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Career Management

Student ID : 000845500
Student Name : Doan Ngoc Tu
Class : BM103 Intake 7
Tutor : Tran Nguyen Hai Ngan

1. Three Test
The test that I have done is Big Five Personality . It has been made on the website out-of-service (out-of-service, 2014).
My highest score is 83 (extraversion). In addition, conscientiousness and agreeableness scores also quite high (69). I
agree with this result because it is the character with a positive attitude,and itll support me to take advantage of job and
recruitment .

The second test I did was to list the career for myself. It has been done on the website (Careerlink , 2014). I noticed that
there are two occupations that are suitable for me: supervision and scheduling/dispatching. I agree with this result
because technology and business administration are two of my favorite sectors. Therefore, I can work with different
positions as project management technology, planning and project coordination, technology consultant, system
supervision, etc. However, my technical knowledge is limited, so after graduating from college I will attend a master's
degree of business information system and related certificates.

The third test I have done is an overall assessment test, it is about capacity and eight competencies provided by SHL
Universal Competency Framework (UCF, 2014). Eight competency features related to the jobs are described under the
following table:

Here are the results of eight competencies that I have done in the test:

The first competency is deciding and initiating actions, describing the ability to make decisions and initiate activities. It
shows that Im a person who can hold opinion strongly and can operate independently without any assistance. I totally
agree with this result because holding opinion means that person can be compliance with the process. Moreover, those
who have independent personality who are not governed or influenced by others, they know the difference between right
and wrong, and they will not make many mistakes in action. However, maintaining opinion is not synonymous with
conservative opinion, but have to consider all factors before making a decision.
The second competency is relating to the ability to work with people. It was described as expressed empathy, listening,
supporting for others. It was also expressing the respect of other members. With this result I am quite pleased because it
shows that I always comfortable to seek contribution from other members when making decisions and understanding the
behavior of others. The contribution of people in decision-making process is important, thus, listen to their opinions will
show respect for them lead to aggressive behavior. Also understand the behavior of others to empathize in order to limit
the negative behavior.
The third competency is presenting and communicating information. It was described as expressing opinions, the key
points of an argument clearly and confidence when presenting under crowd. With this result I cannotagree because I
realized that I have not created a personal style when accessible the audience and Im not confident when doing
presentation. Therefore, I think I need to improve in this competency. Presenting in front of a mirror would probably be a
good method to help me improve my confidence. Also, I will ask my colleagues and friends to provide feedback to help
me to create a personal presentations style.

The fourth competency is analysis. I agree with this result because I am someone who likes to find out the elements of
abstraction and to work with numbers. Im good at math so working with the numbers for me is quite easy.
The fifth competency is creating and innovating. It was described as creating new ideas, methods, or knowledge,
solutions to the problem. I agree with this result because I think I can apply the theories or different methods to solve
problems in practice.
The sixth competency is planning and organizing skills. It was described as planning activities for the project and
identifying the resources needed to perform the task. This result shows that I did not focus on one main objective and
detailed planning. Although I was not satisfied with this result, but I agree with it. To improve in this skill, I will participate in
the class of project management.
Seventh competency is adapting and responding to change, adapting to change circumstances like accepting new ideas
and personal style to suit different people. The result showed that I have the ability to adapt personal style through of
situations and to understand the motivations and behaviors of others. These elements will help me integrate into different
working environments.
The last competency is achieving personal objectives and goals. I realize that this result does not reflect my personality. I
am someone who likes to work at a steady rate and to achieve these goals require time and a particular strategy.

2. 15 Skill Audit
Number Skill


- Assignment , Thesis.
-Intership Diary.
-Use Electronic mail like Gmail ,
Yahoo! To send data .
-Cover letter and Cirticum Vitae



-Presentation .
-Telephone , face to face

Application of




- Analysis and statistics of the survey

in the business projects were
implemented .
- Understand and use mathematical
information .
- Analysis data models (columns,
-Use administration accounting
software .
-Graduated from colleges with
specialization: Network adminstrator
(Hoa Sen University) .
- Microsoft Office certification .
-Member of technology forum ( , )

Plan for Improve

-Reduce Grammar mistake and
sentence formation by joint English
class or can learn on the Internet .
- Read English Newspaper ereryday
- Learn 10 words a day to increase
english vocabulary .
-Implement exercises in English from
journals, books.
- Spend an hour in a day to watch
English news channels .
- Voice recording and listen to it to fix
mistakes in next recordings.
- Conversation with people who speak
better to get advice .
-tips, learn more some mathematical
softwares and formulas

.- Enhance ability to manage and

analyze information ( engaged master
of business information system
program training at RMIT university ) .
( RMIT , 2014 )
- Subscribe to technical magazines.

Interpersonal skills


Presentation skills


Team working






- Information search skills ( Report

,filter data , document )
- Confidentiality information (sort the
data, protecting information systems
users, personne )
-Conflit Resolution ( Team Conflict ,
-Question Skill (to explore the
questions, cynical unresolved ) .
-Active Listening ( Take note ,
Recording lesson ,etc. )

- Regularly update the information

management application .

-Make more conversations outside of

work with other people .
-Focus on building harmonious
relationships (empathy , fairness ,
trust ) .
-Slide design ( MS Powerpoint , Prezi - Maximise visual appeal ( use simple
picture to illustrate key point
- Non-verbal communication ( eye
- Prepare before presentation ( make
contact , gestures)
sure the audience understand contex
-Try Presentation opposite a mirror .
-Collaboration skills ( diccuss ,
-Split the work evenly, clearly and
connect with other team )
minimise duplicate .
-Brainstorming ( use in decision
-Job analysis before starting project
making ,
(deadlines, assign tasks, share
-Group Presentation (Division of work, difficulties,
data search and support answers
-Explain clearly to avoid conflicts
questions )
during project implementation .
-Have participated in project "Green
- Help other people ( listen, to meet
Environment" (6 people in a team,
the needs and aspirations of
tasks: propaganda environmental
members ).
-Convince customers
-learn from classes, books , trainers,
parent .
-Managing Accounts and Files
-learn from books, internet .



Problem Solving

(Arrangement data and set a

password for the document )
-Database Administrator at Ajinomoto
Company .
-Use some online software


Flexibility &









Meeting dealine/
Achieving target


Resolve conflict of members in

team during project
implementation , case study ,
presentation .

-Keeping calm in the face of

-Always Scheduling before
implementation ( Presentation , data
for essay etc.)
-Work under pressure, deadline
-Always be make peace when conflict
occurs on the team .
-Helping friends questions about
theory, data analysis .

-Always submission before the

deadline .
-Get feedback from faculty to edit
-Planning before implementing a
project (objectives and completion
time) .

-learn more case studies to solve .

-Try to solve some situation in

-Adjust behavior to suit the

environment (deal with customers,
discuss on the team)
-Adjust approaches and solutions to
cope with an emergency situation
-Select the type of leadership (
Servant leadership ) .
-Record ,take note the process of
training staff from the manager.
- read book to achieve knowledge
- Established networks to share and
learn .
-Set up detail objectives (from easy to


Commitment to
practices and


-Do assignment on time .

- Falsified data ( Thesis ,Ethical

-try to maintain those good routines

3. SWOT Analysis
Technical Skill
- Professional network administrator degree
- Microsoft Office certificate ( Access & Outlook ) .
- Information search skills.
- Internship experience and work at Ajinomoto
Soft Skill
- Team playing, ability to work under pressure.
- English reading comprehension .
- Social (green summer, charity)
Wishes to become the expert advice of technology
solutions, project management, software outsourcing
Political: Information technology is the industry supports
other industries. Hence the government has prioritized
development of policies to develop human resources and
technology. So the chance to get a job is very high ( MIC ,
2014 ) .
Economic Contribution of 7% of the national GDP.
spearhead economic sectors with growth rate and high
efficiency (NDHMoney , 2013) . The average wage of a
software engineer: 10,633,333 VND, project manager:

- Poor presentation skills .
- Bad ability to focus .

- High Software Copyright violations .
- Strongly competitive environment
- The downturn of global economy

4. Personal Story
My interest in information technology industries started when I enrolled into an information technology program at high
school. The program has introduced me to the various facets of the subject, and has showed me what an innovation field
it is. Therefore, in the future, I would like to work in a business department at a high tech software company. To reach my
career goal, I need to gain more knowledge in both business administration and information technology fields. Im
currently a student in Business Administration program at University of FPT associated with the University of Greenwich.
I have taken many pre-requisite courses specifically designed for business administration. These courses allowed me to
develop the practical managerial skills, communication skills and business decision-making capability. These courses are
also helping me to become good at problem solving and allowing me to have a better concept of what I would most likely
be facing in the future. Besides that, I got an information technology from Hoa Sen University. Im also currently pursuing
two information systems certificates from Cisco Network. These two certificates related to the installation, operation and
maintenance of the network system. Upon completing my degree and certificates, I would be able to function
professionally as IT managers, applications development project managers, analysts, or consultants. After fulfilling this
goal, I intend to follow the growing trend of successful employees who moved to the management area. My plan is to
become a senior manager in five years.

5. Personal Brand
My vision is to bring Vietnam from a country software outsourcing to become a producer of software. My mission is to
become a professional project manager to bring the best quality products for clients and help connect members of the
team to support them work effectively and ensures deadline in the process while implementation of the project.Speaking
of self-worth, I noticed that there are two of my self-worth that is trustworthy and steadfastness. I think that trustworthy are
persons who prestige and hold promise for everyone. It gives confidence for everyone, helping them to work in harmony
and communication. Steadfastness is an essential element to become a leader in the future, because those who want to
become leaders must overcome obstacles and difficulties. My career objective after graduation, I will be interviewing for a
job in companies operating in the technology sector as TMA Solutions, LogiGear or other technology companies with
position technology consulting for customers, analysis and advisory business solutions based on the technology.In the
next two years, I will go to learn more about the certificate of project management and technology to cultivate knowledge
of both information technology and business to become a project manager about software, especially masters of BIS
(Business information system) to improve professional skills. In the next 5 years, when I get sufficient knowledge and
financial resources, I would raise of capital to establish a business operating in the field of technology with two main
functions is to produce software and deployment database system for customers. I have two opposite personalities such
as openness and impatient. Openness helps me establish good relationships with coworkers, customers, partners and
society. However, impatient can be considered a weakness of mine, because it made me uncontrollable of thinking and
lead to wrong decisions. Therefore, I need to limit the ways by a variety of methods such as meditation, yoga, etc. My
core strengths is individual skills, I can operate independently without any assistance. In addition, adaptability and
flexibility as well as my strength, I can work under heavy pressure and can be flexible to work at multiple position with
different tasks.My weakness is that practical experience, my knowledge mainly from books and theories so I need
practical experience to better understand the nature of the problem. In addition nervous before a presentation is also my
weakness, it proves to the audience I really do not feel confident.

6. Presentation slide

7. Report Job-affair
The job fair that I attended was the job fair for graduated students whos major in mechanical engineering and electronics
at Cao Thang technical colleges, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. Before joining this job fair, I have prepared a CV and have
searched information of the companies was involved.There were a total of 32 businesses have joined this job fair, most of
these businesses are specialized in manufacturing like Intel, Honda, Unilever etc . The attendee were students who
newly graduated from college or university with a major in mechanical engineering and electronics. I was interviewed with
Unilever for a positionin maintaining productin packaging line. I failed because I did not have sufficient knowledge for the
positioned being applied.However, through this interview I learned many lessons. The first one is the ability to answer
questions, followed by the ability to control emotions like anxiety and temper.I also found that the degree is not the top
priority. The capable of working is far more important than the degree.I also did not wear appropriate clothes for the
interview, I need to pay more attention on my outfit for the next interview. Furthermore, I did not prepared the questions
for recruiters. It was an omission to demonstrate for recruiter to see my concern for the job.

8. Elevator Speech
Hi, my name is Tu . I am currently a final year student University of of Greenwich . My major is business administration , especially in the field of
human resource management . I am very passionate about technology , however , my opinion is working in the IT industry is not just working
with machinery but also to communicate with people . Summer two years ago I did an internship at Ajinomot Inc with IT support position for a
period of 4 months together with those field programs in other businesses gave me many excitement and experience . My concern for both
business and information technology is never stop. In the near future, I hope to combine two different disciplines and find a career that includes
them both

9. Type of 2 industries
Type of Industry



industry support for other industries with the main tasks such as managing database systems,
multimedia communication and system maintenance, design, fabrication and development of
applications, technology consulting. ( MIC , 2014 )



Political change
- Opportunities

Customers are mainly businesses which need database systems, technology companies,
software and media companies ( MIC , 2014 )

The main products of this industry are administrator database management systems such as
SQL Server, ERP system. The communication protocols such as VoIP intranet. Order and
design of software for its customers. Installation and maintenance of IT systems .


Economic changes

Government has a great support for the industry development. (MIC , 2009) >> career
development opportunities.
Chnh sch u i thu . Software companies are exempt from corporate income tax in
the first 4 years since its establishment, enjoy a tax rate of 5% in the next 9 years and
2 years after that enjoy preferential corporate income tax of 10%. (Ha Van , 2013 )
Political stability - highly stable >> make good condition for stable economic
environment to attract foreign clients.

Intellectual property protection >> weakest in the world ( IPR , 2007 ) .

Wage legislation - minimum wage far below the threshold of sector standards (IPR
,2007) .
Join in the WTO + high GDP growth rate (8% per per year) > IT companies have to operate in
more competitive environment. ( Ha Van , 2013 ) .
Value of Vietnam ICT market in 2006 reached 1015 millions US dollar .The total value of the
IT industry in2006 was US$ 1.74 billion US dollar .

Number of IT companies : 1200 Software companies & 200 Hardware company in 2006 .
Software companies accounted for 45 percent of the market and Hardware companies
accounted for 30 percentege . (IPR , 2007 )
Some famous companies in VietNam : FPTLead , TMA Solution , Logigear Inc , VINACom ,
CSC VietNam


Type of industry


Potentially big market with the population of more than 80 million ( Meyer et al , 2005 )
Big potential market for software companies due to an increase and a diversification in the
use of IT in various areas, from socio-economic sectors, government administrations and
businesses to the daily activities of many urban people. ( Meyer at al , 2005 )
Recent technological developments Limited installed technology base so Vietnam has
opportunity to leapfrog other countries ( KIAasia , 2002 ) .
Human resources management in tourism industry
Human Resource Management is operations to enhance the effective contribution of
individuals for organization goals while simultaneously trying to achieve the objectives of
individuals (Nickson, 2007). Managing human resources in tourism is the activities in order to
improve the quality and working efficiency of labor force in tourism industry (Nickson, 2007).
The object of this industry is travel companies, restaurants, hotels need to recruit staff HR
management or improve the quality of service of employees. (Popescu et al , 2013).

Products of human resources management in tourism industry is HRM software, payroll,
timesheets, policies and remuneration, etc (Popescu et al, 2013)
Political change
- Opportunities


- As an industry brought a lot of profit therefore there are many preferential policies for
development (Tien Cuong, 2014).
- Lack of personnel in the hotel and restaurant lead to higher recruitment needs (Hotel news,
- Vietnam tourism industry lack of the professionalism because of perception limitations,
professional and experienced, thus, to improve the quality of Vietnam's tourism requires
enthusiasm and professional qualifications (Hoang thanh , 2013 ).
- There is no policy to support small tourist companies (Hoang thanh , 2013).

Economic change

- Vietnam tourism industry is growing and becoming a key economic industry. (Tien Cuong,
Most of Vietnam tourism workforce has not been good training in the ability to communicate
in English .

Socail change


Type of 3 organizations

Type of organization

Company Background
/ Product / Business
Unit / Branches

TMA Solutions
TMA is a company providing
software outsourcing services for
leading global companies
(TMASolutions , 2014 ) .

Established in March 1997 with

six software engineers until 2014
about 1,500 engineers. There are
three main centers: TMA training,
student development, research
and development
(TMASolutions, 2014 ).
Headquartered in Vietnam and
branches in the US, Canada,
Europe, Australia, Japan.
Scope of Activities: Software
Outsourcing, Mobile solutions,
research & development Network,
Training for student

CSC VietNam
CSC Vietnam is a company
provides application
services, consulting and
implementing ERP
(Enterprise resource
planning ) and IT services (
CSC , 2014).

HPT Vietnam Corporation

HPT is one of the leading IT
company in Vietnam.
Provision of information
technology services to
customers at home and
abroad. (HPT, 2014).

CSC Vietnam, formerly

called FCG Vietnam (PSV)
has officially joined CSC
after CSC completed the
merger of CSC FCG in
January 2008.
Scope of Activities:
Consulting, development
and application
maintenance. Deploying
ERP system for enterprises
and solution development
mobile applications. (CSC ,
2014 )

Established in 1995 with

international transaction
names is High Performance
Technology Co. Ltd. HPT
provides technology
solutions for more than
2,000 businesses in Vietnam
and overseas. Core
business activity of HPT is
deploying commercial
software for the enterprise,
database management,
installation of the operating
system for business (HPT,
2014) .


Strength / Weakness

Mission: to provide software far

exceeds customer expectations

Mission: become a
corporation specializing in
providing solutions and
Information Technology
services leading global

Vision: sustainable growth,

constantly increasing employee
satisfaction and value for the
customer (TMASolutions , 2014

Vision: to promote the

highest capacity of staff and
CSC's global scale

S : Have skills training center for

new staff and students ,Good
remunation and reward (Ha Van ,
2011) . Create advancement
opportunities for employees after
2- 4 years of work to create
opportunities for employees and
support them completed good
work (Nguyen Nhu Dung , 2007 )

S : As one of the very few

companies can develop full
applications (Full life cycle
software development)
. Good Social welfare
regimes ( Reviewcompany
, 2014 )

W : Have Research &

Development Department (10
years) but primarily to research
new technologies in service
software outsourcing .

W : Only focus on core

business activities test
software for customers and
not diversified business
model as other software

Mission: Building HPT

become a service company
of information technology,
communications and
software development
international level
Vision: Understanding and
application development
technologies in the field of IT
- communication for
customers in Vietnam and
internationally for the
prosperity of customers .

S : There is specific
internship program for
students preparing to
graduate. ( BKACAD , 2014




TMA is a leading outsourcing

company (Tieu Nha , 2014 )

Maintain a friendly working

environment, towards creativity
and teamwork (Ha Van, 2011 )

Leading corporation
specializing in the research,
development and support of
Business solutions and IT
systems with the highest
complexity (Pcworld , 2007)

HPT is a collective rich in

cultural traditions, strong
entrepreneurial spirit.
Released internal
publications ( HPT , 2014 )

How ?


What ?
A : Available
N : Needed
A :Bachelor's degree (
Business administrator )
.College degree (
Communication and
Computer Network ) .
N : TOEFL certificates ,
Cisco Certified Network
Associate & Cisco
Certified Network
Professional , Project
Management certificate in
information technology

Who ?

2nd Year
Working at :
TMA Solutions
Position :

A : Experience ,
Relationship , Knowledge
N : Master of Business
information system , Skill
planning and coordination
of HR for project .

Team Project

5th year
Working at :
TMA Solutions

N : motivate skill , decision

making skill


1st Year
Working at :
TMA Solutions
Position :

-TMA Solutions
Business department
-Get Cisco certificate
from Nhat Nghe
technology Center .
-learn TOEFL from
-Support from
managers and
colleagues when

How much time ,
money , emotional
TOEFL Certificates :
12.000.000 VND .
certificate : 6.000.000
, Project Management
certificate in
information technology
: 8.000.000
Total : 26.000.000 VND

Success Criteria
How will I know Ive
achieved it ?

By When

improvement ( Write
, Spoken ,
Communication )
knowledge (
Consultant skill ,
convince customers
Have many good
relationships with

Certificates : 6
certificate : 3,5
certificate in
technology : 2
Total : 1 year

Master of Business
- Ability to manage
information : 13.000 US projects.
- Good
Relationships with
- Know how to plan
and arrange job
Course :The art of
- Know how to
leadership : 23.000.000
motivate staff
- Skills training

Master of
information : 17

Course :The art

of leadership : 4,5
Month .

Position :

for new staff


Report Case Analysis

Before the presentation, my team had a total of four meetings to discuss and divide the tasks to other team members. The
first meeting was to find out the appropriate task for each member and to divide the questionnairesamong us. In the
second meeting, each member presented the draft answers based on case study analysis. In the third meeting, each
member completed the answer and additional data based on the internet. We applied many ideas mainly from two
websites are Emeraldinsight Journal and JSTOR. We also added some point of view from the collected essays on the
The final meeting took place two days before the presentation. In this discussion, each member was targeted in 15
minutes presentation to ensure we present on time. When presenting, our skills of using body language were quite good.
However, we did not apply the theory well, we were still sketchy. Besides that, all members have to answer questions of
teachers but the answers did not focus on the right details and the use of English when presented are not good. Feedback
from teachers has been recorded to improve for the nextpresentations. For example, the application of the product life
cycle theory although in the right direction, but not in detail and unclear. At the end of the presentations, Ihave learned
some experience for myself such as I need to use more body language to express their opinions and learn from the
teachers feedback. And I think taking a class (KTDC, 2015) to improve presentation skills in English can be a suitable


Report Interview Clip

As an interviewer, before meeting with the candidates, there are two elements need to be prepared. First, read the
resume of candidates together with job requirements in order to prepare a questionnaire for people who interview at the
hotel receptionist position . Here are list of questionaire

When I designed this questionnaire it is included the question of technical skills, soft skills based on the evaluation
criteria of qualification, communication, flexibility . As an interviewer, I noticed that interviewer plays a key role in putting
questions to find out the personality of the candidate. Moreover, they are also create comfortable environment makes
candidates more confident . If a stressful environment occur, candidates will be uncomfortable and disorder when
answering the question, and this is not beneficial for interviewer because they will not understand exactly answer which
candidate can answer correctly . After the interview, I noticed that there are three factors to determine whether to hire this
candidate or not is the ability to communication, problem solving skills and flexibility. In my opinion, I agree to hire this
candidate because she had covered the essential skills of a hotel receptionist like good communication, resolve the
situation is quite good questions. Especially the flexibility that she meets like able to work night working overtime . To
function as an interviewee, before meeting with interviewer I had prepared some relevant information about the company
like the business sector, remuneration policies, job requirements to anticipate the questions of interviewer. In addition, an

indispensable element that is appearance. During the interview, I feeling that control emotions to avoid unnerved is
important and I did pretty good when I controlled my thinking. Combined with confidence when answering questions is
using body language. The question situations need to use body language to explain more clearly. After the interviewer, I
realized that I had accurate answer the questions of the interviewer. After the interview, I realized that I had accurate
answer the questions of the interviewer. However, I have not good resolution the question of situations. Through
interviews, I have experienced from an interviewee that is must control emotions and use body language to express the
answer. Good preparation everything before the interview will be a chance for the purpose of increasing the chances of
recruitment . Observer is listening, watching and recording the answers of interviewees . Characteristics of an observer is
focused on the details and record the answers . Before starting a interview, observers need to read the resume of
interviewee and job requirements to prepare observed sample includes various evaluation criteria . In the interview,
observer noted answers from candidates by observed sample was designed (See appendix). Choosing location beside
the interviewer and opposite the interviewee to cover the entire interview . After the interview, observer will summarize the
criteria from sample surveys to evaluation performance of interviewee together with evaluation of interviewer. If results
from supervisors and interviewers matches, which showed a high rate of successful candidates for people who are
interviewee .

BKACAD, 2014 Sinh vin h c nhn quc t thc tp ti HPT Vietnam Corporation Available at : [ Accessed on 30 Nov 2014 ]
Careerlink , 2014 Careerlink inventory test Available at : [Accessed on 2 Dec 2014
CSC, 2014 Introduce about CSC Available at : [ Accessed on 10 Dec 2014 ] .
Ha Van, 2013 Doanh nghip CNTT: Nhiu chnh sch u i cn bt cp Available at : [Acceseed on 7 Dec
2014 ]
Ha Van, 2011 TMA Solutions c giao t xy trung tm R&D : Available at : [
Accessed on 9 Dec 2014 ]
HPT, 2014 HPT Vietnam Overview Available at : [Accessed on 30 Nov 2014 ]
Hoang Thanh, 2013 Bt cp nhn lc ngnh du lch Available at : [Accessed on 7 Dec 2014 ]
IPR, 2007 A Collective Concern: Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Available at : [Accessed on 5 Dec 2014 ] .
Kaiasia, 2002 Vietnams emerging software industry: Competitiveness, positioning, and strategy in a global market
Available at : [ Accessed
on 9 Dec 2014 ] .
MIC, 2009 nh hng Chin lc pht trin Cng ngh thng tin v Truyn thng Vit Nam giai on 2011 2020
Available at :
020goitatlachienluoccatcanh.aspx [ Accessed on 21 Nov 2014 ]
MIC, 2014 CNTT l ngnh ch lc pht trin cng nghip VN Available at :
%E1%BB%83nc%C3%B4ngnghi%E1%BB%87pVN.aspx [ Accessed on 3 Dec 2014 ].
Meyer at al , 2005 Doing Business in Vietnam Available at : [
Acceseed on 7 Dec 2014 ] .
Published by Elsevier Ltd .
NDHMoney, 2013 Ngnh CNTT ng gp trc tip gn 7% GDP Available at : [Accessed on 5 Nov 2014 ].
Out-of-service, 2014 The big give personality test Available at: [ Accessed on 2
Dec 2014 ] .
PCworld, 2007 TMA: Sc bt ca Ph ng Available at : [ Accessed on 8 Dec 2014]
Popescu at al , 2013 Human Resource Management Practice in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry : ACADEMIC
Reviewcompany, 2014 Ch phc li x hi ca CSC Vit Nam [ Accessed on 10 Dec 2014 ]
RMIT, 2014 Bachelor of Business (Business Information Systems) Available at : [Accessed on 29 Nov 2014 ] .

Tien Cuong, 2014 Bc tng trng mnh m ca du lch Vit Nam Available at : [
Accessed on 7 Dec 2014] .
TMASolutions, 2014 Generald Information Available at : [Accessed on 30 Nov
2014 ] .
Tieu Nha, 2014 TMA Is A Success Story Avaialble at : [Accessed on 9 Dec 2014 ] .
UCF, 2014 Plan your development Available at : [Accessed on 18 Nov 2014 ] .

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