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Module Code
Module Name

Aircraft Performance, Stability & Control
M.Sc. [Engg.] in Aircraft Design
Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering

Name of the Student

Sumit Kumar Malik

Reg. No



Part-Time 2013.

Module Leader

Mr. M. Sivapragasam

M.S.Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies

Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programmes(PEMP)
#470-P, Peenya Industrial Area, 4th Phase, Peenya, Bengaluru-560 058
Tel; 080 4906 5555, website:


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Performance, Stability and Control

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Declaration Sheet
Student Name

Sumit Kumar Malik

Reg. No



M. Sc. [Engg.] in Aircraft Design



Module Code


Module Title
Module Date

Aircraft Performance, Stability and Control

11th Oct. 2014
06th Dec. 2014

Module Leader

Mr. M. Sivapragasam

Batch Part-Time 2013.

The assignment submitted herewith is a result of my own investigations and that I have
conformed to the guidelines against plagiarism as laid out in the PEMP Student
Handbook. All sections of the text and results, which have been obtained from other
sources, are fully referenced. I understand that cheating and plagiarism constitute a
breach of University regulations and will be dealt with accordingly.

Signature of the student

-sd- Sumit Kumar Malik


06th Dec. 2014

Submission date stamp

(by ARO)

Signature of the Module Leader and date

Signature of Head of the Department and date

Performance, Stability and Control


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Aircraft performance, Stability and Control module gives us an insight about how to evaluate
the performance of an aircraft in steady state in detail. The module also teaches how to control
the Performance by the use of trims in order to active the desired Stability of the aircraft and
also gives us various parameters which are used to limit of the flight envelope based on various
standard performance parameters like Wing loading, thrust to weight ratio, coefficient of drags
Part A of the assignment is to critical examine the traditional metrics are insufficient for
analyzing the combat capability of a fighter aircraft with respect to that of the new agility
metrics. It gives a summary of classification of agility metrics and the key parameters in these
metrics with actually improve the agility of a fighter plan in a combat scenario. It also describes
how the aircraft designer achieves this enhanced agility right from the starting of designing a
new aircraft.
Part B of the assignment is to develop a Matlab code, which is attached in the appendix,
which intern will be used to calculate the performance parameters. The code is used to evaluate
the performance parameters of an aircraft like it should be able to evaluate power required,
power available, maximum velocity, stall velocity, turn rate, radius of turn, longitudinal
stability, endurance and range of jet and propeller driven aircrafts. The program evaluate all the
above performance parameters considering the steady state environment by varying typical
parameters like wing loading, thrust to weight ratio individually and together at different
altitudes and generates the surface plots which are compared with the xxx aircrafts published
Part C of the assignment is to use the same code which is developed for part B and then it
will be used to evaluate the performance of the yyy fighter aircraft. And then comment on the
performance obtained by using the code and the actual performance which are published by the
aircraft manufacturer. It should be noted here that a few of the performance parameters are not
published by aircraft manufacturer so they are assumed and the assumption and its rational are
mentioned wherever this short of assumptions are main in this part are used.

Performance, Stability and Control


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Declaration Sheet ................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract ................................................................................................................................. iii
Contents ..................................................................................................................................iv
List of Tables ...........................................................................................................................v
List of Figures
List of Symbols .................................................................................................................... vii
1. Agility .............................................................................................................................8
Traditional metrics for performance: ..........................................................................8
Agility metrics classification: .....................................................................................8
2. Matlab Code..................................................................................................................11
Performance Parameters: ..........................................................................................11
Power Required: ........................................................................................................11
Power Available: .......................................................................................................11
Maximum Velocity: ..................................................................................................11
Stall Velocity: ...........................................................................................................13
Range of Jet engine aircraft: ....................................................................................13
Range of Propeller driven engine aircraft: ...............................................................13
Endurance of Jet engine aircraft: .............................................................................13
Endurance of Propeller driven engine aircraft: ........................................................13
2.10 Rate of climb: ............................................................................................................13
2.11 Glide performance: ...................................................................................................14
2.12 Takeoff field length:..................................................................................................14
2.13 Landing field length: .................................................................................................14
2.14 Turning rate: ..............................................................................................................14
2.15 Turn radius: ...............................................................................................................14
2.16 Longitudinal static stability: ......................................................................................14
3. Performance Comparison .............................................................................................15
Range of Jet engine aircraft: .....................................................................................15
Range of Jet engine aircraft: .....................................................................................16
Endurance of Jet engine aircraft: ..............................................................................16
Rate of climb: ............................................................................................................16
Glide performance: ...................................................................................................16
Takeoff field length:..................................................................................................16
Landing field length: .................................................................................................16
Turning rate: ..............................................................................................................16
Turn radius: ...............................................................................................................16
3.10 Effect of varying W/S and T/W on turn and take off performance: .........................16
3.11 Longitudinal static stability from wing and tail: .......................................................16
References .............................................................................................................................18


Appendix-Matlab program with pictures


Performance, Stability and Control


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

List of Tables
Table No.
Table 1.1 ,POIJhgfhhg
Table 2.1 djfhdslfiudlfbdfiufid
Table 3.1 jfhdliufgdfdiugfpfid
Table 4:

Title of the table

Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.

Performance, Stability and Control

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

List of Figures

Figure No.
Figure 1.1 serersedtytrhd
Figure 2.1 fdghgfh
Figure 3.1 ffjghfdiguhfdiugh
Figure 4:

Title of the Figure

Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.

< The Figure numbers have to be based on the chapter number>

Performance, Stability and Control


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

List of Symbols



Acceleration due to gravity - 9.81
Reference surface
Power Onset Parameter
Time to roll through 90 deg.
Combat Cycle Time
Dynamic Speed Turn
Thrust Vectoring
Post Stall Maneuverability


< Arrange in alphabetical order>

Performance, Stability and Control


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

1. Agility
1.1. Traditional metrics for performance:
Traditionally combat was dominated by quick sustained turns and the design parameters were
governed by Thrust/Weight (T/W) ratio. This was the traditional means of evaluation performance
which mostly limited to steady state performance even for the fighter planes. But with the
development of modern weapon systems, which requires real-time point-lock-disengage type of
maneuvering, it becomes more important to develop highly unsteady performances, which is
essential in order to remain ahead in a combat situation. One event which brought agility metrics to
the attention of combat analysts was the superior performance of F-86 in Vietnam war against
Soviet MiG-15. On paper with the tradition way of calculating the performance in combat situation
MiG-15 was superior to that of Americans F-15 but actually F-15 proved to be superior in combat
and later it was found that is because of the better agility metrics of the F-15.
Agility is defined as the second time derivative of the steady state variables which are used
for the measure of the performance. Just to be more explicit on the definition.
1.2. Agility metrics classification:
There are mainly two ways of classifying the agility metrics, the first one is based on the measures
of merits used for evaluating maneuvering capabilities and the second way to classify is based on
the timescales of these maneuvers. Firstly maneuvers can be classified into three classes based on
the axis about which these maneuvers are carried out. They are axial: along the velocity vector,
longitudinal: rotation of the velocity vector in the pitching (symmetry) plane and Lateral: rotations
about the velocity vector mainly which is roll.
And based on the timescale of the maneuver we have again three types of agility metrics. They are
Transient: maneuvers analysed are of timescale of 1 to 3 seconds, Functional: Maneuvers that last
for a little longer time typically 10 to 20 seconds and Potential: Largely independent of time and
mainly consists of maneuvers which are not with quick transitions during combat.
Table 1.1 Agility metrics [1]

Table 1.1 shows the classification on the basis of motion axis like longitudinal, lateral and axial
axis and the agility metric which comprises of the transient and functional agility. Some of the
parameters like POP, CCT, t90 etc. used in this agility metric are discussed below.

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Average Pitch Rate: This metrics is used to analyze the pitch agility of an aircraft. It is defined as
the time-averages integral of pitch rate for a given maneuver.
t90: This metric measures the time required for an aircraft to roll through 90 degree starting from
zero initial bank. The input commanded for this maneuvering is a full lateral stick in the direction
of the roll. Time required to roll through 90 degree is obtained for different Mach numbers and
angles of attack for different aircrafts in order to compare.
Power Onset Parameter (POP): This metric measures the combined effects of the both the aircraft
thrust and engine spool time, which denotes the time taken by the aircraft engine to bring about the
required change in thrust.
Combat Cycle Time (CCT): It is defined as the time taken to complete the maneuver of 180 deg
heading change and then return to the same Mach number. It evaluates the sum of five time periods
which consists of the individual maneuvers have been tabulated in Table 1.4, along with the inputs
needed to obtain them. It may be noted that CP is the corner point, where the aircraft attains the
maximum instantaneous turn rate.
Table 1.1: CCT Metric []

Figure 1.1: Conceptual CCT Plot []

Thrust vectoring role in improving the agility of a fighter aircraft: Its been evident that TV and
PSM improves the chances of winning in a head to head combat by improving the agility metrics of
the aircraft. From table 1.4 shows CCT metric starts from the point at which aircrafts roll to Nzmax.
Therefore the aircrafts turns along Nzmax and CLmax curves until the pointing margin, to the assumed
stationary adversary aircraft, becomes less than the maximum angle of attack. At this point the
aircraft pitches up to maximum post-stall angle, and points to the adversary for a firing which
marks the end of the maneuver. This metric is used to evaluate the time to complete the maneuver.
The F-18 configs. were tested by them using the above metric: standard configuration with No TV,
AOA for ITR of20deg. And maximum AOA of 30 deg, advanced configuration with TV and AOA
for maximum ITR of 20 deg and maximum AOA of 70 deg. And super-advanced configuration

Performance, Stability and Control

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

with TV and AOA for maximum ITR of 35 deg and maximum AOA of 70 deg. For F-18 the stall
AOA is around 35 deg. The metric was evaluated for a variety of initial Mach number and altitude
combinations together. As expected, the advanced aircraft showed better agility as compared to the
standard configuration because of the added advantage of the post stall maneuvering and activation
of TV. The time to complete the maneuver was lesser for the advanced aircraft, especially at higher
initial altitudes, which constitutes a significant advantage. The turn diameter was smaller and the
turn rate was higher as well. Although it was found that the short indicates that PSM provides
significant advantage in combat when it is used for short periods of time. Longer periods of PSM
may lead to greater energy losses, which is detrimental to the performance of the aircraft.

Another demonstration of the advanced capability of TV and PSM was observed when the X-31
was tested against the F-18 in combat scenarios. TV was provided for pitch as well as yaw control
in X-31. X-31 actually has an inferior T/W ratio as compared to the F-18. Further, the maximum
turn rate is lesser than that of the F-18. PSM, however, provided X-31 with a better pointing ability.
The winning maneuver of the X-31 was mostly what is called the Helicopter Attack Maneuver,
wherein the X-31 yawed rapidly in order to point at the adversary which was turning around it. The
yaw control for this maneuver came from the yaw thrust vectoring.
Agility metrics can be used to improve existing designs, by suggesting changes that can be
readily made in the baseline configuration. The baseline configuration can be designed using
some traditional rules such as high T/W, low W/S, etc., and they can be flight tested to get the
necessary data for agility evaluation. Design for agility, among other things, involves efficient
aerodynamics and configuration, adequate control power, and a sound, robust FCS.

Performance, Stability and Control


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

2. Matlab Code
2.1 Performance Parameters:
This part of the assignment is to develop a matlab code and with that code we need calculate the
performance parameters of XXX. Aircraft and then analyse the difference between the calculated
parameters and the published parameters found from the various public domain published
performance parameters of the aircraft. The code generated is attached to the appendix at the end of
this report.
2.2 Power Required:
For steady state of the aircraft the power required should be able to compensate the total drag of the
aircraft, which means power required is equal to total drag in steady state. Power is the product of
thrust and velocity which is given in below.
2.3 Power Available for Propeller aircraft:
Thrust available for a propeller driven aircraft is highest at zero velocity called the static thrust and
decreases with an increase in flow velocity (V). The thrust rapidly decreases as V approaches to
speed of sound or sonic speed. This is because the propeller tips encounter compressibility issue
along with the formation of shock waves. It is because of this reason propeller driven aircraft are
limited to low subsonic speeds.


is the propeller efficiency and

is the shaft power from the piston engine.

And we also know that


is the thrust available and

is the free stream velocity. From the above equation thrust

available can be calculated.

2.4 Power Available for Jet aircraft:
For subsonic speeds of an aircraft the thrust available of a jet engine propelled aircraft is nearly
remains constant with the speed of free stream air

2.5 Maximum Velocity:

The maximum velocity of an aircraft is calculated by equation (3) and for steady level flight
and for flight at Vmax, the thrust available is at its maximum value. i.e


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

---------Eq. (3)
From equation 3 we can conclude the following:

Vmax increase as

Vmax increase as W/ S increases.

Vmax decreases as CD0 and/or K increases.

max /

W increases.

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MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

2.6 Stall Velocity:

At a given altitude the velocity at which an aircraft stalls is determined by both C Lmax and the wing
loading. For steady level flight



When the

max is

inserted in equation(5) the corresponding value of

is the stalling velocity.


Table 2.1 CLmax /cos(lambda)

max achieved

by high-Lift devices on finite wings and also can be calculated by using table 2.1,

if , sweep back angle of the quarter-chord line, is known.

2.7 Range of Jet engine aircraft:

2.8 Range of Propeller driven engine aircraft:

2.9 Endurance of Jet engine aircraft:


Endurance of Propeller driven engine aircraft:


Rate of climb:

Rate of climb (R/C) depends on the raw power in combination of the weight of the aircraft. The
higher the thrust, lower the drag and the lower the weight, the better climb performance.


Figure 2.1 gives the excess power available for the propeller driven aircraft and the jet propelled
airacraft by using the graphical approach. And figure 2.2 gives the graphic way to interpret the
values for Vmax and (R/C)max.

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MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Figure 2.1 Excess Power []

Figure 2.2 Variation of rate of climb with velocity at a given altitude []


Glide performance:

When power required is more than the available for a flying aircraft or in case of engine failure
instead of climbing the aircraft start descending an aircraft will be gliding. The equilibrium glide
velocity value depends on the altitude and wing loading.


Takeoff field length:


Landing field length:


Turning rate:


Turn radius:


Longitudinal static stability:


Performance, Stability and Control


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

3. Performance Comparison Range of Jet engine aircraft:
Simulation may be addressed as prudence for ones views and action, which can help in better
handling of a given situation in real time with less trouble and preparedness.

The need for

simulation of any given action of mankind to meet the challenges of the century is growing at a
considerable rate. Some of the major areas of simulation intervention for better planning and
execution of the projects are:
Performance, Stability and Control


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Military operation

Natural resource harvesting (Dam construction, Mining, Nuclear plant erection)


Health services


Space exploration


Service operations (Banks, Hotels etc)

Emergency / natural disaster planning etc.

Simulation can be as simple as a mathematical model or complex computer software. Most of the
operational models are dynamic, discrete-change and stochastic, which invariably need a computing
facility to see the result within a given time. One of the main drawbacks of any simulation is one
cannot obtain exact answer but can obtain only approximate answer.
3.2 Range of Jet engine aircraft:
3.3 Endurance of Jet engine aircraft:
3.4 Rate of climb:
3.5 Glide performance:
3.6 Takeoff field length:
3.7 Landing field length:
3.8 Turning rate:
3.9 Turn radius:

Effect of varying W/S and T/W on turn and take off performance:


Longitudinal static stability from wing and tail:

Table 3.1 ,POIJ

Table 3.1 jfhdliufgdfdiugfpfid

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MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Figure 3.1 ffjghfdiguhfdiugh

Performance, Stability and Control


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

1. Robert N. Lussier. (2008) Management Fundamentals, 4th Edition, Southwestern College
Publishing, Thomson Learning.
2. Stephen Robbins and Mary Coulter. (2004) Management, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall.
3. Gareth R. Jones and Jennifer M. George. (2007) Contemporary Management,
5th Edition, McGraw-Hill.
4. Robbin Stephen and DeCenzo David. (1995) Fundamentals of Management , Prentice Hall
5. Kinicki and Williams Irwin. (2008) Management, McGraw Hill.
6. Decenzo David and Robbin Stephen A. (1996) Personnel and Human Reasons
Management, Prentice Hall of India.
7. J.A.F. Stoner, Freeman R. E and Daniel R Gilbert. (2004) Management, 6th Edition, Pearson
8. Fraidoon Mazda. (2000) Engineering Management, Addison Wesley.

Performance, Stability and Control


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Guidelines for writing the report

1. Inserting a table
Title of the table should be at the top of the table and be left justified with ref to table

Table 1.1 Properties of Air at Low Pressure [Ref.]

T (K)

h (J/kg)

p (atm)

u (J/kg)

(J/kg K)

[Note: the table should be centered w.r.t the page width. Use suitable units]

Referring to a table in the text:

The data is tabulated as shown in Table 1.1.
[Note: Please do not write as As shown below or As shown above]

2. Inserting a figure, a photo or screen shot

The figure should be sufficiently large and
legible. It should be centered w.r.t the page


Figure 2.1 Machining Process [Ref.]

Title of the Figure should be at the bottom

of the figure and be left justified. The
reference must be quoted.

Referring to a figure in the text:

The machine is shown in Figure 7.1
[Note: Please do not write as As shown below or As shown above]

MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Figure 7.1 The Wonder Machine [2]

[5].. reference number;

this should be quoted in the

3. Quoting the references in the text

According to Kestin[5], the science of thermodynamics is a branch of physics. It describes
natural processes in which changes in temperature play an important part. Such as the

4. A chapter should always start on a new, right side page.

5. The Bibliography section should be after the References.
6. The Appendix if any should be the last section in the report.

Performance, Stability and Control


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