Kista Mammae IDK

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Breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs within your breast. You can have one or many breast cysts.

They're often described as round or oval lumps with distinct edges. In texture, a breast cyst
usually feels like a soft grape or a water-filled balloon, but sometimes a breast cyst feels firm.
Breast cysts are common in women in their 30s and 40s. If you have breast cysts, they usually
disappear after menopause, unless you're taking hormone therapy.
Breast cysts don't require treatment unless a cyst is large and painful or otherwise uncomfortable.
In that case, draining the fluid from a breast cyst can ease your symptoms.

A breast cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops within breast tissue. These sacs form when normal
fluid producing glands in the breast enlarge or become blocked. Breast cysts may be solitary, but
are often multiple, and can be tiny or several centimetres in diameter. When they become large
they can often be felt as lumps that move easily and which can be smooth, soft, firm or hard.
Cysts, or the area around the cyst, may be tender to touch
Kista payudara adalah sebuah kantung berisi cairan yang berkembang dalam jaringan payudara.
Kantung-kantung ini terbentuk ketika kelenjar normal yang memproduksi cairan pada payudara
membesar atau menjadi tersumbat. Kista payudara bersifat soliter tapi dapat bertambah.
diameternya dapat kecil atau beberapa sentimeter. Ketika berkembang menjadi besar, kista
sering dirasakan sebagai benjolan yang dapat bergerak dengan mudah dan bisa halus, lunak, kuat
atau keras. Kista, atau daerah sekitar kista dapat lembut jika disentuh.


By Mayo Clinic staff

Signs and symptoms of breast cysts include:
A smooth, easily movable round or oval breast lump with distinct edges
Breast pain or tenderness in the area of the breast lump
Increase in breast lump size and breast tenderness just before your period
Decrease in breast lump size and resolution of other signs and symptoms after your period
Having one or many simple breast cysts doesn't increase your risk of breast cancer.
When to see a doctor
Normal breast tissue in healthy women often feels lumpy or nodular. If you detect the presence
of any new breast lumps, however, or if a previously evaluated breast lump seems to have grown
or otherwise changed, make an appointment with your doctor to get it checked out.

By Mayo Clinic staff

Each of your breasts contains 15 to 20 lobes of glandular tissue, arranged like the petals of a
daisy. The lobes are further divided into smaller lobules that produce milk during pregnancy and
breast-feeding. Small ducts conduct the milk to a reservoir just beneath your nipple. Supporting
this network is a deeper layer of connective tissue called stroma.
Breast cysts develop when an overgrowth of glands and connective tissue (fibrocystic changes)
block milk ducts, causing them to dilate and fill with fluid.
Microcysts are too small to feel but may be seen during imaging tests, such as mammography or
Macrocysts are large enough to be felt and can grow to about 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 centimeters)
in diameter. Large breast cysts can put pressure on nearby breast tissue, causing breast pain or
The cause of breast cysts remains unknown. Some evidence suggests that excess estrogen in your
body may play a role in breast cyst development.

Cysts are most common in women between 35 and the onset of the menopause, but are less so
after the menopause, however breast cysts can develop at any age and many women develop
cysts without knowing about them.
Pada kista kecil, epitel lebih kuboid hingga silindris dan kadang-kadang berlapis-lapis dibeberapa tempat.
Pada kista yang lebih besar, epitel mungkin menggepeng atau bahkan atrofi total.

Tanda dan gejala klinis

Benjolan berbentuk oval atau bulat, batas tegas dan halus
Nyeri tekan pada area sekitar benjolan
pembesaran benjolan dan peningkatan rasa nyeri tekan sebelum masa siklus
Pengecilan ukuran benjolan dan resolusi tanda-tanda dan gejala lain setelah masa siklus berakhir

Kista payudara terbentuk ketika terjadi pertumbuhan berlebihan dari kelenjar dan jaringan ikat
(perubahan fibrokistik) menghambat saluran air susu, yang menyebabkan membesar dan mengisi
bagian kosong dengan cairan
Penyebab utama terjadinya kelainan ini masih belum diketahui pasti walaupun
terdapat bukti yang mengaitkan pembentukan kista ini dengan hiperestrogenism akibat
penggunaan terapi pengganti hormon
Beberapa bukti menunjukkan bahwa kelebihan estrogen dalam tubuh Anda mungkin memainkan
peran dalam pengembangan kista payudara

The glandular tissue of the breasts cycles monthly with menstrual periods, enlarging to prepare
for a pregnancy, and then diminishing if one does not occur. This cycling causes cysts and excess
fibrous tissue to build up.. Virtually all women will have some form of this condition during their
reproductive years. Although, most women will not seek treatment.

Faktor resiko
All women between puberty and menopause are at risk for this condition
Semua wanita antara pubertas dan menopauase beresiko

Patogenesis dari kista mammae ini masih belum jelas. Penelitian awal menyatakan
bahwa kista mammae terjadi karena distensi duktus atau involusi lobus. Sewaktu proses
ini terjadi, lobus membentuk mikrokista yang akan ber gabung menjadi kista yang lebih
besar; perubahan ini terjadi karena adanya obstruksi dari aliran lobus dan jar ingan
fibrous yang menggantikan stroma


Risk factors for malignancy

Previous history of breast cancer.

Family history of breast cancer in first-degree relative. The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes carry very
high risk but represent under 5% of cases. The importance of family history is often exaggerated
and 8 of every 9 women who develop the disease do not have a mother, sister or daughter so
affected. 3
Risk increases with age with 5% of cases presenting before age 40 and 2% before age 35.
Never having borne a child or first child after age 30.
Not having breast-fed (breast-feeding is protective).
Early menarche and late menopause.

Oestrogens and HRT. Risk with HRT starts after 5 years' duration but is significant if more than
10 years' duration.4
Radiation to chest, even quite small doses.
High alcohol intake may increase risk in a dose-related manner.5
Silicone breast implants neither increase the risk of developing breast cancer nor the risk of late

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