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News Extra

pg 11

pg 11

Vatican Cardinal with Oversight on
Justice and Peace, Peter Turkson
Visits Liberia; Pays Courtesy Call
on President Sirleaf



Port Truckers Association Files

Formal Complaints Against World
Food Program (WFP) with Relevant
Government of Liberia Ministries












These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of

the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The
rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials
banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Research, Policy and Planning Department,
Central Bank Liberia,
Monrovia, Liberia

VOL 8 NO.746








The lack of pathologists in general hinders the work of prosecution in the process of evidence
gathering particularly in suspected homicide cases where cause of death is required to be
I wouldnt say that it has affected our winning percentage because we win when

justice is done. Cllr. Betty LaminBlamo, Solicitor General, RL

Law & Order - pg.8 & 9



p 10



Why Senator Taylor may be Re-elected in Bong
Your Vote is your Voice Vote your Nation & Vote Right
p 12

Friday, December 19, 2014

Page 2 | Frontpage


s campaigning for the 2014 special senatorial election

draws to a close and electorates left to make decision
in the 15 counties of Liberia Saturday, candidates are
busy wrapping up their campaign process and the
densely populated Montserrado County Thursday locked down
as Independent Candidate Robert Sirleaf campaign made a lastminute pitch to woo voters.
Sirleafs supporters gathered in the thousands unto the streets
of Monrovia, leaving motorists stuck in vehicles for hours. The
supporters sang and chanted support to the man they say can bring
With the Campaign slogan Think Forward taking a play from U.S.
President Barack Obamas Lean Forward in 2012, the Presidents
son brought out the crowd to show that he has his support intact in
Montserrado County where many believe he could not match the
strength of the Congress for Democratic Change and its political
leader, George Weah, his bitter rival.
Sirleaf who has been a humanitarian over the last few years
continued his humanitarian gesture as many of his supporters
term his spending spree and was generous to provide half a gallon
of gasoline to dozens of motorcyclists in the Caldwell area,
according to his supporters.
Following a long day parade through the streets of Monrovia and
immediate environs, Sirleaf climaxed his campaign activities with
a call for voters to turn out and vote him on Saturday.
Sirleaf told his cheering supporters at his stronghold in the PHP
community, the headquarters of his campaign that Thursday was
the greatest day in his life as he admonished his supporters that the
election is about the people of Montserrado County.
The greatest day of my life. To all of you who came out today,
from 17 districts, let them see you, let hear you, let them feel you.
This race on Saturday, I am very proud to say to the people of
Montserrado County, that this race on Saturday is about you. You
will be the winners, on Saturday, you will be the winners, said
The Independent candidate told the crowd that his legislative
agenda will bring the needed changes for the people of
In his agenda entitled Transforming Lives, Sirleaf heralds
three basic things he says would define his tenure if elected:
Transforming lives for all, moving Montserrado Forward and
empowerment for the people.
Sirleaf is promising health facilities that save lives, youth
employment and training with real impact, agriculture
opportunities that build real livelihoods.
He is also promising roads, electricity and sanitation that people
need, investment promotion focused on job creation and disaster
relief programs to speed recovery.
The independent candidate in his agenda also says he plans to
provide scholarships and an education system that Liberians can
be proud of, proper representation at the national level, sports
facilities that strengthen communities.
Our legislative agenda brings changes, we bring changes for you.
Go home save and come vote us on Saturday, he said.
Martin D. Swen, who came all the way from the rural settlement
of Louisiana, said he is grateful to Sirleaf for the gesture.
Robert Sirleaf will go and when he goes, he will make sure he
does the right thing. Dont mind the people, we will vote for you.
Thank you for my gas. Im going to ride it and will vote for you,
he said.
Another Liberian Augustine Gaye said Liberians are grateful to

The greatest day of my life. To

all of you who came out today,
from 17 districts, let them see you,
let them hear you, let them feel
you. This race on Saturday, I am
very proud to say to the people
of Montserrado County, that
this race on Saturday is about
you. You will be the winners, on
Saturday, you will be the winners
Mr. Sirleaf for the support given the Liberian people. He said
unlike the past, when presidents sons were oppressors of the
people, Liberians see a great son of a president who is willing to
help them.
Some of us, we are CDCians but now we have decided to give
our vote to Robert Sirleaf because of one reason, he said, dressed
in his T-Shirt with Think Forward, Vote Robert Sirleaf on the
Continued Gaye: Now in Liberia, we dont believe in too much
talking. Too much talking cant solve our problem; we want

action. We want to see what you can do and Robert Sirleaf has
been coming to the community helping some of us. Now if you
go to Banjor Community, he has helped to fix the road. We are
calling him inside Caldwell to come and fix our roads. So all of
the people who are saying all kinds of things, are just saying it out
of ignorance, we should be wise.
Mother stigma could hurt Robert
Despite the massive show of support, some supporters admitted to
deception. Sylvester N. Doe, wearing a Sirleaf T-shirt and filling
up his motorcycle with the gasoline provided through the kindness
of Sirleaf said, that doesnt make him a supporter of Sirleaf.
The fact is that, we were to vote for Robert Sirleaf but because
of his mother, we have no vote for Robert Sirleaf. We will eat the
money because its our countrys money, he said.
At the headquarters of the CDC, police director Chris Massaquoi
and his principal deputies were standing outside backed by riot
police trying to make sure the CDC partisans stayed indoors.
There had earlier been a scuffle as Sirleafs men passed in front of
the CDC headquarters.
Eyewitnesses said stones were thrown from both sides as the
Sirleaf convoy passed through. The police director spoke to
someone from the CDC hierarchy on the phone, telling them to
keep their partisans inside the fence. But it took officials like
MulbahMorlu, SamoraWolokolie and Jefferson Koijee to order
them in.
Sirleaf broke the rules on the National Election Commission
standard for only 250 persons at political rally. But the NEC itself
has said that it cannot enforce its own rules because of Executive
Order #65.

Friday, December 19, 2014


Page 3

Friday, December 19, 2014

Page 4 | Frontpage






Suspended Chairman of the opposition
Congress for Democratic Change can take his
24-Hour threats and shove it

MR. GEORGE SOLO, the former or current chairman of the

opposition Congress for Democratic Change sent several text
messages to reporters and the publisher of FrontPageAfrica
Thursday threatening lawsuits over publications emanating from
Mr. Solos own lips deriving from his recent numerous appearances
on a number of national issues, particularly his turmoil with the
MR. SOLO appeared on the Costa Morning Show this week
slamming the CDC and its standard bearer and long-time friend
George Manneh Weah, going as far as to suggest that he is still the
party chairman and that all senatorial candidates on the CDC ticket
as illegally registered, questioning the credibility of the NEC for
failing to intervene in the partys crisis over the last five months.
DECLARED MR. SOLO: I am the National Chairman of the
Congress for Democratic Change as we speak. The NEC in its own
last communication did not recognize whoever CDC said was acting
or whatever. CDC has not had a convention so you know the fun is
about to begin. What is happening in the Congress for Democratic
Change will spillover and when it spillover I want to see the Liberia
National Police that will get involved. I want to see the elections
commission that will get involved because those people will not
be tolerated. By today four oclock I will activate the military
wing of the Congress for Democratic Change to protect my party
headquarters and anyone I see plying with my party T-shirts or flag
will be disowned.
MR. SOLO claims that because he signed the papers for the
contestants of the Congress for Democratic Change and for the fact
that no further papers since August of 2014 have been signed, he
remains the partys chair.
NOW MR. SOLO says FrontPageAfrica put words in his mouth.
IN A TEXT MESSAGE to the Publisher, Mr. Solo said: I did
not support Mr. Silent or any candidate at my press conference. U
have 24 hour to retract or fact a lawsuit. Chairman Solo. I have
recordings of my conference and have establish with Mr. Karmo
whose version is different and u used his name as writer. Fake
journalism as always. If not corrected I will expose you. Rodney
FYI MR. SOLO: FrontPageAfrica did not report that you supported
Mr. Sirleaf but only quoted CDC officials accusing you, Solo of
betrayal and support for Mr. Sirleaf. So get your facts straight.
WE HAVE NO FISH TO fry in Mr. Solos beef with his party and
have no intentions of engaging in any aspect of Mr. Solos beef with
his current or former party.
WHAT WE HAVE DONE is report on the various exchanges
between Mr. Solo and some figures within the CDC who have
repeatedly accused Mr. Solo of betraying the party.
IN FACT, several media houses have been consistently reporting
about the beef between Mr. Solo and his current or former party and
alluding to numerous reports within the party that Solo had sold out
on the party which brought him to prominence.
IN FACT, BACK IN AUGUST, P. Magnus Nian, Jr. CDC Nimba
caucus chair called on the partys political leader, Mr. Weah to
clarify about the bribery allegations in order to restore calm and
dignity to the party. Said Nian: Im of the strong conviction that
Chairman George Solo will not collect money from Mr. Robert
Sirleaf in the name of the ambassador. But Weah should tell us,
partisans what really happened because it is creating bad image for
the party.
NIAN WENT ON TO SAY that the Congress for Democratic
Change is at a critical point and it makes no sense for individuals
who claim to be executives of the party to tarnish its image in such
manner ahead of the senatorial elections.
NIAN FURTHER called on two CDC executives, Mulbah Morlu
and Jefferson Koijee, who made the allegation to produce facts. The
party has reportedly dismissed both individuals following the claim.
Therefore, we want to use this medium to call on the elements in
person of Mulbah K. Morlu and Jefferson Kojii who have organized
a plot against Chairman Solo on grounds that he took some money
from Robert Sirleaf in order to withdraw Amb. George Weah from
the 2014 October senatorial elections in Montserrado County to
produce facts concerning these allegations, he said.
THE GRIEVANCE AND Ethics Committee of the CDC set up
to probe the confusion between Solo and the party, headed by
Samuel D. Tweah, Jr., Chairman; Professor Ansu Sonii, Cllr. Sayma
Cyrenius Cephus in a final report released September 5 found the


Jerry Gbardy,; Contributing Writer

esponding to a TV sports commentators question

during a panel discussion on Monday August 22,
1988, George Weah said, I will fight for my country
but I will not die for my country. That response
drew wild applause from viewers including this writer and
fellow panelists, Captain Mark Gibson, Striker James Debbah,
Goalkeeper Pewu Bestman and Coach Josiah N Johnson who
were participating in a panel discussion hosted by ELTV on
that memorable August 22nd day; the day declared a national
holiday by the Government of Liberia after the Lone Star of
Liberia defeated its soccer nemesis, the star-studded Black
Stars of Ghana led by the legendary Abedi Pele Ayew the
previous day.
From that time to this day, Ambassador George Weah has been
fighting for the betterment of his people, the Liberian people.
During the Liberian civil war years in the 1990s, he was always
there to help his country in whichever way he could. He has
demonstrated the true character of a leader, a humanitarian and
a person with good heart. Unlike his privileged opponent Mr.
Robert Sirleaf who got his education in the United States from
Liberian taxpayers funded scholarships, Ambassador Weah did
not benefit from such luxuries. He grew up in impoverished
conditions playing football in the slums of Monrovia before
going on to be an international superstar. Some of the money
he accumulated while being a professional, he took back to his
native Liberia to singlehandedly bankroll the national soccer
team and help the needy.
When fighters of the NPFL, the rebel organization financed by
Mr. Robert Sirleafs mother, President Johnson-Sirleaf, raided
his house on 9th Street, held all the men at gunpoint, sexually
assaulted his female relatives, looted the house bare before
burning it down, Mr. Weah did not exact revenge by any means;
neither did he angrily stay away from the country. He went
back to Liberia regularly to help his country and people. He has
been doing all these good deeds with no strings attached. He
is just such a nice and generous person in whom the Liberian
people can trust.
At a certain time in the 1990s, the national soccer team, the
Lone Star was in shambles. It had no leader, no money, and its
players were scattered all over the world in refugee camps and
other places. Consequently, Mr. Weah stepped in and provided
the much needed leadership and his personal finances that
brought the players together, kept the national team in training
camp in Cote dIvoire and paid per diem to players and officials.
Additionally, he singlehandedly chartered a flight that cost
more than $47,000 to transport the Lone Star to Kinshasa, Zaire
for a soccer competition. I have yet to see another Liberian who
has done that in the interest of the nation. Certainly not Robert
Sirleaf or his mother, the last time I checked. At the end of
the civil war, Ambassador Weah vigorously participated in the
disarmament and demobilization process of former combatants,
a mandatory exercise that paved the way for Mr. Robert Sirleaf
and his mother to come to power.
It is said, You know your true fiends in times of trouble.
Where was Mr. Sirleaf during Liberias dark days? What did he
do then for the people of Monsterrado County whom he claims

to care for now, in the peoples time of need? If he is boasting of

helping the people now, why did he not do so during the days
when the country was going through some difficult chapters in
its existence? It is thus fair to say that Mr. Sirleaf is a Johnnyjust-come-lately-with-a-bag-of-rice-for-vote politician who
is facilitating the construction of a few soccer fields under the
guise of carrying out development projects for the sake of
political gains. In any event, Mr. Sirleaf is no philanthropist
by any measure even if he constructs fifty soccer fields in and
around Monrovia. As one of the top officials in his mothers
government, he is obliged to carry out those development
projects because of the simple fact that he is using taxpayers
money, not his personal money, to undertake those projects.
Liberian taxpayers funded his education, so building soccer
fields in communities around Monrovia is no special favor that
should be rewarded with a political office as such.
Additionally, it appears that Mr. Robert Sirleaf does not actually
care for the people of Montserrado. If he does, he is supposed
to empathize with their plight when hundreds are succumbing
to the deadly Ebola virus instead of mocking its victims by
saying, I will deal with the Ebola virus. One who
loves his people will never say something as outrageous as that.
Thus he does not deserve their votes.
Mr. Robert Sirleaf and his mother Ma Ellen have been in power
for nine years now; nine years of failed economic policies
and unfulfilled promises. Yes, nine years of mortgaging the
nations natural resources to rent-seeking foreign and local
concessionaires, nine years of hardship and suffering of the
Liberian people; oh, nine years of cronyism, corruption and
bad governance, nine painful years of high unemployment,
nine years of lack of development priorities, and yes Liberian
people, nine years of lack of a functioning health care system
and lack of better roads. In spite of all of these, Mr. Sirleaf is
asking for your vote for another nine years as if you the Liberian
people have not had enough of their failed policies. He and his
mother are both the same in terms of policy formulation and
implementation and bad governance. At this point in time, the
Liberian people are fed up with more of the same. Three years
of the remainder of his mothers tenure is what Mr. Sirleaf gets.
Contrastingly, Mr. Weah is battle-hardened politically. He is
ready and prepared to work for the people like he has always
been doing. If he could work for his people when he was a
private individual, this writer, without preconditions, is forever
convinced that when elected Senator, Ambassador Weah
would make better decisions and sponsor legislations that will
definitely impact the lives of ordinary Liberian citizens in a
more profound way. He adequately understands the peoples
problems because he is one of them and was down the same
road before. All that needs to be done is for the people of
Montserrado County to give him the opportunity on December
20 to serve them better.

embattled Chairman Solo guilty on three counts.

STATED THE COMMITTEE in its report Considering that the
National Chairman is guilty on three of the four charges brought
against him by the National Executive Committee of the Congress
for Democratic Change, the Grievance and Ethics Committee
upholds the suspension of the CDC National Chairman George Solo.
The Grievance and Ethics Committee concludes that the National
Executive Committees action meets the CAUSE requirement
imposed by Article 5 Section 46 of the CDC constitution, as has been
severally established and demonstrated in this report.
MR. SOLO rode to political prominence on the backs of the CDC.
If for any reason, his ongoing war-of-words with the party has

catapulted into a point of obscurity, we advise him to deal with the

matter directly with his political peers.
MR. SOLO must do himself a favor by saving his 24-hour threats,
text-messages rants and energy to the fight against Ebola or work
toward resolving his differences with Mr. Weah, his party or former
Dragging a newspaper which is only reporting exchanges between he
and his cohorts into the mix of his political war, only shows his lack
of knowledge about journalism.
PICK A FIGHT ELSWEWHERE, Mr. Solo, these doors are closed
to attention-seeking politicians looking for some shoulder to cry their
political tears on

The writer is the author of the memoir, Painful Journey: a Story

of Escape and Survival. He can be reached at jeryongbardy@

Friday, December 19, 2014







What is wrong with an electorate that puts a person into office for
NINE YEARS (18 YEARS for those re-elected) without knowing their
platform or having enough time to quiz the candidate due to a rushed
election? Why encourage Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to destroy our country?
Wake up, my fellow Liberians, we can do better. Change is on the way.
Mr. Harris, I don't always agree with Ellen but I disagree that Ellen is
destroying the country. I think your ill-conceived charcoal machine
poses a serious threat to the environment. Where do you plan to get all
that wood from to operate your charcoal machine, or WoodGas machine
as you call it.
Ebola is a deadly virus that with the help of the international community
will be eliminated. However, the virus that is slowly killing Liberians
daily is corruption in government. Can the Supreme Court rule on
corruption cases too or will the court regard corruption cases as a
political matter in the future when such case is before the court?
Matter lay to rest finally, the High court has given its decision. Election
scheduled for Dec. 20, 2014. let this one election go ahead my people.
MY TURN: Look at the illogical reasoning of the two dissenting justices,
Banks and Kibena, that these two men didn't know Ebola fear is NOT
a constitutional issue baffles me. Now you know why Banks has been
trying to overshadow Chief Justice Francis Kporpor, and why Banks put
the "stay order" on this frivolous lawsuit. And why in most instances
Banks is awarded the "Justice in Chambers" role? That a "smart" Banks
as "Justice in Chambers" could not find that the rule of law was abused,
and question of constitutional violation in the FPA/Rodney Sieh versus
Chris Toe case tells me how some on the Court are "pushing personal
agendas" or trying to legislate from the Court.
Philip Banks is not an astute judge and can only be a judge in Liberia.
Where is the Nigerian man's money? Ja'neh is a rebel and is also not
qualified to sit on the bench. I have not read in any news media any
creditworthy dissenting opinion from these two judges. They feel
because a group of Liberians filed a lawsuit so it's their constitutional
right to be heard. Stupid. Only in judicial matters should this be the case.
The decision by the Legislature to hold elections with Ebola measures
in place was not unconstitutional. Both Ja'Neh and Banks are agents
of Ellen Sirleaf. The names Laveli Supuwood, Emmanuel Bowier and
Blamo Nelson should have been a red flag. Selfish old men who have
been involved in Liberian politics for over 100 years with nothing to
show for it. They hoped their selfish political greed would have halted
the elections. They lost. They should all be fined for wasting the court's
time on their selfish political interests. Supreme Court opinions are based
on "Reasoned Judgment". Where is the "Reasoned Judgment" in Ja'neh
and Banks opinions? None. Zero. Ebola is not a constitutional matter.
People are so dumb.
Saintm75: You are very correct, and these are the characters Ellen put on
the Supreme Court. And the Senate helped to confirm them.
Yes, I forgot to mention the $500, 000.00 taken from the Nigerian man
at RIA. In court, Banks who was the Justice Minister could not produce
the money (evidence). Instead, Banks said he used the money to chase
down runaway prisoners who broke jail from the Zwedru Palace of
Corrections/jail. Newspapers reports including FPA had it that some
of the money supposedly went to putting up a fence around President
Sirleaf's house. At one point, President Sirleaf hinted that the Nigerian
man was said to be "a drug dealer and money launderer."
That Nigerian man is now an elected member of the Nigerian Parliament.
When Liberia was given a judgeship on the ECOWAS Court, the
Nigerian argued that Liberia does not deserve the seat on the Court if
Liberia refuses to abide the Court's decision to give him his money.
Hence, the Liberian taxpayers had to pay for the criminality of Philip
Banks. And now Banks sits on Liberia's Supreme Court. The curse on
Liberia takes many forms from the president who confessed to funding
our civil war that killed 250, 000 Liberians, to warlords who carried out
orgies of mass killings now in our Ligislature. But 99 days for rogue, and
one day for master.
In the end, the Liberian taxpayers paid back the Nigerian man's money
after he sued L I beria at the ECOWAS Court in Abuja, Nigeria.


The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

The Reader's Page

Page 5

Send your letters and comments to:


The Editor,

t has come to the attention of the Africa Environmental

Watch (AEW) that Hon. AnyaaVohiri, Executive
Director of the Environmental Protection Agency of
Liberia (EPA-L), has been suspended indefinitely,
by. H.E. President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of the
Republic of Liberia,for gross insubordination to her order to
hireMr. Levi Piah, former Superintendent of Margibi County,
as Deputy Executive Director of the EPAaccording to a recent
FrontPageAfricaonline story. The Act that created the EPA
of Liberia in 2003 allows the entity to accommodate only
one deputy executive director, which it already has done.
Additionally, if there is an urgent need for the creation of a
second deputy position, the appropriate amendment protocols
to the Act should be made before it takes effect, considering
budgetary allotment for the position and its supporting staff.
This action of suspension is quite an appalling move that yet
delivers another depressing blow to the function and credibility
of the EPAof Liberia at a very critical time,especially when the
nation is collectively combating the eradication of the deadly
Ebola virus epidemic (EVE) to which the Agency is or should
be playing a vital role than to be consumed or distracted by
such an expansionist issue that should not be given credence.
No doubt, the Act that created the EPA does not make room
for a second Deputy Executive Director.
The suspension of the EPA boss, at a timewhen she is
attending the Conference of Party (COP20)on United Nations
Framework on Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC)
in Lima, Peru, sends a wrong message to the international
environmental community to learn that the head of Liberias
delegation to the conference had to withdraw her credentials
from the COP20 Conference because she has been suspended
by President of Liberia for not acting on an order to hire
Mr. Levi Piah. The COP20 Conference offers Liberia an
opportunity to make the case as one of the Ebola-affected
countries often referred to as Forest Countries. The term is
simply a reference to the forestlands prevalent in the current
Ebola countries. It is believed that these forestlands are
populated by fruit eating bats and other animals that transmit
the Ebola virus. But to return to the conference, attending it
would have provided an important opportunity for research
opportunity and benefits that could lead to a solid action plan
for eradicating the Ebola virus.
EPA has been struggling since its inception in 2003. The
Agency has been drastically underfunded and marginalized
as well as denigrated by its own creatorthe Liberian

government. The Agency has an annual budget of less than a

million dollars and a workforce of over 125 employees. The
Agency has a national responsibility to protect and manage
the environment of the nation. Indeed, EPA has a gigantic
responsibility that requires a huge volume of resources, such
asthe need for scientists,other professionals for research
capacity, and increased funding for institutional capacity
building to strengthenefficiency for the Agency. The benefit
of such requires investment to help the nation create a sound
and healthy environment where residents and visitors in
Liberia will look and feel very healthy. Unfortunately, the
current budgetary allotment is far less. And then to expand
the structure without the much needed support is simply
unhealthy politics.
Although the Agency is an autonomous agency with the power
to generate its own funding from fines on polluters and other
fees that could make up for other budgetary shortfall, the
government is a hindrance to these initiatives. For example,
the Agency is excluded from major concession agreements
related to areas such as mining, diamond, gold, oil, to name
a few. In addition, EPA was initially excluded from the Ebola
Emergency Taskforce. Disturbingly, there is an historical
pattern to such a marginalization of the Agency. In this context,
to think that the Liberian government approaches the growth
and sustainability of EPA in a less enthusiastic way while
the world is more focused on issues of clean environment is
troubling, to say the least. The Sirleaf-led government needs
to providethe EPA a deserving platform to earn the respect
of other institutions that are doing business in Liberia. No
nation succeeds in its national development agenda with
poor infrastructures related to environment and disaster
management. The recent outbreak of the Ebola epidemic
should demonstrate that Liberia does have vulnerabilities in
areas of the environment, disaster management, healthcare,
all of which need very serious attention.
It is our wish that the President would rethink her action
of indefinite suspension and reinstate Hon. AnyaaVohiri to
continue her work at EPA with the meager resources allotted
to the Agency.
Morris T. Koffa, Sr.
Executive Director
Africa Environmental Watch


Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;

Wade C. L. Williams, News Desk Chief, wade.; 0880664793
Sports Editor, Danesius Marteh, danesius.marteh@, 0886236528
Henry Karmo, henry.karmo@frontpageafricaonline.
Al-varney Rogers
com, 0886-304498
Sports Reporter, A. Macaulay Sombai,macaulay., 077217428


Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042
selma.lomax@, 0886-484666
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Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753, advertise@

Page 6 | Frontpage


Friday, December 19, 2014


NEC Pledges Commitment in Holding free, fair and transparent election

Monroviahe National Elections

Commission (NEC)
has reechoed its
special senatorial election will
be conducted in a free, fair and
transparent manner describing
the process as a milestone in
Liberias fight for democracy.
There are complaints from
some parties including the
CDC which has stated that
there is a possibility of cheating
during the election based on
an alleged action by candidate
Robert Sirleaf to buy voter
registration cards of voters,
amongst others.
NEC Chairman, Cllr. Jerome
Korkoyah Thursday reaffirmed
the NEC commitment to
holding a free, fair and
transparent special senatorial
elections as the Country
undertake what he described
as a milestone in its journey to
consolidate democracy.
Members of the press on
Saturday December 20, 2014,
the Liberian People will go to

the polls toelect senators to fill

the seats that will be vacated by
current senators whose tenure
will expire at the expiration
of nine years, Cllr. Korkoyah
NEC receives complaints
Cllr. KorkoyahsaidNEC has
received numerous complaints
irregularities from aspirants as
well as private citizens.
He said as much as these
violations are occurring during
the electoral process, some of
the complaints are criminal in
nature, indicating that those
complaints that are admissible
are being investigated by
Committee while those with
elements of criminality are
referred to the Liberian
National Police.
Chairman Korkoyah said:
Distinguished ladies and
gentlemen of the Press, chapter
10 of the New Elections law
of 1986 is replete with various

elections offences and their

prescribed punishment. The
NEC is committed to ensuring
that this election is conducted
within the ambit of the law.
Chairman Korkoyah said the
commission will not hesitate to
apply the law on any one found
violating the election law no
matter who is involved.
violence that eruptedbetween
people believed to be partisans
of the CDC and supporters of
Mr. Robert Sirleaf he confirmed
that Professor Wilson Tarpeh
of the Congress for Democratic
Change (CDC) filed a formal
complaint to the NEC and said
that the complaint along with
others that were filed are being
The NEC has challenged
institutions to send competent
and reasonable agents to all of
the polling places, encourage
voters to turn out in mass to
vote on election day, adhere to
the Ebola prevention measures
prescribed by the Ministry of
health and conduct peaceful


political campaigning void

of name calling, use of foul
campaign rallies of their rivals.
The political season is
closing up and candidates are
campaigning frantically to
collect last minute supporters.
On Thursday, the camp of
Independent candidate Robert
Sirleaf amassed thousands
of people unto the streets of
Monrovia, leaving motorist
stuck in vehicles for hours. The
supporters sang and chanted
support t o the man they say
can bring change.
With the Campaign slogan
Think Forward as in Barack
Obamas Lean Forward in
2012, the Presidents son
brought out the crowd to
show that he has his support
base in tact in Montserrado
County where many believe he
could not match the strength
of Congress for Democratic
Change George Weah, his
bitter rival.
many of his supporters term


his spending spree and was

generous to provide half a
gallon of gasoline to dozens
of motorcyclists in the
Caldwell area, according to his
Martin D. Swen, came all the
way from Louisiana and said
he is grateful to Sirleaf for the
Robert Sirleaf will go and
when he goes, he will make
sure he does the right thing.
Dont mind the people, we will
vote for you. Thank you for my
gas. Im going to ride it and
will vote for you, he said.
Another Liberian Augustine
Gaye, said Liberians are
grateful to Mr. Sirleaf for the
support given the Liberian
people. He said unlike the
past, when presidents sons
were oppressors of the people,
Liberians see a great son of a
president who is willing to help
Some of us, we are CDCians
but now we have decided to
give our vote to Robert Sirleaf
because of one reason, he
said, dressed in his T-Shirt with

Think Forward, Vote Robert

Sirleaf on the back.
Continued Gaye:Now in
Liberia, we dont believe in too
much talking. Too much talking
cant solve our problem; we
want action. We want to see
what you can do and Robert
Sirleaf has been coming to the
community helping some of
us. Now if you go to Banjol
Community, he has helped to
fix the road. We are calling him
inside Caldwell to come and fix
our roads. So all of the people
who are saying all kinds of
things are just saying it out of
ignorance. We should be wise.
But Sylvester N. Doe, wearing
a Sirleaf T-shirt and filling
up his motorcycle with the
gasoline provided through the
kindness of Sirleaf said, that
doesnt make him a supporter
of Sirleaf.
The fact is that, we were to
vote for Robert Sirleaf but
because of his mother, we have
no vote for Robert Sirleaf. We
will eat the money because its
our countrys money, he said.
At the headquarters of the
CDC, police director Chris
Massaquoi and his principal
deputies were standing outside
backed by riot police trying to
make sure the CDC partisans
stayed indoors.
There had earlier been a scuffle
as Sirleafs men passed in front
of the CDC headquarters.
Eyewitnesses said stones were
thrown from both sides as the
Sirleaf convoy passed through.
The police director spoke
to someone from the CDC
hierarchy on the phone, telling
them to keep their partisans
inside the fence. But it took
officials like MulbahMorlu,
Jefferson Koijee to order them
Sirleaf broke the rules on the
National Election Commission
standard for only 250 persons
at political rally. But the NEC
itself has said that it cannot
enforce its own rules because
of Executive Order #65.


Monroviahe National Legislature
has finally ratified the
contract between the
Republic of Liberia and the
Liberty Petroleum Corporation,
Petroleum Oil Limited and the
New Millennium Oil and Gas on
Liberias off shore oil block 16.
Accordingly, Liberia is expected
to generate $22 million in
signature fees from Block 16 and
it is the only oil block among
the four that has been publically
ratified by the legislature as the
body takes its constitutional
agricultural break which was
delayed due to the outbreak of
the Ebola Virus in the country.
The agreement was ratified by
the House of Representatives and
sent to the Senate for concurrence
and the senate concurred on the
passage in secrete session on the
same day.
Unconfirmed legislative report
says each lawmakerwill pocket

Henry Karmo (0886522495)

about US$ 30K as signature fee for quickly

ratifying the agreement before leaving for
Agriculture break.
The ratification was done in the absence
of the countrys oil law that was recently

validated by the National Legislature and

other civil society organizations.
The executive branch of government
Tuesday, December 16, 2014 presented to
the National legislature the block 16 contract

for ratification.
The agreement was subsequently sent to the
House Joint Committees on Judiciary, and
Lands, Mines, Energy and Natural Resources
with a mandate to report back to plenary.

In 2013, the Legislature was

criticized by the public for
ratifying oil Block 13 despite
organizations, foreign experts
and ordinary Liberians for the
government not to go ahead with
negotiations surrounding the sale
of the oil block.
In related legislative news
members of the Liberian senate
who are not contesting reelection were Thursday seen
seriously lobbying for positions
currently occupied by their
colleagues who are contesting
the December 20 senatorial
election as they perceive that
some of these incumbentswill
not be reelected.
Discussions over positions
including; the Senate Chair on
Executive, and Rules and Order,
as well as Ways, Means and
Finance are among the positions
that are being seriously contested
for by senators who are not
contesting re-election.

Friday, December 19, 2014


Page 7

Environmental Specialist

16 Benefit from Home Ownership in Liberia

2 Years Term Appointment

Location: Monrovia, Liberia

The World Bank Group (WBG) is seeking to recruit a highly qualified Environmental Specialist to be
based in the World Bank Country Office in Monrovia, Liberia to contribute to the business lines of the
Global Practice on environmental and natural resources management, especially pollution management
and environmental health; environmental risks management and safeguards in large infrastructure
project; biodiversity conservation and natural resources management; and climate change agenda.
The specialist will support the GPs work on the application of environmental policy to Bank investment
lending, including risk management and knowledge and learning initiatives. The Environmental Specialist
will play an essential role in the application of the Banks environmental policies (i.e. Environmental
Assessment OP 4.01, Natural Habitats OP 4.04, Pest Management OP 4.09, Physical Cultural Resources
OP 4.11, Forests OP 4.36, and Safety of Dams OP 4.37) and in supporting the use of environmental
assessments methodologies across a range of sectors and country contexts.

The Responsibilities will include:

resident Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has
commended 16 recipients of the
Brewerville Housing Estate for taking
advantage of the opportunity to own
their own homes and encouraged others to join
them as the Liberia Bank for Development and
Investment (LBDI) tries to roll out and expand
its mortgage program to benefit other interested
Liberians across the country.
The Liberian leader urged the National Housing
Authority (NHA) to create designs for the
communities where schools, clinics, stores,
playgrounds can be factored in and inhabitants
dont have to leave their communities to be able
to benefit from basic social services.
According to an Executive Mansion release,
President Sirleaf made the statement when she
participated in programs marking the official
issuance of temporary ownership certificates to
recipients at the NHA Jartondo Housing Estate
in Brewerville, outside Monrovia. Sixteen
Liberians received certificates.
She indicated that this was a small step forward
and praised the efforts of the National Social
Security and Welfare Corporation (NSSWC),
Central Bank of Liberia (CBL), and the LBDI
for all they are doing to move the housing sector
We want to encourage them. What we have
is a small effort; a small step forward and we
want to see us all work together to see how we
can expand it, President Sirleaf urged, adding,
Lets all be energized by this success and
commit ourselves to doing more so there can be
thousands and thousands more that can benefit.
The Liberian leader said investment in the
housing sector by conventional economics is not
an investment but enhances the service sector
that creates a major contribution to the gross
domestic product of the country through the jobs
that are created, and the local content that people
purchase from things produced in Liberia which
enables the economy grow.
Earlier, LBDI president John B.S. Davies III
welcomed his guests to the bank to participate in
another milestone within its mortgage program.
He admitted that the LBDI has not done
satisfactorily in other parts of the country as has
been done in Montserrado County as it relates to
this mortgage program. He committed, working
with other stakeholders, to remove all the
bottlenecks which has impeded their progress

in moving the program outside the county;

admitting that only about 25 percent of their
activities of the program is outside Montserrado
I think we can do more, he said, promising, We
will work with all our financiers, development
partners, and the Government to ensure that
the requisite funding to keep this legacy going
especially in the southeastern and other regions
of the country feel and appreciate the sense of
owning their own homes as the people who
will receive temporary certificates of ownership
within the Jartondo Housing Estate.
The chairman of the Board of LBDI and
Minister of Finance and Development Planning,
Mr. Amara Konneh, Executive Governor of
the CBL, Dr. J. Mills Jones, and the Director
General of NASSCORP, in separate remarks,
promised to ensure that this program continues
and is expanded to other parts of the country so
that more Liberian can be able to own their own
On November 13, 2012, the Liberia Bank for
Development and Investment (LBDI) rolled out
a flagship Mortgage Program of US$10 million
having been approved by the banks Board of
Directors. The program was capacitated by the
Central Bank of Liberia through its Executive
Governor Dr. J. Mills Jones under a ten-year
repayment program dedicated exclusively to
interested Liberians.
The program has transformed the lives of 180
Liberians from all sectors of the society who
have had the opportunity to now own their own
homes. In retrospect, for the over 80 percent
of the funds that have been disbursed, we
take pleasure of the fact that 26 percent of the
beneficiaries are government employees, LBDI
president disclosed, adding that in retrospect,
they take encouragement from the fact that some
of the prime real estates are owned by Liberians.
He extolled the efforts of the Liberian
Government who first saw the vision to begin
the scheme, the Central Bank of Liberia for
making a seed payment of US$10 million to get
this program up and running.
There are three sub-components within this
program supported by the LBDI: finance the
construction of housing estates, commercial
mortgage component, and the potential for
individuals to benefit from the opportunity of
owning their own homes over a ten-year period.

The Environmental Specialist will have the following main tasks and responsibilities: a)Seek and develop
opportunities to integrate sound environmental management and environment safeguards policies in
different investment operations, participate as a team member in such operations and related AAA, and
enhance local capacities for implementing these policies. b) Contribute to the Unit in at least one
particular area of environmental expertise, such as pollution management and environmental health;
natural resources management and biodiversity conservation; and climate change themes that are
increasing in importance throughout the Region. c) Maintain dialogue and coordination between the
Liberian national counterparts and the teams working in Liberia, with an emphasis in developing longlasting relations with Government counterparts and relevant national institutions. d) Participate as team
member in the preparation and/or supervision of environmental safeguards policy requirements in
different Bank funded operations. e) Provide expert advice to client and counterpart organizations, project
teams and GP management with regard to the preparation and supervision of Pollution Management and
Environmental health related projects


In addition to meeting Bank-wide Grade GF level positions, it is expected that the successful candidate
will meet the following selection criteria: Advanced degree (PhD or Masters) in environmental economics,
environmental science/engineering, natural resources management or related field, preferably with major
in one or more of the following areas: environmental health or pollution; environmental institutions or
policy; forestry, biodiversity or climate change. A minimum of 5 years of full-time relevant professional
experience in the environment sector.
For the full job description and selection criteria for this vacancy, qualified candidates are requested to
visit and submit an electronic application at the World Bank careers . Once on the site, Click on > Current Job Opening > Job Type
> Professional & Technical > Job Family > Environment > Job number 141411. The World Bank
Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, nationality, culture and educational
background. Individuals with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. Closing date is December 25,
2014. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Page 8 | Frontpage


R.L. vs. Marcus Dennis
Marcus Dennis was a security to an UNMIL personnel
in the 12th area when he killed the girlfriend of his
boss, Antoinette N. Peters, and dragged her body into
the coal room. He alleged that the UNMIL personal
had asked him to kill the girl. He was tried, convicted,
and sentenced to 17yrs imprisonment.
R.L. vs. Momo Musa
Defendant Momo Musa and the deceased had come
from a party when argument broke out between the
two. After intervention by those who were around, the
defendant left for his house; and without the knowledge
of the deceased (Aaron Kollie) returned with a cutlass
chopped the deceased on his arm which eventually
lead to his death. The defendant was sentenced to
23yrs imprisonment.
R. L. vs. Kaiser Bracewell
Defendant Bracewell had gone into the yard of the
deceased while he and others were under the kitchen
around the firepot, and flashed his flashlight in the face
of the deceased and others. When he was asked who
flashed the light, he responded with an insult which
eventually resulted into altercation. The deceased
was stabbed to death in the process and the defendant
fled the scene. He was later arrested by community
members and turned over to the police. He was found
guilty, and his sentencing is expected today 18th
December 2014.
R.L. vs. Augustine David
The defendant and the deceased (Prince Zannie), had
come from practicing basketball when an argument
ensued which led to a brief fight. They were separated.
Later, the defendant left for his house, took a knife, and
returned. Unknowing to the deceased, the defendant
stabbed him with the knife which resulted to his
death. He was tried, convicted, and sentenced to 15yrs
R.L vs. Sheik Sherrif
The defendant physically assaulted his daughter
(Makeissah Kanneh), when she had just come from
taking bath and inflicted seriously bodily injuries on
her person that led to seek medical attention for two
weeks. He was sentenced to 5yrs imprisonment.
R.L. vs. Edward K. Weah
Defendant Rev. Kummeh and his wife were involved
in a fight with the victim that led to the victim
(Lucia Oberly), sustaining bodily injuries. They were
convicted and sentenced to 2yrs imprisonment.
Theft of Property:
R.L. by & thru IFES vs. Chayan Joh nson
In this case, the defendant, a former employee of
IFES, forged the signature of the Operational Manager
of IFES on several purchase orders and procured
goods from vendors valued at over USD21, 000. He
was tried, convicted, and sentenced to three (3) years
imprisonment with restitution.
R.L. vs. Prince Koffa et al
The defendants in this case stole checks from NOCAL
valued at US$18, 351.00. They were tried, convicted,
and sentenced to three (3) years imprisonment with
R.L. vs. Wesley Jlue
The defendant in this matter was an employee of the
NDS who was involved with the criminal transfers
of money from the NDS account to other accounts
that were owned and operated by him. The defendant




The lack of pathologists in general hinders the work of prosecution in the process of
evidence gathering particularly in suspected homicide cases where cause of death is
required to be established. I wouldnt say that it has affected our winning percentage
because we win when justice is done. Cllr. Betty Lamin Blamo, Solicitor General, RL

Bettie Johnson,

ecalling what has
no doubt been
a turbulent year
for the Liberian
governments prosecutors
office, Solicitor General
Betty Lamin Blamo laments
the lack of capacity as a key
deterrent to her team which
she says made scored key
victories in the past year.
disclosed that over 23 cases
were won by the Government
of Liberia through the
Ministry of Justice in
Montserrado County.
Out of the 15 counties we
won a number of cases in

Montserrado County which

amounted to 23 and we will
release the other counties
later She said.
The Government of Liberia,
the Solicitor General said
won cases in several courts
including Court A, C, D, and
Criminal Court A deals with
murder, Aggravated Assault,
Arson and we have won 4
cases in this court she added.
Human Resource Capacity
She blamed human resource
capacity as one of the most
challenging aspects of her

was the former Comptroller of the NDS when he

opened a separate account at the FIB in the name
of NDS, and made himself the lone signatory to that
account. In order to pen this account, the defendant
forged the signature of the Operational Manager of
NDS, making the bank to believe that the opening of
the account was authorized by the NDS. He would
receive money from donors in the name of NDS, and
deposit same into that account, having established
himself as the lone signatory to the account. As a
way of covering up this act, the defendant changed
the banks reconciliation officer at NDS and placed
himself in the position. This act went on for over two
years until it was later discovered. The total money

The most challenging part

of my job in the last year and
which is still today, is the lack
of adequate human resource
capacity and funding of the
Department of Prosecution,
the SG told FrontPageAfrica
in an exclusive interview
She said one of the key lapses
stalling prosecution in Liberia
is the lack of pathologists in
the country.
It is a problem the Solicitor
General is hoping to address
in the coming year. The
lack of pathologists in
general hinders the work of
prosecution in the process

particularly in suspected
homicide cases where cause
of death is required to be
say that it has affected our
winning percentage because
we win when justice is done.
If because of the quantum
of evidence produced by
the State there is reasonable
doubt created in the minds of
the jurors that the Defendant
should be acquitted, then
justice is done. What I would
say is that in the absence of
a pathologist report/autopsy
in certain instances, doubts
are created, and when that
happens, it operates in favour
of the accused and thus one

involved is US$179, 183.00 and L$958, 247.80. The

jury brought down a unanimous guilty verdict against
him, and he is be sentenced early next. We would like
this highlighted as it is our most recent win and it has
implication for corruption which is being heralded by
the citizenry.
R.L. vs. Arah Kamara
The defendant in these proceedings was the Surveyor
for Goda Baker family, who criminally intended to
divest the private prosecutrixes of their property/
LAND when he sold same valued at over US$4m. He

Friday, December 19, 2014

who should ordinarily be held
guilty is allowed to walk. The
effect of the lack of the ready
presence of a pathologist
in this country is clearly
revealed when you read the
opinion in the case R.L. V.
Hans Williams
Systems Problem Blame for
Case logs
Addressing the recent series
of acquittal of rape cases,
Blamoh said: Let me say
that notwithstanding the huge
number of cases in the rape
court, the Sexual and Gender
Base Violence Unit (SGBV)
which functions under the
Department of Prosecution,
has continued to work
to ensure that sexual and
gender based related cases
is prosecuted as speedily as
is practicable. However, we
believe also that the problem
with the huge backlog of
cases is a systems problem,
which perhaps would require
legal reform. For example,
we have only one Grand Jury,
which sits, in each County
for a period of 21 days in a
courts term. Therefore, cases
most be presented within
that time period. One most
consider that all indictable
offenses must go to the Grand
Jury and the period is just too
short to have all the different
cases presented to the Grand
Jury in the space of 21 days.
So, we have the problem
of having persons detained
for months without being
indicted not only for rape
but for all other indictable
offenses and that is so wrong.
At the Criminal Justice
Conference held in April of
2013, it was resolved that
the issue of the Grand Jury
be reviewed with the view
of perhaps reforming that
aspect of the law. But it must
be considered in light of the
Constitution as it is provided
Solicitor General Blamo said
in prosecuting rape cases,
the age old problem of the
willingness of the victims to
come to court to testify and

the fact that families often

prefer to settle rape cases out
of court continues to pose
a serious challenge to the
prosecution of rape cases.
When calls are made to
victims to come to court, they
sometimes switch off their
phones and other times they

Page 9

but were later released upon
a 25,000.00 USD bond filed
to the presiding judge of
Criminal Court E.
Defendant Wekie Kokolo,
Prince Thomas Winston
Davis, Fallah Bonah and
Francis Williams were tried
and convicted for statutory

where they will study in the

area of human pathology.
Meanwhile the Solicitor
General added that two
Security hubs were created
making way for nine
prosecutors to be recruited.
Hub 2- Maryland (3
lawyers), Sinoe 1 lawyer,

to surrender their valuables. He and his accomplices

made away with many valuable items. He was tried,
convicted, and sentenced to Ten years imprisonment.
R.L. vs. Joseph Okoro et al
There were three defendants involved in this matter.
They attacked the premises of the LBDI Somalia
Drive branch, JJY, Gardnersville, on 8th November
2013, and committed the crime of armed robbery.
They were arrested by angry crowd and turned over to
the LNP. During the trial, they confessed to judgment
and begged the court for mercy. Their sentencing is
scheduled for today 18th December 2014.
R.L. vs. Nyezee Barway et al
This case involved a group of Liberians mainly from
the Krahn Ethnic group who crossed over to Ivory
Coast and took active part into the arm conflict, which
led to the death of seven UN peacekeepers. They fought
alongside forces loyal to former President Laurent
Gbagbo. Thirteen of them were tried and convicted,
and sentenced to life imprisonment.
R.L. vs. Anthony Kassibli and Edmund Dib
The defendants were charged with Gang Rape and
Human Trafficking. They were involved with the
trafficking and sexual exploitation of five Moroccan
female nationals and one Tunisian. They were tried,
convicted, and sentenced to one and seven years

even leave their residences.

Overall we acknowledge that
there are some faults but we
will continue to work with
the court in the coming year
to find solutions that would
ensure that accused persons
are accorded their right to
speedy trial.
Six Sex Crimes Cases Won
Sexual crimes including rape
are adjudged in Criminal
Court E, and SG Blamo
disclosed that six cases were
won during the year in this
The SG named Anthony
Kassablias those indicted
and tried for Gang rape and
Human Trafficking.
The two were involved
with the trafficking and
sexual exploitation of five
Moroccans females nationals
and a Tunisian. They were
tried and convicted to one
and seven years respectively

Capacity building on course
Cllr. Blamo in her year-end
report on human resource
Ministry of Justice conducted
three trainings which she
disclosed should have been
four but was reduced due
to the outbreak of the Ebola
We usually carry on four
trainings for prosecutors
aimed at enhancing their
capacity and promoting
access to justice throughout
the country but since the
outbreak of the Ebola virus
we reduced it to three
training, she said.
The SG further said Three
lawyers from the prosecution
were sent to Ghana for five
days seminar on financial
crimes and three medical
doctors were vetted and are
awaiting the admission at the
Ghana School of Surgeon

Hub 3- Grand Gedeh 3

lawyers, Grand Kru 1 lawyer,
River Gee 1 Lawyer and 18
Law School Graduates were
recruited and trained to serve
as City Solicitors in various
Magisterial Courts around the
Country, to enhance access to
justice, she said.
Though the government did
not disclose the exact number
of cases won in the other 14
counties but sources have
told FrontPageAfrica that
Judges and Magistrates have
complained of delay from
the Ministry of Justice in
prosecuting cases.
Some legal observers worry
that issues of juror tampering
remains an issue raising
concerns about some of
the highlighted cases in the
prosecutors office. Circuit
courts are usually opened
four times a year but those
statistics remain a mystery.

was tried, convicted, and sentenced to five (5) years

imprisonment with restitution of the value of 21 lots of
land he criminally conveyed which is US$18, 900. He
was also fined the amount US$300.00.

found guilty and sentenced to five (5), and three (3)

years respectively.


R.L. vs. Shairat Nalwadda
This matter involved a Ugandan national who was
involved with the illegal possession, trafficking,
and distribution of Narcotics valued at over US$20,
000.00. She was tried, convicted, and sentenced to
four (4) years imprisonment.

R.L. vs. Fonatee Chea
The defendant Fonatee Chea attacked the private
prosecutrix (Margrette Tellewoyan), and her cousin,
placed them under gun point, and made away with their
phones, money, and other valuable items. During trial
the defendant admitted to the commission of the crime
and he was sentenced to five years imprisonment with

R.L. vs. Perry Dolo et al
This matter involved the trafficking and distribution
of Narcotics by a senior police officer in person of
Perry Dolo. The drug was transported in a Presidential
Escort marked Nissan Patrol. The value of the drug is
around LS330, 750, 000.00. He and four others were

R.L. vs. Nyumah
The defendant Nymah Tamba was a car loader at the
ELWA junction during which time he came in contact
with the private prosecutor and his wife. He led a
group of armed robbers to their home, placed them
under gun, and threatened to kill them if they refused


R.L. vs. Wekie Kokolo
He was tried and convicted for Statutory Rape.

R.L. vs. Prince Thomas
He was tried and convicted for Statutory Rape
R.L. vs. J. Winston Davis
He was tried and convicted for Statutory Rape
R.L. vs. Fallah Bonah
He was tried and convicted for Statutory Rape
R.L. vs. Francis Williams
He was tried and convicted for Statutory Rape

The Ministry of Justice, as part of its annual
activities, conducts regular trainings for its Prosecutors,
to enhance their capacity and promote access to justice
throughout the Country. Four trainings are conducted
every year on a quarterly basis, but due to the ebola
virus outbreak, only three trainings were held this
year. These trainings are being sponsored by the PAE/
INL through the United States Embassy. Workshops
were also conducted by the FIU on the Anti Money
Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law to enhance
prosecutors capacity on litigating cases of Money

Three Lawyers from the Prosecution
Department was sent to Ghana for five days seminar
on financial crimes investigation.

Three (3) Medical Doctors were vetted and are
awaiting admission at the Ghana School of Surgeon,
where they study in the area human Pathology.
Two Hubs were created making way for nine
prosecutors to be recruited.

Hub 2- Maryland (3 lawyers)
Sinoe (1 lawyer)

Hub 3- Grand Gedeh (3 lawyers)
Grand Kru (1 lawyer)
River Gee (1 Lawyer)

18 Law School Graduates were recruited
and trained to serve as City Solicitors in various
Magisterial Courts around the Country, to enhance
access to justice.

Page 10 | Frontpage

Cestos, Rivercess County ith less than

48 hours for
polls to open
County, observers following the
senatorial election activities in
the county, say only three out
of the 12 candidates stand the
chance of triumphing.
The Incumbent, Sen. Jonathan
Banney (Peoples Unification
Party), Representative Francis
Paye (National Democratic
Geevon Smith (Unity Party)
massive support from electorates
in RiverCess County but are still
challenged by some odds.
facing colossal infrastructure
challenges, electorates are keen
on voting a candidate who will
championed transformation in
their county. Residents of Cestos
City, the countys capital, have
adopted a tradition of voting
candidates who have lived on
the ground, something the three
candidates are credited for.
advantage, the three candidates
have another thing in common
they had served or are serving in
government which allows them
to have established germaneness
in their political campaign.
Senator Banney has been heavily
criticized in the county over
his lack of influence to effect
Superintendent Smith is often
condemned for lacking the
political assets to transform the
county. For Representative Paye,
hes been damned for seeking a
seat at the upper house having
just won an elected position in
Against the odds, Paye is
regarded as the candidate with




the most developmental platform

considering the impact hes
made on the county by leading
the county as Superintendent
to ensure the construction
of the Cestos City Hall, the
introduction of several bills at
the lower house at representative

but his emotional approach to

issues are often criticized.
Disunity amongst members of
the county legislative caucus
has been termed as the major
factor effecting the countys
progress. Several students of the
Cestos High School, the only

senior high school in the county,

asserted that disunity amongst
the lawmakers of the county
remains the most challenge.
Although the trio have attracted
much attention during the
campaign period in the county,
they have also been criticized for



Cestos City, Rivercess County

he Congress for
Democratic Change
in the race, Teplah
Reeves, was the only candidate
to show up at the Press Union
of Liberia debate in Cestos on
Thursday, December 18.

Friday, December 19, 2014



Reeves, an experience lawyer

and former President of the
Female Lawyers Association
of Liberia (AFEL), responded
to concerns from the audience
following an articulation of
her platform. Being the only
panelist, Reeves responded to
concerns about the potential
oil exploration and its expected

environmental impact on
RiverCess County.
Meanwhile, the rest of the 11
candidates had argued that the
time firm set for campaign
activities including the town
hall debate organized by the
PUL. The absentee candidates
told PUL debate moderators
that they were more focused

on winning the support of

voters in the rural areas instead
of showing up for the debate
which was also aired on the
Services (RBS), the only
community radio station in
Cestos City.
But CDCs Reeves maximized
the platform to explain her
manifesto putting the health
sector on top of her priority if
elected as senator as well as
decentralization of the county
as her second priority.
However, Reeves is regarded
as a weakest link because shes
not a permeant resident of the
county although she own a
house in Cestos.
At the same time, the three
remain divided on issues that
residents termed as personal
political differences which
has the propensity of further
distracting efforts to enhance
development. But they remain
the ones to beat in an election
that might change the lives of
over 71,000 people.

instigating the much talk about

disunity. And this could be the
Achilles Heels of these three
horses leading the race.
during the NEC voter roll update,
trucked in hundreds of voters to
the county while the Alternative
National Congress (ANC)
candidate, Josephus Burgess was
widely noticed for trucking in
voters as well.
Pundits in Cestos City have
rated Burgess as a Dark Horse
in the race and could probably
shock the three candidates
leading the race. Burgess is
from central RiverCess and a
famous Surveyor who has years
of experience at the Lands
and Mines Ministry. Over the
past five years, his supporters
claimed he has impacted the
student community and provided
the only modern boat with
50 power horse machine - to
commute people from Cestos
to Yarnee, the most remote and
under developed community in
the county, residents say. Yearnee
Statutory districts challenges
include the lack a junior high
school and an adequate health
care delivery facility.

Meanwhile, critics of the three

top contenders in the race
agreed that they might claimed
good votes even if residents
of the county snubbed them
on Election Day. Sources told
FrontPage Africa that many of
the voters were made to update
their cards in Yarpah Town, the
second most populated area in
Electoral District Two, only next
to the countys capital, Cestos
In electoral District One,
Bogeezay and Bodowhea Towns
are the two most populated and
voters turnout in these areas
are expected to be crucial and
decisive in the RiverCess County
Special Senatorial Election.
Already, residents of remote rural
towns are expressing apathy for
the election and are complaining
about the long-distance-walk
to voting precincts. But voters
in semi urban areas like Cestos
City, Yarpah and Bodowhea
towns are most likely to express
themselves on October 20.
NEC has 42 precincts in
precincts are sparingly located
while others are far away from
settlements which has casted
doubts over an impressive
turnout on Saturday.



he Management of Golden Veroleum Liberia (GVL) on
1 December 2014 promoted Miss Brenda Howard and
Miss Isaline Kollie [all Liberians staff] to the positions
of Administrative Manager and Administrative Assistant
respectively. Both of them are station at GVL Monrovia office.
The elevation of the two Liberians is in keeping with Golden
Veroleums commitment to elevate and employee competent
Liberians in Managerial positions.
As Administrative Manager, Miss Howard is charge with the
responsibility of supervising the daily activities at Monrovia office.
She is also responsible to train junior staffers and process [to date]
expatriates documents among others.
For Miss Kollie, her promotion gives her a supervisory role over all
drivers and Domestic Workers assigned at GVL Monrovia office. She
is also responsible to ensure the proper usage and maintenance of all
company vehicles being use in Monrovia.
Prior to her promotion, Miss Howard honestly and diligently
served the company in the capacity of Administrative Officer from
November 2012 November 2014. While, Miss Kollie was hired in
February 2011 as a Domestic worker, but was elevated to the post of
Receptionist in December of the same year.
This is the second time in 12 months that Golden Veroleum has
promoted Liberians. In August this year, several Liberians from across
GVL operations in Sinoe, Grand Kru and Monrovia were promoted
to managerial positions.

Friday, December 19, 2014




Page 11


Monrovia, December 18, 2014-he

Association has filed
with the National
Ministry of Labor, Ministry of
Commerce and the Ministry
of Transportation seeking the
those regulatory entities in
investigating a contract entered
into between the World Food
Program, Conakry Office, and
a private Guinean Company
to lease 29 trucks operated by
Guinean nationals to come and
work here in Liberia. The contract
is valued at US$ 240,000.00 per
month with an annual value of
US$ 2,880,000.00 should it be
extended to a year. At present,
all 29 trucks under this contract
are parked at the Samuel K.
Doe Sports Stadium Complex
awaiting clearance by the Bureau
of Customs and Excise.
The Port truckers Association,
since September 2014, has been
diligently working upon request
with all major entities providing
Liberia including the US Army
and WFP. The PTA has made
over 2,500 trips all across
Liberia with over 100 member
trucks delivering relief supplies,
containers, and much more to
over twenty Ebola Treatment
Centers, and has done so without
any major incidents. Our work
has continued to receive praise


top cleric of the

Church has reaffirmed
the commitment of
the Catholic Church in helping to
combat the deadly Ebola Virus in
Speaking Thursday at a meeting
with the National Catholic
Church Ebola Response team
in Monrovia, His Em. Cardinal
Peter Turkson thanked members
of the Catholic Church in Liberia
who have been at the forefront
in helping to fight the deadly
Ebola virus while assuring the
willingness of Pope Francis
to help Liberia eradicate the
Cardinal Turkson disclosed
that his visit to Liberia was
essentially to recognize the
many contributions the Catholic
Church has been making in
Liberia and to show immense
gratitude for what the church has
been able to do with its meager
Said Cardinal Turkson: It is
not a church overstepping the
local churches over here to do
anything. The Catholic Church
doesnt work like that. The
Catholic Church works through
it local churches. Thats where
the church exists. The Church
doesnt exist in the Vatican, in
the Justice and Peace Council
neither in the holy sea. No. The
Church exists where the people
of God are.
noted that his institution has
formulated an action plan in
response to the Ebola crisis and
significant among the plans will
focus on education about the
disease not only in Liberia but in
other countries across the world.

Port Truckers Association Files Formal Complaints Against World Food

Program (WFP) with Relevant Government of Liberia Ministries

and on October 1, 2014 we were

awarded a formal contract with a
US Logistics firm to assist in the
movement of its humanitarian
supplies across Liberia.
The Port Truckers Association
is a legitimate and recognized
trade organization here in
Liberia representing the interests
of Liberian truckers, drivers,
In any case, there is a need
for education not only here,
getting people to come out of
the attribution of this to witchdoctors and whatever type of
things and recognize the reality
of this sickness, he said.
Also speaking at the meeting,
the Catholic Archbishop of
described the month of July and
August as a tough one in the
Archdiocese of Monrovia due to
the number of people from the
Catholic Church that got infected
by the Ebola virus at the time.
Said Archbishop Ziegler: With
the involvement of the larger
family, the church courage
returned to me. The Holy Father
was concerned; he continued
to pray for countries that were
affected. We know that the
universal church cared for us;
they prayed for us and responded
in various ways to our call. It is
been manifested here by your
Archbishop Ziegler said Liberia
will be faced with multiple
problems after the eradication of
the Ebola virus, adding that the
nation has been taken back to the
days of 2003 when the Liberian
civil war ended.
Things are broken down. They
need to be rebuilt and I think
we will continue to ask for your
prayers and we will even go
further than that to ask for other
materials and support, he said.
For her part, the Chairperson
of the National Catholic Health
Council expressed frustration
in the Government of Liberia
for failing to respond to several
material requests that has been
made by the Catholic Church in
a bid to run its health facilities
across the country.

vehicle owners and logistics

companies. We have a standing
operational Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with
the National Port Authority
(NPA) and therefore will not
allow trucks from a Guinean
company to enter the Freeport
until all issues pertaining to the
awarding of such a lucrative


several issues and concerns to be

addressed immediately:
1) Why would the WFP-Conakry
award such a lucrative contract
to a Guinean Company and
not offer up the opportunity to
Liberians? Note that the entire
contract was negotiated in
Guinea and awarded to a Guinean
company with absolutely no
consideration whatsoever to
Liberian companies. Why is
WFP-Conakry entering into
contracts for work in Liberia?
2) A private company in Guinea
that leases trucks to the WFP does
not have duty free privileges and
cannot benefit simply because it
rents trucks to the WFP, when
local Liberian truckers are not
awarded such a privilege when
working for relief organizations
with tax exempt status.
3) Is the Guinean Company
exempt from paying income tax
to the GOL for income earned
for work done in Liberia? What
is the position of the Liberia
contract to a Guinean Company Revenue Authority (LRA)?
to the detriment of Liberian 4) What is the position of the
truckers is fully addressed by Ministry of Labor and Bureau of
the Government of Liberia and Immigration for the importation
the WHO. We will pursue every of drivers and "carboys" by
legal avenue at our disposal to the Guinean Company and the
protect our livelihoods and the WFP to operate those trucks
rights of our members to equal when Liberians are available
opportunities to earn a living to do the work and especially
here in Liberia.
There are given the high unemployment

and economic devastation from

These are only a handful of
the issues to be addressed.
Furthermore, it has been our
experience that when Liberian
trucks go to Guinea to deliver
goods, those trucks are NOT
allowed by the Guinean
authorities to transport goods
back to Liberia, so they come
back empty.
The Guinean
emphatic that any goods leaving
Guinea must be brought out
by Guinean trucks. So if the
Guineans are willing to protect
their workers, why is Liberia not
willing to do the same? Should
the Government of Liberia really
allow this level of unfairness
towards Liberian workers?
The Port Truckers Association
completely rejects the attempt of
the World Food Program (WFP)
through what are apparently
very questionable contractual
arrangements, to take bread off
the table of Liberian workers.
The WFP as an affiliate of the
United Nations should be an
organization that builds people
up, not break them down
economically, especially a small
and fragile economy like ours
that is already suffering under
the devastation of Ebola. We will
not stand for it.


Vatican Cardinal with Oversight on Justice and Peace, Peter Turkson
Visits Liberia; Pays Courtesy Call on President Sirleaf

Sister Barbara Brilliant said

since the outbreak of the Ebola
virus up to date, the Catholic
Church is yet to receive any
material or financial support
from the Liberian Government
She said out of 18 health facilities
including clinics and hospitals
that the Catholic Church is
running nationwide only 14 has
sufficient materials to operate
from now to February 2015.
We have applied for PPEs, we
have applied for things that we
have gotten today none because
they have all the ETUs for
them, she said.
Vatican Cardinal with Oversight
on Justice and Peace, Peter
Turkson Visits Liberia; Pays
Courtesy Call on President
Earlier in the day, President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf met with

the Roman Catholic Cardinal,

by Apostolic
Nuncio to Liberia, Archbishop
Miroslaw Adamczyk; Bishop
Andrew Karnley of the Diocese
of Cape Palmas; Monsigner
Robert Vicillo of Caritas
International; Rev. Fr. Patrick
Kabbah and Atty. Samuel Kofi
Woods of the Catholic Ebola
President Sirleaf welcomed
Cardinal Turkson to Liberia
and indicated that the best way
to demonstrate friendship is to
be there in times of need. She
extended Liberias appreciation
to Pope Francis and Cardinal
Turkson for considering Liberia
for a visit during this critical
The Liberian leader extended
personal regards to Pope Francis
and told Cardinal Turkson that

memories of her last visit to the

Vatican still remain with her and
all members of her delegation
due to the humility of the Pope.
Pope Francis was humble
and gracious enough to have
met and personally greeted all
members of the delegation with
a photograph. My delegation
was pleased with this and it lives
with them for the rest of their
lives, she said.
President Sirleaf welcomed the
decision of the Catholic Church
to re-open the St. Joseph Catholic
Hospital in Monrovia and
reflected on the many sacrifices
made by the Church through the
hospital for the people of Liberia.
Your interventions are always
aligned with the priorities of the
countrys rebuilding agenda,
she noted.
In response, Cardinal Turkson

expressed joy for being able to

visit Liberia at such crucial time
and briefed President Sirleaf
about his responsibilities as
a Cardinal with oversight on
Justice and Peace issues.
He reflected on the visit of
President Sirleaf to the Vatican
and informed her that Pope
Francis has been following the
Ebola situation in Liberia and
other parts of West Africa with
keen interest.
Cardinal Turkson informed the
Liberian leader that the Vatican
has developed a small action
plan to assist with the Ebola
crisis focused mainly on the
post-Ebola era. We have a
small plan that is built on five
pillars: Education, Care for
Orphans, Support Healthcare,
Pastoral Approach to Burial
Practices, the Catholic Cardinal
pointed out.
He thanked President Sirleaf
and the Liberian Government
for remaining focused during
the Ebola crisis and for the
tremendous success in containing
the further spread of the disease.
Cardinal Turkson, a native
of Ghana, left the Vatican on
Sunday. He has also visited
Sierra Leone on his current tour
of the region. He departs Liberia
for Ghana on Friday, December
19, 2014.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Page 12 | Frontpage



Why Senator Taylor may be Re-elected in Bong

Selma Lomax,




lthough the odds

seem to favor the
incumbent senator
HowardTaylor, the much-awaited
senatorial election in Liberia,
particularly Bong County,
which comes up on Saturday,
December 20, 2014, promises
to be a titanic battle between
Senator Jewel Howard-Taylor
of the National Patriotic Party
(NPP), Unity Partys (UP)
Ranney Banama Jackson and
Augustus Jonathan Flomo of
the Congress for Democratic
Change (CDC).
At last, D-day has come for
the people of Bong County to
choose a senator who will serve
them for the next nine years.
After weeks of intense political
fireworks, vicious campaigns,
and brickbats that have upped
the political temperature in the
county, the coast is now clear
for a battle royal that promises
to be a make-or-mar affair for
some of the candidates jostling
for the top prize.
By this weekend, the war
drums reverberating in the
county with disturbing echoes
of violence will finally peter
out, as the Centrally located
county goes to the polls to
decide who gets the muchcoveted crown.
Besides the three contenders
to the throne Howard-Taylor,
Flomo and Jackson there
are ten minion senatorial
candidates who have also been
investing their time, energy,
and resources in the electoral
race that ends this weekend.
Universitys president Dr.
Henrique Tokpa (Independent),

James Saybay of the Liberia

National Union Party (LINU),
Jefferson Gbaryan of the
Liberia Transformation Party,
Edwin Juah of the New Deal
Movement, Numehn Dunbar
(Independent), James Gbarbea,
candidate of the Alternative
National Congress, Martin
Kerkulah (Independent) and
Marton Kpangbai, candidate,
Movement for Progressive
Interestingly, all the three titans
represent the three different
administrative districts in the
county, with each candidate
technically banking on the
home support in his/her
senatorial district to realize his/
her dream of occupying the
senatorial slot of the county.
While Jackson is from Zota
district in upper Bong, HowardTaylor and Flomo hail from
Sanoyea and Panta districts,
respectively. Therefore, what
this means in simple political
arithmetic is that any candidate
that fails to corner decisive
votes in his/ her district is
most likely to bid his ambition

Expectedly, a high dose of

optimism is in the air in
the camps of all the three
gladiators, with each candidate
blowing his horn, thus
preparing the ground for a
political battle whose outcome
may reverberate with huge
Now that battle line has been
drawn, each of the three
contenders to the throne
bragged to FrontPage Africa
that victory is his. While
Flomo boasted that he would
definitely win 65 per cent
of the total votes, Jackson
similarly did predict that he
is the next senator of Bong
County if a free and fair
election is conducted this
It is thus apparent that the deed
is cast as Howard-Taylor too
boasted of a possible moonslide victory, as Marvin Cole,
her Political Affairs Officer,
put it this week. While it is true
that it takes more than talking
tough to win elections, no
one can deny the fact that the
impending electoral war has
become a battle of wits for the

three candidates.
Although the UP seems popular
in Zota district, Jackson, its
candidate who is also from
the area, is primarily using the
achievements in the district as
campaign stringboard.
Rep. Lester Paye, lawmaker of
electoral district four, who is
stoutly supporting Jackson, is
also from the area, opening up
the UP candidate for a possible
son-of-the-soil advantage in
terms of votes.
Perhaps, this explains why
Jackson were framed to create
a synergy between Rep.
Paye and Howard-Taylor.
Throughout the campaigns,
Jackson has been busy wooing
voters with the theme that he
would resuscitate and complete
all development projects in
the county that have been
abandoned since the election
of Senator Taylor, adding that,
if elected as senator of the
county, one of his immediate
priorities would be to fulfill
uncompleted projects initiated
by the Bong County senator.
With the look of things, many

may take the UP candidate

serious because of his
antecedents and the geography
of his birth. Besides the fact
that Jackson, who is a former
superintendent of Bong County,
hails from the reverie area
whose votes often influence the
outcome of senatorial elections
in the county, he is also a force
to reckon with in the politics of
the county.
superintendent and a former
Deputy Minister for Operation
at the Ministry of Internal
Affairs, he has distinguished
himself, Jackson, is said to
have built bridges within and
outside the county that many
of his followers say he can use
to achieve his dream. There is
also a huge political capital that
he can reap from the national
spread of UP in the county,
according to many.
Whatever all this amounts to
for Jacksons ambition will
manifest this weekend when
the voters make their choice.
Flomo too is unrelenting in his
efforts to make Howard-Taylor
a one-term senator. For most of
last week, the CDC senatorial
tantalizing messages of hope,
promising that the people
of Bong County will start
experiencing developmental
strides in the county, if he is
elected as senator.
To his advantage is a huge
war chest that is hard to
surpass by his challengers.
The brilliant Accountant, who
told journalists that he prefers
to be a professional in politics
instead of being a professional
Accountant, is also backed by a
formidable youth in the county,
Emmanuel Diabolo.
Those who should know say
Flomos fortune in the coming
election will be boosted by
the strategic planning of foot
soldiers of the CDC, assisted
by the Commissioner of Panta
District, Wellington Bellepu.
contenders to the number one
seat in the county, all odds
seem to favor Senator HowardTaylor who is seeking a second
term of nine years.
Unlike Jackson and Flomo, she
is the only candidate in the race
that seems to be prosecuting
her ambition from the point of
great advantage, holding the
aces of incumbency and what
many discerning observers in
the county regard as sterling
record of performance in office.
In the areas of education,
health, and urban renewal
interventions, Howard-Taylor
is rated by many as a colossus.
On the basis of this, unlike
her challengers who are
busy making promises, the
incumbent senator is simply
asking her people to renew her
mandate so that the sunshine of
transformation taking place in
the county under her watch can

If Howard-Taylor of the NPP

wins, she will be rewriting
political history in a county
that lives by an informal rule
that forbids voting a senator
twice. Howard-Taylor may be
on her way to retaining her seat
because of a number of factors.
Howard-Taylor attributes as a
grassroots politician that can
mobilize and connect with the
people may also work to tilt
things in her favor.
followership base of the NPP
in the county, Howard-Taylor
also seems to enjoy some
advantages that she can use to
knock out offensives from her
Although some observers
say Jackson poses a threat to
the lackluster performance of
the UP candidate in the 2011
election in the county showed
that he may not be able to
dislodge Howard-Taylor. Some
analysts have also adduced
reasons Jackson may not
benefit much from the national
machinery of the UP.
In a county where many voters
perceive Howard-Taylor as
the candidate that can deliver,
experts say the negative nature
of the campaign styles of her
challengers may unwittingly
help the cause of the
incumbent. While the senator
is wooing the voters with
campaign messages that there
is need for consolidating her
achievements, her challengers
have been inundating people
who graced their rallies with
vitriol and personal attacks on
the incumbent.
Though it is known that
Liberian politicians mount the
rostrums, exchange brickbats,
using inciting and provocative
words and make unguarded
statements that often fly in
the face of logic, watchers of
political tides say opposition
campaign styles in Bong
County are in bad taste as
exemplified by the campaigns
of attrition that now rent the air
ahead of December 20.
Two weeks ago, when Tokpa
led campaign rallies across
some villages and towns in the
county, he reportedly branded
Howard-Taylor an ingrate and
a betrayer, instead of using
the opportunity to sell his
All this may add to the rain of
endorsement Howard-Taylor
has enjoyed in the camps
of organized groups in the
county such as artisans, labor,
transport unions, among others,
who have openly embraced her
re-election bid.
Also, in a recent opinion survey
conducted by community radio
stations in the county, HowardTaylor, with 77 per cent of a
weeklong poll, is tipped by
respondents as the favorite to
serve the county in the next
nine years.

Friday, December 19, 2014




Page 13




Group's Board of
Executive Directors
today approved a
US$30 million grant to support
the Government of Sierra Leone
in its efforts to respond to the
unprecedented challenges posed
by the Ebola crisis.
a US$10 million grant from
the World Bank Group's

Association's (IDA)* Crisis
Response Window (CRW),
which is designed to help lowincome IDA countries recover
from severe disasters and crises.
The Emergency Economic and
Fiscal Support Operation will
support Sierra Leone as it seeks
to bring the Ebola epidemic
under control by strengthening
government budget management
and reducing fiscal risks
heightened by the crisis.
"The advent of the Ebola virus
in May 2014 and the subsequent
acceleration of the outbreak in
late July have put extraordinary
strain on the country," said
Francis Ato Brown, World
Bank Country Manager for
Sierra Leone. "This operation
will benefit the people of Sierra
Leone and the global community
by minimizing the economic
impact of the outbreak and
thereby improving prospects for
jobs, growth and other livelihood
enhancing activities."
Since the escalation of the
Ebola epidemic in mid-2014,
the country has put significant
budget resources into battling
the epidemic, placing at risk, the
progress made in recent years
to stabilize the country's fragile
The operation supports efforts
by the Ministry of Finance

Commission on Higher Education Director General long Corruption tale

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP)

ne of Sierra Leone's most senior physicians died Thursday
from Ebola, the 11th doctor in the country to succumb to
the disease, a health official said.
Ebola has killed more than 350 health workers in West
Africa, depleting the ranks of doctors and nurses in countries that
already had too few to begin with. Because Ebola is spread through
bodily fluids, it is only transmitted through close contact. It is often
called the "caregivers' disease" because those infected are typically
family members caring for the sick or health workers treating them.
Dr. Victor Willoughby tested positive for Ebola on Saturday and was
being treated at a clinic near the capital run by the medical charity
Emergency, said Dr. Brima Kargbo, the country's chief medical
"Dr. Victor Willoughby was a mentor to us physicians and a big loss to
the medical profession," said Kargbo. "He has always been available
to help junior colleagues."
The 67-year-old died Thursday morning, just hours after an
experimental drug arrived in the country for him. The arrival of ZMAb,
developed in Canada, had raised hopes for Willoughby's survival. But
he died before a dose could be administered, said Kargbo. ZMAb is
related to ZMapp, another experimental drug that has been used to
treat some Ebola patients. The drugs' efficacy in treating Ebola has
not yet been proven.
Ebola has sickened more than 18,600 people, the vast majority in
Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia. Of those, more than 6,900 have
died. The disease is now spreading fastest in Sierra Leone, but the
World Health Organization says there are signs the infection rate may
be stabilizing there. The infection rate in Liberia has been declining,
while it is fluctuating in Guinea.



and Economic Development

to establish a formal hazard
growing number of clinical and
non-clinical health workers
responding to the Ebola crisis.
The operation also supports
Government efforts to strengthen
cash management and reduce
budgetary financing costs, with
a view to ensuring a consistent
flow of budget resources to
service delivery agencies.
"The deepening of the Ebola
epidemic has altered government
priorities putting many of the
medium term public financial
hold," said Cyrus Talati, World
Bank Task Team Leader for
the operation. "This funding
responds to an urgent request
from the government for help to
finance the 2014 budget, which
has had to contend with both
falling revenues as a result of

Ebola and higher spending needs

to respond to the epidemic."
The World Bank Group is
mobilizing nearly $1 billion
in financing for the countries
hardest hit by the Ebola crisis.
This includes $518 million in
IDA financing for the emergency
response, and at least $450
million from IFC, a member
of the World Bank Group, to
enable trade, investment and
employment in Guinea, Liberia
and Sierra Leone. The $518
million is helping the three
countries provide treatment
and care, contain and prevent
the spread of infections, help
communities cope with the
economic impact of the crisis,
and improve public health
The Emergency Economic and
Fiscal Support operation is
consistent with the government's
Ebola response plan and the


Kennedy L. 0777296781

Monrovia he United Nations Secretary General, His Excellency Mr.

BAN Ki-moon arrives in Liberia Friday morning, December
19, 2014 for a one day official visit.
The UN Secretary General is leading an 18-member
delegation which includes Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of
the World Health Organization.
While in Liberia, the UN Secretary General and delegation will
meet with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and other high officials of
A Foreign Ministry release says the delegation will participate in
an Incident Management System (IMS) meeting at Monrovia City
Hall,and hold a high level meeting with H.E President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf and other high Government officials at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs which will be followed by a Press Stakeout in the Foyer of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Mr. BAN Ki-moon and delegation will also hold meeting with the
United Nations Country Team in Liberia at the Pan African Plaza, and
make a brief stop at the Monrovia Medical Unit (MMU), Charlesville
near the Roberts International Airport (RIA).

Monroviahe Commercial Court

at the Temple of Justice
a decision ordering
the closure of the three-storey
Metropolitan Hotel located on
Board Street until it can settle
its full debt of US$51,740.00
owned the Management of the
Global Bank represented by
its Managing Director Philips
The court also ordered to
seize and expose for sale the
land, goods and chattels of the
Management of the Metropolitan
Hotel Inc by and thru its General

Manager A.N. Charifz and all

authorized officers acting under
its authority in the City of
If the sum realized there form be
not sufficient to pay the reasonable
expense of said seizure and sale,
then seize the real properties
until it shall have raised the sum
of US$51,740.00, should the
defendant fail to comply with
the order, the defendant shall be
arrested for contempt of court
consistent with 1LCL revised
Chapter 44-Enforcement of
judgments and orders stated the
Commercial Court order signed
by its Resident Chief Judge Eva

Mappy Morgan.
Other parts of the courts
writ of execution against the
Metropolitan Hotel stated: And
upon receiving from said sale or
otherwise, said sum of money,
you are further commanded to
pay over to the above named
plaintiff in these proceedings
the sum of money necessary to
satisfy the judgment herein and so
doing, this shall constitute your
legal and sufficient authority.
Thursdays decision by the court
which has already taken effect
grew out of the petition: Action
of Debt By Attachment filed by
the Global Bank to the court In

Agenda for Prosperity which

sets out Sierra Leone's vision of
an inclusive, green and middleincome country by 2035.
*The World Bank's International
(IDA), established in 1960, helps
the world's poorest countries by
providing grants and low to zerointerest loans for projects and
programs that boost economic
growth, reduce poverty and
improve poor people's lives.
IDA is one of the largest sources
of assistance for the world's 77
poorest countries, 39 of which
are in Africa. Resources from
IDA bring positive change for
2.8 billion people living on less
than $2 a day. Since 1960, IDA
has supported development
work in 112 countries. Annual
commitments have averaged
about $18 billion over the last
three years, with about 50
percent going to Africa.
August 2013 where the bank
accused the Management of the
Metropolitan Hotel of owning it
US$ 99,000.00 as loan
According to court record copy
of which is in the possession of
FrontPageAfrica the decision by
the court comes after hearing and
final judgment entered against
the defendant since the 3rd of
November 2014.
Effort by the FPA Thursday
to get the Management of the
Metropolitan Hotel down town
Monrovia comment on the court
latest decision proved futile as no
one was seen at the hotel while
all entrances leading to the hotel
were all sealed off with notices
of the court order placed on
the various entrances by court
officials to alert customers of the
closure of the hotel
The inability for many business
houses in the country to pay back
loans to banking institutions is a
serious problem.
Banks have complained over time
that repayment of loan is a major
challenge facing many banking
institutions in the country.
While some of these business
entities are blaming their
inability to pay back loans to
the poor economic climate in the
country there are other business
owners who have made it their
duties to evade loan payments
something that has resulted to the
closure of their businesses and
the confiscation of assets by the
courts until payments are duly

Page 14 | Frontpage




ABUJA, Nigeria (AP)

human rights lawyer
says 54 soldiers have
been sentenced to
death because they
embarrassed Nigeria's military
by demanding weapons to fight
Islamic extremists, and says they
were justified in not going on
what would have been a suicidal
Defense attorney Femi Falana
said Thursday he will take
all legal measures to prevent
authorities from carrying out
a "genocidal verdict" of death
by firing squad delivered
Wednesday night by a courtmartial.

Bangui (Central African

Republic) (AFP) t least 28 people
have died and
been injured in
the latest clashes between
rival militias in the Central
African Republic, which was
ravaged by a months-long
sectarian bloodbath, police
said Thursday.
The fighting in the diamondrich but dirt poor former
French colony pitted the socalled "anti-balaka" militia
formed by the Christian
majority against mainly
Muslim Seleka rebels who
led a March 2013 coup, a
police official said.
"Violent clashes broke out
on Tuesday in the centre
of Mbres," an official from
the armed police told AFP,
adding that the death toll had
been given by the local Red
The unrest came days after
a reconciliation ceremony
between ex-Seleka fighters
and anti-balaka forces was
held in Mbres, about 300
kilometres (190 miles) from
the capital Bangui.
The official said the fighting
sent hundreds of residents
fleeing to the bush on
Wednesday, less than a week
after the peace bid organised
by the UN peackeeping
mission in the unstable
On Thursday, the former
Seleka rebels were "in control
of the centre of the town and



Moscow (AFP) resident Vladimir Putin

vowed on Thursday that
Russia would rapidly
recover from its financial
crisis and said his grip on power
was firm, even as new Western
sanctions and a run on the ruble
pile on the pressure.
The Russian leader, who is locked
in a confrontation with the West,
showed no willingness to change
tack on Ukraine and dismissed the
possibility of the country's elite
turning against him.
Sanctions-hit Russia is grappling
with a ruble collapse seen as a
major test for Putin, whose pact
with voters has been based on
the relative prosperity brought by
years of high oil prices.
"Yes, these are not easy times,"
Putin told his end-of-the-year news
conference, acknowledging that oil
prices could keep falling.
He said Russia's would adjust
to low oil prices, but he gave no
recipe for turning the economy



Friday, December 19, 2014


Central African Republic has suffered numerous coups
and bouts of instability since independence in 1960

imposing their will".

"Things are still tense on
Thursday morning," the
official said, adding that there

was "sporadic gunfire."

Anti-balaka forces were
meanwhile "holed up around
the edges of the town and

in surrounding caves," he
Local officials had fled Mbres
for Bangui, the police official





Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
returned to court
Thursday for the first time since
he was arraigned in July 2013.
Security was tight at the federal
courthouse in Boston for the final
pretrial conference before his
trial begins next month.
Tsarnaev, 21, was led into the
courtroom by U.S. marshals. He
was wearing a black sweater and
gray trousers and had a scruffy
beard. He smiled to his attorneys
and one patted him on the arm.
The courtroom was packed with
FBI agents, police who worked
on the case and more than a dozen
survivors and family members.

said. Mbres has been the

scene of several clashes in
recent weeks.
Central African Republic
has suffered numerous coups
and bouts of instability
1960, but the March 2013
toppling of Francois Bozize's
regime by the Seleka rebel
coalition triggered the worst
emergency to date.
Relentless attacks by the
mainly Muslim rebels on the
Christian population spurred
the formation of vigilante
groups that took revenge on
Muslim civilians, driving
them out of most parts of the
Several thousand people
were killed in the tit-for-tat
attacks, which have plunged
much of the population of 4.8
million into an unprecedented
humanitarian crisis.

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (Reuters)

uspected Boko Haram
more than 100 women
and children and killed
35 other people on Sunday
during a raid on the remote
northeast Nigerian village of
Gumsuri, a security source and
resident said on Thursday.
Although no one has claimed it
yet, the attack bore the hallmarks
of Boko Haram, which abducted

more than 200 women in April

from a secondary school in
Chibok, only 24 km (15 miles)
from this latest attack.
Its campaign for an Islamic state
by Boko Haram, whose name
means "Western education is
sinful", has become the gravest
threat to Africa's biggest
economy and top oil producer.
Thousands of people have
been killed and many hundreds
abducted, raising questions about
the ability of security forces

to protect civilians, especially

around the north Cameroon
border where the militants are
well established.
Maina Chibok, who did not
witness the attack but is from
Gumsuri and visited family
there shortly afterwards, said
the insurgents came in pickup trucks and sprayed the town
with bullets from AK-47s and
machine guns.
"They gathered the people, shot
dead over 30 people and took

away more than 100 women

and children in two open-top
trucks," Chibok said. Burials of
many of the victims had already
happened, he added.
News from remote parts of
Nigeria that are cut off from
sometimes takes days to emerge.
A security source confirmed
that more than 100 had been
abducted and said 35 people had
been killed, including the district

"They also burned down a

government medical center,
houses and shops," Chibok said.
The abductions have gained
in frequency this year. A man
who says he is Boko Haram
leader Abubakar Shekau last
month rejected comments by
the government it was in talks to
free the Chibok girls, saying he
had in fact "married them off" to
Boko Haram commanders, in a
video posted on the Internet.
The military, which does not
usually comment on security
developments in the northeast,
did not immediately respond
to a request for comment about
Sunday's incident.
A youth vigilante from the area
called Aliyu Mamman told
Reuters by telephone that there
was no security presence to stop
the militants, who stayed in the
town all night before leaving.
Nigeria sentenced 54 soldiers to
death by firing squad for mutiny
while fighting against insurgents
in the northeast on Wednesday.
Cameroon's army killed 116
Boko Haram militants on
Wednesday when they attacked
a base in the Far North region
of the country, the Defence
Ministry said on Thursday.

Friday, December 19, 2014



Page 15





Romelu Lukaku is determined to spearhead Evertons drive for their first

major trophy since 1995, writes Sky Sports News Peter Stevenson

ukaku, the 21-yearold club record

continued to pick up Premier
League momentum by beating

QPR on Monday night.

But it has been a long wait
for silverware at Goodison something that the Belgium
striker is well aware of.
"I am the first to say that I want
to win something. As players,

we have to stay focused and

work hard, and hopefully try
and win some silverware at the
end of the season," he said.
Evertons next league game is a
trip to Southampton, suddenly
struggling to find form after

five successive defeats. Then

comes a busy Christmas
programme, with fixtures
against Stoke, Newcastle and
Lukaku believes there is
growing confidence under

Martinez that the players

can now put together some
impressive results and climb
the Premier League table.
Theyre currently 10th - just
above neighbours Liverpool
- and seven points off the top
But already, thoughts are
turning to Europe and two
games against Young Boys of
Switzerland in the last 32 of the
Europa League in February and
maybe, just maybe, a European
showdown against Liverpool.
For now though, 80 Everton
ladies at a club lunch were
content to sit and listen to the
quietly spoken Lukaku, who
revealed a love of book reading
and hip hop music.
Evertons number 10 also
impressed the audience with his
knowledge of five languages soon to become six as he starts
to get to grips with the Scouse
And the 28million man made
one teenage volunteers day by
making a surprise presentation
to Hannah McClennan works
in her community and is seen
an inspirational figure.
Her award was the latest
in a series of 'Blue Hero'
nominations handed out by
Everton this Christmas.
And it will need heroic Lukaku
performances on the pitch if
the second half of Evertons
season is to become another
memorable chapter in the
clubs long history.


an Lorenzo president
Matias Lammens has
reacted to comments
that his side will be
overly physical when they
meet Real Madrid in the Club
World Cup final by suggesting
it is his team who should be
worried about coming up
against Pepe.
The Argentine side needed
extra time to book their place
in the showpiece event with
a 2-1 win over Auckland
City, while los Blancos
came through much more
comfortably, dispatching of
Cruz Azul 4-0. The pair will
now meet at the Grande Stade
de Marrakech on Saturday to
compete for the title.
Ahead of the game, the
president of the 2014 Copa
Libertadores winners brushed
off claims that his side will
play a rough game against
Carlo Ancelotti's men, instead
suggesting that it is his side
that need to worry about
Madrid's Portuguese defender.
"I do not think it will be violent,
neither of the two teams need

The Argentine club's president, Matias Lammens, suggested that the Portuguese
centre-back plays with a rougher style than his side will against los Blancos

to worry," Lammens said to

reporters. "In any case, it is
San Lorenzo who should be

worried about Pepe!"

The club chief also revealed the
contrasting thoughts between

the two clubs over who

should referee their meeting,
admitting that he would like to

see an official who hails from

South America.
"We feel that it would be better
to have a referee of another
continent that is neither
Europe nor South America,"
following San Lorenzo's semifinal victory.
"Real Madrid's favourite is the
Portuguese, Pedro Proenca.
For us, the Chilean Enrique
Osses would be fine, so maybe
it'd better be one from another
continent. An African referee
would be fine.
"How about the weight of
Real Madrid with Fifa for that
decision? South America also
has an important influence on
"But in lobby terms, perhaps
Real Madrid surpass us. But
all the requests should be
addressed equally. It would

be wrong
to hear only the
requests of the most powerful

ep Guardiola has ruled

out the possibility
of Xherdan Shaqiri
Munich in the January transfer
The Switzerland international,
23, was linked with a move to
Premier League side Liverpool
over the summer, after making
just 21 appearances in all
competitions for the Bavarians.
But, while Arjen Robben
and Franck Ribery remain
Guardiola's first choice wide
players, Shaqiri has already
featured 14 times this term and
the Spaniard has no interest in
allowing him to leave.



Madrid's Cristiano
Ronaldo is a more
decisive player than Barcelona
ace Lionel Messi.
Along with Bayern Munich
and Germany international
goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, the
Liga pair have been shortlisted
as the final three nominees for
the Fifa Ballon d'Or award
which will be announced in



adamel Falcao insists

he wants to stay at
Manchester United
but admits he is keen
to secure a more prominent role
under Louis van Gaal.
The terms on a 56 million
deal with Monaco to make
the strikers season-long loan
permanent have already been
agreed, though United have
the option to wait until the end
of the season to ensure they
are satisfied with the Colombia
internationals fitness and form
before finalising the move.
Falcao has been limited to
just eight Premier League
appearances this season due to a
calf injury and the striker admits
his future is still to be decided.
"From my point of view, yes,
I want to stay but obviously I
have to analyse the situation,"
said Falcao.
"Ill see if I play more and see
what decision the board takes.
But from my point of view, I
really want to stay.
"I feel ready for the moment that
the team needs me. Whenever I
have the opportunity to come on
I try to do my best for the coach
and I try to help the team.




VOL 8 NO.746



The Blues top the Premier League after 16 games and are still
competing in four competitions heading into 2014, but the
32-year-old warns they must maintain
their level

ose Mourinho's men top the Premier League with 39

points from 16 matches and have lost just once in the
top flight this term, against Newcastle at St James' Park
earlier this month.
Tuesday's 3-1 victory at Derby County also put the London
club through to the semi-finals of the League Cup, where they
will meet Liverpool home and away for a place at Wembley.
An unprecedented quadruple is not out of the question, with
Chelsea set to take on Paris Saint-Germain in the last 16 of
the Champions League and Watford in the FA Cup third round.
And Cech, who has largely played second fiddle to Thibaut

Courtois at Stamford Bridge this term, has challenged the team

to live up to their potential by securing silverware.
"This team has the potential and the quality to become one of
the best teams in Chelsea's history if it proves it by winning the
trophies," the 3v 2-year-old told reporters.
"But I keep saying you can only judge teams at the end of the
season when you see how much the team achieve.
"In this moment, we have been doing remarkably well but we
have no trophy in our hands. So let's see what's going to be the
case at the end of the season.
"We want to win as many games as possible, as many

competitions as possible, then let's see what it's going to bring

"It is difficult to know how many of them you can actually
manage to win.
"You cannot say, 'We leave this competition, we chase that
competition' because in the competition you pick you have
one unlucky game and you have nothing. So you can't treat
competitions like that.
"We progressed in the Champions League, our aim, we've
progressed in the League Cup, we are top of the league. So far
we are doing well."



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