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CHC20212 Certificate II in Active Volunteering


CHC20212 Certificate II in Active Volunteering
Thirty (30) hours volunteering required.

Student Volunteers Name: .

Host Organisation: ..

Note: Teacher-Trainers are to add to this Volunteer Log Book Observation Sheets for the
electives selected for completion of the qualification,.

2014 Volunteering Queensland Inc.

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Volunteering Queensland Inc: Training Unit

T (07) 3002 7600 F (07) 3229 2392

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

Important Note to Students

The purpose of your placement is to assess your
workplace performance and employability skills.

Your performance is required to meet workplace standards.

Workplace standards and employability skills include you taking responsibility for the
satisfactory completion of this Volunteer Log Book.

Failure to submit a fully and properly completed Log will result in you being found
Not Yet Competent in this course.

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014


Student Volunteer Personal Details


Important Information for Host Organisation


Orientation/Industry Induction


Daily Activity Sheets Log of Hours


Supervisors Certification of Daily Activities


Supervisors Report


Information for the Student Volunteer


Student Volunteers Qualification


Student Activity One; Day 1 Placement Activity


Observation checklists Core Units


Activity Two - Workplace Report


Activity Three and Four


Marking checklist for assessor


Additional observation checklists for Elective Units


CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014


(to be printed clearly and completed prior to placement)

Name: ..
Address: ..
Date of birth: Year level: ..
Telephone: .
Email: .

Contact Information:
Address: .
Contact person: .
Telephone: .. Fax: ..

Emergency contact
Name: ..
Telephone: ...
Email: ..

I have completed WHS unit of competency in
I have gained a Blue Card Certification for
working with young people






CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

Important Information for the Host Organisation

Students are required to undertake a minimum of thirty (30) volunteering hours as part of their studies.
This Volunteer Log Book provides evidence towards the students achievement of the qualification;
your support is acknowledged and your feedback is appreciated.
As the host organisation it would be appreciated if you would
1. Nominate a supervisor for the student volunteer
2. Have the supervisor complete, sign and date the following sections in this Volunteer Log:
Industry Induction/Orientation verify that the volunteer has been given site specific
information relating to work health and safety, possible hazards, security issues (including
fire, emergency, evacuation and incident procedures) and other policies and procedures
relevant to the workplace.
Students Day Activity Certification
Supervisors Report
Student Activity 1
Observation checklists (at end of this Log; to be completed at the end of Volunteer Placement)

It is important that the tasks undertaken by student volunteers be negotiated with the student and the
school; and that student volunteers are fully instructed in the operation of any equipment prior to use.
Students have a range of activities to complete while on placement and may need your assistance to
answer some questions; we ask that you please assist.

Host organisation details:

Organisation name:
Industry area: .
Address: .
Business Phone:
Name of Students Supervisor:
Supervisors Direct Work Phone:
CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

Industry Induction/Orientation including Work Health and Safety

This is to certify that Orientation - Industry Induction has been completed:

Supervisors signature: Date:

Student Volunteers signature: Date: .

(undertaken prior to volunteer commencing duties)

Basic understanding of the activities undertaken by the organisation

Basic understanding of the organisation structure and lines of communication and authority
Understanding rights and responsibilities of the volunteer and the organisation
Understanding of work behaviour requirements and expectations
Understanding of required dress standards applicable to the job and workplace
Knowledge of the safety requirements applicable to the job and workplace
Knowledge of the stress and fatigue faced by workers and coping strategies
Knowledge of applicable procedures in case of accidents and emergencies
Location of facilities, toilets, change rooms, exits as applicable
Knowledge of start/finish times, break times and work routines
Knowledge of procedures to follow and person to notify in the event of non-attendance
Introduction to people with the whom the volunteer will be directly working
Knowledge of the person to consult in the event of problems occurring.
Policies relating to internet access, passwords, emails, privacy, grievances and confidentiality
Policies relating to waste disposal, resource sustainability and environmental controls
Procedures relating to using equipment and resources of the organisation
Documents and records maintained by the organisation and how they are distributed and filed
Any other relevant policies and procedures relating to the organisation

Any other specific WHS matters: (to be completed by supervisor where relevant)

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

Daily Activity Sheets - Sheet (1) (Student to complete on a daily basis)


Tasks undertaken


CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

Daily Activity Sheets - Sheet (2)


Tasks undertaken


CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014


(Completed at end of placement)

This is to certify that .. has completed hours of

volunteering / work experience
Supervisor signature:


Supervisor Report
Please provide any additional comments/feedback on the students knowledge, skills and attitudes (eg strengths,
areas for improvement and issues relating to the following areas:

Aspect of active volunteering

Feedback on volunteer performance

Working safely
(understands WHS procedures and follows
them )

Communicating and working with others

clients, staff and other volunteers
(communicates with clients of the
organisation appropriately and
presents a positive image to the public

Working as a volunteer
(applies knowledge of the volunteering
sector to own work role)

Understanding of basic administrative

(applies basic work practices to volunteer
work role)

Are you able to/prepared to write a reference for this student? (please attach if convenient)

Supervisor Signature __________________________________________Date ___________

Supervisor is requested to check that they have also signed off on the following tasks:
Student Activity 1 p14
Observation Sheet: Core Units p16
Observation Sheets: Elective units p20-23
CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

Information for the Student Volunteer

As part of your studies in Active Volunteering you are required to undertake a minimum of
volunteering hours with an organisation. The required hours are
CHC20212 Certificate 11 in Active Volunteering

30 hours

The volunteering work you undertake must be

something that contributes to a community,
approved by your teacher and,
for a not-for-profit organisation.
This Log Book includes a document for recording your tasks and hours; and four activities that
you need to complete Activity 1 short responses about the organisation
Activity 2 a report detailing your experiences and reflections as a volunteer
Activity 3 a self-assessment of your volunteer experience
Activity 4 a thank you letter to be forwarded to your host organisation and
It is your responsibility
1. to complete the tasks and activities listed in this Volunteer Log Book, and
2. to ensure that your supervisor verifies the hours and activities you have
3. to submit your completed Volunteer Record and completed activities to your
Your Volunteer Log Book provides a record of

the number of hours you have completed

the tasks you have undertaken
completion of four activities
evidence towards your qualification in Active Volunteering

If you volunteer at more than one organisation then you will require a separate Log Book
for each host organisation.

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

This qualification CHC20212 Certificate II in Active Volunteering requires the completion of five (5) core units
and four (4) elective units.
The core units for CHC20212 Certificate II in Active Volunteering are

HLTWHS200A Participate in WHS process

CHCVOL201B Be an effective volunteer
CHCADMIN201D Undertake basic administrative duties
CHCCOM201C Communicate with people accessing the services of the organisation
CHCORG202C Work with others

A range of elective units has been offered for which workplace evidence may be required.
You are required to complete four (4) elective units. Your electives will have been selected from the tables below;
please tick your four units
Elective Units of Competency
BSBITU201A Produce simple word
processed documents
BSBWOR202A Organise and complete daily
work activities
CHCORG201C Follow policies, procedures
and programs of the organisation
HLTAP301B Recognise healthy body systems
in a health care context

HLTFS207C Basic food safety practices

HLTIN301C Comply with Infection Control

policies and procedures
ICAICT103A Use, communicate and search
securely on the internet
PUACOM014B Contribute to community
SISCCR0301A Assist with recreation games
not requiring equipment

Please check that relevant Observation Sheets (not completed in class)

have been added to the end of this Log Book.

You may be completing alternative electives not listed above eg First Aid / CPR.
If so, please identify on the following table -

Units of Competency: Other Electives


Description of Unit
Perform CPR

Students, please check that in total, you have identified your four (4) electives
in the two tables above.

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

STUDENT ACTIVITY ONE short responses

On your first day working with an organisation (or prior to commencing) ensure that you can
answer the following questions. Ask your supervisor for help if you are unsure about anything.

Q1. What is the name of the organisation and where is it located?


Q2. When is your starting date? What day of the week and times are you to work? How many days will you do?
Do you have break times? What transport arrangements have you made to ensure you arrive on time?

Q3. What is the name and phone number of your supervisor? This is the person who is directly responsible for
you? How do you inform the organisation if you are unable to work? How much supervision do you

Q4. What are the dress requirements and is there any special gear you need to bring to work? Do you need an
ID badge or security pass? Do you need to wear any personal protective gear? Is there anything you are
not able to bring to the workplace? Are you able to take photos?

Q5. Will you need to take your lunch? Are there special eating areas? Is there a tea room roster for washing up?

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

Q6. Is there an area where you can store your personal belongings?

Q7. What will be your role and responsibility within the organisation?

Q8. Who do you report to if you are unsure of something? To whom do you report a workplace injury, illness,
safety issue or incident?

Q9. What are the protocols for visits from friends or family members?

Q10. How do you dispose of broken or potentially hazardous items? Can explain emergency procedures, the
location of emergency exits and emergency equipment, such as fire extinguishers and first aid kit/s?

The students underpinning knowledge above is:

Not satisfactory
Feedback where Not Satisfactory:


Supervisors signature: .

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014


(to be completed by supervisor)

Volunteers Name:




HLTWHS200A Participate in WHS

Identifies hazards in the workplace and takes action to control risks
Uses PPE correctly if required
Follows work health and safety instructions and signs
Keeps own work area tidy, organised and safe according to
Participates in workplace meetings related to WHS
Addresses own health and safety within their work area as well as
the health and safety of others
Identifies emergency situations and understands procedures for
responding to and reporting emergencies or incidents

CHCVOL201B Be an effective volunteer

CHCCOM201C Communicate with people accessing the services of the organisation
CHCORG202C Work with others
Follows workplace protocols and procedures
Clarifies instructions, duties and role by asking appropriate
Checks with supervisor or other appropriate person when unsure
of tasks to be undertaken
Listens actively to instructions and messages and responds
Uses verbal and non-verbal communication strategies
Respects privacy of clients and maintains confidentiality
Communicates with clients, team members and colleagues in a
courteous, clear and respectful manner
Introduces self appropriately
Demonstrates a non-judgemental attitude in work role
Maintains high standards of personal presentation and personal
Manages own time and responsibilities
Plans tasks with supervisor and copes with unexpected demands
that may arise
Shows interest in allocated tasks and is self motivated
Works effectively and co-operatively as a team member and
completes own tasks in a responsible manner
Looks for opportunities to assist others
Prioritises tasks to meet demands and completes assigned tasks
according to planned workload
Acts on feedback received to improve skills
CHCADMIN201D Undertake basic administrative duties
Reports information to supervisor in a clear and accurate manner
Completes workplace forms and documents as required
Stores documents and forms as requested
Replenishes materials and supplies if requested

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

Uses equipment and technology safely and according to

Carries out pre-start checking as required
Seeks advice, assistance and clarification as required
Reports any equipment malfunction to appropriate person
Seeks opportunities to reduce waste

Supervisors signature: _______________________________________________Date: ____________________________


You are required to prepare a report on the organisation where you are volunteering. It is suggested that
you access some information each day you are at the organisation and make a time to ask questions of
your supervisor.
The report will require you to provide information on the organisation, your role and responsibilities and
your reflections on the experience. You may collect documents from the organisation to attach as
appendices to your report.
Assessment conditions: The report is required as assessment for the completion of Certificate II in Active
Volunteering and can be used as evidence towards elective BSBITU201A Produce simple word processed

The report is to be completed individually but it may be done in class time with teacher assistance.
It is to be word processed and be given a title, introduction, subheadings and a conclusion. It is
necessary to include a footer that shows your name, school and date. Pages are to be numbered.
Typeface styles and line spacing are to be varied.
You may wish to include images such as digital photos and to include some appendices such as
documents you have obtained from the workplace.
The report is to be approximately 500 words and your final copy printed.

Drafts of the report can be handed to your teacher before the final submission is required. Your teacher
will inform you of the date for your final submission.

Suggested report headings

The organisation

The clients

Suggested key ideas under each heading

organisational model/chart
legal status
source of funds

number of clients
age, gender and ethnicity

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

Policies and procedures of the


relevant legislation
policies and procedures in the workplace
relevant codes of practice

Communication modes

written communication such as

correspondence, newsletters, notice of
meetings, brochures and information flyers,
emails and faxes
oral communication such as interpersonal
communication, telephone
workplace documents and forms


number of paid staff and volunteers

the gender and cultural mix of staff
qualifications needed
work conditions eg hours, holidays, leave
role of volunteers

Your role and responsibilities

duties undertaken
description of a typical day
people you worked with
equipment or technology used

Reflection on your experiences

what you observed and learned

issues or difficulties that you faced and how
you resolved these
the best and worst aspect of your work
the stresses involved in the work and how
you dealt with these
the volunteering experience and the best
thing you achieved
the benefit of your experiences to yourself
and others
your attitude and changes to your attitude
during your volunteering time
improvements you could recommend for
future volunteering experiences


brochures, flyers
notice of meetings
policies and procedures
organisational chart

# Marking checklist provided below

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

ACTIVITY THREE self assessment

1. I have applied the skills needed of an active volunteer. Yes or no? Explain your answer.

2. I really enjoyed: ______________________________________________________________

3. I gained knowledge about (tick one or more of the following) The organisation
How to communicate with people
Workplace health and safety
The important role volunteer play in not-for-profit organisations

4. The main issue/s I faced _______________________________________________________


5. The most vivid memory I will take away from this experience _________________________
6. I would like to continue to work as a volunteer even when this placement is completed.
Yes / No

7. Some important thing I learnt about myself include: _________________________________


CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

8. I can use this experience when applying for employment and I would talk about the skills and
knowledge I have gained such as:

STUDENT ACTIVITY FOUR thank you letter to the organisation and your supervisor.
Draft a thank you letter to your host organisation that also recognises the support of your

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014





Thirty hours of placement completed and certified

Evidence of tasks undertaken
Evidence of industry orientation/induction
Observation checklist and report completed by supervisor
Short responses demonstrate an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of volunteers
and the organisation
Research report is completed to a satisfactory standard with information provided ono the organisation,
o personal role and responsibilities and,
o a reflection on the experience
Instructions relating to the report are followedo Report word processed
o Title and headings used appropriately
o Typeface and line spacing varied
o Footer indicated and page numbers
o Length and format of report appropriate
o Images and appendices attached (optional)
o Spelling and grammar checked and edited
o Drafts submitted
o Report printed
Self-assessment undertaken
Thank you letter forwarded to the organisation

Feedback where appropriate or necessary:


Assessors signature: . Date: .

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014


(to be completed by supervisor)

CHCORG201C Follow policies, procedures and programs of the organisation

Volunteers Name:




CHCORG201C Follow policies, procedures and programs of the organisation

Follows instructions and seeks clarification of tasks if necessary
Supports the organisation in a range of activities
Uses resources of the organisation efficiently and conservatively
Performs duties promptly and consistently
Behaves in an appropriate and careful manner
Maintains confidentiality of client and organisation information
Reports difficulties and seeks assistance as needed
Observes policies and procedures of the organisation while performing

Comments to student if knowledge and skills require further attention:



Requires further attention

Supervisors signature: _______________________________

Date: _________

CHC20212 Certificate II Active Volunteering Log Book Feb_2014

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