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Wraith: Assassin-for-hire, a sick killer, with a joy in his killing, beyond his pay.

His employer,
who has the utmost hatred for the freedom that Queen Brooklyn represents, pays him favors to
take out allies of freedom.

The torchlight cast dim shadows across the room. The wooden floorboards creaked under their
weight. The sunset gave the room a pinkish hue. The open windows allowed a breeze, which
made the torchlight flicker wildly.
There were two of them in the room. Their long, pointed ears were held back, and one of them
ran his tongue over his teeth in anticipation. Their eyes betrayed their aggression. The one on the
far side of the room flexed her hands, and her fingers cracked in an audible snap. A metal bell
rang out in the distance, almost deafening in its silence.
The male cracked his neck, and the female took a step forward. The male switched stance, and
advanced with intention. He leaped forward, and sent a calculated jab with his right arm. The
female knocked it aside, and landed a fist right in his jaw. He stepped back, and tried again. This
time, he gave a kick aimed for her stomach. She sidestepped, and the kick hit thin air. She then
jabbed him in the gut, which made him double over.
Shaking her head, she began to walk away. He stood up, and ran toward her turned back, then
leaped into the air with a kick aimed for her head. She didnt even look, but easily sidestepped
again, and grabbed his foot, sending him headlong into the wall. Then she grabbed his arm, and
twisted it behind his back. He grimaced in pain, and kicked off that wall. As she back-stepped,
he put one foot behind hers. She hit the floor, and he rolled over her. Once back on his feet, he
stood at the ready as she stood back up. She looked at him, with true anger beginning to appear
in her eyes, and he began to smile. It was an ugly smile of sick pleasure. Her tail began thrashing
in her rage. She took a step forward, and launched herself into the air, and landed her heel right
to the side of his head. He took the blow with full force, and he fell to the ground.
As he stood up, he rocketed his fist upward, catching her off guard. The blow landed right under
her chin, knocking her onto her back. She laid there for a moment, looking up at the ceiling with
obvious daze. He turned away from her with a look of distain on his face, and she stood up in
impossible silence. She snuck up right behind him, and when he turned to face her again, she
turned around him. He turned back around to see where she went, and she landed a boot right in
his nose. His nose sprayed blood, and he stumbled back, holding his face. She continued to press
the advantage, and put her other boot through his hands. His head flew back, and she wasted no
time in placing a full-power back kick right into his face.

He hit the floor, without even trying to catch himself. She swept her hair out of her eyes, and
stepped toward him. As he stood up, she stepped back, not forgetting the uppercut she had
received not moments ago. His face was covered in blood, and his eyes didnt focus quite right.
He looked right through her, and stumbled over to the weapon rack on the far wall. He picked a
sword; a katana, and stumbled back to her.
He unsheathed this sword, and the blade rang in the wordless silence. The look of hatred she
gave him was impossible to quite comprehend. He raised this blade, preparing to strike, and she
raised her boot, catching him one more time in the face. He stumbled back for just a second, and
she followed this last attack with the other boot rising with amazing force, to connect with his
chin, and keep going.
His jaw broke with an audible crack, and he hit the floor, out cold. The sword clattered to the
floor, followed by its sheath.
She walked over to the sword and sheath, picking them up. She artfully re-sheathed the katana,
and walked over to the weapon rack. Upon replacing it, she turned and gave one last look at him.
Then she looked again at the sword. She picked it up, and fastened it to her belt behind her.
She looked once more at him, and spat the words, Never mess with my friends again, Wraith,
then walked out the open door.
The woods were refreshing, and the welcome breeze helped to calm her headache. As she
walked, she whispered to herself, never should have let him catch me like that. That hit under
the jaw is going to be sore for a while, and continued walking.

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