the
debit memo configuration process.
The creation of the debit memo assumes the existence of an agreement with the vendor
that allows the adjustment to the invoice. The vendor record must include a method to
indicate this agreement.
If an agreement exists, and because the system automatically creates the document, it
needs a method for the user to configure processing characteristics of the document. This
configuration must be flexible enough to meet the requirements of many industry
Because the process is linked to the vendor, the configuration values will be carried on
the vendor location.


Authority to issue a debit memo

The authority to issue debit memos assumes the existence of a contractual relationship
with the vendor. The first two options address this. The first option indicates the
existence of the agreement and the other parameters controls the automation of the


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


process. If an agreement exists but is not automatic, the user is allowed to create the
debit memo from the Match Workbench.
Match process will generate a debit memo, based on match rule and vendor set-up. If the
Allow Debit memo is checked on, all fields related to debit memo configuration are
enabled. Checking this box indicates that an agreement with the vendor is in place.
Allows entry of the remaining options.

Payment Terms
The terms code option can be defaulted using the standard defaults defined for vouchers
or the user can defines specific terms for the debit memo. The Payment Terms
Configuration determines the values when the user overrides the default.
In addition, the user can specify that the debit memo be placed on payment hold when it
is created. Because the two documents represent a set, the user may want to hold the
original voucher as well. Once the vendor confirms the deduction, the user releases both
documents for payment.
When blank, use the current date as the scheduled payment date, net due date and
discount date.
Else use the terms code and the terms code algorithms to calculate the dates.
Use Voucher Payment Dates
Use this option when the user wants to insure that the debit memo pays in the same Pay
Cycle as the original voucher.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Invoice ID Suffix
When building the debit memo from the discrepancies identified on a regular voucher,
the systems needs to create a unique ID to prevent duplicate invoice errors The suffix is
required and the 1-2 characters will be appended to the end of the voucher invoice
number. (It overlays the last two characters when the invoice number uses the full length
of the field.)
Payment Hold
Because of legal requirements or business practice, the organization may want to hold the
debit memo as well as the original voucher. The payment is held until the vendor
acknowledges the debit memo or sends a corrected invoice.
The user must manually release the hold status when the debit memo is ready for
Payment Message / Messages
The user specifies a message or message code that appears on the remittance advice when
the debit memo is included on a payment. This provides for an additional explanation for
the payment adjustment.
When checked, the process prorates the values on the original voucher based on the debit
memo amount and includes them on the debit memo.
Based on the agreement with the vendor, a notification process may be needed. The debit
memo affects the amount paid to vendor and must be accommodated in the vendors
Accounts Receivable system.
The notification requirement is accomplished by dispatching the debit memo document to
the vendor.
The following options control that process.
Dispatch method
The user can designate any of the methods included in the PO dispatch methods, Print,
FAX, EDX, Email, and Phone. This option can be overridden on the debit voucher.
Note: Dispatching the Debit Memo, although good business practice, is optional. No
processing of the debit memo is interrupted if it is not dispatched.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Matching calls the voucher build application engine to build an adjustment voucher for
those match rules that have a debit memo category, attached to the match rule type. If
you attempt to create a debit memo for a match rule that is not attached to a debit memo
category, you will receive an error message to indicate that no debit memo will be
generated. The debit memo category specifies whether to generate the debit memo using
a price discrepancy as the basis or using the quantity discrepancy as the basis for
calculation. Note: there may be discrepancies that are both quantity and unit price.
Sales tax, use tax and VAT amounts calculated based on tax codes specified on the
original voucher. However some exceptions for other system computed values exist.

No discount, as the original voucher may have user defined discounts or a

discount may not apply to the entire voucher
No freight, we cannot assume that freight is based on the total amount of the
merchandise. Therefore the freight may not be affected by a discrepancy between
the voucher and the receiver/purchase order
No miscellaneous charges, miscellaneous charges may be insurance or a carrying
charge and the basis for calculating the charge may not be the total amount of the
merchandise. Therefore the charge may not be affected by a discrepancy between
the voucher and the receiver/purchase order

Application Engine
Two processes create a debit memo. First matching will create one automatically based
on the Action specified in the Matching Rule Set. Second, the user can initiate the
creation of a debit memo from the Matching Workbench.
Using the match exception action as the trigger, the system creates a debit memo. When
the user initiates the action from the matching workbench, the exception will carry a code
similar to the Override code used in the current system. If an automated process is in
place, the action on the rule will trigger the creation of the debit memo.
Note: Matching must be able to differentiate between the manually entered code
and the automatic process.
Whether a debit memo is generated automatically or manually via the workbench,
matching must be run to call the voucher build process. Therefore if you select Debit
Memo as the action on the workbench, match must be re-run.
Matching will call Voucher Build. The Voucher Bulild matching interface populates the
_STG tables. The payment terms for the debit memo will be found on the vendor debit
memo group box, new voucher source MTCH
Calculate SUT and VAT on the MTCH source. Matching will populate SUT and VAT
parameters based on the original invoice


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Once it has determined the action, the process retrieves the vendor configuration. The
vendor option must allow for the creation to occur. If this is not true, a system match
error is generated, the voucher is put in an exception status.
The matching process needs to verify that only debit memo exceptions exist. If non-debit
memo exceptions exist for any of the lines on the voucher, debit memo creation is not
The process creates a new adjustment voucher using the original voucher as a template.
This process is the same as using the copy button when entering an adjustment voucher
using the Voucher Entry page. The steps are:
Copy the header and the line and distribution records for each line on the voucher that has
a Create Debit Memo action.
Compute the adjustment amounts.
Prorate the distribution amounts based on the original amounts and the adjustment
Access the vendor debit memo options.
Update the vendor address if necessary
Set the dispatch method and dispatch status.
Update the payment terms if necessary.
Place the documents on payment hold if necessary.
Add the payment message if necessary.
Set the related voucher links in the debit memo.
After formatting the adjustment voucher (debit memo), write the data to the voucher
staging tables and initiate voucher build.
Note: the adjustment voucher will be automatically approved if the customer uses
voucher approval. Because the system creates the voucher, an implied approval
exists. Automatically approving the voucher also satisfies eSettlements approval
After creating the debit memo, the system needs to update the matching records in the
same manner as would be done if the original voucher and the adjustment voucher
The system needs to consider the debit memo and the related voucher as a set. At times
subsequent processing may need to apply changes as a set or at minimum issues warning
messages when one of the documents is changed.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Lifecycle Processing Rules

You may only close the debit memo if original voucher is closed. However the original
voucher cant be changed without changing the debit memo. Doing so would leave an
orphan. This is an illogical business situation. The debit memo was created because of
the original voucher and now the original no longer exists.
When changing either document, the system issues a message notifying the user that the
associated document exists. The message on the regular voucher is a Hard message
which prevents the user from modifying the document.. The debit memo is a warning
message to the user of the existence of the original document.
If you delete a debit memo you will receive a warning message to indicate that the debit
memo is associated with a regular voucher. Remember that the debit memo is created to
complete the match transaction.
If you undo match for a voucher it will delete the debit memo automatically, if there is no
commitment control. The debit memo completes the match transaction and must be
deleted if you undo a match. If commitment control is turned on for your business unit,
you will be advised that you must manually delete the debit memo prior to performing an
undo match on the voucher.

Notification (Dispatching)
By issuing a debit memo you are adjusting the payment to the vendor. It is as good
business practice to generate a debit memo to notify the vendor. The notification also
serves as a communication tool to keep the vendor informed of delivery or invoicing
This process is part of a general function to keep interested parties informed of the
progress of invoice entry and payment.
The intent of the form is to communicate the details of the deduction to the vendor. It not
only indicates the amount of the deduction, but also identifies the reason for the
deduction, the calculation used to compute the amount, and displays the related document
IDs that is the basis for the debit memo.
Because the requirements vary widely, we deliver a template report that can be modified
by the customer, if necessary.
Notify your vendor that adjustment made to the original voucher
Dispatch produces a paper copy of the debit memo
Note: Vendor location contains parameters for creating and dispatching


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


You may schedule debit memos as a regular job to run once or a few times a day. You
may also using the selection parameters to run for:
One or many business units
All vouchers or a specific voucher
All vendors or a specific vendor
A specific date or a range of dates

Dispatch method: the user can designate any of the methods included in the PO
dispatch methods, Print, FAX, EDX, Email, and Phone. This option can be
overridden on the debit voucher.
The dispatch methods use the vendor configuration to determine where to send the
document. Printed debit memos need an address, for example. Because the debit
memo destination may be different from the others, the debit memo configuration
must allow overriding destinations.
Address Option
The default address is the Remit-to address on the vendor location. This assumes that the
area of the vendors organization that deals with the debit memo is the same as would
deal with the payment.
If you will notify your vendor via fax, you may install Merkur DeliveryWare and Merkur
connector software. This third-party software is required for dispatching debit memo and
vourcher information via fax or email.
Note: The landed cost extraction application engine process includes debit memo
adjustment vouchers after they are matched and posted.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Sample Debit Memo

The debit memo format is very similar to a credit note that you would expect to receive
from the supplier. The line information provides the original information and compares it
with the purchase order or receiver to justify the generation of a debit memo. The invoice
number, is the vendor original number with a suffix of DM as defined on the vendor
The invoice date is the date the demo memo is generated through matching.

This is the debit

memo address
specified on the
venor location


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


On the Accounts Payables Center page, under reports we provide a set of reports on debit
memos, see below. The reports provide a variety of information to assist you in tracking
the status of debit memos generated via the matching process.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


List unpaid debit memos

You may decide to build debit memos with the same payment date as the original
supplier invoice, or your may decide to build this voucher on payment hold. This report
will allow you to find those debit memos that are not yet paid by business unit and by


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


List debit memos on payment hold

You may decide to build debit memos on payment hold. This report will allow you to
find those debit memos that are not yet paid by business unit and by vendor


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


List vendors with debit memo agreements

List vendors with debit memo agreements and their debit memo options. You may
choose to run for all vendor or specify a vendor.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


List voucher / debit memo cross-reference

List vouchers and their associated debit memo adjustment vouchers.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Summary Invoice
The Summary Invoice component facilitates entering header level information to build a
voucher. For speedy data entry the PO business unit and PO number are included on the
search dialogue. The PO business unit is not a required field. If, however the PO number
exists in more than one business unit the user will be given a search list from which to
chose the corresponding business unit and purchase order. The packing slip if available
can also be added as an additional filter for searching for receipts. The user will complete
the search dialogue and then click on Add.
Purchase orders with a payment method of procurement card will not be eligible to be
selected on the summary invoice. Receipts associated with a purchase order of this
payment type will not be available either. Note: you may only use the summary invoice
for PO related vouchers.

When the user enters the component, the fields will be populated as you see below. The
user will then click on the Copy command button. This will then populate work fields
based on the document that is copied into the voucher.
The copy logic will first look for receivers associated with the purchase order. If a
packing slip has been entered this will be used as an additional filter copying to the


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


summary invoice only those unmatched receiver lines that bear the packing slip number
entered.The packing slip number will also be added to quick invoice and staging tables as
well as VOUCHER. There will not be any processing in voucher build associated with
the packing slip number it will be informational only. Receipt association to find receipts
will use this information.
If the packing slip number is not found. The user will receive a warning message to
advise them that the value does not exist. The purchase order will then be copied into the
voucher. The packing slip will be copied to the quick invoice table and will be carried
forward to the regular voucher when it is built.
?? (True? No tolerance means all vouchers must be reveiwed?)For business units without
tolerance and for those outside of tolerance, the summary invoice will be saved in
Tolerance status. The level 2 users will then need to handle the discrepancy on the
complete worksheet of the quick invoice. All lines copied into the voucher whether from
the receiver or purchase order will be visible and modifiable. Note: tolerance checking
does not apply to the complete worksheet of the quick invoice


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Set-up requirements

Create a miscellaneous charge code

The miscellaneous charge codes that you enter will allow you to either Prorate a
difference between the summary invoice and the source document or to set-up a separate
Balance sheet account to record all differences that are within tolerance. We have
delivered two miscellaneous charge codes that you may use:
TOLPR, Difference within tolerance will be prorated to the distribution lines on
your voucher
TOLNP, Difference within tolerance will be charged to the balance sheet account
that you define on the Accounting Entry template


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Tolerance miscellaneous charge to Accounting Entry Template

Add summary invoice balancing account to Accounting Entry Template list.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Define tolerances on AP Business Unit

Tolerances are established on the Accounts Payable Business Unit on the Summary
Invoice Tab. If no tolerance values are entered, tolerance is assumed to be $0.00 and
0.00 percent. Therefore the summary invoice will be saved in To build status if and
only if there is an exact match between the suppliers invoice and the source document
(purchase order or receiver).
Percentage and amount tolerances are either/or. For example you enter a summary
invoice for 6000.00 the source that is selected totals 6055.00. Assume the tolerance
percentage over is 1.00 and the amount is $50.00 as per the page displayed below. The
difference is $55.00; while this is less than 1% it is greater than $50.00. No miscellaneous
charge will be calculated for this summary invoice. The voucher will be saved in
tolerance status.
In general Summary Invoice Control tolerance should be similar to tolerances that have
been established for items, categories or match rule control. See also delivered Match
Rule Control, STD_RL_TOL. The Match Rule Control, STD_RL_TOL, allows you to
enter tolerances specific to the match control that will override tolerances on the purchase


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Summary Invoice inside tolerance

In this scenario we will enter a PO Business Unit, Purchase Order and the gross invoice
amount will be within $10.00 of the source document. Our summary invoice should save
with a miscellaneous charge.

Click on the Copy to Voucher command button to copy the source document into the
voucher, however, this will be invisible to the user.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


The information from the source document will be populated on the right-hand side of the
page for review. We can see that the difference between the supplier invoice and the
source document is $10.00. The user can then click on the Save button.

The sum of the unmatched PO_LN_SHIP rows will be written to the total amount field.
You will see below, a field labelled Source Document, this will indicate whether the
purchase order or a receiver was used to populate the Summary Invoice.

The misc charge amount is populated to balance this voucher and to save it in a build
status of To build.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Summary Invoice outside tolerance

In this scenario the gross amount entered exceeds the allowable difference of $50.00.
The difference between the suppliers invoice and source document is $90.00.

The user will save the voucher and reconcile the difference on the complete worksheet of
the Quick Invoice. It will be saved with a build status of Tolerance. It cannot be
selected by the voucher build status while in Tolerance status.
If the same user can also reconcile the difference, click on the hyperlink labelled
Voucher Details. This will open the Quick Invoice, Complete worksheet. The user can
retrieve the line detail and reconcile the discrepancy on the Quick Invoice template.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Correct a Summary Invoice using the Complete Worksheet

You may enter the Complete Worksheet either directly via the Voucher Detail
hyperlink on the Summary Invoice Component or by searching for those vouchers whose
Build Status is Tolerance Hold.

You will then retrieve the line detail to reconcile the discrepancy.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


When you click on the line details, the Invoice line information will be displayed, as you
see below:

Review and correct on the Quick Invoice

Add a voucher line for the difference

Modified lines copied from the Source Document
When the corrections have been made and you have verified that the voucher is in
balance, i.e. the difference is 0.00, you must change the voucher build status to To
Build. The voucher is then ready to be built. See below:


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Run Voucher Build

You may schedule this job to be run as often as your business demands. You may also
run voucher build on-demand from the Quick invoice component itself for those vouchers
which had discrepancies that needed to be resolved using the Complete Worksheet.
Under processing options you may elect to run voucher build for:
All business units
A single business unit
A single voucher
You will choose Quick Invoice as the voucher build interface.

Review accounting entries for a miscellaneous charge

Following voucher post you may review the accounting entries to verify that the
miscellaneous charge has been posted to the tolerance miscellaneous charge as
identified on the accounting entry template.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Excel Upload
Many vendors are moving away from sending paper invoices. We can accept Supplier
invoices sent via EDI, XML and uploaded into the _STG tables via excel. Supplier may
use their product code rather than the item number on the purchase order. The product
number may have to be cross-referenced between the supplier product number and the
Peoplesoft item number. Build will need to find the line number and schedule and then
compare the item code on the EDI/XML file to the Purchase order
The product code translation will precede the association logic. Voucher for which an
item translation cannot be found will have a pre-edit error. The user will need to address
manually on the quick invoice component.
The vouchers included in a spreadsheet can vary from simple one line express
documents to complex multi-line PO related documents. That is, spreadsheet vouchers
encompass the complete functionality available when entering the data through the online pages.
Therefore, the upload process must include all data elements in the regular entry process.
On the other hand, two requirements drive the new feature.
Minimum data entry
The customer examples show that the spreadsheets are customized to limit the data to the
minimum needed for that customers configuration. For example, Payables business unit
may be added as a constant during the upload if it is always the same.
The spreadsheets also collapse PeopleSofts 3-level voucher structure (voucher/voucher
line/distribution) into one or two rows. An example of this is using one spreadsheet row
per voucher, assuming that all vouchers have one line and one distribution.
Supplying the required values.
One of the problems that need to be overcome in uploading data is to supply the
required data values. For example, Payables business unit must be entered and entered
with the proper value. Vendor ID is required and the correct ID, including leading zeros,
must be entered in order for the invoice to load properly. This is especially true for
vouchers sent from vendors or other external sources. The source must be given the
values and structure or the values must be manually added before the upload.
To be useful, the spreadsheet upload must be both flexible and complete.
It must allow the inclusion of any of the data elements available on the regular voucher
entry page.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


It must be flexible enough to identify the record ID as well as the data element
when performing the upload.
It must be able to supply defaults for columns to eliminate repeating data.
It must allow vouchers with multiple lines and/or multiple distributions.
It must include control group entry or automatic generation.

In addition to the actual data transfer operation, the process must provide control
mechanisms as well.

When manipulating the files, the users may mistakenly upload the same file more
than once.
The file may also fail in the upload process and need to be recovered and reuploaded.
A workflow process is needed to inform two sets of users on the progress of the
upload. The sender needs information on the receipt and acceptance of the file
and the AP operator (receiver) needs prompts that inform on the arrival and
source of the files.

Calculate matching due date

Voucher build will need to calculate a voucher match due date based on a new parameter
match delay days for electronic input only. The delay days will be added to the voucher
entered date to calculate the match due date. The delay days parameter is a factor to
estimate the number of days that will elapse from the date the supplier invoice is entered
and the receipt has been processed. Calculating a match due date and only selecting
vouchers on or after this date will reduce the number of match exceptions for missing
The Match Delay Days is a parameter available on the default hierarchy, Business
Unit, Voucher origin, control group, vendor location and may be overridden on the built
voucher. If Delay days have not been defined at any level in the default hierarchy,
Delay Days = zero.
Match due date will be set to entered date when no receiving is required on a Purchase
order. The purpose of the wait days is to provide for a delay between the processing of
the receipt and the processing of the suppliers invoice. The match due date will be also
be set to the entered date, if the vendor is defined as an ERS vendor. Note: No Delay
Days calculation for Quick Invoices. Its only for vouchers electronically entered. (XML,
EDI and Excel)

Prerequisites for excel upload

Supports Microsoft Excel formats as input. If the customer uses a non-Excel

spreadsheet, the data file must be converted to an Excel format before uploading.
The upload performs minimal editing. PeopleSoft Voucher Build will provide the
defaulting / editing function.
Install MicroSoft delivered XML library file MSXML.DLL


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Set up your Microsoft Excel to accept macros

Configure Integration Broker for the Voucher EIP (enterprise integration point).
Configure web server and application server for Integration Gateway.
Pub/Sub servers established before bringing up the application server.

Personalize excel worksheet

Copy voucher workbook file (ExcelUploadforVoucher.xls) to a folder on your

The Excel file located the core\build\excel folder shipped with PeopleSoft

The first sheet contains the template. This sheet allows the user to configure the
data entry sheet.

The user also specifies the location for the submitted spreadsheet.

Once the configuration data is complete, the uses one or more of the buttons to
execute Visual Basic macros to complete the process.

Update Data Sheet hides unused columns.

Set Password defines a password that locks the template configuration. Only a
user that enters the correct password will have access to the template sheet.

Hide Template Hides the setup sheet. Only the data entry sheet is show to the

The second page of the worksheet is your personalized worksheet. It displays only the
fields that you select on the first page of the workbook


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Note: the following fields are the minimum requirements for the excel upload when
not including a PO ID
Voucher Header

(Supplied by upload)

Voucher Line
Voucher Distribution

Row one identifies the record.

Row two provides a column label.
The upload engine uses these two columns to map the spreadsheet data to the
voucher build staging tables.
The user can delete or re-arrange these columns but the ones in use must include
the delivered values in the first two rows.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Upload excel worksheet

The two buttons on the data sheet allow the user to submit the vouchers for processing
through the Payables XML interface.
Generate XML and Post executes a Visual basic Marco converts to format readable by
Integration broker, an XML format and saves the converted file to a file directory It then
copies the converted file to the web server address specified on the template sheet.
Note: the file must be saved in the same folder that holds the spreadsheet.
Generate XML does all of the above but does not post the data to the web server.
After posting the data as a PeopleSoft Application Message, the PeopleSoft Integration
Broker picks up the message and stores the data in the Voucher Build staging tables.
Next Run voucher build to create regular vouchers. Select Voucher build interface XML
Invoice. The invoice id will be set equal to the voucher id if it is blank on the excel
worksheet. The invoice date is assigned as the system date if that field has been left


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Match Workbench
The match workbench offers a streamlined user-friendly interface to quickly identify
discrepancies between your procurement and payables documents. From the match
workbench you can search using configurable search criteria and analyze data.
The match workbench provides you with a wide variety of searches. The user may search
for vouchers which are ready to be matched as well as to select vouchers with a match
statuses not equal to Ready to be matched; to review, route and expedite exception
handling ( match errors). The workbench should allow the user to perform the matching
and expediting functions starting from the same search page.

Personalized Searches
The basic search consists of AP business unit, Match Status, Voucher id, Vendor setid,
and vendor. Both the business unit and match status are required fields. Each match
status provides a different search results page with the actions that are available for that
match status.
The match status, will determine which search box will be dynamically returned.
Whether the user chooses to use the advance or the basic search list, If, match status =
Ready you will search the search results box below. The user will be able to select and
de-select vouchers individually for matching. The status of VOUCHER is provided,
which will assist them in making their selection. The on-demand option will allow the
user to run matching once vouchers are selected, see page below. We will also add the
ability for the voucher to make a mass change to the Match Due Date or to change the
due date for an individual voucher, without running matching, i.e. the use can save a
change to match due date which will update VOUCHER. MATCH_DUE_DATE. A
voucher will only be available for matching if the match due date is less than or equal to


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


To personalize your search, click on the Personalize Search hyperlink. You will be
provided with a long list of fields listed in alphabetic order from which you can choose.
Click on box in the column labelled select to include this field in your search.

These searches should be labelled to indicate a task for which the search is intended. The
searches belong to the userid under which it was entered.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


This search is then available in the dropdown box for selection. See below. Please note
that you may enter values for each of the search fields and resave. This will save these
values for both the current search and a subsequent search.

The user will have the ability to enter ranges and single value by selecting an operator.
The operators will be written in English rather than using mathematical symbols. The
operators must be written so that there is no ambiguity, for example for dates, you may
On or before
On or after
For amounts you may select:
Less than
Greater than
Equal to
For fields with more than one status available, In is also a possible selection. It will
take you to a secondary page where you can select more than one status to be included in
your search, see below:


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


When you have selected the values you will apply and return to the search page, the field
values for the selected values will be displayed.

For invoice number, voucher ID etcthe user will likely select a range of values, for
these we may simply display a From and to column allowing the user to enter a
single value or a range.
For other fields such as Match status and Approval status, only a single drop down box
should be available to the user.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Run Matching
You will have two options to run matching. To review vouchers and manually select a
few vouchers, a range of vouchers or all vouchers that meet your criteria for matching
you may use the match workbench rather than scheduling a special batch job for

All vouchers that meet your search criteria that are ready to be matched will be listed in
the search results group box. You may click on the top of any column in the grid to
reorder by that column, double clicking will order in ascending order.
Update Match Due Date
Select a row to perform an action; you may either change the match due date or select the
voucher for matching. To change the match due date to another date for more than one
voucher you may use the override option at the bottom left, as long as these vouchers
should all have the same match due date. If they will not be changed to the same date
you have the ability to make each of these dates unique by choosing the calendar option
on each row.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


By clicking on the voucher hyperlink, a new window will spawn opening up the voucher
in update/display mode.
By clicking on the details icon for the vendor, you will be provided with a selection of
vendor related components from which to choose, see below:


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Running matching using the Match Request

You may schedule matching to run as often as you need. The Run control includes As of
date for the Match due date. If this date is left blank, matching assumes todays date
and will select those vouchers ready for matching, that have a match due date less than or
equal to todays date.
Note: there is a link to the match workbench from this page which will allow spawn a
new window opening the match workbench.

Check the status of a Match request

One of your tasks may be to check on the success of failure of vouchers for a specific
match request, which you can identify by process instance found on the process monitor.
Or you may wish to check on the status match of all the vouchers for a specific vendor.
For both these tasks you can use the Voucher Inquiry. (See below)


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


The voucher inquiry has a link to the match workbench, which will spawn a new window.

The voucher inquiry also has the ability to create personalized inquiries, using the AP
search criteria component, which provides a long list of fields available for you to select
to personalize your search.

Select the fields from the left side and use the top arrow key to move the fields to the
right. These are the fields that will appear in your search.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Handle Match Exceptions

You will likely have a Saved search for the task of reviewing match exceptions. You will
recall that the match workbench will return a single match status. For this task you will
select, Match Exceptions Exist. You can include more criteria to filter the search
results and facilitate your task. For example you may wish to include the match rule id to
isolate specific exceptions.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


The search results for vouchers in match exception provide links directly to the
workbench, by clicking on the link labelled Match Exceptions Exist. This will spawn a
new window, The Match Workbench, while your search criteria remains on the other
window. You may also select the voucher id hyperlink to open a second browser, which
will allow you to update the voucher if necessary. Note: the error summary on the
voucher seen below also provides a summary of all exceptions found on the voucher.

Voucher Error summary

The error summary page of the voucher will provide the same information as the
summary on the match workbench itself. If you can correct the match errors on the
voucher you can also run matching after saving the changes on the vouchers by running
matching on-demand.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Match Workbench Exception Summary

You also have a link to look at a summary of the error messages, similar to what you will
see for on voucher component summary tab.

Click on the Match Exception summary to see all exceptions for the voucher by line and
by match rule that has been violated. You may click on the line number to take you to
that voucher line on the main page of the Match Exception Workbench Details.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Document Details and Line Details

The document details and line document details will provide the actual information as
shown on the receiver, purchase order and voucher respectively. If Voucher has more
than one lines in exception, Document Details link will give user the ability to view all
the lines. While, Line Document Details will only show information for that specific line.
Links to all documents related to a transaction are available by selecting the document
type from the drop down box labelled View Document. The corresponding document
id will be displayed in the drop down box labelled Document id


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


The Workbench Exceptions Detail

The main body of this page allows the user to take corrective action on match exceptions.
If you have indicated on the match rule page that you wish to see the match rule whether
or not there is an exception, you will see all rules in your match control. Each row of the
match rules grid represents a rule. If you have indicated that you want to see the rule
only if violated, it will not appear in the grid unless it has generated an exception. The
icon in the far left column identifies error. The description of the match rule is the label
that you provided on the match rule page.
The values displayed in each of the columns labelled Voucher, Purchase Order and
Receiver is also configured by match rule. On the match rule you have indicated what
value should be displayed for each rule. For example if voucher, purchase order and
receiver have all been entered for a transaction and the match association type is for
voucher-po-receiver, there will be a column for each type.

Note: that if the units of measure differ among the documents this is not reflected on
the main page as the values are converted to PO unit of measure in the case of VP
and VPR and receiving unit of measure in the case of VR scenario make the
comparisons. Values in this grid are coming off of the AP_VCHR_LN_SUM record
for non violated rules. Displayed information for violated rules is from the record


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Match Rule Details

The match label rather than the detail and action required are provided on the main page
to allow the expert user to handle the match exceptions. For those users who would like
more detail and suggested corrective action, click on the details icon in the second
column from the left, see below:

The detail provided on this secondary page is drawn from the match rule long description,
which allows you to provide the user with 254 characters to describe the error and
suggest corrective action.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Corrective Action
Header Level Override
On the match rule type you have identified the actions that are eligible for a rule type:
Debit Memo
Only header level summary rules will produce a match. A hyperlink will appear on the
match workbench page if header level rules apply. You will see the values selected for
comparison. . Header Level rules can run into exceptions depending on the setup. As
delivered, Summary/Global Match Rule Type only allows Match as an action on the rule
control. If user decides to allow exception as an action, then See below:

If it does not produce a match, the match engine continues through the line level rules to
identify the line level rule that is violated.
If the voucher is in exception status from the header you may:
Override, all match exceptions on the voucher
Issues a Debit Memo, A user will be able to override an exception for Payment
terms, while marking a unit price difference as debit memo. However, if the
user decides to Override at the Voucher level it will override any actions
selected for individual exceptions on the line.
Place the voucher in Match- Dispute status.
Place the voucher in Match Credit Note, this status will be used when a credit
note is received from the supplier and you consider the exception to be resolved
Match Dispute status will be widely used outside of the United States. Users will
determine that the mismatch is the fault of the supplier and will set the voucher match
status to Match - Dispute and advise the supplier of the discrepancy. The supplier will

8.9 AP Matching White Paper


normally need to issue a credit memo. The voucher will need to be removed from
Match - Dispute status manually.

If you override exceptions at the header level, it will override all match exceptions. For
each individual exception the override reason will be automatically updated as
Overridden from a higher level. You can override this reason and you can also enter a
free-format comment on override reason. See below:

If you click on the comments icon you a secondary page will be opened that will allow
you to enter free-format comments to explain why the match exception has been
overridden. See sample comments on the top of the next page.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


You must re-run matching to have the match actions applied. You may select on-demand
matching for this voucher, or leave the voucher to be selected by the next batch run.
Line Level Override
The user may also decide to take action at the voucher level, which would gray out the
Match action at the line, and individual message level. There will be edits in place to be
sure the action selected at a high level i.e. the header or the voucher line is in agreement
with the match exception, for example if you select Debit memo at the header and all
lines have payment terms mismatches the user will review an error as no debit memo will
be generated without an amount discrepancy. Note: you cannot have a debit memo for
header level errors.

For each individual exception, the action is marked as Override and the Override
Reason is automatically updated as Overridden from a higher level. You may select
another reason from the dropdown box. Selecting the Comments icon can enter freeformat comments.
You must re-run matching to have the match actions applied. You may select on-demand
matching for this voucher, or leave the voucher to be selected by the next batch run.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Handle Individual Rule Violations

The icon in the far left column identifies the actions available for each match rules that
have been violated. Only those rows in violation have an action. The match rule type
determines the action available. Only if you will override will you be provided with the
ability to enter an Override Reason and a Comment. If you select Debit memo the
vendor location must have been configured as accepting a debit memo for discrepancies.

You must re-run matching to have the match actions applied. You may select on-demand
matching for this voucher, or leave the voucher to be selected by the next batch run.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Undo Matching
Vouchers that have been matched are available for the undo matching operation. To
find the vouchers those have been matched. Select those vouchers with a match status

Select those vouchers by clicking on the check box in the far left-hand. The action,
available for matched vouchers is only Undo Matching, see below:

If a debit memo has been created, it will be automatically deleted only if there is no
commitment control, when you undo matching. If commitment control is on, you will
receive an error message to direct you to delete the debit memo manually, which will call
the commitment control to reverse the commitment.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Vendor Metrics
The vendor metrics component allows you to analyze vendor data, such as voucher in
dispute and match history to determine which vendors consistently under ship, over bill,
or match with a tolerance.
For those vendors with whom you have no agreement to create a debit memo, you will
require an additional shipment or a credit note to resolve a discrepancy. The vendor
metrics report allows you to extract all the raw data that is used by the system to perform
a match transaction. The metrics report will allow you to run a metrics report by vendor
to advise them of the invoice or invoice(s) that are in exception status. These invoices
will have been placed in Match dispute status.
Once the invoice is matched you may still need to extract information on your matching
transactions. You may need to know which invoices matched without intervention
versus those that we matched after you requested a credit note from the vendor. To make
this distinction there is aMatch Type, which allows you to identify:
Matched with Credit Note
Matched with Debit Memo
Matched with Override
The vendor metrics report may also be used to monitor a vendors performance. For
example identifying late and partial deliveries may result in penalty clauses being
invoked and the status of the supply agreement being critically examined. The system
provides feedback on suppliers:

Need to be able to determine which suppliers are over billing, including those for
which invoices are being approved because they are under tolerance
Need to be able to determine which suppliers are providing a high percentage of
matching AP invoices, as well as those that are matching on a lower percentage
The system should also provide for inquiries to determine which suppliers are
matching at a high or low percentage of there receiving to supplier invoices.
Need to be able to distinguish supplier invoices that are matched with a debit
memo versus match errors which are overridden or otherwise resolved for US
Determine which vendor locations are matching a high or low percentage of their
receiving to supplier invoices.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Personalize your search

The user will also be provided with a basic search, which will include a reduced list, i.e.
the most common search criteria. See the basic search criteria on the next page:

To personalize your search, click on the Personalize Search hyperlink. You will be
provided with a long list of fields listed in alphabetic order from which you can choose.
Click on box in the column labelled select to include this field in your search.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


These searches should be labelled to indicate a task for which the search is intended. The
searches belong to the userid under which it was entered.

This search is then available in the dropdown box for selection. See below. Please note
that you may enter values for each of the search fields and resave. This will save these
values for both the current search and a subsequent search.

The user will have the ability to enter ranges and single value by selecting an operator.
The operators will be written in English rather than using mathematical symbols. The
operators must be written so that there is no ambiguity, for example for dates, you may
On or before
On or after
For amounts you may select:
Less than
Greater than
Equal to


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


For fields with more than one status available, In is also a possible selection. It will
take you to a secondary page where you can select more than one status to be included in
your search, see below:

When you have selected the values you will apply and return to the search page, the field
values for the selected values will be displayed.

For invoice number, voucher ID etcthe user will likely select a range of values, for
these we may simply display a From and to column allowing the user to enter a
single value or a range.
For other fields such as Match status and Approval status, only a single drop down box
should be available to the user.


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


The output from these reports will be written to the records listed below. This
information will be available until the next time you run the report. If you wish to
include any additional information in the report, you may add these records to the AP
Query Tree:
Access the excel file the Match Disputed voucher query
Access Match History, (AP_MATCH _INQ_SUMMARY)


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Batch Sequence

Internal control number assigned in EDI file

Billing Discrepancy

Difference between the entered invoice and existing PO/Receiver


Debit - Advertising
Debit - Lump Sum

Credit Adjustment Voucher created to offset joint advertising

expense with Vendor, not linked to a receipt
Credit Adjustment Voucher that offsets the full amount of a
duplicate voucher

Debit -Generic

Credit Adjustment Voucher which may or may not be related to

existing voucher

Debit Note/Debit
Debit Notification

Credit Adjustment Voucher

Debit Rules

Email, Fax, mail or EDI/XML communication to Vendor

regarding debit memo creation
Agreed to policies of a vendor as to when a debit memo will be
scheduled for payment, payment terms

Delivery Note Number Packing Slip Number

Direct Debit/Drop Ship
Due Date
Electronic Supplier

Voucher Source, i.e. VCHR_SRC = EDI, RTV

Customer return shipped directly to Vendor
Schedule Due
EDI, XML, Excel, or any other electronic format. Detail input

Failed Transmission

Transmission status tracked, no auto notifications sent back to

users as to failure

Held Status
Import Error

Invalid batch number sequence, Vendor detail, or header
information when compared to line detail on imported data

Mismatch Reason
Match Type

Match Exception error, Match Rule not passed

Status that will indicate whether a match was made automatically,
via generating a debit memo, a vendor credit note
Date the invoice was routed due to exception
Successful Voucher that has passed online or Voucher Build
processing without error

Notification Date
Product Number,
Product Code
Soft Warning
Standard Cost


Manufacturer part, item number

Warning Message that allows users to continue with process
Standard PO pricing

8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Summary Invoice

Voucher consisting of only high-level information Vendor,

invoice number, packing slip number, PO number, invoice date,
invoice total and VAT/GST/TAX.

Tolerance Status

Requiring Matching process to be run, i.e. Match Status =

Exception or Ready to Match


Allowable variance of either amount or quantity between

PO/Receiver and Voucher.

Vendor Relations
Voided Debit
Match Due Date

Agreement with Vendor affecting billing process with respect to

Returned Goods.
Deleted Adjustment Voucher with audit comments
A match due date is calculated for vouchers entered electronically.
It adds the match delay days to the system date to calculate a
match due date


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


Appendix A
Matching Records
Document Association
Following Document association the following records will be populated:
VCHR_RECV_MTCH -A new record will be inserted for every receipt that was
associated to the specific voucher line
AP_VCHR_LN_SUM -This is the line summary record. If the specific voucher
line already exists, then it will be deleted. A new record will be inserted for every
voucher line
AP_VCHR_HDR_SUM -This is the header summary record. If the specific
voucher already exists, then it will be deleted. A new record will be inserted for
every voucher
VCHR_MTCH_DETLS -If the voucher line already exists, and then it will be
deleted. A new record will be inserted for every voucher line and receipts/POs
associated to that specific voucher line

After matching is completed the following records will be populated. If the voucher runs
into exception, then:
AP_MTCH_EXCPTN will be populated (A new record for every single match
exception for a given voucher line will be populated)
If the exceptions were overridden from the workbench, then
MTCH_RULE_OVRD will be populated (A new record will be inserted for
every single override on a specific voucher line from the workbench).
PO Records
PO_LINE_MATCHED -A new record will be inserted for every voucher line that
was tied to a specific PO line schedule
PO_LN_SHIP_MTCH -The existing record will be deleted. A new will be
inserted by summing up the total voucher quantity and total voucher merchandise
amount from PO_LINE_MATCHED
PO_LINE_SHIP . MATCH_STATUS_LN_PO will be updated to P or M based
on whether it's Partial or Full match
PO_HDR . MATCH_STATUS_PO will be updated to P or M based on whether
it's Partial or Full match
Receiver Records

RECV_VCHR_MTCH -A new record will be inserted for every voucher line that
was tied to a specific receiver line
RECV_LN_SHP_MTH - The existing record will be deleted. A new will be
inserted by summing up the total voucher quantity and total voucher merchandise
amount from RECV_VCHR_MTCH


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


RECV_LN_SHIP. RECV_LN_MATCH_OPT will be updated to P or F based on

whether it's Partial or Full match
RECV_HDR.MATCH_STATUS_RECV will be updated to P or M based on
whether it's Partial or Full match

Voucher Records

VOUCHER.MATCH_STATUS_VCHR will be updated to either M for matched,

or E for exception
VOUCHER.AP_MATCH_TYPE will be updated to P for Auto Matched, O for
Matched with Override, D for Matched with Debit memo, C for Matched with
Credit Note


8.9 AP Matching White Paper


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